"As eld as the bills" and . never excellr ed, "Tried and proyea" 13 the verdict o f millions, S immons Liver $egi- ' lator . ia the f 0 'tiP 'only Liver JLJyyrvt and Kidsey medicine to which you lean pin your T-7 djiih for a flJf? cure. OA JL (JU' mild laxa tive, and purely vegr etable, act jv ing directly A-' C on the Liver J. r?f and Kid neys. Tryit. Sold by all . pruggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Th.KingoflJver Medicine. I have used your Simmons IJver Regu ' lator and can oonsciencioualy say It I toe king of all liver medicines, I consider it a ' medicine chest in ltaelf. Oio, W. Jac ao, Tacuma, Washington. 0-EVEKY PACKAGE'S flaa tha ? Stamp to red on wrapper. fThos. F. Oakes, Henry C Payee, Henry ; Rouse. Receivers. TWORTHERN PACIFIC B. R. R -TJ 1ST S .... 4 Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Staging Cars llegani Tourist? MINNEAPOLIS TO Grano Forks LCrookstom 9 WINNIPEG I Helena ano Wilms" -TO- pHICAGO WASHINGTQU ,.HjLADElPHJA- -,. . EWVOm ; - - ; " '': BQ6TON KO AIL-- .- JOOfTS EAUT AHO SOtm r A. D. CHARLTON, V Assistant General Passenger Agent, fSo. 121 First St, eor. Vasb.ington EAST AND SOUTH -BY THi The Shasta Route OF T5B OTERN PACIFIC MPASY. EXPRESS TEADJS LEAVE POBTLAKp ' "' DAILY. Sontb ! I Jforth 8:15 p. m I Lv. Rjrtland Ar. :4S p. m ! Lv. Mediord Lv : 10:45 am I Ar. Ean- Frandseo Lv. 7SH p. m Above trains stop at all stations from Port land to Albany inclusive. Also Tangent, ghedds, Ealsey, Harris burg. Junction City, Irving, Eagene arid at all stations train Bose purg to Ashland inclusive. SLOSEBURQ MAIL DAILY. - 830 a. m I Lv Portland Arj4a0p.m Op. njLy Ttoseborg Lv l7iXJa.m Dining Cars on. Ogden Route. Pullman Bafiett Sleepers and Second Class Sleeping Cats attached to aH .throcgb trains. Between Portland and Corvallis. VEST SIDE DIVISION. - Valif trains daily, except Sunday: 7:30 a. m I Lv -i Portland - Arl y35p. m f 2:15 p m Ar UoryalUs Lv 1:00 p. in At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains .. ot Oregon Bacific railroad. ' ' Express Trains daily, except Sunday: 1:(0 p.-m I Lt ' Portland . i Ar J 8:25a. m J tS p. m 1 Ar McMinnvilkJ '. Lv 1 &60 a. ip 43-Through tickets to all points In toe Eastern states, Canada and Europe caq be ob "iainrd at lowest rates from W. V. Lippincott, 'Agent. Medford, i. k, K.QEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, SV ' Manager. Asst. G. g. & P Agt PORTLAND, OREGON. v DANIEL C9FER, Ill Hill tATC OF SACnaifCMTOJ Contractu a Snecialtr. Plans and SpecificatiQns Furnished r " ati reasonable fates: ' ' " ' i - - t : - I have S0 new design es of Cottage homes those wlsoing o build would do well to ex irftin them Ppitofrcx ' Box, T. BEDFORD pREGQN. ' ' SHOW IT. A young maa informed .his sweet beaitof his lore fcr hei, and be said. "U you do, aliqw iCf f3o dojs - -. - ,. -i . Wjllscn's Monarch Sarsaparilla show yon wha( a pewer it is to cleanse the - blood and the entire - siteni, romovirlg Pimples, BoiU and all d lwoses arising frcda ;' impnre and weak blood. , . Try 50c bottle and "yoqr wiH have no other MONARCH SARSAfARILLA is true to Us name - Da. Rush, founder ol Kosbh Mediral Col iege, once said this remedy is the World's great y remedy tor the blood. Try it and let It anow you what it can do. Mf , bv WILLSOV SBOS.. Km(m, Wis IJtBi y3r?9r3'5 -VS'3,MedfQr(l- Table Rock Items. .- . BY A. . Mr. Pelton is pasturing a bunch of .fine cattle on Mr. R, Moore's place for a few weeks. John Vincent and others naye been on Evans creek examining! some mining property.. The Table Rock school will close a very successiui tnree monins term on the 31st, Mr. Potter teacher. The rain has enabled a number of ranGhers to plant corn ground that otherwise would have lain idle. J. B. Welch will soon move his mill to the foot of Board Mountain, where he has a tine body of pine and fir timber. Lee Vincent is now living in the house formerly occupied by Spen cer Childers, situated on upper end of Table Rock Ranch, E. P. Pickens is building one hundred rods of board fence along the county road on the Hunsacker place, now pwned bv Joseph Parker, of Dexter, Or. The Rogue river irrigating ditch has been repaired and cleaned out and water is now passing through it onto the different ranches enti tled to use water therefrom. There are lots of strangers in these parts just now. Very sociable gen tlemen, all want to shake hands and enquire after your health, and hope you will have an abundant harvest. They will all get back home I guess by June 4th. There is more Catarrh in this section of the couDtry thau all others put to gether, and until the hist few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years duc'.ors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Chenny & Co.,Toledo, Ohio, is the only consitulional cure, on the nyirket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a taaspooniui. it acts aireouy on tne blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Thev offer one hundred dollars for anv case it fails to cure. Sond for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHEXSY & Co., Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists. 75c. Bock Point Pointers- BY ALPHABET. Miss F. II.Miles is paying Ash land an extended visit. Lindley and Wadden are doing business at the county seat. Born On Friday 14th. to Mr. and Mrs. C, Carr, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mathews, of California creek, were in town Sun day. Miss Minnie Hamilton of Wolf creek is the euest of the Misses Nelsons. A. Helms has returned from the Sunset city while his wife remains for some time. Miss Sophia Wilson has closed her term of school at Grants Pass, and is expected home soon. Misses Ldllie and Carrie Hay were the guests of Mrs. George Rol and in Millow Springs Sunday. ; Jas. Hay, the genial clerk, was looking after bis interest at the Klippei mill, on Galls creek Sun day. - Ben Haymond is stepping high er than ever since the arrival of a bouncing boy baby. Mother and child doing well. J," Williams, sister and niece, of Grants Pass, are now residents ot this place. Mr. W is engaged in hauling ore to the Lindley mill. Jas. Wilson returned home Mon day froni Portland hospital, where he has been' since the accident on the railroad. His many friends will be glad to learn that he is almost well. There will be a picnic at the old fourth of July grounds near Gold Hill on June 1st. Political speak ing and horse racing will be the programme for the day. There will be a grand ball at Uammersly ball at night. Wedding bells rang at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. Noe in this vicinity. "'The happy couple were Miss Julia Noe and F. Armstrong, a railroad carpenter of Portland. They will make their future home in the metropolis. A Dairyman's Opinion. There is nothing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that gives me as much relief as Chamberlain's Balm does. I have been using it for about two years four bottles in all as occasion required, and always keep a bottle in my home. I believe I know a good thing when I get hold of it. and fain Halm is the best 1 iave met with. W. B. Dtnny, dairyman, New Lexington, Ohio. 5u cent bottles for sale by G. H. Haskins, Druggist. Eagle Point Eaglets, BY TALKO. Dr. Officer and Geo. Holmes talk of putting up a drug store in the near future. ' ' Mr. Hufjer, candidate for county clerk, was doing this part of the county last week. Frank Inglernan, of Big Butte, was down at Squire Johnston's on business last week. ' Prof. Fysh came nearly having to dismiss school last Friday, on account of bis being sick. Distemper is said to be raging among the horses on the range? and has been fatal in a few cases. ' ' There was a republican rally last Sunday night at the school house, addressed by Hon. B. F. Alley. The present 6howery weather is what all growing crops need, and is a 'great benefit fo all farming op erations. I. B. Varren, the nursery and insurance man, of Medford, was doing business at Eagle Point, on Saturday of iagt week. Geo. Brown & Son have added a stock of agricultural implements to their already large stock of goods, which they keep for the accommo dation of their patrpns." ' 1 The little bird that carries the wedding bell under its wing, passed Over this section the other day and iC8TTQLENEi What U It 0 s 3? cj CE 3--ltte the new shortening 2? 'taking the- place of lardj or cooking butter, or 29 S farther, and Is easily & COt- S jdigested by anyone. AT ALL GROCtHS. -0 n. lit pMk.illl. fjf as nsiws All aUDSlUUiSS. Had only by L h. k. fairbakx & co., S ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, HEW YORK. SSP BOSTON." . the bell gave one little warning note, so don't he surprised. We are glad to report that C. W. Taylor is much better since ho has been taking the medicine sent hun bv an expert from Sacramento. Hope it may prove to be the right medicine. There are no regular party nomi nees in-this precinct, for justice of the peace, but the crop of inde pendents comes altogether from the republican party, viz: W. . Standfield .A. L. Ilazelton and John Yi'atkins. A Pointer for Travelers. While Mr. T.J. Richey.of Altona, Mo., was tmvel in in Kansas bv was Uikeu violently ill with cholera morbus. He called at a druir store to get some medicine and the druggist recomended Chamblains Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy so hijrbly he concluded to try it. The result was immediate re lief, and a few doses cured him com pletely. It is made for bowel complaint and nothicjrelse. It uever fails. For sale by G. H. Haskins, Druggist. Sardine Creek Items. BT BOURGEOIS. D. W. Hazte is visiting his family at Medford. Joe Costactld has gone to Evans creek on a prospecting tour. H. Slover is visiting the family of Mayfields, at the Meadows. Dr. Vrooman made a trip to Medford and Ashland, last week. Miss Mary Downing, of Tolo, visited Miss Pearl Vrooman, Satur day. Mrs; E. Miles, of Galls creek, took in the sights of Sardine last week. Mr. Shepard and family, of Ash land, spent several days here last week. Joe Owen was up from Gold Hill, last week, to see about his mining interest. W. A. .Mansfield, of Gold Hill, made a flying trip to the mill on Monday. Mr. Hiram Moore, of Sams Val ley, was seen among the Sardiners, Thursday. R. Darling is engaged in hauling quartz from Galls creek to the mill at this place. H. Clock and F. Pcnj.ide, of Gold Hill, are doing Fonie extensive work on tbeir quartz claim. The organ agents ssem to make a bold break for Sardine creek. There were four here last week. M issrs Maggie Miller and Lulu Newton, of Central Point, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. B.F.Miller and son, Tommy, afier several weeks visit at Willow Springs, returned home last week. A Popular Remedy. The promptness and certainty of its cure have mado Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is Intcuded espec ially for coughs, 4 colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effect ual remedy known for theso diseases. Mr. C. B. Bain of Union City, Pa., says: "I have a great salts on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I warrant every bottle and have never heard of any on? failing to give entire satisfaction." 6o cent bottles for sale by G. H. Haskins. Gold Hill Knggets. BY MINER. The recent showers have greatly revive! vfgetatit n. Mr. Ray, the butcher, is on the sick list this wee!:. John Sizemore, of Sams valley, is in town this week, Snakes are beginning to crawl rather promiscuously. Candidates are very numerous in this part of the country. J. B. Hammerely, of Gold Hill, has traded for a fine bear dog. Jerome Fitzgerald is attending business in Medford this week. Rev. Jones, of Central Point, is holding a series of meetings at this place. J. W. Marksbury is having a new dwelling erected in tho eastern part of town. T. V. Jeffers, of Central Point, was in- Gold Hill, Saturday and Sunday. ' ' ' . James Dodge was 'looking after his mining interest on Litch creek, last week. Miss Rosa Griffith, of Antioch, was visiting home people Saturday and Sunday. Miss Dorrit Hammersly, who has been on the sick list for a few weeks,' is improving very fast. Hon. W. M. Col vie made a few remarks on the political topics of m the day to the people of Gold 'Hill, last week. Mrs. Brill, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marcuson, of Galls creek, left Friday for her home in Nebraska. George Bryant, of this place, will leave Wednesday for San Fran cisco, wnere lie intends takine a three year course in the medical schools. Al. Smith's little boy was thrown from a horse while in town Satur day and had his arm badly broken. Drs. Blackwell and Stanly at tended the broken limb. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give iwrfoet satis faction or money refunded. Price 2oc per box. For sale by G. H. Haskins. Forsale by G. H. Haskins, Medford Prospect Pointers. BY WILL. George Aiken wus visiting at Mr, Ellis' place, Sunday. Henry Gordon was up to the mill on business, Tuesday, Nelson Nye Is helping Frank Manning with bis wuter ditch. Mr.udeUonthby has returned from her vl3lt with Kittle Ellis. Mrs. A. H. Boothby spent Saturday and Sun day with Mrs. Nyc. Joseph Buck has gone to Ashland he ex pects to return som. Mrs. K L. Benson has returned and is again to be found al her post. Efllc Post, nred ten. Is atteudlng school, riding a distance of four miles, on horseback. Alfred Gonlen. of Trll. Is helping Jol.n Cii-inRuU wi-.h tllo work on the Hear creek bridge. Krnest Post wa thrown from his horse re cent iy. while on bis way tn school, he was not injured to any great extent. Cfcas. PatU-c, wl-ohas been visiting Channry Nye's family, relumed to Eastern Oregon, where he is employed ut carpenter work. Emma and Edna Pendleton, of Sncrfimento. Calif., are speudlug the summer with their pratidmother, Mrs. McKee. Enitna U ulleud lug school. Mr. Gray returned from Medford lost week, bringing household supplies. Mrs. Gray's uncle. Mr. Wall, nf the Sundwich Islands, is expecUxl soou, to spend the summer with them. rjS'icky lane Is a bad place since the rain. One team stuck and had to be helped out. We need a now road, and need it badly. Ky putting road nearer itoguc rtver we could miss the sticky. Undue exposure to cold winds, rain. bright light or malaria, rrav bring on in (tarnation and soreness ot ihe er. Dr J.H. McLean's Stretijrtht ning Eye Salve will sutxlue the lntlamatioo, cool and soothe the nerves, and strengthen weak and failing Kyes Sivht. L'o cents a box. For Sale by J. A. Slover & Co. Evaus Creek Items. Wlmer Is soon to hare a new store building. size suw icci anu 13 icei ata. There are lots of proviectors dlmlnsr around among the hills and we are liable to hear of aomo rica finds yet. Weaihrr cloudy, threatening era are mostly done planting. We bare had tew sharp irosu which have damaged the fruit crop. The saw mill is runnlea- fall blast. We need more settlers io our little valley. We have some cheap farms which Uiey can get aiitl make good homes of theiu. The Pleasant creek district is enjoying the beaefll of a llyely Sunday school. Jas W. Creen. from Portland, who has located omuug us. isthesuporinteadeni. and Mr. VauAntweii Is secretary. We need some freed preacher to run ano give us a rnmuioucor twice ammia. nov. iimon, 01 uoouviiie, lailis 10 us soma times with a trood hearing- Peksons who lend a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago, and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. H. McLean, s Vol canic Oil Liniment; it will banish ain and subdue ir.tlamation. For sale bv J. A.Slover & Co. Biff Sticky Items. BY BILL NYE'S BROTHER. We are sorry to say that i J. Creed Is on the eicc list tuts were. Key. Fyh. wife and danifhter. Bessie, spent last aaiuiuay nigat at r. J. l-reta a. Miss Annie Hwanson spent a couple of drya last wcvk isiuojc arr iricnu, rran wacaaoi Miss Znda Owens, accompanied by ber brother. John, mode a pleasant visit at Calvin Uveas lost SMtumay evening and Sunday. There was a family re union at W. J. Greg ory's last Friday evenlog-. Their children. Mrs. Lucinda neaunn. sirs. IJuie Owens, lieniy sou 11 ui, were oil proseat. Mrs. Corner, dausbtera Anna and Pansr and son Tom. attended ih rradua!lni( exercises of the public school, in Medford. on the evening 01 tnc tain, ana returned Dome on iiuraay. Henry ttrepory. elder son of W. J. Gregory, of Big stlekv. is visiting bis relatives and many friends in this vicinity. lie led his family in Lautndl Valley, sad re ports them well and happy. There was a "jollification" at John Schneid ers. May e. j-.:eve:i catltlrn were clirtsieued seven belonging to Mr. Scho- Ider. and the rest to friends. A grmtitnany visitors were prefect, and all enjoyed the elegant repast prepared by Mrs. acuuviucr. Rev. Fysh preached an c'oquenl Sensoc at the Antelope cbarch, last Sundav week. A good eon err cat inn gntbered and all listened at tentively to tne rierena gentleman s remarks. A bakot meeting at the church was announced for May sr. All arecord'.ally Invited to alien and bring well Qlicd baskets. The club met al ths school house. May 1?. and an interesting program was enrrted out. Charlie Sehnellboeker read a Mmiel Love Let ter, r.llsworth. Nellie and Lulu ICuncrts. sang Marnry McCoy, aua Louis Stnlib read about a crooked country, that just hits Jacksoa county ail nrer. w title Minn-son read on intercliiig piece, and Lulu iloberts lottd. A Frontier Wed ding, a comic piece, written by a minister's wife, J. W. Smub and Tnoraas Wcadoa read pieces for the good of the order, Alfred Msb renu a selection by jostnh Alien s w ire, in very creditable manner. r'f. Barnard made a few remarks ou sciicul matters, and earnestly requested the putmns of the school to visit It and sec lor themselves what improvement has been made. A dialogue by Mr a :d Mrs. Mor gan. was splei.dldl rendered, aad the actors were cueereu aain aad again. To Laud Seekers. We have 40. 60nnd 80 acre tracts of land near Medford, at prices and terms to suit the times, if sold within the next 10 days. Tho Jackson Co. Flume & Irrigation Co. Are You Going East? If so and desire to go via Portland and enjoy the luxury, surety and com fort of a trip over theold reliable North era Pacific Railroad, you can dosofrom Grants Pass and all S. P. points in Southern Oregon as cheaply as by any other route. The Northern Pacific runs through trains from Portland to St. Panl daily without change of cars free oolontst sleepers, elegant Pullman and Tourists' slcepeia accompany every train. For tickets and full Information ap ply or writo to A, D. Charlton, Asst. General Passenger and Ticket agent, Portland, Oregon, or to S. F. Cass N, P. Ticket agent for Southern Oregon' First National Bank, Grants Pass, Ore. Come to the Second Hand Store to buy goods cheap. You will find a fine assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, cheaper than the cheapest at Angle & Ply- male's. The regular subscription price of The Mail is $1.00 a year, and tho reg ular subscription price of the Weekly Oregonlan isS1.5Q. ' .nyone subscrib ing for Tms Mail and paying one year in advance can get both The Mail and the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2: All old subscribers paying their sub spriptions for one year in advance will Ge entitled to the same offer. The strikers at Wilkmbarre, Pa., placed nine kegs of gunpowder under the honaes of the bosses and intended to blow them up, but the plot was discov ered in time. The plotters are Hun garians. . ' - Two hogs and a fat goose were blown 207 miles in the ail from Peoria, HI., to El wood, Ind., during the heavy cyclone last week and landed apparently in good Condition. There are several sections that were visited by the cyclone to hear from yet. Ex-General Master Powderly has been found guilty, with two of his followers, by the executive board of the Knights of Labor, of trying to disrupt the order and merge it into the American Federa tion of Labor, and all three have been expelled. Frankie Brown, a school teacher of Delaware, O., has sued T. S. Maianey. a school director, for $10,000 for reporting her as guilty of theft, forgery and at tempted murder. Sudden deaths have occurred in the neighborhood and Molo ney claims the last victim was ma wife. The first of the celebrated Dr. Fraker'a insurance cases at Excelsior Springs, Mo., has been settled, the Ancient Order of United Workmen turning over to the executor of the Frnker estate f2,0U0. Fraker carried $38,000 insurance, and it is expected that the other coinpuuies having risks will now settle. The Southern Presbyterians in session at Nashville, Tenn., decline, the invita tion of the general presbytery at Sara toga for doctrinal unity. The Cumber land assembly at Eugene, Or., refuses to change the name of the church and re solved that all agitation on that subject cease. . At Spring Valley, Ilia., numbers 1. 3 and 3 of the Spring Valley's coal mines are on fire. The company asked the strikers to permit the men to permit the men to extinguish the flames. The strikers met and by a vote refused aid, many of them saying, "Let thembnrn,n Tear them down. " Subsequently per mission to extinguish the fires was given. A pawnshop backed by 80 millionaires has been opened at New York. It is called the Provident Loan society and is authorized by the legislature to do busi ness nnder easier regulation than usual ly apply to pawnshops. Rev. David H. Greer is tho originator of tho scheme. The object is to lend money to embar rassed people at 1 per cent per month, the profits of the business to go to form a reserve fund to help the destitute. Full value will be loaned on articles pawned. Something like 5,000 Criminals are en joying liberty through the dishonesty of an ex-clerk of the district attorney a of fice. The clerk is now dead. The story goes back to the days when the lottery men owned New York. Many indict ments were sent from the grand jury to the district attorney's office and then disappeared. Moses Clark, chief clerk. took the indictments and the evidence with them to his home and locked them in a large safe. When h? died the men who paid Clark to steal the indictments went to Clark's house and with the as sistance of a notorious safecracker they opened the safe and burned au the in dictments. The Patriot Army his secretly organ ized at Tacoma, Wash., and it is drill ing about 203 men, although only two meetings have been held to initiate new members. Its constitution proclaims "self -protection" for the Patriota. The spirit of the organisation is treasonable in the opiniou of some men who have been invited to enlist, but the enlistod ones are emphatic in their statemeuta that the Pauiots will act solely under the constitution of the United States, which, however, they assert authorizes them to take up arms and overthrow the government when the government be comes corrupt and tyrannous. A tramp giving his name as Lacey J. Baird arrived in Knoxville, Tenn., a few days ago and asked to be admitted to the city hospital, as he was aick. A few hours afterword A. L. Sharrack, land commissioner of the Burlington railroad system, arrived in that city in search of Baird, whom he had followed 10,000 iniles to get his signature to a deed for a valuable "piece of land in Edgemoat, S. D. Sharrack went to the hospital and in a few minutes paid Baird $300 for property which lies in the heart of Edxeiuent and is valued at $100,000. Baird left. South Dakota several years ago after having paid for the property, and has been a tramp ever since. The Burlington Railroad company has spent hundreds of dollars trying to locate him. NOT SO VERY REMARKABLE. Army OOrm Bare Made Harder Rides Than the Germans. The recent test of speed of horses and that of the endurance of officers and men in which & hundred German officers engaged from Berlin to Vienna, and a hundred Austro-llungarian o filters from Vienna to Berlin, have been free ly commented upon, but are not con sidered by army officers as so very re markable In 1S77, says the New York Tribune, Capt. Ezra Fuller, of the Seventh United States cavalry, during the pur suit of Chief Joseph, was sent out by Gen. Miles from Fort Ecogh to ascer tain and give warning as to the rout which Chief Josepn was taking over the mountains. Capt. Fuller rode his own private horse, his guide had two Indian ponies, and an extra horse waa token along to carry the-rations for the party They were gone twelve days, during which they rode more than six hundred miles not over the king's highway, but through an unknown mountainous wil derness. During this twelve days Capt. Fuller was unable to procure more than three feed of grain for his horses. Tho Indian ponies gave out on the third day, and the guide then rode tho extra horse. Capt. Fuller once rode sixty-six milca in nine hours in search of deserters. Adjt, Bell, also of the Seventh cav alry, rode through the Bad Lands, in Nort h Dakota, in 18S3, one hundred and five miles in twelve hours. Many instances of long rides of United States cavalr officers might bo men tioned in which the endurance of both men and hores was tested, and compar isons would show that American men and horses are second to none in tests of this character. And the Cloudy Rolled By. A cloud bad overcast their sky and a tear fell here and there as the gray shut out the blue. She was piqued at some little derelic tion of his and had taken her smile away from hl-n' as a 'petulant mother takes a rose from a child. Ue had remonstrated and pleaded, but sho was obdurate. ' Sbo spoko unkindly, even angrily, but ho showed 'no resentment. He had erred; he sought forgiveness. "You aro constantly foolish," she said, as if in defense ofhor severity. "Yes, dear," he begged, "but think how foolishly constant I am." De troit Free Press. ' -" r A srooSFUL of stewed tomatoes pnt in the gravy ot either roasted or fried meats is an improvement. Broil steak without "i.? draws the juices in cooking, and Is Sable to keep tlicse if poble. Student Of The Old School. BY BETSEYANSPIKE8. Poverty Flat. J axon Kounty,Or, Dear E6 : I jist want ter kor rect a fu mistakes that appears onst in a grate while in yer paper fur the general publick ter gage at. One appeared tuther day, supposed tu be rittcn by Mr. Devil, a wether proflit. He eed a drouth wu a llud uv dry wether, and if yer wanted it tu rain, in order tu fetch up the garden truck, yer must hunt fur a snake uv trccmendus size, hang it on a funse and it wuz sure ti: fotch rain. Prof. Schonschin sayi the Devil iz goin all 'round the kentry deceiving the people, in or der tu make the fokes beleve he iz havin" an eazy time don't yer no, Dear Ed., if that wuz the case, there wud be a big demand fur snakes in this kentry? Wv. neo pie wud go tu Afrika ininin' fur snakes tu 6hip tu Ireland. I jist beleve that when it gits reddy tu rain, it will rain, snakes or no snakes. GOVERNMENTAL GOSSIP. Senator Brice has bet Senator Stewart $0 that the tariff bill would pass the senate before June 15. The entrance of Chairman Wilson of the ways and means committee into the house for the first time after his long illness was the signal for a spontaneous outburst of applause. In an instant the business of the house was suspended and members flocked around the West Vir ginian and congratulated him on his re covery. Senator Kyle of South Dakota has re turned to Washington to assist the sen ste investigating committee in the prob. ing of the attempt to buy votes on the tariff bill. He talked freely of the case in which he. Senator Hnnton and Major Buttz are the principals. Sentor Kyle believes Bnttz was in earnest; that he meant to buy votes, and further, that he was only the aent of a New York lawyer sent to Washington by some powerful syndicate. Representative Bryan, Democrat, of Nebraska declines to be a candidate for re-election. He says: "If the presi dent's financial policy becomes the pol icy of the party, I do not see any reason for the continued existence of the party, because the Republicans, having fol lowed the policy longer, are better pre pared to support it than we. On ths other hand, if the party repudiates Mr. Cleveland's financial policy and renews its devotion to the common people it may yet become an effective instrument in the securing of good government. The White House is without any of its distinguished occupants. Mrs. Cleve land bus gone to Buffalo with her chil dren to visit her mother, and President Cleveland and Secretaries Carlisle and Greshnm have gone to Norfolk, Va., on a fishing trip. Secretary of the Navy Herbert visited Mare island the other day and thorough ly inspected the place. The secretary will recommend, many needed reforms to congress in connection with the Pa cific station. The tariff bill has been amended ex tensively to meet the objections of those recalcitrant Democratic senators who would not accept the house schedule. Sugar below 10 Dutch standard is taxed 40 per cent ad valorem, and above that standard one-eighth of 1 per cent1 per pound is added. Butter and cherskre taxed 4 cents per pound, hay $3 a ton, milk 3 cents a gallon, poultry not dressed 2 cents a pound. The fruit and raisin schedules of the house bill are en chanted. Senator Lodge has introduced an amendment to the tariff bill, of which he gave notice some time ago, provid ing that, as agaht Great Britain or any of her colonies, a duty of double ths amount imposed in the proposed tariff bill shall be levied, and a duty of 85 per cent on all articles on the free list, such duties to continue until Great Britain shall assent to take part in an international agreement with the United States for the coinage and use of silver. With the spring comes renewed agita tion for the suppression of English spar row. Dr. C Hart Merriam, ornitholo gist of the agricultural department, says the sparrows are now spreading over the frnit growing districts of California where, if repressive measures are not quickly inaugurated, there are destined to lay heavy tribute. The best way to fight the pest is by the destruction of the nests and the young. Ninety -pel cent of the poles may be reached by a long pole and a hook. The strongholds of the sparrows in the city are the mosses of Japanese and English ivy and Virginia creeper on the churches. Mul titudes of young Hrds may be destroyed by doucing the vines with water at night - "Only the Scars Remain," Says IlEsnY IIchson. of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among the many testimoni als which I see in regard lo cer t a i u medicines performing 3ksLa cures, clcansiug I cVJ oiooi, etc, kjfjj noue impress lue tuuro luua my own ease. Tvveuty years ago, at tho age ot IS years, Iliad swellings come on my legs, which broke anil became run ning sores. Our family phy sician could do me no good, and it waa feared that the bouea would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Bursa parilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since, paly the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the gopd Ayer's SarsnpnrtUa, has done me, I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am In the best of health. I have been on the road tor the past twelve fears, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilla advertised in all parts ot the United States, and always take pleas ure In tolliug what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparllla Prepared by Br. J. O. Aver kCte?IwU, Mass. Cures others, VfUcure you Cheap handkeroblelt at Thp Fair. 2 cents and ter, - " N3 1 SIM ISO J J. "WV Lawton, - DEALER HARNESS ANfgADDLERY. Order Wort Giyen Special Attention. V REPAIRING IS RIGHT IN MY 1LINE, SEVENTH STREET, -o- MEDFORD, OREGON. QONTRACTOR and jyjiLDER, JOBBING OF ALL KINDS. All work guaranteed first-class. Plana and estimates famished for all kind of work either brick or trood. Bills of LUMBEB of all Itlnds filled on abort kinds any tiling in the sb3?e ot wood jSfedford, - " - - J. .R WILSON, Mill ItfllltiHH i i i i i i i i i i O i i PT i i i i i i t I GEM "Wagons and Bugpies Made to Order All Work Warranted First Class, C-or. C and Eight stoeets Medford. ' - - . - - ' Oregon. h TEL MEDFORD Formerly Grand Central. Best Accommodations in the City Rates Reasonable. D. H. MILLER, DEAL EH IX- Hardware, Stoves, Tinware -i and Fine Building Material. Warranted Cutlery. Carpenters and Builders Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep or The Bert Stoea fill fit Si AS- WA. I 5 ma. ' Jv W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are atrlish, eafjr fitting, and grre better satU&ctlon at (he prices advertised than anr other make. . Trj oae pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L Douglas name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their ralue. aave thousand of dollars anncally to those vrho wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. I Doueias Shoes gain customers, which helps ta increase the sales on their full line of goods. Ykry mm .tford t n as av tmm wraet. aad w iMtliev. yoaa eaa aa hiomt )r tatrrtts i-U your t ...r -f tb. 4fakr saAne. Hurt ailir-T Ornloyna trac oy-tt rpUcat..jp. 7.X. DOCCUtS, Brocktea. Mass. For aU by A. C. TAYLOR. II CONTRACTORS -AND BUILDERS. V.'e sre r-n-psred to sire etttmates on any buildup t"r..:n a woodshead to a state capital. AU rvi-k in our line piarranteed first dasa in every respect. Medford, - Oregon. F. W. Waschau, The German Watchmaker, FKOXT STREET, BEDFORD, ORE. - Sells the best good tn the Jeirelry line and tor reasonable price. If yon need repairing done on your watches, clocks or Jewelry . COm AKD 8 XX, Watch cleanlaa-. TC cents: main aprlapa. 53 oeota; watch glasses, 10 to IS cents each. ALL . WORK WARRANTED. Notice to Stockmen. STOCK mark and brands are not legal unless recorded with the County Clerk. It Is also necessary, to make the brands legal, that all stockmen leave with the County Clerk a correct impression, branded on a piece of leather, oi the brend used by said owner- . B. W. PEAN. Stock Inspector. County Treasurer's Second Notice. Osncs or County TRiAsmata or 1 Jackson Couhtt, Oregon. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 4, 18M. ) NOTICE Is hereby sWen that there are rands In the Couuty Treasury lor the redemption ot outstanding County Warrants protested from August 4, 1S3. to September a 1887. Interest on the same will cease alter the above oate . .'... i'i L. itiptei, m-4 m 35. County Treasurer, For Saje. Fifteen acres of excellent fruit land two and one-half miles nortb. of Jack sonville, on GoJd BUI road. For par ticulars write to, or call upon, A C. NicljpUon, ajedtord, Qre. '" ' Slara CilSOD IN- notice. Sasa. Door and MUl work of al twit ean be bad on abort notice. Oregon. T,.ii,ni,nirm MB HORSE SHOES. Only white help employed. ' " , . M. JfiiHpTN Prep Tools. Fishlnc Tackle, Anudnnitian, Etc E Bha,jrBajglIa. Tin Srop Attached W. L 000111 S3 SI31 85, 64 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police 8 hoe. 3 Soles. 82. OO, 82 for Worklngmon. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, 83.50 82, $1.75 Medford. Oregon w- . In Connection with the: -Hotel Hedford. W. Ii. TOWHSSZTD, Propr. 2- -a - Bas ever been known to have the Cholera waa hafi his sharing aad fcajr eutting done at THE PALACE.- CIXANUNCSS i s a eMBaoi T9 aosuMasi Our baths are two hits each. Seventh street, Uedlord. Oregon. THE PALACE. CITATION. Ia toe County Courj of ths State of Oregoa for Uie County of Jactijja. In the matter of tnsv estate of C. P. Babeoek. CitaUoa. ' ' To the next of kin and ail persons interested la the above named estate, greeting: . IK the name ot the Stats of Oregon, you are hereby called and required U appear in ths County Coart ot the' State ot Oregon, firths County of Jackaon, at the Court Room thereof, at Jacksonville, tn the County of Jackson, on, Tuesday, the 6th day of June, 18M, at 10 o'cloek tn the forenoon ot that day: then and there ta show cause. U any, why an order should not be made for the sale of the following described piece ot real estate, as follows, to wit: im feet off the north end of lots one and two In blocs No. 8. Park addition to the Town or Medford; Oregoa, as laid down oa the Plat In lis Beoord ers otter of the said County. ' . WmiBss. the Hon. J. R. Wen. Judge ot the County Court, of the State of Oregoa. for th . County ot Jaokaoa, with seal ot said County at? Dxed. this Sod day of Mar, 4- Uet- ' - Connr,cjr B4 I . f: no j 1- ,