V THE DFORD MAIL BLITON & YOB.II, Publishers. A. S. Blitos, - - - - Editor W. T. York, ... - Manager Published Every Friday Morning. MAN WAS SORN TO HUSTLE. . Ha Is of few days; bat quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PES Yf AB IN ' ADVANCE. Entered in tbe Postoinca at Madford, Oregon as Seoond-Class Mail Matter. Medford, Friday, April 27, 1S91.. The Mail is keeping "cases" on county affairs and don't any per son doubt but that ire will guard 'em close. The Industrials,; four or five hundred strong, stole an engine and train from the yards at Butte City, Montana, Monday and started east at tbe rate of. forty miles an hour. They have a more permanent .cure for the red liquor habit than JCeeley's" -back in Oklahoma. A vigilance committee hanged a man to keep him from getting drunk. The subject lias imbibed nothing eince and his funeral expenses were insignificant. .Coxey's army has been given notice that it cannot enter within the borders of the District of Col umbia, bui Coxey iB satisfied he will enter arid camp before the cap ital where., he states, his- men will starve before thev will leave and that the stench of their ashes will force congress to give relief. Twesty-four hour clocks are rapidly coming into use in New York, and it is a sensible innova tion. The use of a. m. and p. m. in stating the time of day is a relic of barbarism and in a railroad time table it is conducive to paresis. By all means let the timepiece builders give us twenty-four hour clocks. ! Speaking of her husband, the frife of Chris Evans, the California bandit, says she has decided to "let the old man take his medicine." The sentiment, will not perhaps promote her in public esteem, but it shows her possessed of a ripened judgment that does not propose to tire itself oat in reaching after the nnattainable. Amoxg the probabilities of the coming convention is the nomina tion of Mrs. W. J. Ply male, of Jack "."onvile, for school superintendent -"CQ the republican ticket- As a tand off for this the -democrats are" . fantioning the name of Mrs. E. B. " fickel,.of MedSsrdj far like position f jm their ticket. Last Saturday the tax collector for Jackson county turned over to the treasurer very nearly $5S,GGQ of collected taxes. It will be re membered that our issue of -last week called the collector's attention $o the fact that this money .would Le acceptable if put where it would , be available for its several uses . throughout the county-and the text day he paid oyer the money. Tbe efforts of The Mail and TreSter Linn things can even'tnal- V. Jy be gotten leveled up so they will' ;- fxux smoothly and correctly. . m ,. . . : . ' Seven good men and truecom- ? - posing the last grand jury, have said that the county books of this . county demanded.an investigation They further stated that they be lieved Messrs. Kelly and Smith competent to perform this work, and further recommended that the county court engage their services for this work. The taxpayers now demand that said county court pro ceed in accordance with the request pf the grand jury. Why do they ret do this? Are they afraid of the result of such investigation? ECHOgS FI?0A1 THE STREET. I. A. Moucce: -"Why, that's a show pase. Everybody ought to know that.' Jt was made by Jos. Shones and, if any pno should ask you, it's a dacdy." J. B. Erford: "The . niuth. annual pon vent ion of the state Sunday school association will be held in Salem from May 2nJ tfl 4th, Inclusive. It is a mass convention and every one interested in Sunday school work is invited to at tend. Delegates will be entitled one pnd a fifth fare rate oyer tho Southern Pacific lines." Mae, Office Devil: (His letter to Sec retary Morton). "Knowing- that ' the department over which you have the honor to preside is more than willing to encourage agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, and various .other foreign and domestic brands of culture, I now fit down acd take icy pen in band to 'usk a trivial favor of you. I have .a .pice patch of ground, lai3 enough to milk a cow op, 10 Medford, and I am pnxious to have a garden that will be fiseful es well a3 ornamental, I would Jike to raie Havana cigar?, and I will pstsem it a favor if you wil-sepd me a sw boxes as seed. Please also state whether pigars should be planted at ihe dark ot the moon, or whep planet Equinoj is in perihelion. J.n addition jo this, kindly tell me what perihelion M, and whether a blond horse wquld fatten on it. I saw the word in the jilmanac, and ana curious to know what t refers to. Now. don't fail to send he cigars, as my garden ought to. bo tended to right away." Making dres hats a specialty at FROM THE COUNTY SEAT. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John K Green to Cbarles Sharp and Simon Smyth, undivided t interest of 1(30 acres sec 1 tp 35b, rl e . . . . r L M Lyon to S P D & L Co., deed and assignment of interest in contract to It t, blk.2; West's add to Med ford v James T Clark to J B Dung-an, a quartz ledge in Sams Valley . dist Jesse H Wilson to Lizzie- Tou-n- 10 8S0 500 sond, 10 acres, sec 30, tp 37 s, r 2 w John Beckner to A W Shearer, W E Finney and J D Shearer, Q C D to i interest Sturgis & Beckner ditch ,..... Eineline Turner to W. E Fiuney and A W Shearer, QCDtn to. Sturtfis & Beckner ditch J B Prickott to J 13 Shearer,, i 1000 50 200 . interest in Prickott, Finney & Shearer mininsr claims C40.33 Inez B Metcalf to H M Wagner, 100 acres, tp 3S s, r 4 w Laura B Fitch to Rose Card well. Its 3. 4, 5, hlk 7; Med ford J A Thomas lo E. A Johnson, e . 2-5 of w i of It 1, blk 2; Mingus sub-division, sec 2-1, tp 37, r 2 w J B Kogers to Howard E Rogers, 674 acres, sec 1, tp 35 J B Rogers to J M Rogers, 57i - acres, sso 15, tp 35 s, r 2 w 10CO 1 2C0 100 100 Mary Sisemorc to James B Rog ers, QC D to dower of D L. C No 37, sec 15, tp 35 .s 1 U S patent to Bennett Million, to 120 acres, sec 15, tp 39 s, r 1 e PROBATE COURT. Estate of Rufus North John F White appointed administrator of the estato and J S Howard, D H Williams and J H Whitman appraisers. Estate of John Hockenjos order ad mitting will to probate and Eva Hock enjos appointed administrator, S J Bay, John white and James Elliott apprais ers. -. Estate of Henry Wines order for sale of personal property ordered sold at private sale. Estate of Peter Simon first annual account. Ordered that H L Benson, dist atty, be allowed S1SS for 15 days attendance at circuit court. T J Kenney vs E F and P Walker judgment for plttT. Same vs J H Bellinger and T Payne same. . Same vs John Sisemore same. T J Kenney vs J W PK-mire judg ment for pltff for S!24.!)7. " Jlilo E Rigby vs Myrtle E Rigby divorce decree granted the deft. P H Oviatt etal vs Fitch & Card well suit in equity to foreclose bocd judg ment for pltff. State vs John Waltars dismissed. State vs Walter Forrey dismissed, Ordered that Frank Kassahter bo al lowed $4d for services as bailiff for grand jury and bailiff in case vs T Godfrey. County Expenditures, Following are the biUs allowed by the county court at its last session: INDIGENT ALLOWANCES. Joseph Randlfe, allowance tor Ella Handle ana famuy - .51. w J-H Whitman, allowance for A Robinson lo 00 E G Hurt, allowance for J Cox .... S 00 Jones & Ottep, supplies lor W A Gold- smun. -. . ... Reams. White & Co., supplies for Mrs 5 CO Jones ana lamiiy Reams. White & Co, supplies for A Ilntch 10 o 5 00 5 so 10 to 10 ro 6 oj H Reams, While & Co, supplies tor Indian woman Reams. White & Co. supplies for T J Henrv Eeams. White & Co, supplies for Samuel Henry.' J Nunan. supplies for J Richards. j jNuuan supplies tor i sseu . J Nunan. supplies for Dawscu Geo brown, supplies for H Q Shock and .Jit xarauy Mrs E C Gale, allowance for herself Mrs Harriett Johnson, allowance for her- self Mrs S Root, allowance for herself ? J H Cottle, allowance for himself I L. Uazseit. allowance for bimsi-ll. . . C K feUum. supplies for A Bluckwei! and family in the month of November iil.. 6 15 11 C K Klum. supplies frr A Klackwelf and lamiiy irom Jau 3 to .ilarcn z. .. . Sam Robinson, boarding L Caihora 0 J DeKoboam, meals fur icdijent persons Sitersof s-t ilarys Aeauemy. conruiiis and tuition of Venus an Haltie Caldwell 30 Total, J-'iO ; JIISCEUSEOr5. Wm Redding, bounty for kiliinz one pan ther... S Geo McKee, bounty for killing one pan ther H L. Peirtr. bounty for killing: two panthers Owen Keegim. janitor's aiaiy . . . Dr Geo Dellar. professional service ren dered Harry Martin (confined in jaili... Henry Judge, repairing cases for uisess- ment roll. The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg Co, for stationery . C C Beal, bounty for killing one panther W L Hdmonson. bonuty lor killing 04tf panther ' , T ti Hingubotham, bounly for killing 2 50 S S) 5 10 31 W 10 oa 4 50 25 IO 5 to one panther . 2 50 Wm Abbott, lumber furnished to road district Xo 9 S 50 Cassett & Welvh. lumber furnished to road districts Xo& and 31 25 10 H C Mver, repairing road in road dUtrtct No 33. W F Wilkinson, repairing BigTJutte bridge Wm Abbott, lumber furnished to road district Xo 3. W T Sloore. lumber f urnished to road dls trictXoS Xorris & Co. lumber furnished to road dis- lrictXo33 Chris Ulrich.lurcberand repairing chairs Chas Xiekell. printing and blnKS 19 M ai mi 3 50 Michael Ganew, labor oa jail s.-wer D Linn, exchange oa money sent to state treasurer ISO Total.... ..$xa so School Funds Apportionment. Supt. C. S. Price sends us the follow ing list of the state school fund appor tionment for April in Jackson county. The per capita is $2.30; 1 S 760 70 I 39. ..148 90 . 178 80 .. i 30 ..139 70 ..137 40 ..139 70 ..10!) cO .. 81 50 ..132 80 ..116 70 1,501 30 . . 86 80 ..16Q 60 ..125 90 . . 84 50 .. 91 40 . . 93 30 ..135 10 ..220 20 . '. 60 10 . . 96 CO ..165 00 . .128 20 ..165 00 .. 75 30 . . 75 30 . . 75 30 .. 77 60 ..114 40 ..121 30 ..135 10 . . 73 00 ..102 90 ..107 50 . 206 40 . . 80 80 2 ...2S0 00 40 41...... 42 43 44.,.:. 45 46 47 48... . 49.:... 50 51 52 53 54 55 06 57 53 59 60 61 62 C3 64 C5 66 67 68 69 70 71..... 72 73 74 3 4 6..... 7. . . . . 8 9 10 11 12 1? 14 Jf. . . . 16 n..... 18... 19 20 ... 21 22 23.'.... 24..... 2-5.... 26 27 28.:... 29 30..,.. 3f..... 32 33. 34.,.;. 35 36....; 37.. .,. 33 37S PO 49S CO . . 1.802 60 666 40 , ...155 80 123 60 238 SO 192 60 125 10 148 90 132 80 213 30 151 20 .....191 90 158 10 ....190 30 ....197 20 155 80 66 40 853 20 79 90 .....151 20 144 30 139 70 84 50 73 00 135 10 75 60 SB 80 ..'...183 70 .....148 90 ...'.,119 00 .....257 00 .....142 00 93 70 . 89 10 Total,.. $14,823 00 LAND KOtt SALE, At 60 pep ceiit of actual value. Six-hundred acres of land situated on Rogue river bottom, and oreeks and up land adjacent, three aud ono half miles northof Central Point suitable for grain, fruit or stock; good fence acd building? controls exteasivc rjngo adjoining. Will sell all or any part On very liberal terms. Intending pur chasers wj!l do well to examine this property before buying- elsewhere. Call at premises or address the undcr dersigned at Central Point, W. B. KlNCAID. Come to the Second Hand Store to bupr gocjdji cbetvp. PDKELY PERSONAL. Geo. Isaacs was vijiting Ashland friends Tuesday. . Dr. G.- B. Cole returned from the east Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Smith were up from Wolf creek Monday. E. Kendall has returned to his old home at Vernon Center, Minnesota. D. W. Hazel returned Saturday morning from his mine on Sardine creek. Gail DeLashmutt, a brother-in-law of Dr. E. B. Pickel, arrived in Medford Monday from Tenncsee. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. WKBD left Mon day morning for a couple of weeks visit at the midwinter fair. Jos. Chapman is up from Josophino county and is going to do prospecting Lin the vicinity of Wagner Butte. Miss Alice Sihdeler loft Tuesday morning for a visit with Iter sister, Mrs. H. C. Dollurhido, at Stineman. Mrs. E. M. Lu.MSDF.N' aud daughter, CARRIE; left Saturday for- Topeka, Kansas, where they expect to remain during tho summer. Judgo Chas. Walker, of Cottage Grove, is in Medford for a couple of weeks' stay looking after his landed interests hereabouts. Messrs. Al. Boggis. Joiix Miller and . RlioTEX wore up from Gold Hill Moiidtiy and laid, in a supply of groceries for their mining camp. Mesdames Maggie Anguine and ANNA COLEEN. of Santa, Rosa; Calif., are visiting in Medford, tho guests of their brother, Spencer Childers, and family. David Ijnn, Jr., of Eugene, is here for a quite lengthy visit with rela tives and a whole country full of friends. Mr. Linn is engaged in the drug bus iness in Eugene. J" Frank Davis came down from his asbestos ranch last Thursday, to do trading in Medford, returning Friday morning accompanied by Miss Lila Sackelt, who goes to rusticate a few weeks. Eli Hooax was in from his Wellnn ranch Tuesday, apparently as happy as a clam on a succulent mud flat. Says be is getting in somo good work clearing up Lis ranch, which is a good one but distressingly well timbered. J. P. HOEL and family arrived in Medford last week from Des Moines, Iowa. They have secured a place of residence and the family is housekeep ing while Mr. II. is out skirmishing for a suitable piece of mining properly. Wm. Calvin, Bert Farley and PARK Skace, all vouncr fellows I from Kent, Washington, and friends I of Merchant Berlin. The- are here ; for a location and are now casting an J eye about for government land upon j which to FT- , ,,'n j wTb. Rousrts returned Saturday ' evening from bis quite exU?ndod visit j in the east. He will, of course, report ' having had a most pleasant timj but oes without saying that he is falling 13 tw all over himself iu his greal joy at be s cn inn cneo again outside the range of i blizzards, bitter blasts acd cyclones. 00 j'L."C. CkE.nshaw, 0 Ager, Ca!;r.. W; was about Medford a few davs this 01 ! week visiting friends and relatives. JlMr. C. was an early day resident of this city aud beasts of having assisted in putting up oae of the C.-st store buildings comer D and Ninth street, then owned by Vroornan. Miner & Co. I. J. Puiprs returned .Monday even ing from his visit in several eastern : states. He was accompanied upon his ! return by his brother, J. K. l'HIPI'S. ; and nephejr. C. E. Pmrps. These ; gentlemen are, from Barnard, Missouri, aud will undoubtedly remain during the su turner with their several relatives . ; in the Rogue river vallev. I V.'M. Staxley returned Saturday ; evening from Ci-eeent City where he 1 had been looking after collections ror 10 00 j the school furniture housj which he 7 50 ' represents. Tha gentleman is a we'.l 10 ! to-do rancher up Brownsboro way but 'makes a few dollars on the fide from r bis schoot business while tho Kiys to things il?"pail the cows'' and 'tend generally about the farm. i J Dr. W. T. W11.LIAMSOX, Grand I .Vastor of the I. O. O. F. of the state h.is boeu making a visiting tour lo the several loilg'-1 in Southern Oregon tl.e past few days. Saturday evening hi met with Medford tadgc and gave the- boys a friendly end very much appreci ated talk upon Odd F. l!ow.-,hip and its attending goods. lie is a very fin gentleman, a candid, careful sjiealcer and cne whomakesirieiidsevurj'where. Mr. and Mrs. ClIAS. STKASG re turned Tuesday evening from their visit at the midwinter fair. Thev, as a matter of course, had a splendid titnOf and since their return Chat-lie has Hoomcd out like the rose, a while one, in a new pairof clothes including head gears and he's looking ' foxior thun anybody. Not to appear mislead ing allow us to announce that that pair of clothes was purchased of a Medfor.il tailor. J. W. Kays, of tho firm of Linn & Kays, Eugene fin nlture dealers,- re turned to the Willamette valley Tues day evening after a saveral days' visit with relatives and friends in this local ity. Mr. Kuys is one Of the many young business 'mt g of Eugene who have accumulated it nice little sum 'of this worlds goods by hard work-and strict attention to business. He is on almighty clovor fellow and has friends at every turn.of tho road. Word comes from all quartors that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for coloring the beard a brown or black is Buckingham's Dye for tho Whiskers. Jror Salo. Fifteen acres of excellent fruit land two and one-half miles north of Jack sonville, on Gold. Hill road. For par ticulars writo to, or call upon,' A. C. Nicholson, Medford, Ore. My stook of goat's furnishing goods is now and ootnpletc in ovory detail I M. Muller. To Laud. Seekers. " We have 40. fiO and 80 acre tracts of land near Medford, at pricesuind terms lo suit tho tim-'s, if sold within tho next 10 days. The Jackson Co. F)umo fc Irri-aiipq Co, POLITICAL CARDS. FOR STATE PRINTER, -, W. H. LEEDS, OF JACKSON COUNTY. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT." W. H. PARKER, OF JACKSON COUNTY. Regular Democratic Nominee. Physicians aro stationed at all the depots in Chicago to prevent smallpox patients leaving the city. General Evnn3, tho Democratic- can didate for governor in Georgia, demands tho repeal of the state hank tax and favors the free coinage of stiver. Upon complaint o' tho Northwestern Iron company, Judge Ludwig at Mil waukee has entered an order iTetlaring the Wo.it Superior Iron and eel cota pitr.y itisj'.vt tit. Ey ; if t:Ce in New York of 07 oil :ti.:;i. Ik-lonirhig to the late S. A. Cole. :Ti?,7iC was realized. W. R. lTcan.t of Francisco purchased a Liiulscupe by llousscati for jti.". The agricultural department has lieen notified that two bonis of domesticated buffalo ami eik are to be found in Otoe county, Neb. Then are nine animals ill' one group and eiht in the other. The new fire and police board at Den ver has ordered a tilrict enforcement of the gambling and lottery laws. The gambling lu;n;cs and .'ottery shops, numbering 17, have all been closed. Mummies of people Who are believed to antedate the cliff-dwellirs are said to have been unearthed in Southeastern Utah underneath the ruins of the cliff dwellers. They are well preserved specimens. Kews is rcceirod of phonoiuonally rich gold discoveries i:t Dixie district, Ida. Ruck has lxi-a found that runs thousands of dollars to the tou, some specimens being half sold. Ye ry rich placer ground h.ts aiso been found. In turning the soil i:i the vicinity of 5Iowi.-up.ia. Ills., several farmers have found large numbers of loensts of extra ordinary sire. This Rppeurs to confirm the rapidly spreading Klief that we are to have the seven year locusts this sc:v son. George J. Gould hasbon-ht the Vigi lant. The gentlemen who built tho yacht last sfnson to cVfcnd the Ameri ca's cap tituust the Valkyrie sold the boat to Gouhl for JM.'.KW." Yachtsmen were surprisoJ by the saio. A p;issenger train, east-bound, was ditched by a sand drift on the track tho other day near Ymua.Col. The passen girs were unf:jr.red, but Enginer Tat Qninlan and Fireman IX-jt Goodwin were seriously hurt. Part i-f the train turned over and the engine is a v.-reci. Tho Chii-api, Milwaukee and St. Paul ro;d"s comparative statement f earn ings for the njionth of March shows gross earnings f.J.51.'i.7o8, a decrease f f-"?Cj,710. Dwlucting xjHu5es. includ ing taxes. $l,-!."l.-:.;3, there is a deon-nsa of k1.jC7. uiaking the net earnings $!,0C-l.S-!3, an incrcr.te of $'.3.S!3. The Colorado state lxarJ of eU.ilii.v tioa h:is rednced the assessments of niil road traclr.Tvre 0 per cvit r.:id on bn;'i.l- ings and rclhng .-tiKii o pcrce::t. . Ke- (taction of Ci-j jx r ivnt w.s Ep.!e oa Vires n:ul jh::is of t.ie Western Lmon. bocanse last .year's asoesiaireat was r:iie-J 79 percent. - - - . - .- Bob Fitzsiaimons, the luM.'le-weiy'tt J ch.-uir.iiim. b:is Jn-i-u.ht stti: 'ryiinst the Pennsylvania m;!r:i.l f(r f i'J.OAi ln:n- coiuivtnv struct: U ! tu the r-.ce bocauso t?-.. l.-itf..r r,fns.l let a intn- tho r.ir fmi-ilt.i,l-!'f,.rn. V.t t .imin.itK .-luinw he was sick and v;i. 'r.cam on ttie jilatfortu to get some frvsh a:r. . William A. Erndy h.-v-Ptinrrrtl Jrm Mtice to appear with Jim CorU-tt i:i England. Mace and the champion will (rive sparring esin! it;i-s ai:l the old fighter v. ill 1 jriwn r-'rt in tu play. Corbott is Kiti lionized 1-y the Eu-lishiiif-n and everything points to a suc cess of his venture adror.d. Owing to poor fruit crnp pivpocU in Marj'land canned troo.is have advanced G cents a dozen. E. S. Jude, secretary of the Kational Cwme.l Gootls nsstvia tion. has retnrntil from an inspection of the peach growitti; district? of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. He sLys he cv.t open jutuiy of the lilosoiiu itud found the he.'.rt Mack, which shows that tho crop is mined. The coming mo'.or of propn'.sion tr ttreet cars will o fr:is. nccotiltna to thfl report of United States ConMil CJeneral nt Ontud Fork. Cicnr.rtny. He shows th.-.t as a result of eiUatts'ive t'xjM-ri-ments tlie'Hernisn cx;c-rts b::vo deter mined that the ?n. motor istheckeapt and U-st of all v.i.";;is of j;owi r 1 ropt-.l-sion. The cost of operating l,y gas .t fnnnd to le S5 pfrcer.:. cheaper than by electricity, and the cwtf cipiiptucttt is also liiucli cheaper. The news of tha di.;jioiir.-;ry law de cision by the supreme co"urt i f Snuith Candina. which diviared the Un-nniva-stitutional, was revive 1. nt Charlt;toa shortly after 10 o'clock hi the morning. An hour later lfiwiad ot 200 "blind - , 1 . - . 1 , Ugers" li!J ntiractilon-sly reeov. re.l their fight nnu were 1:1 I'.ui unvi.. ii;;ny or 1 them hnng out si-,-tis inviting passers-by to "Walk n ar.d h;;ve one with them," and people were by uo means loth to ac cept the invitation. J.Brown of . Vancouver went to Vic toria three mmit.'.M a;;o, r.nd on return ing h ft his valise in the baggage room of the hotel. Going to the hotel tho other day he got the valise. He noticed that it looked unusually bulky and seemed very her vy, but concluded some one had been playing ft practical joke on him, and taking it to tho hotel coun ter opined it before the hotel guesta lounging about. Tho va'ise contained tho body of an infant recently born. The V ictoria police aio unablo to solve tho mystery. An intercollegiate debate between Stanford university and the university of California was held nt San Francisco a few evenings ago. Tho question was "The national ownership of the rail roads of the United States. " Tho speak ers were: - FOr the nflirniative Arthnr M. Cathcart, William Doherty and Miss Cora M. Pnlmer of Leland Stanford university. For tho negative-rManrico V. Samuels, Emanuel Myron Wolf and Edward P. Foltz of tho university of .California. Stanford was awarded the cup. The judges. wero Judge Seawell, Attorney General. Hurt and Assistant United States Attorney Knight. Pains in the small of tho back, indi cate a diseased condition of tho Liver or Kidneys, which may br easily re moved by tho uso of Br. J. H. McLean's Livor and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per uotiie. f or sale oy w. 11. 1'arlter. How doos this catch you for a bar gain? Five 1 pound bars of Horseshoo soap for ' ronts, a, Mullor's grocery, C5 CD as. m JUST OPENED! A Fine Line of Staple FREE DELIVERY In the McAndrews Building on Seventh street. Our etock of Cigars and Tobacco is complete. (Jive us a call. SIGN OF THE lilO S. O. SVTLSON', Medford, Oregon. All kinds of Factory Wortc Furnished upon AppJication. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. WALLACE WOODS, Agent for Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company, Medkord, Oregon Talent Items. The Ilr.rclav store ts" beliVir repainted and is! BY T. A. I.EXTOR. beginning to look like n different place entirely, The Dyers and Long, our Klamath county prospectors for mineral, arrived home on Mon- ilav. They are mum Mr. X. O. Xi-theiland has received bi coo mission n 1. M. of Talent, and he has apiiuted his foa. Leo, as Crist assistant. We have been too busy to scribble anything for the pre-'s during the past . two wees, but will now ciuke up lor lol liuic. l:nrtaers, gardeners. WQOilhaalerH. and even ;rntcsiinal Irnmpa. ore all bur nowadays at llietr chosen occupations for a livelihood. Tbe weather is propitious and although a little belated, we may yrt count oa heavy and Iwuuteous crops especially fruit and bvrr.rs. The upper Wajacr crevli literary club is to have a law suit on Monday eventnif. May T:h. Luther Alien plaintiff rs C:r:es l'helps. de feuda.::. Complaiul a civil action lo recover damages. Kcv. Vf. Uuckner.ef Ashlasd. is to r"-!c at the M. E. quarterly cieetiux al Talent celt Saturday and Sunday. -J!th and Si-tb tnst. Pub lic preaching by the doctor Sunday 11 a. m. urd 7:SS p. ui. Jo Bowers, with his brldie crew is now buitd in a new R. K. bridge acro Wacnt-r cnek a thins bidly needed since the washout of the atiuttraeaU during the rair.y season. Tbe tx men make the Taient hote'l their homo while enajrcJ at work noar-by. Wc did not Itucnilonany slight the young pop. ulist wao arrived at the home cf his psren'-s. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott, on the 4:h lost.. n-.-i:her the fact of the birth of a young lajy at i the horn: of Mr. and Mra. pan.Oaweil oa the -ill Inst., but the leading paragrru exoUii&s. We arc authorized 10 mention that the Taieat IUtauract. having changed UndUrd3 abj-it the lots lost., Mas'-er !iph Mn'aslwr, a fjoT ytaroid. be;r.g at the head as rjan-.r. cusuai- ers m-y be waited upon la the blandest style ! ' " ' r"ts- Kspcctal dinners wtiea or i-reJ. lYcf. Crowhursl orsantre.i Mi:ar Lie? I. o. G. T. on the eTenuijof OeVili lu.-t.. w Sicnartcr icembers. 't o?t to bi the -llanner LoJjw" cf ibe Mate iili:3 .one yr. Not. let Mevltoj-J io k to ter laatvU. v. aut- ever Talent undertake :1 geucral'.y acooaj Mrn. I...y.i Mccurjy.iu.vi ;rrc cauarea r i u 03 the lUC, acroinmoJatlja on teu: even'.n;. lo fpvzi a outtri Ktia b.-r KiaKia-.a county Lclgl-.x.r. isrs. .:.ce sjeraiaa McOjaitHT. anj to cc.y t!ie pure atawsiitjcro ot taa sut-urbaa vtlia,w anU anayTroa lie iluty, noy, rmwdeJ city ot HvJtorJ. tTfce I.iu fssor.y ta-.aine caxpaoy'5 c'.U jtar;oU up to-.lay aaJ ita Uiacy lwr.9 ct rich 1 or la tbe damp od mi!Ua mon "10 siht It may be taug.coa weal the iMtici ot tie lucky ramera are. lVrtiapi tbe parun may it:ve more pleasjrc laa lae Vess-ua. ot :ae wealta! br.i raoai mea ttuuiJ be gUJ to; take lac rU-ks. We0refurrytosay,aeh,althcfttU!oca lsnolosra-.lt.vir,i:sroS-ai. Mr. Joan l.ar Tin. the !ione.-t laborer oaJ o!J prospector, bas been u3crir. viih iuSaaituatory rheumatism tor u r : It'; ler yei. ur. i)ivu is uvm, ' - - sufferer. Also Ted liarclay ts Jo n n iac sam- coap:ini. bul b-'.i-g younger Ue n:ay soon recover. The New York Cash Store always !eads, and never follows. Lake t'rei k t'leeklets. tiv vi. l-oslmaVerUrieTes a up to the Hag ranch a tew Cays a;roa a social visit. Mar. in and Davin Zanoa went 10 Jackson -vii;e lal wecU on abusinesa erranJ. Mli;e Ilanley. of Jacka ratley. Is tp oa Little Halle looktag alter too Interval ot h'.s toeJ, ranch. Mi Kostrr i cow tcachir.a whool at tUe La'.;e creek scboil house w!ia a bihmI attend iiiuc ar.d a nattering prospect uhead tor sue- cesful term. We r.ave been Informed r.icrc will be numer- 1 ! " , U: s horst races the t'.rat of May at Lake crevk ce trai-itl. 11 Is no Mated thai Sauiutt .1. will ..tp pn.l I,'. II lit 111. 1 Jlk,' ' r.,... h" . . tb evtf..liff. Poll-.ic.i! mal'.cra arc boin!nj. with tho peo plo'a party bearing of! the honors lu numbers at pro--enl. and can safely" say there Is not n flUKie aspirant fjrofaceainoas the people party men the ottlco will have to j-eek the man if .they get one. Farnii rs have all shed Vhclr coats and are earnestly onitnged In farming, though laboring iiniler disadvantage as the ground is ba.lly baked. Spring Is nt lenjt one n-.or.lh earlier than last spring and as a general thing, grain is looking well. Fred Downing, we learn, lost jltc heavlly in entile during the winter and spring. Wm. Haley also lost several bead lately, from poison or somo other cause not definitely known. Crass Is fine at present aad uo further loss Is anticipated in stock of any kind, Jacksonville Kews. 0. Ila'rbangh has returned from a business visit nt Riddle. " Mrs. K. Morris and soil, -of Cen tral Point, were trading iu Jackson ville Tuesday. G. M. Granger, of Ashland, was transacting business at the court house Saturday. . . . . Mrs. Galloway and B. S. Webb and family, of Medford, wore among tho visitors hero Tuesday. Married In Jacksonville, April, 24, 1894, by Uev. V. B. Moore, Jefferson D. Wilson and Miss Mry Wyant. A. F. Eddy, of Pendleton, who formerly resided here, arrived in tho valley Wednesday, on a visit to old time friends. The railroad com.uissioners were in town Wednesday morning but remained only a shor, ril)ie. They -...UV'VV 73 3 anil Fanny I, - Deans - ETC. J found the road in extra good con-! jtlition. . The nominees o the populist j j ticket and the nominee for district j j attorney, have Died their certificate j ; (, nollliliation with CoUIltV Clerk j M tiller. i 1 . Several of our attorneys, Judge! Ilanna and M1S Iv. LeiHuerger, I court btt'IlOgraphcr, are at Grants I IacS tin Week attending a FIMJCial , term ot circuit court. John Clemeiits, of Central Point, was here Saturday. lle"was award ed the contract for .repairing the t.riilje acniss Dearcreek, near "Cen tral Point, his ti l being 5-505. K. Kuhli is paying 'San Fran cisco a business visit and attending the I. O. O.F. celebration. His son, Henry, is temporarily in charge of the hardware store -during his ab sence. Dr. Williamson, Grand Master of the J. O. O. F., was tendered a banquet at the residence of Senator Cameron Friday evening, by the members of the Rebvkah Lodge. A number of persons were present a:d all report a pleasant lime. Prevention i Kilter than cure, and you may pre vent that ltr d f-Iinjj by takir.jj llixxi's Sarsapariilii. which will kc-p your bloxl p.ire tt!:il fr-.e from aciJ tainl and germs of tiix-a.-. IiooTs lii!s co not purf grip-, but act promptly, eaii cie.Hlv. p.-.tr. cr aud tfii- Have viva s: -n thoe no'nhv hats at Malicr's? If siot, voa thuuiJ bvlore j C'"' j J I caa fi you out ia anything you i xiizy n?oJ in '.'ti'.'s fiirtiisiiia ROOJS cr. 2t-oo.Ti.-s I. M. Mi:!ior. I5.;!::ier. thi? ii.-ay i::r.n, for - 5pvtr.'tics ia glassware at ;e S.c- . oaj j j.,a.j .;ur(. j j Jss. Coe'.i has taken the agency for Albany beer. ' . s , f . . p w Q. we. I corn is two vears 01a. j Trv a tv.iir of "no ri Via' Hull n.reov.j,0 .,. Angle'A Iiv:cale"s. j New and .second hand stoves for i sa'e at lite ,S eoud Hand Store. j fa tarC!lin in ladi.V. gents' ; . , , , r ... . , j aad chliurcn s head wear. W . L. W el)0. Q,. prw-Tio al I. M. Mu!!.-r"s. ! corner Seventh and C rtrocu. MsJfoni. ( . Cenirul 1'oiut Items. . dy sraiAt. W. B. Kir.caiJ made our citv a visit. Friday. D. N. F.ii-ds-y. of B.i'.t, sp.T.t a day here recently. fr. IHn'-le male Fhocnix a pitjr.''s- vi.-t . I iKSJay. ' Mrs. Thos. tik.;-r made a visit, with Asl.lanu irtenus, aitesuay. Wtn. Cary. who has b -en quite ill. is st r.ie bi tter at this ri:ing. A. M .Ford made hts friends at the county seat a vis-it Tuesdav. Km:-1 VanAntwerp is i.ow tern , OI1 Evans crcx-k, tu'ar Winter. Miss Fa unio Chastain is paying friends in Jos.-phimi county, a visit. W. T. M.Mirv; is spending "the week here attending t.ie protracted meeting. Peter Applogafe and wife, made Ashland a visit the fore part cf the week. Miss Aletha Maascy is teaching school in the ScheitTeiiu district near Woodi-llle. Mrs. O. K. Houek. or Portland, is paying relatives aad friends of this place a visit. W. B. A. Temple has leased a farm in Willow Springs prociuet, and wilt take possession at ouco- Or. J. nink'.c. W. C. Leever and I. J. Carson, wore cleot-d delegates to the republican convention. Elder .Ton's and White, of the Christian church, are holding a pro tracted mooting here, and have largo congregntious each evening. Wanted A girl to do cooking and general house voi-k. Apply to Mrs. Lionel Webster, Medford, Oregon. No More Back AChe, I aRA CONSTIPATION. INFLAMATIONoffHC BLADDER. ahO ALL KIDNEY DISEASE S.S n."DAn"D"DTOQ JUt W J JJJ . uller, The Grocer. A Long Pull AXD A what gits to THE. FRONT - In all lines of Business. These are the kind cf Pulls we are making, and making them win. A Good Article isalwavs a Saleable Article. Our Groceries are Prime Articles and -Saleable. In Gent's Furnishing -Goods We lead 'em-all. JW'qilcp, The Grocer, Ml in Medford, GRAN FILL a HUTCHISON, JUST ARRIVED ! Fievy Un3 cf Spring Goods, Ladies' Gloves, BfacK and a!! Colors. Ladiss", Kisses' and Children's Hosiery. FABRICS! NansoaX Disiily. Organdia, . Swiss, -PRICES TO sl'IT EVERYBODY. It cost? you nothing to call in and get Our rices. ' Oar motto, CASH, still '"hits Craifill & .rVSESFGRD, - (Successors to Goms and ssa us. - W Medihp, - - - A. FETSCH, o -3sfe01erefaant Tailor, I I Colitis ill Wool IiorM M fool I buy my goods from Chicago and New York and can give my custo mers tiie bcaetit of Eastern prices. My molto is MA'XIMILLIO'N. EIjGL'SH (75.33) pHlFIE. Brown Shire Stallion Vol. 10 foahvl 1SS7; bre.l by A. C. MoCorqaeJale, Lawtoti Grange". Xewtoo G. Willows, Lancashire, England. Imported for S, F. Cass, of Sunim?r, Iowa, 1SSS. PED3 CRSH : Sirevl by Agrieo.a 2700: he by Thu-aper 213G; he by Waxwork l,y Matchless (130J); ho by Active (23); ho bv Farmer's Profit S73 ; he bv Howard's Profit. "Dam, Medlar (Vol. 9); she" by AJaai Vol. 65." Grand dam, Jip Vol.9; she by Duke of Thornton. . iThe above pi-li troo Is certi'l-.l t t-J. St'iiT-cir-i. S-.-r-:arr of lii Siire H jrss Sjolsty, ot - Ureal Britain jmi lrUaJ, August SS, 1SSS Tho (Tw-Rt Acrlrta rei h-js TTon. an- tho other prizts. first at tho Rjral Manchester anl I tv.-riHHl I'.liow iti 1SHJ, tlrst a:ut chMiiioaovfr al as at sams sJi'T lu t!; ltrst al Laaca-tte Sprinc Stallion Show; tlrst at Lvtumt: ttri at Jvelsoa a-ul ttrst at Skiptoa. all in ISSi In ISS; h won tlrst at Orra-ikirl; ir-rtuc Stallion Sh -; rtr.-.t at Krraskirii. Souihpji t au-i B.wtls Show, ana chatupion prirf (or best s!a!Iioa ia tho shjw var.l. Ia ISST he was tmvvrt-vl by lialbraiih Bros., ot JancsvilltN Wiscunsin, anl in lssi hu woa tlrst prize in Cak-ago in ma strouiest class of Shirs horses ever shown iu America. Misllar i Vol. U. Uaic of M.ixiuiill!oal Is a SU'-re uwro -a-eighins Si pounils. ho3 broellne is as tine as any horse iu Kns'.anJ. While Maxiinillion. like his sire, th? sroat Ajrii-ola. Is n.it extra larjrw (weighing only from 1HU to t'.W iouiiJsi his set is universaliy very lartTe. antl. lik himself, they possess the baud bone uml ittiisclc neeesiFarv to lunke them seller, in aiiyiaiket. The breeders of irepn have fouiiU to Oaeir sorrow liat breeding scrnb stock does not psy. n-.ust either breed for saleable draft horses or for soeejy trotters Either class i in demand and will bring good prires. and while lue Mongrel is unsalei-ble at from twenty-live to ttfty dollars the well bred, heavy draft horse is in ,wd d-.-mud at from lot) to fit) each. Ttje Easlish Shire ia the draft horse fur this mountainous couutry; In ihem is combined the action of the pony ana the strength of the draft horse. Did you ever see an KuijUsii Saint that would balk, or had curb or spavins on his limbs? Wc think not. Have i on ever seen a breed of horses as free from dls. ease, as uardv and as easily tteit iu good condition as the Shire horse! Statistics say no! Tuo horse breeders of Orecon who are now so libemUy patroaizlug MaiuntUton this season will nna rlwvi- biiv.) itiu.M nwf in i iiirik v...t..,, ,i . w. w.n-n:' livi'i'v yt.ihlrt MasiiaUUon can bo foun-.l at WtlUams-nwry fcO to insuro. In easeVour c."lt tuens with an Terras: $W sitig'-e services. 15 for : . . . - . .. .... - , tne rroe use or tne aorso iae utii &t.-tja ior j W..N. M4.STnJ, Manager, Steady Pull Oregon. We have anything you want in India Unon, Pirn ' Victoria Lawns, lrisli Linsn. and see our large stock of goods tbe nail on the head." Hutchison, - - OREGON. 4 YMEN "orris fc Legate. ers fessSsii for a long " - ' - Oregon. stay. Ms from 201 1. Mis-fill Sli -QUICK SAIES-ANO SMALL F,iGRTS. 1 iii Mi.lforJ. mi Thursday, Friday aad Saturtv sraiie in ircinu trviuv Mmuy, Tuesday and ay of aocideat or dis tfore a week old. you st-all barn tbe season wHft usual return pmut'M . w...-. nwi. iaH id nt rmn'ri in -"c wu4i, j-.u. .vv Www - S. F. CASS, Owner, GKNTS PASS, QUEGQJf- i