"."' .... - - v. UT y- T ''As old as the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. S i mrnons Liver Regu- ff?'Ponly Liver CftC. ana Kidnev medicine to which you can pm your faith for -a cure.f A mild laxa tive, and purely .veg etable, act ing . directly on the Liver and Kid mi neys. Try it. Sold by all Pruggistsia Liquid, or in Powder to betaken dry or made into a tea. - . The King of Liver Medicines. " I hare used. yourSimmons Liver Rosm lator and can conscicnciously say It la the Kin of all liver medicines. I consider It a medicine chest in itself. Geo. W. Jack Sox, Taeoma, Washington. - J9-EVERY PACKAGK-W flu the Z Stump In red on wtappm !as ever been known to hav.e the Cholera who hu aU?-snayug ana najr cucuag aone a. THE PALACE. CLEANLINESS SA COMPANION TO aCDUbSSS! Pur-baths are two bits each. Seven til sweet, Medford, Oregon. TKS PALACE. HE SINGER SEWING MACHINE The Best Lightest Running and Most Durable. P MAN 1 i iJ? fftae ot oT every ten Sewing Machines in use In th world are . VV; . SINGERS. Sold for eaah P ;.;. Easy Installments, ; 3 -Agentn ia everv eoiu'tr.-Head office tot this .atate at & Morrises atxei,'Fortlaad, Ore. ' . Send, lor CfiaUt&ie. -v JJAST AND SOUTH The Shasid Route OF TOE :jUfiTBEES PACIFIC CCIPASI. EXPRESS TRAIXS LEAVE PA1LY. PGRTLASD Bnutft :4S p. ra ) j-.ib am North SS1 a. m p. m TOO p. m L.v. Portland I.v. Medford Ar. San Francisco Ar. Lv L.T. Above trains stop at all stations from Port land' to Albany inclusive.' Also Tangent, hMld- Halsev Harrisbnrtr. Junction Citv. Irving. Engene and at all stations from Kose- purg lo flMianj inclusive ROSEBJj'RG MAIL DAILY. 8:30 a. vi Lv 6:50 p. m ; Lv Portland Roseburz Ar I 4:!0 p. m Lv I 7 .00 a. m Dining Cars on Ogd?n Route. f oilman BnfTett Sleepers aod Second. Class Sieepipg Cars attached to ail thrcngb trains Between Portland and Coryaliis. . - WEST SIBE DIVISION. ,'-r '- " Mail trains dHily, except Sunday: "- Oa.mlLv Portland Art sJ5p.ni ' J2.-IS p m Ar Corvallis Lv iX p, ra At Albany and &rvallis connect with trains . Of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express Trains daily, except Sunday: J:40 p. m I Lv ' Portlimd Ar J 8:23a. m - -' JB p.m Ar McMinnville Lv 1 50 a. ra ,.. - Ja-Tbrcn?h tickets to ell points in the Rattlers states, Canada and Europe can be ob- - r ninrd at lowest tates from W. V. Llppincott, ' Agent. Medford. - , Jl. KOEHLkR. E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & P Agt ''."." : -i' PORTLAND, OREGON. SHOW IT. A young1 man informed his pweet heaitcf nisiovc lqj ner, ana. sue sum, 11 juu uo, show it,' So does WiHson's Monarch Sarsaparilia show you what a nearer it is to cleanse the blood and the entire syxtem, removing Pimples, Boils and all diseases arising from tjnpnre ana weaK Diooa, Trv a 50c fcottle and yon svill have no otheri MONARCH SARSAPARILLA Is true to Its name. ' rn o.,u 1(1! i.Hf-y tn ege, once said tnis remedy is the World's greats once said tnis remedy il remedy for the blood. show "you what It can do. Lry it na lei ii Mfg , by WILLSdN BROS. Edeerton. Wis ronsin. . x 'or sale by O. U. HA.SKINS, Medford I OBTATS A PATENT t For a 31 V N N dc CO.. woo have bad aearir af ty veaiV aaswer and aa honest opinion, write to experience m toe patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential, a llandbaok ol In formation concerninir PnCentm and how to nh. tain theni sent freeTAlso a eatalogiw ol mechaa. km aim ufjuM sent ire?. Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. receive wiiu uwiwm m ncieuiinc a inert can, ana . as art brought widely before the public with; . p i. i ', inventor. . Ttus splendid paper. dr. elegantly illustrated, has by far the lylitloQ of a-if sdentiac work in tba DiDi Hu eops sera jree. fiGCiiS , honbT. !J0 a 7ear. Blaslo e.very numoar eontjuns neau. rs, euapaaHKTupns ol nsw niaui injw' 0 va to snow tiia Aaaress COPYRIGHTS. Somewhat Crooked. In a certain crooked county There is a crooked town, Where a lot of crooked sht'stera Are always to be fonn (d). In this ten-as crooked city There is a crooked ring, Who know lots of crooked wa3'6 To- do a crooked thing. They hud a crooked treasurer, Who kept a crooked book, He always gave a crooked smile. When you wished to take a look. He took a crooked notion . . His crooks were getting thin, So he bit a crooked railroad, And took a crooked spin. He left some crooked bondsmen To straight his crooks all out, But they were the crookedest lot of crooked crooks That a crook could find about. They hired some crooked lawyers To fix. up a crooked muddle, And it was. the crookedest lot of crooked crooks,- They call it now the Jackson county fum-fuddle. But all those crooked lawyers Told- so many crooked lies Before the crooked court. That he shoost vinked his crooked eyes. S9ys he, "Of all dees crooked -pecs-. ness, It makes me nodding crooked oudt. But you must keep your crooks well in Or some other crcoks will find your crook all out." So, says.this crooked court, "This is a" crooked, crooked rticss. And though I am a crooked court. It out crooks me I must confess. About these crooked bondsmen. That they are crooks I do not doubt, But these everlasting crooked crooks Are bound to let thern out. So now the crooked farmers Must crook their crooked backs, To dig tip the crooked six pence, To pay their crooked tax. So Mr. Editor, the above lot are about all the crooks I have in stock just now. I could have crooked some ot those crooks a goou oeai crook eder if I had some ot me Jacksonville ring to help me crook them. Hoping you will got get any of those crooks crooked up in your hair so you can't vt.ncrook them. I will close by saying the alove crooks are from an Evans creek crook, the two first letters of bis name being, " Tubs. H. B. Taylok. A Sure Cura for Piles. Itching Piles are known by moisture like presperation. crusing intense itch ing V7ben warm. This form as well as blind, bleediuir or protruding: yield at once ' to Dr. Bossnko's Pild remedy, which acts directly on the parts effect ed, absorbs tumors, allays itchine and effects a permanent cure. 50.;ts. Drug gists or. mail. Circular free.' Dr. Bo6anko, Piiladelphia, Pa. Sold by G, H. Haskins, druffgist, Bedford'. Student Of The Old Sc'-iool.- BT BETSEY AXSPIKES. Sqnaws Fl.;.t and Poor Man's Camp. My Dear Ed: In akkordancc with our previous arrangements, I I take this opportunity of skribbling I ver a fu lines, which, perhaps, ma be uv use ter yu, or some interest tu the cineral publick, (I mean thoze who are interested in the mining industry). You ma not I e aware uv the fackt uv the which am jist about tu promulgate, (kin der Drivatelv.) bekaze there haz bin some terable round ht ded liz told in regards tu mines, etc. wuz at Jimmy' McDougal's tuthcr day and tuck a walk over to hiz hizolick plaster mines. Mack haz done lots uv work this, spring and expeckts tu klean up a rite smart chance uv the yaller stun this sea zon. The same dav I past by Mis tersers. Huston & Deen's mine, and they wuz running a, higolick pipe in full blast. The ground that theze centlemcn iz' worken is kon- sidered mity skukum rich, and jist a little further on iz the celebrated Wilier Springs mines az iz owned by John Baker and West Ingram, tu old batches, uv which 1 don t take any stock in, (the batchelor part) but thair mines keeps them frum starving, and that beats farm ing and hens az laze skrambled eggs. J. H. Morris, Phillips, and J. R. Hardin kum down heretuther day, kinder fishin around fur suthin more az a Dulcet JJuenna, lur ma seemed mighty well plezeti with cur mines. More sum other da.- Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- Livciv uurca piiee, or no pay requireu. It i9 guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For -sale bv G. H. Haskins. Forsale by G. H. Haskiu-, Medford talent News Notes. Front the News. The five-stamp mill now being erected on the "Shortv" rhine on Wagner creek will be in about two weeks. in operation The three-year-old child of Joe Kerby who was badly burned about two weeks ago, is improving and will probably recover. It suffers terribly, however. - . J. J. Miller,' who formerly lived on Wagner creek is now in Salubria, Idaho. . He writes to the News that there has been 8 feet of snow there and three feet at date of letter March 15th. He is suffering from a cancer on his right hand and will soon go to Portland or Ban Fran ciseo to haye it cut out. . Mr, Horton, a young man who has been cutting wood for Mr. Lvncn . Jor several months, met with a singular .and cainful aori dent a few days ago. Cutting off a Ismail limb that was under tension. Ilka nr.A l:i - 1 ." .. A nn 1 1 va u r-iiitiiiig mm tinoer the" jaw, penetrated ' to the mouth ani tore out tw-Tpr Jhree teeth, Go mas eat are Sfi71 better Wien ftiacfe with r ihen am Rt from QfiEKSS korTemnti xnd all Coorjma fourJboae.3 otTolens is etfer a, hd jburet matt lard. REFUSE AIL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine niade only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.. ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTOB. Appleatc, Items. BY THOMPSON CREEK. Johnson is cleaning out the tun nel on the Major miue. Archer and S!user had quite a supply of tools come out last week, from Grants Pass, to run a tunnel on their.hicky No. 1 -quartz claim, on the east side of Mee's ranch on Thompson creek. Mr. John Bolt is making quite a lengthy run nrraetring quartz, at his Calico creek mine, and is said to be turning out gold, at quite a lively riite. The hist two days run turned out $350.00. Kramer and Johnson are running a tunnel to strike the Hopeful ledge about fifty feet lower than the one they run the past winter, and hope to have that amount of good quartz to stope for milling. Mr. (Quartz) Smith returned to lav from Steamboat, where he has been .looking after his interest, ar.d the report is, good rock has lately been struck on suine of ins property and that h s is to put a number, of men to work soon. Messrs. Kubli and Knight, who latelv bought out their partner, Ben Thurston, on their (Jail's creek quartz claims, expect very shortly to he grinding 'out gold again as they have a number of tons out all ready for the 'arrastre. Mr. Herriotte was at his home here over Sunday, and says he will have to put his full force at work at once at his sawmill on Evans creek, as there is a brisk demand fr lumlfcr. They are cleaning up at their placer claim oa Thompson creek. spring has certainly come at last, and farmers and miners are happy that the long siege of wet' weather is over. ' There will lie a much larger acreage of late sown grain than usual, but with late rains crops are likely to be fully up to the aver age, and prospects, so far, for fruit of all kinds is fine. The mill at the Mountain Lion was to be running before this, and as it is equipped with concentrators, amalgamator, etc., ought to give a good account of itself. A contract was lately let at the mine to run quite a number of feet of tunnel at eight dollars a foot, the writer is informed. Mr. G. W. Anderson, who has a good five stamp mill on Williams crtek, was investigating the Thomp son creek mines a few davs since. and thinks that there is plenty of quartz in this vicinity that will pay well to mill. lie panned from five different claims and got free gold prospects each and .every time. Pains in the small of the back indi cate a diseased condition of the Liver or Kidneys, which may bj easily re moved by the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidnev Balm. 1.00 per bottle. For sale by y. H. Parker. Phoenix Flashes. UY MAXAFKAIDOFABiSAR. Mrn. Walbridge paid Jacksonville a visit last week. Mr. Jacobs, of Ashland, "paid Phoenix a visit Friday. Mary Standiff has gone to Ash land to remain a while. Bill Coleman was in town Friday the first time in a week. Mrs. J. Grillin paid Mrs. Hetty Hamlin a visit, Wednesday. Johnny M' right lms gone to. Cal ifornia, to work in the mines. Win. Hamlin, of Woodville pre cinct, is up visiting his father. Mrs. Smallcy was at Medford last week, the guest of Mrs. II. Kelley. - Rev. Ira Wakefield, who has been very ill, is now able- to be around agiiin. Tom Hanimersly passed through Phoenix on his way to Ashland, Friday. Several Phrenixites have been spraying this week, and making gardens and so forth Miss Mina Stoups is leaching school in the Anderson district and is getting along finely. ' Philip Mullen, of tho Spencer mine, was in Phoenix Friday, visit ing Riley I lam merely. Owen Dunliip is thinking of going down to the Hammersly mine to work, in the near future. Riley Hammersly is back from HT., ,.tV T..I 1 ...Ml .uiij..- on ook hiiu win cuumieii.ee work in earnest next weel:. i Mr Patterson, who bougljt a piece to of the Fish land near Phoenix, has the same cleared and plowed, ready for a corn crop, Mrs. Martha Matthews and two daughters came up Wednesday from Woodville, to pay relatives in Phoenix a -visit, ' Jeff and Bob Deveney left .last week for Siskiyou county, to go to work in the mines for. their brother-in-law, Mr. Walters. Manafraidofabear is going put on a bear hunt, so the next time you hear from him perhaps it will be from another locality. Theo. Engle has about half of one field that ho cleared this winter, plowed and in grain. Theo. is a rustler; a ud no mistake. Willis Griffin and wife, Henry Grillin and wife, and Frank True and Milt Kearn. were paying Phoe nix a visit ono evening last week. Mrs. Mary GrifSn, of Wildcrville precinct, daughter of Jus. Hamlin, arrived Wednesday evening, to at tend her father, who is seriously ill and not expected to survive long. Andrew and Hugh Calhoun, Lawrence Griflin and Walter Nys waner are chopping wood on Bill Coleman's land, in the absence of other work. These hoys aro 11 under twelve, and are to be 'com mended for their rustling qualities. Start in early, boys, and vou will always have plenty. Mr. Creed, a populist speaker, wus here Thursday evening and spoke to a small audience at the alliance hull. It seems that Mr. Creed is dissatisfied with the way the. people's party ignored the preferential vote, and is trying to get their forces together and straighten things out. Sick headache is. the bane of mnny lives. To cure ami prevent this anuoy iS complaint use Dr. J. 11. Mo"Leun"s Little Liver and Kidney Pill-.os. They are agreeable to take" and gentle, in their iic. ion. ) cents v vial, t'orsald by W. II. Parker & Son. . His Sticky Items. MY BILL NYE'S llltOTnF.K. Miss Lydia Owens is visiting her brother Cal via and wire. Georxe and Ed. Page.arc worUinjf oa.a farm below Grants ia.ss. Miss LUlle Gregory wl'.l spend a few weeks la Medford, the guest of her grandmotker, Mrs. Cochran. W.X. Moore, ho hs been spending a few days at Central Point, returned home one day last wee It. Mr. and Mrs Charles Crnev and daughter Pansy, made a trip to Jacksonville, via Medford, last Friday. Alfred' Smith has Oepartcl for Tolo, where he has a' cord petition, and will probably remaia there sense time. Mr. Teck. cf Itke creek, ai-cc-mpanlcd by his lktle dauKhu-r. made a flcosaut vhit at John Schneider's, one dj last week. A family by Ujc name of tioodell arc now It ing on Ulc old leleron place. They are now summer fallowing for O. Itarbaufa. who has rented It. Xound school cramesccd April Snd. with rrof. Harvard for l-'sirtcior. Wc expect ii bare a for d cho,l. as the professor cotr.es well recommended. Charl'T Turpln. of Iake creek, was vi-iiicg i'iends ar.d neiebors In our vicinity last wcc'. He says the Teoplc's rrty are CJthtrrin,; in foree in his neigh aorhood. aud getting ready to csrry ihc next election. Calvin and James Owens were bsUlnc hey; fur Vrs. lh last w ek. They are tisonz the ! most energetic worki rs in the valley, and are i boond to eiim to the top of the ladder. Tbry ; baled forty tons in Uin c days. Who can beat ; that? j Her. Fyahe prcacheJ at the Monad schoo : honso last Friday rltrht. An attentive audi ence was there to listen to his remarks. Your correspondent never er. joyed a sermon so much before, lit preached so sensibly and earnestly thut it was a great r!eaure lo listen to htnj. The next appointment is the tlfih Sunday in April . at hail past two p. attend. All are invited lo The Mound school house club met March "1. Only a few were present, as the farmers are busily putting in their crops aid rould not leave their wc-rk. An executive committee, consisting of Kve members, was chosen. W. J. Gregory. Mr. Fish. Thos. Wheadon. Jas. Greg ory and ill Stlmpson. The committee chose Mr. Wheadon for chairman. Will Stlmpson read an interesting piece laa very entertaining manner. F. J . Creed read the electoral v.tes at the Medford convention and also made a fv-w remarks which showed clearly the duty of every People's Tarty member. The next meeting will be heldat night. April 1.1th. when an enter tainment will be given. Four new members were enrolled at the las! meeting. It Is Good. The more Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is used tho bettor it is liked. We know of no o'.hT remedy that always gives satisfaction. It is good when you first catch cold. It is' good when your cough is seated and your lungs are sore. It is good in any" kind of a Cough. W have sold' twenty-live dozen of it and every bottle mus given satisfaction. Stcdman & Friedmun. druggists, Minnesota Luke. Minn. f0 cent bottles for salo by G. II. Ilaskins. More P. P. Resolutions. Publl shed by request. Editor Mf.ufokd MAtr.: Sir. at our last club meeting of the People's Party, at 1 his place, the following resolution was adopted: He it Kk.mh.vfd. That It is the sense of .the People's Pony Club of Anient, that said cnmli- dates (named in preamble to this resolution, J. W. Marksbury. J. A. Jeffreys. S. Putterson, C. Hawlings aBd eo. Jackson.) are hereby re quested to withdraw their names from said People's Party ticket. He it furthermore Resolved. Tint It Is tho sense of this Club that no true Populist is under any obligation to support by ballot or any other way, any of tho above named candidates, but rather to rebuke corruption and bosslsm In our own ranks before wc condemn such practices in other organiza tions. Be it furthermore Kmot.vr.D. That we favor and demand, Hint the chairman of the county central committee of tho People's Party of Jackson county, call a mass convention of the voters of the People's Party for the purpose of ratifying the nominees made by the preferential vote ou Murch jrd last, said convention to be called not later than tho Slst of April, lVSll. and' such nominees are thoue who received the greatest number of such preferential votes. Signed, A. J. Wilcox. Pres. pro tem. Chas. W. SllEUMAN. Secretary. lly vote of the club I wus requested lo send this for publication. Respectfully yours. A.J. Wilcox. 0 recoil's Appropriations. The river and harbor committee have agreed upon an appropriation approximating if9,900,000. This is $2,000,000 less than the appropria tion for the current fiscal year, while the estimates before the com mittee amounted to $38,770,611. In addition to this amount, carried by the regular river and harbor bi l, the sundry civil bill contains items aggregating $8,300,000 for contract work on rivers and harbors. The total amount available, therefore. for the next fical vear is neatlv f 18,000,000, Among tho items of JMllimillMliliMlimiilliiiiinliiiillllllHimMMlMllii: jf-laitf Deiathl : Instantly removes and forever destroys z z objectionable hair.whi-ther upon the bands, ; fuce,armsornack.witboulliycoloration or : liijiiiy to themostdelicute skin. Itwasfor : s Bfty years the secret formula of Erasmus z : WilMiii.acknowlurlgedb.vphysiclansastlie s highest nutlioriiy and the most eminent z Z durinutolot;tat ami bnlr specialist ihut ever T X lived, lmriiig bis private practice of a ; life-limo umonu the nobility and arlsto- : ; eracy of Europe he prescribed this recipe. z price, tl by mail securely packed. Cor- - z resiionueuce confidential. Sole Agents : for America. Address z Z THE SKOOKUM ROOTHAIR GROWER CO. i s Dept. It.,!i7 South Fifth Ave., New Yorjt. r niiiitioiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii mitir appropriation in the bill are the fol lowing for Oregon: Entrance and harbor; Coos bay $101,000 X lUjuuiM. uii.y ..... Tillamook hay Mouth of thjB Columhia Lower Willamette and Col urn hiu below Portland .". .-. . Willnmutto above Portland. . . . Coquille. Upper Coquille Mouth of Siuslaw Upper Columbia and Snake. . . . V-ir.Ii I Lj,. .0 j o-i,ouv 35,000 20,01)0 20,000 n.oiio 20,000 5,000 S.0X) 2.IKK) vvillamettf at Corvallis Yamhill river G:iuring waters in Columbia. . . 1,0 X) Of the Coos bay appropriation foOOjOOO may be' expended in re moving obstructions at Marshficld. PUZZLED MONKEYS. X CaterplUar Inarto ' T Jielr Quarter with Trat'o Results. One of the cujres in the "menagerie was iuhabitcd by an atelcs, or prclien-silc-tailpd raonltey from Central Amer ica, and a Jog-faced moulccy front western Africa. Each held tho other In supremo contempt- The African mused silently over his own strength and looked scornfully ct the spider like arms of his cousin in captivity, while the American didn't think much of a moukey who had such a short stumpy tail as his companion. One day a caterpillar, a long brown hairy one, crept into tho cage. Where it had come from no ono knew, but there it was treading its quiet way across the cage. Tho ateles spied iu and stopping in his gymnastic exer cises dropped to the ground to investi gate tho newcomer. I'or a short time ho looked quizzically and. wonderingly at the woolly object, which went qui etly along. Then the right hand was thrust out timidly, and as the fingers touched the caterpillar it curled up into a hairy ball. The monkey lumped back, blinked his eyes as if to be cer- j lain nf nlint WM what o-ibliered and then with the aid of his tail drew him self up to one of the horizontal bars and looked down wonderingly. Tho dog-faced monkey looked ou from above with apparent scornful uncon cern. The little act was rehearsed again and again, whenever the cater pillar uncoiled itself and started for some untold goal. At last a happy thought ttruck the ateles. Thcre was a small stick in the cage, and grasping this with both hands the valiant mon key, with many a grow-some look upon his face, started in to "do up" the un canny intruder. lie jabbed down at the unoffending visitor several times w ith a sauiy inaccurate aim, hopping back after each attempt and making such comical faces that the unlookers were fairly convulsed with laughter. The jiag-:aced monkey alone .was - StHf,"si:ect and circumspect. At last. alter many attempts, the stictc came down Cat on tho caterpillar, crushing out its life. The ateles bent forward to scire the defunct crawler, and was just about to make a meal cf its poor victim when there dropped from the upper perch, on the spider-legged simian, -the dog-faeed monkey, who quickly demolished the remains of the caterpillar, while the ateles pave ver.t to his disappointment in plaintive cries u-ly tfrimaces and acrobatic perform ances whi-'h "bronghtdown the h jusc." the stwetators of this small tragedy. NERVE-JARRING JOCULARITIES. The Silly la-c with Wht.-ti Ton Many I'eoplo Interlard Thrlr Talk. There is nothing in the world which produces the sense of mental nausea more completely or is more certain to turn the intellectual stomach than the use of certain jocularities of speech with which many people thir.k lit to adorn their conversation, says the Lon- don Spectator. The people who seem to find it impossible to speak of an nn- married mnn exeertt as "a rrav bceh- elor," briny ' with whom the sea is always "the " or the 'herring pond." and a horse a hory steed, who eternally tat!; about "Sunday-go-to-meeting" clothes, and who. have such phrases as "no ex tra charge,", "agitate the tinlinnabula tor," "the noxious weed." "the pipe of peace,"' "forty winks" and "braving the elements" forever on their Hps. are ca pable of producing a sense of disgust in those who care to see language. kept bright and clean which is absolutely in tolerable. It is diiHeult to say whether these cant phrases that is a perfectly proper description of them are more odious when used consciously or unconsciously that is,t by people who believe them to be fanny and in tend that their hearers should consider them funny, or by those who have merely caught them up and repeat them like parrots, and without any in tention, good or bad. In our own opin l ion the use of "common-form" jocular j ities is most offensive in those who think of them as wit, though most pain, I ful in persons who use them nncon- : seiouslv and as mert methods of ex- pressing their meaning. We f-l that those who try to force a laugh out of such expressions as "my downy coach" or "committing matrimony," who squirm into a smile as they ask if "there isn't room for a little one," or who speak of "jnppanning their trotter caRcs," mifjht fairly be shot ot sight. When some excellent mother of a large and heavily fucetious family catches up and uses almost unconsciously such phrases as "getting outside a square meal," "the clerk of the .weather, "she's no chicken," or "put on your war paint," and when even the father me chanically talks of "performing his ab lutions," the sense ol pathos overcomes all others. Welshmen la This Country. "Wales," said a western Welshman, "has given three presidents to tho United States Jefferson, Adams and Monroe. Thomas Jefferson was pure Welsh, too, and tho Welshmen of Now York are now organizing a movement to erect a grand monument to him. There are five million Welsh and their immediate descendants in this country, and over one million two hundred thousand- pure Welsh and their first des cendants. Tho Welsh, Irish and Scotch arc, in my opinion, all offshoots Of the little band ofAryians that passed over from Little lirittuny and settled on what aro now the llritish isles." A Strange Tie. Up in Barro, Vt, lived many years ago a man and woman who believed in free love, and began living together without ceremony beyond mutual prom ise. . Long afterward tho man fell in love with some ono else and asked the woman to release him from his promise. She wouldn't. Still later tho woman found her affinity, and pre ferred a similar request. Tha man in turn refused. Thus they lived together without any tie except mutual hatred for years, never conversing. Jack Crowber, an associate of gam blers and thieves, and known as Aspen Jack, was found dead Sept. 13, lg98, in a lodging house at Denver. His face was black and blue and covered with clotted blood, as if ho had been stran gled. It is supposed he was mnrdered by his criminal associates when they learned he was a Pinkerton detective, as lie had evidence on which they would be sent to the penitentiary. Irish Jimmy Sharon, a gambler, who was found dead List week, occupied tho room next to the one in which Crowber was mnr-' dered, and detectives havo concluded ho also was murdered, because when in toxicated he dropped remarks indicat ii)!j tliat he knew who killed Crawber. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot rrilch tho diseased portion of the Thcre ls 0llly one way to cure Deafness. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused b? nn inflamod dilion of tho mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed vou have a rumhlinn- Hound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Ueufness is the result. and unless the inflammation cau bo taken t)ut and this tulie restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nin cases out of t n are caused by "catarrh, which is nolh ing but an inflamed condition of tho hincuous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cnae of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's CaUirrhCure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 65TSold by Druggists, 75c. A prominent lawyer of New Orleans has an elephant on his hands, not the figurative artiele, but a real, live ele phant. It came about in this way: Davis' circus has been exhibiting in the lower portion of the city. Business has been lad and the employes salaries be came in arrears. The people had to live and the animals had to be fed, conse quently money mast be had. Davis, in his troubles, consulted the lawyer, who agreed to advance the nereasary funds, taking the elephant as security. What is bothering the uttorney just at pres ent is what to do with the beast, as it is eating him ont of house and home. Birlious Colic. Prevented. Persons who are subject to attacks of billiuus colic can almost invariably tell, by their feelings, when to expect an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemcdy is taken as soon as theso symptoms ap- rear, they can ward off the disease. Such perxins should always keep the Ilemeav at hand, ready for immediate use when needed. Two or three doses of it at the right time wi save them much sugering. For sale by G. H. Haskins. Governor Waite of Colorado has issued a proclamation forbidding en trance to bis state from Utah of all sheep withr-it a clean bill of health. This shots ;nt 150,000 Utah sheep, and Colorado cattlemen are credited with threatening to maintain quarantine for 10 days, which will ruin the sheep. Professor Sargent of Harvard has in vented a tew outdoor game which is said to meet all the requirements of gymnastic work and has no objection able featm. It can be pkiyed by any ncmber of both sexes. The new sport is caUVl "haltie Uul, and combines rlin" and baseball, football, tennis, bowling and j cricker. Arthur A. Zimmerman, the champion cyclist or the worM has final; v decided totnrnrofessionaL The sum of $10 OM was the bait which drew kiuifrom the amateur ranks. For a number of weeks he has been negotiating with managers of the professional cycling circuit in France with a vie of racing there this coming season. Satisfactory arrange- ments were niade and Ziintuy will leave the Lcasne of American Wheelmen, Who Sav Rh'uuintisai Can Not B Cured? My wife was confined to her bed fo iver two mouths with a sevore attai--if rheumatism. We could get no'.hin :hal would afford hs-r any reiif. and ? la?t resort gave Chr.mberlcin's Paii ;alm a trial. To our croat surpris il.e b-.'gnn to im:rove nft-r the first aj ilication. and by usitis it r-gular sb was siMti able to g-t u and attend t her house work. F. H. Johnson, of C I. Knut.-on A Co.. Ken-ington. Minn cent bottles forsale by. G. II.' Ha ktns. , . Mia? Alice Linirs! of Sanbeacu, Penn.. 2o years old, and weighing &JS poundr'. has gone to Ccenr d'Alene. Ida., to marry Harry Crasher, whom s-he never saw. Crather advertised for a wife and the engagement resulted. Mrs. Tarter, a wealthy widow, has been committed to jail at Evaaston, Wyo., for refusing to pay a bill as ad ministrator of her husbaud's estate. There is general indignation and public sympathy is with Mrs. Tarter. Governor Tillman of South Carolina has the best of the di?peusary dispute. The Populists are coming to his support. Everything is quiet, and the governor proposes to try the rioters at Dariington in the courts, and they are being ar rested. "Only the Scars Remain," Says IIknuy IIvdsox, of the James Mnitii woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Anion; tho many testimoni als winch I see in regard to cer tain medicines performing cures cleansing tho blood, etc.. fj noiieimpress me more tiiiin my o w n c a s o . Twenty yenrs, ago, at tho age oils years, I had swellings come o ii my legs, w hich broke and became ruu nlug sores. Our family phy sician couM do Hi5 m pj" van Is? i ma no good, and it was feared that tho bones would bo affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged WSe to try Ayer"s Sarsaparilia. I took threo bottles, tho sores healed, mid I have not been troubled ainco. Only the senrs remain, nud the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayor's Sarsaparilia hits done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in tho best of health. I have been on the road for tho past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar saparilia advertised in all parts of tho United States, and always take pleas ure iu telling what good it did for mo." Ayer's Sarsaparilia Prepared by Dr.J.C. AyerS: Co., Lowell, Muss. Qijresfthers,wH!curoyou I BALD HEADS U What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? lias it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? .Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? 1 these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. Skookum Root Hair Grower is whatyoo need. Its production ls not an accident, bat the result of telenttSe research. Knowledge of the clzeaaesof the hairand scalp led to thsdueor- " erf ot how to treat teem, "Skookum " contains rentier mlnorais nor oUa, It is not a Dye. but a tlelUbtf 0II7 cooling and ret resting Tonic, hi elin-TilsUng the folUcles, it ttojx alttug heads. 9 s-scp tb ec&Ip dean, bcftitar. i3 rrw rran m-itaiicf crcptxras. 07 the ux of is,kum Mem Oocp. It deotrcys parastsio tnsecit, ichicU JcmL on. and tlcrtroy the hair. a If your drnsrri cannot rappl 770 dlrec- to sz. wal TorwrtrJ J prepn!J, m r-cWptof price Ciowez, $Uti jk.t IxHilo ; 5 X-r tA. cl..Suc a" I Jfr fa??.. ' M Jit iwr jr u lot ; uu. VriTl ZKCKUCHTA e TEA'SS.i'iEK P u-u viftli Sctt Trrt. X. Y. " : The Best Shoes : Least Money, 85, S4 and CG.EO Dress Shoe, c ? w j S3.CO Pclico Shce, S Solos. m j' s, ' T S2 and SI.75 for Beys. . $m4ix$ w LADIES AND MISSES, Smi-M yK GG, S2.SO 2, $1.75 l-asa---!' "V " '- NV ' CAUTION. IT cy feeler ts 'ssa53-- offer yoa W. I Dowclaa K-i Tt.re. Tr-. TrvrSss- 3v shoes at o reduced pricw, I S t!" KEc A Stsaw A 3v er ea;t he hn lasa wlib. . y&r . in "Eai-AQ rraasa5ss:5?lv oat ih. u pt,i Vs-i.'"'i'!iii.i, .-'-. SJfi. -lv oirUi. boLixjm. pet hisi W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, ezsj fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The. stamping of W. L. Douglas" nam: and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands cf dollars annua!! to those who srear them. Dealers -who push the sale of W. I Dauplas Shoes gain customers, which helps increase the sales on their full line of roods. Tarr can eCoTd to sell stt a leas mV- smd we believe too can aave vaomy trr bwvfxis all yon r fooewajr of tfa demlr advs For Sile by A. C. TAYL03, The Illinois fruit crop has been ruined by frost. By a law of Iowa liquor cannot be legally manufactured in that state. The new Chinese- treaty will be con sidered by the senate in open session. Wheat went -up to COf cents at New York the other day, the highest point reached since February. The Republicans made a clean sweep in Rhode Island. The vote.polled is the largest in the history of the state. John Rice of Valparaiso, Ind., lost his ! house by fire. Three of his children perished and he was severely burned. The Massachusetts legislature refuses to give municipal snifrage'to women, while the Idaho legislature grants it. j A gang of opium smugglers have been operating with St. Louis as their base. ; Shipments have come from Vancouver, ; B.C. . The members of the Colonial party of ulriu cnuu wia oamoa annexeu, aiiu ' a"c!aPe the triple alliance a complete tail are. J i l oeea toT an mvestiga- ; 1 bcn 5310 tJle saty 0f Prendergast, tie ! san of Mayor Carter Harrison of j Chicago. ' Bidwell's Bar school, in Batte ' county, CaL. and one c-f the oldest in tfce state, having been established in i ls;i3. "e discontinued. ". - j The Choctaw council has adjourned, It parsed s resolution refusing to treat with the Dawes commission and favor . ing holding their lands in common. I The fire acd police board of Denver ' dispute promises to adjust itself in the courts within a week. The militia, however, is ordered to recruit to ita fullest extent. JudgeWnde of Chicago, in a recent decision, held that a lie-told by an em ploye to his employer annulled a con tract, and the employe cannot recover . damages for his discharge, j Internal Revenue Collector Mize, up . to date, has been able to register but $52 j Chinese under the Geary law in Chicago, j There remain 2,000 yet to be registered j in his district before May 3. President Tracy of the National Re ; publican league has called a special ' meeting of the league's executive com mittee to meet at the Arlington hotel, Washington. Monday, April 23. Plans for the spring " round-cp " of range cattle in Wyoming have been completed. The state officials expect no trouble, as the rustlers have been compelled to cease tliei? operations. There is trouble oa hand among the Colorado miners, especially at Cripple Creek. The operators assert they will use non-union men or not work their mines. all attempts to compromise hav ing failed. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, has ad dressed a letter to Vice President Stev enson protesting against the ratification by the senate of the proposed Chinese treat v. A VKEE and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Dr J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm, in all cases of hoarseness, sore throat or difficulty of breathing. For sale by W. H. Parker & Son. ' Are You Going East? If so and desire to go via Portland and enjoy the luxury, safety and com fort of a t rip over the old reliable North ern Pacific Railroad, you can do so from Grants Pass aud all S. P. points iu Southern Oregon as cheaply as by any other route. The Northern Pacific runs through trains from Portland to St . Tanl daily without change of cars free colontstleepers, elegant Pullman t and Tourists' sleepers accompany every train. ' For tickets and full information ap ply or write to A. D. Charlton, Asst. General Passenger and Ticket agent, Portland, Oregon, or to S. F. Cass N. P. Ticket agent for Southern Oregon First National Bank, Grants Pass, Ore. Mrs. O. W. Palx has just received a niee selection of spring millinery. ' : Spring millinerv goods at prices to suit the times, at Mrs. C. UT. Palm's. Get groceries at I. M. Midler's, corner Seventh and C streets, Medford. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebnrg. Or.March St. ISM. Ivbttce is herebv eiven that the followintt natued settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Una! proof in suppertof bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judgw or county Clerk of Jackson county. OreKon, at Jacksonville. Oregon, on Saturday, Mays. 1SH. vlr: Olaus lioluin, on Homestead Kutry No. NVU. for the ws of uwt aud nV, of sw;,', see S4. tp Si s, raw. Ho names the following witnesses to prove In continuous residence iixn and eultiva- tlon of said land, via: Eiley Morrison. Geortre T.vni.h. of Gtnn: T. Kuinev. ot Beairle: E. P Hammond, of Medford ; all of Jaeksoa county, Orettou. a-13 m tS ' John H, SncrR, Besister, haxr, cunt dandrujf o gmct hair eotni Z ja tCOT HAIK GROWER CO.. r itttt i Medford, Oregon nil CONTRACTORS -AND BUILDERS. Wr are prepared to give estimates on tay bailding from a woodhead to a slate capital. AH work in oar line gaarranteed first das in erery respect. Kedforrl, - Orejcon. F. Oate. Henry C Payne, Henry House. Receivers. Northern 1M PACIFIC R. R. XT e ?u!!m3n tieant Dining Cars Sleeping Cars rciirists ! Minneapolis Grand fouks L CnooKSTOtt f K&XCMA AND. nil ran$" c- -TO- WaSHINGTCN j PHILADEt PHia. ! NEW YORK j BOSTON A-SP AIL POINTS EAST fcNO SOUTH s A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Arent, IXo. 121 First St., cor. Washington IOEiTXi3T3. OR NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebanr. Orecoa. Feb. ST. 1SW. Notice is herebv given that the followine named settler has nled notice of his Intention to make Anal proof in sapper of his chtim and that said proof will be made bcTur the judge or county clerk of Jackson county, Oresn. at Taeksonville. Oregon, oa Saturday. April It. l&H. via: Fonunatus Hubbard. Jr.. oa Homestead Knlry No. SS3I. for the X S of SW i and E H of NVV a. Section S Tosmship St S, Kance 2 East. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiv&tioa of. said land, via: Henry A. Suttoa. James i EJirerton. Levi Sutton and William F. Tag gart, all of Leeds, Jacksonacounty. Oregon. M-9-A-13 John H. Shups, Kegister. SalarraadexpcndeepaldveeltlTCroca ltrmutectpotiUoa. llxclcjx trmtey. Experience unnvccesATT. IVeallar drmnta5stbs tetters, labcral cosimtssloB so lacl psxt- lUne Largest crowed oC clea. l.t. M rrtaKl. M tardva. l ';V -VXiV. i We aBtjiaM. while H -r-3f fsa ibt - important. Oo.t clt.aw ivr ih .rfvMiurat. OutHt sad full I" ..ccsr, BUOWi as CO- tar- jS TW' seraa. rort'aaj. Oro. Ohisfcorseis !S 4fi3 rv4il. KTntalppeft Ea-i MEDFORDMABKETS COKRCCTED SVBKV WBPtCCSDAT. Wheat, No. 1, . perbasaeL 40 cts Oats, " x " Barley ' " ' Corn, t' ) " Potatoes, " eo Mill Feed. Bran aa$ Shorts. per ton, 1 15,00 Hay, baled, S9.00; loose. 8.00 Woodt 9' per cord. a " f Fir, . " " 3.00 Flour, wholesale, per barrel, 2.00 Flour, retail, per sack. 70 eta Butter, per roll (two sounds) so ' Egss, . . per dozen, 08 " Onions, per pound, m " Apples, per box, (one bushel) SO " Bacon and Ham per lb. 11 IS " Shoulder par lb, 11 Beans " 08 M Lard - " " 15 Houcy ' f ' J a OKI RiRRSfflfl R mm, ;-..:8-iic&$ -5 V V -'.