4 J ? 4. It' 6. -r t I t i 1 MS OF THE CITY. "Dar's Heap o' Trouble a BrewinV When the four or five fence gang cars were sidetracked in -Medford last week there wag little attention given the affair and it was not to be supposed that a first-class row would result bo fore these cars were pulled out. But such, however, is the Case. This gang of workmen, twenty-seen in number, are in.the employ of the S. P. railroad company, and building fence along the line. The trouble in Medford grows out of the fact that the employes, working under instructions from the company, attempted to build their fence one hundred feet from the center of the track in the north part of the city instead of thirty- feet as in other localities. The company base their " claim to this extra laud in their right of way upon the authority of an act of congress passed in 1866 granting to all railroad companies a two hundred foot riht of wav through all public lands not settled upon prior to that date. The piece of land, in question was filed upon and title secured in 1S79 by P. M. Plymale and lays north of the original townsite of Medford, in Jlingus and Cottage additions, and extends one and a half miles in length to the Plymale donation claim. The greater portion of this land which would be affected by the extra. right-of-way has been cut up into town lots and acre tracts, sold and re-sold and is now owned by many different parties, among whom are Messrs. Perdue; O'Cander, flollings worth, Youngs, Scott, Goldstone, Xar regan, Krutzler, Palm, and a number of others whose names we are unable to learn. Tuesday the workmen began putting up their fence and it was then the trouble bagan. They built a con siderable amount of fence that day but nearly all was done under protest by the owners of the land. They built through the entire tracts of Paul Krutzler and C. TB. Palm on the - west side and quite a strip on the east side. Wednesday morning when they ar rived at the scene of action they found all the fence they had built on C. W. Palm's place torn down. The wires had all been'cut and the posts either pulled up or cut off. On the east side they started in for their day's work, but upon entering the first -lot thev found a notice staring them in the face vhich forbade them trespassing under panalty the notice slating further that the owner would not be responsi ble for the result. This lot they vaca ted and entered the rixt where a sim ilar notice was found. These .notices they found posted conspicuously upon several lots adjoining and, not being particularly desirous of being made ' ehet gun targets, they decided to va cate altogether until further orders Irom headquarters. All Wednesday afternoon they laid oft, but Wednesday evening they received orders to build fence in Medford for. two days .more. Yesterdav morning - the gang began work on Mrs. Iih Vact and are there emp'oyed Jtto press. Qmeiais Qtotluul.T'pst.erdav morn- - - 1 ... . . ingaadweirtw Jacksonville, unuouoc - edly to loofc-up toe records. . n- . A two-bithave for fifteen cents is the kind of a job Bates Bros, are put- ting up on their customers. The shave you get is worth two-bits out u oniy costs niieea cenLs. j.uc uu Ui.- worn in aii iiueui ii ucn" all lines of barbenn street, Medford A Pleasant Occasion. Editor Medford Mail:- -We had a little incident occurred in the- neigh borhood known as "Big Sticky" last Sunday, of mora than ordinary interest to some of your numerous readers, and with your permission I will, give it to them. Invitations were sent out by Mrs. Lucinda Wilson to quite a num ber of her friends to meet at her house on Sundav. the 8th mst., a3 there was to be a weddicg on that occasion, but the names of those to be married were not given, but-you know, as a matter of course, we all went and when we .ar rived we found quite a numbar of neighbors and friends already assem-j -tried, and at fifteen minutes to twelve Mr. D. B. Davis and Mrs. Lucinda L. Wilson presented themselves before Kev. A. C Howlett, and in his usual easy and graceful manner he - pro nounced the ceremony, making them No more twain but one flesh," iu the presence of a room full of invited friends nd relatives, among whom were It. H.. Halley and wife, Mrs. J. S. Morgan and her Iwo daughters, Mrs. T. II. Oviatt, J. W. Bardsdel, and a young lady by the name of Susie Cook, all of Medford, besides a number of her pcighbors, among" whom were Miss Alpha McDo-.vel, the teacher of the school ia the nsighborhood she is teaching her fifth term in the same bouse her grandmother, Mrs. Evens, who is in her eighty-sixth year, Frank Kempeer, the two Mrs. Zarambas, two sisters who married two brothers, and . the ministers family, bssides tho rela tives. After the, usual congratulations we all repaired to t'na table, which was literally loaded with the delicacies of our favored land. My mother used to tell me when a child, never to tell - what I bad to eat, that was extra good, when I was away from home, so 1, from force of habit, forbear, but will-say this much, that with Miss Martha Wilson as chief cook and her sisters Mary and Jane to assist and Erastus to take a general supervision and their uncle J. W. Collens to gather in the material sad the VOW Mrs. Lucinda L. Davis as superintendent in general we might expect to have a wedding feast that was worthy of the name, which we did. Well, after spending p.n hour or two with our friends we ad journed, hoping that we may be called together again in a short time under similar circumstances. A. D. T-Lost-r-On the streets of Medford or at my place of business, a Knights of Pythias watch charm. Finder will please return same to Jas. Coeti, Med ford, and receive reward. How Is It Accounted For? I. W. Thomas telis us this week of a peculiarity which exists out at his place, the whyforness of which is past finding out. Mr. Thomas is known everywhere to ba a thoroughly truth ful and reliable gentleman else we trould not credit the statement, On his place, which is about two miles west of Medford, is a pond o? water or rather, at times it is there which has the peculiar habit of raising and tailing six inches each day. It was first noticed doing this a few weeks ago by Wm. Wheeler, one of Mr. Thomas' farm hands. He spoke of it to his fel low workmen and to prove to them that he was not in error he drove a stick in the edge of the pond which, by-the-way is only about twenty feet across and upon the stick made a mark, and by this means his story was easily confirmed. In the morring the water is very low and not until about eleven o'clock does it begin to raise. It continues to raise until sometima in the evening when it lowers again. Another peculiar fact connected with the matter is that at this season of the year heretofore there has been no water in the pond at all. Was it not for the altitude of this locality being 1300 feet above sea level it might be attributed to the movements of the tide, but at this height it is hardly probable, and being sixty miles from the oceau makes the tidal thoory less probable. Will someone please inves tigate and tell us of the probable cause of this phenomenon. Did you ever bear a professional whistler who vies with- the birds in their bewitching strains? Then hear Mary B. Weaver of the Chicago Lady. Quartette in opera hall, April 20th. Proceedings of City Council. An adjourned meeting of the Med ford board of councilmen was held Sat urday evening. The subject for prin cipal discussion was that of Mr. Flynn's well proposition. The board decided in this matter that they had better first ascertain the approximate cost of adding the necessary piping and other expenses in reaching certain localities where water is desired and which will be supplied provided the well is bored and the expense of completing the en tire works is not too great. While every member of the board is in favor of a better water system they are not so foolhardv as to go into the deal without knowing somewhere near the point at which they will probably land. The proposition to bore a well is all very well but there, are many minor matters which are to be'eonsidered be fore taking action. At this same meet ing the water rate was changed to these figures: One .yixlOO foot lot S3 per year, two lots, same size, $10, over that amount.of land or all water from one tap of the main, S12. In explana tion Recorder Webb states that parties who own more than two lots, whether watered wholly or in part, will be re quired to pay the twelve dollar rate. Y. M. C. A., of Chicago: "We" consider Miss Xeltnor the finest reader that ever appeal ed in Farwell Ua!l." At the opera house April 20;h. Candy Factory In Operation. Monday morning the Medford Candy Manufacturing Company b?gau the manufacture of goods in the Several different forms into which sugar is molded as dainty morsels for the most delicate tooth which has a fond- I nose for t hino of a saccharine nature i - - - v J j moulders of these sweets are C. A. Zahn j an( D; L Fry reccntiy from Lc-b- ! anon. Thev are now at work manu- j i ractur;ng a large stock of various choloeate and cream mixtures sim- -j. es of wfjich nave Oien sent to laisiiast Chauee placer mine, recently!,,. ... . , . c.nce anii ov tno oiUce IorceTronounceu very up-todate'r article. This company flTiwets til Kf HruA tn rdneo cr low "a price on their goods acd to province an article of such merit as to command the exclusive patronage of all valley towns and cities. In this city they will do a wholesale and retail business. The Mail "hopes success may come their way and stay with them the boys are dtserving of the city's support. It'spenny-wise-and-pound foolish to tr to et aln without neatly printed stationery when it costs but a trifle, if any, more than blank paper. Are you fully supplied with letter-heads, en velopes, bill heads, statements? That's what we are here for to supply you. We do work that pleases at prices that suit. Regarding a Possible Extension." Mr. W. A. Buchanan, representing the Rogue River Valley railroad, was in Medford Monday upon business con nected with a possible extension of this line to Eagle Point. His mission being principally that of getting an estimate of the cost of bridging Bear creek and to ascertain ubout what amount in bonds could be disposed of in Medford and thi county to be directly benefitted. The matter of extension, Mr. Buchanan stated, had been occupyicg considerable attention at the head ofllce for sometime but no definite decision would bs reached in side of two or three weeks. His com pany, he says, is moving very cautiously in the matter and does not propose to undertake any project which will im pair the general good financial stimd ing of its stockholders. In other words, thty don't propose to cripple ajiy of their several businesses by taking upon their' shoulders any additional ex penditures until it is fairly well proven that the project can be made a paying one. You will be wanting some crockery, perhaps, this spring. Baby has proba bly broken a number of pieces during the winter; perhaps your kitchen help and the policeman hae been working up a trade for the crockeryman in any case you can get full sets or odd pieces of almost any quality or stylo at Wol ters, the grocer. His Team Ran Away. Wednesday afternJon ns O. Har- baugh was driving into Medford from the north, and when just north of Mr. Edwards' place his team became fright ened and started to run. Tins wagon struck a stump or -large stone and threw Mr. II. from the high spring seat to the ground where his head. struck a rock, cutting him. badly over the eyes and about the nosa. Que -of his great toes was also burst open its full length, but just how this last in jury was made is dimcult to say as there were no bruises or marks of any kind on his boot. Ho was picked up and carried to Mr. Edwards' hoube and Dr. Geary sent for. The wounds were dressed and after stimulants had- been administered he was able to ride to his home. The team only ran a short dis tance .when they carao in contact with a telegraph polo where they were caught. Tho polo was struck with such force as to make a total wreck ot the harness and break all the telegraph wires on the pole. Tho team escaped injury. Receiver Appointed. I". L. Hamilton, of this city, has been appointed receiver of the Henry Smith estate. Tho appointment of a receiver grows out of somo little financial trouble outside of tho heirs. Tho es tate embraces about 2000 acres of lund, considerable mining property and hotel and store buildings all of these in and about Wolf creek station, in Josephine county. There is also considefablo property owned by the cstato in Med ford. Tho estate entire is valued at about sixty or seventy thousand dollars. While wo are mentioning this appoint ment the fact is called to mind that Mr. Hamilton is becoming quite .a fa vorite in this capacity. His earnest work in righting up matters of such nature are most commendable and are evidently appreciated. Admission to the Chicago Lady Quartette concert, fifty cents. . Secure your reserved seats at an early date at Strang's. New Fire Officers Elected. On Wednesday evening of last week tho fire boys met and elected officers. President. John Curry; vice president, II. G. Nicholson: secretary, W. T. York; treasurer, J. W. Law ton; fore man. G. L. Davis: sargent at arms, W. J. Fredeiilmrg; trustees. A. C. Nichol son, J. W. Law tun and E. A. Langley. The boys. met for a little practice Sat urday night and did some lively run ning ami coupling on s-averal of our principal streets. The boys have lots of ambition and if a little more practice is had they will bo able to make as good, if not a better showing, and do more effectual work, at a tfre than most companies that has had much more training. Baldness is either hereditary or caused by sickness, mental exhaustion, wearing tight-fitting hats, juul over work and trouble. Hall's reuewer will prevent it. Has Mis Eye on the Garbage Heap. Xightwatohman Churchman has been making the rounds v( m:my localities inMedford this week with a view to locating any possible existing disease, germs, such as garbage piles, stagnant water or decomposed animal or vegeta ble matter. Our reporter caught him gazing on a heap of rubbish which of nature was anything but such as would occasion a smile to even flit across the average man's countenance but Mr. Churchman had that customary smile with him and it was beaming down on that pile of filth like it was a basket of ranges and a bouquet of roses. We no il. -ed also that he tik notes and all places of- uncleanline.;s will bj attended to. The confidence that peop'. ! . iu Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blood medicine is the legitimate nnd natural growth of many years. It has been handed down from parent to child, and is the favorite family medicine in thousands ot house holds'. " Plenty Pay Dirt at the List Chance. F. E. W. Smith, an employee on th.? ; purchased by saurue:i .V i oung. was j learn that these gentlemen have a ! irruiil lyit-inir r.rniierlv nn.l nr. ilnino-i ?(m eoo.1 wnrt in shsninp- the mine i for h big run. Tli.. r ji,t riime,. is nn Applegate and is in a rich locality. It has about twenty-five feet of rich gravel in the old creek channel. The recent purchasers have not as yet reached bed rock bul expect to soon be there when som5 very rich finds are looked for. Mr. Shurtled is connected with Mr. Coul's irrigation company and Dr. Youngs is from McMiunville, this state. J. W. Lawton, the horse clothier, has jus', received a fine line of single buggy harness, saddles, lap dusters, light horse covers, etc. His Green House a Thing of Beauty. FranTc Sutter fas a green house, ns many people know, and as many people know, full well, it is it thing of beauty at all seasons of the year but right about now it is more beautiful than ever before. Mrs. Sutter has charge of this flower world, and being well versed in the business 'tis little wonder that beautiful flowers and their intoxi cating perfume predominate there abouts. Mr. Suttr looks after the vegetable and fruit gardens and there too is seen the cleverness of n very adept hand. These people have some thing over 20,) different varieties of roses and other flower plants ranging n number well up to tho above. Tlie Chicago Lad. Quartette, the most popular vocal combination that has appeared in eastern cities, will bo at Medford April 20th. His Alind Went Wrong. Austin Nicholson, son of L. S. Nich olson, residing on North D street, was last Sunday taken to Jacksonville by N'tghtwatchman Churchman and Con stable V.'ooU where ou Monday ho was adjudged insane by the examiners and Tuesday night he was taken to Salem. Sometime ago ho had a severe run of typhoid fever and sinco his recovery his mind has been far from being of even balance at times. He has had several attacks of insanity which grew worse each time. He imagined his parents were trying to kill him and when in his insane mood ho would threaten and attempt to kill them. The regular subscription price of The Mail- is $l.;"0 a year, and tho reg ular subscription price of the Weekly Oi-egonian is $1.50. Any one -subscrib ing for THE MAIL and paying one ypar in advance caagct both The Mail and the Weekly Oregonian one year for All old subscribers paying their sub sci-intions for one vcar in advance will be entitled to the same offer. . Someone Has Been Pilfering. For the second fimo in the history of the Medford Lawn Tennis Club is its members called upon to mourn tho loss of that part of their game parapherna lia called a net. They are getting an J idea into thoir heads that the purloin?!' I of this article Is known to them, und while; through tho goodness of their hearts, they dislike to deal harshly with said thief they , have positively promised him that prosecution will be his lot within eleven days from the date of this piipor unless ho decides to slide up to the. tennis grounds .and leave thereon the net in question. Witnesses Have AH Returned. Yesterday 'morning Dr. Danielson, F. M. Poo, J. G. Grossman, J. W. ilillor, D. T. Law ton, E. G. Salstrom and John Smith returned from Kosoburg tho land cases in which thoy had been called as witnesses having" been con tinued until July. These cases, some forty odd in number, are instituted by tho land dedartmeiit against Julius Miner, et al, tho department claiming, as near as wo can learn, that the proofs made were fraudulent. Attorneys Webster & Hammond, of thiseity, have been retained by the defendant. The ad of Maximillion, tho cele brated English Shiro stock horse, ap pears elsewhere in this paper. The horst) weighs between 1800 and l'JOO pounds and is a perfect animal in all respects. Stockmen desiring to im prove their stock will find Maximillion the horse they are looking for. . Their Houses Do Glisten. Paint lavishly spread and in its proper placa is a beautiiler of objects except women, but the "dear creatures'' will decorate despite tho admonitions of "horrid men" however, it is house painting we wore going to speak of. G. F. Merriman is one of those thrifty, go-ahead fellows who delights in im proving the general appearance of his homo and 'tis he who is decorating his bouse with now paint. Thos. MeAn dr.ows is unother of like disposition ai)d E. A. Johnson' is applying the beautitier to his tenant house on North C street. Why pay 2. ots. a pound for com mon mixed candy, when you can buy the finest cream candies for 2- cts. a pound, at the new candy store? That Fellow Was a Fiend. Any- person who wiil deliberately and maliciously do an injury to dumb animals is a lie ml to be despised by all people who have a panicle of manhood in them. Liut Thursday night, some one entered the burn of Frank Wait and completely severed the tail of his cow. This, it is Dresum-d. was the work of someone who has an enmity toward Mr. Wail and is too much of a coward to find recourse squarely In-fore him. and took this mean, lowlived course of veil geaneo. Hell, as pictured. j is too near a paradise for curs of such ilk. Three entertainments iu one, whistling and bird warbling, recitation and impersonation. Four artist voices iu the Lady Quartette. Located in New Quarters. A. Ketseh, the tailor, who was one ot the unfortunates in the recent Front street fire, h:if received his new stock of glVkls and is again open for buVIs".. His new place of business is at the cor- ner of Front and Kiglith streets. Mr. Fctsch's reputation for reliable and ' substantial work has In 'no way been impaired by his rest from business for a few w.-eks. The neatiy dressed yo.ing men seen on our streets are liiue-lenilis of them lilted out ait Fctsch's. I anv b xiv w.i to a-k vo l for the best hat to b.iv for the tr.oaev. vou couldn't, and be honest lo yours -If an:l them U. buy anv other hat ilian ihe.sletin-Wii'.s.-rs k.vns them ; Printer Bml's Home Improvements. A- L. lVnwell tOOiC a lay-OT last ! W'eeK: from 111 labors Thk Mail! id week at i : ortice and put in a good making improvements about his picas- nnt-hom. on Klev-nth strt-et II- set I i r f- ; - trees, i berrv bushes and shrubs, and also diJ a considerable grubbing and leveling about the grounds. Bud has an al!ind good piece of property and he. is im proving even' lurn in the road to make it belter. L. B. Warner, the fruit tree man. has trees on hand to supply the trade of Medford and vicinity, in any quan tity und in the following varieties: Apple, pears, cherries, apricots. p.-a"h-cs, prunes and soft shelled almond. Mr. Warner may bo found at Dr. Od gers dental rooms. The "Types" Put up a Job on I's. Last week we tried to make a read able sort of an item on the Grants Pass railroad flower garden but tha "types" ot mixed and the proof reader got fired" bodily and wo were made to sav Uour wnen almost anvoouv knows that was not the kind of a "pro duct -we ought to have been talking atwut. From the number of tim vs we have been "juined onto"' we conclude tfie item was read. "Six days shalt thou labor," says the great lawgiver. To do good work, man must bs at his best. This condi tion is attained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It overcomes that tired fooling, quickens theappetile, improves digestion, and maTce the weak strong. East Side Improvements. Merchant Wm. Anglo and L. G. Por ter are among those on the cast side who have added improvements to their places by the addition of several rods of new picket fence. Theso two gen tlemen have as line homes as there are in Medford and when they shall have completed the several other improve ments now mapped out tho beauty thereabouts will bj even more marked than now. "Discount" is a word that catches all eyes. When Iheso eyes have seen our gent's woolen goods and you learn of our 23 per cent discount we will catch the buyers. I. M. Muller, the corner grocer. Johnny In a New Role. John Curry bus taken a position as book-keeper in Anglo & Ply mate's mercantile establishment, only, how ever, during tho absence of Miss Hoyt. Abe Bish has swung into lino as deliv-cry-man in John's place bo's, an old rounder at tho business and does well the work. Samo thing is true of Mr. Curry us a book-keeper. Maple trees for salo I have for sale a few choice maple trees. F. Suitor. Can They Raise the Wind? B. S. Webb and A. C. Nicholson aro jointly putting up a wind mill on the no between their properties in south- west Medford. It, of course, will be a good thing to have around but to just what use they expect to put it in a country where tho gentlo zephyrs blow as gently as thoy do in Southern Oregon is past finding out. Tho largest stock of lace in the city--at tho Hacket Store, all cheaper than ever. Sunday -School Convention. Next Monday and Tuesday, April lCth and 17th, will bo held in Medford a district Sunday school convention. The program is replete with interest ing topics and each of theso are to bo handled by eminent speakers and hard working instructors in the Lord's train ing school for young and un'.utored minds. A general invitation is cx teuded to all to attend. The Stetson hat is the acknowl edged king of men's head gear Wol ters, the grocer, keeus them. Some Pretty Slick Painting. W. F. Shaw'vor was showing us this week somo very lino naii.tings. from the artist hand of Mrs. John Mills, of Jacksonville, and a friend of Mrs. Shawver. The paintings are now on exhibition tit the Racket store and are well worth your careful attention. The lady is prepared to give lessons to a limited number of pupils'. Priehni-d, the jeweler, is selling watches from $2 up as high as you want to go. You get a good article for a little money. Buy now while the price is 'way down. Some More Fins Cabinet Work. Week s Bros, have commenced on some more of their most excellent work in the bar fixture line for Wright's saloon. They have also put up some very fine store fixtures for Mrs.. C. W. Palm's new millinery store, consisting of counters, bhe'.ving and a millinery ease. Long waisted, glove fitting. P. N. corset, always on hand at Angle & Ply uiale's. Body Not Yet Recovered. l"p to Tuesday morning of this week the body of John l'hipps. the farmer who was drowned near his place in the Rogue river last week, had not been found. l'hipps was also the ferryman at Nail's place and was rowing across the river for a passenger when his boat upset. I can fit you out in anything you may need in gent's furnishing goo.ls or groceries I. M. Muller. There's a New Boy In Town. I. M.-rriman is all smiles and pretty ways since hist Saturday when another I son took up p-.-rmaneut residence at his ! bouse. Ike is smiliiii.', as a matter of course, but the smile would have been a broader one hud it been a girl ho was called upon to announce. How does this catch vou for a bar- gain? Five 1 pound bars of Horseshoe soap lor L, cents, at M .Tiler s grocery. Leased the liiggins Building. J. Wright, recently from Grants Pass, has leased S. A. D. Higgins building. On North Front street, for saloon purposes. Mr. W. has applied lo the city council for a license and as soon as same is granted he will open the place for business. A. W. llish will receive fresh fish Tuesday a:ul Friday of each week near the lHJstofiiee. Medford. ! 1 -,lorc "earls that Heat as One. i " 1 uelay evening ot tins week. ! Mr. G. W. Williams, of Xlouford. and Mrs. H. G. Shock, of Kagic Point, were i married in this city, Hv. Stephens of- jlleialing. They are now domiciled at the --room's residence, corner of Tenth and H streets. Co to .the Medford 5-hav-ng parlors l for a firl-cl:L5S shave, W L. TtnTiisend. j i'"Ti ".-. Planted 300 Fruit Trees. Dr. S. Danielson has been devoting his spare time for the pat weeK or ten days to fixing up about" his resident property in West Medford. Among the noticeable improvements is th setting out of 300 fruit trees of ditTerent varieties. Have you seen those noboy hats at Muller's? . If not, you should before purchasing elsewhere. A Pair of Cripp!es--Temporarily. Both K. W. Carder and S. S. Wilson are laid 011 thu retired shelf for a few davs. owing to the former having pushed a nail ihvp into the flesh of his hand and the latter ditto, only 'twas the foot instead.of hand. E. H. Davis, proprietor of the Medford dray line, has four foot and tier wood always on hand. West Medford, OneTally. V. J. Fredenburg, better known as Jack, is just as happy and pcond as any parent in this city. .A little girl baby came to his home Sunday and is booked for a U ng stay. Stockmen who are contemplating having poster printing done are in vited to call at this office and get prices. Moved to New Quarters. The furniture stock of Weeks Bros, has been moved to the firm's new and spacious salesrooms, on Sev enth street, where W. II. McGowan is in charge as salesman. Clothing! Clothing! The latest in spring nnd summer suits just arrived at Angle & Plymale's. Returned to the Hub. J. II. Thorndike and family havo re turned to Medford from Grants" Pass and will be residents again of the livli cst little city iu Southern Oregon, for a time without date. Straw Hats! Fifty. dozon of all styles and grades just received at Angle & Plymale's. A Couple of School Notes. - Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. W. U. Moore, of Jacksonville, visited tho schools last Tuesday. Rev. Fisher attended tho Monday morning exercises of the public school. Fine hand mado chocolate candies, only 2.3 cts. a pound, nt the new candy factory, opposite tho Clarendon hotel. New Shoeshop, E. Keinhold, a recent arrival iu Med ford, from Spokane Falls, has routed a room on South Front street and in a few days will be prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot and shoo lino.' Too rtuch News. We are obliged to carry over until next week several coinmunlrationB from our regular cor reHpomlents as well ns any amount of good local news. Sorry, but we cant help It, you know. Try a pair of "no rip 'em" Bull breeches, at Angle & Plymale's. Learning Typewriting. MIks Clara SkecJ has taken a position In the law ofllce of Attorney J. H. Whitman. The lady will learn typewriting and other olllcc work. Five acres of land set out to prunes, for salo. Enquire at the Owl grocery. W. C. T. U. Convention. The convention which closed Wednesday In Medford was us Interesting and profitable an occasion as has been held for some time. We give below lh names jf the delegates nnd tbc visitors from a distance who were In attend ance. A full report will appear next week: Delegates -Mesdames Addle Kalley, A. A. Kclloug, Hose DeUroot, S. A. Fawcett, Anna I". Hammond. Miller, of Medford; Klla Car ney. Kagle Point; W. H. Moore, Jacksonville; L. K. Morris. A. H. Kuss-11. E. C. Galey. K. H. Hatch, J. S. Smith. Pratt, D. H. Hyde, of Ashlaud; M. M. Coleman, Phoenix. In attendance Mesdames Minerva Hmlth, Ashland; M. J. True, Grinin creek; Lucia Ad dlton, Portland; Or. Kabler and wlf;-, Ifc-v. White, 1'hoeuix; Itev. J. S. Smith and wife, llev. Ulack, Ashland; Hev. Kil Fisher, Dallas; Itev. c. .s. Cravens, Kev. Alex. Foster and wife, Medford; Prof. Croherst, Grand Leoturer I. O. G. T., Mr. Turner and others. My stock of gent's furnishing goods ia new mid complete in every detail I. M. Muller. The Earlier symptoms of dyspep.-ia, such as distress after eating, heartburn, and occasional headaches, should not be neg'lecled. Take. Hood's Sarsaparilla if you wish to be cured. llood's Pills cure all Liver Ills",' Bil iousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. Ladies' gauze vOstst 10 cents and upwards at Angle & Plymale's. Green Goods. Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will ff-t into truuble every lime and in the enJ por erty and dUsrare. The genuine Uncle Sam's Kreen poods are the only ones of value. They nuke you rich: especially when usej to pur chase Simmans I.iver Regulator to cure your Indigestion. Ivpeiwia. Constipation or HiUou ne--s. or drive awuy Malaria. Don't be tempted to lake aayihlnfr else in place of the KcgTilalor. LAND K0I SAL At GO per cent of actual value. Six-hundred acres of land situated on Rogue river bottom, and creeks and up laud adjacent, three and one haif miles north of Central Point suitable 1 for gram." fruit or stock: good fence and buildings controls extensive range adjoining. Wiil sell all or any part on very liberal terms.- I:;teud,ing pur chasers will do well to examine this projierty before buying c-Uewhere. Call at premises or address the undcr dersigued at Central Point. W. IJ. K INX AID. Having secured a line of baby caps tna wm pleas-! '.tie lond mothers, we j jvi..e you tocome and bring the babies. ! lo low- lhtf. look ou lhe 'ttie beauties. IJaeket. ; How to I'nild I p Our Town, Making it a plac of heaaty and ac tractive lo new comers. Se: out Bowers and shrubs, cover your houses with ines and buv thv.rf-om the Medford Green House. You wiil fiud prle p:ants sure to gro-v. as thev are home grown, with vitality unimpaired by j i packing and a large journey, bt sides, j keeping the money at home, which is ' j sure to be circulated again among you. j Choice roses a sjivialty strong plants. 1 j cents: twiwear-old for immediate I jelieci. i cents., nous plant in j i varieties at comparatively low prices, ' Choice varieties of Asters. JI.X per ! hundred. Vegetable plants now ready. All are invited to call and see for them- Chase combination dental plates made with gold aud aluminium roofs. Filling inserted iu porcelain teeth to perfect appearanee, at Dr. O. F. D.-m- iOrest's dental parlors. Medford. There Was a Jingling of Wedding Jingling Bells. Lat Sunday was the occasion of th uniting of two of Medford s most esti mable voting people in the Kinds of , holy matrimony. The two who have thus united their hearts and hands fo1" a life of promised connubial felicity are Mr. Francis G. Plymale and Miss Bessie M. Brouso. Sunday morning about ten o'clock a carriage cor.taining tho then soon to be bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. II. ti. Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Johu Currv was seen driving south from Medford and their destination was easily guessed it was the farm resi dence of Kev. M. A. Williams, which gentleman performed the marriage ceremony, and who, by-the-way, per formed tho same ceremony for the groom's father and mother twenty- seven years ago. aikiui one ociock the party returned and drove directly to the residence of the bride's mother: Mrs. M. Brouso, on North Front street, where they were welcomed by friends nnd relatives. A splendid dinner was served nnd after congratulations had been the 'rounds the happy couple ad journed to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Sirs. F. SI. Plymale. where they wiil make their home un til another spring when they expect to move to Sir. Plymale's fine farm north of Slodford, where tney will have charge of affairs. Aside from those of the immediate families present at the reception were Sir. and Mrs. D. H. Miller, Dr.. and Mrs. YV. S. Jones and Jas. SI. Brous. Tho groom, Gabe, as he is called by everybody who knows him, is one of the square, honorable young men of tho city and is posessed of good busi ness ability with experience coupled with it. The bride is a very fino young lady with friends everywhere. She is a recent graduate from tho Medford public schools and is an honor to the best society in the best or Social circles. They both have friends iu all parts of tho surrounding country all of whom aro now extending a hearty succession of congratulations THE MAIL wants to bo figured as one of the above friends and in consideration of the kindly ad monitions personally bestowed we have smoked largely from Gabe's box .of Ilavanas. . . Frank Ravey has resigned ns grand lecturer of tho A. O. U. W. in Oregon. He has also severed his connection as Lihunager of tho Keolcy institute at Forest Grove, 1 f,'J t j! J I I i THE COMFORTS OF HOME A Happy Household Is one that is well fed. No Housewife A Well Attired STETSOJSL HATS I LTEBS, Te fiiocer. H. M. BALL. Pres. Tscoma. Washington. . CAPIfAL Jackson - County plume iinniva 1 1 Has opened a Land Department, and is prepared to transact a General Real Estate Business. - Bought- and sold or handled on Commission. Because of ottr conacotio Vs both on the Coast and in the East our facilities for placing property are unexcelled. Address correspondence to W. T Offices ix Hamux Block. TAYLE THE sgr- Boot and Shoe Hospital Can be found next door iikiuson's Meat Market. Ladies' Stylish Button Boots, Latest stvles in Oxford Pate men's shoes, also Resisting"' school Shoes. Custom YVork and Repairing promptly attended to. ITHE PROOF OF THE fcJP U UDING IS TEE EATING. THIS Applies t. ;ho phinocrophir a. wolt the culinary art. your photo work maile by the WIRTH jTh hove name on a Phol anence. We furnish at our gallery and at our gallery and examine Seventh St., - QONTRACTOR JOBBING OF All work guaranteed first-class. all kind of work Bills of LUM11KK of all kimls nlteJ on short Kinds any ltiic in ibt shpe of weoii fedford, above name on a Photograph is a srurantee of excellence and per manence. We furnish everything in the photographic line. Call J. R. WIL 11 nrr MinjTTTj GENERAL BLACKSMITH "Wagons and 33ugpdes Eado to Order All Work Warranted First Class. ('or. C aud Eight streets Medford, - - "- - - - Oregon. r 1 Are never quite complete unless your Tarder is supplied with the beet and freshest of Groceries. Can prepare a palatable meal if she has not pood material with which to work. W'olters. the Grocer, supplies these articles. Gentleman is always pleasing to look upon. For a very little nionev Wolters can fit you out to fill" the bill. His' ;Are beauties SLO-MOOO. W. E. COUL. Sec'y and Superintendent. ANY GOMP SHURTLEFF, Land Agent. MEDFORD OREGON FOOT FITMS- and Southern ties. Ileaw Tp to 'Wear full stock of children's - ' For pertaisen and rs?!isb!e PHOTO be l lor Uin to have PHOTO COMPANY. work, and get retiuced prices. - Medford, Ore. and gTJILDER, ALL KINDS. Plans and estimates famished either brick or wood. for notico. Sash. Doors and Mill work of U vvrt can tc haa ou saort notice. Oregon. Cn '""tilll'"m" Al HORSE SHOER. V 1 ADDRESS 6aJ cl A A A Y