"A3 old aa h,e hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Ecgu :yv lator is the f P T"TP V v-j Liver -!JDOI'f'Of and Kidney medicine to which you .can pin your . faith for a . hJfl c u r o . e A J. IJUft' mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, actr 7") nS directly A-' C oa the Liver 4- and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all jPruggists in Liquid, pr in Powder fo be taken dry or made into a tea. The King ot liver Medicines. 1 have- used yonrSimmons Liver Recu iatorand can consoieuciously ey it is the tine of all liver medicines, I consider it a medicine ciiest fri itself. Geo. JV. Jack box, Taeoma, Washington. J3-EVEKY PACKAGE-g M tl Z Stamp In red on wrapper. NO r MAN L Sas ever been known to have the Cholera who na,d Ms shaving and hair cutting done at THE PAL ACS. !.! LI fkESS S A COMPANION TO GODLINESS I purbatbsare two bits each. Seventh, street, iiedtord, Oregon. THE PALACE. UC CJSiflEB CFWINR 8 PHI'r 1 1 .i 1 The Bsst - Lightest Runsing 4 and Most JJine out of every tea Sewing - in tho world are Machines ia use snsroERS. jSo'd for Gash pr Easy installments. Agents in every county. Head office for this jtatc at 31 Momscn street, Portland, Ore. Send for Catalogue. AS? AND S0TJT BY THE :lhe Shasta Route OF TEH.- . 'mmm pacihc ; coifam. EXPRESS TltArXS LEAVE PORT LA XD ' DA1LV- ' SSonth 6:15 p. m 1 Ly. :4s p. m Lv. luz-So am J Ar. North Ar. I S31a.m Lt I 5A p. m Lv. I 7.-00 p. id Portland Med ford San Francisco Above trains stop at all stations from Port land to Albany inenisive." Also Tangent, fhedds, Haisey, Harristnrir. Junction City. Irving. Eugene and at a!l stations fsom Kose arg to AhUuid inclusive. RCSiiBURG MAIL DAILY. 830 a. m 1 Lv &au p. ni Lv Portland Hose burg Ar I 4:30 p. m Lv T.Oj a. in Dining Cars oa Cgden Route. guilaian Bufett Sleepers and Second Class f Sleeping Carsattached to all Ihzarh trains Jk-tween Portland and Corvalis. V.'EST SIDK DIVISION. Malt trams daily, except Sunday: . l$0 n. m I Lv ' Portland Ar j ::'-1 p.m il:b p hi j Ar CorvallU Lv j la) p. m At Albany and Corvallls connect yrith trains " cf orejrou Pacific railroad'. Express Trains daily, except Sunday: fclOp.m IjV "-Portland- ArlSiila.m tf, mAr McJIinaville LvjoOa. m 3-Throc2h tickets to all points in the Eastern states, Canada aud Europe can be ob- tainra at lowest rates ixom t'.- v . i.tppincoit, 'Agent. Medford, ' ' a. koehlkk: e. p. rggers. .Mjal!r. ; iSL(i. F.SiP Art laanser. . PORTLAND, OREGON. Por;ot?tand in your . YOUR OWN light. If vou have a bad f Coiigh and Cold 1 1 la dnnireroiiH to neglect if. Mrs. K. D. Whit -w.orA. of Chinoerra Bails-. V.-'is.. Kavi she tried fil the DCui ORS to that section and found no -etiet forhei LUNGS untiil by accident -he tried MOITAECEf BALSAM nd irntrrdiaf almost in ttantlv. Itev. Stabler. pastor M'. E. church, Kicevtlle, Iowa, says Mon arch Balsam is the most enVciivo Cough and Long remedy he ever used, for golden results followed its use. Monarch Balsam is double the lze of ail other remedies, the best and the cheapest. - Price, : 25 and 50 cents per bottle A Mfg , by V.'ILLSOM- BKOS-, !i?crtoD, Wis eomun. For sate by . H. HASK1N5, Medford .OBTAIN A PATENT ? For cwet-aod an honest oprrion. write' to sCOwbo hare had Dearly lixtr years' icmce la the patent business. Commonlea Quietly oonailclAl. A Handbook of la irmation coneerni Wtessasrs and bow to oo- ain them sent f nW 0 i catalogue of median- J .l St umt fniA . .. Vatants taken tb touch Mann i Co. receive l notice xa toe scientinc AMertean ST14 Brousnvwiq.enjwji.rei.iie punucwito- IUJ limojL i-nio Bineuuni-uautijT; tiTSVsMtnited. ana by lax the stloa of any scteuuae work la th? 8am pte coprea sent fresV- T nwrntiily, sfcl-SOa year. Bingla Ererv xuxmtkAB. Aontnina baaiw colors, an'fl oto$rra,pbs of new , enaiwina Duiioorv to ioow mm jj(W YOK3, SOI BBOApWAJ, PACIFIC COAST ITEMS. A BRIEF CHRONICLE OF CURRENT NEVS OF IMPORTANCE. A. Bank Cashier Murdered at San Fran cisco Sending: Frosted. Oranjrcs East. Suicide of a Harbor at Santa Ana. hjnrle Rates to.tlie East. Scarlet fever is ii "tho Virginia (Nev.) jail. Tho salmon season ou the Columbia opens April 10. No knives or forks are permitted in tbo Spokane jail. Smallpox has broken ont among the Chinese at Vancouver. Iron guide-posts are to bo placed be tween Yuma and San Diego to protect desert travelers. Frank Hulxr, a Santa Ana barber, .committed suicide by cutting the arter ies in his thigh and arm. William Thomas, the son of a wealthy rancher at San Jacinto, committed sui cide because lie lost a yalnablo horse. William M. Sheldon has been ap pointed' receiver of the Scmi-Tropical Land and Water company at San Ber nardino. Wallace Scluiz, aged 12, of San Diego was instantly killed while play ing with a revolver which was accident ally discharged. A prison trusty at Folsom was knocked down mid gored by a bull. It is possible that the in nil will die from his injuries. At Chewelah, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Barnes, teachers in the public school, were fined $50 and costs for brutally beating a son of William Duffy. The Ynmas have consented to take land allotments in severalty. Lands that can be utilized for agricultural purposes will be appraised and sold for the bene fit o; the tribe. A prominent bushier man of Marys- lie, hurrving to the locul morning vule, hurrying train, thought he had forgotten Ins watch nt home and took the time-piece 1 out of his pocket to see if he had time I to go back and get it. I A private detective and a deputy con I stable started ont on a new clew to look for the Kescoe train robbers, and brought a tvrisoner back to town who proved to be a detective w::o had nn!nr? bv Sheriff Ciir.e a few been ew uuys previous to shadow ceri;iin suspected parties. At Eddy, in the Ttxos valley, X. M., the farmers are cultivating canaigre and are getting $10 jx-r ton ia its green siato for all they can raise. The plant resem bles the rhnrbarb pie plant in leaf and the beet ia its root. It is valuable for the tannic acid it carries and is utiliied ; ge in tanning leather. Mrs. Silvia Xorthway, at Gunnison, Cob, wants information of Frank W. Xortbway; a miner and quarryman. He was in Salt Lake when hist heard from. He is 5 feet 6 inches high. 40 years old, medium build, one foot deformed, tak ing a 7 shoe, while the other took an wore mustache when last seen. . but usually full beard. E. Lehmann, who won" the heart of Rosa Hnnsucker, a womau 30 vears c : 's i """, i , age, ana aecomparuea ner irom Francisco to Stockton and abandoned her there, taking her trunk with h:iu", has been convicted of seduction. Tho jury was out aoont n?-e minutes, i r.n verdict was against the judgv's instruc tions. The Washington shingle manufactur ers have issued circulars stating that in the future they will sell to Eastern deal ers carload lots at the same rate as that now given to Western commission deal ers. This plan, while it will probablv cause a fight among Western deaii-rs, is expected to be of great benefit to manu facturers, as they will be able to scil all their product to Eastern buyers, thus saving the middlemen's profit. The Bedlaxds Citrograph hie: un- earthed proof that the Riverside Orange Growers exchange has contracted with Th acker Bros, to pack 100 carloads of inferior and frosted oranges, of wiiich 1.87 carloads have been shipped in wrap j pers and boxes bearing the brand "Riv erside Kedianus, without a mark shov.-- ing which town they were grown in. It j also claims the exchange, has contracted to pack Riverside. fruit nauer the -Biv- erside Bedlanda" brand for Ransom ! t Bros. An interview with ilanager Perrv ' of the exchange is pnplU-hed in which 1 he admits the charge and acknowledges that the fruit shipped was so badly frosted that the exchange did not want it shipped, under its own brand. The chamber of commerce held a special meeting and denounced the fraud, and took steps to advertise it extensively. A dastardly crime was committed ia the Idarket street branch of the San Francisco Savings Union at San Fran cisco a few days ago. William A. Her- ncit, tue casnier. was assassinated in eold blood by Frederick Bounemont. Bonnemont entered the bank soon after the opening hour and handed a note, decorated with skull and crossboces. to the cashier, which contained a de mand for money and a .threat to blow nil the building if the demand was not complied with. Herrick read the note and shook - his head. Without a warn ing word Bonnemont drew a revolver and shot Herrick in tho breast, killing him instantly. The bookkeejier shot nt the assassin twice, but his aim was not effective, nnd Bonnemant ran ont of the door and np the street. He was captured under a house, where he had prawded to escape a pursuing mob. Tho dead cashier was a popular young man, aged about 30. At the police station the assassin was identified as William Fred ericks, who is charged with the murder of Brakeinan Bruce and Sheriff Pascoe in Nevada county. He said is name is William Frederick Bonnemont, and that he carried the arms to Folsom prison for Sontag and the other prisoners who made a desperate attempt to escapo last year. Fredericks was a friend of Chris Evans. A Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles are known by moisture like presperation, crusing intense itch ing when warmv This form as well as blind, bleeding or protruding yield at once to Dr. BosanUo's Fild remedy, which acts directly on the parts effect ed, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure- &() cts. Drug gists or mail. Circula'-s free. Dr. Bosariko, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by G, H. Haskins, druggist, fedford. DR. GUNN'S, ONION SYRUP l FOR C0UGHSt. COLDS A NO CROUP, GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In raisin a ffiwiily of ulna children, my only rem ady foi Coufihs, Oolclo atd Croup vraa enlou ayrup. Ic iaJUHtat-tfe3tiwto-day b Jt was forty years aK. Tfow.iny eracdchildrnn tnio Gunn'i Onion Syrup which l,olriidy prpurcd and mora pleasant to tbo tait-. Sold st CO cents a bottle. FprSle"y Geo'. H. Haekins 'Medford. m is a ample one easily decided by reason and coalmen sense. m m 0 m the new scientifically prepared shortening is made, from pure beef suet, and highly refined vegeta ble oil. Lard is made, in the majority of cases, ia the packing-house, and not ns of old, from the pure leaf of the hog. Which is likely to be the most healthful ? Decide for yourself. It must be Send three cents In stamps toN. K. Kairbank & Co.,Chic-go. for handsome Cottotene Cook llooka coiuaiuim six hundred recipe, prepared by nine eminent autho rities on cooking. Cottolene is sold by all grocers Kcfma all substitutes. m 0 rlsdc only ty fN. K. FAIR3ANK &. CO., ST. LCU15 and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. , ""."'V' T r's 'l'" yw,r ,f ,S:lt': I A.ue auu- hi ..... ;.ii licisiuiai prop- ! erty in California, i,-";-:,0(V),(HKi: Wssh ! ir.gton. $T00,0O0.00: Oregon. S.7.i0.0ti0.- COO: Xuvada. !S0.CK),(KH): Arizona JlSOOO.lsV: Mew Mexico. fc:51 .000.000: Utah. :W).t0.H!0. Mew York loals with $,"."O.iHV.000. W yoming is the poorest of the states, with $ 1 0:).000,CKV1. The per capita of valuation for the en tire covtr.'rv has increase:! from $00S iu ! ILoO to 5.1.'. ::.) in 1SD. The prr capita j in California has increased from 2;i0 in i I lS.-j0to-.0i: i:i lf30. Odifornia had ! 1:1 r.J.s-01 f;.rms. inclndinu' lands j Ivth improved ami unimproved, over j i SI. 000.000 acres. California stood six- j j teeuth in the number of horses owned, ! j as well as in mul.'s and assi-s. Shestiwd ' 1 lv.vurv-s-.xiii in tiuniiier or wor oxen. teenia m mil 1 cows, seventh in ! other ca:t!e. tWLT.ty-swond in swine, third in the nnir.W-r of s-h.-ep. iiH-liiilin? si woo! lauii-s. and si xvr.d 111 pounds tf :ircdi:-el iii l-.l. Ohio head.nl the list with nearly S 1 .OOO.WH) pounds, Ca!ifon:i: shearing over lO.OoO.Ooo. California headed the i:-t of Imrley pii duoors with 17.rM.''sOO bnslit-K She was second in wheat, with -pi.iTOn.tHO bushels. Minm-.Jota leading with .Vi.OcO. 000. Calif-ni:i was third in hops, with C.V.OOO pounds. Washington ;roducing S.0O".lX.iO and New York 20.(n.1i.ik;k). Ciuiiomia was second in Ivan raising. i having TtXl.iXM bus!:e!s, against New I York, 1.100.000. Spociraen Cases. j II. C'.i!T-..rd, New Cnsid. Wis.. v.as tro.iM :d wish n -uralgia and rheu 'uiiitism, his st.imach was disordered. liis jiver v.as a:Tec".o.i to an alarming ! li.'.'rc. a,;p tite fell away tn 1 he wa- ! ".i-rihly redw.-d in Hh and s'.ren-.h. j Three;" bottles of F.!ee:ric Ilit'.ei-s I cured him. I K.hv.i:-,i siheidierd. II srrishur-. I'd.. ! had a :-u:i:ii::L'W-r-- o:: his 1- g of eiht j ytutrs" sfr.di.g. Used thrv lw!t!--f of j'Kectrie Bi:t';s and stven Isixes of i of r.uck! n's Arnica S-dvo. and his 1 g l is sound and well John Sin-akor, Cat- J. .!.. na.i ;;ve targe lever sores on his 1 -g. d v;o:-s said h as ir.cur-.iii'c. O ae bonk r.ieeiiic l!'.ters ami on ? k leu's Arnica S.dvo cured ,-. Soid at G. II. Haskir.s' box o! liiu him entire!, drug stci'e. The production I thror.gh.mt the world of Jl dar year ls'j.J i the bureau r.-f t! i.o .-j.mo f.,r tv ca:vn. the !:::.: estimate of l' init::. The pr.xiuc- tioa ot was i.K4i. showing an increase of $1 I,i:.i.uk. misinlv fttr- nished bv the United States. South. Af-iea and B-. ii. T7:e fitir-: for tiie U id Stale-. aV.l.f.u-h u. t vet cni'e let epiite complete, indicate an i sctea 000. T'no iucreasa in S:n:h r ft .itv. -1 A -!.., i about 'ts.-ti.tMi, and in Bu.-sia .urd Australia i-VW.ft') each. Thero wi'd be small gains in other countries, including China ami Japan, but they may be offset lit- on'l hs.'R els where. Tiie rnTvirt r.:ii-!Hii-j- the treasury deoiirtmeiif m.V.. ,i: cate the moduction of rold Ls bein- pushed to its fhaximuni. and that im- i "Secretary of State Grolnun has nego proved process. will Ik; u-sed to the nt- tinted a new treaty wit h China. Its must to incrcr--e the on'rut for ISPS. j provisions are indorsed by Congressma-i Kheumatism Quidt.y Curel. Three days is a ve which to cure a bad t tim-.s in : IMS- Of I'ueuiua - tismtbtit it car. bMloiie. il tna pvoj.er trealinent is adopts, as tv.II be ? n bv the follow ing from James La mix- rt. of Now 15ri.nsTek. Ills.: "I was bu.ily ism: but it car. b aflliet-;d with i hi!iima'.is:n i:i the hi s and legs, win n I Isiugl.t a bottle of Chamberlain's Pair. Balm. It eurvd tin: in three days. J am all right to- j day: and would m.-ist on everyone who is ai.tic t.',Iie:-.il veitri ll.al t.-j-ri ll! d ls:llso to us.;. Chamberlain's I':d:i Balm and P:d:i Balm and gt . well at one... ml cent isjlties for sale by ti. II. Ilaskiu:.. Scandal lovers did much mntcrial for l:scns-ioti in mo l oi.ara-Lrec.nridgo case at Washington. The prosecution clewed its case somewhat unexpectedly, and the defense was licgun soonei- than the colonel's attorneys expected, Tho defense is a partial denial of the charges, but, the promise to marry is not denied. Brecktnndgo said he agreed to marrj- SIiss Pollard so she could retire from unpleasant circumstances grace- fully. He avers there was no intention on eitner sine to marry 1 oe entire um":o popnlntinn of Ix-hi, U. T., and of sr.iToitiiding hamlets is engaged in staking out claims in the new gold mining district two miles from Jordan river and yo miles spilth of Salt Lake. The ore is nink slate iif stratiiied veins, assays ."J i-er ton and tho ledgo is two miles long and SO feet thick. Governor Waite has issued an address complimenting the National Guard for their conduct nt Denver and Cripple Creek on tho occasion of tho recent threatened distni biujcas. Ho expressly commends Oeneral Brooks, Adjutant General TiirsiH-y and Captain ICiiicaid for rejecting the attempt to tamper with their loyalty on 1 ho occasion of tho jit tack 011 the city hall. " . Reports from tho two imltistritd armies now uf.irching to. Washington oneTof which started from IMiufiiUoii, C, and the other from Los Augeles, have not so far contained any news of depre datioiis or criauw. Much apprehension, however, is felt. Both iinjiioa con stantly increase in numbers, and forag ing is sure to result when the "soldiers" are not provided with frrub by the people aloij'j the bue of inarch. ' RECORD OF CRIMES AND ACCIDENTS. Evans, who shot and killed Exprers Messenger Tovcy between lone ..and Jackson, C-al.,- has been sentenced to inv prisonment for life. Asa Guy Garner, who was charged by the American Exjiress company with having stolen $22,-"00 from a jj.ickage of tSO.OOO, hiis been nccpiitted at New Or leans. Mrs. James White, colored, of Fresno put stryclmihe in hey husband's toddy, Lnt it failed to kill him. Whito says Ins wife tried to kill him to get his property, which amounts to about $r00. Marion Childers, who shot his own horse and said it was killed in a light with Chris Evans, has lx-en held at Fresno on a charge of robbery." Cliild ers was twice before arretted ou tho same charge. A private mint, making silver dollars as good lis those made by tho govern ment, is in operation somewhere in the vicinity of Omaha. Over BOO.OOi) of these dollars have been put in circula tion. The coin cannot be detected from . the genuine. Secret service ofticers aro trying to locate the counterfeiters. The headless body of a little girl w:is found in a coal bin in a cellar of a rookery in "Hell's. 'Kitchen," New York city. The' child was abducted and liiur .dcred, the body lei:ig boiled after the head was severed from the trunk. The child's parents are Jo!ni Martin nnd wife. The girl w.vf sent on an errand March 8 i.nd never returned. E. F. Willis was killed by his daughter Lilian and his wife at Rome, N. Y. The news of the tragedy did not leak ont for several days, until a son, Francis, aged 11, told it to neigh! -rs. The daughter testified that her father was choking her mothir..when she cut his throat with a 1 riinor and then brained him with an ax. The jury after lieing out fur some time rendered a verdict of "not guilty." Fred Miles, a 13-yir-ohl !' living in the fourth story of the Fresno Loan and Savings bi:nk building, fell down the elevator hnft nnd had a lairucn'.ous escape from death. I was in a hurry to reach the st net. and in leaning ii.to the siiaft at the fourth story, intending to 1 till the elevator rope, he lout his bal ance. His weight started the elevator np. Tito roiio burned his hands severely K fore he let go nnd fell. lie must have fallen at least two stories and met the elevator coming up. He dashed through the elevator ceiling, tearing the th.-h of his right leg frum the bone and pressing i it up toward the knee for a distance of four inches. The shock of the fall started the elevator down, and by the time the crowI..V.ttractoi bv the noise of the fall, arrived, it was at the bottom fall. Twenty-live stitches were re- 1 ' ' '"'" .... nun- were t roKea and liiere wre no internal injuries. Bev.o. Nev., ganiiing the ' a dnngenms seri-ir.si.v thinks of reor 'CtM. " Thf town is fail of class. Seta- Tavlor was .'.shot and wounded by a footpad ieci !:l ly. i The latest offer for the Cor!i-tt:.Tack-son fight comes from An..ti:i. Tex. A ; purse of ifti-Vm) is said to have 1-evn I oiTered. the fight to take place on Meii- can so;L j S.-ni-.tor Ste.vart has writien a letter I to J. S. Coxcy. commander of th Com monweal Atmy r.ow marching to Yah ! ington. in v. l.irh he advi.se tlte nf.eiii i p!ovi-l to "march to the polls oti e;.v:;..:i : diy." j A large body of ice was driven :T ' from St. Jidu-.s. N. F.. carrying with it a party of .11 men who were killing seals. ' It is feared many have J-er:'..-. i. Two dead iMtlie.-, have ix-n ln-i;ght a'!u.n ' and steamers are searching f r the rest . of t he party. The National League of Purity at New York and Boston h.n d- f.'.and.sl ; that Cotigierj-iiian Breckinridg-' be !: ; ii:eJ ftoia ( tiuv. n,soh:t; us iisiiiug ctngress to iiu;tnih the Kentucky rep- nei;tat:ve have le n mt.! ; Wa-hing- j ton. The league aim asks Mrs. Bi-eck- niriilge to leave tier uusiitiad. j The amendments to the mnninpal law regarding S-.inilay oherva::co , ndcputl by the legislature h.is create ! j ctnstvnin:ioa at Victoria, B. C. A stop I is put to all business, exeejif tvaveying , travelers, the otK-ratteu of ratlwavs and , , u.u'r. tue street railways, the business of drTv;crs and livery stable keeper selling of drugs r.tid medicines acd other ; '" ' T!"-' " fission riay. " reinventing the arrest, vnai ami crueinx:..;! (-i t nrit. 1 was enacted on rtster St-.mlav at the 6uburb:in town of Teculaea. Mexico. w i'iiunii iii.o.-.-- u.im.i;. oi ss'ie. ,ue jH-rformi rs. as usual, lacing Mexican la- dians. Iti the presi ntati.in of the scene of the Wtrayul of Jesus Christ on Olivet, j when Judas- betrays the Saviour bv a i kLss. the crowd fell ; kLss. the crowd fell upon the- im-vrso- ' nator and beat hiiu sound Gearv ami tae l antenna tU-Ieg; oil. ; T,..!,ji,Tation of I3iiiu Immigration of Chinese Ls aljsolntelv 1 in t . i i iiromiii.eo o v- e..cj'c u.Hcuers. '.,,. - truveleis and merchant. -j,;.,,.. owning fl ."H-0 worth ofpertr ; .....j S;.,tw are to w a,tt. . . . . I U existing reg.s.nu.oa laws are not m any way interfered witlu j The biggest laud grant claim ever : made in this country is now liefore the United States court of private land . nt sHnta Fe. N. M. It is fc,,. ' - .. .... . .. ..... .'..t-'i it n f.r.iiir .inn Tt ir I - v. i mm. , '', H. x-. .. ir" V . . , V il. in in i'ii.'j ... - - - .-.v..,. null zotia. The eastern lionndary of. tho grant is nooni iu iiuies east, ot Mlvrr (-i;v, and tho grunt extends west nlmnt ! 2.-.0"m-if , kirfte.ding Ph.-enix. the capital j ,lf Arizoim. The width of the grant is - - .,,,,,, o,, ...ties. Between Silver (St v nua riKnnix there are alu j lliw,.s f iu,j,-rtiince. and s ... . . aoout a dozen 1 stmio ..r tin. I ricl.st mineral and agricultural regions j iu thf. ,n;.;ri, S,)Uthwest, all of which :(re jm.iudtd in this enormous grant, i wliol, is caimed by u man iiam.sl j Ufavis and hi associates, who have ! fonil,.(i ei.mpany for the prosecution ' 0f ,h0 claim. A Forty Mtla Hide. F.. H. Sn-etnaiu. of Fairfax Station, Virginia, savs: "A party cam.! forty j meA t. inv store for Chamberlain's (lough lloinedy 'und bouoht a dozen hot ties. Tho 'remedy is a groat fuvo.- it.o in tins vicinity anil lias pei lorine.i some wonderful cures hero.'' It is iu- tended rapeeially for coughs, colds, croup ami whooping eouyli and is n favoritn .ytherever known. For Sale by (j. II. flaskins. . DR. GUNN'S lairnovED LIVER FILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL, Wo iruerpjttca that ono of Ihrnc ptH ft I'touLOO bctttr results tn lha cure of llpsdneho, Coativt'iK'O". tSour btomnoli, liad lircmtU and UltKi rifrifi, thtin ihrroio tlvo ot Any pther make, and do tt wihot Hiipintf und slckeuiiiti. lhcir wondrrful snt.on moitcB you foel lik a nrw being, flfte. s box. Drugf tsLo cr pistil. Ho&auko Med. Ce4 IliUiiu. rv . For S!lu by Ceo. II. Haskins, Mori ford. Am ek WW Jllltl.llllllMllllllllllllllMHillllllllllimiiiliiiH iHait Death 2 iu?.tctly removes and torevcr destroys ; z o!iJecliimoleliiilr,whelhP.rHponU)t; hands, z z face, :trinsor nuek.wilhnul diHcoloration or z z itijury to tiie most delicti? sUin. Itwasfor z lltty yeai'H tlic secret fnrtnuln of Erasmus z Wtisitn, ucUuewlcdifi'il byphysijiansastlic : ; hilicst autlmrily and inc. most itiiiiiient z Z dermatologist arid linirspcclalist thatevtrr z z lived. liiriiifr his private practice of a z Z life-time nmmiK the nobility and arislo- Z cr:icy of Kin-ope he prescribed this recipe. 2 i'rlc'e, ) by mall securely packed. Cur- Z z rcsiioiidi'iicc conltdciitiid. Solo Aleuts : S for America. Adtlrcss Z Z THE SKOOKUM BOOTHAin GROVCR CO. : z Uept. II., lu South l'ifta Ave, New York, z nnlllliiiMilllHiifllltHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiltiil'lii' limir ERUTAL RUSSIAN ESPIONAGE. I'otlco AKont lo Ntt IleMltnte to Com mit Hurglnry and Murdor. Between St. Petersburg and Kovno J stopped for a chat with a frioml who knows the devious methods of Russian irovcrnment, liretl.v well. Knvs IViiilt.nor i Uigelow in Harper's Jt.-17.ar. I told him my tale and asked him what he made of it. . "Nothing is simpler," said he. "You are politely requested to disappear from Kiissia at the shortest possible notice. You have been watched from beginning to end and you may be watched at this moment. You might have waited a mouth in St. Petersburg', but you would never have got an answer to your re quest." "But." said 1, "what if I had gone on without permission?" "You would never have known what had interfered with you. You would have been arrested at the first conven ient place and kept.a week or so pend ing examination. What is .most likely, however," said he, "some dark night vour boats would have been smashed to kindling wood; your stores, papers and j valuables would-have been taken away and yourselves turned adrift 5u a swanip." "But," said I, "you don't mean to say that a great government would permit such a thing?" "Oh! of course not. Our great gov ernment would express the most pro found regret at the accident; it would insist that the damage was done not by police agents, but by common thieves. In any event you would be stopped Iks fre vou got a hundred miles away from St. lVtersburg. and. what is 1 more, you w.mlil never be able to prove j that the government had stopped you. j in i.ussia we are lar atieatl ol west- j em r.urope. e nave copied lyncn law frirn America, only here the govern- j nii'nt does the lynching. When a man ' is obnoxious, reads or writes or talks ! tK) much, we do not bother courts and sheriffs. lie disappear about ! that ! is all. When his friends come to iupiire after him the government shrugs its shoulders and knows nothing about it. lie has b. -. i: hilled by robbers, perhaps, or he has committed suicide! The gov ernment cannot be held responsible for every traveler in Kusia, of course! "When a military attache is suspected of knowing too much about Uus.sian af fairs his rooms and ransacked. re always broken into ! Not by the gi'-vern- , ment o!i. dear, r.o! 1 hat would be shocking! It is always done by bur glars, l'.ut. oi-.l to say, these Kussian burglars always care particularly for pajH'rs aibl letters. "The tiermuu military attache has hail his room 'broken into twice in this manner, and. to prevent a third inva sion, he assured the chief of police that there was n; us? d.-ing it any more; that he really never kept a::V important pajHTS there. Since then he lias been troubled by otiicial burglars." UNFORGIVABLE SINS. not ! O!nso V. htri No Itlcht-Ml-itled Woman j V.'III I"arlon or Condone. j Certain sitis of omission and eommis j sioa there are for which there is neither i f. r ivcros n.-r ab;o':ution. A woman i v. ill f- rr'ive the man she l wcs fr ! Mtvami-'ritvr her fortune, destroying her i peace f mind, ilihonoriug the name he i has given her. but woe be unto hira if I he f. rgets to kiss Iter g.'.-by v.lun he goes 1 .wn t'.wa ia the morning, lie may t.'.k.- 'ff his coat, roll up his shirt sleeve take a week off for it. buy flow- ! ers. U.a bns. theater tickets, be so g.vni and p-tiitent that he doesn't kmw himself and has I le intrx'.r.c-vl to hi. tr.irr r evirv morning he can't make tlir.t ri--!.t utitil the crack of doom. She 1 never ' reives and forg-ts that, even if ! , , she si.vs : he u, vs. . - . . . A w ir..nn never ftrgives a man for! i:ig r perfume; a man hates th- fellow th:.t runs down the brand of ei- i ., j, . ; ' A -.von!:.:! mav forgive the man who puts hi.. umbrella down whore it will vcr lur in the ear: she never the woman that sits down her with a dress that spoils !rn all i f.in-IVes j next to 1 tiers. She never forgives the woman that coaxes her servants away by lTering t!u-:n better wages. .T th.e w. .man who knows her age and tells it. or the woman the man she likes admires and praises, or the woman who always limbs a lit lie finer, dresses a bit hand s uner. d.H's things a shade bettor than she can herself. We all know that woman nnd hate her while we smile into her eves and kiss her good-by. ae knowhslging ourselves her inferior. No woman sits down and bewails her inability to wear the Astor diamonds or to rival the famous beauties of the world, but it is the woman who buys one more g own than wo can afford, who keeps two servants when we have only one. who fades our pinks with her ruses ar.d dulls our charms with her graces whom it is hard to forgive as we u!d lv forgiven. FACTS ABOUT ANCIENT RINGS. in titdrn Tones Tliey Were Generally tteurdc.l a. Tokens of Authority: Once there was a peculiar significance attached t; rings. They were reganled as a token of authority. Tho emperor's sigi'et ri::g phicetl in the hands of an otiicial invested him for the time with his master's power. Kings are first mentioned in the Bible i:i Cenesi:;. chapter 41st and 4id verse: "Ar.d Pharaoh liiilt his ring from his hand ar.d put it on Joseph's hand, and made him ruler over all Kgypt." When the Israelites conquered tins Midiauites they "took all their rings and bracelets ami offered them to the Lord." Aha-siierns gave the ring from his hands to the Hebrews' worst enemy! thus giv ing him unlimited control to do with them and their property whatever he plw.ned. The father received his pnxl igal son j ecfully, and scaled his for giveness by putting a ring on his hand. says Mrs. Henry Ward Beechcr, in t Jofloy's ?.! agazine. The 1'gyptiaus regarded Coir rings both as business vouchers nnd as orna ments, the signet rings being always used for .Kculir.g document; und, how ever used, their rings were always bur ied with them and in later years are often found in their tombs. The signet ring was usually of bronze, or silvrert but. among the rich gold rings were used for ornaments, ivory or blue porcelain were worn by the poor. Plain gold rings, engraved with sou,e motto or the head of their deities, wove much prbed: and three or four weco often worn on the fingeis und also ou the thumbs. Among the Jews 110 one was in full dress without the signet ring, and ladies had their rings set pro fusely wite costly gelus rubies, emer- , aids and chrysolites bein'j the mostJ Valuable. " ' ''': J. - - SERVED HER SHOE FOR SUPPER. A Gallant Noble anil How He Taxed ilia Cook's Resource. Remarkable instances of gallantry arc the subject -of an article in the San Francisco Examiner, which says: In London a century ago it was no uncommon practice on the part of the "fast men" to drink bumpers to the health of a lady out of her Bhoe. The earl of Cork relates an incident of this kind, and to carry the compli ment still further, he states that the shoe was ordered to be dressed and served up for supper. "Tho eoolc sat himself seriously to work upon it; he pulled the upper part which was of fine damask) into tine shreds , and tossed it up into a ragout, uiineed the soles, cut the wooden heel into thin slices, fried them in butler and placed them round tho dish for garnish. The company testified their altection tor the lady by eating heartily 41.:.. .... :. : . ,.f 41. .... :.. : I I SHORT AND INTERESTING. A Two-rousm pomegranate is an ag ricultural curiosity of Starke, I-'la. Some Egyptian mummies, recently examined, v. ere found incased in cor sets. Accordixo to statistical reports 'J0,000 Chicago husbands are supported by their wives. Brtn was the universal drink of the English until the introduction of tea and coiTce, about IC.'iO. Dkakcorx Fox, of Vi'olfeborough, N. n., harvested a squash that measured ninety-two inches iu circumference. SCRAPS OF INFORMATION. Tils best handles of small tools are made from the wood of the apple tree. j Is making champagne the grapes are j squeezed six times:, each pressure inak j ing wine of a diiTcrcnt ipiaiity. ! Fi:ks:i milk, applied every week with : a soft cloth to boots and shot-;, has a j freshening and preservative effect upon -the leather. A Story About the Paniiy. A pretty fable alout the pansy is cur rent among French and licruiun chil dren. The IliiwiT has live petals and five sepals. In most pansics, c-spceiailv ol tile earlier ati.i less r.iglnv c vel.med varieties, two of the pi-t::!s are plain : in color and three are gay. The two plain petals have a single sepal, two of thc gay iK-t.ils have a s-.-p:-.l ea-jh. and the third, which is the large jt of ail, i has two sepals. The fable is that the' pansy represents a family. cor.sUling of husband, wife and four daughters, two ttf t!ie latter V-in- sten-chihlren of the wife, with only one chair: the twosma'.l gay-petals are the daughteri with a chair each, and the large gay petal is ; the wife, with two chairs. To find the 1 father one mut strip away the petals until the stamens and pistils are bare. They have a fam-iful resemblance t an old man with a tlannel wrap about his neck, hi. shoulders upraised and his feet in a bathtub. The storv is r-robablv of French crigiu. Kvause the French call the naiisv the st.-nniother. Took the Hronc Patient. At the city of Utrecht. Holland, the : servant maid of a fami'.y was taken with vomiting and otiur symptoms of j cholera. Bverylsxlv ran for seme incd I i- al man except t";ie !a!y of the hov.se I herself, who, Ix-iug in a nervous and de : btiitated condition, fell into a swvn. j When the first d.ct. r arriveil without Cmiing anybmly at home, and sr.-.v t!.e I old lady lying as dead, he W-ievcd her to be the cholera patient, and. having j brought an ambulance with him. i-cni I the pat'ui.l to the cholera hospital. I Next the owner of the house returned with atUvVractl was met nt the i?oor i by the maid servant who hud entirely ! nx-overci! and was hale am! hearty. !no after the other the rnemb.-rs of the fam i i';y came home except the motlter v. ho i vi as retained at the hospital until, after hours of anxious search, she wtis found i in the cholera wr.r.l happily without ! having taken the infection. cHINEc,r j " RAILROAD OFFICERS. More Interest In Velvet and V.irrUh Tliaa In the s-li.nc of liallrv adl.:. The Chinese oflieials on the railway an the no:r.inal!y responsible parties, nn.l tliey are Chinese c.fliciaJs. a t-.-rra i n pi,:-. - u-u which t anyone who h:is p.veil long ir. aa sums np nearly all" that can Is? said alut them, savs Macmillnn's Mag azine. Tiie rai'iV.av iu ail its puns ar..l stages is to them a strange m- 1 scrutao.e t!;irg. wh -. mvstoru-s t:i are slower to ler.ru tl-.au their unedu cated fellow-countrymen, owing t their minds being already saturated with a kind of lore which has n points of contact with the novelties iutr.H'.uiisl by the troublesome foreign devils. 1'hey detest the whole undertaking, which d-es not even provide such means of enrichment as r.ny purely native work would do. Custom renders it derogatory to them to handle any im plement heavier than u hair pencil, and what is necessary to lie done by offi cials is simply intrusted to their serv ants. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Mr. Kichaud Bhjks, the. well-known Druggist, 207 McCill st., Montreal. P. (., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of uiauy Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 0110 in particular Wing that ot a littlo daughter of a Church of England minis ter. Tho child was literally covered from hoad to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, iu spito of tho best medical treatment available. Her father was iu great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last begun to ad minister Ayer's Siirsnparilla, two Iku tles of which effected a completo cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify iu tho strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Trcpared byllr. J.C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you - Legal Blanks for sale at '.his o lice. Vagi's f BALD i m What Is the condition of yours? Is ycur fcair dry, linrsli, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance ? Does it fall out when combed cr brushed? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptomsbe warned in time or you will become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower In what yon need. Ita production Is not an nccMent, fcnt tr.f rwmitof aeJitifie reKenrch. Knowledge c2 the diseases of tbc hair mi benip e1 to U.e ditcov cry of how (o treat tbem. "Skoolcum "contain neither r.inera;o-roi!. It IsnotaDyo, but a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic, hy wimnlatfn the follic.es, it tv2o ailing iuiir. cures dandruff and gratis hatr tn bit id tuads. OfE-ep the scalo cloaa, hetttt?. and fwfrrjrnlrrlta'.iccernpttorjt.l'y the U'O of Sikookum km aup itdcciioja pai aciia twc.;, u.tiu te oa and destroy the hair. If yourdnii;platc.BnotSTjpDlyroJset.:I direct lory, nnd ttp tfIII fc-rrs-ni prpwdfi, r;a rc'-Vt of price Crvwtr, v 0 per boil It ; Z ir -i."0. Xx Ier jar; CiorvCu. " T5IB SJCOOKUH ROOT HAIR GROOVER CO., 57 cuih Fiftli Arcane, Xcir Veil, V. The Erst Shei for the lLt Moaej, S3, i-i .... -f;,yyr.Cfrj BM S VI. L. DOUGiLAS Shoes are etyl-sh, ea?y fttin?, ar.d give better eatisfaction at t!ie prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be ccr vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas name and price oa th: bottom, which guarantees their value, eaves thousands of collars ann'jai'y to those who wear them. IJealcrs who puth the sale of W. I Douc'.as Shoes gain customers, which helps to incrtase the sales on their full line of goods. ncy ran afford to Belt at b less prof, and Tre leiier yoa cui save money by bning itll roo f-orxTCLT of lb? da!r sd Used below C-atalogtte ree epos czfrliauzaz ' Z. iXUoLAH, Krtx lton, Mas?. For Sle bv A. C. T AY LOU. - - - Madford. Oregon Bock I'oint Pointers- AL.'HAKET. ras rl-ritiiig on Jas. II--. Jr.. Fools creek I sundry. KrcJCoiviif.cf Grants Pass, paid Dr. Colvi? a v:.-it Ka-tcr Suatjy. JtlVjrn At F'co-.s creek March 2i. to the wife of L.. Cook, a ia-j2btt:r. G'-o. A Iii and family, of Ga'.U creeic have b-Tome rr-i''.cn:s of UraTi creek. X'nc'.c"" V.i'.o Ward, of Go'.d Hill. wasTisitic? hi maiiy fneau ia thU vic:c::y last wek. D. Horn and ti-i son Janes are b-ta Quite ill i w :;a ia sri;;-e. Dr. Colv; U in atleadja-e. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cidvert. of Grants Pass. c.-v the 8-:sot Mr- ii- L- White Friday Jcaute ileotcertiora. of Ea?Se Feint, has i b 'n va:w. t ai n-re f ,r Mrs. Nealt.aTT.er. j the i? ia:;.ro-. r. !:-- Sa I, il y and Kate Parker, cf ' Es-.eila Er:!!c. cf Gaits -. ot Iailan. ot :a;- p'aC' r.siticc his i TiU is tl Ivn: :ia: v "K-TIX results from a partial -1- of the stomach and is the pri- ! au;e-fr. very large majority of T-it htinuisi'.v is h- ir to. The ' icvst ;g!' ".--1-i ur.J e:T- ctive retnedv is ' D-.i l.-.-i -t).-. .1. H. Mc'ass's I.:t::e Liver and t fuilii.ii v i'il'.-ts. ce-.its a -. . V.". II. Parker i Sou. Kaacs CreeS Items. Vlt K'SA. :ed r-:a::ves c- o:; v:. : ; erect it. 1 an a.tc s;-e-. .a". -nvlzy Mr. a::i Mr, .t-r i'-a P. A. Kv.:. ni; tr-r.snc:ir.5 business at tbc ccun:y x' oac clay last wcok. -s G:tcn spent Master -S-unny w-.th Mr,. V r-z- :. cf '.iie Wiil-.-.-ar S:rlns u:lr::t. r:i r. ris las. ri.ri- i v;:::nj wl:a his some weeks Aa .ty Taylor an.! tatsily are tttaS-as of osr- t :r.c frai llrj-eu's raili. wLcrc they aave been ; livcic aU w.alcr M! i.;ri:. .b will crarajsce teVtjt scaxij j j. th ;ar!ic'.'.s as soon a her terji 03 Oalls ; cr : llnlih.d. I TH?r are several expert nir.ers fn-m the i eas: rr.is-HV.inc Mr. tirac.ea s m.ne w..a I t an:: are ou'te juW:;t over the recent I :i:.c surla.- westher. saJ it is Si;a tin:-; such r eeu: I We arc jerry to .-A..- that tittle faaricy Horn, j ef vialls cr-is .jutte sic'i. bat c trust his ; ;.-Wa 'Ss will not ;tov. ftal. i rur.s:n Ka..tts have straek a rcry pniuiis. ' inr urtr tc'.c en ciatis creek, and froni all ' ae.our.ts .1 ray pr.vc to be a good luiuc ia the ; a.ar fu'.ure. t i Mr. ar..l r.'rs. Cus Mer.-is of this place, at t OvI thf vlincr a: Sun;?i r.iirUt, wl.U'h r.vcl lo bo TuO t-t-.Tf'tiri'-Tir.r" c Mr. Knotcts on ! raster -.iT.-y "v. rri -i::tf rvsUu,;. Tin! i IlAVrtNKsis d--;sT.its very mueti on ' the co::l..i -11 ol trie liver :".d kidtioxs. I j The il.s ei u'e tuaKc tu.t Uttie ia:pres- i sion on those digestion is good. ' Von ecu ivgiiiat v.'ar iiv.r and kid - ! i;e s wi h Dr. .!. il. ...e-.an s Liver ! and Kidnev Baiui- $1.(0 J vr bottle, 1 1- - .1 l.,.L-.. v vi.in l or sa.e t' U. li. I -iSc. o. &on. I . ! The inter . in session a: te irrigation c tl.uahs. ' The B;icvu.r.ic League r. , Aloine, I.u. !:t; t week. ! The S;i!v.-..i n Armv at U.t Ces . Citv is bankrupt. .:::d the mei: tiers are said tc lv suffering. I Women of ICansss City an! Armour ; dale. Kas.. will liave a couventioH tc ! nominate a cev.ucil-woman. I The Iowa legislature h;ss passed the . St. .Tolm bill making it a misdemeatior , v , . ni ..sl u:.tt::nou dairy products m any ilublic institution tvidrolled bv the ; tt-o . " ! 51.1. C. j A rie'.i gold vein has been disctwered , near Lewistoti, Wyo.. ia the S-ut":t l'ass j country. lhvspecters report it to be j the richest iind ever discovered iu the , Becky motitttains. George Bixoti, ths colored feather weight champion, was knocked down for the first time ia a siv.rrin contest at , PhP 1 '. the other night. Walter ! I'.;.:. - -,v is Dixon's opponent, j iu the of the city of Fremont. ! Neb.. :ie:.;;c: the Western L'uion Tele- j graph v :ny the supreme court has ; decided Lii.it the occupation tax levied ! by the city against the company isvaiid. Business men in New York city who employ some 20,000 boys luive "deter mined to give preference to boys who do not smoke cigarettes. This movement is the latest development of the Anti cigarette league. Lancaster, Ba.. has been kept in a terror-stricken condition by numerous dynamite outrages. The nernetrator ' was finally captured and turned out to ! bo a young man of good family. His j motive was only to startle people. I FCR 64 snd S3. SO Dress Shoe. CO Police Shoe, 3 Scfee. CO, C2 for Worklngmen. C2 and SI.75 for Eoys. LADIES AND MISSES, tboei B.t a reduced pri9 or najs he has t bem wiili v. oat tho Bam ata-aned on tlx bottom, put t iru aww k m J10 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. are prired to give estiraates cn anT buil-i:4g friiu a i-hea-i to a state cup-ta1. All wcrk :a o:j- Iisic g-arranteed first class ia every : c Medforrt., - Oregon. j Kouse. Ktceivers. ORTKERN PACIFIC R. R. XT Dining Gars i Tourists Mr M:NrtFOlts GiUNO PCRXS I Hct.Eia ac I liliUUUil I lUaL 10 I -TO- PHtJ.4SEl.PHtA A. P. CHARLTON, Ass:taa; Gcccrai Passer-cr Aeent. .W l.'I First cor. Washicgtoa 2or2Tja.rs"izi. ou j V.-.T, i-m-. ! --'' TI" PLICATION. !ncd OS! ee at Koseburc. Orcson. Feb. sr. ls4. i Notice is hcrvby eivcii lha: the fiitlournu; ! na:;ict settler has rii-ed ui.i.-e of his inteuliou j u, ,u.,kc t'.nat pevf ia su; iv.rt of bis claim : and that Oa prvs.f will be made rn'fore 1 the !n-..ce or coutly clcr'.: ot Jackson cmuty, ' Or.'C-r.. at ?acKs.nviilc. Orv.n. ea S.iturdiv, ; April li. IxM. vi: y erle.r-atus tiubbatu. Jr.. oa ; Homestead E"try .S1. for !!ie N -t of SW anil 1". S of NV l.iicctiel $ Towasb.J 54 S, j ltaiice - tAst. j lie names the fi.llowir.j xitncsscs to prove : his continuous residence iitvjn and cultivation ! of. said land, vii: Kcnry a'. Sutton. J ami's Ci. I Kdsertoa. Levi Sutton a:id William f. Tag ; tail, all of Leeds. Jacsn county. vre?on. I M s-A-lo Joas H. Ssi i-E. Kcsister. Suunuotis. inthe Circuit Court of ite State cf Oregon, . for 'te bounty of Jackson Isaac !. MuKcr. l iaiaiut, vs. George K. m x.icr lH':ca.i:.ut. ! To vice. K. isiov-iuer. the above-named rvfeu.t- I THS VAVf iWTKVSTITrOrilRElll'.X you are hereby required to apoear and ai.swer the cnxxiitiaiisi liied afcniasi yoa iu the atwvo eutitUM action by the V.rt d y of the nrit reg ular term ot thec:rvuit eut'rt ia Ji'.sin IVinty, OrcHi. to-wtt: Tli Svcoavl uuy of April. ISM; a:ui it you fail so to ausv.fr. for want tte ?of, the r'l.r.r.iifl will tk-juduraent airainst o tor On H ::nir-a and Thirty Tarvo " lKulars and Thirty-I hrxfiVnt.aiiO Twenty TA-IIars utor itfy's fet!. an-J tor tne oots ana disbursonitsata iu thii? action. Tnis Summons is puMishfi in Thk Mkdt RD Mail by order ot Hon H K. Kai:na. Jud. ol said Court, made ou the i -'th iiaT of Keur ary, V. H. PAKK B. f .ff- ta 30 Attorney fur riat tiff. Lb OOllllLAv) 8H DiSOS r?3 6t Kjoaoyaadeperiapaldweeklyfiomstarkl ! g rermaaiintpolitaa- KxclttslTeterrltorsaax I Hi Espcrienco unms.sMa3.-7. tNocuUsr-Srs I 1 gj adraatasestobaginaws. yabejalfsa sVj Kl commlxsioa So local PaltatV im Bl tlms agata. Largest Jp. yT ff WsTowars ot cleaa.sr'Sis ,et H fl hardy. rellablofl VGaassranant 11 M nsrtvrf fe H for tSe orchard, W Rl stock. aV lawn aad canlea. jm Hi C'aWe-wantyono,wliu.J . W astbs Cruls inalaatry as sola BLarnj 1 ,jrT Good ctaaes 'or 11 fl SWLaadvanceinent. Ontilt and fuU par- n I Suoalarstr. KttOWS Kiutt. CO, nuj- i I Jtmnen. Portlaad. Or. CTais hc Is ! reUabla. Kara this paper. Bt