The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 30, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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BLITON YOBK, Publishers.
A. S. BtTTON - - - - Editor
W. T. YorKj - Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
He is of few days; but quite a plenty.
Entered in the Postoftloe at Medford, Oregda
as Seoond-Olass Mall Matter. ;
Medford, Friday, March 30, IBM.
Wi I. Vawter, well ,' known in
Eugene, is a republican candidate
for the legislature in Jackson coun
1y. Eugene Guard.-fp ;S
The gentleman ia o shrewd, thor
orgh business mad and should hbe
nominated and elected. The Mail
is positive he would servo his con
fltituents to their beat interests.
TnE good people of a California
iown have whipped a brutal tramp,
much to the flaying of his skin they
know, and to the awakening of his
moral instincts they hope. But at
least- they succeeded in accelerating
bis speed towards other localities,
And this p3ys for their trouble and
tke wear and tear on the black
finake. i
"What js the meaning of the
. word 'seigniorage?' " asks a sub
scriber: The seigniorage js the dif
ference between the price the gov
ernment paid for the silver bullion
that now lies idle in the vaults of
the treasury and the amount of
money it will make when coined at
the standard 412 1-2 grains of sil
ver to a dollar, or at a ratio 16 to 1
when compared to a gold dollar.
The Mail will publish political
cards lor candidates, .occupying
space not to exceed three inches,
single column, from now until after
the June election, for $5 each. All
candidates upon all tickets, or in-
an&nilAnl a n 1 1 ? T t o a will Ka fri vpn
. they ask for the vote of the people.
must accompany copy for cards.
P The last epithet Nickell applied
to the editor of this paper was that
of jackass." We supposed it was
An original expression with him
but we -have since learned that the
same epithet was applied personally
to- Nickell by Mrs. Lease when
speaking in Med&ru two years ago.
Nickell evidently proposes firing at
ns all the second hand phraseology
that has been piled Hp against him
--'f during the past several years.
"ltehis ratline-trf--battle he
-Satisfaction of knowing tnWt-L
i - :t,,;Kl 11
ply IS inexhaustible. . I
"Stud-Poeer Finance" is
name of a publication gotten oufc by
J. T. FJynn. In it Mr. Flyoin
dwells not upon presumption but
in language very appropriately put
fieU forth, in arguments keenly pen
filed, the precise condition of mone
tary matters in the United States
1 And so forcibly presents his ideas
As to make them plain to all who
read. The name, he explains, is
the most, and in fact the only ap
propriate one which can be applied
to the banking and - pawnbroking
system of to-day. Citing in evidence-
that stud-poker is a game
wherein the dealer "rakes in" all
the cash and the players "go broke."
The book costs two bits and is
worth many times that amount to
the careful reader even though his
ideas do not coincide with those of
the writer.
Time changes all things. For
example ; Eight months ago. or a
couple of weeks .before Treasurer
Bloomer, made bis flying leap to
parts unknown-- nnknown to al!
- Aavli Twlmna a four rVvtV ' Af 1 TT
learned that there was something
not altogefhercstraigfc t Li bis ac
1 counts -and to . substantiate -this
tumor our Mr. York was dispatched
to the county seat; to glean infor
. fnation regarding the - matter. "' By
the first official he was told that
Mr. So-and-Sd would impart the de
tired information. Thi? gentleman
was visited and Mr. York was told
that '"Why, yes; that is; why, yes;
Mr. Bloomer haswhy, ah, been
given a month . to ab, get his books
in shape and why, yes, ah, -
Right here The Mail representa
tive concluded he had all the "why,
yeses" and "dashes" he wanted and
thai was all the satisfaction he got.
Jt is now only a few months this
side of a county election and our
wuoie umce wrce is especially in
t -1 - rr e n
to call at the court bouse and
information within the offi
to impart. Allow us
ne. as well as cir-
au things.
ring in ttje
fceking that
re hope to
he hands of
fving of bet-
p been ac
TA tew is
wretches who would deserv
ing of a penny was Jthe country
flooded with gold. They are all
tnen, those who clamor;' where are
the suffering women? .Why do
they never arm themselves and
take to the highway? The women
suffer if they suffer at all in
silence; they' do not flaunt the rags
of their misery at "the gates of the
mornine:" Thev are made of
sterner stuff than the Weak, maud
linraen. They say, calmly, that
if they must die they will die with
out disturbing the neighbors, and
while their husbands are doing the
howling they are preparing the
shrouds. The more you know of
men the more you will think of
In the county proceedings, pub
lished in this paper upon date the
16th day of March. 1S04, there ap
peared this item:
"In the matter of tax collector's bond'
bond in the penal sum of $5000, with
It. if. Men as surety, hied ana ap
proved." The above looks very well in
print and to the reader who has not
looked into the matter closely it.
has the appearance of great caution
on the part of the county court, and
a deep interest in protecting the
county's finance. But how cau
tious has the court been and how
much interest has it manifest? Let
us cite from the county record books:
Item 1 . "On the 29th day of June,
1802, John E. Pelton filed his official
boud as sheriff of Jackson county in the
sum of $10,000, with Horace I. Pulton
and K. F. Neil as sureties.
Tkpm 2. '-On th fith dtic of .Tulv.
1S92, JohnE. Pelton filed his bond as
tax collector of Jackson county, for the
years 1892 and 1S93, in the sum of $10,
000 with James Helms and Chas."" iok
ell as suretiesJJ -
Item 3."On the 2nd dav cf March.
1894j John E. Pelton filed his bond," as
taxcallector, in the sum of joJOO with
K.P. Neil as surety."
How do we find the condition of
affairs when we look into them a
little? Surely not as you would
like them.' On the surface they
look all right and the taxpayer
might consider the county's interests
very secure, but how secure? By
looking over the above we find that
R. P. Neil has given his bond in
the sum of fifteen thousand dol
lars. We find by the record books
that R. P. Neil gives the valuation
of his property to the assessor at
twenty dollars? ; It this security ?
Is it security ta "tC8pf, any man's
bond for $15,0C3.hetrbesays him
self he is onlywJO? Why
did the countyi;-accept this
bond? ; Why$&ifetriff Pelton
need give an JlIiicbal bond when
his surety wat.t-boSHjd for three
times more thta ha himself he
s worth21No't iEsaJJBKhtio ha ve
rr , ousiness transactions anu uuiinciauy
a word of cengur Sheriff PeTtonJabk to carry out an v oblicaUon tnado
in this matted l4Cobablv does
not. If the county 'court is willing
to accept this kind of a bond it is
no affair of bis, but that it is an act
very unbecoming in that body, as
guardians of the county's affairs,
will not be questioned by any sane
person. '
Elder J. C. White, recently from
Texas, will preach at the Christian
church the second Sunday in April,
both morning and evening. Morning
services at 11 Subject: '"The Estab
lishment of the Kingdom:' evening
at 7:30 subject: "The Gopel what
it is; what it does for the people, and
what the people would be without it."
Sabbath morning Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper, at 11 a. m., Reception
and baptism of new members. There
will be preaching services on Saturday
next at 2 p. m. The annual meeting of
the church and congregation will bo
held Saturday at 8 p. m. for the election
of two Ruling Elders, one Deacon and
one Trustee, hearing reports from the
various societies connected with ' the
church' etc. Sabbati evening, regular
services at 7:30.
Three additions last Sunday Rev.
. Merley and wife and Mrs. Mary
Mitchell, Congregations good, morn
ing and evening. ' Services as usual
next Sunday. Morning subject, "The
One Thing Needful." Evening subject.
"Jesus, all and in all, as our mediator."
B. V. P. TJ- at 6:30, subject "Who is
my Neighbor." Leader W. A. Holt.
The junior union is prospering. Miss
Mary Davison has taken charge of the
younger membero. Highest number
present last quarter forty-two; average
twenty-five. Sunday school is flourish
ing; new class organized last Snnday,
Miss Solstrom teacher.
R S Barclay to C K Klum, 5 acres
in tp 39 s. r 1 e
P P Swayne to Carl Swayne,
acres in tp 3a s, r 3 w
Warren G Holmes to Wm Addi
son. 200 acres in tp 38 s. r 3 e . .
Mrs Mary Miller to B P Durnhv.
mining claim in 'the Jackson
ville mining: district '. 12,000
R P Prael to IL Hamilton etal.
It 10 blk 1; Cottage add to Med 1
U 8 to W C Butler, 160 aoies, sec
28, tp 33 s, r 1 e
R E Drifts, to Maud H Pendleton,
30 8,r2wl .....'..,..... .....
Same to same t interest In,' and
rigrbt known as Drum-Bybee-
Pickena & Hunsacker ditch, tp
38 s,r2w... .........
Mr Mathews to H O Mathews, 4)
aores in sec 29, tp 39 a, r 1 w. . .
W J Howard to J Morley, 40 acrs
in sad 36, tp 87 s, r 2 w-. .......
fMairied--Cn . Forest -creek, March
25 1894, by R. S. Dunlap, J. "'P..
Stephen Mulveyhill aad Mrs, Florence
R. Wright .. ..v-'.-- -
Born In JTaaksohville, March . 22,
1894, to He. ,and Mrs, David Thomp
son, an eight pound son,
- -
"Hammersley Mining Company,"
of Medford,. Oregon, is one of the
latest mining combinations which
has filed its articles of incorpora
tion with the county clerk. The
duration of articles of agreement is
fifty years and its object is that of
buying, selling, prospecting and de
veloping mining property. The
capital stock is placed at $100,000
and is divided into 1000 shares at
$100 each. The "incorporators are
G. R., Riley and Carrie Hammers
ley, Austin S. Hammond and Lio
nel R. Webster. The seat of oper
ation is, of course, at the widely
known and very rich mine known
as the llammerssley, or Jump-OB-
Joe ledge. The ore from this mine
runs about $40 to the ton and the
supply seems inexhaustable. Re
ceiver Chapman was in Mcdtoid
yesterday with about $2000 in gold
us the result os his rast clean-up as
receiver of the mine. When he
shall have turned over this amouut
to the court hid services as receiver
will be dispensed with and the new
company will assume possession.
D. Coykendall, a Tolo miner, was
in Medford Tuesday "springing"
himself for a few of the necessary
accompaniements to a successful
prospecting tour. The gentleman
is but recently' from Washington,
where he owns some quite exten
sive gold and copper mines, but he
relates that several feet of snow in
the camp is a hinderance to opera
tions and he is now seeking a '"find"
in this land of sunshine and rich
minerals. He was candid in his
remarks when he stated that he Re
lieved the Southern Oregon mines,
when fully developed, would be the
richest in the state or United
The owners of the Comstock of
Oregon mine resumed operations on
Tuesday of this week. A contract
has been let to Messrs. M.Lane and
C. A. Keeffe, of Montana, to 6ink a
fifty foot shaft from the floor of the
tunnel. It is expected that as they
work down a higher grade of ore
will be found. " -
S. A. Young and W. T. Shurtleff
have purchased a placer claim over j
on little Applegate and now have
four men at work washing gravel.
It is reported a good piece of prop
erty and prospects rich in many
The Conger & Arnold stamp
mills at To'o are nearly ready for
operation. The two mill3 will have
a crushing capacity of about fifteen
tons of ore per day.
Fiftv-flve ounces of gold was sent
to the mint at San Francisco this
week bv James McDonouch, and
was taken from his placer grounds,
near Tola.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Do'.lnrs Re
ward for uny ease of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We. ths undersigned, have known V.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
bv their Tirm.
West & Truax, WholesalaJJrujgUts,
Toledo, O. " '
Waldjno, Kinnan i: Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucus surfaces of the system.
Price 75 els. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists, testimonials Tree.
Why Did Mr. Mcrritt Do It?
Editor Medford Mail : During
the past week I had business along
the road leading from the Central
Point cemetery to Big Sticky and I
saw a notice posted on a gate post
notifying the traveling public not
to travel through that place, signed.
f'By order of J. W. Merritt," and
the query arose in my mind, can it
be possible that Mr. Merritt will try
to force ail the travel from Butte
creefc anu surroundings, to go
through the Ish laie, two and a
half miles through sticky mud, to
get to Medford, or is" it a plan to
force u 3 to go to Central . Point to
do our trading when we . can pave
at least twentv uer cent bv going to
Bl'TTE Creeker.
Butte Creek, March 29.
County Expenditures.
W. n. Officer. M. D., for medical services
renrip reI and meiiiclnea furnished li.
G. Bh(cfe and family $
R. S. Dunlap, lor digging grave for Hor
ace Rice
James Chrisholm, for allowance for 11.
1. Stepbcnson, an Indigent Koldier
J. Nunmi. for nupplieii furnished John
Richards ....
John Lawrence, for raaUInic coflln for
H. G. Shock .
Chris Ulrlvh, for nmklnc coffin for Hor
ace Rice
6 CO
S5 00
13 SO
Emll DeRoboam. for keeping county
hosptal for quarter ending Feb. t, 'Ul
Whitman, allowance for A. Robin
K. G. Hurt, allowance for J. Cox
Jones & Otton, for supplies for W. A.
Goldsolith .
Rwames. White & C-.. for supplies for
the J. N. Jones family
Mrs. . C. Gale, for Indigent allowance
for herself .... ..
Harriet Johnson, for indigent allowance
for herself
Mm. S. Root, for indigent allowance for -herself
J. II. Cottle, Indigent ullowance for him
self 7
Horace Rice, . indirect allowance for
1. F. Bassett, Indigent allowance for
himself. ..
Sam Robinson, for boardiug Lewis Cal
houn Joseph Randalls, for allowunco for Mrs.
Klla Randies and family ... ... .
D. Linn, for eonin for J. Satterflcld -
12 00
6 00
13 00
10 ()
10 uo
I. A. Webb, for coflln for l-runk Garsar-ro .
Geo. Anderson, for burying Frank Oar
Total t ttM)
R. K. Sutton, for livery hire I 7 00
Michael Gainey, for sawing 21 cords of
wood 84 00
Clias. Nickell, for county printing So a
Chan. Nickell, for stationery - 2 10
Wm. Hacker, for bounty for killing one
panther S M
B. F. O. Edmonson, for bounty for kill
ing two panther. , 6 00
Scott Griflln, for lumber . 8 50
J. N. Hurah, forS'i duys labor at Cen
tral I'ointbrlrtKO ,17 00
John Jucobs. for 0 days labor and team
at Central Point brUIgs 1500
John Clemen ts, for H", days labor at Cn-
tral Point biidxn 625
G. T. Horshbenfer. for 10 days labor at
Contral Point hrMge 20 00
Glenn Owen, for five dars labcrat Cen
tral polut brldua. 10 00
n. A.Owen. Cor 10 dars labor at Central
Tolnt bridge 90 SO
ioi 10
' Goo. R. Justus, has ' thoroughly
renovated and re-furnished the Claren
don hotel pd now advertises that all
Lthlngg are Crbt-cliiss and terms reason
Mrs, Wm. Simmons was at Ashland
Friday, visiting friends.
Dr. Lee, of Contral Point, left Mon
day for a visit in New Mexico. :
Sam'L Richardson returned Sunday
from a visit to the midwinter tair.
Merchant Jonks, of Gold mil, was
one of tho visitors at the Hub Monday.
Mesdamcs Helmks and Hull have
returned to Grants Pass, fully recovered
in health.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Slover were up
from Grants Puss Sunday for a visit
with relatives and friends:
Dr. W. S. Jones was at Grants Pass
last week in attendance upon Mi-si Em
ma Barkor, who was quito ill.
J. M. NICHOLS, one of the good pros
perous farmers of Eile Point, was in
Medford Friday doing trading.
Miss HATTIE Ganikrk, of Ashland,
is visiting for a week in Modford with
her sister, Mrs. V. H. Humbree.
Miss ALTA Naylor returned Friday
from a quito extended visit ut San
Francisco and the midwinter fair.
W. T. Shurtleff is at Portland
this week on business conncctod with
the Jackson County Irrigation Com
pany. Mrs. W. A. Cuildsrs returned last
week to her honid in Sams Valley, after
a two woek's lUy in Medford, during
which timo sho was receiving medical
treatment from Dr. Jones. "
Miss Fannie Cheatham, of Grants
Pass, was visiting with tho family of
Attorney J. H. Whitman this week.
Tuesday tho young lady, accompanied
by Miss Whitman, visited Ashland.
G. W. Basuford returned from San
Francisco Suuday eveniug. He reports
having secured the servicos" of an ex
perienced brewer, and further states
that the brewery will soon bj placed in
ope ration.
Jas. M. and R-. V. Jones, soss of
townsman Gai l T. Jones, left for the
north loit wsek aflor a several weeks'
visit in Medford. Tho former returned
to his hom-j at Corvallis, Montana, and
the latter, accompanied by his wife, to
Sheridan, Oregon.
S. M. Xealon, of Table P.ock, and a
candidate for the Legislature on the
People's party ticket,, and V. H. Urad-
SRAW, of Brownsboro, a candidate for
county commissioner on tho - same
ticket, we-o both pleasant callers at
this office Saturday.
WM. Garkett, a well-to-do farmer
living throe and a halt miles cast of
Medford, was a pleasant and profit
able caller at THE MAIL othce tins
week. Tho good roads bring out all
the farmers aud they all congivgutc at
Medford, tho valley Hub.
H. U. LUMSPEN, of Portland, and A
X. Berlin, of Kent, Washington, were
in Medford several days this week look
ing after some city properly intrrcsts.
Mr. Berlin is a merchant in Kent, but
likd many another is financier, has
speculations in Medford.
Dr. and Mrs. S. A. YOL'NG, of Mc
Miunville, this state, have been in this
immediate locality for a week or two
looking up a location. Tho location
which the doctor seeks, we learn, is
not one for the practice of msdieine,
but a quartz or placer mining location.
D. L. Fry, of Lebanon, reached Med
ford Monday and will make this city
his home for an indefinite period. He
conies to ncccpt a position in the candy
factorj of C. A. Znhn. He is not only
an adept mixer of sweets but is alo a
printer who can "pull out" oa a "tako"'
as handy as any of the boys.
H. F. Wood, the carpenter and one
of the best workmen in this locality,
loft Sunday morning for Biuff,
Calif., whither he goes to ace pt a posi
tion as road carpeavsr for the S3Utheru
Pacific company. May the best of suc
cess follow him. lid has a good job
and The Mail, together with ull his
friends, knows he deserves it.
J. A. Whitman expects to leave
Medford Sunday night for an extended
tour through Eastern and Southern
states. His mis-ion in these states
will be that of finding the best markets
for tho f mit3 of the R gue ri vjr valley,
of which he handles a great amount.
Ho will visit Furjro, St. Paul. Minne
apolis, Chicago, Kansas City, Xew Or
leans and many other prominent cities.
S. V. McFARREN, of Gold Hill, was
in Medford Monday on business. Tho
gentleman is recently from Gervais.
Oregon, but is now nn established
watchmaker in the first named place.
He is not only an ablo man nt watch
making and jewelry repairing but is
as well right handy with tho razor.
He is nn all Voui.d gentleman and The
Mail wishes, him success in his new
J. P. Carter, of Halsey, Oregon,
was in the Rogue river metropolis a
few days last week and was looking
after a suitable location for tho drug
business. He returnod to llulsoy Mon;
day evening but we did not learn posi
tively that he decided to locate hare.
Should he do so we understand he con
templates leasing for his store Mrs.
Sears 'millinery rooms on Seventh
street. -
J. W. SHAFFER, salesman and col
lector for tho John Pool Company, ag
ricultural implement dealers in Port
land, wns in and about Modford this
week doing business for his company.
While hern ho made several sales,
among them being a threshing separa
torsold to J. Hamlin. Mr. Shaffer Is
a very clever gentleman and does good
work for his company in making heap
plenty sales.
The very latest toe and tip in a
ladles' fine shoo at Angle & Plymalo's.
Advetiaed Letter XJat.
The following ts the list of letters remaining
uncalled for in the HeUford, Or., postoaico on
March 30, lttwl..
Ilassonn), Mary, RIand, J. H. k
Clmusey, Je:m, 3 Cox. Hebaeon,
Conaus'ht. U. 11. DaviH, Josephine,
Fitch, U. T. Gurtluld, Geo.
Hudson, Kuty, lluynos, J. K. .
Johnson, Mm. M. A Miller, Tobias,
JIcKsilden, Mrs. J. C.9 Pawet, Mubel,
Trininburg, W. A. 2 Van Anlwerp. DH,
Persons culling for the abovo letters please
say "advertised1 J.S. Howurd, l'ostmusler.
. .For Sale.
Eighty acres of good farm land,
fenced and cross fenced; intcroBt in
water ditch; will sell stock and tools
with farm if wanted. Situated eight
miles north of Central Point. Inquire
i of R. K. Drum, Table Rock, Oregon.
Pride of the Valley "Baking-Powder?
It is a Home Production, second
U'ure nun
Call at our Salesroom, Cor. Sixth
To Improve Our Water System.
Mr. J. T. Flynn, formerly a real
estate man, of Grants Pass, but
now a representative of the Pacific
Well Drilling Company, of Port
land, was in Medford Monday upon
business relative to the putting
down of a well in this city, by
means of which an ample supply,
and a Letter quality, of water might
be secured for city use.
Monday evening an informal
meeting of the city council was held
in council hall when" Mr. Flynn ap
peared before them and submitted
an outline cf a proposition with the
above object in view. His propo
sition is to start a will, twelve
inciics in diameter, and drill it to a
depth of 500 feet for 35O0. He sta
ted that it is possible to get flowing
water at that depth, but should
this not be the case he was positive
that ouo ieet would get at least a j
supply of iresh water to the amount ;
Of 300,000 gallons every twenty-foUr j
hours, or an ample supply for a
city of 4000 people. When the 500 '
feet is reached and flowing water i
has not been found the board can !
ues their own descretion reeardinc ;
Knuv dpi-nor. In regard to this i
" " , 0 ,
uciiei .nai lie cuuiu sctuie uuisiuc
i r l l 1 ..!
iiuiiaumia vi nv
ficient to prosecute tho work to;
any reasonable distance. Or Until!
flowing water Was had. 1 hl8 belief, i
he stated, was based upon the
nmmiscs of land donations already I
f , i , j - r .T, '.hy his brother, who is here on a vLt:.-ciU:dl-
tendered and the great desire of ah maJe fri.ndJ bert , M Ja(,lT
people of the valley to learn at what t x w Dr , Hlt;t,e v c
d?pth artesian wells Could be had j Lcever. were c;ectl delegates to lie Republl
and the COSt cf getting them. j can cctvcaUoa to hi held at Jacksooille ceit
Mr. FIvnn docs not seem to doubt Si'nnlay
but that lowing water can be had ! lleaT Sco'1 Ue kfonane to get his leg
j .1 f isVi r, :''orte ,Sl,t Thursday by being kicked by a
at a depth of loOO fext, and is j Ticlou, hffse Dr. liik!e fr3Cure,
almost positive it can oe reacntu at
a much less depth. 1 m
tion is arrived r.t by the very
plausible theory that Crater ar.d
Klamath hikes have a subterranean
outlet to the ocean and that this
outlet covers quite an area aud is
through this valley.
While tlie council did not make
a contract with Mr. Flynn ou trie
500 foot proposition we learn that
they pave him to understand that
they felt favorable to it and that in
all probability a written contract
to that cflVct would be entered into
at their regular April meeting. If
the contract is entered' into work is
to begin about the 15th of April and
is to be completed on or about the
loth of July, 1S94. The well, of
course, will be put down near the
present water works in order that
the tanks and other accoutrements
now in use can be used in connec
tion with the new well.
For Sale. .
Fifteen acres of excellent fruit land
two and ono-hulf miles north of Jack
sonville, on CJoid Hill road. For par
ticulars write to, or call upon, A. C.
Nicholson, Modford. Ore.
Gold Hill Xugffets.
The OolJ Hill dramatic club la progTosslrg
nicely. Tbey will soon be ready to go on the
Springtime haa come onco again. Now
fanners. Is our lime to work, and give the
mines a rest.
MIhscs Katie Parker and Sadie DcBoy. were
visiting friends at the KUppcl saw mill, oa
Galls crock. lat week.
J. W. Marksbury returned hrme last Satur
day from Oregon City, where he has been n
tending the Populists convention.
Gold Hill Is Quite a booming little town. It
has a new Jewelry and barber shop, and pros
pects good for another butcher shop.
A. J. Uarlow, of Oold Hill, who was appointed
deputy Internal revenue collector, was at Grants
Pass last week attending to business.
Tho Gold Hill cornet band gave an enter
tainment last Friday evening, afterwards the
vnune neonlo euioyed a social hop. It was
well attended and everyone enjoyed tucmseivcs.
Two of the most popular young men of Gold
Hill and one of Rock I'olct, left for a party at
Central Point, as they stated, but landed at
Kllppel's saw mill where they enjoyed a daucc.
Is Marriace a Failure?
Who shall decide It? We have concluded long
ago that it Is a success evory time with Sim
mons Liver Regulator In the house. It pro
motes harmony and good nature by preventing
any attack of the worst enemy; Indigestion and
Dyspepsia, which make discord In tne brightest
home. You will find tho Regulator a good rem
edy for UlUlousness and Sick Headache It Is
tho household friend.
For Sale.
The undersigned will sell all, or in
sub-divisions to suit purchasers, his
Table Hock Ranch, comprising; 510
acres. Terras to suit. Situated on the
bank of Rojruo river, two and one-half
miles from tho bridge, on Sams Valley
Table Rock P. O., Jaokron county, Or.
For Sale.
One eot light ninlo harness hame
tflVsijood as new. Chcivp for cash.
John Justus.
The regular subscription price of
Thk Mail is $1.50 a year, aud tho reff
ulur subscription price of the Weekly
Orcgoninn is $l..r)0. Any one subscrib
ing for The Mail and nnying one year
in advance can (jut both The Mail and j
the Weekly Orogoniun one year for 54.
ah nii ovnni,M nv!nir their sub l
, !,, mivanea will
be entitled to tbc sumo offer. .
to none in the Market, absolutely
.A. CAN.-
and C street, foj a Free Sample.
-Real Estate,
Insnrascp, Collection &Tax Paying Agcy.
Also. Nolnry Public and Conveyanclnjr. at my
olil ptuce of ImsincsH !:orlh ttlde of Seventh
itnl. opposite HaskinH Drug store, Itledfonl,
J.ivkHon County Oregon. Pitrties wishing to
buy or soil propuny will do well to me be
fore dealing el-tt-whcre. I'cnsioa Touchers exe
cuted tree of cuare.
Central Point Items.
T. A. Newmia aud wife were Iradin; here on
J. P. Yancy. of Eagle Point, spent Friday in
our town.
Sin. E. Ross spent Monday, with relatives In
Scott Grima, of Tolo, spent several days to
town this week.
, Dr , Itoblnsoni of JlctaOBrlIIei made oar
cisy a vutt last week.
David Dunlap. of P.lg Bntte. nat a few days
here during the week.
Peter Majors, of Applegate. made our city a
xisii ' eet
Vr- rer. of Eagle roiai. spent several
d3ys 10 6aTias "
. Dr- CuT-' "adeour citj a pro-
fesMonal visit one day during the week.
solitltor and re
poru-rof tae Tia:t
peal Saturday hene.
E!aCT T. j. jenca preached to a crowded
house last Sunday, both morning and evening,
There is to be a literary temperance society
orjtalrcd ol the M. E. church KrMay tveaing.
cora.any mvttcd.
F- M Can creek, accompanied
aad be l now doing we!L
Sj.iikcuard Sparks.
To Mr. aad Mrs. York, greeting. Xay the
fan of prosperilr always &hiae cpon you.
our roads were never so bad as now, ft the
old Killers are correct la their statements. A
week or two of this glorious sunshine acd eoa
aidcrabie effort by oar supervisors will set os
riLt arain. Cp h:re. we have a tew fellows
that keep monkeying with the loeatioa of roads
aad spolllcg them. Someone wOl be in trouble
over It ere long.
Bilk Leonard worked cp a big mining scheme
la this vicinity aad engaged board for twenty
ffico who were to come at once. They dual
eocae. however. Poor Leonard !
The directors of DSt. SS, have engaged, we
are l3fonu,.-. the services oJ Miss May Sackett
tor the Summer term of our schooL
Eajle Point Eaglets.-
Talko spist a week ia iUvlforJ lately.
Mrs. Simons was at Jacksonville last Tues
day. Kcv. Fysh went to AshlasJ cn business last
Farmers are generally busy In the fields these
nice days.
Dr. Officer made a trip to Medford on horse
back last Saturday.
' Dell Terrtll visited the county scat last Fri
day to look after his taxes.
Mr, Reynolds of Bijr Butte, was down doing
business al Mr. Florey"s last week.
John Nichols aad wife spent three days at
Mcdrord and Jacksonville last wsok.
Why can't our county officials extend the
timo for paytng uuecs as they .do in other
Tkos. Morlne. the Browttsboro blacksmith,
has rented aad moved ouio the Howard fruit
Jerry Ueckerthorne. who had his ribs bjokeu
while out hunting, by falllnc; over a log. is able
to be about again. Dr. OlScer was called.
Two of John Willlscroffs girls both riding
one horse, were thrown o.T and one of them re
ceived a severe kick on the leg not seriously
Two young ladles on horse hock were dumped
Into a mud hole In Kaxlc lomt. by thtHr horses
.becoming frightened and unmanageable one
day last week.
Sabbath school was organized after preach
ing last. Sunday. A. G. Johnston was elected
superintendent. Miss Charlotte Willtscroft was
elected secretary and treasurer, and Miss
Mattie Taylor, organist.
Two petitions are In circulation here, one for
the relief of Iks Williams who lost a horse by
drowning while fording Bcat crock, the other
ts to the county officials, asking them to have
the Ucar creek bridge repalrod without delay.
Rev. S. S. Caldwell, the Presbyterian Sabbath
school missionary for Southern Oregon, has
been with us during the last week preaching
every night to a well filled house. His labors
were appreciated, not "only by Presbyterians
but by all denominations
Republicans held their primary to elect dele,
gates to couuty convention on Saturday. Geo.
Brown acted as chairman, J.A.Jonas as sec
retary. Delegates to county convention are II.
T. Severance, W. W. Stantleld and Frank
Brown. Delegates go without Instructions.
A Republican club or fifteen members was or
ganized ou last Friday. H T. Severance was
selected as Aairman with J. A. Jona as secre
tary, V. W. Stantleld as orator and the whole
olub as a committee to rustle new members
Committee oa resolutions Floroy, Fryer and
Pcoplo's party club held a meeting at Eaglo
Point oa Saturday at S p. m., R. R. Mlnter In
the chnir, D. T. Ewan secretary. Club elected
a rustling oommltte as follows: R. R. Mlnter,
D. T. Ewen, T. r. Snydor, W. M. French, Frank
Taylor. Speeches by French and others.
Mr. Munulng, who lives up Rogue riven near
Flounce Hock, had a lake near his place on
elevated ground, which he tapped for the pur-
poso of draining. The water was ready and
wtllliii: to get away, but while doing so it
washed a canal through his land CO feet wide
and 40 feet deep, covering up a five acre potatoe
patch, potatoes and all, to a depth of five feet
Got erocaries at I. M. Mullers,
i corner Soventb and C streets, Medford
Muller, The Grocer.
Long Pull
Is what gets to ,
These are the kind of Pulls we are
making, and making them win.
A Good Article
is always a Saleable Article.
Our Groceries are Prime Articles and
Saleable. In Gent's Furnishing Goods
We lead 'em all.
jailer, The Grocer,
Kbw Una of Spring Goods, Ladies' Gloves, Black and
ail Colors. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosiery.
We have anything you want in
Nansook, Dimity, India Linon, Piqaa.
Crgandia, Swiss, Victoria Lawns,' Irish Linen.
It costf you nothing to call in
and get our prices.
Our motto, CASH, still "hits
Cranfill &
Formerly Grand Gsstral.
Best .Accommodations in the City
Rates Reasonable.
!Hooi m Sloe Hospital,
: - o o Ca be found n-rt Got to
o o V likinson's meat market.
Ladies Stylish. Button. Boots,
o o Latest styles In Oxford acd
o o Southern Heavv "up to
date teen's shoe, also full o o o
stock of children's wear o o
resist iix school shoes.. .... o o o
-Ces1ci fart and Espairim
promptly attended to.
Photographers and Enlargers.
All kinds ot Photographic work executed in
Urst-ciass style.
Ilatnlin Block, - Medford, Okegok
Are You Goinj Kast?
If so and d jsire to go via Portland
and enioy the luxury, SSlCty and com-
ern Pacitic Railroad, you can do so from
Grants Pass and all S- P. points in
Southern Oregon as cheaply as by any
other route. The Northern Pacific
runs through trains from Portland to
St. Panl daily without change of cars
free colon tst sleepers, elegant Pullman
and Touristssleepjrs accompany every
For tickets and full information ap
ply or write to A. D. Charlton, Asst.
General Passenger and Ticket agent.
Portland, Oregon, or to S. P. Cass ps
P. Ticket agent for Southern Oregon
First National Bank, Grants Pass, Ore.
A. very complete line of goods at
the Racket.
Notice is hereby given that I shall
sell at publio auction to the highest
bidder, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 14th
day of April. A. D. 1S04, in the town of
Alediora, Oregon, one stallion, the
property of V. D. Finerty. and the
same being held in security forkeepiug
and feeding from and since the 10th
of August, A. D.1S92. Terms, cash.
J. G. Nqistox.
For Sale.
Six acres No. 1 fruit land near Phoo
nix, fenced and in cultivation. Terms,
part cash, balance ou two to four years
time. For particulars call on
J. R Griffix,
Phoenix, Jackson' county, Oregon.
To Laud Seekers.
We have w. w ano o acre tracts oi
land near Meuiord, at prices ana terms
to suit the times, it sold within tne
next 10 days. The Jackson Co. Flume
& Irrigation Co.
Steady Pull
In all lines of Business.
and see our large stock of goods
the nail on the head."
Oalv white heln emDioved-
Rlfi.fiR- r
Including FIVE Gate Tickets
r rem fan Francisco to other points ia OU
Pirma will, be allowed pnrcbars ctf special
Midwtnter Kair tickets at the lullowinr ruod-
,i-i raf.w Ti, c(.tun. hi,,).. . m.ilrt. fl
i San Francisco, on and one-third one-way 6u.
Cisco, oue and one-fifth one-way hue.
For exact rates and full information inquire of
A rent at Medibrd. Ore..
or address the nndersigued.
Gen. Trane Manager. Gee. rassT.Agn.
San Fkascisco, Cau -"E.
P. Rogers, a. G. F. P. Art,
Portland. Ore.
School Bends.
T will offer for sale.
, at my office in Jackson
A TlUe, Jackson county, Oregon, cn
Saturday, March, 31, lS9-t.
FOR CASH. iS.l Twenty School Bonds for
KXll One Hundred dollars each, aggregate
vaiW) Two Thousand dollars. No bid consid
ered for less than par value. Said bonds are
issued by School District No. ST. Jaeksoo eoun
tv. Oregon, and mature in ()) Twenty years,
and at the option of said School District No. ST.
after U Ten years: and said bonds bear Inter
est at the rate of S per cent per annum; interest
paid semi-annually. Both principal and in
terest payable at the office of the County Treas
urer tor Jackson connty. Oreson.
Jacksonville, Oregon. March 16, IW4.
I. Lrw.
Treasurer for Jackson County, Oregon.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the Recorder a
offlce. in the town ot Medtord, Oregon, up to
noon of April 3. ISM. tor putting in a stone cul
vert across C street, according to plans ana
specifications now on tile In the Recorder of
nce:also bids per souare foot for putting in crossings that the board may order put
in this year. Board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
By order ol the Trustees of th town of Med
ford. Oregon.
Dated this March S3. 1891. haskuis.
Attest, B. S. Wkbh. Mayor
Recorder. JfOTICS.
, A.h.nVMiimnm,int tne estate of
. Barbara Ulrieh. deceased, are hereby notlfledta
at Medford, Oregon.
at Medford. Oreiion. wiUun six awMM
from tnis aate.
m fWMu, Vanh 1. 1AM.
' WiuiaM ViJMCV,
Administrator of the estate ol Barbw
Clricu, deceased.