ALL THE LOCAL 5ETVS. Jos. Crain is reported to be rapidly ffecoyerlng from his protracted illness. Bellinger, the drayman, lias . wood for sale. The Palm building is getting well under way and will probably be finished within a very short time; - ' Specialties in glassware at .the Soc ,ond Hand Store." Hanley Bros, shipped elevan car loads ef fat cattle from Central Point to Portlahd Tuesday morning. . Come to the Second Hand Store to buy goods cheap. . ' -Miss Emma' Burch.has been en gaged to teach the spring term of school in the Dsvenger Gap district. " Pentz & White'aUend to land and .mining litigation. " ' . E. H. Davis will -receive a carload .Of tier stove wood Saturday which he will deal out' to many patrons about jthe city. Beek, Whiteside & Co. will sell at jcost, two wagons.' - A. M. Woodford is quite seriously ,ill with la grippe. He had been feeling jooorly for several days but not until Wednesday was he obliged to take to its bed. Fetsch takes the cake in making .clothes cheap. , Fred Lutkemeier, on Tuesday, jdjys family to the second story of the LvotTbuilding on Front street. Ha einojta to occupy the first floor with his saloon. For a good suit of clothes cheap go ;to Fetsch, tho tailor N. B. Bradbury is able to be about the streets aeain. He has had a severe .siege with pneumonia, and all .his riends are glad of an opportunity to .welcome him among them again. Pentz & White have some cheap farm property for sale. E. Smith, son of Henry Smith, deceased, report says is .going to open a jewelry store in the old Smith building on Front street. There is also to be a photographer's gallery in the same building. "Got .'em agin," bargain lot of men's hats. Racket Store. The train on the Medf ord-Jackson-yille shortline was pulled off tor a ..couple of days this week to permit En gineer Lewis to repair and paint the engine. Trains commenced running .-again Tuesday evening. Xew and second hand stoves for ,ale at the Second Hand Store. Saml Murray is out again looking several shades thinner as the result of his several weeks" illness with typhoid fever. .Lota .of people are glad of a .chance to greet him in his present convalescent condition. . ' Macintoshes! Macintoshes! ! Big bargains at Angle & plymale's. The Tidings states thai sixty chi namen from the work train on tho Sis kiyous were brought to Ashland Sun day to have their pictures taken. The - Tidings insults the monkey by heading the item ''Lots of Monkey Faces.'' Use XXX the largest bottle and South C street, betwn Seventh j and Eighth, is undergoing more im- j provements. The sidewalk along, side .of the Adkins block is being put down to - the street ievel and a new alley .crossing has been laid near Pritchard"s jewelry store. " Pentz &. White attend to law- and collections in any part of the world. Mailer & Davis shipped a carload .of chickens to San Francisco Monday evening. Just an even 30CO made the carload and while they are somewhat crowded, Mr. Davis is -of the opinion' they will not lose more than five or sis jdozen-while in' transit. The very latest toe and tip in a ladies' fine shoe at Angle & Plymale's. The wonderful growth trees attain in the Rogue river valley in a single season, is indeed marvelous. I. L. Hamilton left at this office Saturday Jwo cuttirigstone frem a Winter . Xelis pear tree and one from a Petit prune tree, that measured each nine feet, and all this length was the result of one year's growth. The cuttings were from the orchard of J. H. Stewart. Bated Bros., the barbers, are hav-i ing a lively spin at business these times. Their shop is always filled with patrons - but there is always room for one more. Their work is firat-class.- Shop on C street, near the Racket.' The board of Pension Surgeons, Dr. E. P. Geary president and Dr. J. B. Wait, secretary, met in Medford and had before, them the following ap plicants for pensions: A. M Thayer, - of Dahsmuir, Calif.,, increase in pen sion; Fredrick Gentaer and G. F. Tre f reu, both of Grants Pass and both for Original pension,' also Geo. Wilson, Williams creek, original pension. Geo. R. Justus has thoroughly renovated and re-furnished the Claren don hotel and how advertises that all things are firhtrclass and terms reason able. - Jessie "Walker: "Yes, father, E. P. Walker, has decided that the best ray to dispose of Bis .640 acre tract of land, just north of Madford', is to cut it up into forty acre - tracts. This he is pow having done. Land is by far too valuable to be operated in such large Chunks, but forty acres owned by one ' man, plant sd to fruit and. thoroughly ' cultivated will return a handsome) rev enue." W. H. Patrick, the gentleman who, with his family recently, came here ' from Montana, ha3 purchased the pouhran ranch, two miles .north. of Awarded Highest The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. . psed 13 IXillioBS of Jlomcs 40 Years the Standard Central Point, and is now preparing to take up his residence thereon.. There are eighty-nine acres in the chunk and the price paid was $3100. The prop erty is said to be a part of Jackson county's best. Tho sale' was made through the agency of Pentz & White. Groceries must to fresh to-be palat able. I will pay a premium for any mnsty or shelf-worn articles found on my shelyes. This, however, is through no fault of mine the people won't let me keep them long enough to" get musty. Wolters the grocer. Phil. Armour, the millionaire pork man of Chicago, passed north over the S. P. Saturday evening in His special car Wisconsin. Tne boys leu tnai Phil, saw a drove of Ulrica's hogs down at tho packing house, - aud that the train slowed up and he went over to Inspect them, whereupon every hog shouted "Phil Armour, by Jove, and .a bigger man than Bill Ulrioh"1 aud ev ery one of them then and there com mitted suicide. You will be wanting some crockery, perhaps, this spring. Baby has proba bly broken a number of pieces during the winter; perhaps your kitchen help and the policeman have been working up a trade for the croekeryman in any case you can get full sets or odd pieces of almostany quality or. style at Wol ters, the grocer. " A. C. Squires is having contrac tors figure on tho construction of a residence to be built on his -fine littie fruit farm in East Medford. The build ing will be 2ox28 feet in size and to cost somewhere .near $1200. Verily, East Medford, or the tract of land just east of Bear creek, is receiving many of this sDriiurs improvements and all are substantial. The people on that .sid; have reafon to feel proud or tne im provements being made- L. B. Warner, the fruit tree man, has trees Gil hand to supply the -trade of Medford and vicinity, in any quan tity and in the following varieties: Apple, pears, cherries, apricots, peach es, prunes aud soft shelled, almond. Mr. Warner may be found at Dr. Od- gers dental rooms. The well at the corner of Seventh and C streets has -quenched the thirst of many Medford peoplo for a number of years and it is still prepared to per form this " same mission, but someone every few days takes it upon himself to steal the drinking cup. This pro- ceedure is becoming monotonous and if persisted in the parties guilty will be exposed. A new cup with chain fasten ings has been attached to tha pump and it is probable there will be no oc casion for an expose. -We are doing more in our little old way to bring this Chinese question to a focus than all the" exclusion acts put together, for the surest way to beat the Chinaman is by not giving him an op portunity, or in other words, stop his supplies shut him off short and he must surely go fluee get vourlauudry work done bv white people. Eenderson & Isaacs, ngenu Salem Steam Laundry, j The work of tearing down the awn-! inr in front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks was commenced Wednesday. METamlin states that he will replacs his part of the awning with corrugated iron rocSng. two thicknesses, ffith an inch air space between. This will be fastened to the building with hinges and the posts,- or supports at the out side will be so constructed that they can be easily taken out, thereby letting the awning drop down over the store fronts, to protect- the glass . in case of fire on the opposite side of the street. It's a pretty good scheme aud one worthy of being emulated by own ers ef all good buildings in the city. The regular subscription price of The Mail is $1.50 a year, and the reg ular subscription price of the Weekly Oregonian is il.00. " Any one subscrib ing for The. Mail and paying one year in advance can get both TilK Mail and the Weekly Oregonian one year for ?2. All old subscribers paying their sub scriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer. A Central Pointer: "You had that mining item from our locality sized up a'o5ut right when you intima ted tht ii was 'fishy.'.' The whole deal was a farce, or more properly speaking, a scheme to bleed someone. The facts are that a fellow by the name of Leonard showed up at the. Combs ranch, near Bear creek. He palmsd hira3elf off as a prospector, expressed an opinion that tha dirt would pros pect well. He secured a pan of "it and went to the creek to wash it and soon returned with a good showing of mica which he stated was gold and would go $400 to the pan. Excitement com menced and all hands were staking out claims. The wouldrbe miners en croached upon the premises of Henry Wc-ath. Henry didn't take any 'stock in the excitement and objected to the encroachment whereupon Leonard donned the role of U. S. Marshal and empowered Combs to arrest Werth and another fellow named Still well, which he did. The prisoners were taken to Combs' house and there kept under guard while the alleged marshal went to Central Point to wire tho sheriff to come and get the prisoners, while arrangements were being made for the trip to Central Point Leonard request ed the loan of $15 from Combs which request was granted. upon arriving in the above place -Leonard proceeded to fill up on poor whisky, and while he was thus soaking his innurman Mr. McClendoh, Qf Saras Valley, showed up and swore' out a warrant for his arrest for forgery. .His bonds were named at $500 and in default of securing them .he isnowia durancj vils at tho county jail. Werth and Stillwell were re leased and Mr. Combs was not consid Honors Yorld's Fair. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ' r Powder ABSOiaJTElY PiJgag ored by the court as being guilty .of any crime in holding them." This from our Spikenard correspondent ex plains how Mr". McClendon became mixed up in tho deal: "Olio Leonard, noiv iu durance vile, created a sensa tion in our midst lately, wnoro noi known he palmed himself off as C. C. McClendon's son-in-luw out on a busi ness trip for Mr. M. He boarded free among tho neighbors for a few days, stole a pair of nether.garments from a lady, carried off a pocket magnifying glass from the gontlemun of tho . same house. He worked M. Reynolds for several days' board upon a forged order bearing Mr. MoClendon's nume. Le6; ard ought to have a state job."' Medford nursery will not bo under sold. Petite prunes a specialty, also cherries, peaches, phims, poars, apri cots, almonds, grapes and small fruits. One mile cast of Medford. Trees de livered free to any part of the city. I. M. Mullcr, C. W. Wolters and Tavler, the Ibot-fittor, have new nds this week. You can hard ly miss seeing them. Dr. E. P. Geary has moved his office, temporarily, to- a rear room in the Phipps block. Ho will have olhces fitted especially tor -Ins use in the new Ilaskins block. When you want" a bottle ot good LlXIMEXT, use XXX. " It is the largest bottle and best remedy in. the market. Merchant S. Rosenthal is fig uring on erecting a two story- brie: block on his lot where his store buildinc now stands. He calcu lates, all things being favorable, to Dut the block ud this coming sum- mer. Stockmen who are contemplating having poster" printing done are in vited to call at this office and get prices. Landlord Purdin, of the Med ford,' has been seriously crippled since the fire for want, of room, but now that the hotel is being filled up ngain he is enabled to properly care for his manv patrons and in manner most satisfactory to his patrons. The administration failed to en force the Chinese exclusion act so let us enforce it ourselves by having our washing- done at the Salem Steam Laundry cheaper and better. " The next party of the Medford dancing club, to be given to-night will be a benefit. The proceeds from which will be turned into a fund for the purchase of a fire bell A bell is one of the things most needed and all ought to '"chip . in"' on its purchase buy a ticket even f vou don t dance. Why patrouixe Chir.amer. when ou can get your white shirts done up in elegant stvle at uie 5:nem :n!ea:n Laundry at just half the price a China man cuarges Henderson jc Isaacs. ents. Medford Shaving Parlors. Arthur Wilson's family has been afilicted with sickness to no mall decree during the past month or two. His daughter, Alice, has been ill for four weeks with tVDhoid fever and Mrs. Wilson has also been ill for about three weeks. Both, we are pleased to note, are now convalescent. Dr. Wait was thfe attending physician. 'I have ustd Aycr's Hair Vigor for a number of years, .nnd it has al ways given mo sa'.isfaction. It is an excellent dressing, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures its vigorous growth, and keeps the scalp white and clean." Marv A. Jackson, Salem, Mass. Dr. J. C. Hall, the friend of J. W. Odgers, who came to'Medford a few weeks ago from Portland for the benefit of his health, is fast im proving and i3 now able to be 'down town a good part of the time. Mr. Hall is a dentist of superior ability and as soon as h:s health will per-. mit he Will begin dental work with Mr. Odgers. .The present office rooms are now being enlarged to accommodate anotner cnair anu otHer dental appliances. When the two doctors get well hooked up ,in working "harness Dr. Odgers ex-" pects to spend one week of each month in Jacksonville) tor the es pecial accommodation of his patrons in that city. "March to search"' 13 the old adage. It earches out any weakness of tho system, resulting from impure blood. Those who use Ayer's Sarsaparilla find March no more searching or even dis; agreoable than any other month. This medicine is a wonderful invigorator. Sotice. Notice Is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing, between John Beek, Sr., J. A. Whiteside and John Beek, Jr., under the nrm name and style of Beek, Whiteside & Co., is this dale dissolved hy mutual consent, J. A. Whiteside retiring. All monoy, notes and accounts due tho said firm. are payable to John tieeic, sr., anu John Beek, Jr., and all the obligations of the said Beek, Whiteside & Co. are hereby.assuraod by the said John' Beek, Sr. and John Beek, Jr. John Beek, Sh. J. A. Whitkside. John Beek, Jr. Roforlng to tho above notico we de sire to say .that the business will in.the future bo -conducted by J. Beek, Sr. and J. Beck. Jr., undor tho firm name of J. Beek fe Son. . Medford, Oregon, March 2, 1594 . u--m-23 Have you seen those nobby hats at Mpllef'sV If not, you should before purchasing elsewhere. . Mohammed began the Koran at thlr-tv-flve. The foldinnr envelope was first used in the year 1839. Exolihii books were first printed by Caston in the vear 1474. Diamond cutting by machinery was firs done in Holland in 1489, . t Got Another Partner.' The business manager of this paper, W.-T. York, returned Tuosday from his month's visit in North Dakota, nnd with him came Mrs. W.. T. York. Tho wedding occurred at the residence of t!o bride's mother, Boyd Grove Farm, near Wheatlaud, .North Dakota, on Wednesday, February 28, Rev. Collinge officiating.. There were about forty invited f rionds of both brido and groom who witnessed tho ceremony. The preeents'given the bride were varied, rare, beautiful nud costly. The bride was Miss Kmina Boyd and is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Boyd and sister of tho b jnau.a farmer, Hon. B. Bovd. She is also a sister of Mrs. A. S. Bliton, aud while wo aro wont to say uiauj pleasant and compli mentary words regarding the young j lady, relationship forbids, and' ns coupled-to this is tho possibility of our not saying just . exactly the right thing, wo will not inako tho attempt the majority of the houso is. now against us. Mr, York is known everywhere to be a most hoiurablo young man and has friends iuuum rabtu at all pjinti of tha compass -Tlio are now ex'.enuing-. un limited good wishes for tho happy couple's success while traveling life's journey. Tho following from the Cajselton, North Dakota, Rjportor, proves to us thnt Mr. York was not doing mission work for himself aione, but was as well doing a little work on the side for Southern Oregon fruk:" V. T. York, business manager of The Medeokd (Ore.l Mail, made the Reporter a pleasant visit Tuesday morning, and left his compliments iu the shape of a ten pound box of elegant dried, fruit Iro:n one of ihc many famous orchards located near that place. Mr. York is a busines? partner of our old friend, A. S. Bliton, formerly of the Wheatland Eagle, and is enthu siastic on the subject of tho fruit in dustry of the valley in which Medfurd is situated. Judging from the sample left us by tho gentleman ho has good reasons for feeling proud of this par ticular product ol his state. Mr. York is a very pleasant gentleman, evidently a rustler, and he takes back with him one of Cass county's most charming young laili-'s as his bride, having (een married v eUnesd.-ty at i hoallanu, to Miss Emma Boyd. Tho hearty con gratulations of the Reporter are here in' extended ail 'round. Merrily Chimed the Wedding Bella.. Last Sunday evning. at tho resi denc?of Mr. 1. S. Enyart. was cele brated the marriage of Mr. A. J. Me Leod. of Medford. nnd Mis Etta Shock Icy, of Portland, Hit. J. M-.'ri-y oflleia ting. These two young poople who have thus happily lios -ned their mooring fo?- a life's voyage over tho S"ia-tiiaes troubled water jiilwr tumultuous or calm, just as we shapj lii.-a arr q-.iit.i well known iu this city aud'are highly respec'.e-J by all. Mr. McLhv.I is one of the nvst p!ea-s.r.t, jovial young fel lows of the city and thoroughly a busi ness in many adaptations. His - - . , i n .. . ming over with congratulations, ami while his act of last Siindav has taken from amon? them one of their sworn friend and welded links in the bach elor chain, it has landed a benedict at the fireside of a happy household, with j Woolsey is troubled with asthma and Mac. as chief stoker, and each an-.l all j found the climate of Oregon no't as ben are quietly figuring on the next link I efieia! as he had hoped, to be severed. I F. J. MiLl.KR, of North Yamhill, Miss Ella, or Mrs. MeL.-od as it Is j Oregon, was ju Medford Wednesday now written, has resided in Medford ! visiting his old friend, I. A. Phelps, only since Jast summer, but sufficient anj looking over the county with a time has elapsed to m.ikj for her a host of friends. She is a very pleasant young -lady of modest, unassuming qualities, and Mac. can figure himself one oi mo iuckicsi oi yuunjj meu m nib i game of chance, in which all take a hand when taking upou themselves the marriage vows. .The bride was th-? recipient of many beautiful presents, both from her Port land and Medford friends. What Shall I Take? Why Slmicens Llrer'HcBiilntor. of course. Il cnu't be boat In any ntlaclfrof Indigestion. BI1 liousness. Sick Headnchc. or Constipation. 11 ives Quick relief, and if continued for a while will completely cure thesu ailment. Tho Reg ulator comes in liquid and powder form. Tho powder is wonderfully conven;ant for luo vest pocket.' A pinch of the powder and a swallow of water leaves no taste and works effectually. Sizing" Up the Situation. Hon. Henry Blackman of Heppner, tho newly appointed internnl revenue collector was in Medford Friday look ing over this part of tho field which comes under his jurisdiction. Ho was accompanied by -Senator W. T. Mat lock, of Pendleton. Tho distribution of patronage at his disposal is not ono wrought with much difficulty, in this particular locality as there arc onty enough applicants fo fill tho oIIIccb. D. T. Sears Is an aspirant to tho posi tion of storekeeper' nnd T. Spangler that of gaugcr, both thoso at tho .Med ford distillery. A. J. Barlow, of Gold Hill, is also an applicant for traveling deputy for this district. It' is quito probable these wlll bo the appointments mado. Mr, Spangler, it will be ro membored, was appointed only a year ago, and under the democratic admin istration to fill vscancy created by resignation of Mr. Whiteside. If any body was to ask you for tho best hut to buy for tho monoy, you couldn't, and be honest to yourself and friends, toll them to buy any other hat than the Stetson W.oltcrs keeps thorn. Ladies: Don't fuil to see our lino of dress goods and trimmings before purchasing. Anglo & Plymalo. My stock of gont'tf furnishing goods it new ondcomploto'ln every .detail I. M.- Muller. . Don't fail to seo .tho bnrgnlns In woolen hosiery and uudorwear, at The , Racket. ( Five acres iof lfind set out to prunes, for sale. Enquire at tho Owl : grocery, PURELY PERSONAL. Geo: Wallauaii returned to Port land Monday evening. . Mr. Stukgis a nd family havo moved to'Grants Pass to reside. W. J. VlltfiiN was down from Ash land yesterday on busiuesit. . ' J. A. Whiteside left Medford-yesterday morning for Red Bluff, Calif. Geo. and Day Parker returned Sat urday evening from their viiit to the fair. ..'.. . Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Taiior are in Rosoburg for a low weeks vioit with relatives. . . Miss Adkixa Vkutrees, of Grants Pass, was visiting Medford friends over Sunday. Traveling Salesman THIE5S, of tha Medford distillery, is home agaiu for a f jw days' stay. II. B. Reed, of Grants Pass, and ex fence man of' Medford, was up jester-' day on business. Geo. Wilson, formerly of Med ford," was in from, his Williams creek ranch Wednesday. S'. A. Carlton was in from' Wellan ' Saturday attending the convention and visitiug relatives. Mrs. Edwards returned Sunday morning from a visit with her daughtor in Eastern Oregon. W. E. COUL left Tuesday morning for San Francisco for a few weeks visit at the midwinter fair. Editor Kaiser went north Tuesday evening to attend tho oputists' con vention at Oregon City. Prof. VlNTOX SMITH and family have moved to Jacksonville where they have engaged in business of a y,ear or more duration. Mrs. D. II. Miller and .Mrs. D. T. Sears and little Miss Fay, were at GraHts Pass a few days last week visit ing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grow came down from Ashland Saturday and vis ited until Monday with their several friends in this city. Cuas. Loan and family, from north ern Idaho, are among the recent arri vals in Medford. 'Mr. Loan is a labor ing man and is now domiciled on couth E street. W. U. BBOCKMAN, tho ex-sewing machine man of Central Point, is mov ing from that place to Grants Pass, near where he expects to engage in placer mining. M'us ALLIE Oshoks, telegraph xp erator at tunnel nine, catna up yester day morning and is visiting hc-r aunt, Mrs. W J. Plymire and tier friend MUs Hallo UoyL Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tipton returned from San B jrnadino, Calif., Wednes day evening. They are old residents of this city, aud have now returned to remain '"and gad to get back." J. M. Jones. aon of Garl T. Jones, arrived in Medford Saturday from Cor va'lis, Montana. He is here for a few weeks visit with his parent aad to' get "shed" of tho bleak blnU of frigid Montana. A. M. Kiiaai of Central Point, was about Madfo.-J Wednesday. The ga- J t'.cmaa had been to tho cduu'.y seat upou the mission of gathering in a lit- tie school money from the county treas I ury special tax. j Mr. and Mrs. Mark GOLDSTONE and ; little Clifford, son of Joe Goldstone, left Sunday morning lor a month visit with friends in Sau Francisco and to enjoy the beauties and grandeur of the midwiuter fair. W. R. WoolsEY, who with his fara- W. II. WoolsEY, who with hi it v left Medford a few weeks ago, i ; now located at Sauta Ana, Calif. Mr. view to a nossiblo business location. view to a His is the implement business. Wm. Ulricii returned Friday night from a several days' visit to several California points. He was out selling meats lor the South-.-rn Oregon Pack ing company and rej-orts sales first class. Says this company's products are always in demand. T. H. Bowers and family, of Colum bus, Nebraska, are here looking for a farm location. Mr. Bowers had been in corresxndence with Hamilton & Pulra for some little time. and it was through this, correspondence that he and his family arejiow anions us. P. B. 0Neil returned from Califor-' nia Saturday evening nnd will remain in Medford for a few weeks. Tho gon tlema'n will make frequent trips be tween this placo and San Jose. during the spring and summer months busi ness requiring his attention at both places.- J. E. Shone and wife, of Denver, Colorado, are among the recent arri vals at tho Kogue river valley Hub,. They arc friends of G. L. Sehernierhorn and are here to romain, at least a few months, nnd if a suitable business loca tion shows itself they will romain for all time. . PeiIRY Foster, of ' Beaglo, was among the many visitors at The Mail office last Saturday. He is ono of tho prosperous farmers of that locality roads The Mail and is happy, or as happy as man could well expect to bo who Is compelled to face tha situation of county affairs in their present .con ditio. Taylor Payne loft on the south- bdund freight Monday evening for San Francisco, having in charge a car of chickens for Muller & Davis. Ho ex pects to be absent about ten days. Mrs Payne left Wednesday morning for the same city where sho will visit the fair and from there will go to Anaconda, Montana. D. Ross aud P. Sways, of Oakland, Calif., stepped off Tuosday evening's overland in Medford. They are now over in the Applegate country visiting, friends. Mr. Boss has with him a mu sic leaf .turnor, his own invention, which ho is .placing"on the market. It la similar in some respects to the samo device recontly gotten up by Redfleld Bros., of this city. A. A, Davis, the flouring mill 'man, took Tuosday morning's train for San Hood's Cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion San Francisco. Tha combination of excellent stomach tonics In Hood's Sarsaparilla ij such that, with proper attention to diet, indiecstion and even the worst casus of dysnopsia are 1 curea ny inis meaicine. iteaa tins: "Having for sovora! years been ptsaUj troubled iUi Ingestion, and having; scea Uood'B Sursaparilli ndvertlsKl, I concluded to give it a trial. To my happiness and great satis faction I found It to be the mlj remedy for tills complaint." JJ ns. X. Fiske, 45 Geary street, i&n Vninctaco, CuL Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and eCxieutiy, on the liver anJ buwcU. 25c Francisco. His mission, he -states, is purely business, with a few midwinter fair luxuries on the. side. He will be absent about ten days. The trip is made chhjfly to look after some large shipments of flour and feed recently made to that city . from his Big Bend flouring mills at Davenport, Washing ton. L. M.. Butts, of Portland, accom panied by his two nic-ces, arrived in Medford Sunday morning: The young ladies returned the same evening but Mr. Butts remained a few days. He is here looking for a suitable piece of land near this city with a view to pur chasing. The ladies, we understand. are now occupying government posi tions in Portland but intend to throw up thair positions and reside upon the property their unele will purchase. Capt. O. C. Aitlegate, a big stock grower of Klamath county, was a pleasant caller at this shop Tuesday. The gentleman is a brother of Mrs. M. L. Alford, is an old time newspaper man, formerly editor of the Ashland Tidings, apparently a good,' square, out and out gejit'.einan in every sense and is a candidate for the nomination of secretary of state. The gentleman lays his claim to the office upon the grounds that Southern Oregon is en titled to recognition on the state ticket. Prevention is better than cure, and you may pre vent that tired feeling by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. which will keep your blood pure nud free from acid taint and germs of disease. Hood's Pills do not purge, gripe, but net promptly, easily licientiv. pain or and cf- lor Sale. A small home close to Medford, he same being planted, seeded, stocked and furnished. Apply to C. X. Tinker. Pritchard, the Medford jeweler, is not promishii; to give his goods away but he is svlling them as cheap as ther are being sold in Jacksonville. To Laud Seekers. We have iQ and acre tracts of land near Medford. at prices and terms to suit the times, if sid within tne next 10 davs. The Jackson Co. Flume & Irrigation Co. In cases whore daudrufl, scalp dis- aa. lalung and grnyness oi me nair appear, do not ueg.ect tnem, nui apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair Uenewer. For Sale. Six acres No. 1 fruit land near Phoe nix, fenced and in oultivatkm. Terms, part cash, balance on two to four years time. For particulars call on J. B. GKIKFRC, Phoenix, Jackson county, Oregon. . Prichard, the. jeweler, is selling watches from $2 up as high as you want to go. You get a good article for a little money. ' Buy now price is 'way down. For Sale. while "the Ono second hand Bain wagon, Si heavy, thimble skein. One cheap set double harness. One set light single harness hame tugs good as new. Cheap for cash. John Justus. . Anyone wanting to purchase any thing iu the way of men's dress or working gloves will find It to their in terest to call at The Fair, and exam ine their stock before purchasing elsewhere.- . . ' For Sle. Eighty . acres of good farm laud, fenced aud cross fenced;'- interest in water ditch; will sell stock and tools with farm if wanted. Situated eight miles north of Central Point. Inquire of K. E. Drum, Table Rock, Oregon. The Stetson hat is tho acknowl edged king of men's head gear Wol ters, the grocer, kee3 thorn. An Easy Way to Get Eieh. . In conversation with Shorty Picker ing the other day, wo asked Kim the easiest' way to make money. He re plied: "That's easy. Money makes money. No ono is so poor that he ouu not rake up a penny to start ou. Now, upoutho-firstday of the month deposit one'eent In the bank aud on each of the succeeding' days of the- month double your deposit, conow tins program faithfully aud at the end of the - month you will be agreeably surprisod to find thut youf account will show tho sum of 85,3GS,U9.12 to your credit. With that little 6um all yoi have to do is toretiro and lot the other fellows hustle." We Imagined these figure wefe a trifle ex aggerated, out a pencil and paper soon convinced us. Now, if some kind frieud will only loan us the "starter.". . SarsapariSSa O ' 1 .1 I f: THE COMFORTS OF HOME Are never quite complete unless your larder is supplied with ihe best And freshest of Groceries. ' A Happy Household V Is one .that is well fed. . No Housewife . Can prepare a palatable meal, if she has not good material with which to work. Wolters, the Grocer, supplies these articles. A Well Attired . - Gentleman is always pleasing to look upon. ' "For a very little money Wolters can fit voa out to fill th bill. His " " ' STETSOfi HHTS WO LTERS, Ify'EflffiL. H. M. BALL. Pres. Tatruirm, Washington. CAPITAL Jackson County plume IRRIGATION Has opened a Land Department, and is prepared to transact a General Real Estate Business. LA N Bought and sold or nandled on W VUAUUMigiUUa Because of our connections both on the Coast and in the East oar facilitiei for I'ldcing property are unexcelled. Address correspondence to W. T. SKURTLEFF, Land Agents Officks ix IIamli.v Block. MEDFORD OREGOIf. mm, - mi All kinds of Factcry -WorK. Furnished upon Application. Free De.;ery to all parts of the City. WALLACE WOODS, Agent for Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company, Mepfosd,- Okegoji .. JOBBING OF" ALL KIZSTDS. All work guaranteed first-class. Plans nnd estimates furnished for " all' kind of work either brick or wood. Hills cf LUMBEB of all V.ia5s flllsl on short Kicds any Unas the shape ot. vcod ATedford, - J. R. WILSON, ItlH timlllUll GENERAL BLACKS "Wagons and Buggies -VTade to Order All Work. Warranted First Class. Medford, - D. H. MILLER, . . DEALER IX Hardware, Stoves, Tinware aim ruse Wajyantcd Cutlery, CWpenters and Builders Rcdjacket Force Pumps, for deep iAre beauties. 81,000,000. W. E. COUL. " Sec'y and Superintendent COMPANY D .- do notice. Slash. Poors and Mill work of U fork can be hU oa short noUce. - - - - Oregon. obs - ETC. TH 11 HORSE SHOER. ( or. C" and Eight street Oregon. . uunuing ificuciiai. Tools. Fishing TacUe, Ammunition. Etc.. Kt or shallow wells. Tin Shop Attache i mm (TOHM very Pair Guaranteed. address 6am Francisco CaiV