The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 26, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Corbett a Winner.
Jacksonville, Florida, Jan. 25:
iCorbett wins the battle with Mitch
ell in the third round. Mitchell
resusitates after fifteen minutes of
unconsciousness and declares it was
Jan unfair contest and that he had
been drugged.
A marriage license was issued Jan.
20th to William Smith and Miss Emma
Section Foreman-KeHey is making
some improvements about the S. P.
jdepot grounds.
E. P. Pickens, of Table Roct, has
sold his 160 acre farm to a California
party for $7200.
Cranfill & Hutchison carry the best
line of men's and boys' hate in the city.
r.-U. Liudley has purchased a five
'acre tract of land in the Roberts &
.O'Neil addition from John Reed. ?
At the Fair, bargains in gents' white
laundried shirts and underwear. Jas.
E. Roberts.
I. M. Muller has a new 'ad en op
posite page. He is talking to you re
garding various articles in his line.
v Baek, Whiteside &. Co. will sell at
cost, two wagons and one cart.
Wallace Woods has received his
first consignment of lumber from the
Sugar Pine Door and Lumber company.
Five acres of land set out to prunes,
for sale. Enquire at the Owl grocery.
. Married In Jacksonville Jan. 22,
1SW, by R. S. Dunlap, J. P., Mr. Chas.
N. Gregg and Miss Maggie May Ola
ockees. O. F. Demorest, dentist, opera
olock, Medford.
Landlord Purdin is having his res
ident property on C street repaired,
preparatory to moving his family from
Hotel Medford thereto.
I can fit you Tout in anything you
may need in gent's furnishing goods or
groceries I. M. Muller.
That ten-mill school tax which was
voted at a recent school meeting held
in Medford was to cover a period of
expenses for two years. ,
. Specialties in glassware at the Sec
ond Hand Store, i ;! : -. .v; , : ' - '
S. A: D. HIggins is having his
perance billiard hjjnLpapered and
re-finished throughout, preparatory to
opening a saloon therbia. 's
The very latest toe and-.ti.jB. in a
ladies' fine shoe at Angle & Plymale's.
Three new members were received'
into the Christian church in Msdford
last Sunday. They were Prof, and
Mrs. -Vinton Smith and Mrs. S. S.
My stock of gent's furnishing goods
i new and comDlete in everv detail I.
M. Muller.
The feather-weight, M. Alford,
changed his place of residence Tuesday
from M. Purdin's residence to M. S.
Damon's place, corner C and Tenth
Fetsch takes the cake in making
clothes cheap.
The names of two new students
wre enrolled at the Medford business
-colleee last Mondav. They were S. E.
Martins, Klamath Falls, and Press.
Phipps, Jr., Medford.
Macintoshes! Macintoshes! ! Big
bargains at Angle & Plymale's.
Bunco lightening rod men have
been operating in Marion county. Any
Oregon man who is foolish enough to
invest a cent in lightening rods de
- serves no sympathy.
- Fresh salt-water fish every Friday
at C. T. Payne's.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lawton, who
have been quite ill for the past few
weeks with a complication of ailments,
la grippe predominating, we are pleased
to note are slowly improving.
Our stock in men's rubber boots,
men's, ladies', misses' and children's
rubbers is complete. Cranfill & Hutch
ison. Of the sixty odd shade trees set out
in the city park last year only about
thirty-five of them are living. The
reason for so many dying is attributed
to their having been too large at time
el setting.
Cranfill & Hutchison are showing
a line of dress goods that can't be
beaten for cash.
Steamer Del Norte is now plying
between San Fiancisco and Yaquina,
in the interests of the Southern Pacific
railroad. Freight from San Francisco
can again be sent to Oregon points by
this route.
Get groceries at I. M. Muller's,
corner Seventh and C streets, Medford.
The people of Klamath county are
jubilant, that is, those about Tule
Lake are that way. They are to have
a new flouring mill, the people of that
locality having subscribed 4900 as a
subsidy for that purpose.
How does this catch you for a bar
gain? Five 1 pound bars of Horseshoe
soap for 25 cents, at Muller's grocery.
The Southern Pacific Company
disburses over $1,000,000 monthly in
gold and silver coin to employs in iu
service, and the California papers say
the company is again talking of paying
in bank checks everywhere along the
Farmers who want black walnuts
to plant can get them cheap a Mounce
& Schermerhom 6, Medford.
. 1 1 1 T ,
An Aiuaoy lauy nas secured a
' oretty sure cure for the grippe. Every
evening before retiring she gathers
hei family about her, fixes up a dish of
oniots, vinegar and Bait, and all par
take f the savory dish, with brown
Coapare our prices on cotton goods
with anj line carried in Southern Ore
gon and you will find them doyrn to bed
rock. Cranfill & Hutchison.
. L. Webb has a fence machine
but he is not going to institute any op-
sition to Mr Fredenburg. The ma-
came was taken on a debt over at
Lakeview and was brought over from
that place a few weeks ago. He wants
to sell.
. Maxcy and G- L. Davis are fig
uring ou going into poultry culture on
O -J MU 4AAVA9 WlbU ill"
Cuba tors and rear them from the cra
nia to the jjrave with
Highest of all in Iaven-oj
profit, and on business principles from
the incubator to the San Francisco
market. There ought to be good money
in the enterprise if conducted as
mapped out by these gentlemen.
"Got 'em agin," bargain lot of
men's hats. Racket Store.
.Secretary Buchanan, of the Mod-ford-Jacksonville
railroad is here and
yesterday afternoon closed a deal with
C. F. Lewis to act as engineer on the
company's road and John Dyer, con
ductor. Gentlemen:-At Anglo & Plymale's,
at hard times prices, a nobby suit
N. B. Bradbury has been danger
ously ill for several weeks past with
pneumonia, resultant from a severe at
tack of la grippe, but is now consider
ably improved and a speedy recovery
is looked for. Dr. Wait is in attend
ance. Miss Lizzie Nicholson is prepared
to do dress-making of all description.
Rooms in Halley block, Medford, Ore
gon. G. L. Epps and E. W- Carver are
arranging for a grand ball at Phoer.ix
on St. Valentine's day, February 14th.
The boys promise a good time to all
who attend and as their word is as good
as a bank note the promise is well
Do you ever eat oysters'? Wo are
prepared to servo them iu any stylo.
Have both Shoalwater bay and eastern
oysters, Mounce & Schermerhom.
Recorder B. S. Webb bas been en
gaged in taking the school census for
the past couple of weeks and has found
so far 605 children of school age. This
number will probably not be increased
very much as Mr. Webb has narly
completed the rounds.
The old and reliable LIXIUEXT
XXX. A friend to mankind as well as
to the animal.
-; Robt. Lawton, son of J. W. Lawton,
has accepted a position as clerk and
pharmaceutical student in Mayor Has-
kins' drug store. He is a very bright
voung man and will make a thorough,
competent business man unless his
looks and movements greatly belie him.
Clarence Kellogg, together with,
several other accomplishments, is
nothing slow as a taxidermist. Gaze
upon that owl he recently put up for
J. A. Whiteside and you will agree
with us. The bird may be seen in one
of Beek, Whiteside & Co's. show win
dows. Pritchard, the Medford jeweler, is
not promising to give his goods away
but he is selling them as cheap as th-.-y
are being sold in Jacksonville.
B. F. .Garsage writes from Jack
sonville stating that he has not left the
country as stated in the Times, neither
has he any intention of doing so. He
further states that as soon as he is able
to get work he will fix up all money
matters with those who have accom
modated him.
You wonder how Cranfill & Hutch
ison sell good, solid goods so cheap? It
is very simpie. We buy for cash and
discount our bills, and sell for cash.
Cash talks every time.
John O. Ralston, of Wildervillc,
eight miles south of Grants Pass, who
imagines the Northwest wind brings
him disease and that he is being killed
by electric treatment, was adjudged
insane last Saturday and as taken to
the asylum at Salem ths same evening
by Sheriff Shattuck.
If you want goods at bottom cash
prices go to Cranfill & Hutchison, the
finest decorated store in town. They
have no old shelf worn goods to work
off on their patrons.
From nearly all cities and towns
on the coast comes the report that the
Chinese are registering." The high
binders of San Francisco, however, are
said to be doing all possible to prevent
them registering, but the average Chi
naman has just sense enough to know
that he can't monkey with the law al
Call on Wirth Photo Co. for su
perb photographic work. Extra finish.
Old photo's copied and enlarged. Por
traits finished in oil, India ink, water
colors and crayon.
One week from to night, February
2nd. the Medford dancing club will
give a Mother Hubbard dance in the
opera house, uentlemen as well as
ladies are supposed to wear Mother
Hubbard dresses and masks. None
admitted in costume and to dance ex
cept those invited. A general invita
tion is extended to spectators. Ad
mission to dance 50 cents; spectators 10
Because that J. W. Bates put down
the price of shaving from two-bits to
fifteen cents is just the why of his big
run of work. The people always stay
by the man that' knocks the props from
under high prices. Bates the barber,
C street.
Twenty-seven dollars in three days
is pretty good placer mining for two
men, but that is the amount R. S. Tor
rey reports he and his brother A. O.
Torrey cleaned up in that time at their
Anderson creek mine last week. R. S.
was in Medford Tuesday and was tell
ing us that several good quartz ledges
are baing located thereabouts among
which are three or four by John Mont
gomery. When you want a bottle of good
LINIMENT, use XXX. It is the largest
bottle and best remedy in the market.
The Medford Bear creek bridge is
still awaiting repairs. "The ford near
the bridge is being used, but is not al
together safe, as was demonstrated one
day this week when a gentleman in
crossing with horse and buggy was
caught by the swift current and the
whole outfit was carried some distance
below before the opposite bank could
be gained. The bridge should be re
paired at once and save all this danger
ous fording.
ih all Vrobability would have beon ac-
m jipiq I J cepted at that time had not the Lead
better railroad scheme beon upporruost
in our citizens' minds. As to whether
There are some things that a child
can do as well as big grown people.
For instance: Any child can purchase
groceries at my store as cheaply as the
most oxperiencd housewife. This is
saying a great deal, but it is talking
the truth. Tell them what you want
and send them to me they'll get the
best of goods and just as many possi
bly a few more for the money as at
any place in the city Muller, tho cor
ner grocery. Goods delivered free.
Hall's Hair Renewer renders the
hair lustrous and silken, gives it an
eyen color, and enables women to put
it up in a great variety of styles.
Weeks Bros, brought to Medford
from their factory at Phoenix, Tuesday,
a full wagou load of furniture. Theso
peoplo haye engaged the services of
W. H. McGowan, son-in-law of one of
the firm, as their Medford salesman,
and the gentleman expects to com
mence housekeeping in the city as
soon as Mrs. McGowan shall have re
covered her usual good health. The
lady has been very ill but is now able
to be about tho house and improving
All who are troubled with Consti
pation will find a safe, and speedy re
lief iu Ayer's Pills. Unlike most other
cathartics, these pills strengthen the
stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore
the organs to normal and regular action.
Henry Demorest writes from
Neche, North Dakota, tbat he nud Mrs.
Demorest will return to Medford as
soon as ho shall have finished his
studies in dentistry. The thermome
ter has been down as low as forty below
zoro in that country and one can well
imagine that ruch weather is a de
cided breeder of displeasure to people
who have lived in Southern Oregon.
Henry expects to go into business with
his brother, Dr. O. F. Demorest, upou
his return.
A Citizen: ' "Say, isn't that a lulu
of a show window Wolters has fixed
up? and do you realize the fact that all
them goods are fresh? But how could
they be ought else when ho sells o
many of them. I like the looks of that
window it has tho freshness of a May
shower and the cleverness of a metro
pclitical existence." Get good, fresh
groceries at Wolters.
The following is one of the sad
sequel to the Douglas county treasur
er's defalcation: Word has been re
ceived of the death of Mrs. Arrington.
mother of V. L. Arrington, confined in
tho stat3 penitentiary, charged with
misuse of county funds. His poor old
mother gave a home to his penniless
family and tried to do for them the
best she could, but grief over tho fate
of her unfortunate son was more than
she could bear, and she died of a broken
heart. Her son has not been informed
of her death.
-"Costly thy habit as thy purs can
buy: rich but not gaudy, for tho ap
parel oft proclaims the man." The
foregoing is a clothing ad Shakespeare
wrote a few years ago. The same ad
will apply to Wolters' line of "gent's
furnishing goods "rich but not gaudy."
Wm. Ulrich, manager of the South
ern Oregon Pork Packing company, of
this city, roporU that his company
now has on hand $30,000 worth of cured
bacon, hams, shoulders and rendered
lard. The accumulation of these valu
able products of the hog is the result
of the past few months' work. This in
stitution is surely one of the best en
terprises ever put in operation in the
valley for the farmers, and we might
include mechanics, merchants and
When $S will buy you a good silver
case watch, with good movement,
there is no sense in putting all your
faith, as to time, in Davis' mill whistle.
Sleeve buttons from two to four bits,
and all things elsa just as cheap, pro
portionally and Pritchard the jew
eler is doing all this.
E. G. Hurt came in last week from
Briggs creek and reported mining bus
iness going on finely at the Briggs
Valley Mining Company's camp. Tho
company is composed of E. G. Hurt, H.
Baker, .Weaver and W. H. Barr.
They have their water ditch completed
and are washing out gravel at a lively
rate from a twenty-two foot bank with
a water pressure of 165 feet and lots of
it. A clean-up will not be made until
about a month from now when it is ex
pected a good showing will be made,
judging from the nuggets which are
now being found in the gravel.
The case in Judge Walton's court
held last Tuesday, wherein Pentz &
White sued John Reed for an attorney's
fee of 850 was settled by the jury giv
ing plaintiffs judgment for 810. Pontz
& White had been retained by defend
ent in some legal affairs which had af
terwards been adjusted before bis
(Reed's) case came to trial. Webster
& Hammond appeared for defense and
plaintiffs handled their own case how
those attorneys love ono another.
There were back number records, re
vised to date, given on both sides and
the jury had a very pleasant time.
Tho regular subscription price of
The Mail is $1.50 a year, and tho reg
ular subscription price of tho Weekly
Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscrib
ing for The Mail and paying one year
in advance can get both The Mail and
tho Weekly Oregonian ofle year for $2.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions for one year in advance will
be entitled to the same offer.
W. E. Cpul, the irrigation ditch
man, we understand has decided to
change bi3 place of residence from Cen
tral Point to Medford and that to
morrow or Monday he will be here,
and booked for a permanent stay. He
will probably take office rooms for his
company in the Hamlin block. The
coming of Mr. C. to Medford means
prospect for a new tingle of life in our
water power proposition. It will be
remembered that it was about thib
st year that he made the city a
sition as to putting in a thorough
a second proposition is to be mado or
not we are unable to state.
For superb photographic work try
Wirth Photo Co. Aristo, Paris and
Swiss Panels, ivory finish. Enlarge
ments finished in crayon, India ink,
water-colors and oil.
. Geo. Merriman: "When there is
another man to graduato from that
Seventh street blacksmith shop of
mine it will bo George F. Merriman,
and I'm going into tho millinery busi
ness and 'tend shop mysolf. There is
Landlord Purdin he used to bo a
partner of mino and I graduated him
to tho position of landlord and ho is
now making moro money than anyone.
Following him was W. P. II. Legate.
I bought out his interest in tho black
smith business. What did he do?
Bought a grocery store and ho is now
wearing diamonds, smoking cigarettes
and is an all 'round dandy. Say, I'm
looking for someone who wants to buy
a blacksmith shop that millinory bus
iness that I'm going to get requires
my undivided personal attention."
I. A. Mounce is an experienced
auctioneer and his services can bo had
for that line of work at any timo by
applying at Mounce & Schermerhorh's
confectionery store, Medford, Oregon.
We regret that wo are called upon
this week to chronicle the death of
little Nina, the ten-year-old daughter
of W. J. Sturgis, who recently arrived
in Medford from Iowa. The child was
at Sunday school last Sunday aud the
same afternoon was taken ill with an
attack of la grippe which culminated
in a severe attack of inflammation of
the lungs and stomach resulting iu
death on Tuesday. Theso people are
almost strangers among us but their
residence has been sufficiently long to
make for them many friends whose
earnest and heartfelt sympathy is ex
tended to tueni in their hour of deep
aflliclion and sorrow. Mr. Sturgis de
sires us to say that the family fool that
the physician did all that could be done
by any one, but as tho child had in
herited a weak heart the case was a dif
ficult one, her malady being that of
iu Ham mat ion of luugsand stomach.
In buying groceries and all goods
that go in that line you naturally buy
ef the reliable, time-tried and square
dealing house. Wolters has been with
you many years nnd has always tried
to treat you right. For good, fresh
groceries at living prices try Wolters.
There is said to be any amount of
confederate monev being circulated
hereabouts and in some instances it is ;
being passed as genuine. The courts '
hold tbat this is countorfcit money and j
ihe offense of passing it is treated in
like manner to the passing of any other
counterfeits. In San Francisco an ar
rest was made wherein a man had
palmed off several confederalo 820
bills upon lodging houses and -poor
women who gained a livelihood by
renting rooms. His method was to
call at those places and rtnt a room for
a month in all instances paying for
them in advance with a counterfeit $20
bill and receiving in change good
money. Ho did a wholesale business
for awhile but was finally rounded up
by the police. There will be some ar
rests made in Medford if the practice
should be carried on in business trans
actions as recklessly as is reported it is
at the gambling tables,
It is probably not the coldest
weather you ever knew in your life: but
that is how you feel just now, because
past sufferings are soon forgotton, and
because your blood needs the enriching,
invigorating influence of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla the Superior Medicine.
Charlie Nickel is big enough to be
an excellent horseman but his little es
capade in Medford last Friday books
him as no prowess in that line. He
wasdriving into Medford from Jack
sonville and when near the S. P. depot
a gentle zephyr raised his hat from
those well cared for locks of his and
landed it in close proximity to his
horse's heels. Tho animal became
frightened and Charlie, undoubtedly
thinking of the great altitude at which
collectorship plums roost, did tho one
thing which he ought not to have dono
ho let go ono of the reins nnd the
horse began gyrating 'round about in
a manner highly amusing to tho spec
tators but hardly so to Charlie. Tho
harder he pulled tho on rein the faster
gyrated tho quadruped nil tho same
merry-go-round. Affairs becamo des
perate aud Charlio grasped the situa
tion, let go of himself and tho buggy
and fell ker-plunk in about six inches
of mud in noway disabled but horri
bly disfigured with mud his waxed
mustache un waxed and his Sunday
pants tripple-plated with Medford mud.
For a good suit of clothes cheap go
to Fetsch, tho tailor.
li. in. aioore. ho wlo recently pur
chased the J. S. March farm over in
Sams Valley, was in Medford Monday
Mr. Mooro is considerably enthused
over tho discovery of sovoral fino spec
imens of anthracite coal in his locality.
His placo is about two miles from the
Roguo river bridge and near J. O.
Johnson's big ranch. Tho coal spoken
of was found in the bed of Evans creek
near his house and somo of the chunks
will woigh fully an hundred pounds.
There are several pieces to bo soon but
whether they come from the bed of tho
stream, which has recently been deep
ened by tho freshots, or from a ledge
on tho mountain side ho is unable to
say but as tho same quality of coal is
found in tho stream near tho Anttoch
school house some distance above he is
of tha opinion that tho stream is cut
ting into a well defined vein, at least
five feet wide, ut each of these places
and if that be tho caso the ledge must
run through the mountain. However,
there is coal, and good coal, in tbat lo
cality and only sevon miles from the
railroad. Tho find of a well defined
coal bed in this valley and convenient
to a shipping point would prove of un
limited value.
For salo House and lot, located
on D or Front street, near corner of
Fifth, nousrf has five rooms. Good
well of water. For particulars and
prce call at this office.
Jonx Angle is back from California.
D. T. Seaks left for Salem Wednes
day evening.
Capt. WlLUOURN is in from tho Alt
house mining district.
Dr. Rowland is at Jacksonville for
a couplo of weeks professionally.
Mrs. L. Chappel has returned to
her homo at Eagle Point, from Marsh-field.'
C. E. Wilkinson and Mrs. J. W.
Plymike left yesterday for tho Mid
winter fair.
Renus Hamilton returned last
week from a several weeks' visit down
in tho Siskiyou country.
Rev. S. P. Guant is attending to
pastoral duties at Grants Pass. He
will bo absent until next week.
H. F. Wood, the Jacksonville con
tractor and builder, was in Medford
Wednesday looking after business mat
tors. A. D. IlEt.MAN, of Ashland, was
down Wednesday evening and installed
tho officers in -Medford Encampment
No. 30.
C. II. Mourns, of Gold Hill, was do
ing business in Medford Tuesday. 'Mr.
Morris is in charge of tho Dr. Braden
mino during tho doctor's absence in
the east.
Miss Halle Hoyt, the efficient
book-keeper at Angle & Plymale's
mercantile establishment, is visiting
relatives at Grants Pass for a week or
ten days.
H. U. Lcmsden is up from Portland
for a couple of weeks business stay.
The gentleman has considerable valu
able landed interests in various parts
of Medford.
Mrs. G. A. Bi'ffington left Medford
last week for a two or three months'
visit with Portland friends in the
meantime George will continue ono of
the "Faithful."
Miss Myrtle Woodford returned
from San Francisco Wednesday even
ing didn't like 'Frisco nohow too
much wind, ner uncle and aunt also
returned to their homo at Independ
ence. Thos. Turner, of Cornucopia. Ore
gon, and a brother of townsman Wm.
Turner, is hero for a couple of weeks'
visit. Wm. Turner, Jr., is at Cornu
copia attending to his uncle's affairs
during his absence.
Wm. Sevkkence. of Central Point,
was about Mscford Wednesday. He
was telling of a little rumpus which
occurred down that way a few night6
ago wherein a former resident was
"done up" to the queen's taste.
W. Bailey and H. H. McCarthy
started for the Appiegato countrv
Tuesday morning. They have an eye
on a promising mining proposition and
if it shows up as represented they will
; undoubtedly make a purchase.
Thos. Moiunk and family expects
to leave to-morrow for Oakland, Calif.,
at which place they will reside porma
nvntiy. Mr. Moriao will accept the
IxxMlion of deputy sheriJT, at Oakland,
under his brother-in-law, who is the
sheriil of Almeada county.
T. J. O'Mauha and a friend of his,
Makion V a risen, from Eastorn Ore
gon, were over in tho Applcgate coun
try hist week looking up some mining
property. Mr. Warren leased some
placer grounds at the head of Palmer
creek and is now at work on the mine.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stkavf.k arrived
in Medford Friday night from Dallas
Center, Iowa. These people are old
acquaintances of J. D. Whitman and
are the foster parents of Will lU-ap. he
who is stopping at J. II. Stewart's Eden
Valiey fruit farm. Mr. and Mrs.
Slayer will undoubtedly remain here
during the coming spring and summer.
B. S. CHAFKIN, wifo and babies, ar
rived in Medford Tuesday Morning
from Corvallis. Montana. Tbey are
old acquaintances of Hon. Garl T.
Jones and family and will visit a few
days with these people and from here
will go to San Francisco to attend the
fair. Mr. Chaffin is one of tho county
commissioners of Ravalli county, Mon
Y. H. Parker and family returned
from San Francisco Monday night,
fuHv satiitied that Jackson county is
tho only habitation whieh is entirely
suited to tho liking of those who have
resided threin aud enjoyed her pleas
ures and comforts for any great length
of time. Tho peoplo who seek Califor
nia for a pleasant winter's stav arc
usually booked for disappointment aud
Mr. Parker openly admits that he is
ono of tho disappointed.
Miis Maggie Tice returned to Med
ford last week from Grants Pass, at
which place sho was employed in ono
of tho hotels recently burned. The
lady came near being burned to death
in the conflagration, as sho would not
leave her room until help came to as
sist in removing her trunk. Xo
amount of persuading would induce her
to part with the trunk and to save her
life tho trunk was taken out oven
though the building was then in flames
and tho walls liable to fall at any time.
Her cousin, Carrie, was loss fortunate as
all her clothiug was burned.
Dr. J. H inkle, of Central Point, was
in Medford Monday and while here
fouud his way to this shop. Among
other good things he had to offor was
tho necessary collateral for The Mail
and Oregonian aud a littlo talk on
mining matters. The doctor is well
versed in tho mineral topoeraphy of
tho valley, but in his opinion, as a mat
tor of course, tho Sardiuo creek country
is tho cream. He has a fine six foot
ledge at tho head . of Murphy's gulch
jwhioh assays $100 per ton aud is loca
ted only a short distance from the
famous Lucky Bart mipo.
Attorney W. I. and T. W.
JOHNSON were at AsUlaiid last Satur
day night. Mr. Vawter was there for
the purpose of iustalling officers in tho
I. O. O. F. lodge and Wes. went along
to keep him company aud assist in tho
installation work. They wore to re
turn on Sunday evening's train but
they didn't the train was tea hours
late. Rather than wait for it they, to
use an expression peculiar to the OO'
casion. "hit tho ties" and landed iu
Medford about six o'clock, having beon
on the rond four hours. A littlo dis-i
tance up the road they met a profes
ri'H5laXhf'iiiV.i ifr
Mr. H. II. Churchill
UL Vernon, Wuh.
An Honest Medicine
Rheumatism Cured Health Eutlt Up.
Mr. Churchill, formrrly of Churchill & Tavlor,
eurvi'vors and clTil cnflni'PM. Jit. Vernon,
V ashlnKton, writes: "tfcuiUieni CaiKornla
was my Uorao I sir mar.T ytJUi. V.'licn I camo
here 1 began to bo aSllctad all over with
.And also pa'.na Id my bacU and a general fcrilnj
ol being used up. lly business Uikct ma out Iu
thi riemor.u all the I'jse. and I found my
self unfit for work, koad'jig an adveruse-
meci oi isooa's rcirv.'jarilia, ana learning
also that the r'.cj'jciue & cftnpounded
my own Stte of MasMchusstls. 1 coaeiuded
tins m&Y bo un honrti sardlciase. I took
It aad un so muca Uupro7ed Uict I n out
Hood's s Gores
In all weethere and travel all As.y with co
fatigue and bred feelln?. To aay one th&t
j leeU bail all over I mj talw Hood's Earatps
1 rllli. It has cured me." ILH-CnCRcmLu
HOOD'S PlLLS cure Llrer Tils, Jaundice,
sional 'round the world tourist, who,
thinking they were looking for em
ployment, volunteered the information
tbat they were going the wrong way as
there was no work and plenty of water
Up in tho Willamette country, but add
ed thai as they wera well dressed
they could get something to cat almost
any place.
Rev. J. Mekley and wife arrived in
Medford Monday morning from a quite
extended visit in California. These
peoplo are friends of Mr. and Mrs. C.
I. Hutchison and are formerly from
Denver. Indiana. They were in Med
ford about three months ago and while
here were driven about the country
and thereby an opportunity given to
get a good look at our wondrous fruit
crop. These people left after a few
weeks for California and after travel
ing in tha'. state for three months they
now find themselves again with us, but
ibis time they are here to remain.
A Mr. STEFFI NGER, of Portland,
was in Medford several .days last week
and was talking over an electric light
preposition with our people, which,
bowaver, did not seem to coincide with
the ideas of several of our councilmen
and citizens, they considering that bet
tor propositions for the city's good
had beeu made by other parlies. Mr.
Stefiinger had also in view tho proba
ble purchase of our brewery and ice
planv, but this he filially decided not to
do. The gentleman is proprietor of
the Merchants Hotel at Portland and
is reported to be a man of considerable
Do Not
put off taking a medicine. Numerous
little ailments, if neglected, will soon
break up the system. Take Hood's
Sarjaj'-ariila now. to expel dUeaso, give
strength and appetite. '
Hood's Pills cure constipation by re
storing the peristaltic action of the
alimentarv canal.
It is almost a safe guess that two
thirds of tho male population of Med
ford are interested in mining property
and many of the remaining third are
getting themselves mixed up with that
iudustry as swiftly as opportunities
show themselves. Among the more
recentoncs who have had their pockets
copper lined and are now packing
around a vsrigated assortment of quartz
are E. H. Fawcclt, A. Wright and Jas.
Coeti. These gentlemen have recently
each purchased a sixth interest iu the
Odd Fellows mine in the Blackwell dis
trict from Emilo llolden. This miue
has been worked considerable during
the past year and at present there are
several tons of ore on the dump which
is rich in both gold and silver. The
ledge is five feet wide with a rich pay
streak running through the center
eight inches wide. An assay of quartz
from this streak goes $1200 to tho ton
and quartz taken from the ledge out
side this streak assays $40 in gold and
$31.70 in silver all assays made in San
Francisco. It is tho intention of the
owners, as we learn from Mr. Fawcett,
to soon put in a five stamp mill. We
have specimens of the rock at this
office which show up very rich.
He Didn't Uet to Portland.
Teoplo who were In attendance at the trial in
JuiIim Walton's court last Saturday were Eih
ly amused and o ms'.1o was seen to slide over
taeir faces at various times, but that smile was
one of disgust and pity. Disgust for the drunk'
en deputy U. S. Marshal and pity for the pris
oner so unfortunate as to be in charge of such
a maudlin fool representative of the law.
Tho case being tried was one wherein J. W
Englcdow. residing upon a piece of government
land about two mi!s from lold Hill, had been
arrested by Deputy U. S. Marshal Hope for
cutting and selling timber from government
laud. Inglcdow did not deny the fact that he
cut and sold the timber but slated that the tim
ber was cut durluc th process of clearing the
! land and instead of burning it on tho grouud
he sold a tew loads nnd bought provision tor
his family with the proceeds. The evidence of
throe witnesses was heard, as was also the
prisoner's own testimony, which latter was to
the effect that he had been to Jacksonville, ex
nmiued tho plats and had told Clerk Muller
that he would go onto the land, lnako his im
provements, run out tho boundary lines after
which he would return aud make bis riling,
proved conclusively to tho judge that his in
tentions were to mako the place his homo und
iu cutting tho wood ho was ouly doing so to
clear the land uud in selling it ho was ouiy
making use of that article instead of destroying
it by burning it on tho ground, and the prisoner
was accordingly disohurged.
To one looking on it appeared to bo a case
whereiu tho marshal was determined to take
his man to Portland whether innocent or guilty
and to that end it looked liko his efforts
were to prejudice the judge, citing his
authority from a higher source
and closing each time (this authority
was citod several times) with tho statement
that the prisoner must be taken to Porllund
u hl.'h showed bevoud a doubt mat ho would bs
satistled with no other decision than thai of
guilty, ah a nintur of fact the judge ought to
Uud him eiiillv in order tnut tuo manual be
uiveu an opportunity to "railrouu" his luun to
pi,riind and cnllLtet his mileage.
It is a verv unfortunate state of affairs that
such u man as Hoge should have been appointed
to the posiiion ho now holds and it a report
from Judge Walton us to his oonduut in the
court rouui has any weigut wiia tuo -uigner au
thorities" his position ill bo occupied by ua
olhur ore u:aity months.
jf" ill 0 JIj 3ji A."'
i: - l .
In Hush times does rot
amount to
' I
goes only
so far:
But now,
' I'1
goes at least this far:
if invested
Al! kinds
BE -
iupon Application.!
Agent for Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company, Medford, Oregox.
At the old stand on Servnth street.
o Whole or chopped, Corn, Potatoes and Beans. o
W ANTZD-3D bnshels of Sead Oats, also soxe Barley ssd Wheat.
J. R. ERFORD, Proprietor,
Practical Business Mm SgU of Oreioi
ns n
"Wagons and Btigpdes !Eade to Order
All Work Warranted First
Sardware, Stoves,
t and Fine
Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters and Builders
Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep
VVT J'4M V;re-,vy .
1 ;
.J, .--
much. ItT
just about
r l1 HI F
iirntmi m imuinnm g
- ETC.
of Factory Work Furnished
- - - Medford, Oregon.
I 111 I I i i I ; t I 1 k I a.
Cor. C and Eight streets
Building Material.
Tools. Fishing Tavklo, Ammunition, Eto-. Et
or shallow H;ells, Tin Shop Attached
.and . -
Pair Guaranteed.
address San Francisgo CaU