The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 22, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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2UTOH & YOJES, FubittfieM.
A. S. i3r,iT03sr, .- ".- - Editor
EV. T. Yobk, - .- ! Manager
Published Every Friday Morning.
Man was 30rn to hustle.
He is of lew days; bat quite a plenty.
Eatered W tSe Postofllce at Medford, Oregon
as Second-Class Mall Matter,
jfcliDFosD, Fridat, Pec.,, 22, JS3S.
The Mail and Cosmopolitan. . . . .$2.(55
- " " '.' , S. P. Examiner.'.. 2.35
'u S.F. Chronicle... 2.35
." " 'WomankjUid, pub
' lisbed a Springfield, phio,.. J.CO
.The Mail and American Farmer
published at Washington..... 1.65
;Tee Mail and American Farmer,
published at Springfield, Ohio I."55's influx of new people
Is it a fact that Judge N,ejl never
eells his county scrip at a discount?
The Jacksonville Times will ap
pear as a semi-weekly after Janu
ary first.
The Wilson tariff bill' will un
jdoubtedly pass the house but will
in all probability be killed in the
senate.- . "
. : '." If', .. T-f
' Xo less than forty people have
arrived in Medford from various
points of the east during the last
jveek and all are here to remain.
La grippe is no respector of per
son or locality. It catches the high
jand the low and rages at all points
of the compass. While there have
ibeen, and still are, many cases in
Medford no fatalities are reported.
& fact which, speaks well for the
gkill of our medical pratitioners.
The Oregon Pacific railroad has
been sold for $200,000 to New York
parties. This is a turn in affairs
which is pleasing to the business
jnen of this valley. . Jt was reported
p. few weeks ago that the Southern
Pacific was contemplating its pur
chase, and this was not just what
Pregon shippers wished for.
Ix view of the Tact that Monday
jsthe Greek Sunday, Tuesday the
day of rest among the Persians,
Wednesday among the Assyrians,
Thursday among the Egyptians,
Fridav amoa? the Turks and Sat
iorday among the Jews, it is plain
that the man who has conscien-j
$ious scruples against wording on
fsunday can't do anything else than'
join the aoble order of the Sons of
Best. . ' " -
These dirty ,opium consuming Cm
namenare peculiar people and when
they resort to humor it is usually Jar
fetched. For instance, Ah Wing is
jn the penitentiary at; Deer Lodge,
Tenn., for life. He heard that all
Chinamen who dp not register must
be deported. He has not registered,
but has intimated that he" is ready
to be sent back to China. What is
io be done with a man who has no
jaore sense of humor than that?
i'T a
The question, "what does a man
J)uy when he purchases a title to a
. farm?" has often been ask'ecl, but
fiofc jsatisiactonly determined. rom
pajB the Globe-Democrat, it is plain
thai he buys the ground,' of course,
ftnd all the buildings erected on it,
Whether they are mentioned or not.
He always buys all tie fences, but
not material once used, then taken
down and laid aside, nor material
purchased for a new fence' unless
Jhey are especially mentioned. He
also buys all adjuncts necessary to
Jhe farm except implements ' and
machinery. For instance, if" there
js a pile of bean .poles cut and once
ased they are the sellers property,
'Unless specified as sold. Standing
trees and trees that "have fallen or
blown down go' with the ground,
but if cut down and made into cord
wood, they become personal and
pust be specified in the sale.
The fee system for connty officers
a Oregon was done away with by
fhe last legislature to' take efiect
jjaly 1 next, and thereafter all
countv officers throughout the
State will simply draw fixed sal
aries, in most' cases much" lower
than the fees of their offices would
amount to. The next clerk'pf Jack
son county will receive $3000 per
year and the sherif '$2,500.' ' The
phcriff ik entitled to one:deputy jvhp
'is to' receive $1,5Q0 per yearl No
." deputies, except ' as above stated,
are allowed unless the county court
shall censor such advisable, and
jn grafting a deputy to' any officer
yA court shall also fix the compen
sation to be paid ' f)f the' county,
jShould Jackson county be '60 un
fortunate as td're-elect a few of the
prgspht incumbents' the taxpayers
need have no fear lest the deputies
jvill'be appointed and the coippen-j
. nations allowed entirely satisfactory
V-rto the deputies. Jviect one or
jnore hew bffic'ers 'and' the combi
nation whfch sp carelessly' unlocks
ikf) till of the 'cfltinty's finance is
loss and t!ie ring wm be a ring no
Jttarry M. Ball Casts an Eye Into the
Very Probable Future of the (
', tfreat Koffue Kiver Valley..
Farmers Plenty and Prosperous Di
, versfied Agricultural Pursuits
and Bis? Cities Galore.
Editor Medforb Majl, Vour
Special Edition of Dec. 1st came
duly to hand, and I have read with
interest your excellent and valu
able write-up of the Rogue river
country. It contains much infor
mation that would be greatly- ap
preciated by, and valuable to, east
ern persons who ' are dissatisfied
with their present condition and
surroundings, and by others who
may contemplate .. emigrating to
some portion of the Pacific coast.
Every Jackson county reader of
TnE Mail should do his share
ward distributing information con
cerning the resources, climate,
lands, etc, of the county by mail
ing .one cr rpore copies of this spec
ial edition to friends, acquaintances
or others in the eastern states, and
I feel that the individuals as well
as the country, would be benefitted
by such action.
.One of the present drawbacks to
the success of the valley is too Large
an area of uncultivated land and
too many farms of such a large area
that they are only partially culti
vated, and therefore not very profit
able 'to the owners. If we could
divert some of the large immigra
tion that is sure to corae to the
coast, within the next two years, to
your valley, you would soau see a
great change the farms won la
be greater jii number and smaller
in area, say in parcels of 40, SO or
160 acres each, and much more
thoroughly cultivated, thereby con
siderably increasing the yield per
acre. Many more orchards would
be set out by these new comers and
the country now famous for its
rnagmheent Iruits would increase
and extend that reputatiou many
fold. With this increased popula
tion, composed'largely of sober, in
dustrious, saying people, and j-our
lands so largely and well cultivated,
your towns would be the first to
feel the- effects of the good times
thai would follow and would rap
idly increase in population too, as
well as in manufactnries, trade and
wealth, which would place them in
such a condition as would practic
ally make them independent and
effected very little by the panics
and so called "hard times" that are
periodically felt in America. It
would render all our lands, much
of which is now unproductive, read
ily saleable and at greatly increased
values. Lands now selling at an
average g from $20 to $30 per acre,
would soon appreciate to $5J and
$100 per acre. This large increase
in values would also be felt on the
assessment rolls by reducing the
rate of taxation by nearly one-half
and dividing the whole tax among
a greater number of taxpayers. A
great many of the modern improve
ments would come by reason
of this increased population and
wealth, viz, good water works, af
fording water power for manufac
turies at a low cost, affording pro
tection from conflagrations, water
for flushing sewer?, thufl contribut
ing to the sanitary condition of the
towns, electric lights, and in time a
system of inter urban electric rail
ways would no doubt pay. These
latter would reach out in all direc
tions, furnishing transportation for
not only the people, but also for the
j , u ,
gram and produce which could be
hauled by the electric cheaper than
by teamii. Their supplies could
also be cheaply taken out into the
country from the shipping points
on' the Southern Pacific railroad.
Such systems of railways are in op
eration in certain districts in the
eastern states and they are 'riot only
a great convenience to the public
but pay handsome profits to their
stockholders. To my mind there
is now no portion of this northwest
country that can offer so many sub
stantial advantages to the intend
ing emigrant as the Rogue river
valley." There he can find in
abundance, soil of the choicest and
most fertile arid at moderate prices;
a climate unsurpassed except by
California the winters are not long
and'wet as on Puget Sound, nor
extremely cold as in Eastern Wash
ington, Oregon ' and . Idaho. You
have a vast wealth in your timber
on, and mineral within your hills
and" mountains, and 'which a few
years hence will be very -important
factors contributing to your pros
perity. Hops,; which contribute so
largely to the wealth and prosperity
of the rich and lertilc valleys on
Puget SPund; the Willamette river
and in 'California, can without
doubt, be successfully raised in the
Rogue river yalley.' The profits of
this industry, as you are doubtless
aware1, are quite large, often rang
ing from $100 to $500 per acre--
the former is considered a low ay-
erage profit. T hope to' be able 'tp
interest some large growers in the
establishment' of an experimental
hop farm, and if the experiment
proves successful, you can look forr
ward to the - time when Jackson
county wilj rank as a large producer
of this valuable commodity. A
large area of your lands are well
adapted' to producing alfalfa, of
which three to six crop3 can bp cut'
per yeajr' and the yield brings ' from
six to ten tons per acre, usually con
sidered 'worth $4 to $5 per 'tori in
the stack it sells here readily at
$14 Dujf ton, baled. When it comes
into general use it will largely 'tfirp
plant'the native grasses, arid "en
able the raising of a much larger
number of fatter and sleeker 'catjJe
and'hogs than are 11'pw raised, and
which will find a ready market at
good prices in tbe cities 'on Puget
So&hd and elsewhere. ' There ire
also" many thousand acres of choice
larid on the foothill$ surrounding
the valley that are specially adapted
for1 the growing of fruits. These
lands when in bearing orchards
will be fully as productive as those
immediately surrounding Ashland,
and brings the same large prices,
yiz, from $200 to $500 per acEe, In
fact you have a glorious future be
fore you,1 but in order to insure the
greatest measure of success, and
that reasonably soon., every one
must put their shoulder to the
wheel of enterprise and progress.
If you have 100 copies of your
special edition to spare, kindly send
them with bill, to yours faithfully,
Hauuy M. Hall.
Medford Business College,
The winter term of the Medford bus
iness cpllosre will open January 1, 189-1.
It is desired that all students bo present
at the opening and biigin the now year
.by taking a step in the right direction,
and by no doing fit themselves for the
higher, nobler work of life.
The present term of this institution
is just closing, and a very pleasant,
prolitablo one it has been for both
teacher and pupils; 47 pupils having
been enrolled, with 43 in regular at
tendance. The numbur enrolled one
year ago to data was 27, with 22 in reg
ular attendance; the increase of this
year over hist'is 20 in enrollment and
21 in regular attendance. The number
of visitors enrolled for the present
term is 1G3; the number of visitors en
rolled last year to date was 84.
Tho normal class consists gencrallj
of teachers who are reviewing school
work in general, some preparing for
state diplomas, and others for eoiinty
certificates. 'VVe wish to state here
that during tho three years that the
Medford business College has bjeo in
operation and among the great number
of students who, during that time,
have taken the teach ors examination
for both county certificates and state
diplomas only three have failed. In
the commercial department students
are moving along gradually. Silver
and gold coin have both been deinoni
tized, and college scrip is the only legal
tender. Hard times are not thought
of and students in general are becom
ing very comfortable, and in their
everyday work of commercial and col
lege business are forming such habits
as will be of use to them in tho real
atTttirs of every day life.
Classes in the English, preparatory,
shorthand and telegraphy departments,
are all making rapid progress, and the
school in general i in a very satisfac
tory condition. The college is now in
its new building, which, for conven
ience, beauty and comfort is second
to none on the coast, and the location is
one of the most desirable in the state
of Oregon.
The college, which ' was at first
thought to bo only an experiment, is
now a grand success, drawing stu
dents not only from ths different
parts of our own state but from neigh
boring states, and general satisfaction
is given in every department, and the
college is in a promising condition.
We owe much to our friends for our
success. "A friend in need is a friend
indeed." and as we write, the names of
many Mends comes before our mind,
friends who havesTood by us, supported
us in every way possible and watched
with interest the general growth of the
school. ' And we wish to take advan
tage of Ihisopportunity andsuy to those
friends in the language of the heart,
thank you for the part you have taken,
and in conclusion will say, we wish
all a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
Medfohd BrsixEss College.
M. E. Ki;by. Principal.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Jay
Xo'.ice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed execu
trix, under the last will and testament,
of tho estate of Jay Bradley, deceased
j All persons having claims against the
esta will present them to the under-
signed at the law office of W.
, I. Vaw-
ter, Medford. Oregon, with proper
vouchers attached, within six months
from the first publication of this notice.
Dated Aov. n, jsu;i.
Lit" ha A. Bradley,
Executrix of the estate of Jay Bradley.
Eoek Point 1'oiuters.
S. W. Cook, cf this precinct, is
attending court this week.
A. Boggisand family have moved
from Galls creek to Willow Springs.
Miss Xorah Culton is paying
Mrs. Bacon, tho artist, at Gold Hill
a visit.
Mrs. J. W. Hay and daughter
were doing business in Jacksonville
D. McDonald accompanied by
tbe Misses Hays, spent Sunday in
Lindley fe Southworth, of the
Lucky Bart mine were in Jackson
ville last week.
Win. Cook and family aro once
more residents of Foots creek, hav
ing moved there from Gold Hill
last week.
Miss Aliio Mathews, who has
bepn visiting her many friends at
the count' seat has re'urned to
Candy creek.
Miss Bessie Wait has closed a
very1 successful term of school on
Galls creek and returned to her
home at Medford.
A number from this place will
assist in the entertainment at Gold
flill Friday night, at tho close of
Will Freeman's school of that
D. A. McDonald, of San Fran
cisco, is the guet of J. W. Hay and
family. He is in ' this section
gathering niinernl specimens for
the Midwinter fair.
A picnic was held at tho grist
mill one mile above Gold Hill,
Sunday, and a very enjoyable time
was had, although it being a very
quiet affair. Tip brass band 'furn
ished music. 'Those present were:
Orris Crawford, jUjn Sydenstricker,
Jerome Fitzgerajd, Frank Parker,
Walter and1 George Bryant. The
young ladiea 'Were; Sadie Deboy,
Ines Fitzgerald,' OIHe Marksbury.
Katie Parker, Nellie Barlow, Aniy
Moreldck arid Stelle Brule.
-Don't fall to-8eo our line
di and trimmings before
of dress goci
purchasing1. "Angle & Ply'jnale
Big Sticky Items.
Hattie and Harry Cingcade spent
last Sunday at W. T. Moore.s. . !
John Schneider took some fat
hogs into Medford last Tuesday. '
Miss Maude Wiley is visiting her
cousin, Miss Mamie'Wiley,'of An
telope. We learn that Rollin Smith is
the proud possessor of a new top
Charles Garney and E. L. Moore
made Medfordites a call one day
last week.
Calvin Owens and wife spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Gregory. Fysch, . of Eagle Point,
preached an interesting sermon at
tho Antelope church Dec. 10.
June Adams and Alfred Smith
spent a pleasant evening last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Owens.
Mrs. James Gregory and daugh
ter, Miss Lillie, made relatives in
Medford a pleasant call last Mon
day. There is nothing so pleasant as a
social litttle dance, nnd some of
the hospitable people of our neigh
borhood seem to think so, therefore
they invite the young people to
their houses and let them have a
jolly good time.
Last Saturday evening there was
a pleasant little dance at J. S. Ha
gey's, and wo learn that nil present
were delighted with the night's en
joyment. The same evening Mrs.
Adams gave one of her pleasant
''at homes." and the young people
tripped the light fantastic Urn until
the "wee 'sma hours."
Received too lute for last wcelc.l
We are sorry to lenm that J. S.
Hagcy is suffering from erysipelas.
Mr. and Mrs. Cingcade spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
James Matttey lias rentod part of
his fine farm to a gentleman from
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Owens
spent last Friday night at Win.
Mr. and Mrs. Forost Mooro spent
Saturday nnd Sunday in Central
Point visiting relatives.
John "rehneuler, who cut ins
foot po severely about a month ago,
is able to be about again.
Mrs. J. S. llagev and brother
Juno were takinff in the Fights of
Medford. the Queen City of Oregon,
last Wednesday.
George Little and Ruse Moore,
two prominent Central Pointers, are
assisting our road master to make
the road between Rogu River
bridce and Central Point a little
more passable.
Prof. John Harvey closed a sue
cessful thr?e months' term of
school last Fridav with a pleasant
entertainment in the afternoon
which was greatly enjoved bv. the
patrons of the school.
George Isaacs, one cf Medford's
most eligible young men, and also
a first class barber, may be seen
out on lig hticky almost every
Sunday. W nat the attraction is
we can't infagine. butthink perhaps
he is in quest ol Howers.
Mrs. Kiltie Morris and family
have left the old Peterson ranch for
Central Point where thev will
make their future home. Mrs
Morris's many friends will greatly
miss her as she is a kind friend
and neighbor, and ever ready to
lend a helping hand in time of
During the hard storm of last
week, two of John Schneider's little
ones came near being drowned.
The children, on their way from
school, endeavored to cross a creek
but the current was so strong that
they were washed down the stream,
and with great difficulty succeeded
in reaching the bank.
Land For Sale.
Tho undersigned has .'or sn'.o town
lots in lab's addition to Medford, and
also farming land adjoining and near
Medford, Oregon.
Mrs. S. E. Ish.
Just received Tho flncsj line of
Cigars and Tobaeco ever brought to
Medford Faweett & Morris.
Eagle Point Eaglets,
Some children in tho neighbor
hood going barest yet.
Ina Johnstonjs just recovering
from a case of scarlet fever.
A Christmas boat Santa Claus
advertises for Eagle Point. A good
time is expected.
IJarvy Inlo.v is sick with tonsili
tis, but is improving under Dr.
StanSeld's treatment.
Postmaster Obenchain, of Big
Butte, took a four horse load of
hogs down to Medford on last Fri
day. George Daley has purchased the
Stanley saw mill and expects to
run it next summer at old "Round
Top" where he has an abundance
of milling timber.
Our public school has closed for
the winter. -For some reason we
aro short of funds and hence have
a three months' term instead of a
six months' term in winter.
The most dehoato constitution can
safely use Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine
Lunir Balm, it ia a sure remedy for
coughs, loss of voico. and all throat and
lunir diseases. For sale bv W . 11. irar-
kar & Hons.
Kanes Creeic Items.
La grippq is'quite prevalent here
at present.
Miss Annie Knott was visiting
tho Misses Gibson last Saturday.
Mr. ant Mrs. Joo Stover were
visiting the family of Mr. Knott,
last Sunday. ' ' '
James Reever has returned homo
from Roseburg, after an absence-' of
three months. '
Willjiim Russnll, of Galls creek;
was tjcjing busittes in this neigh-
borhood this week.
We ara sorry to say that Miss
Etta Brown is in quite .poor health
but we hope for her recovery.
Master Ed Swinden and his
young friend, Ray Blakly, had fin
sport Sunday, sleighing on winter's
first beautiful snow.
P. Knotts, while engaged in
drifting in his mine was struck' on
the head by a falling rock, which
almost knocked him insensible, but!
he is better at present, we are glad
to say.
Messrs. Dave and John Know
are engaged hunting quartz pockets.
We don t know what kind of luck
the boys havd, not very good we
think, because they don't quite un
understand this business, but none
of us ever gets too old to learn.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the cc-
parterslup heretofore existing and do
ing business under the lirm name of H.
Cox & Son, is, by mutual consent, this
day dissolved. The business will be con
ducted as before by the senior member.
All accounts uue the hrm must be
to K. Cox, and all accounts owed by
the firm will be paid by him.
Ik. lUl,
J. W. Cox.
Dated at Medford, Dec. 0th. 18J3.
Public School Program.
The 500 children ot the public schools send
Christmas Clrccting to their Irk-ndx.
Exert-lHus nt 3 o'clock Friday, pc-c. Zi.
Opon air concert at 1 : by Public School Band
IX THE ASSr.Mlll.Y UA1.I-.
Overture, Peace on Enrlu School Ilnnd
Sonir. Merry I'hrlMmaa .... School
Utwiinn, 1 tiruitiia Though (iruceAniunn
luxjiutluu. Uudcrthc Holly HouKh. ....Viiytl
Keadtuir. A Haiipy Christmas.. Car! Crvtal
KccUutiou. Joe's llrcaiu Ella Metryu.-tkl
txmtf. i.unsimain.aroiH tw-no.l
Uccualtou. A lesago of Lovo...,Kutlh Van
Recitation. Miristmns Eve K. W. Galloway
Ktve miuute I'hrtatinua tulktf, by Kcv. Foster,
su'pactis ana craven .
(.'ariui: cuorut. lhrisiuQK ndlH, by 1U0 voices.
leu uy iuc luu oauu uuu orvuu.
Every one cordially im-IUd.
It f? Hawn to Geo VunTassel, it I
IS: Bellevue add to Ashland. . . 300
A U H. huan to J V Uuukin, I
land ih Ashland 200
Stal-J- of Or.'gon to Angus Me-
Anlny, 40 acres, sec hi, tp 3i s,
r 3 e GO
Angus McAulay to Seth B Wil
liams, same pronertv 2,500
F A Watts to A T Webb, It -U:
Pniehl's add to Ashland 70
A C Bontz to E D Briggs, laud in
Ashland 100
B A Potter to Frederick Ver
mereii. 3 4-1U0 acres, sec II, tp
s. r 1 w 40
G M Grainger to Junius W Dun
kin, land in Ashhind precinct. . 100
M Alice Gallant to D L Glenn, It
I. blk 12; Ashland 220
CO Vincent to S II Glass, tract
in tp iij s, r 2 w l,2o9
U S patent to J H Griffith. 100
acres, tp 8j s, r 2 w
Conllaued from last Bnk
H F Barron v E F Walker, decree of
forvclosure. Judgment for pill for
with interest and S71..S0 attor
neys fees, costs and disbursmenls.
Martin F Hurst vs Wm B Laws, trial
by jury. Jury disagreed and were dis
charged. Mary A Stewart vs K Price etal.
foreclosure. Judgment for pl3 for
SaiS.DT and $t5 attorneys fees.
John S Sims vs the Southern Oregon
Lumber and Manufacturing Co., action
to recover money. Verdict of jury for
plff for 1 151.49 and tbe further sum of
Ordered that Frank Kassahfer bo al
lowed S27 as bailiff of grand jury and
W T Clemens S;IU for service ns" spec
ial bailiff in the case of State vs George
State vs C G Tasker, defendant ar
raigned and a plea of not guilty en
tered. Jackson couuty vs Geo E Bloomer
etal, proceedings continued.
Uobert J Cameron v Geo A Jackson
etal, foreclosure of mortgage. Judg
ment for pllT for $74.'!i with interest,
costs and disbursraenW.
State v? Stephen II Beers, indictment
for murder in the second degree, ac
Georjre Uuu well, indicted lor mur
der. Verdict of murder in the second
degree returned by jury.
The lollowinir ccntiemen coraposeu
tho jury selected in the case of State vs
Hoers: Michael toley, J tr irue. j u
Tvwell, K K Sulton. John right.
Milton Maule. W SCook. J Simmer,
Wm r"elson. Wm M Smith, D B Mar-
don and A Thompson Sr. They were
out but a short time when they re
turned a verdict of acquittal. H L Ben
son and rtobert Smith appeared for the
stale and Messrs Colvig. Fitch und
Cardwell for the defendant.
We have diligently inquited into all
criminal charges brought before us.
In some instances the parties charged
have been indicted, others have been
dismissed on account of evidence not
being considered sufficient, in our
minds, to warrant a conviction. We
Und the public buildings well cared for
and the county omees In gooa orcer.
and tbe books'and accounts neatly and
correctly kept, as far as we are ablo to
iudire. V visited the county hos
pital ana round it in a neat conamon,
the patirnts (ten in number) said they
were well cared for and had plenty of
good, wholesome victuals, beds and
medical attention.
- T Cameron. Foreman.
Four Big Succesaea.
Having the needed merit to moro
than make good all the advertising
claimed for ihom, tho following four
remedies have reached n phenomenal
sale. Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery, for
consumption. Coughs and Colds, eaoh
i ... i i -1 - i j :
CXH LIU ;unniliii:u iu u.wio,
the great remedy for Liver, Stomach
and Kindneys. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, and Dr.
King's Now Llfo Pills, which are a
porfect pill. All these remedies aro
guaranteed to just what Is olaimed for
them and the dealer whose name is at
tauhed herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold at G. H. flaa
kius' Drug Storo.
Fighting the Apple Tree Borer.
Every year in December I go
through my orchard and make a
carpful examination for apple tree
borers. I have just finished my
work in this direction for 1893. I
have never sten so much damage
done in any one year as in this.
Usually the borer has been content
to work near the surface, thus be
ing easily reached by the point of
the knife, but tins year 1 louna
him deeply burrowing in the very
honrt of the tree. Sometimes I have
been compelled to make great
gashes into the body of the tree,
following tho track of the borer up
ward for several ' inches irom tne
point where ho entered the trunk,
and sometimes his course would bo
downward far into the roots of the
tree. It requires patience tq get
rid of these pests, and I know of no
better way than 1 have described.-
IS. L. Vincent in Farm and Jlome.
Wheat, No. 1, " jmr bunhel,
Oat?, . "
Corn, . , '
Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton,
9 Pis
35 f
40 "
40 "
Hay, baled, 0.UU; looxe.
Wood J f"' P"rco.rd'
Flour, wholesale.
Flour, retail,
per barrel; 2.00
per sack, 70ctt
per to (two pounds) SO "
per dozen, SCi '
per pound, 1'4 "
per box, (one bushel) Ml "
per lb. 11 13 "
peril), 11 "
.. .. m
.. 15 ..
' ." 13 "
Bacon and Ilum
Do riot stand in vour
light. If you have a bad
Cough and Cold
it Is dnngrrous to neRlect It. Mrs. K. D. Whit
morft, of (.'hinperra Kails, Wis., says she tried
nil the DOCTORS in that sectlou aiid fouud no
r-ii-i lor her LUNGS untill by accident she
nnd (rot relief almost instantly. Itev. HiaMcr,
piLStor M. K. church. Rtceville, Iowa, kuvh Mod
urch HulKum lit tho most effective Cough and
Lung remedy he ever umJ. for troMen results
folluwt'd ilHusu. Monarch balsam Is double the
sl7. of all 'oilier remedies, the best and tho
cheupetit. Price, 2T and .V) cents ier bottle.
Mr .by WILLSON liHOS.. KdKrton, Wis
consin. For sale by ii. II. HA.SK.1NS, Medford
No More Back Ache
y a
Onlce in Hamlin b1oc-c, Meclfbrd. Oiccon.
S Acre
In Meiford j A
Property ! ssoo
! Canielsan,
Phoenix Flashes.
Mart Baker paid Ashland a
a few days ago.
Born To the wife of John Edsall,
Dec. loth, a son.
J. Wiley went to Ashland Wed
nesday, peddling beef.
Jeff Deveney has returned from
Montana to remain awhile.
Carver Smith has been seriously
ill, but is convalescent now.
Mrs. James Reames and daugh
ter, Lily, paid Jacksonville a visit
John Wright, who has been at
the county wat as a juror, spent
Saturday and Sunday at home.
There was a social dance at the
residence of Geo. Epps, Thursday
evening, which was a very pleasant
The grippe is still on the ramp
age. Your correspondent has
been down for a solid week, buk is
able to be around now.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lamb has our
thanks for a basket of fine pears,
which tasted good to a fellow just
getting over the grippe.
Crit Tolman and Riley Ham
mersly killed another fine black
bear a few days ago. Ranger, Crit's
famous bear dog. tracked him about
ten miles and finally ouerhauled
him, and he had to climb.
The countv court should make
an allowance for Uncle Bennie
! Smith, who is old and feeble and is
now being taken care ot by his
of by
daughter-in-law, who has a large
family to take care of, and is really
unable to do so.
"Davis Best," S13 par 1,000 pounds.
The "Life of the flesh is tho blood
thereof;"' pure blood means healthy
functional activity and this bears with
it the certainty or quick restoration
from sickness or accident. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier gives pure rich blood.
and vitalizes and strengthens the whole
Ixidy. si per bottle. For sale by W.
II. Parker & Son.
Any one desiring to purchase min
ing machinery, or in fact, mill machin
ery of any kind will save time and
money by calling upon C. F. Lewis,
Medford. '
New and second hand stoves for
salo at the Second Hand Store.
CranfiU & Hutchison carry the best
Hue ol men's and boys' hats in the city.
Macintoshes! Macintoshes! ! Bi(j
bargains at Angle & Plymale's.
With but little care and no trouble,
the beard and mustache can be kept a
uniform brown or black by using Buck
ingham's Dye for the Whiskers.
When a child, mothr cat ina baton yrnp for
Com: ha, 0la nd Croup, in turn I ftlv It to my ltW
tlftones. Thtrro la not hi mi ao simple, uto aal but.
Dr. GnnnaQt)ion Syrup la Mharmle and P1!
ant to the tnata aa htyioy. Thta tat mother" hoi&f
ranady, why not try U Sold at 0 ooata. 4
For bjvIo lijr Goq. II, Hiwknsj MetUW.
s w iv yn 1 1
Is Almost
I have just opened a new Stock of
Goods delivered free to any part
When you can get it cheaper than you can buy ready mp
hand-rae-down suits?
FETSCII, the Front St. Tailor, Medford, Oregon.
Parties wanting
of any kind will find them in stock with
Agents for the Sugar Pine Door and
Full Line of
Goods Delivered tree to any part of the
city. Your patronage solicited.
! THE OWL! t:
J i czc
t t t -
!Jioss of the Road" Overalls,
riveted . 50 eta
Men's All Wool Undershirt
and Drawers each S3 cts
Canton Flannel Shirts and
Drawers, the best, eachl 40 ct
The best- Standard VThite
Shirt, all sizes 90 cts
Three pairs Heavy Socks...... 25 cts
Finq assort ment of Neekvear
froro 20 cents up.
Come and inspect rav stock, get my prices, and be convinced that 1 am,
Belling the best goods for the least money of any dealer ia Medford,
JIIedfori? s 5 Oregon,
of the city.
Not get your CLOTHING
ii Paits from 6 up,
Lumber Company, Medford, Ore,
Men's All Wool Suits 6.00,
Boys' All Wool Suits (rotn "
$3 up. '
Overcoats from $6 up.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
. big stock, no space to give
prices, come and see them,
Largest stock of Men's and
. Boys Suits between Port
land and San Francisco;
Good goods, little money. '