The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 15, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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    .asa . ...
never excell?
d. Triad
ard proven"
is the Verdict
o r million
Liver Regu
lator is the
only Liver
and Kidney
medicine 'to
'whiqh you
can pin your
faitH "'for' : a
c u r e . A
mil 4 'laxa
tive and
purely .veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
a n d'' Kid-
neys. Try it.
Sold Ij all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
' The King of Liver Afedlcinaa,
"I have used yourSlmmons Liver ttetru
lator and can conscieuciously say It I the
kinirof all liver medicines, 1 consider It a
medicine chest in itself. Geo. W." jACf
sox, Tacotna, Washington. - ' ..
Has the 2f Stamp In red. on .-wrapper
Has ever been known to have the Cholera who
; " jisd his sha iug and hair cutting dqns at
Our baths are two bits erch. .
I Seventh street, Meiltord,- Oregon.
mm parlor,
R. C. Sunch, prop'r.,
ront St., - - Medford, Oregon.
We treat everybody with the courte
which wo consider due our' patrons.
' Our work is all first-class every line
a specialty. "
If you want work that is pleasant and profitable,
send us vcur address imuiediaielv. We teach men
And women bow to earn lrom S5.00 per day tti
S3 .04O per yearri;hout having bad prerioua
experience, and turuik the eaiplovment at which
Ihey caa rtiake that amount. Nothing difficult 10
Warn or that requires nineh time.- The work is
easy, healthy, and honorable, and can be done dnr
jug dav:i:ae or eve:rlns, riebt in yonr own local
ity, wherever yon live. The result of m few
boars work "of; en equals a week' wages.
We wave taasht thousands of bojih sexes and all
.ages, and rainy have laid foundations that will
tureiv brn them riclics. Some of the smartest
tnen'in this couitry otce their success In life to
the j:r: jriveis them while in our employ years
ico. Yon. reader, roav do as weH: try it. You
csnnct f.iii. Nocnpi::ii necessary. Wefltyonon.
wi:h sonieiMair t:i::i is sew, solid. and sure. A
Joofc brimiui oi advice is iree to aU. Help your
self by wriiir ior it to-day not to-morrow.
Lvlavs are costly.
' E. O. ALLEN & CO.,
Tha B3St
Lightsst Running
and F-!osl Durable.
17ine cut c? ercry ten Sewing Machines n use
in tbe woria are .-..
o!d for cash o,r
Ee$y installments.
Arents in every county. Head office for this
-tat at :tr4 Morrison street, Portland, Ore.
Send. Ior Catalogue.
To wIidtu it may concern In the matter of
' Imiuinirsiortwuiks.
!i!Towa lloam'duly considered the same
and it apiMiarintj to t!i; board that a. new side
walk Kbuul.l i,e corinicted, commencing at
he iwnih --st eoroc.r or lot lour () m diock
one.ii,) k! Uarr's Addition to the Town of Med
Jord, J:'t-M)a county;' Oregon, and running
thence nortl; alrni; the side of the county
uad (:ei!rnate 1 as south J street In the plat of
aid liirt s A'ld:'.ioni and alone the east ends
of kts four, i three. (S)two2) andone. (1) of
jid U:irrs A'iicion. to the southwesterly. . line
of J strict jf Uie original town of Medford, and
Vnonce r.f.rthvsir.strlv ulonif the southwesterly
line of said J street in said original town of
-leuTuru i tee smo l:ne oi west Tntn street
to eo2n.ct with tha sidewalk now constructed
fco said last nvntirtned point.
'On moti'jn, vhich was unanimously adopted,
"the following order was made, to-wit:
I Wnj.rtEA.s. iwidr the nrovlsions of an ordi-
aance the Town of Medford, known as ordi
imcp lio 1. puKHrd the aath day of August, A.
l Ui'X er.titieu "An Ordinance to provide for
he m'akic and repairing of sidewalks," it Is
Ihe jadferiient of the toard of tnseteea that the
jub.ic crjiii'Kni- ace requires thatsectloa one i
JS o.'d.iiwuce :i inJjer eihtv-four (Mi be en-
forced. and a new sidewalk be ordered built
nd ronstn;'.teJ upoa and along the streets
herHir.arwr described, t y tne property owners
wtiii:g prop'-.-ty adjaceat thereto Therefore: oii4rr:'J that the property owners owning
ind holding property along the fallowing line
Wltuill tri'i town oi .lenioru. utiud, to-wii:
(In!infi: in' at- the south-east corner of lot
four ( u in bloc!: owe (1 of Barr's. Addition to
the Town of .Mi-dfnrd. Oeaon. and running
vhence nonh alomrthe west side ol:the county
flrad Ji si?iiatrd as south J street' in the .plat
rl said Hair's Addition) tnd alonj the ends of
Jots fenr. jli thr e, G) two (2) and one (1 or
said Harr's Addiiion. to the southwesterly line
oi J street of t!e said original town yn the south
3ne of West Trntl street to connect with the
sidewJtc now 4;oaotrdcied to said lost men
Vioned point.
.' Said sidewalk to be built of plank not less
than &l (rti inches wide or more than eight
inches wide, and one and one-quarter inches in
(l.iokness, and of a width offlve feet four inches,
with four strintrers axii, with mu'd.sills';at each
eight feet, walk to ba spiked wj.fa dot less ihanl
wele penny nails. -' r- '
. AH lumber to be of red fir, and notl ;e is here,
VJ cives thai; a failure to so build, and et m
plew said sidewalk within twenty days lioin
tie 10th of December, A.D. IS83, wlir cause the
ii'e- or ownors of property thereby failing, 'to;
StfsuVect to ihe penalties provide 1 by naid
dTMTnaace. ' " . - .
: Pated tt Itedrord. Oregon, - this IMth day of,
?;o. v nj. -.;., A. u. 1bj3
ib ' , , . W..I. Vawteb, Mayor.
5'' R- Town ywiMWi
'Arim, -. .... ; .vi .
,Fext of the Measure as Planned
by the Cqiunrittee, ,5
Substance of the Free List Section Con,
' Iron Ore. tVool and Lumber to Pay Nq
More Inty Views of Congressmen Wil
son and Bryan.
The following Is a fall synopsis of the tariff
blU reported by the wars and means commit
tee with a comparison with the present tariff.
Tho bill is to en into effect on March L. 1S8, if
It passes .congress: ' . .....
The free list schcdnlo includes tho following:
Bacon and h.tms, beef, mntton and porS and
meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, net
Specially provided for in this act.
Binding twine
Birds, stuffod.
Bine vitriol or sulphato of copper. .
Bone char, suitablo for use in decolorizing
Boras, crudo, or borate or soda or borate of
Camphor of all kinds.
Clays or earths, nnwronght or unmanufac
Coal tar, crude, and all preparations and
products of coal tar.
Copper in plates, bars, ingots or pigs and
other forms not manufactured.
Cotton tics of iron or steel cut to lengths.
punched or not punched, with or without
buckles, for baling cotton.
Cork wood cut iuto squares or cubes.
Coal, bituminous and shale, and coal, slack
or culm: coke.
Diamonds, dust or bort, and Jewels to be
used in the manufacture of watches or clocks.
Fresh fish.
Furs, nndrcsscd.
India rubber, crtido.
Iodine. resubl::ucd.
Iron ore, including maneanifcrous iron ore.
Lard, lemon juice, lime Juice.
Milk, fresh.
Nickel, nickel oxide, alloy.
Cottonseed oil.
paintings in oil or water colors and statuary.
Vines of all kinds, commonly known as nurs
ery stock.
Plows, tooth and disk harrows, harvesters.
reapers, drills, mowers, horse rakes, cultiva
tors, thrashing machines and cotton gins.
Flush, black, known commercially as hat
ters' plush, composed of silk orof silk and cot
ton, and used exclusively for making mea's
Salt in bulk and salt in bag .sacks or barrels.
Silk, partially manufacture! from cocoons
or from waste silk and not further advanced
than carded or combed silk.
Soap, oil otherwise not especially provided
Sulphate of soda or salt cake or niter cake.
Sulphuric acid.
Tallow and wool greaso, including that
known commercially as dezas or lown wocl
grease -
Freestone, cramta. sandstone, limestone.
AU wearing apparel and other personal ef
fects shall be admitted frroof duty without
regard to their value upon their identity being
established under such rules and regulations
as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe.
Timber, hewn and sawed, and Umber used
for spars and in building wharves..
Timber, square or sioed; sawed boards.
plank, deals and other lumber.
Chair cane or reeds, wrount or masaroo-
tnred from rattans or reeds.
"Whalebone, unmanufactured.
Works of art, the production of American
artists residing temporarily abroad, or other
works of art. including pictorial paintings on
glass, imported expressly for presentation to a
nat-""?! institution or to any sui'.o or munici
pal corporation or incorporated religions soci
ety, college or othsrputiiic institution-
ooos Namely, cecar. lignum vn-2. Iance-
wood. ebony, box, grenadilia, mahogany, rose
wood, satin wood and aii forms of cabinet
All wool of the sheep, hsirof the camel, goat.
alpaca and other like animals, and ail wool
and hair on the skin, noils, yarn waste, card
waste, burr waste, ms and tineas, including
all waste or ratfs composed wholly or ia part
of wool.
Sav scar.
Acids Acetic or pyrolijneoua acid. C3 per
cent (present duty. 14 cents per poanul.
Alconouc perfumery, : per gallon and 25 per
cent (present duty, 2 per gallon aud ou per
Alumina, and alum cake, patent alum, sul
phate of alumina and aluminous cako and
alum in crystals or ground. pur cent tprcsent
duty, 6-10 cent per pcandj.
Blacking of all ktnas,3 per cent (present
duty, 25 per cent).
Refined borax. 2) per cest (present duty, 4
cents per pound.
Chloroform, j c?nts per pound (present dnty.
25 cents per pound).
Glycerin, crude. 1 cent per pound; rcKned,
3 cents per pound (present duty, crude. iH
cents per pound: refined, 4'-$ cents per pound).
Castor on. U cents per gallon (present duty.
80 cents per gallon).
Cod liver oil. 'JU per cent ad valorem (present
dnty, 15 cents per gallon).
" Flaxseed or Unseed and poppy seed oil. 15
cents per gallon of ppsnds weight (preaeut
duty, 32 cents per gallon)!
Olive oil. cents per gallon (present dnty. C3
cents per gallon).
Opium, aoueous extract of and tincture of, o
per cent (present duty, 40 per cent).
Opium containing less than V per cent of
morphia and opium prepared for smoking, 4
per pound (present duty, per pound).
Varnishes, 25 per cent, and on spirit var
nishes for the alcohol contained therein, 1.32
per gallon additional (present, $1.& per gallon
and 35 per cent).
Cosmetics, dentifrices.etc 40 per cent (pres
ent duty, 50 per cent).
Castiio soap. 20 per cent ad valorem: all de
scriptions of toilet soap. 35 per cent ad valorem
(present duty, castiio soap, ia cents per pound:
other soap. 20 per cent).
Brick, not glazed. 20 per cent; glazed or dec
orated. 30 per cent. Tiles, plain and encaustic,
not glazed, 25 per cent ad valorem; glazed or
decorated, 40 per cent (present duty, not glazed,
per ton; decorated, 43 per cent; tiles, etc-,
25 per cent, plain or decorated).
Earthenware and China Common, brown
earthenware, not ornamented, 20 perceut(prea
ent duty, 25 per cent).
Whit granite common ware, SO- per cent;
china, porcelain, porian and bisque ware, not
decorated, 40 per cent; ditto, decorated, 45 per
cent (present duty, white granite, per cent
china, etc, GO per cent).
All other earthen, stone and crockery ware,
85 per cent ad valorem; decorated, 40 per cent
(present duty, plain ware, 55 per cent; deco
rated, GO per cent).
Gloss and Glassware Plain green and col
ored glassware, 30 per ccnu cut, engraved,
painted and colored glass, not looking glass
plates, 35 per cent; cat glass uoiuas, uccauiers
35 Der cent ad valorem (present duty, plain,
from 1 cent per pound to VA cents per pound;
cut, etc., CO per cent ad valorem).
UnDolished crown and window glass, not ex
ceeding 16 by 24 inches square, Vceut por pound;
not exceeding 24 by 30 inches square, cents
per pound; not exceeding 24 by 3d inches sqaare,-
16 cents per pounu; an aoove mai ccnis
per pound (present duty, 16 by '24, cents
per pound; 24 by 30, 2 cents per pound; 24 by
88, 27fi cents per pound: all abo-e, 3 cents per
Cylinder and crown glass, not exceeding 18
by 24 inches square, 2y cents per square foot;
not exceeding 24 by 30 inches square, 4 cents
per square' foot; not exceeding 21 by CO inches
square, 15 cents per square foot; above that,
20 cents ocr sqnara foot (present duty, 16 by
tU i cents per square foot; -24 by 30, 6 cents per
square foot; 24 by 60, 20 cents per square foot:
above that, 40 cents rier square fooj).
; Cast polished plate glass, unsllveredj, not ex
ceeding 10 by 24 inches square, 5 cents per
square foot; not exceeding 24 by 0 Inches
square, 8 cents per square foot: not exceeding
24 by CO Inches square, 18 cents per square foot;
SlLabo7e XhzX. 30 csuts .ner sonar 3 font iawa.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. fto Ammonia; No Alum.
P$ed in Mons of Homes 40. Years the Standard
' iVoiv good digestion tyof on
And health en both.
Couoletie Cottoicne jCottolene jCottolene iCottolene
Cottolenc jCottolene ottolene jCottolene ICottolene
To assure both the above ends,
good, wholesome, palatable food is
demanded. It is next to impossible
to present a sufficient variety of appe
tizing bills of fare for our meals with
out a liberal allowance of pastry and
other food 'n which shortening is
required.' How to make crisp,
healthful, digestible pastry has
puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in
all good cooking in the past has been,
lard. Always fickle, never uniform,
most unwholesome lard has always
been the bane of the cook and the
obstacle to Vgood digestion."
Cottolenc jcotiolcne jcotloiene jColtolcne jCottoleno
Cottolenc Cottolenc iCottoicne Cottoicne Cottoicne,
' Cottolenc Cottoicne Cottoicne Cottolenc Coltoleno
comes now into popular
favor as the new shorten
ing better than even the
best of lard with none of (
lard's objectionable quali
ties. And
cornea attended by both
Qrocers sell it all about.
Cotolenc Coltttcnc Cotioieuc s.otlolei: .Cottclcuc
C'wolcne X .ottolcnc .nttolcnc Cottolenc ottolenc
ST. LOUIS and ce
nt Gnty 18 by 24. 5 cents per square fob!; l by
S., S cents per square foot; -4 by 61, 25 cents per
b iuaro Toot: all nhove that, oOcenta por bquare
Cast polished plate glass, sllvorod, and look
ins class platen not escci'diiis Iti by -4 inches
Njuare. 0 cents j?r square foot; not exoeedln
24 by Cu inches s-unre. It) cents per square foot;
n,ot exceodir.? 4 by Cii inches square, 3) cents
por sqnuro foot; all ubov that, 35 cents per
square foot. Iut no looklne glass plates or
p!ato glass, silvered when framed, shall pay a
less rate of 'duty than that imposed upon sim
Uarghisaof like description not framed, but
shall pay in addition thereto upon such frames
tho rate of duty applicable thereto when im
ported Sfparato (present duty, 1(5 by 24,
cents por square foot; 21 bySJ. 10 ce:its per
square foot; 24 by Gl. 35 cents per square foot;
all above that, 00 cents per square foot.
Spectacle gijses, eyeglasses, goggles, opera
glasses and other optical insrruiuenv. and
frames for them. per cnt (prveut duly, 00
percent ml vnlorec:).
Cat polished plate glass, silvered or nn sil
vered, and cylinder, crown orcommon window
glass, when ground, obscured, frosted, sundei.
euaraelptl, Ucreletl, etched, embossed, en
graved, :aiiied, colored or otherwise orua
ciented or vcomted. shall be subject to a duty
of 10 per cent in n ldition to tho rates other
wise charjeabie thereon. (This provision ex
ists under the present b:il.
Marble of all kinds in rough, 40 cents per
cubic foot (present duty, CO ceui per cauio
Freestone, granite and other building stone,
except nuirbinot specially provided, drcas?d,
211 per cent (present duty. 11 cents per cubic
Roofing slates, 10 per cent (present duty, 5
per cent ad valorem).
Tfce metal schedules of tho bill are almost
wholly by ad valorem duties, while the present
law levies specific duties. Thy following are
tho changes:
Iron in pigs, iron kentledge, spicgel etscn,
fcrro maniincoe, fcrro siiica. wroujlit and
cast scrap iron and can s'.eci, 2J- per cent ad
valorem (present law, 3-10 cent rs-r poand); ail
iron In slabs, hloons, I007A or other forms
more advanced tlian pig irnn. and ies finished
than iron In bars.23 per cent ad valorem (pres
ent law, 3-10 cent in:r pound); bar iron, rolled or
j hammered iron. i:t rt;.ft cr r.xis.nd
bartt or i
Miapea of rolU-J Iron. JO per cent au
vzuorom 1
(present law. s-lu cent per iound: beams, gird
ers. joUts, angles, channels rnr truck channels, 1
columns and pott or parts or tectious of
coiumas and itts. tieel; and bulb beauts and
b;aldin lorm.-!. together with all oilier htruc
tanU shapes of Iron or stetrl. w hcther plain or
punched, or MIed ( 33 per cent a-i valorem
(present law.lMUceut p?rpour.d;;bolleror other
plate iron or steel, except saw plates herein
after provided for. not thinner Can No. 10
wire gauge, sheared or unheared. and skelp
iroa or steel sheared or rolled In grooves, 90 per
cent ad valorem (present law, 5-10 cent per
pound); rorgings or Iron or steel, or forced Iron
or steel combined, of whatever shape, or in
whatever stage of manufacture, not especially
provided for in this act. O) per cent ad valorem
(present law. 2 S-10 cents per pound); hoop, band
or scroll iron or steel, except as otherwiio pro
vided for In this act, 30 per cent ad valore m
(present law, 1 cent per pound): railway bars.
made of iron or steel, and railway bars made In,
part of F-teeL. common or black, including all
iron or steel commercially known as common
or black tagger iron or steeL nd skclp iron
or steel. S3 per cent ad valorem (present law, 1
cent per pound).
Tin riaK-s.
All iron or steel sheets or plates, and all
hoop, bond or sterol 1 iron, cxcop;icg what are
known commercially as tin pontes, leme plates
and toggcrs tin and hereinafter provided for,
when galvanized or coated with zinc or spelter
or other metals, or any alloy of thoso metals,
33 per cent ad valorem (present law, three
fourths of 1 cent per pound). Sheet Iron cr
sheet eteeL polished, planned or glanced, by
whatever name designated, 33 per cent ad va
lorem (present law,2:.; cents per pound). Sheets
or plate of Iron or Keel, or tagger's Iron or
steel, coated with tin or lead or n ith a mixture
of theso 'petals, or cither of them, as a compo
nent part, by thj dipping or any other procos
and commercially known as tin plate, terno
plates and tagger-H; tin4J per cent ad valorem
(present law,2 2-I0 cents per pound). In the
ilcKinlcy law these seetlocs vary -according to
tho class of gooiisbut the figures given are the
Imports t tin plato duties.
Steel Ingots, cogged Ingots, blooms and sla'jR,
by wliatever prtxress r.uulo; die blocks or
blanks, billets aud bars and tapercl or beveled
bars, steamer crunk und other shafts, shafting,
wrist or crunk pirn, connecting rods and pis
ton rods, pressed, sheared or siamied si) apes,
saw plates, wtmlly or partially mauufucturel;
hammer molds swaged feteel. gun barrel
molds not in bars, alloys nsed as substitutes
for steel tools, all descriptions and shapes of
dry sand, loam or Iron molded Meel castings,
sheets and plates not sjRx-lally prtn-jdei for la
this act and steel in all forms And shapes
not especially provided for in this act, 23
per cent ad valorem (present lav,-, 4-10 cent
to 7cents per pound, according to value). Wire
rods, rivet, screw, fence and other Iron orsteel
wire rods and nail rod.-, whet liar round, flat.
oval, square or in any other shape. In coils or
Otherwise, 30 per cent nd valorem (present
law, 0-10 cent ior pound). Iron or steel wire
and wire or strip st?el, commonly known a
crinoline wire: cor.ct wiro. aud hat wire, flat
steel wire or sheet steel. In strips, uncovered or
covered with cotton, silk or other material; iron
or steel wire cloths and iron orsteel wire net
tings mode In meshes of any form, iron or stool
wire coated wit h zinc or tin or any other metal,
wire rope and wiro strand. 30 pt-r cent ad va
lorem (present law, 1J4 toocents per pound, ac
cording to value).
Iron or Steel Manufacture.
Anchors, or parts thereof, of iron or steel,
mill irons and mill cranks of wrought Iron aud
wrought Iron for ships and forging of Iron or
steel, or of combined iron und steel, for vessels,
steam engines aud locomotives, or parts there
of, 23 per cent ad valorem (present law, 1 8-10
cents ier pound). Axles, or parts thereof, axle
bars, axle blanks, or forgiugs for axles, wheth
er of iron or steel, without reference, to the
stage or state of manufacture, 23 por cent
ad valorem, (present law, 2 cents per pound).
Anvils of iron or steel, or of Iron and
steel combined, by whatever process made,
or In whatever stago of manufacture, 25
per cent ad valorem (present law, 2$
cents per pound); Blacksmiths hammers and
ledges, track tools, wedges and crowbars,
whether of iron orsteel, 25 percent ad valorem,
(present law, 2$4 cents per pound). Holler or
other tubes, pipes. Hues or stays of wroucht
iron o steoi, a per- cent Rt?vairn-onT (present
law, iii cents per pound). Holts with or with
out threads or nuts, or bolt blanks and 11 nibbed
hinges or hlngo blanks, whether of Iron or
steel, 2d por cent ad valorem (present law, 24
conts per pound).
Card clothing, 30 per cont ad valorem (pros
ent law, 25 and fill oonts pup square fuot). Cfust
iron pipe of every description, 25 por cent ad
valorem (present law, 9-10 cent per pound).
Cast iron vessels, plates, stove plates and irons,
ead Irons, tailors irons, hatters1 irons and cast
ings of iron not specially provided for in thia
act, 25 per cont ad valorem, (present law, 1 2-10
cents per pound). Castings of malleable Iron
not specially provided for in this act, 25 per
cent ad valorem (present law, 1 cents er
pound). Cast hollow ware, coated, glazed or
tinned, 30 per cent ad valorem (present law, 3
cents por pound). Chains of all kinds, made of
Iron pr steel, 30 uer cent ad valorem (present
law, 1 0-10 to m cents per pound). "
Penknives or pocUetknlvcs of all kinds, ox
parts thereof, and cm era, or parts thereof,
wholly or partly manufactured, razors or razor
blades, tl nib lied or unfinished, valued at not
more than CO cents per dozen, 35 per cent ad
valorem (present law, 12 to5u cents a dozen).
Valued above that, 45 per cent ad valorem
(present law, $1 to $2 per dozen). Table knives,
forka, steels and all hunting, kitchen, bread,
butter vegetable, fruit, cheese, plumbers,
painters, paletto ntid artists knives; ulso all
carving, cooks and butchers' knives, forks and
steels, all Mzes of nil the abovo, finished or un
flnishud, 35 percent ad valorem (present law,
fl'tQ $3 per dozen). Files, Glo blanks, rasps
and floats, of all cuts and kinds, 35 per cent
nd valorem (presont law, 33 cents to $2 pur
Muskets, muzzle loading shotguns and sport
ing ritles and pans thereof, 25 per cent ad va
lorem (no change), fc? porting breechloading
shotguns and pistols and parts thereof, S3 per
rrnt ad valorem (present law, $1 to $u and 35
per cent ad valorvm). Sheets, plates, wares or
articles of iron, steel or other metal, enameled
cr glazed with vitreous glasses, 35 per cent ad
valorem (presont law 45 and 50 per cent ad va
lorem). Iron Nulls, Machines, Etc.
Cut nails and cut spikes of iron or steel, 23
rcrccnt ad valorem (present law, 1 cent per
pound). Horse-slioo nails, hob nafls and all
other wrought iron or steel nails not hpccially
provided for in this act, 20 por cent ad valorem
(present law, 4 cents per ionnd). Wire nails,
made of wrought iron or hlovU 23 per cent ad
valorem (present law, 2 to 4 cents per pound).
Spikes, nuts aud washers and hore, mule or
os shoes of wrought Iron or steel, 25 per cent
ad valorem (present law, 1 8-10 cunts per
round). Cut tncks. brads or sprigs of all
Kinds 23 per cent nd valorem (prevent law, 2M
to 2?4 cents per pound). Nvd!cs for knitting
orfcewiug niuchtnes, crochet needles and tape
noodles and bodkins of im'tnl, 25 per cent ad
valorem (present law, 35 per cent ad valorem).
Steel plates (engraved , stereotype platus, elec
trotype plates and plntes of other materials,
engraved or lithographed, for printing, 25 per
cent ad valorem uo change).
Wheels, or jrts thereof, made of Iron or
steel, and steel tired wheels fur railway pur
peseto, whether wholly, v.r taniy llmsiie!, and
iron or steel loeotmitive. t ar or other raliivay
tires or parts i!uref, whether wholly or imrt
ly manufactured, and inevtts, cogt d ingots,
blooms ir blanks far the ft:me, without rxanl
to the decree f luanufactttrr, 33 ymi ct'iit nd
valorrm t present law, 1?4 to 2Jj t-ents per
pound ).
Chronometers, box or ship's, 10 per cent
(no cluxngei.
Watches and clocks and parts thereof, 23 per
cent no change).
ITonso or cabinet furniture of wood. 23 per
cent (nrcient cuty, t rent a.; r.-.iorvm'.
Ca5. tarreb'te., 2o percent (present duty.
30 per cent ad valorem).
scnr.nri.K e srGAiu
That tho bounties auUtorized to be ptdd to
producer of sugar by section ;i of the act
entitled "An act to rvdacc rvveuue. cqualixs
dutu-saud for ota r purpose.. approved Oct.
1. shall be reduced one-eighth part of
their respective amouats as prescribed ia said
act earh year, bcgintiing with July 1, 1M3. and
extending to July 1. h.?. Inclusive, and shall
thereafter cease and determine.
AH sugars abovo No. 15 iJutch standard in
color chall pay a duty of 5-20 cent jer poutd
(preseul duty. 5-10 cents ir pound).
Sugar candy and all confcilonerv, sugars
after being rw'ced, Co rr cent (rrcscnl duty,
5 rents per pound'.
Glucnse or grape sugar, 15 per crzt G-rcnt
duty, f4 cent per iundJL
v j.. ...v..
Is commercially known as wrapper tobacco
and suitablo for cigar wrapper. Ir
$1 per pound; if stemmed. $115 per pound
(present dn:y. nnsiemmed, 5 per pound; :
stemmed. 52.75 per iundi.
All ether lcr.f tulcco, if cn?emraed.3Scents :
per pound: if stemmed, CO cents per pound !
ir rose a l duty, tho same). J
Tobacco, manufactured or unman a facta red, !
of r.U description, not f cia;Iy .'numerated, 40 ,
cents per pound (present dnty. the samel. j
SnufT. of all de-criptlnn.40 cents per pound :
(present duty, .' cents prr round t
Cigars, cheroots and cigarettes of all kinds, j
including wrnprcr, 53 ptr pound and i5 per !
cent (prefent outy, per pouad and
per ctnt ad valorvm).
AHlivn animal not fpeclally provided for.
20 per cent (present duty, 0 per cent ad va-
Buckwheat, ccm cr maize, corn meal, oats,
oatmeal. r"-. ryo flour, v.-brat and wheat flour.
9 per cent, bi:t each of the above products
sha'l be admitted free of duy from any coun
try which Imposes no import, duty on the like
product when exported from the Culled States
(pre.-cnt tluty, 15 cents per bushel).
Rice cleaned. lVt cents p-er pound (present
duty, 2 ccnu per pound. I'ncleaned rice or rico
free of tho uutrhnU and still having the In
ner cuticle on, 1 cent per pound (prvcnt duty,
1H cents per pounds Hire flonr and rire meal
and rioo broken, which will pass through a
siove known comtnercUily as No. li wire aiovo.
J-l cent per pound (present duty, 14 cent per
pound). Paddy, or rloe havin the outer hull
on, ?4 cent jcr iound (present duty, H cent per
Kutter and substitutes therefor, 4 cnis per
pound (present duty, 6 cents iwr pound).
Chese,25 per ccnupresent duty, 15 cents per
Hay, 2 per ton (present duty, $4 per tonk
Hops, 6 rents per pound (present duty, 15
cents per pound).
Potatoes. 10 cents per bushel of CO pounds
(present duty. 2T cents per bushel.
Fish in causer pa'-ages. except anchovies
and sardines, and t'.sh parked in any other
manner, not specially enumerated, 23 percent
(present duty, 30 jvr cent).
There shall be allowed on tho imported tin
plate used in the manufacture of cans, boxes,
packages and all articles of tinware exported,
either empty or rilled with domestic products,
a drawback equal to the duty paid oa such tin
plate, less 1 per cent of such duly.
schcdixk n srtniTS.
Brnndy nud other spirits miir.ufartnrod or erulii or other ni.-iU'rl.i'.a. $1.:0
per proof KHllon. Cordial?, liquors ami oilier
spirituous bevonwvs. or bitters of all kinds
ront.-iininjr spirits and not csivciully provided
for, Sl.yi per proof tivllon (pniMtii duty S-jO
per proof ealloui.
No lower into or nmount of duty shall bo
lovied, collccteil and paid on brandy, spirits
and other spirituous bevcraKcs than that Oxvd
by law for tho dcM-rlpllon cf first proof, but It
shall bo Inereased Id projoriion for any great
er strength than tho elreliKthof llrst proof. and
all Imitations of brandy and spirits or wines
iuiportcd by any names whatovershaU bo sub
ject to tho highest rato of duty provided (ot
tho genuine articles respectively Intended to
bo rcpresunled, and ia no co&e less than 1 por
Day rum or bay water, whether distilled or
compounded, of llrst proof and In proportion
for any grenter strength than first proof, SI
por txallun (present duly, $1.50 jmt gallon).
Champagne and all other sparkling wines In
bottles containing each not more than ono
quart and more thnn ono pint, $7 er dozen
(present duty, JD ir dozen). Containing not
nioro thau ono pint each and more than ono
lialf pint, &).i0 per dozen rpresent duly, 4
per dozen). Containing onehnlf pint each or
lcsB,tSl.TA per dozen (present duty, 2 iter doz
en), 'in bottles or other vessels containing mors
than ono quart each. In addition to 7 er duz
on bottles on tho quantity tn oxcess of ono
quart, at tho rato of $2.25 per gallon (present
duty tn addition to Stt per dozen, tho rntoof
SAM) por gallon).
Still wines. Including vermouth, in casks. GO
conts per gallon (present duty tho sniuo.) In
bottles or Jugs, por caso of ono dozen bottles or
Jug9, Sl.t pcrcaso (present duty the same).
Ale, porter or beer, in bottlesor Jugs,Sioer.ts
per gallon, but no separate or additional duty
shall bo assessed on tho bottles or Jugs; other
wiso than in bottles or Jugs, 15 conts per gallon
(present duty, 4U cents per gallon; bolticji or
Jugs, 20 cents per gallon).
All imitations of natural mineral waters and
all artificial mineral waters, SO per cent ad va
lorem (present duty, M cents per gullon uud
duty on bottles). -
. !s-c
AU but 5 ucrcs olaiarm ot iii acres,
owned by Mrs. Booker, on the 'Mac
kenzie river, was washed away in the
flood, leaving even tha hous in a iire
Ottt ions position. This is till tho prcj;
crty the worami oi'. iis. ' ' ', ' '
iaw Deathj
J instantly romovos and forever destroys z
S objectionable bair, whether upon the hands, s
5 'fauo.ariuHornoelt.withoutUlHcoloraUon or z
z Injury to themoHtdelicule sktti. It was for z
z llfty years the Hcurot formula of Krusjous z
Z Wilson, ncknowledgod by physicians as the z
Z highest authority and the most eminent z
Z dermatologist und hutr specialist that ever r
z lived. iJuring his private practice of a 5
Z life-timn among the nobility uud aristo- z
z craey of Europe be prescribed this recipe, z
S Price, Ifl by mail securely parked. Cor-
z respondeifee conthlenlial. bole Agents
Z for America. Address Z
z Dept, K., W South Fifth Ave., New York, z
A BrutaJ Father Disappearance of a
Santa Arm Stenographer- Opium Smug
gling Cases Trumps IteeouiIOK lau
gerous CIrls Act as Fallbcwrers.
Wiilln "Walla, Wash., is turning out
8oiuo ck ill fill buy burglars.
Boca, Kevada county, will probably
be xiiado a United States &ignal station.
Otto Paulding, a painter at Los An
pelt's, fell from a scaffolding and was
They are making big plans along the
Cowlitz river, Wash., for bopyards next
Witnoaset? for the defense In tho Chris
Evans case givo the prisoner a good
In the last fiO days fully 3,000 tramps
have passed through Tucson on freight
trains eastward bound.
Thestatv? asylum at Ukiah, Cal., for
the insane has meu formally opened by
the board of directors.
Tho work of raising the Sim Pelro,
wrecked oil Victoria two years ago, has
been definitely a.-uidone!.
A young man named J. M. Bayley,
who claims to be from Madera, was ar
rested at Stockton for trying to pass a
bogus chock for $36.73.
Constable SItdone of Benicia, while
attempting to arrest Evan Xelson, the
captain of a iunk FcluHuer from Oak
kind, shot and Killed the latter.
At Pocatello, Ida., cn edict has gone
forth that henceforth no married woman
or unm:irritd man shall be employed in
the public schools as a teachrr.
young ladies acted us aHbearera
at the funtr;d of James MrOirou. uian
agrr of the shortlmnd school at Taeoma,
j 1-irh girl wore a white clirysaiithemum.
I An wtive volcano on the American
j side of the straits was one of the scenes
i witnessed bv tho pisengers on the
Mcanxer Maud which returned from Al
lenii to Victurhi; B. C.
An cuthusirtic mass meeting was
held at the ojhji; house at Son Diego to
devise plans for helping along the con
struction of the Srst 10 lulled of the Sau
Diego and Plurnnc railroad.
Ilenrv Docker, avl irhas been com-
j pelled by Thomas O'Rourke, at San Ra
j fael, to tie up his arm with splints, as
j if it were broken, aud to bog on the
streets. The pair are under arrest.
Charles B. La inborn, pejurxil coua
sioner of tho land dep:ixtmeiit of thd
Xorthern Pacific Kailroad company at
Taeoma. has been forced to vacate his
TKituoi on account of ill health, dee to
j pan;s.
!lhe -auouai 1 rotting association nas
refu:M to ri-instaxo Williaia lienryof
t Por,hu:d. exxdied iu by the Call-
i forma St:itt A'Tirullnral soci-tv anJ
t. l-. f-..rv A ,,.,,l!Mrnl
San BLrnard:no citizens are signing a
petition urging the bivird of sujHTviors
to submit to the voters of the county
pr;xs;:ion to issue bond in tae sum of
$25i.i4) for the purjoe of improving
public highways.
Edward F. Terry, the motorxnan of
the electric cat Inez, which plunged
through Madison-strwt drawbridi at
Portland on Xov. 1, and killed and
drowned ?even people-, tuts been indicted
for manslanghter.
The Canadian Pacific railroad will
j the business of tSw, CaaaIt;ia Xavi-
t - . . ,
giw eouiiiv iue Vl . aiui
will place a new side-wheoli-r with sjxJ
of IS kaot.s an hour on the rouM be
tween Victoria and Vancouver.
Articli o incxirixra;i;n of the Pay
ette Valley und Northern Railroad com
pany have ln?en filed at Boise City, Ida.
The company prointos to run the road
from (some ne;ir Puvette lo Mos-
! cow or Lewiston, cud other branches
are als bi-ing providexl for.
President Driht Bramna of the Sau
Diepj Land and Town company has an
nounced that the'cotu;a:iy has decided
to extend the National City and Otay
railroad from L:i l'resii into tle Up5er
Sweetwater, tlirough the Juiuacha ciun
try into the" eastern end of Cjijou valley.
Tramps along the Southern Pacific in
Arizona aud 2s"ew Mexico are becoming
dangerous. At Lordsburg 135 tramps
are camped. Ono niht recently they
reinoveil 17 toius of coal from cars. j:led
it in a huge circle, fired it and ensconced
themselves within, jissiug the nighx in
Tlie lxxly of a man was found nine
miles from Iianford. in Kings county,
on Cross ereok. The uia:i had appar
ently accidentally killed himself. Xo
evidence leading to his identity could be
found on Lis person excepting a package
of German papers printexl in Decoruh,
Ia., and addressed to John Peterson.
Fred Simmons, a Santa Ana stenog
rapher and bookkeeper, has mysterious
ly disappeared, leaving his wifo penni
less. An examination of his Iwoks re
vealed mi discrepancies. He had been
drinking and gambling. It has come
out that he lius lieen robbing his em
ployers by forging checks.
Judge Bellinger of the United States
district court at Portland announced in
oien court that ho hod erred in a ruling
made in tho Dunbar smuggling trial;
that conviction could not bo had on tho
evidence of an accomplice without cor
roborative testimony, and added: "I
find testimony of im accomplice is suf
ficient evidence for a juryto convict if
they believe tho testimony to be - true. "
In Justice. Newton's court iu Wash
ington, Cal., Charles P. Brown pleaded.
guilty tojthe chargo of battery upon nis
fivo-months-old baby. The child was
benteu in n most fiendish maimer, its
face being badly braised and its body
bluclc and blue. The defendant's wife
pleaded for him, saying that she could
not exist without his supRrt. Justice.
Whoo rvvhild st home, mother ms-la me tk a te
puoufujrof onion syrup at nitht. iho next tuormutf
ny ocurrU " goam For Ci'oup tl htd na equal,
ftly insist upon havlug Ur. Gunn'i Omoa
rymn wisJe-h is nlrcadr prepared, more pleasant
aud witUou,isto or viicll of U)o otuons. Sold at oou.
Vol Hale by Goo.'TC. TlAskius, MotUont.
xvewton nnoa urovrn yau'wim tl alter
native of serving 30 days in jail. The
court regretted that California did not
have a law proriding -whipping at tb
post for Buch brutes as Brown. -
Grain, Kto.
Wn-r.iT. No 1 California whito shipping,
51 (f-'t.'.ai K;yA V oil; choico do. SI U5; milling,
fl Kx-& 7UJ.
Biitur-Food, 70a73Ji V ctl; brewing, 852
OiTS-Off grades of feed. $1 001 07V4 V
ctl; good to rhoico, Jl 10il 15: fancy, fl WH
1 a); Surprise, $1 a!.l l; milling. Si Uiltfi
1 Vi black, Mc2,Jl UJrud, tiidijl Ui; eray,
l-l e id 10.
Cons-Largo yellow. SiY-TtfUio V otl; mall
do. K!fc; whito, tttj!e'c.
BnAxs-Pea. if uirfW 10 V ctl; pink, SI TO
1 0; Kayo. SI WWU .OS: small white. St oa 10;
Iarre do. $1 7.VA1 vi; lmttor, 52 212 ); red,
52 li5.3 -jr,: Lima. SS STitf .t).
bEKtis liape. iisJ'ic K ; hemp. SXUMSfa;
canary. for imported; do California, noin
Jnal: lla:'.j. V-i'i-f. ic; alfalfa. tlio; mus
tord. fr yellow; brown do,
t-r native a;id for Triost.
Eat New crop: Wild oat. S3 5010 0 V ton:
wheat aud a-i. 10 ItlMl Iff. barley. S7 OI2
wuoat, -vlo wiiaai: clorer. 7 005ilO Oil:
ib UU; comprvssod hay, $4 Uu3
u w.
Stha w QuotalJ-) at avg.45e p bale.
Hops QuuUble from 17if,19c ) S. noworop.
Hvk Quotable at SL'tivijn y ctL
PltlKDl'EAH-Greon. 31 Kliil 75 V CU.
BuctwutAT Nominal.
Mill IrodncU.
Bran From JIG 5H&1S 5i ton.
lIiKDLi.Mis-From jid lO&il 00 5 ton, as to
linouND Hari.ev From S'" "il8 00 fl ton.
Koij.zd Raiilkv From $17 i;j,1S U) V ton.
Ciiopi-ku Vecu From S17 Hi&lS Sti ton.
Kekd C'iiHN3iEAl From Si.' "u'st-S 50 V ton.
t'liACKKU Coii.n At i-1 OKst-B 5j xi ton.
Oiix;akk ilKAL-uotuMo at JS.' m p
FLor R-Family extras. f.t Ci3 75 fl bbl;
bakers' extra, 43 ixaH Oi; shipping aupextlae,
H li-Uli Vu.
Osions Sales on wharf from $1 SQl SO
Potatoes -On wharf: Earlv Rose, Vrft, Sc
f ctl; Burlianlcs. 0ao ctl for river: da
Kalinas. 5u4itOc; Garnet Chilo. ii00c; avroet.
Various Oroen p"av 22K V 1!: strtea
beans, ify-Pic V fc: Lima, d 1, if,3z: rueum
bers. z5c V box: snmiser sqiuLth. "Xr'r;
green peppers. JT.ttOc for Beil ad for
Chile: green corn. 7iiic fur unjiil crati.
and SI W!.1 75 for largo; do sacks. Uic.
tomatoes, 3?Jiic V box: garhn. liSo V ;
green okra. 5i7j 9 mx; ersidant. iiij,
m-rrowfoot squakh. JO IU&A ou V lea.
Frulu antl NuU.
8trawlerrie ft (U'yH OTi V chtt for Sharp,
lews: raspborrius, S3 CO; huckleberries,
AppWSJoitSl no box; plnma. 2.VT;iic. a to
kind ; pears. 5uJl u) for Wr Nelli and I
s."-ii; lor other kiuds; puachns. 2ii7i.-;-faticy, i
Si .
Grapes From U2--c V box for table va
rieties: fancy Isabella, .75o crate; wiz,e,
$ 1J!S w tun.
Citrus Common to good California fctnosi.
81 Af;l V b..x: fasey Santa Barbara. 3 0 Q,
8 5o: Santa lula. $J UJi-,1 it Mexi
can. S3 i ;i in: Ca'if jrcia oranges. (I 5u; ii.
Uk:edFki-it New crop: Bleached apiwM.
Royal, liitf ill V V 2 and 6J,7; for sunlried.
bleached Moorpark do. H'"; apalea. uij
c ior '(rs ana : Ior sJlreu;
lo cti ;
rateo. ,-fe: peaches. uarhcd. 7ur;: do
.uurwi. ,j tH-ar.. 4c lor bleach 1
naivs: pttvd pi cisa 5i0r: and :i- for nn-' 1 . . u, , .
Pitted: ncrtannos. i:c for whito and i -'lest trouble, and will use this real
tor red: Cs. presd i3c; do uaprwrted. $ j ei-v 85 directed, giving it a fair trial,
t-ic: do lis. t-"ic: prane-i. 4?-V for the feir I and experience no relief, you may re
a!r: dau-s. Persian. Vj.7c; Cts Smj-rna. j turn the bottle and have your money
1; j. 1 V. r.1 f i : " ii . W." , n i (1 ri i: tti . tKIj -,f
f"?. r-f'?"tioa. prtonl 7?,'
stcr. SJ U) V box: 4ronra London
ltai: Cluster. $1U) V box: 4rom
layer. 51 it): do. $1 S9; 4-crown. fard
loose. Si i': nnfaced do. ?; S: 3-crown. facd.
SI 50: unfaced do, $1 S5; 3-crown. stmm fl.
lot. SI Kag Throe-crown, tot1- f J :
i-crown. 3i,tc: third srade. 3c: dried ifra;.
True: mUc!b Musratel. S: Sultana. V. For
boxos. l.- additional on sack pnoea. A
dUr:i: is allowed on the aboro pritos.
Kits Jol'lm pnc: Alamls. new. anft
shed. U-.'t-iac: do patwrsaell. trAjie: do hard
shell, standard. .!.; walaata. CaLi.jir
nia. u.-w. sofh.-lL K.H A-: do par-rihrU. milO:
do hardshell. 7 c: col"h3o. new. SSc: rhe
BCJ. Cumu. new. la.ilc: braj:!. J t'lc;
nlbciri lurlic: pliffd xatirjk. Tsxas.
11c: ; iaenu-j. itexl -an. lijjJc; pesnuts. CXil
foniia. 3i.M'?: do. Virga v,.':; oocua
ants, fj txiiiii OJ V lO.
Uutirr. t"le and Honey.
BrnsR-Crtji:ery. 3Wi7o V I and x
aiosally h!s"her: fsucy dairy, aiit-: o-.ber
grades of froaii. T.cZic; pickled rv!L SLViiic:
Crkln. Irvi3-: ervasiry. in rabs. iS.ic
CHEESE-Calif jrauu S.illo V fc: fancy mCa.
new. ISitilS: Yonuz America. HJlJi.-: N-w
York ctcats' cow. Itw-tiSc: Western. 11?M e
llos'sv New: Comu. wstwr white. s-i!.; Tf j
ia 1 f' :rc-.ns; exiracieu. ur wasr
white and 5A aq for asibor.
BatsWAJL I roia -JiZX-ri y
Poultry aad Ivgcs.
Herts. S5 W to to 51 per das: broilers. Ji to
!3 5J for kiuI and S3 11) to S3 5J far lars;
c jo wi o ;.i m i or uvrse;
1 01 If Jr?!"j5 l3 0?:l i
"V" ,-rt: S41
t jrir- 1.'J.1S: V Lhti5
roosters. S 0 .5 Ol
foruld: ges 7au:
ana i,:k 10. sooisrs: pieosi. SI OJCl 30
V dos.
Eoas CalifurnU. tr. 2te to iTtj V d--;
ranch. 3TJ.U1.-: lastem. SiJAc; axtra, JTJ
An inquest ujon the remains of the
late Professiir TTid.ill of Ixnidon re
sulted i:i a verdict that his death was
caused by chloral given him by his wife
in mistake) for magnesia. Airs. Tyndall
is prostrated.
General Campos has discussed the sit
natiou Kt Melilla with the sultan of Mo
rocco's brother and submitted peace con
ditions calling for the Arab evacuation
of the neutral zone, the surrender of the
chiefs and li.iVO rifie and the punish
ment of the leaders of the rebellion.
An oiHcirJ gazette announces that Sir
Charles Knssell and Sir Kichard Web
ster have been created Knights of tne
Grand Cross of the Order of St. ilichael
and St. (.reorgo, and Sir Thomas Sander
son Knight Commander of the Order of
Bath, for their services in connection
rih Behring sea negotiations.
Aehex'nese pirates are now organized
on shore under an ex-oflicial of the
Siamese army and recruited by Siamese
soldiers, who have vowed vengeance on
all Uuropeiir.s, the-Freuch in particular.
The Touquin oo;ist is. therefore, in a
state of terroriMn and a serious wai
seems to be ahead for the Dutch.
The secretary of the navy has received
the following dispatch from Captain
Pickering, dated Rio de Janeiro, Dec, T:
"The situation is unchanged since the
departure of the Aquidaban, Firing be
tween the insurgents' vessels and the
guns on the Xiotheroy side continues
daily. The insurgents have boea forced
to anchor farther from shore. "
The report that tho Mexican govern
ment has been treating with Colorado
for the purpose of opening Mexican
mints to coin Colorado silver into hy
brid dollars is onlv partiallv true. Colo
rado persons did go to Mexico with such j
a proposition two months ago. but were
promptly informed by tho federal gov
ernment that it could not undertake to
treat with states of the American union
separately. There is no intention in
Mexico of coining the dollars suggested.
The Walla Walla Savings bank has
gone into liquidation.
A receiver is in chargo of the Bear
Valley Irrigation company iu San Der
nardiuo county.
. The thirtieth annual convention of the
American Federation of Labor, iu ses
sion at Chicago.
Tho numlior of persons connected w-ith
the civil service iu the United States is
about 200,000.
Charles Kollo Peters, a California art
K, has just sold a big piuiitiug; to the
Belgian governments
A whole fleet of vessels is fast iii the
ice ilov at the head of Luke Erie and nil
elTors to release them have been in vain.
Indians are working the oil out of the
GO-foot whale that stranded near Oyhut,
in Gray's Harbor, Wash., a few days
The strike of the carpet weavers in
Kensiiurton district. Pa., affects between
8,000 and 10.000. people, male and ft i
mala. . .'-H - - -
What is the condition of yours? Is your fcair dry,
hsreh. brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a J
lifeless appearance ? Does it fail out when combed or
brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ?
Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some cf s
your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. J,
SkookumRoot Hair Grower i
Is what you need Iu prod action Is not on accident, bnt the reEUitof edmtl'Ce s
research. Knowledge of th4 diseases of tX'e h&ir crul tcaip jted Co the SUcov-
ry ot how to treat tit em. HSkoolcurancontalns neither ra : cerate Doro is. It
in not a Dye, but a delightfully cool lug and refreshing Tonic By m.' mo latin e
the folilcits, it stop Jailing hair, cure tiuudrutf. and groict hair cm bald m
head. m
(JT Keep tho scolo clean, healthy, and free from irritating erorrtions, by
tho use ot Skookuvi iJem Soap it destroys parotitic tnietk, vhicA Jed en. mz
fUU1 lltr-rw Hi i.nir
It your druggist caaoot supply yon pnd direct to us, and we win forwvrd sV
prepaid on receipt of prcc orower, per bolllt ; C lor &XL- bo&p. zuc
per jar; 6 lor
Cliauncey M. Depew visited Pope Leo
at the Vatican. Dr. Depew speaks in
glowing terms cf his reception. He
found the pope ia thoroughly posted on
American affairs. The relations of capi
tal and labor were discussed at length.
The great banking ' house of Eugene
Kelly & Co. of Nevr York is to be dis
solved. Eugene Kelly will retire on ac
count of feeble health. Mr. Kelly has
banking interests at San Francisco. He
and Joseph A. Douohoe nave been part
ners, for 40 years.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perf.?ct satis
faction or money refunded. Price 2oc
ler box. For sale by G. H. Haskins.
Forsale by G. H. Haskins, Medford
Henry George says of the 'Wilson tar
iff bill:" "Well, the Wilson iill is letter
than nothing. Its main fault is that it
yet leaves us with a higaly protective
tariff and errs very largely on the side
of f.midity. The retention of the quar
ter per cent duty on refined sugar and
the slow method of getting rid of the
bounty are two very apparent defects.
However, its increase of the free sched-
ule, especially as to raw materials, will
pve the people a little larger taste of
the great advantages of absolute free
trade. If nothing better is in sight of
congress, it is well that ir pass even
with its crudities. "
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. Kimr's New Diseoverv
lor ennsutcption. coughs and colds. uj-
011 mis i.uuiiio:i. n oti are amicieu
i,h :. muh. cold or cnrlnno ?hr.B,t
ferdid we not know that Dr. King's
. e.
never disappoints. Trial bottles fer
at G. H. Haskins
sise oOe and sl.OX).
drug store. Lare
The coroner of Arapahoe county. Col,
certifies that Dr. T. Thatcher Graves
died of "heart failure. " and did not
commit suicide, as was generally sup
posed. Ice in the river above St. Louis ia caus
ing a water famine in the city. The
water is so low that the conduits from
wlucu the c:ty is furnished are ua-
The minority report of Civil Service
Commissioner Johnston opposes the ex
tetiMon of the clasine-l service to free
delivery postofSccs as iU-advise-.i. nnfair
and harmful to the cause of civil service
H ambus:.
It soocds old !a--tio. and expresses jast wis:
you mear.1, hai ta purchased something
of ro account. N..w taere is no hembej: sbou:
Simmons Liver Eejrulator. So tne imitation or
substitute may be offered you instead, but noce
substitute mat be ottered yo
P"-e the re:ief from IndL
Bmiousress like the ,
Uestica. Dyspepsia
Liver Relator. Y"a know it by the Z on
every pack Aire, and ihe relief it gives.
The most talkeJ-abont American in !
Europe just now is Mrs. Eliralxnh L.
Ran Us. She is a newsjiaper woman and
has been discussing the subject of Eng
lish domestic service in T. P. O'Con
nor's newspaper for several weeks. In
order to get at the practical side of the
question she engaged herself as a house- j
uuud m several London families, and
Las been entertaining the public with
an extremely viviu acconci ci ner expe-;
rience. The press of the country has
, i -,
acconnt cf ner expe-
taken up the vexed question, and is now
discussing Knh it and Mrs. Banks her
self in a lively fashion. Some of the
comments are by no means complimen
tary to Mrs. Banks, bnt her spirited re
plies to the critics have made the con
troversy highly interesting and amus
ing. The young woman now proposes
to make some comparisons of English
and American ways of living ia bock
S. 1 Smitu, of Towauda. IX
whoso constitution was completely
broken down, is cured by Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. lie vrites:
" For eight years, I was, most ot tha
time, a great sufferer from constipa
tion, kidney trouble, and indiges
tion, so that nty constitution seemed,
to bo completely broken down. I was
induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
took nearly seven bottles, with such
excelleut results that my stomach,
bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con
dition, and. in nil their functions, as
regular as clock-work. At the time
J began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was only 129 pounds ; I now can
brag cf 130 pouuds, and was. never in so
good health. It you could see me be
fore, and after using, you would want
nte for a traveling advertisement.
I believe this' preparation oi Sarsaparilla
to be the best in Uio market to-day."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others,wil! cure you
-ml i MM "f V HI
37 Soath Fifth Aveaae, New Tort, X. Y.
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished oa application
Jack screws to let.
000 Serves warm Meals or cold
000 Lunches at all hours and al "
000 reasonable prices.
Service guaranteed tirsi-calss. 000
Call in asd :ve me a trial. 000
Place of business, x rod sir. o o .0
KBifGnd. Oregon.
Pail Sciiiesslek, Proprietor.
r Gfiipiissjeir
For Apples, Ees and Poultry.
Located on South C street. Medford Ore
gon. Opposite Haiiey's new brick block-
Cities era pgjcr3essea.a-l;jsTy
. -c m tctjb c saTCtiir trirt r.oa
Snutta ! I North
&15 p, in I Lv. Fortland Ar. I SdL a. n
s?4 p. ill j Lv. Medf'.vi Lv 5xV p. n
Ltli'aiu i Ar. SVai Francisco Lv. T.-t p. la
Abjve trains step at all stations fro-n Port
i land to A:MQ.r m.iws:ve. Ais,- laafent.
Snedds. Haisey. Har.-isurf. J
unction Citv.
.ens from Uoae
tary: to Ashland inctusK-e.
S XI a. m 1 Lv Fnrt'.and Ar I
i o. m
5:re p. m ; Lv Kosebars Lv i
.-ova. n
Dining Cars oa Ogdsa Routs.
Pullman Knrfott Sleepers and Se-nd Clasa
Sle:piusCarsat(aehedloail thr.viil traias
Between Portland and CorvaEIs.
Mail traiu& d.-I-. except sundayt
SJ a. in I Lv lrt'.:.r.a Ar p. m
li:.o p mi Ar Crvallis Lv lr.0 p. iu
Al Albany and Corvnllis ennneei with trains
cu'orvom r-:ic:5c railroad.
Express Traius duiiy. excott Sunday:
t:W p. tii j Lv ivrtland Ar!S:iSa.m
Ti p. m i Ar McMiauville Lv oc a. rut
-rhn.xi!:h tickets to all points in the.
Eastern states, tanaia and F.uropo a tie ot
laiprl at lowest rates freta W. V. Lippincolt,
Aficnt. MeiilVri.
Manager. Asst. vi. K. St P Agt
From Terminal or Interior Points
Tha Horthsra Faclfis Railroad
Is the line to take ta
All Points East and South
It is the Pining Car Route. Tt runs
through Vestibule Trains every
day in the year to
(No ch:ingo of cars.)
Conposeil f IMninjf Car un surpassed,
Ot Latest KQuipment
Tourists" :-: Sleeping M Cars
Host tha; can In constructed and in whiclx
Sixviuciodttions aro boih. tree und furnisioti
for holilortot First and 5?ocoad -Class Tictet
Day Coaches.
A eontiiuous line connecting with,
all lites, affording direct aud un
inteiupted service.
Pullnan Sleeper reservation can be?
secured in advance through any
aarnt of the road.
ica. M;aud and Kuwpe cau W purchased aV.
aiy 'IViictt Ollicc oi this Ooinpauy.
Full particulars conerninR rates, time of
traius rotates Aad oilier doiaiis lurais&cdoa at,uuuL any ascnt. or
Assstant General Passenger Agent,
So. 1S1 First St., cor. Washington,
w MM
I Heart ))
VIA tb verr. and make op for Ion timft m 3
FrrrT Ascoal for u wtil Mjf
pive too CaaQy vaiianie hinta Tw
VK aixci vb&t to raise and bo- UJ rW
rV raise it. 1 1 contains ui?ormA
Vjtioo to be by! from no oJxtJw f
V. 60orce. Free tm niLJjy
L .