ALL THE LOCAL NEWS" The Mail wants wood on subscrip v&ion. The hand that roasts .the turkey is the hand that rules the world- Get your horses' teeth fied up by J. P. Latour, y. S. Times are so hard in Colorado that mine owners carry dumb watches and smoke their own whiskers. O. F. Demorest, dentist, opera .block, Medford. J. A. Whitman shipped three .car loads of apples to Houston, Texas, last week. f New milch cow for sale. Inquire .at this office. rtill continues and is an improvement worthy of note. . Fresh salt-water fish every Friday at C. T. Payne's. R. H. Halley and family have moved into some of those pleasant rooms .on the second floor of their new block. Fetsch takes the cake in making .clothes cheap. . A five hundred and fifty pound hog was the size of one porker brought to Medford last week -by W. Xt. Dickison. Judge G. S. Walton, who has been ill with fever for the past three or four Tveeks is able to be about again 'though not entir- : -ecovered. Come , j the Second Hand Store to buy goods cheap. The hog market has slid down in price a couple of notches since last week. Our buyers are now paying only four and four and a half cents. Have your lame horses -examined by Dr. Latour, V. S. Last Thursday Rev. C. H. Hoiie, At' his residence, united in marriage Mr. Chas. Cooley and Miss Martha M. Williams, all of Jackson county. Have you seen the nice line of ladies' and children's fascinators and hoods at the Racket. Dr. J. W. Odgers was confined to his house all last week with la grippe. He is now able to be 'about and Mrs. -Odgers is the ill one of the family this week. Mrs. R. J. Sayre's bread is oa sale at Simmons' Second Hand store. -Cakes and pies on order. The foundation of J. A. Whitman's fruit store house gave way laslf week and several hundred boxes of apples which were piled inside came near being- precipitated to the ground. Gentlemen: At Angle Sc Plymale's, at hard times prices,- a nobby suit throughout. La grippe has many subjects with in its grasp in and about Medford. Among them are Mrs. C. Strang, Mrs. A. S. Foster, Rev. Cravea and family, I. Woolf, B. S. Webb. J. A. Whiteside. Assorted patterns of decorated lamps just received at Fawcett & Morris'. The members of the Union Sunday school will give a bos social, and will have music and other entertainment for the evening at the Independent .school house near Phoenix, Friday .evening, Dec. 22. Boxes 50 cents each. Cranfill & Hutchison are showing a line of dress goods that can't be beaten for cash. J. R. Erford's feed store ad ap pears in another column of this paper. Mr. Erford is an old timer' in his line and can be relied upon as a square dealer. He is now anxiously looking for a chance to buy some seed oats and wheat. - Don't forget what Brooks was say ing to you last week about his tinshop. J. E. RoberU is fignring on put ting in a notion store, the Fair, on Ubrth C street, in the room formerly oc cupied by G. L. Webb. He will carry a line of notions, dry goods and fancy arti cles. His stock is expected to arrive Eoon after Januai y first. : A prt-.tty doll's hat given away with every doll purchased of Mrs. C. W. Palm. J. W. Hockersmith returned Sun day night from San Francisco. Upon his last trip he took five carloads of hogs and two of cattle, and to-morrow he expects to load six carloads of the 'same product at Medford and two at XUold Hill and for the same market. Dr. S". P. Latour, vetrinary surgeon and dentist, late of Montreal, Canada, is at Worman's livery stable, in this city. Horace Nicholson: "Think that's an armory? Well it's a mistake. That's Beek, Whiteside & Co's. show window. Ain't she a beauty? There are guns in there that cost big money and you can bank on their being a prime article. Y es, we have had a big trade in guns this season." The Racket has a good assortment of gents' overshirts that are full length, well made and cheap. The dancing parties given by Prof. Barton are becoming quite the proper amusement for those young people whose ideas of a good tine run in the gyratorial channel. . Tiie one given Jast Friday evening, wai attended by thirty couples and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. . Holiday goods of every description at Palm's. Call and gc, prices before purchasing. The Raber brothers; who went to luano io iei ine value oi tne turner amalgamator in securing the Sour gold found on the Snake rivsr bars, have returned to Corvallis, aid report the fullest success. They exect to have a number of the amalgamttors at work next spring on the beach sands. For the next 30 da;s Mrs. Sears .will make a great slaughter in pri ces on millinery. T". T T 1 T I r , ur. u. x. tvaiu lit: w , igsjaence on South F street is looming up in fine nape ana presents an ippearance equalled by only a few dvellings in Medford. The doctor will hive a very pleasant and cosy home andone nicely located. W, K. Davis u the mechanic whose hands shaped the stricture. If you need a trunk or vtlise, save money bj purchasing it at tie. Racket Store. - j Deputy , United State? Marshal .Hogue, of Ashland,' last Saturday arrested P. E.. Thorn psoa, of the Ana- conda mine,- pa Uiams creek. Thompson is wanted in Portland on a charge .of furnishing fraudulent cer tificates for smuggling Chinamen into the United States, also for smuggling opium. He was arrested at the mine and made, no resistance. Thompson came here several months ago and .bought the above named mine of Waldo J. Clark, paying $2,000 for it He was taken to Portland yesterday. Our stock in men's rubber boots, men's, ladies', misses' arid children's rubbers is complete. Cranfill & Hutch ison. . ' - The American Express company is resorting to extreme measures to protect it's property. It now offers a reward or 81,000 for each robber shot dead and $5,000 for each one shot and crippled. Train robbers ought to decrease in the face of these con ditions. - The old and reliable LINIMENT XXX. A friend to mankind as well as to the animal. Hon. J. H. Stewart, of Eden pre cinct, Jackson county, shipped a car load of fine winter pears to St. Louis, Mo., last week. He is a successful fruit grower, and has over 100 acres in or chard. This year ho will receive in the neighborhood of $20,000 for his apples, prunes and pears. Oregonian. Mrs. Sears has too much millinery you can buy the same at your own figure. A father and son in Coos county eloped with two sisters, a niece and a cousin respectively of their liege lords and bearing the same name. People who would like to figure out kinship can take a slate and pencil and go to work on the father's kinship to the son and the relation by marriage of the two sisters. Xmas Gift! A life sized crayon portrait of a dear face, at Angle & Plymale's, free. Four hundred and eighty dollars was the neat little sum realized by a Lane county farmer on a drove of hogs. The same amount would have been re alized on 1000 bushels of wheat. One thousand bushels of wheat properly fed would produce $900 worth of pork. If that farmer properly fed his wheat he realized almost SI per bushel. Burbank potatoes for sale at T. McAudrew's four bits per hundred pounds. Arrived In Salem, Oregon, on Decembe? 9th, at the pleasant resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Starr, a nine pound boy. Mother and son do ing nicely and George will pull through with proper attention, and while we think of it what's the matter with grandpa E. W. Starr well, he's all right, too. , Large, elegant stock of holiday goods which are being sold very cheap. at Mrs. C. W. Palm's.. U. N. Damon and Frank Bellinger are putting up a miniature telegraph line between Mr. Damon's shoe store and the Bellenger residence, corner Sixth and G streets. Miss Soliss, the teacher of telegraphy at the Med ford business college, is boarding with Mr. Bellinger's family and will give Frank instructions in dots and dashes. Take a look at those ladies' and gents' silk hankerchiefs and mufflers at Mrs. C. W. Palm's. The Mail, acknowledges a pleas ant call this week from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox. These people reside a f ew miles east of Medford Mrs. Cox is a daughter of J. A. Crain In speak ing of Mr. Crain's health, which has been such as to confine him to his bed since October, they seemed sanguine as to his recovery, but the improve ment, while noticeable, is not very rapid. Our five and ten cent counters are loaded down with pretty little presents for the children just the article you were liking for, at Mrs. C. W. Palm's. The residence of Hon. W. S. Cro- well, at whose place are stopping his son and bride, was the scene of a merry serenade party last Friday evening. The house doors were thrown open and the serenaders invited to enter which invitation was accepted and the young couple together with the clever cap tain entertained their company in a most hospitable manner, and all were glad of the opportunity to be there. New and second hand stoves for sale at the Second Hand Store. Despite all the hard luck W. P. Dodge has had with his well boring machine the past season he is still tus sling hard to turn an honest dollar. Trifles discourage him not, but in stead, dispells any possible inertness which may have been lurking there abouts. He has recently purchased the third pair of jars for Jhis machine, at a cost of upwards of $100, and has again resumed work on the Carroll well. Christmas goods just arrived at the Racket. If you want something nice and cheap come and see us. A. P. Gordon, the Central Point fruit drier man: "I will close up my fruit buriness at Central Point between now ana jsew lears. J nave had a very good run of work this fall and have made the enterprise pay. Next season I will probably put in a drier either at Medford or Ashland and on a larger plan. I like the climate of Southern Oregon. I shall spend the winter at Salem where I have land in terests." -r-Hopsackings and broadcloths, 'silk warp henriettas and India twills, at Angle & Plymale's. The Mail is in receipt of a complimentary ticket to the Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen's ball at Grants Pass on Christmas night. While the recipient don't figure very extensively upon attending we hope thesuccess which always goes with their parties may associate itself with this one. The railroad boys know how to dp things in a gallant, royal style and this event will be a special effort in that line, Compare our prices on cotton goods with any line carried in Southern Ore gon and you will find them down po bed rock. Cranfill & Hutchison. A few weeks ago we made mention of the fact that Scott Morris, of Spike nard, had sent us a twenty-two pound turnip. Scott was in Medford last Sat urday and gyrated stiff-legged about our office several times and all because Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ' I ABSOUTELY P8JRE we said it was he who grew the turnip instead of Nat Brown, who was the actual grower of this monstrous piece of vegetation. Wo applied a soothing balm to Scott's lacerated feelings, promised to mako peace betweon him and Nat, and we now feel ourselves at ease with the Spikenard fraternity. Miss Abby Kendall, taught by pu pils of the Boston Conservatory, will give lessons upon both piano or organ. Residence, Hutchison house, west side. Riport reached Medford this week that a very rich quartz lodge had been located on the west fork of Griffin creek, about eight miles from this city. We are unable to name tho party or parties who made the discovery, but our informant stat ed that the vein was six or seven inches in-width and would go $700 per ton. A piece of rock half the size of one's hand was hammered out and the estimate of the probable yield of the ledge was based upon this. You wonder how Cranfill & Hutch ison sell good, solid goods so cheap? It is very simple. We buy for cash and discount our bills, and sell for cash. Cash talks every time. Attorney W. W. Card well is de termined to turn the Comstock of Ore gon mine into the yellow metal which we all so dexteriously seek, if not from quartz then by placer washing. Last week he panned out, all by himself, an even forty dollars from tho company's placer field.' As soon as the concen trators shall have arrived the machin ery will begin work on quartz again. Unfortunately for this company they have an insufficient supply of water for any great amount of placer work. An immense lot of dolls at rock bottom prices at Mrs. C. W. Palm's. You can get a sixteen inch talking doll for 35 cents, also a sixteen and one-half inch doll with moving eyes for 30 cents. "Tob" Brous came near being a cripple, for a few months at least, last Saturday. In some way he got mixed up in Strobridge's heavy dray, which by-the-way had on a heavy load, and two wheels passed over his limbs, near the ankle and above ihe knee. For tunately for ''Tob" the mud was doep in the street where the accident occured or both limbs would have been broken. Dr. Jones dressed the bruised members and the patient was about as usual Monday, slightly disabled but still on the turf. Call and examine our line of al bums, toys, dolls, novelty perfumes, books, Japanese baskets, toilet sets and other holiday novel lies, and don't forget to examine our furnishing goods and notions. Racket store. "The special edition of the Med ford Mail of December is well gotten up, and shows lots of enterprise by tho publishers of that paper. Diversified farming is helping that part of Oregon very much.'' Cottage Grove Echo Leader. "This is all right so far as the excellence of the paper is concerned, for it was a good one, but the intima tion that the editing of such a paper is an example of diversified farming ought to ba resented by somebody. Are there no farmers of spirit in Ore gon?"' DaS" Oregonian. With but little care and no trouble, the beard and mustache can be kept a uniform brown or black by using Buck ingham's Dye for tho Whiskers. At this season of the year grip is particular active in scattering seeds of destruction. The temptation is con stant to take chances of catching cold, going out without extra wraps, leaving off flannels if the weather is rainy get ting the feet wet. And to have the grip is no longer a joke. No more se rious ailment hag come to plague hu manity during this contury. It is es timated that the grip has been directly or indirectly responsible for more deaths than yellow fever and cholera combined. Beware of the grip. Santa Claus being afflicted wilh rheumatism brought on by the recent bad weather, has turned his complete stock of holiday goods over to the "Racket" to be disposed of at exceed ingly low prices. Farm of 1G0 acres for sale, situated twelve miles north of Medford, 60 acres well set to alfalfa, 15 acres in timothy, 12 acres of apple orchard bore some this year small orchard of stone fruit, good strawberry bed and blackberry patch, balance corn, grain or fruit land; 130 acres under irrigation; farm fenced in six fields; also a fourth inter est in a large ditch. Four horses, 6 head of .cattle, 30 head of shoats, 1 wagon, 1 corn plow, 17 tons of hay. Price $5,000. Table Rock post-office kept on tho place. School house just across the road. Address, R. E. Drum, Table Rock. Jeweler Pritchard is offering tho greater amount of his stock of jowelry, watches, clocks, and plated ware at very near to tho cost line for the next thirty days. A piece of jewelry or a set of knives and forks is always an ap preciated Christmas present. There was more troublo at the Jump-Off-Joe mine this week. Whon T. J. Chapman, tho recently appointed receiver for tho mine, presented his papers to Drew, the purchasing syndi cate's agent, ho (Drew) refused to give peaceful possession, whereupon tho services of the sheriff of Josephine county were called into use,' and the report was first current that in making the arrest the sheriff shot him but this haB since been contradicted; however, the arrest was made and Drew was brought to Jacksonville and placed un der $2,000 bonds to appear next Mon day to answer to the charge pf con tempt of court. You will want to attend some one of the Christmas tree exercises, or, perhaps you are thinking of attending the K. of P. ball on Christmas night. In either cose you will probably want something to complete your "make up." There is something in tho genu's furnishing lino at Woltors that you New line just re- were looking for. ceived. F. M. Poo is equal to almost any occasion when manual labor is required, but Tub Mail called him down a few weeks ago when we installed him as pressman on our John Washington power press, that works by hand. In cowboy parlance the animal bucked with him, and tho tightor he pulled the cinch the harder it buckod, and it flew into a multiple of many parts, in many corners of the office. This was re peated with nearly every impression of tho paper and F. M's. impression of the hilarious conduct of an innocent hand press was out-distanced only by his disgust for tho thing. Fifty papers in an hour and a half's time was .unprofit able to tho office and a second invita tion to desist from his cold blooded execution was unnecessary. He will soon publish a pamphlet on "What I know, and what 1 don't want to know about a John Washington hand press.' Christmas is tho escape day of hu man generosity; it is tho day upon which almost everybody buys some thing for somebody. Before purchas ing that something step in and see what Wolters has tq show you. L. Siihiodlor's larg-3 ntw resiJenca in southwest Medford is completed and tho gentleman and his family are now pleasantly domiciled therein. The main building is 14x20 feet in size with an ell 16x1!) both two stories high, and a one story addition 12x20. The house is a thing of beauty as viewed from the outside, the architectural de sign being imposing and up to date, while the interior is finished through out in natural wood and two rooms have added the m odern east lake finish. If the "bouse is a beauty on the outside it must be doubly so on the inside. Two porches are as well added and as neatly constructed as in tho remainder of the building. Three coata of paint is about one mori than the average house in Medford can boast of but this one can do it. Sbawver and Nich olson were the builders of this fine dwelling which fact is a guarantee as to it's beifeg substantially and artis tically constructed. "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy: rich but not gaudy, for the ap parel oft proclaims the man." The foregoing is a clothing ad Shakesper-re wrote a few years ago. The same ad will apply to Wolters' line of gent's furnishing goods "rich but not gaudy." Sunday afternoon's freight bad on board near seventy tramps. Fearing le3t they would encroach upon tho hos pitality of Ashland thirty-one of them stopied off in Medford and waited for Motukiy's freight. A collection was taken about tho city to provide some thing for them to eat and a place to sleep. A quarter of beef, potatoes, bread and other articles wore bought for them and after an evening meal, cooked by themselves near Mr. Klip pel's lumber yard, they were given sleeping room in tho Clarendon barn. They had three meals off of our people and took the afternoon freight for the south. In conversation with one of the freight breakmen wo learned that many of these supposedly unfortunate working men out of employment were nothing more nor less than bums a genteel elos of bums who live upon the hospitality of the people when they have ample funds in their pockets to buy their own meals. Says tho break man, "Take the overalls and blouses o'.l of some of them fellows and you will find a better suit of clothes than the average man dare hope to wear. They are human leeches. If the rail road was to refuse to curry them free, half of that crowd would step up to this window and buy tickets. It is an insult to generosity to feed thorn." There can bo no finer. Christinas present than one of those hanging lamps at Wolters besides being things of beauty they are joys to the house hold. For tho past few months there has been employed on the farm of Jas. Ham lin a young man by the nnme of C. G. Tasker. Somo three or four weeks ago while Mr. Hamlin was ill in bed he gave young Tasker permission to sign his (Uamlin's) name to nn order for goods on some of our merchants. This order was accepted all right, but it ap pears that Tasker did not stop at sign ing the one order but forged Mr. Ham lin's name to several others which wero, like tho first ono, accepted by our business men. Tho amount ob tained, in clotlting and cash by these forgeries reached to a sum in tho vi cinity of $100. Last Thursday . the young man came to Medford with two of these forged orders and upon pre senting ono for $22.40 at Anglo fc Ply mule's store received clothing in ex change. Another one, for $22.50, was cashed by A. A. Davis. Friday morn ing T. J. Hamlin, son of the old gen tleman, came to Medford and upon learning of Tasker's maneuvers swore out a warrant for his arrest and as ho was boarding the south bound passen ger train Marshal Johnson laid hands on his man. lie was brought before Recorder Webb, who is ex officio jus tieo of the )caec, and was by him bound over to tho grand jury. Attor ney W. I. Vawtor appearing for tho state and Attorneys -Pentz & White for tho defense. Upon examination beforo tho grand jury ho was indicted for forgory. J. II. Stewart shipped a car of his choicest apples ta New Orleans Wednesday. 'A car of apples was shipped to Helena, Montana yesterday by J. A. Whitman. Postmaster Howard has movod his surveyor's ollice to rooms over the postoflicc. County Commissioner Furry is quito ill with la grippe, J)r. Geary is in attendance, There is no small amount of business being done at the Southern Oregon Pork Packing house these times. An average of fifty hogs a day is being dressed and packed. My fifteen cent shaves are catching all tho boys, young boys and old boys. . It is ten cents saved and that is equivalent to twenty if you have it to earn. James Uates, ,he C Btreet barber. When the sheriff swooped down upon J, Brandenburg's Grif fin creek residence in quest ot jury men the versatile Jim was outside tho grasp of his nibs, with the big star on his lapel. Tho K. of P. boys are promised a large attendance at their Christ mas ball. ' People who rarely ever dance upon other occasions are almost always sure to attend the K. of P. ball they never fall Ehort of bavin; a good time. Prof. Barton has leased the McAndrews building on East Sev enth street and will give dancing lessons and parties at this place hereafter, he having removed all partitions from ' the room and moved his fixtures thereto. Married In Jacksonville Dec. 9, 1893, by S. S. Dunlap J. P., William Dennis and Miss Bertha W. Groch, also by Rev. W. B. Moore, at the M. E. parsonage in Jacksonville, Dec. 6, 1893, George M. Sleezer and L. May Wiley. The Grand Order of the Orient, or Mystic Circle, has regular ses sions each Friday evening. This order has quito a large membership and new names are proposed at each meeting. Ur.e leature pecu liar to this order is that members attend regularly. Contractor D. Cofer is expecting to soon commence the construction of a dwelling cottage, for his own use, on the corner of Tenth and G streets. The building will have seven rooms and will be of a design peculiar to Mr. Cofer's idea of lots of room iu a small space. Chas. Dunham, alias "Whis kers," is surclv a gentleman of much diversitv. It is inside here to-day and outside there to-morrow. today a printer to-morrow a. farmer. He's a good, square boy any spot in the road, and working in team har ness his whifiletree never rubs the wheel. Gibbs & Wheeler are here from Oakland, Oregon, and will open a photographer's gallery in this citv. Thev will lease the old ealierv if possible, but whether they do this or not they will remain hero and do outside work. The old gallery is now held hv lease bv Cottage Grove parties but there is no cer tainty that thy will occupy it. Councilman W. B. Roberts re ceived a rather severe shaking up last rridav eveninz. He started for the well on the back porch of his residence but the night being dark lie passed the well unobserved and walked into an open cellarway. He fell a distance of ten feet and received bruises about his head and limbs, from the cfTects of which he has not as yet wholly recovered. The convention of the Christian Woman's Board of Mission for Josephine and Jackson counties was held in Medford last Thursday and was quite well attended. The convention was held at the Christ ian Church and is a branch of mis sion work confined to that Church organization. Two sessions of the convention were held, one in the forenoon and one in the after noon, and much good work is re ported to have been accomplished, in the evening State Organizer Mrs. Eli Fisher gave a very able address in behalf of the work, taking as her subject the Bible passage, "Go ye into the world and preach the gos pel to all nations." A recitation by Mrs. G. L. Webb was one of the principle features of the evening's program as were also two solos by Myrtle liigby. There was quite a large attendance in the evening and all who attended felt better fo r being there. THE. HIGHEST AWA RD. Royal Raking Powder lias all the Honors In Strength and Value 20 Per Cent, above its ear est Competitor. The noyal Baking Powder has the enviable record of having received the highest award for articles of its class greatest strength, purest ingredien:s, most perfectly combined whorevcrex hibited in competition with others. In the exhibitions of former years, at the Centennial, at Parish Vienna and at the various State and Industrial fairs, where it has been exhibited, judges have invariably awarded the Royal Baking Powder tho highest honors. At tho recent World's Fair tho ex aminations (for the baking powder awards "were made bv the experts of tho chemical divisinn of the Agricul tural Department at Washington. -The official report of the tests of tho baking powders which wore made by this de partmunt for tho specific purpose of ascertaining which was the best, and which has been made public, shows the leavening strength of tho Koyol to be 160 cubio inches of carbonic gas jior ounce of powder. Of tho cream of tar tar baking powders exhibited at tho Fair, the next highest in strength thus tested contained but 133 cubic inches of leavening gas.- The othor powders gave an avorago of 111. Tho Royal, therefore, was found of 20 per cent, greater leavening strength than its nearest competitor, and 44 per cent, abovo the average of all the other tests. Its superiority in other res pects, however, in the quality of the food it makes as to fineness, delicacy and wholo-omeness, could not be meas ured by figures. It is these high qualities, known and appreciated by tho women of the coun try for so many years, that have caused tho sales of tho Royal Baking Powder, as shown by statistics, to exoeed the sales of all other baking powders com bined. If you want goods at bottom cash prices go to Cranfill & Hutchison, tho finest ducorated storo iu town. They havo no old s'.iolf worn goods to work off on their patrons. PURELY PERSONAL. Druggist J. A. Slover was up from Grants Pass Sunday. A. A. Davis was in Roseburg, Rid dle and Oakland this week on business. Wm. Ratcliff, of Grinncll, Iowa, is hert visiting Mr. Nicholson's people. John Swahnek left last Sunday for his old homo at New Lexington, Pa., to remain a few months. G. L. Davis went north Wednes day evening going to Riddle, Rose- burg and Oakland business. W. E. Nicholson aui W. I. Rat- cliff uro over at and about Prospect this week hunting and timber land looking. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alkoi:d, of Talent, wero visiting in Medford this week with the families of C. W. Wolters and M. Alford. ' Attorney W. n. Parker and family and Mrs. J. A. Slover left Sun day morning for their winter's viiit in San Francisco. Mrs. Minnie Phipi-s, of Grants Pass, is visiting for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. C. D. Kellogg. The lady is enroute to San Jose. Miss Eva Wilson is visiting for a week or ten days up Ashland way. U. N. Damon is officiating in the Postal Union telegraph office during her absence. Alex Okme was in from Bolt Mon day, lie reports mining movements in that locality clamoring hard for a good start and a big run during the coming winter. J. B. Glims, a photographer from Oakland, Oregon, is in Medford look ing over the city with a view to open ing up our photograph gallery. He is a friend of our townsman, W. R Wool- sey. M. A. Loosley. a typo and solicitor on the Klamath Falls Star, was in Medford Tuesday upon business. He is a very pleasant gentleman to meet and was doing a whole heap of good talking for his paper. Miss Grace Foster returned home from Salem Sunday morning and after the holidays she will go to Sacramento and from there, in compuny with an aunt, will go to San Francisco and en joy the sights of the midwinter fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McCLURE, of Dallas Centre, Iowa, were in Medford a ew aavs tnis wec looking up a suitable location. They left Wednes day morning for California points. They are old acquaintances of Mr. Whit man's people. a. iETZ, o: tag.e foint, was in Medford Tuesday. The gentleman brought in a drove of fine hogs which were bought by the Southern Oregon Packing company. It is at this season of the year thai a few gold shiners in one's inside pocket drives away whole lots of trouble and inconveniences the hog seems to be supplying these shi ners quite a plenty hereabouts, and 'tis well 'tis so. Mr. and Mrs. Ira C McCoxnell of Calloway, Nebraska arrived in Med ford Tuesday morning and will remain four or five months. If they like the country, climate and citizens they will stop right here for lime without date. These people have plenty of the nec essary coin of the realm and, as coupled with this they possess the qualities required in good citizens we hope this valley is the place they have been looking for. They are old acquaint ances of G A. Hoover and family. Al Sti'kgis was in from his mine on Jackass creek Tuesday, and loaded back wilh a big supply or household utensils. It is Mr. Sturgis who owns one of the richest placer mines in that locality and from which he has taken much gold. When his purse runs a little low he eoes to the mine and pans out what money he thinks he will need for a given time. U ought to be as well satisSed with his share of this world's goois as the fellow figured he would be if he l:n:w he could find a four bit piece in his pocket everylimo he went after it. Flour. "Davis Best," $13 per 1.000 pounds. Messrs. Hamilton it Talm have beeu doing good real estate business this week. They report having sold a couple of lots near A. A. Davis' residence to Mr. Muncer for?2-"0;one hundred and sixty acres of the I. J. Phipps farm to John Flakus and 'eighty acres of the Isaacs tract to John Mungus. These two latter named gentlemen are from Nebraska. They are thorough, practical farmers and will without a doubt make their recent purchases bloom as the gardeu of roses and luscious fruits. FOR SALE! A Bargain III MM Property S Acres $500 See Eoctor Caniclson, Assnt. IS A $300 1H A 13 Cranfill & Hutchison carry the best line of men's and boys' hats in the city. Macintoshes! Macintoshes! Big burgaius at Angle A Plymale's. Tun "Life of the flesh is the blood thereof;'' pure blood means healthy functional activity and this bears with it tho certainty of quick restoration from sickness or accident. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Ulood Purifier gives pure rich blood, and vitalizes and strengthens the whole iKKiy. 1 per bottle. Por sale by V. II. Parker & Son. The lust mil of tho first division of the Jlidliind Terminal railway has been laid. Tho line is a Santa Fe feeder from gold mines of the Cripple Creek district, Col,, reaching the inoiu line of the Santa Fe at Divide. Chicago, it is generally agreed, will have to nppropri;ile $l,UUO,G0O toward relieving the wants of the poor and en forced idle workmen of the city. At all the churches and many public hallh Sun day appeals were mado for aid. "Tom King,n the notorious female horsethief, has escaped from jail at El Keno, O. T. "Bloodhounds have been put on the trail, but it is not likely she will be captured, as she is on a flout horso and ridi2 hke the wind, . THE Will soon and their coming will necessitate the outlay of a little money for PRESENTS for your children and friends. YOU NATURALLY Want to buy as and for as little money. Have Wolters' fieu Stock? Don't miss calling upon him be fore making your purchase: A NECKTIE 03 HANDKERCHIEF Is a very appropriate article for a mend or her husband. WOLTERS has an entirely New Stoce. A present fully appreciated by the the CKULKLUY line a new SET OF DISHES or a few pieces of CHINA WARE buy something USefuL WOLTERS HAS THEM. 7th Street, FLOUR Al FEED STORE, At the old stand on Seventh street. FLOUR, WHEAT, OATS AND BARLEY, o Whole or chopped, Corn, Potatoes and Beans. o ALSO BALED KAY FOR SALE. CASH PAID FOR EGGS 03 TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. WANTED 230 bostels of Sead Oats, also some Barley and Wheat. J. R. ERFORD, Proprietor, ... Medford, Oregon. SET m MOTS 8IIQjI! WC TTACH SHORT HAND AND TYPEWRITING. BUSINESS THE Practical Bnsmsss Trail ScM of tea OUR NEW BUILDING IS i OUR NORMAL COURSE IS BECOM- j ING DESERVEDLY j POPULAR. M. E. RIGRY, PRINCIPAL. MEDFORD, :. WIL BE! M BLACKSMITH v.v.v.v.y.o ovv. Al MSE mR agons find Btigpaes iXCacle to Or er All Work "Warranted First Class. Cor. C and Eight streets ' ftledford - - - - - - Oregon. D. H. MILLER, -DEALER IX- Hardware. Stoves. t and Fins Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters and Builders Redjacket Force Pumps, for doep r DANIEL COFER, IATC Or SACRAMENTO. JiljJl,' ill- Contract a Specialty. Plans and Specifications Furnished at reasonable rates. I have Srt) new ds'enes of Cotta;Te homes those wishing to build would do well to ex- ainin tbem. PoaTorrcc Dox, T9. OKEGOX. MEDFORD, fear A ff A C Vxre a- be here good an article as you can afford YOU seen lady to present to her gentleman good Housewife is something in Medford, Ore. WE TEACH TELEG RAPHY AND PENMANSHIP. COLiLiECE, NOW COMPLETED. PREPARE YOUR SELF FOR A USEFUL UFE. WRITE FGR PA RTICULARS. OREGON. Tinware Building Materia!. Ttools. Fishing Tackle, Ammunition. Etc Et or shollow wells. Tin Shop Attached C. F. LEWIS, ecliiicalvEiier AND MACHINIST, v wnrV in hi 1in cnv ... . erection and repairing ol saw and ouiru SmT m.ruum iu pruieri- ana promptly. tHvwu5 tniimuy answered. MEDFORD, OREGON. my 9Q frERYpAIR CuARAMTEEn address an Trancisco Cau 6