The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 10, 1893, Page 1, Image 1

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Rattling Good Local County Newspaper
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Anything-Any Dessription-at Any Tima !
NO. 45.
A. O. U. W. Lodge No. 98, meets every Bret
and third Wednesday in the month at 8 p. m.
n their hall in the opera block. Visiting
brothers invited to attend.
W. P. H. Leo ATS, M . TV.
L A. Webb, Recorder.
W. R. C. Chester A. Arthur Corps No. 31,
meets second and fourth Thursday's of each
month at 3 o'clock p. m., at G. A. K. hall, in
Odd Fe lows building.
Mrs, Nankie M. Woolf, Pres.
Mrs. Edith Bbadbkky, Sec
K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets' M-ra-,6ay
evening at 8 p. m. Visiting brothers al
' ways welcome. M. Forms, C. C.
'.Tkask Shidkler, K. of R, and S.
I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets in I. O. O. K.
hall every Saturday at at 8 p.m. Visiting
brothers always welcome.
A. C. Nicholson, N. 6.
J. R. WrLSOK, Bee. Sec.
I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encampment, Ledge
No. 30, meets in I, O. O. F. hall the second and
lourtn Wednesdays or each montn at o p. m.
I. A. Wkbb,C. P.
B. S. Webb. Scribe.
Olive Rebekah Lodsre No. 88. meets in I. O.
O. F. hall first and third Tuesdays of each
month, visiting sisters tnvttea to aiienu.
Mrs. Cora Lyon, N. G.
Miss. Delia Pickki Rec. See.
A. F. & A. M. Meets first Friday on or be
fore toll moon at Sp. m., in A. m u. w. nan.
E. P. Gkabt, W. M.
W. P. Lrppracorr, Sec See.
li A R. Chester A. Arthur Post N. 47.
meets in U. A. R. hall every second and fourth
Thursdays in eacn montn at ao p. m.
N. B. Bradbury, Com.
S. H. HOLT. Adjt.
LO.G T. Meets Tuesday night at 7 p. m.
at A. o. u. w nail.
E. A. Jomtsox, Rec Sec.
W. C. T. V. Meets at Presbyterian church
on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each
Mrs. Rose DeGroot. Pres.
Mrs. L. L. ASGU, Sec. .
Young People's Reading Circle Tuesday even
Ingaf each week, under the auspices of the
Ep worth League.
F. A. I. U. L. L. Polk lodge No. S6S, meets
every Saturday at 8 p. m. ,
J. H. Surra, Pres.
Christian Church S. P. Grant, pastor. Reg
nlar services everv Lord's day at 11 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. TS. meeting
every Sunday evening at 0:30. Preaching the
first and third Lord's days at II a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Pastor's residence, room eight second
floor Odd Fellows' building. Prayer meeting
ovcry Thursday evening, in ine caurcn.
Methodist Episcopal Church K. S. Craven,
pastor. Services every Sunday morning and
evening at usual hours for church services.
Epworth League meets at --30p. m . Sunday.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. Pastor's residence on C
street, one block South of Mail office.
Presbyterian Church Rev. A. S. Foster, pas
tor. Preaching at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. EL, 6:15 p. m.
Junior Endeavor Society at 3 p. nu, Sunday.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7
' lock.
Baptist Chnrch T. H. Stephens, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m-
Methodist Episcopal Chnrch South Rev. w.
J. Fen ton pastor. Services every first and
fourth Sundays of each mouth. Sunday
school every Sunday at 3:1)0 p. m.
Practice in all Courts.
Mining. Corporation and Commercial Law
and Collections. Hoeeial attention given to
Easiness of non-residents.
NOTART Pcbuc, Medford, Oregon.
V : .-" i .', ATTORNEY AT LAW,
MetUbrd, Ore.
Win practice in all courts of state orU.8
Office Bank Bnilding. - - Medford, Or
-' : ' AT LAW.
Office in bank ba tiding, Medford, Or
Have the most complete and reliable abstracts
of title in Jackson county.
Medford, Oregon.
Residence. Coiner B and Fifth Streets.
Lionel R. Webster. Austin S. Hammond
Office I. O. O. F. building, Medford, Or
Medford, Or
Office: Rooms 2 and 3LO. O building.
Office in Childers Block, Medord, Or
Office Cor. C and Seventh sts., Medford, Or
Makes a specialty of first-class work St resson-
aoie races.
Office In Opera House,
Medford, Or.
)R. J. W. 0DGERS,
Has permanently located in Med'ord for the
practice of dentistry. From a oo'atinked prac
tice of over 14 years. I am prepared to guaran
tee entire satisfaction.
tjive me a call. Oyer HI overs drug store.
Notice cf Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that .the co
partnership heretofore - easting and
doing lousiness in Medford under Mje
firm name of Merriman & Legate js,
by mutual consent, this day dissolved.
The business, that of blacksmjthlngr,
will be conducted as before by Mr.
Morriman and at tho pld stand. All
accounts due the firm must be paid, a
pnee, to Mf. Legate.
' " G. F. Merrjman.
W. P. H. Legate.
gated at Medfordj Oct. 16f lfl!)3. '
Nails, Locks, Blocks,
Saws,. ilea, Hammers,
- Heaters Plain or Fancy,
"Famous Bridge Beach" make..
Tinware: ..
Wash Boilers, Pails,
Pans, Coffee Boilers,
Miners' Supplies:
. Powder, Fuse, Picks,
, Steel Shovels, Pans.
I. X. L. and 0. V. B. Pocket,
Carving and Table Sets.
"New Club" Shot Shells,
Powder, Shot, Wads,'
Rifle and Pistol Cartridges.
Lead, Oils, Varnishes,
"Sh'erwin - Williams' " Paints.
Plows and Harrows: -
; Black Land, Canton Clipper,
Oliver Chilled and bteel.
can be readily and - cheaply solved by doing business with us,
Corner C and Seventh Streets, -
(Successors to J as. A. S lover fc Co,)
Our line of Drugs, Patent :
Medicines and Stationery j
is replete in every detail.
- r 1 1 1 1 laaf gi iiiI'i iiTSiiiiiiiiaiTnl under
Formerly Grand Central.
Best Accomodations in the City
Rates Reasonable.
, ,
Carpels. Paper, Curiis,
aiiun MMniiunuitiHiniiifitiiiisittiiiiiiaV
Vice Pres.
Jackson County Sank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000
Loan money on approved security,
and transact a general banking business on tht most favorable terms.
IQTYour Business Solicited.
Ladd & Hush, balem. Anglo-California Bank, San Francises.
Ladd & Tilton, Portland.
Parties wanting
of any kind will find them in stock
Agents for the Sugar Pine Door and
,.!,L 1 Class
Prescriptions - 3arefully Compounded.
Main street - - -
J. Wf Lawton,
7-7- DEALER JN : r-p
Order Work Given - Especial, Attention.
SEV7If STBlP, ' ro-
- - - - Medford, Oregon.
We carry the best brands
of Cigars, Perfumes, Toilet
Articles and Drug Sundries.
directions of a registered physician.
Only white help employed.
M. PURBHT, Prop.
; A- viiiiA A V AXJUl
Picture Framing a Specialty. m
Medford. Oregon.
receive deoasits subject to check,
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y-
with -jl-
Lumber Company, Medford, Ore.
G. H. HASKINS, Prop'r. -
Ha. anvtmim. m TMK unc or 0
Pure Dings, Patent Medicinea, Books,
Tobaccoes, Clears, Perfumery, Toilet Articles nJ
Everythlnir that la carried lu a first-
- Bradford Oregon.
Being a Bachelor
has many a. drawbaok if you buy
your olotbes buiihuzunl. Lost but
tons unci unexpected rips buve no
terrors for the wifeless, needle and
threwlless man who is clothod by
FetscL The Front Street Tailor.
Our suits roquira no
nfter-tttiloritiK last
lon and ltHk well as
long as they lust
Come in and-
Get Suited
The sooner
-The better.
Hamilton & Palm
Ilave 320 acres of Rood
land, located three miles
from Medford, which they
will sell in parcles, from
SO jicres up, for
small payment down
and long time on balance.
Will also sell the
of 500 acres for $35 per
acre. all creek bottom
Seventh Street, Medford, Oregon.
The Fashionable
Shoe Dealer
and Maker.
Latent ntylea In men's shoes, ladles
buuon boots ami
Children' wcr reLtInp nbCM, cus
utm work and repairing promptly
attended ux Opoit Itofllce.
Shawver & Ni
We arc prepared to Rive estimates on any
building from a woodwhead to a slate capital.
AD work in our line gnarrantccd first class
in ercry respect.
Medford, - - ' - Oregon.
If Anybody
Should Ask Yon
for a place in Medford where they
could eel '
Boots and Shoes Repaired
Yon would naturally tell them
g! C. Noble's
Becauft that you know hl work
i drat-ela and guaranteed lo '
boJUHt aa bis customors want It
East Sovcnth St., Medford.
Your Best Girl
frazed Into our winnow yester
day for twenty mioulca. She
was looking at
Engagement Rings,
hut wouldn't hare yon know It
for the world. Tho ring are
certainly lovely, hut wo cannot
use them all. We scleolod ours
years ago. s
Have You
selected yours!
Is a Special brand of Hunting Oil. which we
manufacture expressly for FAMILY USK.
It is a Perfect Illuminator.
It i Hiffh Fire Teat.
It is of Uniform Quality.
We guarantee It to be the iiigiikst possinijc
Larger Than Several States.
From the Goldcndale. Wash,, Sentinel.
The size of Wasco county, Ore
gon, when fihe was young may be
judged from the fact that in one of
the old record books of the county
there is a record of a marriage sol
emnized in 1850 at Green River,
Wyoming. At that day Wasco
connty extended from the Columbia'
river to . California and from the
crest of the Cascades to the crest of
the Rocky mountains. Colonel Sin
nott of the Umatilla tells of a dep
uty Bheriff of the old county who
once arrested a man in what is now
Wyoming.and aB the winter happen
ing to set in about the time ef the
arrest the prisoner had to be brought
back by way of New York and Capo
Horn. If the writer does not for
get the colonel's version, when the
sheriff returned with his prisoner
the court and witnesses wore all
dead and the prisoner had to be
turned loose.
,- Anyone wanting to pnrolmso nny
thinp; in the way of IjOIIch' and chil
dren's headwear, will iind it to their
Interest tfl palj pji Mrs. C. y, Pulm.
Important New or All Kind Tiollm!
Dorru and Arranged for Bnajr People.
AU Superfluous Words Removed and
the Essence of the News Preserved.
The Now York is ordod to sail for
Brazil. - s
Arthur Cook, for years a member of
the San Francisco minstrels, died at
new York.
Samuel Clnisdell Jr. & Co. of Chico
pce, Muss., cotton and wool stocks, have
fuiled for $210,000.
The employes of the Big Four in the
yards at Cairo, 111., struck against a re
duction in wages.
Colonel Gilbert & Jennings, TJ. 3. A.,
retired, died at Detroit, aged 70, His
death was the result of inhaling gna.
More complaints aio being made of
the ill-treat men t of those employed by
the phosphate company on the island of
Billiard matches, 600 points each, be
tween Ivor, Shat'fer and Slosson, are to
be played; one at New York December
11th and one at Chicago January 8th.
All the printers in the book and job
printing establishments in Albany, N.
Y., including the state printing office,
have struck for a reduction of hours.
The city council of Spokane has passed
an ordinance requiring pawnbrokers not
only to keep a registration list ot all the
articles handled by them, but to furnish
the police with a report daily.
The suit of Alexander Stewart against
Henry Hilton at New York has been dis
missed, the claim of relationship be
tween plaintiff and A. T. Stewart's fam
ily not being established.
Judge Sloan at Tucson, A. T., com
mitted John O. Dunbar, editor of the
Preseott Gazette, and Win. H. Barnes,
ex-judge, to the county jail fur the
period of 10 days for contempt of court.
The students of Ann Arbor, Mich.,
spread terror among the townspeople
Halloween, and not a fence is left stand
ing or sidewalk remains intact within
half a mile of the campoa. All wettt to
make a big bonfire.
Cranks hare become so numerous
bout the Grand Central depot at New
York that President Chaoncey M. De
pew has Chief Detective Humphrey and
his assistant to patrol the building dur
ing tho daytime.
A New York dispatch says that Erics
son's sub-marine torjxxlo boat destroyer,
the most terrible engine of warfare
afloat is the latest acquisition of the Bra
xilian government. It is also the most
important yvt made or likely to be
In tho dash of a wild bull through the
streets of St. Louis the animal badly
gored Officer William Tierney, tossed
John Mann and Grade Kelly, knocked
down several other people and badly
frightened hundreds. lie was finally
The Brown segmental 5-inch wire gun
broke the world's record at Sandy Hook
with 30 pounds of Leonard's suiokeleeg
powder and a OOf-pound ahot. A muszle
velocity of 3,130 feet per second, with a
breech pressure of 53,300 pounds per
square inch, was obtained.
The matchless court of honor at tbe
World's Fair, with its wutlth of sculp
ture and brilliant electric effects, is to
be reproduced in South Kensington,
London, and with it a theatre is to be
built where "Am-Tica," the theatrical
sensation of the exposition soasun, will
be given.
A disgraceful riot occurred In the dty
council chamber of Chicago when the
aldermen met to elect a successor to the
late Mayor Harrison. The rivalry for
the chairmanship of the meeting was so
intense that there wnre a number of fist
fights in the chamber afinost as soon as
the session opened.
A teamster, while coming down the
Bear creek grade, six miles from Los
Gatos, dropped a lighted cigarette on
the hind leg of one of the horses. The
frightened animal made a wild plnnge,
the whole outfit turning a somersault
over a liigh bank and falling many feet
to be broken into a mass of splinters.
The driver wits seriously injured and
the horses badly bruised.
Several women, it is said, have taken
to tramping their way from the North
into California. Three' got aboard a
freight car at Ashland, Or., and when
ever the train stopped got off and so
licited food. At one place, it is reported.
a tramp insulted one of the women.
when the three sailed in together and
gave him a trouncing that he will re
member for many and many a day.
A special from Fort Steele, B. C., to
the Victoria Colonist savs : No-clew has
yet been secured as to the identity of tho
masked band who held tip the Chinese
camp of miners homeward bound after
a clean-up and robbed them of Sl,O0O in
dust. It is believed the robbers were led
by two Montana opium smugglers,
namod SiefVrt and Kirkpatrick, who had
associated with them several residents
of the Tobacco Plains neighborhood.
Charley Mitchell prefers to fight Cbr
bett nt Hot Springs, Ark. A telegram
received by the Hot Springs Athletic
club from Billy Hays, one of Charley
Mitchell backers, states that Mitchell
is willing to accept the offer of a 630,000
purse tnado by thnt club. He will fight
in Hot Springs in preference to New Or
leans, provided the club erects a suitable
auditorium and deposits the purse in
bank for the winner of the fight.
A sensation has been caused at Spring.
field, Mass., by the marriage engage
ment of Miss May, daughter of Mrs.
Florence L W. Bnrnham, to Ynng Ewai,
a young member of the Chinese con
sular corps in New York. He attended
tho high school there several years and
then went to Ya)e university, of which
he is a graduate, There is considerable
opposition to the match on the part of
the young woman's friends, but she de
clares that she will remain faithful and
Southern Oregon Mines.
From Portland Telegram. '
We had an interview with a
leading mining man about these
mines, and as the time has at last
come when it seems their reputa
tion is fairly established, so far rb
the existence of gold goes, his in
formation may be useful. We may
add ho is an authority in these
matters. Ho said : j
"Last season from there being a
morp than unusual eupply of water
from the late spring rains, the
placer mines of Southern Oregon
have risen into importance never
known since early days. I make
this statement from results, the
best of all evidences. It is an es
tablished fact now, in the opinion
of all reliable men, that the placer
fields of Southern Oregon are
formed by an old pre-historic river,
as they were in California, and ex
tend in unbroken continuity for
over zw miles, that is, from high
upon the Umpqua above Can von
ville, in Douglas county, to below
Jacksonville, in Jackso.i county.
All through this distance the for
mation is precisely the same, and
wherever -worked, even with insuf
ficient water, for good hydraulic
mining, it has of late years always
paid well. The whole distance
may now be considered as thor
oughly develoied. From Canvon-
ville to Jacksonville, at intervals of
20 miles and less, hydraulic dig
gings exist, and wherever water
could be had in anything like suf
ficient quantity as I said, the result
this season lias been very satisfac
tory and drawn greater attention
than ever to them."
You will have no use for spectacles
if you use Dr. J. H. McLean' Strength
ening fcye aalve; it removes the tilm
and scum which accumulates on tho
eye ball, subdues inflammation, cools
and soothes tbe irritated nerves,
strengthens weak and failing sight.
23c. a box. Fr sale by W. H. Parker
& bona.
Cleveland's Thanksgiving Procla
mation. In accordance with the time-hon
ored custom of designating the last
Thnrsday of November as a day
of national thanksgiving, President
Cleveland proclaims as follows :
"While the American people
should every day remember with
praise and thanksgiving tbe devine
goodness and mercy which have fol
lowed them since their beginning as
a nation, it is fitting that one day in
each year should be especially de
voted to a contemplation of the
blessings we have received from the
hand of God, and to a grateful ac
knowledgement of His loving kind
ness; therefore, I, Grover Cleve
land, president of the United States,
do hereby designate and set apart
Thursday, the 30th day of the pres
ent month of November, as a day
of thanksgiving and praise, to" be
observed and kept by all people in
our land. On that day let us forgo
our ordinary work and employ
ments and assemble in our usual
places cf worship, where we may re
call all lhat God has done for us,
and where from grateful hearts our
united tribute of praise and song
may reach the throne of grace.
Let the union of kindred and the
social meeting of friends lend cheer
and enjoyment to duty, and let
generous gifts of charity for the re
lief of the poor and needy prove the
sincerity of our thanksgiving."
Grover Cleveland.
Thanksgiving Proclamation. .
GovernDr Pennoyer ha issued
the following:
I do hereby appoint the fourth
Thursday of the present month as a
day of Thanksgiving to Almighty
God for the blessings bestowed upon
this commonwealth during the pres
ent year. God has indeed been
most beneficient to our state and
nation, and yet unjust and ill-advised
congressional legislation, hav
ing made gold alone full legal
tender money have so dwarfed and
paralyzed business that the boun
ties of Providence are now denied
to hundreds of thousands of people
within the national domain, who
are not only without employment
but, are also without the means to
procure food, raiment or shelter.
While, therefore, the people of Ore
gon return thanks to God for His
eoodncss I do most earnestly re-
c 3m mend that thev should devoutly
implore Him to so disjwse the pres
ident and congress of the United
States to secure the restoration of
silver as full legal tender money,
in accordance with the policy of
the fathers of tho republic, wherebv
our industries may bo revived, and
the honest toilers of the land may
procure their daily bread, ijot as
alms, but as tho reward of their
Done at the capitol, Salem, Ore
gon, November 1st, 1893.
S Y L V JSS 1 JS U l'Jfi K U I J K,
Attest: Geo. W. McBuwe,
Secretary of State.
Short-weight Batter.
Frou th Rural Northwest.
The agitation against tho prac
tice of selling short-weight rolls of
butter which the Rural Northwest
has been carrying on for the past
two years seems to be having nn
effect. An item in a recent issue
of the McMinnvillo Reporter says
that the warfare against short
weight butter rolls has compelled
merchants to adopt tho custom of
weighing to purchasers. The best
creameries in the state now follow
the rule of making exaot one or two
pound rolls. The practice of sell
ing short-weight rolls is a constant
incentive to cheating. The sale of
butter bv weight is. better for hon
est producers as well as consumers.
The Mail isn't saying a word
about short-weight butter in Med
ford but if we haven't seen it here
than the rolls have become very
weighty trnd wondcrously diminv
Trv our Vokon Java coffee at 25
cents per pound. Fuwceit & Morris.
Funeral Discourse.
The following sermon was preached
at the funeral of Mr. Jay Bradley, by
Re'v. F. J. Edmunds, at tho Presbyter
ian church in Medford, October 27, 1893:
Text, St. Mathcw 3:12. "Wboae fan Is in tola
band, and Uu will tboroubly purge but floor,
and KUllivr bis wheat Into tbe garner, but be
will burn up tbe cnan with unquenchable
This is the figure Christ used to rep
resent the process of sifting men. His
unending action in destroying evil and
preserving good. The tense ujd is
the present tense. The text does not
tell us of something Christ will do in
the future. The judgement is already
begun. The process of discrimination
is going on now. The work of aifting
is not postponed.' "Whose fan is in
his hand and he will tuorouhlir nurra
his lloor, and gather his ' wheat into
the garner," etc. Thus men have al
ways been sift-id. After three years of
labors and teaching Jesus winnowed
his nominal followers and of the twelve
one was only chaff and woa blown away.
At the end of his brief life of about
thirty-three years. Christ was brought
before Pilate. Was it Christ before
Pilate? No! rather Pilate before
Christ. It was not Christ on trial, it
was Pilate on trial. Will the Roman
Governor dare to do kioht, or will
he sacrifice honor, sacrifice himself,
sacrifice his manhood, iu order that he
may keep a place, and an office, and a
rank? It was Pilate on trial. So it is
and so it has always been. Let any
great reformer arise and denounce sin,
pointing out its magniude and de
formity, nnd instantly men begin to
separate themselves into classes. The
work of discrimination commences.
There are those who will apologize for
iniquity, excuse iniquity, or if they
dare not do that, they will strive to
find some ground far attacking him
who is attacking iniquity. Thus men
are sifted. God's fan is in bis hand.
A few years ago the great M. E. church
of the U. S. A. was convulsed by the
startling undoctrinal declarations tf
Dr. Thomas, of Chicago. Many thought
the M. E. church would be disrupted
and divided. Dr. Thomas was put on
trial. Was it Dr. Thomas on trial or
tbe M. E.-church on trial? The ques
tion was not so roucn, is tne iir. T.
heterodox as will the great M. E. church
stand firmly by tbe faith and the teach
ings that bad been transmitted to her.
So wa may add it was not so much Dr.
Briggs on trial aa the great Presbyte
rian church of the C. S. on trial.
What is true in the life of Christ and
his church, is true in the life and ex
perience of every individual. Every
day is a judgement day. We are being
judged every day by the words we
apeak, the acts we perform, the char
acter we manifest. Every capacity in
tbe growing child, is a measure of
judgement. The child has for eyes
what will he use them? lo look on
things that make for truth or righteous
ness, or those that foster animalism
and sensuality? He has hands how
will he use them? to grasp the neck
of his fcilow with greed, to filch from
has pocket bis hard gotten gain? or
will be use them for help and blessing
dispensers to others? Every day asks
these questions. Everv day answers
these questions. The child becomes a
man and enters into public business.
The questioa comes to him "Will I
be true to conscience, and it may be,
lose, or untrue and geV 6013?" Sot a
few on trial. The martyrs are not all
dead. We have martyrs in the market
places, martyrs in the shops, martyrs
in banks, men who have gone down to
bankruptcy, men who have faced pov
erty, who have come face to face with
disaster, but have dared to do right.
Every man is measuring, testing him
self. Life is a judgement day. Tbe
fan is in Christ's hand. The judge
ments are not merely casual, incidental
judgements. Life is not a series of- ac
cidents, mischances. This is a super
vised judgement" day. When we are
brought into trial it" is by a divine per
missive providence. He allows us to
be tried not to find out what is in us
but to show us what is in us. His fan
is in his hand. Let us net forget that.
God permits trials because he sees
what each one needs. God knows what
we need to disclose in us what we are,
and what we need to make us what we
ought to be.
As to the decaased. Mr. Jav Bradlev
was born in Blakesburgb, Wapello
county, Iowa, January 11. 1S52. He
came with his parents to Jackson
county. Ore., in Oct. 1S6S. He was
uuited in marriage with Laura Merri
man. Nov. 23. 1676. who wiih three
children, two sons and a daughter, his
moiner ana two sifters, remain to
mourn his loss. He moved with his
family to Wyoming in 1K?1, where he
lived lor nine years. In W yomtng, as
in Oregon, he has many friends.
Wherever be lived and was known it
was to bo prized &nd honored. He was
an only son. His fa'her died in 1875.
Mr. Bradley was a part' "of God's pure
wheat. He hated evil, he abhorred
wroug, he loved and cherished and
prized right. God. by his spirit, had
winnowed out of his life all the enatf
of deceit and guile, so that be stood be-
lore his family, the church, the world.
as one of -God's choice chieftains. He
was a man concerning whom I can sav.
no one can say a thing against him.
His life was above reproach. In every
relation ho was noble aud pure and
trustworthy. He was one whom we all
feel we can ill afford to spare from the
home, tho church and the community.
God hns, in His wisdom and goodness,
gathered into His garner this precious
portion ol Ills wheat to be lorever safe
from all the attacks of sense and sin.
Let us bon iu loving aud sweet sub
mission. Thunk God for the trials
that bring tears to the eyes and aching
to tho heart. Thank 'God for those
who hare gone up through great trib
ulations, and have washed their robes
and raude thMU white in the blood of
the lamb. Therefore are thev before
tho throne of God, and serve him day
and night in his temple, and he that
sitteth on the throne shall dwell among
them. They shall hunger no more,
neither thirst any more, neither shall
tho sun light on thorn, nor any heat.
For the lamb, which is in the midst of
tho throne shall feed them, and shall
lead them into living fountains of
wator, and God shall wipe away all
tears from their eves. Aranu.
How's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can
not bo curedbv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, havo known P.
.T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactiens nnd financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
"West &Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Tob-do. O. .
Walding, Kinnan & MarvJu, Wbole
snlo Druggists, Toledo, O. .
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken intern
ally, acting directly upon tho blood
nnd mucous surfaces of the " svstem.
Price, 75o, rr bottle. . Sild bv .all
Druggists. Testimonials fi
Ladies' and gent's -Mao:
Anglo & Plymale s , f
r.W "I
Griffin Creek Gatherings.
H. L. Griffin's fainil' have moved
into their new residence.
Miss Cora Basbford. of this place,
is attending the Medford business
The farmers in this section are
busy plowing and seeding and will
soon complete their fall sowing.
Messrs. C. M. Phillips, Frank'
Bellinger and the Misses Amy Sef
ferd, Donna and Forna Holt, of
Medford, were the guests of Miss
Millie Solise, last Sunday.
A rare and beautiful eight can be
seen in A. Gordon's orchard be
tween this place and Medford. A
small plum tree in,full bloom, the
lovely white blossoms reminding
one of early spring. Wonder if the
plums will grow and ripen during
the winter in this ""Italy of Oregon?"
"The Great Western Panorama
Exhibition," consisting of eight
norses, a very dilapidated looking
covered wagon, a magic lantern and
a few pictures, "showed tip" at the
Enterprise school house last Tues
day evening. The crowd 'was very
small likewise the receipts at the
One dav last wlr
discovered a deer in J. P. Tree's
pasture and rode in hot haste to
nnh'fn f L" 1 TT f'CC
of the fact. Thereupon, eaid Kerns
shouldered his rifle and accompan
ied by Henry Griffin and his two
dogs, hastened forth vowing, to
"have deer or die in the attempt."
The dogs chased the deer, corner
ing it in N. H. Spencer's picket
fence, when Mr. S. hearing the dogs
sallied forth with his rifle and cap
tured the game. ..When the hnnt
ers arrived on the scene of action,
they found no trace ef deer, except
a few tracks, and a pair of crest
fallen dogs, and returned home
minus the expected venison.
The Modern Undertaker.
In rnealdn? of the meeting of the un
dertakers at Portland, a few weeks a go.
and at which meetin? Mr. L A. Wphh
i tan city, was in attendance, -
fOrtland Oregonian says;
The atxth annual eooTentiaa of tbe North
west Funeral Direetnra-Aanebtinn vfcM.
eently closed Its session In this ttty. a leadr-f
undertaker said) tshx tbe object and aims of
tnla body's annual sckSoos are aoaftra mi.
; xeaented innocently by some and maiaAxislv
by others that justice demands snme state
ment of tbe masT eanacs thai indnmi tv.
dertakers to organize.
The days of the old coffln-seBer tave passed
into history," said the undertaker, -aadiasrevl
hare, as a role, tbe modern eeaueRaaly
raneral director, who has, by th aid of organ
ised effort and stodtoos application, faaaliarr
feed alrasf If with an the htm mt Kct '
odsof sdeariBc aanftatios in preventing ihs
apnac or coetagioas diseases and protect&ur
tbe families and friends and tk n art.-,.
anee by the use ef proper disinfectants, io
sooymg every lonn of disease germ - lurks
la the cracks or crevices of tbe sick rkmhr
before and after death, and the moat appKvred
meuoas or emnalmlgg and pu .au i lag the desd
in a pei feet state turn snch a time as irier
ment is desired. The farther objects tf the or
ganization are to disseminate a more tricaglx
and fraternal feeling and social bndness Inter
course between its mmhm ulmthi
uniform systems in conduct: nr funerals, cis-
peuing tne iormer harsh methods of cartas tor
and taking entire chanre of every detail, re
leasing the family nnd friends ot every rare
pertain ins to the preparations necessary forth
funeral. In fact, tbe ondertakrrs
and these annual meetings are of great raise
to use general public, and when their purposes
are better understood, it will not be looked upon
as a trust or combine to Increase the burial ex
penses, but the reverse, to Eire and reader w t
ter service, and at even lover prices than were
formerly charged for services and attentions
very muca tnrenor to those being rendered to
day. "It has bees the custom, at every ennualeoa
ventkn, to employ some competent Instructor,
ol general recognized ability, by the kadisg un
dertake erf the United States, and at the ses
sion which haa just closed the officers of the as
soeiatieo. at uausual expense, employed the
services of Professor J. H Clark, of Ohio, whose
reputation is world-wide as aa instructor in the
art of embalmins. Be is aithority on sautiary
measures aad disinfectants, which go hand In
hand, forming an important factor in the edu
cation ot a Una -class undertaker.
"It mnsb sdmmttted by thoocuUul men
that the ss&tViation is conducive of general
goo not only Sarding the best opportunity
tor its members to ac-inire a thorough knowl
edge ot all matters penalise lo their chosen
calling, but by united eSort it dervrau the hmt
thought and brings out the mora refined "and
standard of excellence. The modem
taker and funeral director iopes to merit
an nonsraoie position In every commoity as
member of a worthy profession-"
The Earlier Symptom
of dyspepsia, such as distress after eat
ing, heart-burn, and occasional -headaches,
should not be neglected. Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and bo cured. .
Hood's Pills are tho best familv ca
thartic and livsr medicine. Harmless,
couaoie, sure.
Fbeqckxtcy accidents occur In tbe
household which cause burns, cuts.
Kit rains and rim f,w ;M . .'
r . ---. uc? t?l!V .1
eases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil
Liniment has for many years been th
oonstant favorite family remedy. For
wuo oy w. ii. r-aricer & ssons.
North Phoenix School Eeport.
The school In north Phoenix district
closed November 3, lS93.after a nlnas.
ant two months term. The following
is tbe tandinc ot the nuntls at th
elose ot examination: Lelia Ander
son, 98; Mary Cottrell. 9S; Lucy Sloper,
96; Mollie Anderson, S5i; Cora "Wiley,
951; Annie Anderson. 95: Paul Ander
son, 93; Lottie Wiley, 95; Minnie Cott
rell, Mi; Bertha Rose, 94; and Robert
Wiley, S6. Juue Rodschow, Teacher.
The Mistaken
of 1Kb are many some great, others small. TVe
classify them as we teol their effect, and just in
the same way you recognize Siuimons Liver J
Regulator whos taken for Indigestion, lysp,
sla. Constipation and Bluiousnass. There
be no mistake In taking the Regulator tar i
sorders. " Quickly relieves, pou t
themiMakeuf getting any Utiugelsc for M i
Anv one desiring to purchs
, 1 3 t. ... : 1 1
ing rnncuiiHir, ui ju.inci, rant u
ery ol any kind win save tin
money oy caning upon j. j .
A' f ' A