The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, November 03, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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    la called the "Father of Diseases."
It is caused by a Torpid liver,
end is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
Aa 1& m auima fauauiD auu a wiwj IAJ
. tiia digestive oreans. Bv taking
Fimmons Liver Eegulator you
promote digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and prevent"
Biliousness and Indigestion. .
"My wife nt sorely distressed with Cuuitlpa.
ticn and coucliing, followed with Bleeding Pisss.
After four months use of SimmoiH LiTcr Regulator
. she is almost entirely reuevea, gaining strengia
end flcsiu" W. B. Lauren, Delaware, Ohio.
0e oar Z Stamp In red on wrapper '
J.H-BII.IH CP- Philadelphia, fa.
H ev-r Jiva fcnoarn t have The ChoIra wbo
ua 4 aa4 aiiaviug ad'hiur cuitiug done at
O-ir batbs are two nil's each. r
Stveaia tlreti(. Mou.'orU, Oregon. .- . ---
AAA a. . aes- A V W
R. G. Bunch, Prop's.,
Front St., - - Medford, Oregon.
Wj traat everybody with the courte
y winch we consider due our patrons.
Our work is all 2rst-c!ass ecery line
AvSpociaHr. . .
TiTt-elans Aeoomaioilatioia. ,w. . '
.Special Atten tOQ Gives to Traveling Ilea.
. .. Chances Reasonable. . C;, . .....
Centsal Poxsr,"
to Restore Youth anil Culti
vate Beauty.
"ilooctsd pa:-3 play the mischief
J with the compiexion. Guless yoc keep the
pores, trtxss. all Ue f-te nrenaratiocs and pow
dors ia tic world casnot keep your complexion
beautiful. Clogged
' yGwi-'iJV pores are impossiole
Jt-!?Jai.5 when TXLA'-MON-'JW TEZ i used. This
!T wnnr-PTTnl slf.n food
anti tissue builder ia
the only scientific
. and haimless speci
- nef&rduea5ed,scay.
ttki "h Tii r-mi v ordn,
.- :-Qeaxsa.- reaioreaA,
W. JTT wast' beautiful
in-Jte wirM sis tnej
.ajt iriter&eut. lxrontcosnolexlom
m Via orB, :Ti i4aaMoBtezt
lU:earrayoej)4!i.ta lour
u-o. Saeebts per rSfia, .
J -.-errVrS -MSnniSOM, .
r Lazno'A ileau;y Uoco7.
I SV San Francisco, Cal.
I oiftance treated by correspondence
hiHm or dects ol fa--c or fljrare.
by lUoss, Strang, Druyfist, Medlord,
The Best ;
' ligfiisst Running
and Nicst Curable.
Ttae out of every tin Sewing Machines la nse
in the' world are'. . , ' .
- ' ; SINGERS.
7 '.'
0ol;S for cash or
Easy Installments. y
Agents In every comity. Head office for this
state at 3o4 Morrison street, Portland, Ore.
F Ssnd for Cutalpirae. . .. ' .' '
wp-itt:.:e vvro bc-en of mrrother brantt. Koa
et.i.l cy not. 'JHEj.KN tIXK.
?QTt3Ai3?Bg2,ERSGE2rra.MLY. fyf'
Land OUce at Rofsebnrg, Or., October 23, 1B.
Notice id hereby (riven that the following-
iia-ned ittler Ium Died notice of she intention
t-j nukj tlnal proof'm support pf she claim, and
, tliat said proof will be made before the Judge
- Jaekaoavjlle, Orre-jn, oa Hntntday. Ujcemrtier
)f. ISttt, viz: Auni C. Salutro.n.'on Pre-emption
O. m. -o. iojj, tor iaatiiem-n 01 soameast
- sectio-j -iih i it nojihwe'4 atd soath-
west -t oreou -Jieasi a, Hectioa zs, towr)ati)p 31
. . a r:t6A-4t.'.. - . ' -
- ' She names the following witnesses to prove
. her ountiuuoua residence Uxm mid cuitiva
r tton. Of W'"1 land, viz; ' Luther CJ. Porter, of
Aiediord. jitcKson county. Mregon, cuwm a.
- . ail of Prospect, Jackson coonry, drearqn. " -TciJohu
a. CVle. Claimant under Soldlera
V D. s. No. 57. and Eriok G. Salstrom, Clulmant
an dor ti 8 Unia. yon, and each of- you are
liuraby sutquloied ' to appear-at the' above
awe4 ditto and place, and show cause, 11 any,
. way the 4Htt proof of Anna C . S&lstrom should
hot M socfljtd.
Jfinx B. SncpE,
' t
From Buy to Day the Fight Ii,Pr-long-
d Mining Schools May Bo Maln-
. talnerf by Several State Routine In
the House. - , '
Monday. Oct. SS.
No adjournment havinsr been taken
i since one week ago today, the legislative
i day of Oct 17 was continued. Stewart
j rave notice af the amendment he In
tended to offer to the repeal mil, pro
posing that a Pari-American conference
be held at Washington within nine
months for the adoption of a silver coin
to be legal tender in all the countries
represented. Jones resumed his argument-
against repeal. Teller followed
Jones. -
Tuesday. Oct. 84.
Stewart resumed his speech on the re
peal bill. He denied that opponents of
repeal were fUihusterers. The adminis
tration was doing the filibustering.
Jones of Nevada followed Stewart.
McPherson spoke in favor of repeal.
Wednesday, Oct. S3.
'A joint resolution was passed direct
ing the president to, acknowledge the
assistance of foreign nations in making
the World's Fair a success. The repeal
bill was taken up and Pngh spoke
against it. He believed that a compro
mise would have been reached long atro
but for the president's interference.
Stewart spoke for an hour and then
yielded to his colleague, Jones, who held
the floor until adjournment.
Thursday, Oct. .
Teller continued his speech in opposi
tion to the repeal bill and yielded the
floor to Squire.- who spoke in favor of his
amendment. He appealed to the senate
to do that which was practical for the
immediate relief of the senate and of the
people. Stewart consumed the rest of
the session in talking about silver.
Friday, Oct. ?.
. The bill to aid the states of California,
Oregon, Washington, Montana. Idaho,
Nevada. Wyoming, Colorado and South
Dakota "to support schools of mining,
allowing each 85 per cent of the pro
ceeds of the sales of mineral lands with
in the state, but not to exceed $12,000 a
year was passed. Stewart, Voorhees,
Peffer and others debated the repeal bilL
Peffers's amendment, which practically
revived the coinage act of 1837, was
voted down. Perkins introduced a coin-.
age amendment to the repeal bill.
Monday, Oct. SS.
KDsore objected to the bill of expen
ses presented by L. L. Williams, World's
Fair commissioner from Alaska. The
printing bill was passed. A bill provid
ing for the construction of a revenue
cutter for the Great Lakes was passed.
The bankruptcy bill was taken np.
- -' Tuesday. Oct. 84.
A bill was passed making it compul
sory for all engineers and assistant en
gineers in United States vessels to be
citizens of this country. ; The bank
ruptcy act was taken up.
V ; Wedaeeday. Oct. 5. '.
Caminetti's bill separating the Yisalia
and Independence land districts was
passed, .. The bankruptcy bill was taken
up.- , .
. Thursday. Oct. S7.
Appropriate resolutions on the death
ef Chaplain Haddawa were passed. ' A
joint resolution to print bills and resolu
tions instead of having them- engrossed
by hand was passed. Discussion of the
bankruptcy bill was resumed.
Friday. Oct. ST.
The only incident of interest was the
presentation of a memoral against W. S.
Linton of Michigan, asserting that bis
election was illegal and invalid. The
memorial bitterly attacked the Ameri
can Protective association. Adjourned
to Monday.,-. - - ; " '' "
- ..
r- r .
"Eov. Dr. Samnal W. Haddaway, chap
tsia of the boose, died of Bright's dis-
Teaae. i: .
BobuMon of Pennsylvania has lntrc-
t . .
The Paris Temps, commenting upon
President Cleveland's attitnde upon the
silver question, says that by resisting to
the uttermost Cleveland will render
great service to the business world, and
at the same time will help modify the
constitutional equilibrium of the United
States by transforming the members of
his cabinet into .quasi parliamentary
leaders. This is the most serious inno
vasion involved in the financial crises.
Commodore Stanton, acting rear ad
miral ef the United States fleet in Bra
zilian waters has been summarily re
lieved of command and ordered home.
The commodore's offense was in saluting
Admiral Hello, the leader of the Bra
zilian insurgents, ' who with bis squad
ron is holding' Bio in blockade. The
belligerents are not recognized by this
government, and Commodore Stanton's
action, as it is construed at Washington,
was in a sense the recognition, of them
as a power, and. could not fail to give
offense .to the TJiexotto government,
with whom this government holds
friendly relations.. .
Mrs. General Grant will spend the
winter m California. : .
". Senatpr Hill addressed a Democratic
mass meeting at Brooklyn a few nights
ago. J3e was enthusiastically received.
Helen Dauvray is suing her husband.
John M. Ward, the well-known baseball
player, at New York, for ' absolute
jlivorce. . ' ' ;
' Frederick Guilhenne ' de Lorena has
been proclaimed provisional president of
Brazil by Admiral Mello, the leader of
the rebellion.' Lorena is captain of one
of the rebel warships.
' yice President Stevenson presented to
the senate a memorial from the Califor
nia Democratic committee, asking that
Japanese be excluded under the terms of
foe McCreary act as well as Chinese.
Charles Coghlan, the famous actor,
was married to Knhne Bevridge,
member p,f -the same dramatic company,
at Indianapolis. ' Miss Beveridge has
become famous as a sculptress. She
Vjent upon the stage this season.
The. Olympic club at New Orleans has
Offered a purse of $30,000 for the Cor-bett-Mitchell
The Dartford Hat company of St,
Louis has been compelled to snspepd,
' owing to a thieving bookkeeper.
: The remains of Marshal' MacMahon,
ex-president of France an4 puke of Ma
genta, were deposited in the Hotel des
Juvalides, the resting place of the dis
tingnished dead of France. .The streets
pf Paris were crowded and emblems of
mourrdng were mixed with decorations
in honor of the yisit of Russians, Count
less beautiful -wreaths were sent by
muir nf tin pmwiimI riatula tt Itnrnm
ana we irraca army. -
Vo eat are
Still bsftkr Wken
from QftEASB
and are eay di-
horTcntnj . and all .
Cooking lburJboe
and burtr m-vn. fartk
Gcauinc mxd only by
Dr. F. O. Vincent, convicted of wife
mnrder, was hanged at Fresno.
Four men were killed in a wreck on
the Pennsylvania railroad at Harrisbnrg.
Three or four lives were lost and much
stock perished in the recent prairie fires
in the vicinity os Winnipeg.
Rev. "Doc" Taylor preached his own
funeral sermon to a throng of 5,000 pro
pie at Wise Court House, Vs., a few
hours before he was hanged tor the mur
der of five persons.
Sensational developments have fol
lowed the killing of Jack Wliite. the
Northern Pacific train robber, who was
shot in Montana by J. P. Gensnian. It
transpires that Gensman killed White
with felonious intent
F. G. Ramsay, grand chief of the Or
der of Railway Telegraphers, has been
indicted at Marion, la., by the grand
jury. He is charged with instigating
the cutting and crossing of wires and
otherwise obstructing the telegraphic
system of the Burlington, Cedar' Rapids
and Northern railway during the tele
graphers strike in September, 1892.
James Stone, who murdered six of the
W rattan family near Washington. ImL.
was first at . the Wrattan homestead
when the alarm of. murder was given,
and he was a pall bearer at the funeral
and assisted the undertaker in preparing
the bodies for burial. He says he is for
given by the Lord, is a happy man,
ready to die and wants his family to
meet him in heaven.
A boiler exploded on the fifth floor of
the large warehouse of the Chautauqua
Lake Ice house at Pitteburg. A large
quantity of whisky was stored there.
Four men were working on the floor at
the time. The fire following the explo
sion cut off all escape and they were
forced to iumn. All were seriouslv hurt.
The building burned with its contents. I
T AA ' I
loss, fully $1,000,000.
A gang of desperadoes attempted to
loot the town of Sumruitville, Ind. Their
plans were well laid but were betrayed
and the citizens were prepared for them,
One of the leaders was fatally wounded
and one captured, with the prospect of
more captures and the breaking up of a
body of outlaws who have plundered
and burned many business- houses in
that section.
Walter P. Shaw, an ex-deputy under
Collector Scott at Louisville, has been
found guilty in the United States circuit
court of violating the civil service stat
ute, making it unlawful for a govern
ment employe to solicit money for polit
ical purposes. The penalty is a fine not
exceeding $5,000 or one year's imprison
medt or both. The cases of ex-Collector
Scott and his chief deputv. Early, will
be taken up immediately and there is
no doubt they will be found guilty. , . -
Thieves are at work in the mining
building at the World's Fair. Secret
service men suspect tliat an organized
gang, composed of employes, has found
lodgment in the building and is prepar
ing to do earnest work during the few
remaining days of the fair. F. D.
Schermerhorn, superintendent of the
Idaho mining exhibit, fonnd one of his
cases open and valuable worth $8,000
missing. The big brick of refined silver
owned by the De Lamar Mining com
pany, 82 carats of opals, finished for set
ting, and two cut and several uncut
rubies were gona.
Governor Osborne of Wyoming has
decided not to appoint any one to tho
senatorship made vacant by the resigna
tion of A. C. Beckwith until the senate
shall have decided the question whether
or not a senator appointed after the fail
ure of the state legislature to elect is en
titled to a seat
Owin'g to $150,000 of funds belonging
to the school district being tied np in
one of the suspended banks, the board of
school directors of Portland has decided
to coll a special election of the taxpayers '
to vote on the question of issuing bonds
Of the district in the sum of $100,000 in
order to help the schools along.
In response to a question by a Buffalo
corporation, Controller Eckels has given
an opinion that the use of certified
checks as currency is not contrary to
law. The scheme is to make certified
checks for $5 and $10, payable to bearer,
to be used in payment of wages. Bank
ers and bnsiuews men believe the plan
will furnish immediate relief.
. AtTppeka, Kan.', Judge Johnson of
the United States circuit court decided
the case of the city against the Topeka
club in favor pf the club. Members of
the club who so desire are now permitted
to keep supplies of Jiquora in their pri
vate lockers. The police regarded this
as an infraction of the prohibition law
and raided the club, arresting several
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum.
Jse4 i? MflUoB1? f Horpes-rAo Yejurs Standaffi
Two Ministers Who Are Fond of KlM
ing Ijtunch of the Battleship Oregon.
A Woman Who Goes ' Barefooted A
lawyer of Few Words.
Policemen at Walla Walla are to be
uniformed. '
A traveler -counted 27 tramps while
going from Sonoma to Petaluma.
-A Chinese firm at Seattle is to put up
a 4-story brick and stone building.
Nine thousand kegs of nails have been
ordered for the Midwinter Fair build
ings. The Canadian Pacific's first class pas
senger rate between Tacoma and Chi
cago is $81.
Mrs. Henry Stover of Merced took a
dose of lobelia to relieve a cold and died
from the effects.
; Wild geese at Loseuurg, Or., keep the
people awake dashing against the elec
tric street lights.
Two hundred families are reported to
have moved away from Astoria, Or., in
the last two months.
Strenuous efforts are being made to
have a frnit growers convention assem
ble in Spoknne in February.
Four trumps took possession of the
Santa Fe dining car at Riverside and
helped themselves to provisions.
The Masonic hall at Flagstaff, . A. T.,
burned recently. The lodges of several
orders lost their books and parphanalia.
A quarrel over a 10 cent piece resulted
in a fight between two expressmen at
Spokane. Both were arrested and fined
$17 each.
John Rider's barn at Sacramento was
burned with four valuable horses, two
buggies, harnesses and several hundred
dollars worth of hay.
N. W. Hodges of Petaluma, Cal., fell
from the roof of his house, breaking
both ankles, dislocating his right hip
wrenching his back.
Chinese have rented 140 acres of land
in Big Bond, Tehama county, CaL, for
ten years for $16,000. This is an annual
rental of $11.43 per acre.
The Liberals of Ogden. Utah, have
disbanded as a party. The party was
composed of Gentiles and has long bit
terly opposed the Latter-day Saints.
The Tokay grape crop of Sonoma val
ley, whirh for the most part is being
shipped direct to Chicago, will net the
producer between $70 ond $75 per ton.
The Boston baseball team, winners of
the league pennant, has arrived at San
Francisco. The Bostons will play a
series of games in California this winter.
The jury in the Schultz murder case
at Stockton returned a verdict of man
slaughter. He had confessed to the kill
ing of a saloonkeeper named Arbanasin.
"Kentuck Thurman." who always
claimed to be a nephew of Alien G.
Thurman, the "Old Roman.", fell into
the Sacramento river opposite Cortland
and was drowned.
Senator White left Los Angeles hur
riedly for Washington. Proposed legis
lation on the Chinese question cauaed
him to return to the capital sooner than
he intended.
The Pacific Mail steamer. City of New
York struck on the rocks while leaving
San Francisco harbor. The vessel and
cargo are a complete loss. The cargo
consisted of $182,000 worth of merchan
dise. -
San Diego's latest sensation is a weQ.
dressed, fine looking woman who goes
about the streets barefooted. The
woman is Mrs. Mary Ailing Aber. She
is highly cultivated and an accomplished
A Pomona (Cal.) fruit grower claims
I to have propagated a new variety of
peach, in th canning of which no sugar
is necessary. It is asserted that the
juice from the fruit makes a syrup as
thick and sweet as can be desired.
1 The citizens of the Suburb university.
Los Anzeles. took a dissolute character
. called "Dime Novel Willie" and hanged
him until he was black in the face, then
. mi him down and ordered him to leave,
! He had drunred one of the bovs at the
race track.
' The Portland presbytery is trying
Rev. F. B. Dill worth, and theCongre-
gational association of the same city
investigated the cae of Rev. C L. Cor
win. Both ministers were charged with
kissing lady members of their congrega
tion. Corwin was found guilty, the
only negative votes being from two lady
members of the association.
Henry Ruse, a New Whatcom, (Wash)
barber, is wanted at Greenfield, Saratoga
county, N. Y., for murder alleged to
have been committed in October, 1882.
'The sheriff has the warrant but extra
dition papers have not been secured yet
Everybody knows about the warrant but
the barber keeps on shaving. . He says
he is innocent.
Jack Dillon, ex-convict, and Happy
Jack, suspected of being the two daring
thieves who recently robbed a faro game
at Cceur d Alene city, are under arrest
at Spokane. . . "Funny Pete," a member
of the same gang, was killed recently.
He confessed the gang had committed a
number of murders and had stolen at
least $100,000.
A Spokane attorney has broken the
record for short pleas. Louis H. Phtttor
ia his name and the official time was 18
seconds. He said: "Gentlemen of the
jury, admitting everything the attorneys
for the defense is true, I wish to say
merely this: Remember the assault oc
curred on the prosecuting witness prem
ises. " The jury brovght in a verdict for
The battleship Oregon, constructed by
the Union Iron Works at San Francisco,
has been sutx-essfully launched. The
vessel is one of the largest afloat. Thou
sands of people attended the launch.
Miss Daisy Ainsworth. representing the
state of Oregon, and Miss Eugenia
Shelby, representing the city of Port
land, acted as godmothers at the christ
At San Jose Robert McLeUan, a har
ness maker, and Frank Perry, a black
smith, waltzed 19 hours without missing
a step. This is a world's record. The
men waltzed for a purse o $12.
The tug Tilden of San Francisco, tow
ing a dredger sent up the river by Cap
tain Hackett of Oakland, was sunk at a
point in the Ban Joaquin river about
five miles below Stockton. .The vessel
ran on an embankment made by dredg
ing, and rolled over and filled when the
tide went out. She wii be easily raised,
jiHMi iimiiimmiMM imii uiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiina
S 2
I Ham Death j
: imtantly removes and lorever destroys z
S ibjeotiouuble tmir.whi-lherupon thehHDds, :
S uue.urnisoruuck, without discoloration or
S ujuryto theiuoxtdeliuate skin. It was for s
S .rfi j years the m-urct formula of Erasmus ;
.VIioli,'uoUnowJtdodby phyMloittDBaslbe r
I olKhettt authority and the iuohi eminent ;
- dermatoloKiHt and hair BpeclullKt thatever r
I lived. Luring- bin private practice of a J
S life-lime among the nobility aud arUto- :
: craoy of Europe he preHurlbed this recipe, z
z Price, l by mail securely, packed. Cor- :
Z renpondence confidential. Sole Agents z
3 for America. Addioss .. , s
Dept. K., 57 South fifth Ave., New York.
The remains of Gounod were buried
at Paris with full military honors.
. It is feared that Dr. Nansen and his
party of Arctic explores have been lost.
When last heard from their vessel was
fast in the ice.
A lieutenant attached to the Italian
steamer St. Affeta was recently stabbed
and killod at Merkah, a seaport town of
East Africa. The death of the lieuten
ant was immediately avenged by the
bombardment pf Merkah.
"Tho bsst in the -world." This Is
what W. D. Woodiing, of Bordly, Ky.,
says of Chamberlain's Cough Uetnedy.
He spoke from personal experience "in
the us.i of it, himself and family hav
ing just boon cured of bad feoughs and
colds by it. For sale by G. H. Hask-
1ns, druggist. .
At Clichy, France, while tho train
conveying the Russians to Versailles
was crossing tho Seine on the Asnieres
railway, a woman on a parallel bridge
waved French and Russian flags, shout
ing, "Les voir et inourir viva la Rus
sie!" Then she jumped in the river and
was drowned. The body was' attired in
a chemise neatly made of Russian flags
and a petticoat made of Russian and
French flags.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvs.
. Tho best salve In the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aad posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded . Price 23c
per box:. For sale bv G. H. Haskins.
Forsale by G. H. Haskln?, Medford
William Wendell, arrested at South-,
ampton, England, is Ewald Heutter
mann, who recently eloped from Eliza
beth, N. J., with Frieda Lancks, aged
10, and enticed her brother Hubert to
acconpany them. Hcutterman' has a
wife and five children in Elizabeth.
One thing that affords Paris laughter
is the statement that while in that city
Admiral Avellan of the Russian navy
received 19,000 letters. This huge mass
of correspondence necessitated the con
stant service of four officers to attend to
it Among these letters were 10.000
from women bogging for an audience, a
lock of the admirals hair or his auto
graph. When troubled with pain in the
stomach, bilious colic or diarrhoea
2ive Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy a trial rnl you will
be more than pleased with the result
It is pleasant safe and reliable, ii
and SO cent bottles for sale by U. H.
Haskius, druggist
The manufacturing department in the
Nebraska penitentiary was destroyed by
fire a few nights ago.
The Pullman Mercantile company of
Pullman, Wash., is in the hands of a
receiver, .The nominal assets are $2u0,
000; liabilities, (135,00a
Mgr. Settolli. the papal ablegate, has
bought the old Stephen A. Douglass res
idence in Washington. He will make
the capital his permanent home.
The crew of the Valkyrie have sailed
for England. Two toen remained to
care far the yacht which will stay on
this side of the Atlantic this winter.
A Sura Cure for Piles.
ItcMnff Piles are known by moisture
like presperation, erasing intense Itch
inir when warm. This form as well "as
blind, ble ding or protruding yield at
once to Ur. HoeauKos fild remedy.
which acts directly on the parts effect
ed, absorbs tumors, allavs itchintr and
effects a rermanent cure. ;V) cts. Drug
gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr.
Bosankc, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by
G, H. Haskins, drufrpisL Medford.
Beloit (Wis.) college is to receive the
H. M. Rust American archaeological col
lection, the finest of its kind in existence
and worth fully $15,000. Major Rust of
Pasadena, CaL, has given given particu
lar attention to gathering relics of
American antiquity, and has succeeded
in making the best collection ever exhib
ited. It includes some 8.000 specimens
of arrowheads, pottery, mortars, etc,
illustrating the history and development
of the American aborigine. Major Rust
sold the collection to F. G. Logan of
Chicago, who permitted it to be exhib
ited in the Archswlogical building at the
World s Fair. Mr. Logan will present
the collection to Beloit college after the
It is not unusual for colds contract
ed in the fall months to hang on all
winter or as soon as a cold is over
one cola to contract anotner. lnis
succession of colds is what causes
chronic catarrh and bronchitis. One
or the other of those diseases is almost
certain to be the result. For this
reason it is of much importance thnt
colds contracted at this season of the
year receive prompt attention. They
can be quickly cured if Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy it used. It acts on
natures plan, loosens tne coia, . aiac
expectoration, and relieves the lungs,
soon effecting a permanent cure. 25
and 50 cent-bottles for sale by G. H.
Haskins, druggist.
as a as
Commander-in-Chief Booth of the Sal
vation Army will visit America this full.
The cholera at Now York seems to
have been checked. No new cases have
been reported for several days.
The Argentina cabinet has resigned.
They disagreed with President Rena on
the settlement of troubles with Buenos
Ayros. ''
John L. Sullivan, tho ex-chnmpion
pugilist, had a narrow escape from death
in tho barroom of the Vanderbilt hotel
at New York. He knocked down a man
named McClusky because the latter re
fused to -drink with him. McClusky
drew a. revolver and shot at Sullivan,
but did not hit him. Before a second
shot could be fired Sullivan's friends in
terfered and the ex-champion escaped
from the hotel.
Warn a on lid at tiome, mothor tnada ma tak t ea
spoonful of onion yuJP at night. th next ftjornin
rn nest morn id
It hud u4
BriaQiDWii KUMCt, for vrDua it nuu mi mus.
My oh lid ran inalBt anon htvlnisOr. Ounnt Omoa
Pjrruo whloh lo already prepared, more pltaat)t
pnd wltoouttaeta or ameuoCUef onion. Void at 60a
Fop BHle.bvQ. ff.
Hti9Mti8a Medford.
saw v ar. W
sw wrrrm tv kiVjY1 j
; Grain. Etr. ,
WnitAT. No 1 California white shipping,
II iftijQI ( A ctl; choice do. fl OCJi; milling,
$lMi&l 10. , .
Baulky Food. 63&7D ft ctl; brewing, SO
Oats Common to fair wliite feed, 8&3HSc f
Ctl; good to choice, II nHQl 10; fancy, II Kb
1 lTTi: Surprise. SI 1 2.',; milling. II 10j
1 au: black, ftJc&Sl ); red, Kka&ll 05; gray,
Mcfcl 09.
CoKR-Large yellow. S03'-4o f) ctl; small
do. KittOc; white, r.K?jc
BEA.mi-Pea. i 00j 10 y ctl: plat 11 T05
I SO: Bayo. 1 Nk$r6: small white. 12 00$ 10;
large do. Zl 7&jM 00; butter, ti 2j3 0; red,
IS VmS U: Lima. 12 V$S 30.
Euns-'Bape. XOStto V ft; hemp. VH'UH.o: '
canary. 4c for Imported; do California, nom
inal; fUxaeed, c; alfalfa. SKQSs: mas
tard, tMSLZM,: for yellow: brown do, 3&3ic
for native and ?42o for Triest.
BLav New crop: Wild oat. SS Gu10 0 W ton:
wheat and oat. HO OUftM 00; barley, IT 00ft
10 in; wheat, 110 2il350; clover. 7 (MS 10 UC
alfalfa, S8 0UQ10 00; compressed bay. So Wt
Stmaw Quotable at 35(3460 hale.
Hors Quotable from ITAlOo 9 ft- new crop.
Hrs Quotable at tSiUWMr, a) ctl
Dried Peas Greon, SI 30-41 75 ? ctl.
Buckwheat Nominal.
Mill Products.
Brar From $17 G0&18 60 V ton.
llirmLixos From 0 0UJ&23 0U f ton, as to
daouMb Bari-et From SIT nnr$iA on f ton.
Rolled Bablet From Jl" M&ltt 00 f ton.
CaorPED Feed From $17 SOftM & V ton.
Feed Counmeal From Hi V ton.
C'HACKKD COHK At tSi U&S 60 ton.
Oilcake Meal -Quotable t S3! M&J6 00 V
ton. .
Flooti Family extras. S3 ."&.1 75 V bbl:
bakers' extra, S3 &U&3 CO; shipping superfine.
tS 6USZ IU. v
Vegetables. .
Onions Sales on wharf from SI 03Q1 If f
Potatoes On wharf: Early Rose. 30C441e
9 rtl: Burltanlu. 3o$43c V ctl for river: do
Saunas, 7jQ,86c; Garnet Chile, t&aSOc: sweet.
Various Green peas, a&ic V ft; string
beans, WitHc V ft: Lima, do, 333c; coram
bera. SS&36c f) box: summer squash. SSSOc;
green peppers, ZS40c tor Boll and 4 Mo tat
Chile: green com. 75iSSjc for small crates,
and 11 6US1 75 for large; do sacks. 5006c;
tomatoes. 010300 V box: garlic. lM$tc ft:
green okra. MH'Hb V box: eggplant, zStOc;
marrowfoot squash. Ss OuJS 00 at ton.
KrulU aad Mute.
Strawberries 54 OOOo 00 V chest for Sharp
less: raspberries, S3 S0&5 00; huckleberries,
895c V ft-
Applea.SSo&$l 00 y box: plums. 83Sfle. as to
kind: pears. 5U2SI U for Winter Xellis and
xSOSOc fur other kinds; peaches. 2Sd75c;fancy,
flOU. .
Watermelons. $4 OOttS 00 V 100: csntoloapos.
50cSl V crate: black figs. 33&4UC V box.
and iiur for fanry: quinces. xfrj)50c; pomegran
ate. AOQCSc: porhimmofis. G5&;&.
Grapes From I5j-'fc3 V box for table va
rieties: fancy Isabella, SUQTSc V crate; wine.
SS UOai2 00 ton.
Citrus Common to good California lemons.
SI 01 50 w b ix: fancy Santa Barbara. S3 Oi
S 50: Santa Pauls, S3 0023 St Limes. X oil
can. S3 UO&4 00; California oranges. SI Sdfe Zi.
DniED Fki'ITS New crop: Bbsv-hed apnoota.
Rorai. 10Hll'4c f ft and 27c for san -dried:
bleached Uoorrark do. U&Hlpa; apples.
4o for qra and 4&5c for aUoed; do evapo
rated. 7)3-; peaches, bleached. H$tSc: da
sun-dried. fc?rV: pears. 45c for bleached
halves: pitted plums, fra&c and -utc for un
pitted: nertaiines. st -c for white and 5aSc
for red: flgs. presesd. 43Jc: do turpreseed. HfO
SHc: do sks. Sit3c: prun. 44i- for the fooj
alxce: datea, Persian, 47c; figs, Emvrna,
Haisrw Fresno combinatiou prices crop of
ISKi: Cluster. SS 00 a bux; 4-crown London
layer. SI SO; 3-crown do. SI 50: 4-crown. facei
kxsje, SI SO; unfaced da Si Zi: S-crown. faced.
SI 50; unfaced do. 91 A; S-crown. idemmed.
tooaa. SI - Bags Thiee umufcy V as:
Srosm. V4c: third grade, 3r: dried grapes.
SHc; seodlass Uuscatel. 34c: Soltasa. 5c For
5u-9 boxes. :c additional oa aa-k pncea A
diecount is allwwud on the above prlcea
Site Jobbing prices: AlavwKts. new. soft
shell. lUilic: do papershetL UavUc: do aard
abeu, &3S: standard. ft10c: walaata. Cahf or.
nia. new. anrtsheU. 1--; do papershell. WO:
do hardshell. TduV: do Chile, new. SSc: chest
Bata. CaUforaia, new. l31Sc. Brasd. labile:
nTberta. lu 2.11c: poUshed peacana. Texaa. e
lie: ptsenuta. Kexiran. lA13c: peanuta, CaU
foraia. yjaHc; do. Virginia adVTVso;
cuts. i osaUS 00 V 100.
Butter, tnssis aad Boaey.
Bcttek Creamery, .1)u W ft i
siooallr higner: fancy dairy. 23z7c;
grades of trash. lS&So: pickled roU. attVSe;
firlda. lttar; rreamery. ia tuba, assata.
Caiunia C-alifornia. 3.11r. V ft: fancy mild.
sew. izyt&la; Young America, aajiitc: s
York cream. new. UHdVUc; Western. lafcUc.
Boset Xew: Comb, water white. 'taiUo W
ft ia 1-ft frames: extracted. 5aa far water
white and 55!c for amber.
Beeswax From aglSc W xv
reultry aad Egga.
Bena. SS 0to SS S per dox; broOera. SS OSta
ft S3 for small and S3 00 to 3 for large;
roosters. S4 QJ&& 09 tar rounc aad S5 onw Ul
fur old: greee. pair. SI 73: decks. S4 eS
5 00 y dot: bve torfceya. KAlSc ai f or Bees
and 17&19C for gobblers; pigeons. SI OSavl al
Eeat-ralifomia. store. So to SVfe ff) doa
raoea. SS&43c: Eastern. S83ac; extra, STA
A New Whatcom (Wash.) man. anw
taking his cow out of the pound, sued
the ponndmaster for the milk taken
from her while in. The scheme is to
test the impounding ordinance, and. if
possible, break it down.
Congressman Bankhead of Alabama
has blocked the commencement of work
on the San Francisco postoffice. He
says it hes been reported to him that
the title given the government is not
The American schooner- George W.
White has been seized by the Russians
in Bering sea waters. Confirmation of
the seizure of the Annie C Moore and
the Annie E. Point has also been re
ceived. The co-operation of farmers in Santa
Clara county is proving to have been a
wise move. Better prices have been
secured aud are promised than were an
ticipated. The movement will include
nearly all the farmers.
In time to any irregularity of the
Stomach, Ijver, or Bowels may
prevent serious
headache, nau
sea, bilious
Iness, and ver
tigo indicate
certain func
tional derange-,
nients, the beet
remedy for
which is Ayer'a Pills. Purely vege
table, sugar-coated, easy to take and
quick to assimilate, this is the ideal
family medicine the most popular,
safe, and useful aperient in phar
macy. Mrs. M. A- Bnot-KWELL,
Harris, Tenn., says: .
"Ayer's CutharUo 1111 eured nic of skk
headache and my liusUaud ol ncuralsia. We
think there Is
No Better Medicine,
Md have Induced many to use it.
"Thlrty-flve years ago this Spring, I was
run down by hard work and a succession ot
eolds, which made me so eeble that It was
an effort for ma to walk. I consulted the
doctors, out kept sinking lower until 1 had
given up all hope ot ever being better.
Happening to be in a store, one day, where
medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed
mi weak and sickly appearance, and, after
a few questions as to my health, recom
mended me to try Ayer'a fills. I bad little
faith lu these ot any other medicine, but
eonoluded. at last, to take his advice and try
a box. Before I had used them all, I as
very much better, and two (ipxes cured, me.
I am now 80 years old; but I believe that
U It bad not been for Ayer' j Fills, I should
have been In my grave Ionic ago. I buy c
boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up
to this time, and I would no more be yt'lth
out them than without tread." P.' H. .
' Ingraham, Rockland, Mo.,
Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
lYry Dose ffectve
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, f
harsh, brittle? Doe It split at the ends? Mas It a
lifeless appearance ? Does it fall out when combed or
brushed ? Is It full of dandruff? Does your scalp Itch ? 5
Is it dry or In a heated condition ? If these are earn nf
ycao-sympToms oc warned In time or you will become baid. '
SkookumRoot Hair Grower i
ftwtetnajMetl It prodoettom la not an accJoVnt, but ttx nmMot mletiac t
ntsMfca. Xnowtalce of th diicM of the b&ir aad ickip leg to tbm dlMor- t
rj of lufw to treat thrrxn. "afcookmn " cootaloa nttagr miner nor oiia. Its
s ovf, iye. vov sucMejnuuiiy
tba taiUclm, it toj ttfiimg
taw M Ataaswss ,
andttstroy Olt Hair.
st yoor drainrl.t caaaot srrpplT you send direct v tis, and w wm forward .
prepaid, on reertpt of price. Grower. iSJu per bfcLe ; 4 tut XjJB. Soap, Due J
57 South
ConlruCtinj a Specialty.
Plans and Specifications Furnished
at reasonable rates.
I have Sno new cestgnes of Cottace homes
those wishing to Lulld would do well to ex
am In tbem.. PosTorrce Bpi. 78.
Contractor and Bmlrjer
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished on application
Jackscrews to let
03 SHOE sent.
De jos wear thaatt wass sext la seal by a Mis,
Beat In th world.
for tors
rfreiwxst a foe DRESS SHOE, sads hlfcelxtet
-siyias, drat pry SS to SS, try ary $3, $150, $4,00 ar
tiShos. Taey ft eqsal ta certoei eiads tad Wxsk aad
asjarasweR. If jne wits ta sceaoaiiCThi j laa fcutuaar,
tossby aerckssl W. L Oocrtls Saoes. Un aad
p. ke itaispss ss the bettaa, look for It aass yes bey.
W.a IMTCOLAS. Bracktaa. Xaaa. Sold by
A. C. TAYLER, Agent, Midford.
by the
The Shasta Route
of t;i e
fViuth J North
:15 p. m I Lv. Portland Ar. I t2 a. m
MSp.m l.r. Medford Lr 5up.ra
lttlS ant Ar. San. . Francisco Lv. 7.-00 p. m
Above trains atop at all stations from Port
land to Albinv indusrre. Ai Tans-ent.
fSbedds. Balsey. Barriaburs'. Junction City.
Irving. Engine and at au stations from rtoae
mrg to A&uland inclusive.
SAanl Lv
SdO p. m i Lv
Ar I 4:.10 p. ra
Lv ! TiW a. m
Dining Cars on Qgicra Route.
Pullman B-jflT.-tt Sleepers aad Second Class
Slecplus; Cars attached, to aU throajrh trains.
Between Portland and Corral! is.
Mall trains dally, except Sunday?
SO a. ml Lv Portland Ar I s2S p. rn
l2:lapauAr Cbrvallia Lv Id) p. m
At Albany and Corvalli connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
F-xpras Trains daily, except sundav:
IM0 p. m I Lv - Portland Ar S:?ia. m
p. m AT McMinnvllle Lv SdO a. m
asT-Throuich tickets to all points in the
Kaatern state. Canada aoa Earope can be ob
taiard at lowest rate from W. V. Lippincou,
Agent. Medford.
Manager. Asst. O. F. Si P Aft.
1400 I
a.n if. r iti s jwi
3d fcsdrtd ci SnTbss Ttsasani Two Hundred and FTftj Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Clven Aw&y In Return for
23.100 grroKGETOAii buckhorn handle, i-our deo
1 1 5,500 lARGE'pYcTTTRrSpVS
no advertising on them ,
261,030 Prizes, amounting to-
The above articles will be distributed, by conn tea, smone parties who coew 8T1UR
HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to oa the TIS T.tli.S taken therefrom.
We wlU distribute SM ot these prizes lu this county as follows:
ro TH : PARTY sendlns us the greatest cumber of SPEAR HEAP
TAGS from this co maty we will give. , J GOLD WATCH,
To the FIVE PARTIES sending ua the next srrrtc tmmbor of
tb toe TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next prcatest nraibj.
rtsrEAR HEAD TAGS, we will glva to each i POUvtST jQrjywa,
to the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next grestest
number of SPEAR HEAD TA'' JS"'' It"? " A
10 the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sendlnc us the next greatest
number of SPEAR HEAD TAtiS, we wlu gjvo to cwh I
. Talal Xasaber ed rilatsj far this Foomty, S3S. .
CAUTION No Taes will be received before January 1st. 1SH nor after February 1st,
ISM. Each Bockuco containing tacs must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town.
CountyTstiite, and Number ol Tags lu each pacaage. All charffea on packages must be
preraid. HEAD poasosses rnore qualities of Intrinsic valne than any othet
nivw tohSio produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest SCKAR HCtO ia
ubSluteltr?iwitively d rtltinetively diderent !u flavor Iron, any oi aer plug tobaerc,
A trliil wlA convince the most abepUcaloI this fact. It is the largest -llr of any similar
Ihirw and stylo on earth, which proves that It has cauglit the pouukr t-wte at.d pleases tne
Sa7 it it, and paructeVta in tha oontaat for prizes. See tnat a Ti a VA (a every
iowot pteoo ct SPEAU BEAD wot) bujs Rend in the tags, no matter how small the
iu-qt , IfcTpf'j. SORQ COMPANY. MiD.Si.BTvVt, Ohio.
a list of the penptQ obtaining these prizes In tala county wm be VHtjJis n. lUia
rpr iuiyjmwly artey yebruary 1st, ISM. - ' '
"'DOT 5? ff TI?$ C?5K .'-TJa I. is-4-
pwtiug ioq rvrrezamg TOOsc By KlmtUeur&c
hair, crt AanArvj md oroe kmroieaid 1
healthy, and free from Irrftatfm a,m,n,Mi. h. I
Soap. It destroys parxuuio Ssuoi.',, icUcA feed oa I
Fifth Avenue, Serxr Tork, X. T,
. C. F. LEWIS,
Any work in hU ltne sack as llsing-up engine
erection and repairing of saw and quartz mlila
attended to property and promptly.
All communication prompt! j ajawered.
i commission ?
For Apples, Eegs and Poaltry.
Located on South C street. Medford Ore
gon. Opposite HaUtry"s new brick block.
EL. m. lyon,
J obbing of all Kinds.
Medford, - - Oregon.
From Terminal or Interior Points
Tii3 Narthsra Pa.iH. Railroad
Is the line to take to
All Points Ea3t&aiSauth
It is the Dining Car Route. It runs
day in Jhe year to
ia ehanra of rjirs:
Composed of Dininc Cars unsurpassed,
Pallnin Orawma Sroom Sieepers
Of Latest Rininment.
Tourists' :-: Slsspiag :-: Cars
Best than cm be coostnced mod in wbieh.
accommodataoss arts boUi free and farni&hel
tor ho tiers ol First aad Seoood-Cl&ss Ticket
Elegant Day Coaches.
A continuous line connecting; with
all lines, affording direct and an
interrupted service.
Pullman Sleeper reservation can be
secured in advance through any
agent of the road.
tea. K3iaad and Earope caa be purchased at
any T-caet 03ce of tas Company.
Full partictiUrs cosceminr rates, time of
trains, routes aad other dataiia furnished on ap
nlioattoa to any agent, ar
Assistant General Basseager Aseat,
No. 131 Fust St. cor. Washington.
rn,sso oc
$173,250 00
ana Br
i . a.