JBE 1EBFBRD IML BLITON es YO aX, PutJliBhars. A.S. Buto?:, - - - Editor TA T. York, - - - Manager Puaiished Every Friday Morning-' MAN WAS 30RN TO HUSTLE. He Is of few days; bat quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. tlnlerei In the Pa-no at Medford, Oregon as Second-Class Mall Matter. Medford, Fkiu.vy, AUG. IS, 1803. Congress has done nothing as yet but caucus. The Northern I'aeifio railroad has gone into the hands of a receiver. of the white laborers are given em- j pioyment. This is a very proper move and if vigorously followed up in other cities of the coast we would soon be well rid of this greatest of all insults to the white laboring classes. They would naturally drift East and those Americans of the Atlantic States who have been entering such vigorous protests against deportation will be given a dose of the filth and insult which is now being heaped upon us of the Pacific. America for Americans and not for Chinamen would help materially in easing tho oppressive hard times. the regular July term thereof." Why did not the county court de mand this settlement at their regu lar Julv session? Parties wanting MINKS AND MINING. Yellow fever is raging in no slow manner in the South and the scourge is fast gaining a solid foothold. Cholera, in Ne.v York, yellow fever in Geovgia and congress in session at Washington a conglom eration hard to beat. The Mail will hereafter be print ed on Thursday. Correspondents will please Ret their copy in not later than Wednesday morning. Will congress please tell us when the Chinese will be in good condi tion for ship.weni, and when will Hawaiia be ripe for Uncle Sam's picking. The San- Francisco Weekly Ex aminer and The Mail one year for $2.35. This offer also entitles sub scribers to a chance in the Exam iner's $143,000 list of prizes. Governor Pexxoyer is taking a census of ouinion of members of- the legislature upon the advisability of convening the legislature to pass a law staying executions for one year. j It is paradoxical but sadly true that loose financiering has made Geo. E. Bloomer a defaulter and caused his bondsmen to go deep down into their pants pockets to make good his deficiency. Is there not too loose a rein given the sever al county treasurers of our state? Whose duty is it to take up this slack? Will they do it? We shall see. The outlook for the loosening up !of hard times in the East is becom ing - apparent. The telegrams of August 14th tell us that a score of cotton mills in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. emDloving S000 operatives, have resumed work, while in Pittsburg the iron and steel mills, employing 15,000 wen, have given notice that thev will start up at once. The city council would serve well their constituents if they were to pass a;i ordinance taxing junk shop auctioneers a license of from $25 to $100 per day.. This would not only protect our people from being bilked by this class of people who travel through the country disposing of a worthless stock ofj goods at twice their value but would ' protect the legitimate dealers of our town who pay their money to ward the maintenance of our schools and city government. . The reward of $500 offered last , year by our townspeople for the icapture and conviction of any per ; on caught setting fires to buildings About town proved effectual so . much so that nearly, if not all, in cendiaryism was stopped as soon as the offering of the reward was made known We are informed that the reward still helds good and will be as willingly giveii this sea Bon as last. This is an incentive for . every citizen to appoint himself a committee to ferret out the origin of these fires. Gen. Tracy, ex-secretary of the navy, offers this solution of the currency famine: "The administration has ample power to reliove the currency fam ine in 43 hours by exercising the authority with which it is clothed by statute. It may be done in either of two wavs. There are more than 300,003,000 standard silver dollars in the treasury department at Washington. The secretary has the power to deposit such portion of this !foOU,l)UU UUU as lie may choose in the national hanks, which will be designated as national depositor ies; and, beinjr there deposited, they would at once enter into circula tion. The third section of the act known as the Sherman law pro vides that he shall 'coin of the sil ver bullion, purchased under the provisions of t lie act, as .much as may be necessary to provide for the redemption of treasury notes herein provided for, and any gain.or seign ioraire arising from said coinage shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury.' There is in the treasury about 140,000,000 ounces of silver bullion, for which treasury notes havj been issued and no standard silver dollars have been coined with which to redeem them. The secretary ot the treasury is therefore at liberty to direct that these 140,000,000 ounces be coined into standard silver dollars. The profits or seigniorage which would accrue to the United States would at onoe avail for use of the treas ury." In two weeks' time J. S. Mor-is washed out $110 from his Powell creek placer grounds. This is in the same locality as Mr. Hosier's claim, and from which he is taking some good sized nuggets of pure gold. i When a fellow can pick up a $52 nugget of gold in a placer field and there are twenty acres in that field there is little need for the owner to go out harvesting. Such a find was made over on Powell creek one day recently by one of the Sharp bovs. The boys have a twenty acre placer claim on this creek, and while the above find is a little out of the usual order, the field is nevertheless a rich one and promises big returns. C. .T. Wands was in Medford this week from his mine near Gold Hill He had with him a couple of chunks of quartz, taken fiom his ledge, which were at least half gold pieces of the yellow metal protruding in pieces as large as tack head His find is a pocket prospect but he is of the opinion that by tracing the vein a verv rich deposit will bi found. A few hundred pounds of quartz like that suown us would keep the wolf from one's door for several vears. WediSinjr Hells Kinsrinj Again. FRU5T BOXES of anv kind will find them in stock with "ic C. W. SKEEL & SON, Agents for the Sugar Pine Poor and Lumber Company, Medford, Ore. FOR THE LAND'S SAKE! and foryoarown salte.buy fwmo land. Wood Uvul l-Muto is tue finest In vestment In the world. Tin f.ithtn; ot bun Us or Hie dupivihitloiis of thieves cumiot atfeei u us tbey can ready cath. The fluctuations f Uiu money market cannot depreciate Us vnluu, which, if your land is pur ehasod In u urowiiitf nclhUorUooU. is certatn to Kiva'lily tticrt-aso with time. Tho farm properly which wo are offering forsale l a prime article and embrace the very Dost of fruit and agricultural lamta tn:pruYd nnd unimproved. The city Wts which we have listed have every thing to recommend them beauty of loiT.Mon, tHd Mtil, ai.d proximity to stores and schools. HAMILTON & PALM, Modfcrd, Oregon. Wc will pladlv furnSh fmitultously till tli'sired nforiiimln:i regarding the gzMl Kugue river valley. tiiintiiiii DftNIEL COFER, IIIMIIMIt L1TC Or SAf.P AUf-MTO. At tl:e residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Minnie Phipps, in Grant's las. last Sunday, August lSlh, was cele brated the marriage cervraony of Mr. Clarence Kelloyjj and Misa Emma Cooper, Rev. E. . Thompson oftieial-i'lo- Theso most excellent younjr people were both formerly from Medford, where they still huvo a host of warm hearted friends. The ceremony was performed Sunday, after tho eveuing church service, in tho presence of a Contracting a Specialty. rians and Specifications Furnished at leasonahle rates. I have "iio nrw dt-sinos ot Cus? homes those wishing to bulla , would tio well to t-x ir.lu them. PosTorrer. Box. T9. MEDFOKD, OREGON". NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land ORlre nt Koselmnr. Or- con. August t If'W. Notice is hen-hy given thai th following named settler has Hied uotlce of her luteal lu. to make final proof in support of ht-r claim, and that said uroo! will iw ma.e before the Juaet or iVunty '!erk of Jack.tp cmt.iy. Orecmi. at Jacksonville. Oivgor.. on Thursday, s-ptenibi 14. WXl vu: ,Vyrtr.!a M. lllack. on HomeMeud Kntrv No. -J.!. tor the lot S and 3. t u of n w . and n c f w we i? in XI s. rs e. She names the r.Howirae wiiac".- to prove DOCTORS' IT'S A SERIOUS BUSINESS. There's no fun in scllinjr druga no fun in buy ing them; they are generally bought for a seri ous purpose, us medicines for si :U pjople. Tho lirst con sideration is their purity. Adulter ated diniifs fre quently do more PRESCRIPTIONS and are always of inferior quality. They should he carefully avoid ed. Expcricnco in couiHuiidin is another item of imjMirtance. The blend iiif; of drugs requires practi cal knn ' 1 ed go and perf.-ct si: ill. A competent pre scrin'.um clerk must liuve these. The n prices. Given the ood quality and bjt compound in tr. the com. ol drugs need not 1m uii nessarily hierh. A reasonable profit suit-s us wo don't ch:irge for our experience. QUICKLY JIHIIIIIItllMIMIIIItlllllU ! THE O.YL! nmiti imtiiiniiiiiiiiiir Jlllflfllllltlllllllllllllb - . THE OWLifeS; . 'i ; ' Yfiiiiiuuiiiiitiarii0iftr. TI BWL AH GROGI ill! Full Line of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY AND - GLASSWARE. Ooods D-livercd free to any part of the city. Your putruDuice solfcned. FAWCETT & KOB.HIS. -2 . Jiiitiiitiniiiittiiiiiiiiiit: aillllt tUIIIIIIItltl.llMIIW ! THE OWL! :! THE OYiLt jiiiiiimiiiitmitif iiiiiir niiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuir COMPOUNDED mm h. E. BENDER, uniTin iitti m IT f U UllU Jllllll llltltUMJIUII Alma Mia P.itii. La lt -yade R unirez, Celehratwl I General Arthur, Swift Clover and the I I Pill Nye 5 cent cigar?. Oranges and Lemons. I niliiiliiiiilliliiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiifiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiititstiittiintiiit:iiiilltir STRANG THE DRUGGIST. Ice Cream every Eveninrj; but Sunday. ;C Street, Opposite Mail Office, ... Medford, Oregon. few of the immediate friends and rela- of. Tu.- i hmcy Nye. John miri. tives,and was one of the most ejoy-; aoie wtuumgs it nas oeen tne wriur s Jackson coumy.o.-rKn. This eUte is paying a visiting physician at the aeyluni $23 a week while he is putting in his lime in the mountains. It is presumed his alary goes on. Yet it is an unjust burden on the taxpayers to carry such pensioners on the state treas ury. Salem Journal. There is a great amount of this tind of work going on about state and county institutions and an ex amination would in many instances reveal the inside workings of a ring ; trithin a ring, and every time the ring goes round a grist of unneces sary experse is ground out for the - faxp3yer to put up for. "Round ' and round she goes, and where she'll ' atop nobody knows." s At Seliua, California, two hun dred " Chinamen, sent out from Fresno to work at fruit packing, fyere driven out of town by the citi zens. ' By this means two hundred The defaulting treasurer of Doug las county has been arrested f-r misappropriating public funds to his own use and upou a hearing being had he was bound over to ap pear before the grand jry with bonds fixed at $10,000. Jackson county's defaulter ha skipped. That is, he has squanu- red the county's money to the txtent of near $9,000 and decided he could best pay the debt of his high and riotous living by leaving the county and as well, leaving his bondsmen to make good the deficiency. There would be just a grain of satisfac tion left these bondsmen could they be assured that he who betrayed their confidence and squandered the money wliich they are now called upon to produce, could be made to serve a terra in the peni tentiary, but this it seems is not to be. The defaulter will be permit ted to blossom in another country as rose-hued as upon the balmy day when he first took the oath of oflice as treasurer of Jackson county. Is it not in keeping with the usage of eood countv eovernment for the county treasurer to be in a position to open his books f jr inspection at any time the county court may ask for such inspection? Would it not have been wholly in accord with the law to demand an immediate inspection and settlement? Is it absolutely necessary that an officer holding so responsible a position as county treasurer should be given a month's lime to get his books in shape for inspection? Did the county court not know at their July session that Treasurer Bloomer was short in his accounts with toe county? Was he given, a month's notice in order that he might bor row the amount of money so due, or was it an act of olficial courtesey? Had the inspection been demanded at once would Bloomer now be basking in the clime of another land and wondering how things are moving in blooming old Jackson? Well hardly. The county, of course, has not lost any of this shortage, but have they not lost the interest on this money which he has squan dered and which should have been applied on the payment of out standing warrants? Most assuredly they have, and why? because he was allowed to run that olliee in a manner best suited to himself and the law disregarded. . And further. had Bloomer been able to have bor rowed the necessary funds and come under the inspection wire with victory colors flying, would he still have been a good, trustworthy eounty treasurer? A portion of the law touching upon this particular case reads: "The county treasurer shall annually make a complete settlement with tho county court at privilege to attend. A beautiful quiet, in keeping with the day and occasion, seemed to p-rvad : tho minds of tho principul j.articipants, as well as the entire surroundings, which enhanced the beaut of all. The costumes woru by both bride aad groom were tiue, the bride's bein-r of white aibalroso. i-iiis II. Smi te, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Latu! Office at Rvrbur(r. Orrpon. Ajput Nuiirr is ht-rrby trivmtfcui tticfuliuwini; name tiritlcr ha UK-l uouor t f hi tauin:iii to ranice nnal xnHf in su port of hi- clairo. am. that saitt pnx'I witi bt ma.ic bv'orv th (mltor County Clerk of Jackxa county. Urtvu. at Jacksonville. o.-n. oa Sjtur.iay. r?tai br St. vtx; l-ac A. lr.wlley. on lionje NCTICK FOR PUBLICATION.! Land Ofllcc nt Koscbuiv. Oresron. July 2S. t WjU. Notice Is ht-rrby ctven thai tne f.Jlowin 'autnetl srliitT has tiled notice of hi intntln j to maki nnal wonf m AuniKtrt of his claim, and , ihul fcaid pn( illi be aa lc b'Iorc tbc Judgv r Oonniy "!rk of Jack -on county. Orvcon. tl J:u:ktonv:;U. Orocm- on Saturday. SepUfm biT JX ita. vix: JoM.-;h G-;txrrt. on Hre-ctntwa 1. S. No, T3f. fuc the w ii of ec. lp34 s. r -I e, Henimcsthe followinjr "itnrs to prove Ki n.rit-miitKi ri.!fii-o it n)ti anil nlt lratinn of. naitl laO. rai Thad lirocklry and li. F K. t KilmoDiiwn. of lcmont. Jsckxm county. Ore-! iron. John K lai. of nn-fnii. Jackson county. Orvn abd John Uray of Ui Uul'.c Jackson couuty. iirrKwC. x a U li Jons !!. SHCPr. Rccister. MOTEL iVIEDFORD Fcrmar! Grand Csntral. Best Accommodations ia the City NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.! RATES REASONABLE. !.icl 0T".ce at Kiscburc. Oneja. Aiiffust 2. i"fi. Notice 1 hereby pirnn that tht-folicwinjf named M-t:irr fca nid notU-e of his tntenkn to nuc ilnat priMf in spirt of his claim. an4 t. ..r.-k.f bill rv n.-L.M h.-t..r.- I Km Jl!.lr I while iho erroom wore a suit of bolt n,;u tnwel of oriiiwc-l ol WJ w0ianl; : cieric of Jack-m cunty. On-con. at i Uivahln .tin. m-:i.v fa?L i i-u . .... ! COtlveniional black uilh while vest, j IU name the i.a;-ivn wtmw to n.ve Vj'i: "varr-nH. iWbv. on" Homesad i 111 nm: tn n tit nKjJi-niTL1 mum n1i1 ru ..... v . t 1 ..f - . fM - - l of mtc 1 M PTJHDI, P.op'r. trimmou iiq ueavy wuiic siik i-ce, i l 0vr:txci-t . ol sjjt.iet . ot miMal. and each wore while kid gloves, the close of the service, they were troduced, and congruiula'.ions were vx- tended. Tho company then repaired j to the ciuiu-rooiij, where u U,oie tuuen , ' ht nintinuoiiit r-iJen iijn ami rumva- j,-,, rtj ' (, r mr w s'ot w -i Allium kiI.I lan.l. mi: Warrva II. lkrtij-. j n"c ' s e . Ull BW , o! n, v in- ' r'ortuiiUu Hut.tK-r.L V:lllam lil:ina iJ ' - , tj73J . r I k Tbonij-i liit;-otxlu3 uil ot Derby. Jciiaoa lK clnl-, xi,r f -tuwias ritn"vo tfl jTiEDFOBD mm mi county. Orvtfon. x a 1 la ij John H.Siirrc. Kcistcr. with a bountiful repast was spod. and j NOTICE FOR IT 15 LIGATION, j to prove I .!.! iatj Tli: Wilitiaj K. UutuwD. I. A. l I'.rj.lu'T. T. H. Hutiulaan acJ Wlil H'ir.a- I J.iiiN 11. Sut ps. Krs:cr. nr.;.lKl ..v.-r hv Mrs PhittrM with ! Land OScc at Rv bjr?. or. i i " . i Vtitlet Is Iinftir Cl.-ll tht IMr foJioirir::- huppy i amitl ttIl.- lif I..C.1 uitu-e ft hi iuic:;i-i; lor u trip ih:u ur,,i t-i:.-.jo (-!.! iaf JuJ,v easy grace and dignity. Tu uair left Mondav uiurninji S thwusb Califoruia, and will rvtu. n via .XSl sr' the lH:;ular r risco-forliand steanisDip 21. i.-ju. vu: aji.i- i .r. -a ii.os.m-i . ,, , . Knlry No. OA'S, for toe tc,ift'ii:ii'i'J route. Tuey were well a-mimosred , , 1 1, laa r ol n c . i. tpi . r; c. In entwi.intiul umv hv thoir nun He name mc folluwlnis wttov!- to p;vv in a suttelantial way o tneir rnanj j hu re,i,ni, uiv.a .od cuiiti j;j .-a friends. An cleg;uit diunvr set, oiher , ff-.-aid iai. v.x: obanrvy Njt. Torn L!ii, ... s Kaipb Dcaa n,l Jolia M,'IKioyiih ail i'l I'rus- China and silver ware, etc.. were given p-L jcKoa coumv. orrson. them. Not least among the v..l jablo , " 8 J,'-l: " sarp,i- ttcr. presents was the gift of some tine resi- dence lots in Meufoid from Mr. Kel-1 Diphtheria of a malignant form lotB " lavher. L'pun these they expect ;3 rt'iortcJ a'. Moiiriv. in tuj near future to bail j. una b.t:uie 1 ,, , ,. . permanent re-Mdenta of tue uictropoii- j ri,e 'tl,or" Oregon dipnoi tan ciiv of Southern Oregon. Toe ! fair begins al Riisehurg St ptembcr 4 wishes ol their frieuds aiv: A pleasaul trip, a safe reiuru, and many years of joyous felicity. X. Don't you know to have perfect health you must have pure blood, tiad th j best way to haye pure blood is to take flood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and strength builder. A queer case comes from Lane county. At the last term of court a woman was granted a divorce and in a fevv days married aguin. 1 lie ex-husband appealed the case to the supreme court, which body re versed the decision of the lower court and annulled the decree. Of what was the woman guilty? Colesteiu Picking's. Vagrants are employed t pmd purpose on the streets of 'flu Da lies. A Woinans RiMiicdy for Inflauiatory Klu'Uinatisui. I am an old sufferer from inflatnatorj rheumatism. The iast wint.T it cam upon me again, very acute and severe. Mv joints swelled and became inflamed. ! stiri to touch or al most to look at. X. i 'on the urgent r.'qta-st of tnotlier-in 1 law. I tried Cluimbe.-latn - lain lit In lo rcduc." the swelling iir.d easj tin jKiin. anil to my ugr.-eal)lj surpi isj i aid both. I have u-ed tiir-re li.ty e. n bottles and believe it to tJ the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swell itigs xtanu D. K, Carr. I" i'j Uarrisoi St.. Kansas City. Mo. Forsale by O 11. Ilaskins. druggist. Wh D"- GUM-" 3 tv rtJ rr. . PILLS ircKi FC.RJCGSE A WORD TO LADIES. Iron o'h-r. it ti.tr n-rx t CU -1 cRsiict. Man:if:icturf-rs of at:d dealers in LUMBER, LATH - AND PICKETS, Sash, Doors and Blinds. MEDFORD, - - - - OREGOX. We kerp ca hand a larpe stok rt Flconrg. Ecstic ir.il Ctaitg. also Ceier. Yellow o4 Si: far i'luc. skocil aau tlaib luaj tx-r. rdica r-!.. t- For sa!o bv Geo. il. Uaskins Medford. j MITCHELL -LEWIS & STATER GO. Dealers in At present there are but very few campers al the oneo popular resort. Siluattjd as il is on the line of the i. P. railroad, with most excellent -facilities for camping out, good witter, and soda water tual compares with tho best, one wonders why it is not patronized more by tne valley people. There are but few boarders al the hotel. The pro prietor, Air. Byron Cole, is in a most pitiable condition, and his many friends nere haven't much hopd of his ever be in:r much better. He is paralyzed cannot speak, seldom leaves his room and moves aiound with much ditlicully. Among tho Jledford people camped here are Mr. and Mrs. Medynski and daughter, Miss Etta: Mr. and Mrs. t:. W. t'alm; .Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and son Iisrt, and Geo t'arker. Jacksonville is represented hv Mr. and v'rs. Lee Jacobs: Mr. and Mrs. I. The pioneers of D.mglas countv arc to meet at Ko.-ebu:g .Sept. (tli. Letters from intending settlersart pouring into all parts of Southern Oregon. Beaverton will replace its worn out plank streets and sidovaiks be fore the rainv season. Two Taconm parties have sued j the Northern Pacific railroad com-; pany for ? 10.000 damage each forj ejectment trom a train. Slrumna Lavor Krf ulattir Is oa excellent rrmctlT tor Jyspcpila. C Mastcrson. Sheriff )t B'.bt) Co.. Ca. The S in Jo.e scale has nppi-ared tt the Finley orchud, Benton coun v. The orchard shosild be taken :"hara of by the state and quarantined. machinery and Vehicles M. Mullcr, und Miss Lula Jones. N. A. Jacobs is sojourning here for a few weeks so as to be in good trim for work when school commences. vVin. Turner and wife, and son Will, of Medlord, are camped about a mile below the springs. M. Hanson, of Medford. is haulinff wood for the railroad company a litlla ways below here. B. M. Cobb, iho gentleman who ar rived in Modford last year from Texas, Dassed through on Tuesday's train en- route lor oacramenio so no suiu, uuuv-, ing for a job. Said ho was going to have one even if he had to go to Texas to get it. The Misses Gunter, of Ashland, are visiting at the Palm and Medynski camps. G. P. Merriman, tho heavy weight blacksmith, is here for a few days to rest up. George has been herd b.ifore aiid knows tho tfllcacies of tha water and pure air of this place. He sensibly remarks that it is cheaper than doe tor's bills. More Axon. Now Try Tats. It will cost you nothing an 1 will do yon go.nl, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with the throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guarantied to give relief, or monfy will bj paid lack. Stiff ;rers from la found it iust th) thin-' and under its usi had a speedy and perfect 63F"Sold by Druggists. 75. recovery. Try a sample ooiite at out expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free 1 atG. II. Ilaskins' drug store. Large sizo 50c. and $1.00. Dafno&3 Cannot be Cured v local ;lieations a th;y cannot each the diseased iortion of the ear i here is only one way to caredeafn .-ss. .nd that is by constitutional remedies, i) -ufness is caused by an inflamed coa lition of the raucous lining of the Eus uehian Tube. When this tube is in- latiK-d you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en .irely closed. Deafn -ss is tho result, and unless thj inflammation can be taken out and this tue restored lo its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inllam-ed condition of the mucous surf cos. ' We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv ca tarrhfthnt cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, U. I BKAl'KRS: ! HKAt'SKSS Craver Pipe Frame Headers and Champion Binders bisokrs: I . I Btsnsns! Wallowa county, has spent its legislative road fund, and, it is said, to good advantage. Douglas county plum trees have to be propped tip to keep them from brenkinu down by tho weight of the fruit. So do Jackson coun ty trees. A ton of gold is worth $007,792. 21. of pure silver $37,704.84; 11, 000 000 in gold weighs 3G35.8 pounds, of silver 58,529.0 pounds. Take Simmons Liver Regulator for head ache, constipation, imtlse-sttot or billlousness. Men of marked ability in any line have usua'.Iv one deep, perpen dicular wrinkle in the middle of the forehead, with one or two par allcl to it on each side. Binding Twine and Bale Ties. SenJ For Our -9S Catalogue. . . nn pllluniiLL-LLWiS & mm lu., D. T. Lawton, Manager. Medford. Or. Hood's Pills may be had by mail for 25o. of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bakm Powder. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. tJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standardr THE PLIJTlGJf II P110LOLOI It Causes Little Excitement When compared with ROSENTHAL'S PRICES FOR 60 DAIS. This is a bona fido CLOSING OUT SALE, as I wi'l positively leavo for the- East in a short time. GOODS WILL BE MLI AT FIKST COST Give me a call and satisfy yourself. S. ROSENTHAL, 3 1