ALL THE LOCAL JEWS. J. G. Fry we learn is quite ill with lever. 4 The Griffin loys started their head er to work in a fie Id of barley last week. Beer five centa per glass at Coati's " Parlor Saloon. The real estate ad of Hamilton & Palm will appear in The Mail next week. Frank Wait has accepted a position as salesman in S. Rosenthal's clothing house. Dress trimming lace, the finest in town just received at the Racket stce. Contractor Lyon commenced work yesterday on the new Methodist par sonage . . G. L. Davis shipped fourtaen doz;n spring chickens to San Francisco Wednesday. A continuation of that new stone sidewalk down past the Racket store is a good act. Harry HolUngsworth has opened a bakevv on Seventh street near Law ton's harness shop. Street Commissioner Brandenburg is at work clearing the streets of those treacherous thistles. The wood work on the new 51. E. South church i.1 completed and the plasterers are now at work. A n jw and much larger safe has been added to the necessary office fur niture of the Hotel Med ford. A car load of ica was shipped to G. E. Newbor, Jacksonville, last week from the Medford lea works. Alias Myrtle Woodford has accept ed a position as typewriter in the ab stract office of J. H. Whitman. . Pioneer maple sap . liki you uster pack at the wbiling down,5 at Wolter's. The first shipmjnt of peaches, this season, was made last Monday by J. H. Stewart & Son and J. A. Whitman. Go to Morris & Fawcett and get a package of Pride of Japan Tea. Take no other. The school board of Empire dis trict have engaged the services of Miss Minnie Coleman as teacher for the fall term. The market is well filled r.ith fruits of all kinds and what has so far been brought in is of fine quality and flavor. Red Seal and Schilling package tea finest in the market Fawcett & Morris. Vrs. Earhart, who has been quite ill with neuralgia, is considerably im proved. Dr. Danielson is the attend ing physician. Lost In Midford, on Thursday .of this wek. a Knights Templar watch charm. Finder will please leave same . with S. S. Pentz. c M. Haines, a recent arrival from Eldorado county, Calif., has leased B. , S.-Webb s ranch, east of Medford, for me season 01 . , . , . Imperial - wheels at cost for the LI 1 ll'ilbi" 1 1 1 1 uanoway, ilea - mj"vi-" i jr - Jl 5V. Boefiermthv le JeSterxJay-;Jor L'Ashlandr -where be will "load five cars with sheep Tor the Sao Francisco market. r-The latest in spring suits at Angle & Plymale's. R. H. Halley has leased his tin smith tcols to Eli Hogan and as soon as a suitable location can be seeured a shop will be opened. The Medford business college will close its present term this week. Itj will open again S ptembjr ota in the new college building. R. H. Whitehead is building a MxZl feet addition to his fine C street residence. Dan"l Cofer is the gentle man doing the work. .. Beer five cents per glass, hereafter, at the Roxy Ann saloon Medford whisky 5 ct.nts cer glass. Miss Gracf Odgers has kiidly con- Baptist church, while Miss Ora Adkins j is absent in the east. N. A. Jacobs is making ready to more into his new South C street resi dence a new addition is among the improvements being made. A hcrss belonging to Mr. Crump had its leg broken by -4 kick from an other horse. Wednesday, while stand ing in the Worman Jivery stable. Remember that you .can buy any thing in the line of gent's furnishing goods at cost at Henry Smith's. Judge Bond, of Seattle, has pur chased the Tin Pan group of mines, on Foots creek, from Alex. Orms and will at once commence development work. Ladies' and children's red shoes at Angle & Plymale's. S. Rosenthal is figuring on leaving for New YoJk City the last of next month to visit bis bi other and sister. He will be absent about six weeks or two months. The Weeks boys are at Grant's Pass this week putting in bar fixtures for L. It Jennings of that city. The fixtures are a duplicate of those in the Hotel Medford. Buckingham's Dye for the Whis kers is the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest, most economical and satisfac tory dye ever invented. It is the gen tleman's favorite. All colors of tissue paper for fancy work at the Racket. A store building has besn rented on Front street for a bakery. Who the parties aye or where from we could not learn, but they are making ready for business just the same. For new and second hand stoves CHEAP, call on D. S. Youngs, Meadows precinct rejoices over the successful organization of a Sunday sshool. Mt3. Wo. Childers is the su- It TWT1 ' rut . perintendant aud the school is held every Sunday at 10 a. m. You can gel a ladies' fine Oxford for $1, at Angle & Plymale's. The statement of the county olerk of Josephine county shows that the county has outstanding liabilities amounting U $57,300 and resources es timated at $12,300. R. T. Lawton has moved to his now cottage on North C street. It is a very pleasant location and our good friend and his estimable lady know well how to enjoy all its pleasures. A fine line of trunks and valises just received at Angle & Plymale's. Joseph Goldstonj aud Mrs. W. Sanders left this morning for Chicago and New York. Before returning they will purchase large stocks of fall and winter goods for thoir stores. Eugene Guard. Harry Wortman's trotting colt, Altuniont, which was injured some few weeks ago, died last week. There was great promise of a valuable speeder in this animal and the loss is thereby more koeuly felt. Try our broken Java coffee at 25 cents per pound Fawcett & Morris. Henry Griffin is elated just a little mors than the average man of his neighborhood and there is just cause for it as fine a boy baby as auy fam ily of the valley can boast of. Mother and son doing nicely, The electric light proposition, of which mention was made last week, has not as yet taken definite form, but Messrs. Sharp and Leadbetter are to have a conference at Portland tomor row and settle tha mitter positively. Baths reduced from 50 cents to 23 cents, at the Palace barber shop. A lady, whose hair came out with every combing, was induced to give Ayer's Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She did so, and not only was the loss of hair checked, but a new and vigorous growth soon succeeded that which had gone. Finest line of cigars ever brought to Southern Oregon, atC. W. Wolters'. Miss Millie Soliss met with quite a serious accident last Friday while horseback riding, near her- ho:ne on Griffin creek. She was thrown from ber horse and kicked in the side by the animal. No especial danger is appre hended. Clothing at cost at Henry Smith's. Only a small supply left. . There is one place where a woman gets a man's pay for doing a man' work. It is the township of Marshfield, Me., and any woman who wishes to work out her road tax can do so and have her day's work count for as much as a man's. The value of a good name was well exemplified the other day, when a man asked one of our druggists for a bottle of Sarsaparilla. "Whose?" inquired j our fanners and shipping them, Judg the clerk. "Whose? why, Ayer's, of . ing from the number that ar.-engaged course, run any Ye don't suppose I'm going to risks with Hannah, do ye?" . j Tbo local market' Is well supplied withnpT.nlrjftMUiity or peaches. Therf " ilerop this year ef alnk tqjd if a fair mar- 3ghout the season the" ""3Uey farmer will bloof..,;, . it eU cultivated panzy j bed. was entirely consjined by fire last Wilson & DoweH will sell the Os-jwiok- All the contenw of the build borne mower at cost for the next thirty . S. including tools and harness were days. ! burned as was also a smoke house con W. P- H. Legate had a consider- . , - K ... j:..i 1 ahA m a sinatn nn tvnllA nut or vine t last Sunday. He was up n -ar Talent and when going up a steep hil! his horse, wing to too tight a collar, choked and fell to the ground breaking the thi'.ls and some other parts of the buggy. On account of large stock on hand I will sell summer goods at a reduction of ten per cent. A. Felsch, the Tailor. T . . . t Jonathan Tressler has a team of horses which, when hitched to a reas onably large load, don't require assis tance to move said load. Last Thurs day he put on 4730 pounds of hay, ac tual weight, out at the Isaacs place and hauled it to Mr. S peas' place, a dis tance of three and a half miles, with perfect ease. Llave you seen those beautiful crayon Portraits at Angle & Ply male's? You can have one free of cost. Mrs. J. H. Faris last week received a draft for $2,000 from the beneficiary fund of the A. O. U. W. order to which her husband bt-longcd. The prorapt-n.-ss with which this order attends to these matters is making innumerable friends for it and as a consequence it is a flourishing organization. For the next 20 days we will sell all grades of men's boots and shoes at cost. Henry Smith. Prof. B. K. Stevens has baen en gaged as principal iu the Phoenix pub lic school and Mr. S. C. Sherrill as assistant. Both these gentlemen are well capable to fill the positions and the school board of Phoenix does well in engaging their sorvices. The Mail. predicts a prosperous year for this school. Messrs. Skeel & Son are doing a heap plenty work this season in the manu- factureof fruit boxos. They are eup- plying the country for quite a distance ; medal, valued at $25 on the best gen and as the article put up is a good one j eral average, and John Red field a first there is no kick coming, except by the manufacturers of the same goods in Other towns, and into whose territory these gentlemen's good work is ex tending. . What is it? Conserves Alimenta res Petits Pois. Do you kumtux? Ask Wolters, tho grocer. Mr. Roberts, he who had the alter cation a few weeks ago with one of the flour bin men, was in Medford this week having his hand attended to It will be remembered that his hand was bitten by Clopton in the light which at the time was not considered in any way dangerous, but it has been getting worse ever since aud it is now possible that it will have tp be amputated. G. L. Webb has leased th9 north half of the Halloy brick block ground Boor, and about October first the Rack et will move to its new abode. The building will ba much larger than where he now is and a much better display can be made. Shawver & Nicholson havo com menued operations on Hidley's uew brick. Ditto G. W. Priddy. There will be a building up thjro in a few weeks that will ba a crodit to C street and The Mail, will have rooms on the ground flour go way trouble. " ' Goodman Noble his purohasad M. S. Damon's shoomaking tools aqd wtll soon open a shop in one of the front rooms of J. R. Erfoivl's fe'd store. Mr. Noble invites a lib. ml sprinkling of work in his Une and promises satisfac tion or no pay. Good work is his motto. Man is a harvester. He begins at the cradle; learns to handle the fork; often lias rakish ways and sows wild oats; threshes his way through the world and when he arrives at th sear and yellow leaf, timo mows him down aud his remains arc planted on the hill side. Mrs. Frank Sutter remambers THE Mail, this weok to thj extent of the donation of a number of boxes of ber ries and a fine bouquet of flowers. Iu the collection was a box each of very delicious wine berries and blackberries of a fine vcriety and very palatable. E. W. Starr, who has been em ployed out at Mrs. Ish's big farm for the past few weeks in repairing her granary, reports that this lady will commence her wheat harvest lo-day. She has four hundred acres to cut and estimates the averagj yield at twenty five bushels per acre. A six inch twig from an apple tree with twentv-seven well developed ap ples growing upon it is something out of the usual order, but that is the kind of apple trees A.C. Squires is growing and the abuve is the size and uumb.-r of the sample sent to this office for in spection. Mr. S. has sect the sample to the Chicago fair. Latest styles and the only stock of celluloid collars and cuffs at Wolters. John Morris, the merchant, had a little circus all by himself Tuesday last. He was driving up Seventh street with his delivery wagon when his seem ing pleasure took a turn and he landed on the ground somewhat mixed up with reins and wagon wheels. Geo. Merriman had unintentionally put up a job on him didn't put the burr back on the wheel when repairing the ve hicle. There must surely bo good money in purchasing poultry aud eggs from in the business. It's a good thing for th'e farmers but it keeps the purchas ers' margin low. G. L. Davis is the latest to engage in this pursuit. His end of the trade will be kept on an even with the other fellows, if he still holds bU usual popularity. The farm residence of Elbert Ham- mond, ever in the Meadows precinct. taining the family supplies, the fire caught from a def.-ctive flue. b The loss isa severe one to Mr. U. aud manv acts of kindness are being extended by sympathizing neighbors. Any xie desiring to purchase min ing machinery, or ia fact, miii machin ery of any kind will save time and money by calling upon C. F. Lewis, Medford. Messi-s. J. H. Coyle end W. G. Cutbirtb, of Stockton, Calif. . ' . ' . have 0ened a photographer's gallery in Medford in the Hamlin block on Sev enth street. They are bolh married men and their families are with them and all propose to remain permanently. Work is coining in fairly well and they feel correspondingly encouraged. They are said to be drst-class artists and such being the case they deserve our patronage. C. C. C. California Cream Cheese and Crooked Creek Crank. The for mer for sale at Wolter's. A quite serious accident biippencd to Geo. Porter, the twelve-year-old son of L. G. Porter, last Friday evening. He was riding in a buggy with Mr. Skeel and somehow lost his balance and fell to tne ground, striking in such a manner as to break one of his legs at the thigh. . Drs. Pickel and Geary were called and reduced the fracture, but owing to its location and the ex treme warm weather the young fellow's condition is not of the most favorable. -Ketchup made from tomatoes and homemade. Goes well with the doughnuts your mother used to make at Wolter's. The Melford sportsmen who at tended the " shooting tournament at Ashland last week returned well pleased with tho result and well they might J. E. Enyart took the first prize a gold prize a silver medal, vulued at Slo, on a fifty bird match he breaking forty- seven of the fifty. Tho boys all report a very pleasant timo and that they were treated very handsomely by both the gun club of that city and the citi zens in general. Just over; from the other shore. Crockery at Wolter's. J. H. Woody is oiie of the gentle men who purchased a flour bin terri tory. His was Umatilla and ia which be has been canvassing for the past few weeks. He sold quite a few bins but now is found another stumbling Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Li ABSOLUTELY PURE block in his way. It appears that when the county right was sold Mr. Gooch gave an order for a specified number of bins which were to be delivered to Mr. Woody, but when it cami to or dering the goods a reply was. received from the manufacturers to th-j effect that they knew no such a mau as Gooch and his order was not filled. Tc Ulysses M . Damon the people of Med ford are Indebted for a small chunk of xcltu ment on circus day. The circus had arrived and then a gloom Ukcunio the continued peal of a death knell had settled over tbo city, but Mr. Damon Urancd tilings up a llulc. lie drove his horse and buggy down where the big ele phant was confined iu the little tent. The horse, upon seeing this big elephant emerge from tlio little lent, took fright and ran away. Alex. Hanley was In the buggy at the time and was thrown to Iho gr.und. He was Injured aluihtly enough, howover, to keep him from seeing the licr.3 cat meat and this last was con siderable ol a bruise on his circus ardor. Go to Hamilton & Palm for prices on houses and lots, also unimproved lots and aero tracts on tho install ment tilan. Medford people who reside in the vicinity of the Seventh street Bear creek bridge wish us to gently call the attention of the city board to the fact that the sinall boys are making of that particular portion of Bear creek a swimming resort and in too close prox imity to their respective places of abode and that these rwimmers are more scanUIy attired than is consid ered withiu the boundaries of even a slight degree of modesty. If on the opposite side of the river from the city is outside the limits a state law "made and provided for in such case should be resorted to. Vice-President Stevenson passed through Medford Monday evening. There were probably two or three hun dred people at the depot to welcome his coming. Tom Reams, of Jacksonville, who is personally acquainted with Mr. Stevenson, came over especially to meet the distinguished gentleman and was the hi-you-muek-o-rauck of the occas ion. The vice-president a p wared oa the car platform and was introduced to Mayor Vawter and 8-e.veraJ other citi zens. The ladies had prepared a very flue bouquet of flowers which was pre sented to him and received with many expressions of gratitude. Did you ever stop to thlfyof the size of Alaska? It is niue titles as large as all tho , " EdjtUluJ svw miiLiirxiinr! thn tim-s thtf ..isa of California, or uric thereof It stretches more than 100J miles from north to south aud has a coast line of nearly 20,000 miles. We bought this! country from Russia in 1SJ7 and got a During tho past year the State Nor bargain that ought to satisfy ny hu- mal school at Monmou:h has reached man being; for, although we paid a an enrollment of over iOX the largest lump sum of 7,0o0.00., that amount , in its history. The professional course only represented about one-half a cent an acre. It has an average of one in- dilionof the Model Training depart habitant for every 13 square miles, so ment, in which students are given that one is not likely to be jostled ' practical experience in the application about much. ; of methods, under the supervision of Scott Morris reports that residing ' special critic t.nchcrs. Miss Edith on Ruck creek, in a small shack near a .Cassavant, a graduate of the Millers public thoroughfare, is the wild man I ville. Pa., state normal, has been added of the west. His cxcenlricity is that of going about his place and among the adioinine timber and brush in a per-i f..,-Llr ni.fl..,r nWrv-.-d by passers by he flees for the bruh and remains out of siuht until the disturb- ers of his quietude have passed. He has been seen in this condition by both Geo. Reynolds and Mr. Morris. His name, as near as Mr. Morris can re member, is George Gould, and the gen tleman further stales that the wild man is an old soldier and receives a pension from the government. Mr. Morris is of the opinion that tho man is insane and he will ask the county court to take measures to have his case a'.tcudcd to at once. The great (?) circus has been and gone and be who paid a big silver dollar for admission, is eighty cents loser. Like most shuws the best, and as a matter or fact, the greater port of the program appeared in glowing colors on the bill boards and high fences about town de erptlon. thy name Is a railroad circus. ' Some f the lurabllng was good, the trnpese work was at) right and la some respects above the average. Ihe bare borsctuu-k riding was very lame as was also the big clcpbanl, which to all Intent and purpose has been In this condition for upwards of three centuries. Thero fere three lions, but the Uvily didn't walk Into their mouths. It was. however, given out as an inducement to the j maiincc audience to put up weir quarters ana remain at the concert, that the lions would be ted some meat and thai the concert audience might look' on while the feat was being per formed. The inducement didn't Induce and the lions were compelled to eat of their fresh meat all by their little loncy. It was to bo regretted that the great big elephant and the great little elephant were kept In so limited a space. It was cruelty ''from the c radio to the crave." A mcnaiterie tent, with, three big flags on top, and covering upwards of aq acre of ground. Is hardly sufficient to give free, easy movement to two elephants and a pink lemonado stand. Th ere was quite a crowd of people lu Medford In the morning Intent upon circus amusement, but after the parado their horsos beads, many of them, were turned homeward and they wise ly reserved tbetr dollars for more deserving purposes. L. G. Porter was arraigned before U. S. Commissioner Hammond last Tuesday charged with conspiracy to de fraud the government. The evidence was heard by ' Mr. Hammond and the case was dismissed.. The intent of the prosecution was to show that de fendant had paid, or promised to pay, parties to locate and prove up on tim ber lands for himself (Porter) or his agents, but, even bad he promised to pay, Mr Hammond ruled that this was no-crime against the government, and as no evidence was introduced to show that money had been paid the case was dismissed as above stated. Powder Julius E. Miner, of Minneapolis, who has extensive land interests in this locality and for whom Mr. Porter Is agent, arrived in Medford on th? day of trial from Roseburg and as papers had also been issued for him as well as Porter, they wore served and his trial set for Thursduy. The result of the triul was dismissal insufficient evi dence. Tho party of railroad officers which left Medford last Friday for a tour of inspection in the timber belt in the Big Butte country returned Wednes day afternoon. Their first night's camp was raidc three miles from Eagle Point, on Little Buttj creek aud the next place of camping was at the bridge on Big Butte. Here they camped five nights and from this point the party made a tour of inspection for quite a distance on ail sides. They visited the Rancherca country and the base of Mount Pitt. Their guide. Postmaster Howard, also located for them as near as possible the most feasible route through tho pass. The entire party wjre very favorably impressed with the country and Mr. Mills expressed him self as being greatly surprised at what lis saw by way of timber and agricul tural lands. He had associated the county with rugged canyons and high ridges, but when he found a level tract of country and heavily timbered with the finest of giant sugar pine trees his astonishment and admiration knew uo bounds. On Tuesday Mr. Leadbnter, sr., joined the party at the camp and returned to Medford with them on Wednesday. The same evening Mr. Leadbeiter returned to Portland and the following morning Mr. Mills and his party left for San Francisco. The general conclusion to be drawn from these officials' viit over a portion of the proposed route and their report of entire satisfaction is that of the three possible route mentioned lait week from the S. P. to the Klamath country the one from Medford is by far the most feasible and will be the one over which the road will be built. Mr. Leadbetter will return to Medford again buut August lOth-nnd will go over tl-e entire proposed route, t-'ter which he says surveying willbe cora- tnenccd. Fruit Boxes. Turtle wanting fruit boxvs of any kind will find them in stock with C W Jl jn--. The Moumopib State Normal. has been much strengthened by the ad- : to tuc department tor tne year worse, ' In tho Academic course, the work in all the departments has oecn revised and strengthened. The school has a . bright, prospect for future growth and usefulness. How This: We o.Ter One hundred Dollars re ward for any c:is; of Catarrh that can uol bt cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Ch :ney for tho last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all buMiiess transactions and finuucially uble to carry out any obligations made bv their firm. Wkst & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. WaldinG, KlSNAX A Marvix, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free.:-Price 5e. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. The United States is the soberest and most temperate country in the world. The compact population of England and Wales has a public house for everv 202 persons, while the United Stales has one for everv 450. La Grippe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. lvin.r'N N..w DisinvtM-. not nnlv hud v speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after ellects ol the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures uot only in cases of La Grippe, but in all Dis eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and has cured cases of Asthma and Hav Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won t disappoint. Free Trial Bottles at G. H. Haskins, Drug Store. In water in which decaying veg etables have been infused (Alle gheny water, for instance) the mi croscope discovers little animals so minute that 10,000 of them would not exceed in bulk a grain of mus tard. Yet these creatures are sup plied with organs as complicated as those of a whale. "Devil's Mountain," north of Montreal, known to geologists as the 'Trembling Mountain," is grad ually sinking into tho earth's crust, the "trembling," "quaking," "groans ana ' inz the result. noises" reported be- C. f. WOLTERS PURE FOOD PURE FOOD Summer a!ekneses are often brought on by partaking of Im pure food. Too much care can not be taken to avoid this danger. The surest wny is to deal only at reliable houses those who study to please la otdcr to retain your cnstoa all the year round. AU Dairy Products, Canned Meals and Frails, as welt es Fish and Vegetables, should be used only when perfectly fresh, end pure. Our reputation is based on sup plying constantly the beat Quali ties In all goods. Our price are governed by these high qualities. r PURE FOOD PURE FOOD SUNSTROKE often proves fatal. It U caused by ezces'lve beatlngof the brain. The old preventive way was a grape or cabbage leaf worn ir.kl&o the hat. The new way Is to keep the head caol by wearing one of our ventilated hats. They are made of Japanese atraw, very light, asd a band of open work about the crown gives the breezes full play. WOLTERS THE GROCER. M MEDFORD, GET : fl : BUSINESS EDLiGflTIOJl! WC TCACH SMOHT- MANS AND TTPtWRITINt. 1VTEDFORD BUSINESS THE 'racMBiisuieuS Training Scliaol of Oregon. OUR NEW BUILDING i OUR NORMAL coursc is areola- j NO OCSCRVCOLV j POPULAR. ! M. E. RIGBY, PRINCIPAL, MEDFORD, Leads the whole army Of B INDERS tllHtlllUIMtlUIMMIUUIIUtllHHIimilUIIUU MUlMIIUUIIHMIMIIIHIUIIIIIIIIMItlllllHI ADVANCE MSIRS il IBfflES. We hve a stj-k of hay rakrs wilch tr;re ship?rl nt last sroa "S ttnj watch we were oblljeJ tj c.rry or jr. We will give yoa a bargain. 33I2SI)ISrGrTVISrJE I any quantity best quality JWerriman & Iiegate, East Main Street, .... Medford, OreOIT Seo us before making your purchases of farm implements. j; R. WILSON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH ; ; l I ! 1 I t ! I ' O I ' i i ' ' ' ' ' " Wagons and Bugpies Made to Order All Work Warranted First Class. Medford, COPPER IJIYETED.J jzS "BOTT0MTANT5 THE GROCER Natty Mew Neckwear r Summer. Loodon sars wear this, and Paris saya wear that, but to Se in line joa must wear both; net cx ths same time, however. Artistic taste is "bred In the bone." Our Neckwear buyer has it his P elec tions prove it. Kxtrm cot elites daity colorings, . new abapes ond, la fact, -aarihis; you isight desire for a summer tie. Tee latest London cad Paris fads as weU z moderate priced goodi are in our collection. "SEEING IS BELIEVING." WOLTERS THE GROCER. 4 We Like the Ladies to come to our store, whether they ccme to bay or cot. ITe try to have something new to interest and attract them. We realize that the Ladies Like Bargains, and so we always manage to have something In all of our depart meats at special lov price. This veeU we are having a great mn on CROCKEBY and FRUIT JARS WOLTERS THE GROCER. OREGON. WC TEACH TCLCG- j KAPUT AMD 1 i PCNM ANIHI. COLiLtEOE, IS NEARLY COMPLETED. PRCPARC TOUR j SLF FOR A USEFUL j UFC. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. OREGON. 1 THE PLtAflO K,.'.ttn'.H!iiin;ii;;ii;i;iiiiamii;i:::;a: AND M OW E R S - i i : t : i i Al HORSE SHOER. Cor. C and Eight streets. Oregon. iJOTTOMTW address: san rnANcisco, cai