-. IF YOU WISH TO READ A Rattling Good Local County Newspaper TAKE THE MAIL $1,50 PER YEAR. IF YOU WISH TO A0VCRT1SC Anything-Any Dessription-at Any Tims TRY THE MAIL GOOD RESULTS. VOL, V, MED FORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1893. NO. 30. mm in i hi SOCIETIES OF MEDFO&D. A. O. U. W. Lodge JIo. 93, meets every first and third Wednesday in the month at 8 p. m. n their hall In the opera tjlodc. Visiting brothers invited to attend. B. 3. Webs, if .W. E. A. JOHNSOS, Recorder. W. R. C Chester A. Arthur Corps No. St, meets second and fourth Thursday's ot each month at 3 o'clock p. m., at G. A. K. hall, in Odst Fe lows building. Mrs, Nannie M. Wool, Pres. Mrs. Edith Bradbeky, Sec. K. of P. Talisman lodge No. 31, meets M n day evening at S p. m. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. M. PCKD1K, C. C. Fkank Shicklkb, It of B, and S. I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 83, meets la I. O. O. F. ball every Saturday at at S p. m. Visiting prothers always welcome. Horace Nicholson. N. Q. W. F. Ssawver, Kec. Sec. I. O. O. F. Rogue River Encampment, Ledge o. 30. meets in I. O. O. F. hall the second aud fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. I. A. Webb.C. P. B. S. Webs. Scribe. Olive Rebebah Lodge No. 3S, meets in I. O. O. F. hall first aad third Tuesdays of each month. Visiting sisters invited to attend. Mrs. Nettie Webb, N. Q. Myrtijc Nicholson. Sec A. F. A. M. Meets first Friday on or be fore full moon at 8 p. m., in A. O. U. W. hall. E. P. Geary. W. M. W. P. LiPPi?!COTT. Rec. Sec. G. A. R. Chester A. Arthur Post No. 47. meets in G. A. Rr'hall every second and fourth Thursdays in each month at :3U p. m. N. if. Bk.vobuby. Com. S. H. Eon, Adjt. LO.G T. Meets Tuesday oight at 1 p. m. at A. O. U. W haU. E. W. Cardee. C. T. Homer Harvxy, Rec. Sec .W.C. T. V. Meets at Presbyterian church on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Mrs. Rose DeGroot. Pre. Mrs. L. L. Angle, Sec Young People's Reading Circle Tuesday even ingof each week, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Epworth League meets each Sunday even ing at 6:30. D. T. Lawton, presideut, Julia Fulde, secretarv F. A. & I. TJ. L. L. Polk lodge No. 385, meets every Saturday at 8 p. m. J. H. Sjcith, Pres. Y. M. C A. Meets every Sunday at 3 p. m. at M. E. rnurch. W. S. Ually, Pres. M. E. Rigby See. Ca.VB.CSES OF JLEDFOR0. Methodist Episcopal Church E. B. Phipps. pastor. Services- every Sabbath; morning. . m.. evening, 70 p. m Prayer meeting at i :uu p. m. nursoay. Aunaay scnooi eavn auo cay at 10 a. m. . A. Juunson, superintend ent Epworth Reading circle. J.uu p. ui Tuesdays. Class meetings ' every Sunday at close of morning service. Christian Church No castor at orwaent. Preauaiag tirsi aad (bird Sunday la month, , morning and evening Worship every Sauday i morning, smnaay scaooi at iua.m. frayer meeting every Tnarsday evening. Preabyterian Church Rev. A. & Foster, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :JU p. m. Sun day school at lu a. ra Y.P.S.C. K., 6:15 p.m. junior Endeavor Society l 3 p. xn, Sunday. Frayer meeting 00. Wednesday eTening at 7 lock. rfaptUt Guurcii T. if. Stephens, pastor. Prayer meeUog every weuaeiday evcu -i-g. Sunday school at 10 a. m PAOFEjSIONAL CA90S. jRA5fCIS FITCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mertford, Ore. Will practice in all eoorts of sitae or U. S JOXES & SIRCIK.ES3NER, PHYSICIANS AND SU KG EONS, Medford, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to day or .light. Office in Opera House block. TM. I. VAWTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ee Bank Building. Medford. Or Jr H. WHITMAN, ABSTRACTOR ASD ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ia (oak boUdinjr, Medford, Or Have the most complete aad Tellable abstracts ox uue in jacjtson county. WM. H. GRANT. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Medford, Oregon, Residence, Corner B asd Fiftb Streets. JUSTIN S. HAMMOND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office I. O. O. P. building-, Medford, Or ROBT. A. MILLER- ATTORXEY A3TD COUKSELOR AT LAW, Jacksonville, Or Will practice ia an the courts of the state. E. B. PICKEL, - PHYSICIAN ASD SUBGEOM, Medford, Or Office: Rooms 2 and 3LO. O Jmilding-. J. B. WAIT, PHYSICIAK ASTD SCEGEOX, Office in Childers' Block, Medford, Or K.P. GEARY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office Cor. C and Seventh sts., Medford, Or 1)R. O. F. DEMOREST, RESIBEKT DENTIST, Makes a specialty of first-class work at reason be rates. Office In Opera House, Medford, Or. PR. J. W. ODGERS, DENTIST. Has permanently located in Medford for tfee practice of dentistry. From a continued prac tice of over 14 years. I am prepared to guaran tee entire satisfaction. tjivc rue a coll. Orer 8 lovers drug store. 1 BUY-CYCLES and buy the best Bicycle you can set h. iu a wing you Duy every j week yr every year. Therefore you want It not only handsome in appear ance, but durable in wear. You want it with the latest modern improvements. and adapted to popular requirements speed, safety and comfort. J Among modern wheels thc"iMPEA. ! leads in all above Dartlrulara. The lightest weight, the lowest price consistent with quality. CALLOWAY. MrOFORD. NEW JEWELRY STORE. 1H A VE opened a new Jewelry Store in Jacksonville Ore gon. I keep for sale the very best of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at reasonable prices. If your watches or clocks need repair ing come and see me. I am a practical watchmaker, from Germany, wilh a set of tools and machinery for all work in my line. I guarantee first-class work or money refunded. Yours respectfully, F. W. Waschaw. TAYLER The Fashionable Shoe Dealer and Maker. Latest styles in men's shoes, ladles button boots and OXFORD TIES. Children's wear-resisting shoes, cus tom work and repairing promptly attended to. Opposite Postoino. MEOFORD. - - OREGON. & CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. We arc prepared 'to glre estimates on any building from a woodshead to a state capital. All work in our line guarranteed first class in every rcspscL Kedforr1, . Oregon Strjkin; Bargains Clocks. In Clocks that strike and clocks that don't. Big clocks and little clocks and middle-sized docks, acd every one a bargain. The Centurr Dictionary says a bar gain is Sorr.et-hiag bought or sold at a luw price." A.courdig to that every -Uiiog in my stock i a ourgain. Evrrv thimc 1 seil uo matter how littieor uow irreat the amount of money involved is sold at a low price quality considered. The special docks I as thinking of are the Seth Thomas Clocks. Pntchard the Jeweler. G. E. FOX, Fresl 1 Mi Meals. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON AND TEAL Constantly on Hand. Fresh. Sausages Medford, - - Oregon. fl. pETSCH, .-. Tailor. Suit 8 to erder at all prices. Fit Guaranteed or no sale Cleaning and repairing neatly done Medford, Oregon. THE CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL Combination W. J. FREDENBURC HarlnK bought out S. Childers Is now prepared to 011 all orders promptly. The cheapest and best Picket Fence made. Correspondence solltlted. Address all orders o W J. FERDENBURG, Medford, Or. Shawver NicnolsoD Merchant Fence ' frWtssssssssiJy SEEK, WHITESIDE & CO., MAR D WARE Stoves, Tinware and Miners' Supplies. pine pishing Tackle, GUNS AND AMMUNITION", 0. 1 1 POCKET MID TABLE CUTLER!. Water Pipe and Hose, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Adkins & Webb's old stand. Medford, - Oregon. W. H. PARKER & SONS, (Successors to Jas. A. Slortr Jt Co.) THE POPULAR DRUGGISTS. Our line of Drugs, Patent Medicines and Stationey is replete in every detail. A FULL STOCK OF LEGAL BLANKS. Prescriptions carefully compounded under direction of a registered pbjrakriaa. MEDFORD, ORKOON. L VAWTER, Pres. Win. SLINC.F.R, Vice Pres. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL, - $50,000 Bedford. Oregon Loan money on approved security, receive deoosits subject to check and transact a general banking business 0:1 ihr ni'-l favorable terms fcj5-Your I3u.-.ines Aliened Correaipondtata;: Corbiu Banking Co.. N. Y. Commercial National. Portland. CHAS. S. Carpets, Papei, Curtains, (UtMMIMMIMMMI I. A. WEBB, JIMlUMUMIUUUUIMUIaMIIlllllHttllltlllk UNDERTAKING j llt-lltlflllllllllllllllllllfllllMIUflllllllllUIIMUr HIE SIGN D. H. MILLER, -DEALER IN- Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Fine Building Material. rjUtOUGHT IROfi RANGES. Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters acd Builders Tools. Fishing Tacklo, Ammunition. Etc Etc Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep or shollow wells. Tin Shep Attached THE MED FORD r G. W. PRIDDY, PROP. 140,000 Brick on Hand. First Class Quality- law aad Smal Orders Promptly Filled. Briek Wov of All 'Kinds. Executed With Satisfaction. Give Me a Call. We carry the best brands gars. Perfumes, Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries. J. E. ENYART. Cuaiei Pacific Bank, San Francisco Ladd & Bush. Salem. SHERMAN, RS. 5" KING. GILDING AND GLAZING. Wall i Tinting. x Guaranteed. iMiiitiimnHHHtiinnk FURNITURE auiiniiuiiuiniiauiuiiuiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiii r CARRIAGE PAINTER Refrigerators, snafles. Pictures. MEDFuRD.: -V Picture Framing S pre lull j. - BRICK - YARDS. A WUTI MEDFORD Brief Mention of Our City's Beautiful Homss Where Located and by Whom Owned Fruit Orchards, Berries and Vege tables in Abundance and Flowers Galore. Pen Picture of the Most Beautiful and Thriving City In South ern Oregon-Surrounded by Rich Mineral and Agricul tural Land and Unsurpassed Fruit Farms. One of thrt prettiest atreets in Medford and upon which there are many fine residences and well kept lawns and gardens is North B 1 street. The street entire seems par ticularly adapted for lawn improve ments and the good people who re side thereon are not slow to im prove the natural advantages given them. Were your reporter called upon to decide the must cosy and home-like placft 011 the street he would be in duty and conscience hound to exclaim '"all of them." The first place we top at to pencil a few notes is that owned by lliS. OAKf. T. JONES. Mr. Jones' beautiful home is on First street between A and B. It is the property formerly owned by Ex-Councilman J. V. .Short and is a true picture of the ideal home. There are four acres in the plat, a good portion uf which is well set out to fruit and berries. Facing Fin-l street is the fine two story resilience around which is a fine lawn and flower garden and several leuutiful fhude trees. Mr. Jones has been a resident of Medford only since last May but ample lime h:t- been given him to arrive at the con cIumoii that it is without a doubt the bert city to live in in Southern Oregon. He was formerly from Corvallis, Montana, at which place he was engaged iu stock raising and civil engineering. He was at one lime a member of the stale legisla tive assembly elected on the re- publican ticket. The gentleman is "g which was so badly shattered making many improvements about al,d toru 'll lne battle of Bull's Run. his home by way of re-arrangemeut J ME- F- hcbbakd. of buildings and grounds. j The southwest corner of Fourth Adjoining Mr. Jones on the westjnl B streets is owned and occu and at the brad of B street is theiPied by Mr. F. Hubbard. There is nicely laid out and conveniently arranged home of u a. P. T. LAWToX. Mr. Lawton has an acre and a half of ground, but it is so thickly planted to all. varieties of fruits, vegetables and De-ries that one would almost believe the plat to contain double that amount of land. t Mr. L. hasa finely arranged and very attractive res; which are cov vered with vines of the passion flower and full of blooms. The premises throughout show care ful attention duti to the skilled hand of Mr. B. Uice, Mr. Lawton's father-in-law. The vegetable gar den is amply filled wilh all that heart could wish for in that line water melons, almost ripe enough for "F'ggtng," pumpkins half the sire ot wasn tubs, potatoes, corn. well, everything immense. In the flower garden is a treat for the eves of all who have a fondness for the beautiful. Mrs. Lawton has seven ty-five different varieties of ever blooming roses which she cares for with a tenderness akin to the de votion usually bestowed upon our pets of real life. Mr. Lawton is for merly from llock county, Wiscon sin, and has resided in Medford six years, lie is the Medford manager for the well known implement bouse of Mitchell-Lewis it Staver com pany. From this place we cross to the corner of B and Second 6treet where resides MR. P. MCGEE. The property is owned by I. J. Phipps. Mr. McGee is from East ern Oregon where he was extensive ly engaged in 6tock raising. His vocation is, at present, that of a teain6ter and is now out in the hills with Mr. Leadbetter's railroad par ty. He will be engaged this com ing season in operating Mr. Bebee's threshing outb't. lie has resided iu Medford only about a year. MR. S. H. MURRAY. Between Second and Third streets and fronting on B is where the good natured 8. 11. Murray has anchored a base. The property occupied by this gentleman is owned by John Dyer, of Jacksonville. Mr. Murray is formerly front Illinois but has re sided iu California and Oregon twenty two years. He is one of the eiirly-day miners of California and to him belongs tre honor of having picked up the largest nugget of gold ever found in the famous Illinois valley $817 in clear gold. Mr. M. is now engaged in gathering up farm produce of almost all nature Rosenthal, the Seventh street cloth and does such an extensive a busi- ier, and occupied by Mrs, L. M. ness as to make it quite reuiunera- Culp, who gains a good competency tive. . j for herself and (amily by keeping to ME. F. FETSCH. One notch nearer the city center and on the corner of Third and B streets is where the above gentle man resides. Mr. F. is formerly from 1 sklnnd. California. He has resided in Medford since last fall and during that time he has built up a good, p.iving busi.iess in his line, which is that of merchant tailoring. He is a thorough, prac tical cutter and fitter and deserves the good run of work which he is receiving. A recent purchase of hi is a four acre tract of land in the Mingus addition to Medford. MRS. E. M. DEN I SOX. On the corner of B and Third streets is the very pleasant resi dence of the above lady. She has two lots and a very neat, cosy resi dence about which is planted flowers in great profusion, while the berry and vtgetable gardens are produc tive to a degree of great worth, and all well cared for by Mrs. Denison's brother. Mr. T. F. West, who re sides with her. Mr. West is quite an extensive land owner in and about Medford. He owns several town lots upon which are residences, kept for rent. Another fine piece of property owned by him ia the tract of nineteen lots of from one fourth to two and one-half acres each, and near the center of which is situated the new business college M r. est lias as a memento of the late rebellion, which he prizes very highly, a portion of Gen. is locum s one-iounn 01 a oiock contained iu this gentleman's plat, near the cen ter of which is a large two story res ident house, the general appearance of which has but recently been im proved by a coat of paint, Uh in side and out. Mr. ri. was at one time an agricultural implement dealer in Medf.ird, but late years ",s lwJ " A:?anil ,,a lUS c0"" Vyne.r,of- A nd enth streets. Mr. H. is formerly from Dallas county, Iowa, and has been a dent of Medford for niue years. On the southwest corner of B and Fourth streets is the finely arranged premises and home of MR. G. U. HASKINS. His lot embraces one quarter of a block and is well planted to shrub bery, flowers, fruit, berries and veg etables. His house is a neat, cy structure, a good portion of which, together with a well kept lawn is nicely shaded from the sun's scorch ing rays by a grand, out-spreading and beautiful oak tree. Flowers, particularly roses, fill the yard wilh a great labyrinth of varigated beau ty. Aside from this property Mr. H. owns a qu.irter of & block on the corner of Sixth and F streets which is a most desirable building spot. There are also a couple of good res ident lots on North C street, in the Beatty addition, which are branded with his ownership. This gentle man is formerly from Fullerton.Neb., and has resided iu Medford nine years. He was one of the pioneers of the city and when he first cast anchor here there was not a finished building on what is now our prin cipal business street. His business is that of druggist, and he has con ducted very successfully, and prof itably, a well stocked drug store on Seventh street for a number of years. MR. W. W. CAROWELL. Between Third and Fourth streets and on the east side of B is where V. VV. Card well reside. The prop erty is vwned by T. F. est, is nicely located and well kept. Mr. Cardwell's vocation, right at the present time, is that of 6h vine both eyes in the direction of the expec ted good sized gold brick which the Comstock of Oregon mine will clean up about the first of August. Mr. C. is the locator of this famous min ing property and is at present part owner. MRS. L. M. CCLP. On the northwest corner of Fourth and B streets is a very pleasantly situated residence owned by S. SECT ia boarders and those who partake of tbe necessities of lite at her table are not backward in recommending her hostelry to their friends. Tbe lady has resided in Medford seven years, and is a native bora Rogue river valleyian. MB. F. W. I.CTKEMEIER. One of the several fine pieces of property on B street is that owned by C. T. Nicholson and occupied by Mr. Lutkemeier. The grounds are nicely arranged and fruits; ber ries and flowers abound. Several fine shade trees give ample shelter from the sun's rays and add beauty to the surroundings. Mr. Lfltke meier has rcsieed in Medford about one year; came here from Portland, but formerly from Germany He has been connected with tbe South ern Orezon Brewing company since coming to Medford. The one-fourth block situated at the southwest corner of aad Fourth is owned by MB. J. E. WEST. There is on this property a neat cottage residence which is occupied by Ur. W. ti. Grant and firmly. and Mrs. West. Dr. Grant came to Medford a few months ago for the practice of his profession. He has office rooms at the residence. Mr. West resides at Loyal ton, Calif, where he has large stock interests. Mrs, W. makes Medford her home because of enjoying better health here than in California. The lady will have charge of the art depart ment ia the Medford business col lege at the commencement 3f the fall term. The place where these 1 -, - , peopie reside is a very pleasant one and well taken of. MR. a. x. WOODY Has as well arranged residence and grounds on the southwest corner of B and Fifth street as you often find. He has a fourth of a block, near the center of which is a good, sub stantial two story dwelling, sur rounded by fruit trees and berries. Mr. W. has resided in Medford only about a year but sufficiently long to convince him that our eity is the acme of earthly existence and he is as happy as a clam when the tide is in. Aside from this piece of ' property the gentleman owns 'eighty acres of land three miles east of Medford and the same is mostly planted to a young orchard. He is formerly from Jasper county, Iowa. Adj. lining Mr. Woody's place on the south ard situated on the cor ner of Sixth and B street is one of the most beautiful pieces of resi dence property in Medford and ia owned by MR.O.W. GALLOWAT. This property comprises & quar ter of a block and upon which siauda a very decidedly pleasant, home like dwelling. On the east and t-outh sides is a veranda over a good portion of which grows rose bushes and climbing vines. At the sout h of the house is a fine lawn in the center of which is a large oat tree, and the afternoon sua dis- resi-jturbs not the house occupants. At - tbe north and east is as tine a fruit and vegetable garden as has yet been found in our pilgrimage. There are berries a plenty, and as Bill Nye says, they are ltd, rasp. Llaisk . and straw. .Mr. Galloway is for-' merly from Corvallis, Montana, and has been a resident of Medford two years. We are obliged to continue the mention of some of the residences on this street until next weeK J StxojgLh and Health. If you are not feeling strong and heilay, try Electric litUcrs. if "ia gripjKt has left you woak and weary, uso Electric timers. Tois remedy acta directly on in3 liver, stomach and fcidnvvs, gjntly aiding those organs to periocui their functions. If you are affected with sick headache, you will -fi.rti speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric biters. One trial will conviucd you that this U the remedy -you need. Large bolUes only 50c. as G. U. Hawkins' arujj store. According to a compilation of the census of the world recently pub lished in Germany, there are only twelve cities witn over l,0vX),lXA) inhabitants, four of which are in Ciiiua. Loudon leads tne list with 4,41d.y3S: New York and Brooklyn combined rank third, with 2,353, 150. The bible has beeu translated in to 1S7 of tbe leading languages, which are spoken by About (W0,UiW people. Adding to tuese figures those of the minor tongues. it is a tair estimate that the Bible is now accessable to fully l.OJOL- OOO.vXX) souls, fully two-thirds of all mankind. A Wouians' Remedy for luflamatory Kueauiatisa. I am an old sufferer front taaainatory rheumatism. Thd past winter it caraj upou mo oain, vary acute and severe. Aly joiuts swelled and bacaniJ iu darned, sore to touch or almost to Itw at. Up on the urgent request of xv mother-in-law, I tried Chamberlain PaiQ Halm to reduce the s-eUiu and eaaj tots pain, and to ray areeabl surprise it did both. I taai'e used three titty cent oottlbs aad believe it to be the. finest thing for rheumatism, pains aud spell ings extant. I). E, Out, V2&i riarrisoa St., Kansas City, Ato. For sale by G H. Htskins, druggist.