The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, April 21, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    Talent Talk.
ilr. McClerg has moved into
u aim w,,fcnse? kuv a 1111. iiuvi
visiting in Talent the other
v Ha ronnrtQ th rnnna in hnd
Snow continues so deep on the
frills it deters much prospecting
that otherwise would have been
done ere this.
The family of John Garvin is oc-fpondent is an outsider, but judging
court week. Several were railed to
town as witnesses before the grand
jury, and had to hire substitutes in
their places to attend the gentle
nocks. There are quite a number
of sheep kept on the range east of
Talent during the winter, and then
are driven to the Siskiyous smith of
Talent in the summer.
The- county Alliance met here
last Friday and Saturday, and there
was a large attendacne from all
parts ot the countv. t our corres-
Sticky StivKleta.
i. :j r r
ULl 1UK bUC iVDlUlllb Ji
iv while) Mr. Garvin and son.
li&mea, are prospecting for a rich
I ledge on Wagner Peak.
I The owners of the celebrated
ll'atton mine contemplate running a
mnel into the hill to tap their rich
Vige at a 500-foot level, which will
labor to several more men.
We were preambulating around
hoenix the other day and were very
pitablv entertained bv your cor-
spondent, Manafraidofabear,
uuk latvu iruiK unaya lianas
for his friends.
The marriage of Robert Gray and
Mrs. , Hargrove was recently cele
brated in ' this locality. Their
friends hereabouts, and there are
many of them, wish the couple a
long and happy life. j
William Addison has sold a part
of his nice farm to Matthew Stew
art, of Washington, who takes pos
session the first of May. Addison
will build on the other part. We
will have two good neighbors in
stead of one.
J. B. Dyer has rented Warren
Lyndee's blacksmith shop and has
fitted up two forges and still has all
the work he can get through with.
Ma is an at( Ipnl nrtiRin Ann in
dbown far and near. His brother.
fchtler, and son Arthur are assisting
J;A Mr. Sherril, from Washington.
holding a series of meetings. He
nresents a sect that keens the
bbath on Saturday, but still is of
different denomination in some
ays from the Kev. Mr. Morrison,
who haS'-been preaching here all
..We came very near having to
record a lawsuit, but after the sum
mons and subpoenas were served
the defendant came to the justice
and compromised by paying the
original bill, the justice assuming
the costs of suit. I he constable is
my informant of the above item.
H. Kinney, a former resident, is
here visiting his numerous friends.
He has traveled from Victoria, B.
C, to San Diego and back since
leaving here. He is now located at
Riddle, the town that has the great
nickle mine situated near it. He
thinks of visiting the worlds fair
soon. "
Our road supervisor is out trying
to mend our ways, which have been
in a terrible condition all winter.
Our position is like that of the Ar
kansas man, when it rains we can't
fix our . roads, and when it don't
rain they are as good as anybody's
road. That is the case now. It
has not rained for three days, and
the wind has dried the mud so hard
that it is difficult to do any work.
There was quite an excitement
among the sheep herders during'
trom the well niieu hastets ot pro
visions we saw carried to the hall
they must have been enjoying a
pretty good time. I expected to
see The Mail editor on deck, but,
owing to a misunderstanding, so I
learn, as to the privacy of the ses
sion, he failed to appear. The even
ing session was for evervbody you
ought to have been there. Mr.
Kaiser, of the Record was present.
I suppose the readers of The
Mail must have been muchly dis
appointed last week when, after
searching all over your paper, they
failed to find the usual "Talent
Truths," but my excuse is, I was
so busy looking for my garden
seeds I had planted a week or two
ago. I guess they have grown
down the other way. It has been
so cold and stormy they don't show
up on this side. Although such
bad weather, the owners of cattle
complain that there is a kind of
fly attacking the cattle that almost
drives them crazy. It is what is
known as the foot fly.
The" district clerk, as per order of
the directors, has posted notices to
hold a school meeting on April "20
to levy a tax to erect more commo
dious school buildings, which are
very much needed. There will he
some opposition bv some of our
.wealthiest citizens, which fact is
regretted, as public schools should
be one of the first object with pat
riotic Americans, and a good school
will enhance the value of any town
or village, but our capitalists say
they do not want their real estate
to raise in value It is high enough
now when the assessor coiues
around. But when a stranger from
the east comes and wants to pur
chase a home the price is set at
1 100 per acre for land that they
grumble to pay taxes on at the rate
of $10 per acre.
To The World's Fair!
Are you going?
If so. call on or write to
tho undersigned before completing
arrangements for your ti in.
I can give you choice of two of
tbe most popular Lines crossing the
continent and can guarantee you a
safe and pleasant journey, long to be
remembered. Passing through the
"Grandest Scenery on Karth, via
Mount Shasta, through the State of
California. crossing tho Sieera Nevada
and Kooky Mountains, etc. etc
Palace and Tourist Sleeping cars daily
to Chicago without change. Reclining
Chair cars. (Seats Free). Drop me a
line and I will call und see you.
H. J. Young. Agent, 271. Alder St...
Portland. Oregon.
For Sale Cheap.
One butcher shop, a two story frame
building, and tools all complete, with
brick smoke house and sausage factory,
in the town of Central Point. A good
paying business, has been running over
lour vears, and is still running.
W. Worth.
Mr. C. Carney has leen on the !
sick list latelv. ,
Mr. G. C. Roberts contemplates '
going to California soon.
Oh ! what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.
Our gardens look very promising.
In the spring our housewives fan
cies lightly turns to thoughts ofi
greeus. j
Miss Mattie Morris is on her wav j
home from her visit east. She will
be gladly welcomed by her many
Win. Gregory, Jr., has been in
duced to become our school clerk.
The office sought the man. he is in
the right place.
Our school is flourishing under
the auspices of our most efficient ,
and accomplished young teacher, i
Miss Zuda Owens.
Henry Gregory has gone east of:
the mountains. He intends put-!
ting in a crop on his farm in Lan-1
gell valley, where he intends mov- j
ing his family in May. j
There is more truth than poetry j
in the word "sticky." Oh! sticky, j
sticky, loosen thy iron grasp from j
our heels and wheels and allow us i
to finish putting in our crops. '
Mr. Stotler has purchased a new
sprayer, and he knows how and
when to use it. Success to you
Stotler, we hope you will extermi- 'i
nate every parasite on stick y.
A pleasant social hop occurred at
the hospitable home of Mrs. Adams
Friday renine. Our beauty and
our chivalrv were there. ' and all
went merry as a marriage bell.'
To our Dry Crer k friends who so ;
materially assisted us at the late
annual school meeting, we tender
tho thanks of the entire neighbor
hood. Should they ever need as- ;
sistance in the cause of education,
we will cordially respond.
Several of the elite among our
young people attended the ball at
Central Point Saturday evening.
April 8. All enjoyed themselves
immensely. We were pleased and
flattered to observe the most popu
lar young man of the evening was
none other than Charley Moore.
One of our young farmers was j
recently the victim of a severe at- j
tack of toothache. Ketng vcrv
busy sowing grain, and being a true
spartan, he preferred nursing his
tooth through the wee una' hours
of several nights, to taking the time
necessary to interview the doctor.
All at once the freakish toothache
left him, his upper lip swelled to
an enormous size, his nose appear
ing to be in imminent danger of
being pushed from his face. He
was glad no one happened around
in his vicinity for several days. All
is well that ends well. Frank is as
good looking now as ever, and is
not minus a tooth either.
Lapy Xotatra inoFAMorsK.
Making VmmI IJvfng.
1 1 r t
Doctor (to patient who has coine two
miles to the doctor's office in order to
save the extra cost of a visiting fee)
Good gracious, man. yon are not fit to
be out of the house! Go home at once,
and I will cull in a conple of honrs and
prescribe for you. Life.
A Matter of Patienoa.
She Engaged to two girls at the same
time! Well, what are you going to d
abont it?
He Oh. I'm all right: bat what are
they going to do abont it? Life.
A yoMlioa mt Privilege
' Papa Hicks Why didn't yon stay in
, Sunday school?
! Dick Couldn't stand the new teacher.
She said I looked like von. Once a
i Week.
Reward of Merit.
Buckler Arnica Salve.
The best salve iu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
' sores, tetter, ehnpjied hands, chilblains,
corns, and all sktu eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is 'guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price iV
' per box. For snle bv t. H. Raskins.
The Deacou Do you know what hap
pens to boys who tell lies?
Small Yonth Yessir. They gits oft
most times if they tells good ones. Life.