SUPPLEMENT TO THE MEDFORD MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 21,. 1813. MAIL. CENTRAL POINT. Our town presents a live appearance. .1. V. Hays spent a day in town this week. Phillip Stevens returned to Grants I 'ass Monday. Jasper Mee returned home to Apple gate Wednesday. , Mrs. E. C. Gale has opened a milliner store on Oak street. Mrs. Bull, of Wiluerville. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Gale. Geo. Clements navigates (he streets by the aid of a crutch. M. S. Welch and wife made a trip to Jacksonville Monday. Miss Ijiura Cook ley visited friends in Sams Valley last week. Heiiry Rippey snent several days in Jacksonville last week. John Harvey began school at Luke Creek Monday morning. Mrs. Emma Brings visitud the den tist at Medford Saturday. S. S. Aiken has moved his family to Prospect for the summer. Saras Valley sent over her usual quota of farmers last week. Mrs. Mee. of Grants Pass, is visiting the family of Or. Hinkle this week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bull, of Grants Pass precinct, are here, visiting rela tives. Will Owen is in our midst again. Will thinks Central Point is "the" place yet. Mrs.- Thomas Mee, of Grants Pas.-, is paying relatives and friends a visit this week. Mrs. Mable Hall is convulcing. and her many friends rejoice to hear the gixxl news. Mr. L. C. Carson intends printing the first copy of the (Vntral Point News this week. Kev. Wilcox, of Talent, preached to a large audience in the Baptist church Sunday both morning and evening. Mrs. James Parks is making her husband a visit at Sission. where Mr. Parks is employed in a blacksmith shop. We are sorry to reort the condition of E. C. Gale, who was sent to the in sane asylum a short time ago, is not any better. Mr. una .Mrs. Howard who sXMit seven months" visiting their daughter Mrs. C. H. Ercunback, returned, home to Illinois last week. Prof. L. L. Freeman took a week's vacation last week. Martha Cardwell, of this place, tK)k charge of his school in Gold Hillduring the week. Willow Springs has become noted for its great mineral poducts. The great est find was made last week by Will Downing, and was pronounced more precious than gold. It whs in the shape of an eight pound girl. i FLASHES FROM. PHCESTX. Our town was visited by a disastrous j j,- ,y Ca e fire Sunday night. I he tire was C"ti r.i . ,,H. aiseovereu oy uie nignt waicn aooui eleveu o'clock, but before he could summon assistance the large barn of i ford. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Criflin 5 not to siwiul Snwlnv with Mr F.T.Fradeiiburgh's.reeetitly purchased, j jjrs Xvswarner wascompletoly destroyed. J. W. Mer- j ' "." ." I jictiwu services aic iieui 'ducted bv Rev. Oslesbv and were and MoClemlon's drui: eon-Pre- niorning lie found one of his ltesi horses dead in the harn cause'. unknown. This falls verv heatflvj on .Mr. I., as lie is hardlv ableju afford the loss and it as well breaks j up his team. i John Wright, who left here f -; Kansas a short time ago! arrived atj Frankfort in just four days aftrif I leaving here, and we learn, is Awi S ing a gixxl iti's store. Lee . ct.lm.r ! iil.T knhuir - . .... . 1 caught fire but by the nitl of timely ; b ung a gixxl time visiting with !Jr" help were saved. The flour mill had i lie young ioiks nan a picaaaiii , n-iauves. He will Ik- lack r .III the narrowest escape of all. It being j time at the social dance at IIatn-J( alwut three weeks. very close to the barn. hall Saturday ev, ning. j HiUy Short, lode Smith. Clareti'i' i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Willi--' Dunlap. Owen Short and Carvel bnmii ireeK batterings, j Griihn and wife, of Griffin creek. ! Smith, all walked up to the depcS Mr I.,l, f.'r ,..l f,iK. 1. S were visi t ing in Phoeni x Sunda y. . Minday, anu back again, hut oo t moved to Medford " ' Reno Goddard. of Wagner creek. i anybody that they promised - t r r - i i- t - - has rented Hub Coleman's mines annirauioiaoear a agar irom eacu it he would put an item in atKjttt them this week. , .-.. Wc are informed that two couple j raidofalear Sunday evening .but j MvK,3V 0Veni3il?J of our young people went to Grants j !1' !ikc C. C. C, afraidofa- j a v-... wife Pass last Sunday with j there on account of her health. She' intentions. I Fanny Dunlap. ot (.old H:M.;is a;;(.ted with the asthma and attending the revival" meetings at "r ,,ere a,ul bu!i" "'king them, j e Medford. ! Several ladies callol on Mana-j Mverv luxlv out this iv.nv will he "P flw l,:,.VS! ? rt''i!M cannot live Mrs. Rilev; in a high altitude. 'Ctponev" is one of Klamath Fail- glad to learn that Mr. Edmonds, of! wile w" iwr :uint Medford. has returned from Klatn- J Hamniersly. . i.iost jopti!ar merchants, alh county. We hope he will come j Joe Wright, while hammering on! Miss Maud Weeks, of this place, out and preach to us agaiu something with a hatchet. Tuesday ; makes a trip to Medford every monf- We are very sorrv to learn that j evening, made a miss lick and cut ing and attends to her father's sior" Arthur McPherson has decided to!" ,l!Uni 'Wvly. Sat that place, and back in the even- go to California and locate. We; John Mills, whose eye was so se-!:g. lesides helping with the hou. can't help thinking that he makes a j verelv injured about a month ago. j work morning and evening. SiiOvfJ f mistake in lenvimT at this tiro.- us raoiiliv iumrovimr. although the I us another girl like that m Ko;r. Mr. C. Navior's son-in-law. Mr. j ''hanees were agains him for awhile, j r;vcr valley? morning for the Souml cotmtrv, j ing with the family of Mr. Jackson, i trb.r Mr 1 has r.-bitic.-c tli-it fbi!:it l'"!;il. mill, came down tl iimII v sil K..r,.n. r..inn. it In l,.nv,.r 1 mriMiK a vis't Satnrdav .md ",u ' f Colorado. Sunday. M. Shcrnnghousen and party nere hi em " idsalof that kind of busint i i ..i- ii... .1 siiTiii!r null .iis ion i' nuuiu . i - 1 i i to prosjK-ct on the head waters of j n ' H'""- 11 ' hear, it didn't put him out much. Criflin and Coleman creeks. Mr. the agiier crwk di.-iru-t that she j . f . entertained bv some of Wc"d like to hear VelUrn IJeeson called ti Mai md aiH' t,l'' dinner, which. was ; liv- .M . as ins wile was awav Tri , . ! home, but as M. has done a e ffs in i will teach. Mr. Reeson's pioneer stories which S. knows the "stntT' when he sees it, and we hoH? he will see lots of I nn Burnett, who had the mis- Wt ar0 a)ways glad to listen to. it. fortune to get his finger? mashed in ArivriMnwA-nn-.t. f Tie the bull dog at the chicken j house door if you want to save them for the chicken thief is aboard in land and "swiping"' them by the dozen. Ix't's load the old muskets with lans and give them a re ception that will make them think that chickens are not what they need most. W-K-DS F I- a gruuomg machine anom tnrce months ag, is still carrvins his hand in a sling. ; (The aUve words when properk' . Hugh BrineT, one of the Ashland ! filial in compose the name of life l,vs not of the 4X stv.keu of in i great event of the year.) j ' . - . . 1 . , S i - -1-t. - nnCOV ...1... 1.. ' the Record was down several daws r. r-iw i av-. uu t''rr ' ! Mrs. i tills tht in m and returns this card- r-r i i ' ... Sissoti. California, were .i... ...i. r i.:.. i... me frienn Liievtiiiiv sivie ui dun tituii. um ! . - . .. , . uie tatter pari oi ia.-i weeiv. this week, paving his sister Elmer Coleman a visit. Miss Rose Harris, of Ashland, urn! her sister Mri SnllowHV. of re i ... , ,.e , , . ... is near l'hoeuix a few davs well informed horticulturists say that the frosts that we have had have leen a benefit instead of a detriment, because the trees were too heavily loaded with fruit buds. This looks reasonable. C. C. C. Something new at the Kaeket store a line line of novelties in sum mer dress goods, of the latest spring shades. (!o to Davis & l'ottenger's and get a package of Pride of .lapun Tea. Take I no other. The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, of Woodviilo, were shocked to hear of their mis fortune last week, and all express the deepest sympathy for them. A curiosity may be seen in Phoe nix at Mr. John Wright's place, and is a calf, now a year old. with out any eyes, only two small, white dots where the eyes should be, but not the least semblance of an eve ball. lO U Willi UU UiUVI ll'i !.. (UU'j (making small C. O. 1). bill of' tr.J"). will receive a KEAl TIFl Irv nn.l reliable Gold-Filled Wntcb FREE (accompanied by. A) years guarantee, full jeweled, stem wind and set. THE OBJECT OF this extra ordinary offer is of course to save the heavy exjens of traveling salesmen, and to introduce the goods at once. All goods shipped C. O. P., and full examination al lowed before you payone cent. Amkricax Ch?ak Co., Winston. X. C. . o. Holtan, the Merchant Tailor i bus iu-l rweived the largest and finest When John Edsall arose Fridav stock of cloth ever seen in Medford.