The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 31, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. A. Lamb paid Ashland a
visit Saturday.
J. B. Hendershott was in town a
few days ago with his fine horse.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright were
up to Ashland last Friday on busi
ness. Miss Ida Xayler was visiting her
sister, Mrs. I. B. Griffin, in Phomix,
on last Sunday.
James Briner has returned to
Beaver creek, after a pleasant visit
with friends here.
Mrs. Riley Xyswaner was visiting
in Phoenix last Saturday, the guest
of Mrs. John Wright.
Mr. Ship and I. Calhoun, of An
telope district, were over this week
visiting relatives and friends.
There are several idle men around
Phoenix, who. no doubt, will get
work when the railroad starts.
Marion Stewart is having several
acres of oak grubs taken oif his
ranch, to be replaced with fruit
School will close next Friday.
An entertainment will be given at
that time by the scholars. Every
body should attend,
-v Mr. Calhoun has taken possession
of the property he bought in Phoe
nix, and moved his household ef
fects in the first of the week.
Melvin Naylor came in from
Jenney creek last Sunday. He re
ports lots of snow out there yet and
about three or four feet on the sum
mit. Miss Lily Crichlow was .up from
Medord Sunday to spend a day
with her mother. Miss Anna was
also down from Ashland to visit
her mother.
Harry Mathes went over on Ap
plegate last week, where his father
. is feeding a large lot of cattle. He
reports lots of 6now and a bad out
look for the stock.
Mr. A. Tassel went down to Med
ford Saturday to consult Dr. Stod
dard in regard to his eye, which is
affected with catarrh and gives him
a great deal of trouble.
I. W. Wiley delivered several
head of fat cattle to Hosley D. Mur
phy, of the Ashland meat market,
last week, that he had been feeding
for them for several months. They
were in fine condition.
A remonstrance is out against a
county road being established
through the land of Mrs. Hamlin
and Mr. Bennett. The hitter has
only ten acres, set out iu fruit, and
the road would be a great damage.
Harry Delong, who arrived here
a few days ago, contemplates erect
ing a first class shingle mill some
where in the valley. There is no
question but what it would be a
paying investment Miss Mina
Stoups. who has been at Ashland
for several months, staying with
her Uncle's family, II. B. Carter,
returned home this week to remain.
Mrs.-Robert Deveney has gone to
Ashland to remain a short time
with her daughter, Mrs. Wolters.
In the meantime Mr. Col. Stead
man has taken charge of affairs in
the Deveney household during her
Mrs. B. C. Goddard. an old 'sel
ler and highly respected lady,5 liv
ing near Talent, died last Saturday
and was buried Sunday, in the Tal
ent cemetery. Deceased was the
mother of Mrs. II. Coleman, who
lives near here.
Capt. Smith, who owns a twenty
acr tract one mile below Phoenix,
is having the same grubled out
and intends putting out fruit. The
captain is getting along in years,
but manages to get in a whole lot
of work as time goes on.
A number of Phoenixites are
making arrangements to visit the
C. C. C. immediately, to get garden
seeds to plant, as the, climate here
is so much later than Crooked
creek, we imagine that fresh seeds
raised this year are the best to put
We hope your last weeks corres
pondent from Talent will continue
his communications to Thk Mail,
as Phoer.ixites are glad to hear
from there, especially from so good
a writer, also C. C. C's items are
well received here, manr having
acquaintances on Grillin creek.
A young hoodlum, whose parents
are said to reside at Sisson. and
who has been making Phoenix bis
headquarters for sometime, made
an attempt to hold" up our express
agent, Mr. Soule, last Saturday
evening. It was just dark and'
when Mr. Soule was going from
the depot to town that the attempt
ed hold-up performance was enact
ed. While passing the warehouse
Mr. S. was confronted by tht lad
and demanded to hold up his hands,
at the same time producing a re
volver. Mr. S. didn't hold up as
readily as was expected, but in
stead compelled the would be Jessie
of the James gang, to show up from
his hiding place, under the ware
house, and remove his mask. The
mask was turned over to Manafraid
ofabear to be used as a protection
against the festive Bruin family.
The boy has a hard name and had
better absquatulate, vamose the
ranch. He has since left here.
Advertised Letter List.
The followlnir Is the list of letters remaining
uncalled for in the Medford, Or., postottlcw ou
March. .TO. WW:
Armstrong. J. A. Hllrv. J. A.
Klllllle.v. David Welds. K. A.S
Weiss. Kpll.
Person! railing for the nbovo letters please
snv "advertised." J. S. Howakd, I'. M.
, W. J. Stanley, from the Home
stake mine near Woodville, reports
work in the mine progressing with
very satisfactory results. Good
rock is taken from ihe tunnel, and
the mill will b started in May.
Wm. Grav and I'.iily Short are
busy prosjH-cting their quartz lead
on Coleman gulch. The rock lojks
well, although there is a consider
able base metal in it. The ledge is
about two feet wide. From our
Phoenix correspondent.
Alex. Orme is doing no small
amount of work on his mines on
both Galls and Foots creeks. He
rcxrts the prospects glowing with
a hue that is peculiar to the yellow
metal. The past winter he says
has been just what was needed for
the development of mining inter
ests plenty of snow in the moun
tains and consequently plenty of
water in the creeks and gulches.
E. Stevens, a gentleman who re
sides iu the vicinity of Woodville,
was in Meilford Saturday, and from
him we heard that the mining ex
citement was running high in that
locality. Himself, together with
E. M. Hill, own the Mount Fielder
ledge and are now at work develop
ing it. Last year cosiderable work
was done and some good ore was
taken out, but this year they have
already run in with a seventy foot
tunnel, and while they have not as
yet struck the main ledge they are
confident of a rieh find when they
do reach it. This ledge is near the
celebrated Stanley mine.
While the gold excitement is run
ning at a high temperature, little
attention is given to other mineral
finds, hut a well defined vein of an
thracite coal is a find that will one
day out rank them all. E. Pleas
ant. D. L. Mutton, Sam'l and J;s.
G ray, who reside on Elk creek,
claim to have found such a . mine
and are only waiting for facilities,
such as a railroad, before opening
up the mine and producing their
excellent coal in ;nmense quanti
ties. They have only ojened up
the mine a short distance but have
found a four foot vein of a very su
perior quality 'f this coal.
Angle A 1'lymalt- have received
their new ami elegant stock of dress
C. I). TYalrath is wrathy. and he
has every reason to he so. Some mis
erable cur a blot on God's green earth
is almost nightly venting his spleen
on this gentleman by tearing pickets
form his fence, on C street. Should
this infection of low-lived meanness
continue the perpertrator will take
home one of these nights a billet of lead
that will not be citsy to digest.
Walla Walla garden seed at the
Millinery goods cheaper than ever
before at Mrs. C W. 1'aliu's.
Fruit jars at Davis & l'ottcti gcrs'
Woodville Warbles.
Fanners are very busy if anyone
should ask you.
Work on the Phantom mine has been
pttKined for a while 4
Mrs. W. V. Jones, who has been visiting-
her mother, returned Sunday.
Rev's. ti.leman and Crook held quar
terly communion service here. Sunday.
W. V. Jones, our popular merchant,
made a flying visit to Grants I'ass.
Tuesday evening.
The Home Slalte Mining Co., of
which A. J. Stanley is an owner, are
taking out some rich ore.
S. Simpkins has returned from hi.
trip to Jurup-OiT-Joe where he ha :iu
interest in a quartz ledge.
I'rofs. B. R. Stevens and Sam Sheri!.
returned from Phoenix this evening
where they have been leaching school.
Mrs. F.d. Shofliin. who has been pav
ing friwnds here, a visit, will leave in
the morning for her home in Alameda.
Quite a number of the young people
of this vicinity gathered at the resi
dence of F- Stevens one evening last
we-k bent on having -a good time.
Judging from the amount of noise made,
and the number of oyster cans opened,
we verily believe they had it. The fun
was kept up till the "wee 'sma hours."
Quite a surprising event took place
here this evening in the form of a
dmihle wedding. Squire Simpkins of
ficiating. G. J. Tyeer.-ind Miss M at tie
Magrele. and Frank Gilmore and Miss
Hattie Gilmore. were the principal
parties. Their numerous friends wish
them a long and prosperous life.
Jas. Hums, who is well known in this
section, both in miuinu and social cir
cles, met with a serious, if not fatal
accident, w hile engaged in piping ou
Louse creek, on Monday evening. He
had rolled several bowlders out from
under the bank and was in the act of
rolling out another, when the bank
gave way. Jimmy saw it and staruti
to run. but it was too late. A hug.
mass of earth and stones caught him
by the legs, throwing him violently t
the ground, breaking one leg and his
lower jaw. besides fracturing his skull
and bruising him ui generally. He
was taken to Grants lass where he lies
in a critical condition.
Wooo Ciiopi'KK.
Jury List April Term.
The following is a list of jurors drawn
for the April terra of the circuit court
which commences on the t'th of April:
J. ; Birds.-?. Gold Hill.
J B. Our.can. "
J. Hannah. Trail Crwk.
J. . Unscoe. -
K. K. Miner. Ashlwsd.
." A. In'.ow. - ,
W. w. Kentner. '"
H. B. tfertcr.
7.. Howard.
1. B. Soliss, Jacksonville.
I. Linn.
J. s. Hairev. Vntnl lVtut.
1. siniih.
H. H Uippcy, "
I. A. Pruelt.
J. A. Anderson. Kden.
Tnvlor lvne.
J. W. Wtle'v.
J. II Stewart.
8. B. Hamilton, t'niontown.
A. Bet. Kaj;le IViut.
J . A. Cook. Foots creek.
W. S. Kin);.
Jacob Neuthanier. Itock IVinl.
I. J. Hansen. Willow Springs.
J. li Norton, M.'dtortt.
Horace Peilon. Table Kck.
J. .;. Martin.
James Harvev, Talent.
T. J. Bell.
J. B. Saltniarsh. Sterliujn ille.
Uarb wire, or cents per pound. Net
cash, at Henrv Smith's.