CITY LOCAL WHIRL. The Ups and Downs, Ins and of Lively People In the Liveliest City In Southern Oregon. Items of Interest that All Ought to Read. Don't Skip the Little' Ones. Bead 'Em All. Street Commissioner Brandenburg reports the laying of new- sidewalks progressing rapidly. 'He has two or three different parties of workmen at work now and they will probably con tinue in this line of improvement for a month or six weeks yet, at' least there is that amount of work laid out. Aside from sidewalk building he has tea-ns at work grading crossings. Monday Mr. Brandenburg and Surveyor How ard ran a line for -a nejr walk from the corner of Seventh and streets to a point three blocks south. An ordi nance will probably be granted at the next meeting of the city council order ing the building of the same. This walk is intended to fill a double pur pose, that of a sidewalk and a cover for the water ditch. To-morrow or Mon day Mr. B- expect, if the weather re mains good, to commence graveling the Earheart and Mc Andrews roads, leading out of Medford. Tne Racket has just received a bar gain lot of men's and boys' straw hats and ladies' and Misses' shade hats. There came near being a lively runaway on west Seventh street Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Soliss and daugh ter, were driving along this street, and when" near. the Clarendon hotel the neck yoke gave out and the buggy pole dropped to the ground, whereupon the horses began kicking and cutting up generally. Fortunately, .Dr. Pickel and Mr. E. T. Hurt were elose at hand and by lending their aid all trouble was averted and the team was soon un hitched from the buggy and the dam age, which was slight, was made good again. Go to Davis & Pottingar's and get a package of Pride of Japan Tea. Take no other. It is given out that since the return of J03 Murphy to San Francisco he has awakened quite an int rest among seme of the capitalists of that city r;-j garding the mineral outlook in South- j era Oregon, and that Mr. Murphy will j soon visit the Rogue river vall,y in. company with these gentlemen, and to- I ;ri a - , i r - - . .t : 1 1 u - . .1 . tour oi investigation vm ue- uiitue. t Mr. M. is entitled to lots of credit for i the interests already manifest in- our i behalf and if he succeids in locating! some of that capital up this way be is entitUd to lots more of it.- Just arrived, some yery up to date ladies' and gentlemen's Foot Tayler's. . We are inform -d by Attorney S. S- Pen'z that our Phcetix correspon dent of last wejk was in error as to the t amount of damage sujd for in the Epps -Wil;y casj. The suit, we hear, was brought by M-s. Epps. and for $00, in--stead of S2j0 as stated last' week, and that it was brought to recover damages for the killing of a colt and permanently injuring a brood mare belongi g to plaintiff, by a vicious hog owned by defendant. Attorney Pentz has been retained as counsel by the plaintiff. The case will doubtless come up for hearing at thi April term of court. Scott Griffin, of Tolo, is selling seed potatoes at one cent per pound. Arrangements. have been made with Landlord Purdin, of The Medford, to furnish accommodations for all visi tors in attendance upon 'the teacher's institute which will be held in Med ford about April 2oth. There will probably be about one hundred and twenty-five people present and to make his accom notations ample, he asks that all residents of Medford who have sleeping rooms that they can spare for the occasion, to report the same to him as early as possible O. Holtan, the Merchant Tailor has just received the largest and finest stock of cloth ever seen in Medford. The Ashland dancing party given last Faiday evening, was .said to be THE swell occasion of the season. Those who attended from Medford were: Mr. and Mrs. Enyart, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barneburg. Mr. J. A. Whitman and Miss Mollie Barneburg, Dr. Demorest and Miss Ida Naylor. All report a pleas ant time and vote Ashland young peo ple most royal entertainers. For clothing at C03t, inquire at Henry Smith's, Medford. A' teachers' institute is booked to be held in this city on April 27, 28 and 29. We have strived mightily to the end that we mierht eret particulars re garding this meeting, but the above is about all we have been able to learn, except that there will probably be something like an hundred and fifty teaehers present and that the institute will be held in the public school. build ing. A large stock of woolen yarns, at greatly reduced prices Henry Smith's Those knives! You have probably' heard of tbem? If not you can now read of them. They are keen, smooth cutters and one of the most useful ar ticles known to a well regulated house- . hold. There are three of them which go as companions. . One for cutting bread, another for cake and a third for paring potatoes. Beek, Whiteside & Co. sell them at eighty cents a set. Violin strings, at the drug store on the corner. The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Drisko occurred last Sunday. These people are but re cently -from Linn, county, this stale, i and as they are almost strangers in a j strango land their afflictions will nat , urally seem harder to boar. Howjver, Outs the sympathy of all our neoule is ex tended. The child was born on March 5th and died March 12th. Endless variety of dolls and toys at Q. W Wolters. Sinoe Dr. Pryee's return to our city his health has improved somewhat and while the good doctor is hardly rugged enough to do service as a har vest hand he is quite equal to the oc casion of writing prescriptions, and he desires us to say to the people here abouts that- he will prescribe for all who" will call at his C street residence. Go to Hamilton & Palm for prices on houses and lots, also unimproved lots and acre tracts on the install ment plan. Last Saturday Messrs. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. received a car load of wagons and buggies, among them b.;ing several of the justly celebrated Corvallis buggies. ' Agent Lawton is more than busy getting them arranged in good shape, but as hustling is the business that suits him best there is no kick coining. Seed corn for sale, by P. W. Ol well. Just as we are ready for press we learn the sad news of the death of Mr. A. W. Bashrord. son of G. W. Bashford, which occurred Wednesday at his par ents' home in Jacksonville" precinct. Funeral services will be held today, at nine o'clock a. m. Interment in Jack sonville cemetery. Call and examine Demorests Bros'., dentists.- combination gold and allumi num plate work. Offioe in opera house block, 'Medford. " The next V. C. T. U. convention is to be held in Jacksonville on April 4th and 5th. The attendance promises to be unusually large and as. an exceed ingly good program has been prepared it is safe to assure all woo a.t-jnd a most pliasant and proStib'e session. All are invitid. Garden S.-ed Peas, boans, corn, onions, beets, etc., for sale by the pouud, at Henry Smith's. Mr. R. F.esse has purchased the C. street M-at Market of G.- W. Mathes and is now in charge of same. Mr. B. is carrying a good line of meats and if court -ousir atnv.-nt and liberal prices w ill build up a trad.' his is assured, gjs a(j app .JlPS elsewhere in this paoer. w s Kiag ha3 p,Jrehas..,d three acres of land in the Mingus addition nd 80m,,,im, during. lhe summor he will er ct a hneKlw.-Hiiisr houss tn .r n .1. and is soon as crops ar 'arnored from 1 which he has ! his Sams Valley farm leased -he will move his family to our city. Pure maple syrup at Davis & Po; tenger's. " - While it is hardly expected at this season of the year that the poultry market will keep brisk yet there are continually a f :w good siz.'d shipm ;nts being made. Sunday morning Messrs. Davis & Pottenger shipped 210 chickens to Sao Franeisco. Wanted By Fetsch the tailor, a boy to learn tailoring. The family of A. T. Drisko desire us to extend their thanks to the people in this vicinity for the many expres sions of sympathy" and the assistance rendered during their recent bereave ment. - Twenty per cent off on men's fine shoes and furnishing goods for cash only, at Henry Smith's. Foreman Kelley reports that he and his men are greatly improving the S. P. traek on his section, between Medford and Tolo.' by putting in new ties and new material generally. Mrs. Sears' new spring stock of millinery goods has arrived and is now opened for inspection. On Monday of last week a bright little girl baby arrived at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamlin, and that household throughout is correspond ingly bright and happy. Legal blanks at J. A. Slover & Co's drug store. Mr. D. W. Speas has his fine, new residence, east of Medford, completed and the same is replete with all modern attachments and is a model of neatness throughout... . A man has two stoves and a lot of tinware which he will sell cheap. En quire at the Second Hand Store. - Messrs. Hamilton & Palm have purchased the vacant Halley building on E street and will move the same onto one of their lots, just south of The Clarendon.. . . Ladies' and children's shade hats, from 20 cants up, at Palm's. Tha Medford Fence works received a car load of pickets this week and Mr. Fradenburg is rolling out different styles of fencing in a manner most as tonishing. Pure Cider Vinegar at Davis &J Pottinger. Come; gentle spring, etheral mild ness, get a move on yourself. You are long past daU3 and the farmer waxeth heated under the collar at your derlic tion. Smoke the Detroit Free Press cigar at C. W. Wolters. George Merriman is slicking up immensely about his C street residence several new shade trees being a part of the improvements. If you want legal blanks, J. A. Slover & Co. keep them corner drug store. A petition for a new sidewalk, from the Clarendon hotel, one block south and thence west one block, is being circulated. A new and very finely gotten up desk, adds materially to the general in terior uppearanceof Ham il ton & Palin'i Front street real estate offioe. The railroad commissioners wero down this way Wednesday, inspecting ; this part of the 3. P. and the entire line of the R. R. V. road- The best bread in town at Penwell's bakery. G. R. Young writes us from North Temescal, California, that "times are duced quite" down that wuy and that rain is most plentiful. Walla Walla garden seed at the Racket. Mr. W. L. Halley has moved to the residouce formerly -occupied by Drggist Slover, near Mr. Davis' place, on the west side. For teas and coffee try Davis & Potteuger. . Noah Bros, are arranging to give a grand ball at Central Point on May first. More extended notice giveu later. For maple shade trees go to I. Wolf, Medford, Oregon. Mr. J. Beok, Jr., was confined to his house several days this wek and last, with a severe cold and soro throat, Go to the Premium Market for Bologna and all kinds of sausage. Died, of erysipelas, in Sams Valley, March 13, 1S95, Mis? Belle ' Linvill, aged -3 years, 6 months and 5 days. Rubbi-r balls, from five cents up, at the corner drug store. Saturday evening Mr. H.M.Hanley shipped three car loads of fine beef cat tle to Portland. - Mr. J. A. Slover has moved .his family to Mr. Ulrich's new residence on C street. A nice line of ladies and children's spring underware and hosiery at the Racket. Just received, a nice line of .spring millinery goods at Mrs. C. W. Palm's. The work of cleaning the "water ditch was completed yesterday. Millinery goods cheaper than ever before nt Mrs. C. W. Palm's. Barb wire, 51 c ats per pound.-Xet cash, at Henry Smith's. Curtain netting and scrim at thj Racket. Monytoloan Hamilton & Palm. Mackeraland codfish at Wolters. More new laces at the Racket. Buy face veiling at Palm's. Medford Was Houored. The Mail has reiterated the fact man v times of . lat; that Medford was receiving more attention and being mre lavisniy nonorea man most towns ; of lbis goldm stafcj "of ours. The last' feather to be placed in h-r crown-. visiting Medford friends last week and Saturday evening from his Iowa trip, plumed head gear is the first gov- j doing a large amouuV, of trading with and re oris having Imd a most enjoy erm :ntal appointment uad-;r the pres-; our generous merchants. 1 able visit with his parents sad rela- ent administration, and is that or Mr. T. G. Spaugler, U. S. guager, for the v,. v,vb..... ....... ..... seat oi operanons. -Mr. j. e. one- side was the incumb-ut of this offic" under the Harrison administration, and as other matters needed his attention j he decided to resign his position and ' preferring to do so under the adminis tration that appointed him he forwarded his resignation to headquarters at Washington and "the same was ac cepted on the third of March. Here is where the puculiarity of this move comes in: Whiteside's resignation ac cepted Maroh 3rd, March 4lh President Cleveland was inaugurated, theoth was Sunday and the 6th Spangler was ap pointed. It therefore must follow that Medford gets one of the first, if not the first, appointment under President Cleveland's regime. Mr. Spangler's appointment was to take effect last Monday, March 20lh, and on that day all the paraphernalia of the office was turned over to him. Among The Churches. Medford Baptist Church. Subject for eleven o'clock service next Sunday: Tho evidence of true discipleship, John x. 29. The B. Y. P U. service at 6:30. Conquest meeting. Subject: Africans in America for Christ. Miss Ora Ad kins, leader. Union Temperance ser vice at 7:30. Topic for weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday, March 29: La borers together with Cod, I Cor. Jii:9. Tho next regular monthly Unio i Gos pel Temperance meeting will be bold at the MHhodist church next Sunday evening. The meeting will bo ad dressed by Rev. A. S. Foster. It is de sired that the choirs of the several churches be present and assist in the musical program. A general invita tion is extended to all to attend. How They Celebrated. Last Friday w:m St. Patricks day, and in honor of Ireland's hero the day was duly celebrated in Medford: Insurance Agent Hunt wore a green necktie cut decoletto and from a bolt of green calico furnished by Postmaster Howard. Bert Whitman also wore a green necktie, cut bias with frilled ends and enough to go twice around his neck, cut from the same roll of calioo. Landlord Purdin wore green ribbon tied in every button hole of his best Sunday coat, and green goggles, which consequent maue nun a groeu-ejreu monster and he jealously coveted all the dollars that didn't come his way. Prof. Rlgby purohased a new hat and the college boys wore crape not green but black in honor of the sudden de mise of the cast aside head gear. Alex.. Galloway wore yellow, but he wished he had dyed it grooh, as a mat ter of fact, he wished he had died him self when he was bitterly accosted for his disloyalty to Ireland's greatest pat riot. Smoke Pride of Medford cigar, for sale by Davis & Pottenger. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTE CY PURE PCRF.LY PERSONAL. Insurance Agent DesCATUP is in San. Francisco on business. Mr. H. H. McCarthy is in Portland for a brief business trip. Mr. C. W. Palm transacted business with Ashland people last Friday. Mr. W. H. SlMM.JNS was doing busi ness at Ashland a few days this week. Mr. L. E. Hoovek, formerly of Med ford. is now located at Red Bluff, Cali fornia. Mrs. C. S. PitlCE and son of Jackson ville spent Saturday last with Mwdford friends. Mjrch int GtOK'3B BlOSVtf, of Eagle Point was daing bmiaeiJ in Modfotul Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McLLER,of Jaolc Jacksonville, were Medford visitors last Saturday. Prof. RaYNOXD was doing a' turn at business and pleasure down in,Callfor nia this week. Scott morris and m. S. mayfield, of Spikenard, pressed downy pillows at The Medford Monday night. Mr. J. C. TCUNADGE carao down from Antelope Monday to lay in a sap ply of the necessities of life. Mr. ELLIS, of Wagner. Croek, was investing in Medford's" provisions and mining supplies last Saturday. G. H. BitONSON. a rancher in the Applegate country, was doing trading in the valley metropolis Tuesday. Mr. Geo. W. Mathes was over In the Sams Valley country the fore part j f tne w J0k looking after business mat- Vers. Mr. J. W. Makksbuky. the clever Gold Hill merchant, was one of the mnny pleasant Medford visitors last Friday. Mr. A. A. Davis, the popfltar and jovial merchant miller of Medford. was up at Ashland Monday for a brief business stay. Mr. J. L. BrLI.ES. of Moline, Illi- nois, is in Medford looking up a suit- ; aoie location 10 engage in agriculture nuu " " i Mrs. Knighton, of E:k Creek, was! Mr ALLEN- Mathews. cf Albinv, lookin , over Medford Tuesdav. with tho possibility of cstablistiing a hard ware and implement house here. Geo. P. Wali.iham. of Portland, was i down looking the Orchard Home farm Weduesduy. The gentleman has an interest in this famous fruit farm. Mr. C. J. 'Thompson, of San Fran cisco, representing the Hamburg In surance company, was doing bu.-inev with load agent V. I. Vawter, - Mon day. Mr. E. Mver. one of the eood ranch ers living in the vicinity of AshlanJ, was uown to our metropolis .Monday. and while here mul! the purchase of a Blackland gang plow. Mr. W. S. Kino, of Foots Creek was In Medford this week looking up a residence into which he could move his family, that his children may profit by our superior schools. Geu. S. B. EDDY, of Pendleton, Ore gon, anJ one of the state railroad com missioners was visiting friends in Med ford Vonday and Tuesday. He is a re lative of Druggist Slover. Mr. AL. Townsend. of Denver, Col orado, and a miner of years experience, is in Medford getting things in shape for n summer prospecting tour in .the hills adjacent to our valley. Mrs. E. Edelhokk and. Miss Hill, of Wyoming, are new visitors to this part of the country, and will undoubt edly locate -in our city. Tho former lady is here in hopes of improving her health. Mr. A dole Carlton, of Butte Creek came down to the Metropolis Monday. and renewed acquantance with our business men, and upou dearting bore away many ol tnelr uncqualed wares and provibions. Miss Oka Adkins left M jdfordTuos dayfora few weeks', visit with rela tives at Halsey, this state. The young lady has been in poor, health of late and goes thither in hopes that the change may prove beneficial. Mr. D. M. McVean, special agent and adjuster for the American Central Firo Insurance Company, of St. Louis, was a visitor to Medford this week and while here established a lo cal agency with Mr. J. W. Law ton. Mr. JAS. UAMLlN started out on a prospecting tour in the country south and west of Medford. He is of the opin- . ;0Q thut h(J faus 8orajtninf proUy 8lick ; . , miliera, lin, anll ho will not stop until it is thoroughly investigated Messrs. W. W. Walters, and I. H. HOMEY, two prominent Ashlaud min ing gentlemen wore in Modford Sun day and part of Monday doing business with Assayor Johnson. Tho gentle men own extensive mines In Northern California aa well as near Ashland. H. F. WOOD, tho oontraotor and builder of Jacksonville, came over to thin nit.v vnntarrliLv to take in tha sltua- tion. Mr. W. was contemplating go- . ... 1 u u 1 Ing to California to reside, but has since 'decided to remain right here and Powder await results of our many promised enterprises. Mr. S. H. Holt started out with a team" Tuesday morning for the purpose of soliciting scholarships to the M;d ford business college He will visit all parts of the valley and as soon as the snow in the mountains will admit ho will cross over and do work of like nature in Eastern Oregon. J. T. Galvin, road mast;r for the Southern Pacific, stopped off in Med ford Tuesday and exchanged railroad talk with Agent Lipponcott. Mr. Gal vin's service with tho S. P. folk's dates back to a time when Medford was hardly worth mentioning the only business house hero being that of J. S. Howard. Dr. C. A. RUOGLES, of Dairy,' Klam ath county, rewirned to Medford Tues day morning from Portland. Some' three years ago the doctor was so un fortunate as to receive a severe kick in the face from a horse and from the ef fects of which he has since been trou bled. He is now being treated by Dr. Geary. Mr. W.T.York, an old North Dakota friend of the writer, is in-our city and will be connected with the publication of The Mail. You will undoubtedly know more of him later. He is a pretty good hustler and as that is one of the principal requisites necesiary in newspaper work, we'll be getting to the front quite a plenty. Mr. C. I. Homes, manager of the F. C. Homes fc Son stock ranch, near Ash--land. was In Medford a few days this week on business connected with their fiuo ranch. These gentlemen breed nothing but tji best of horses, and that to, of the trotting class. Their Guy ; Davis is a beauty to look upon and a speeder of no slow reputation. Mr. L. OCarsox, who has for several months past been connected with The M AIL bits s-vered his connection with this paper and will without doubt, from j now on. give hi attention to de j Teloping his mining interests o"n Wolf ! Crc-K, which, by the-way. are showing up verv rich. His connection with lQls paper has been a very pleasant one ana mucn to tne paper s gooo. Dr. W. S. JONES returned hom: last lives. His wife and little daughter will make an extended visit there in hopes of benefitting Mrs. Jones" health, which has been very poor of late. Since his return the doctor has taken into partnership Dr. E nil Kirehgeiner, who recently cams here from South D.ikot i. m n'.ioa of which was made in last week's Mail. Dr. K. comes highly recotnm.'uded and the new firm will no doubt do their share of tho business. Birthdays and Native Fruits. A week ago last Monday, March 13, was Mrs. J. W. Short's birthd-iy and in honor of the event her sister, Mrs. John Morey gave a birthday parly.- There were a numVr of relatives and friends rresent and a most enjoyable time was had. A sumptuous repast was prepared by Mrs. Morey and the desert - was matte up oi native I runs, tne orange predominating, and which were grown by-Mr. Morey, right here in Medford. In the puddings were rusins which were also raised aud cured in Medford and the product of the same garden from whence came the oranges. THE Mail feels just a little tingling ef pride in b ;ing ab!o to thus mentiou oranges and raisins as among the tropi cal fruits which cau be successfully grown. in the Rogue river valley. The wonderful possibilities of this country are as yet in their infancy, but we are always glad to make note of, and en courage, the advent of new diversities in fruit culture. We hope Mrs. Short may live to celebrate many more birth days and that Mrs. Morey may be en abled to provide, not only native oranges and raisias, but many more of the sev eral tropical fruits. A Distinguished Medical Visitor Is coming to Medford and' will be at Elotel Medford on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 24,-2 " and 2a. - Dr. Archibald C. Stoddart, President of the Hebig World Dispensary, the largest incorporated medical associa tion in the world Divisions in Chicago, Kansas City. San Francisco and Los Angels, and all tho principal cities in the United Suites. On nccwunt of enormous practice all over the Paoifio coast. Dr. Stoddart can remain positively only three days in Medford, and will have offices for free consultation at above named hotel mid on above dat -s. Thd staff Physician, Diagnostician and orator will deliver a free lecture to ladies from 3 to 4 p. m. at tho Opera House on Friday, March 24, and will also deliver a free lecture to men only, at the same place from 8 to 9 p. ra on the same evening. Tho lectures will be splendidly illustrated with flue stj reoilicau views ten feet square.. Dr. Liebig & Co. treat and cure more ca.-te.s, have more institutes and more capital invested in curing chronic aud men's diseases, than alt others com bined. 'Established in San Francisco, sincu 1S5D. Thoroughly reliable and competent. Diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat skillfully treated; also diseases of a private and delicate nature in men and women. . Braces manufactured for all deformities. Weak men and women restored to full vigor of manhood and womanhood, incurable cases nottatcen. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. , This will be a rare chance to consult free with the great modern Amorican, (jorman and European Doctors right here in Medford. Another New Building Promised Tho building interests of C street are looking up. This week we are author ized to state that Mr. I. Woll, at not,a very distant dute, will begin the con struction of a two story wooden build ing on the corner of 6lh and C street. v.....u'a i h..;i .. ...,' ,'v,.' completed will bo occupied by Mr. .,, . . , , Wolf as a general m jrchandisa store. Supplying Taeotua with Pork. With every turn of the wheirl Med ford's products finds a wider and more distant field for their consumption. Last Monday evening Mr. J. W. Hock ersinith shipped a car load of at hogs all the way to Tacoraa, Washington. Verily, even Rogue river hogs are be coming famous, and in a distant land Clean -Up the Backyard and Alley. Having noticed for several days that the section men are cleaning up the R. R. reservation and burning up the rub bish and filth. I was thinking what a healthy hint it is to our city council to order the backyards and alleys cleaned up, and burn up the trash and filth that has been accumulating in somj places, for years, and by so doing improve the sanitary condition of our city, as this is more particularly the time Cf the year when the filth we see on every hand, "breeds malarial diseases, and thus endangers the health of the peo ple. One Particularly Interested. Obituary Elder. The death of Will T. Elder occurred at his father's residence in this city on Saturday morning last March 19. The young man had been in very- poor health for the past eighteen months, during which timi his life was slowly, but 6urely, wasting away with that . most dreaded of ail diseases, consump tion. Will was a bright, handsome young New Goods! - " n J -v-w. . v. ,,,.u nvuig anu nusuvTT. - 1 . . C. til. WoltePS. THE GROCER, Has just added a new stock of GENTS' FURNISHING -- GOODS AND HATS. Men's and boys' working and , drivins: erloves: white and fan- W icy dress shirts; cuffs and hosiery. Silk, linen and cotton hand kerchiefs; overalls and men's working pants; men's and boys' underwear. : : n C. W. WOLTERS, the- grxjcer. W B3DJS! OOOOOO w. r VAvrrER. Pres. VTm. SLINGER. Vice Pre. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL, $50,000 Loan money on approved security, and trausact a general banking business on th most favorable terras fcSy Your Business Solicited. Correspondents: ' :T" Corbin Banking Co:. N. Y. . . Pacific Bank, San Francisco Commercial National, Portland. Ladd & Bush. Salem. Mitchell Farm AXD Spring Wagons MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAYER GO. 0 Dealers in aehinety and Vehicles. Bean's Celebrated SPRAY PUMPS Canton, Black . Lan3 Gang and Single Plows. Bissel and Gals Chilled Plows. I. X. L. COMPOUND WASH. A full line of Machinery kept in stock at all times, and every article warranted first-class. - Our new and elegant Catalogue will be ready for delivery in a few. days. Send for one. D. T. LAWTON, MANAGER, i Medlord, - - ' - - . - Oregpiw man, with friends without, number,. and to thus have the thread of his young life broken when just vergiog into manhood is indeed sorrowing, but H j'who both giveth life and ta'ceth it away, knows test and to His will we.all must submit. Deceased wa3 seventeen years, eig"ht -months and' twenty-four days of age. n wins porn- in vva aldo county, this stale, June 2i,- 1375. There are four older brothers, one sister and father of the immediate relatives that survive him. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church, Medford, Monday morning. Interment was made in the family burial lot in the Jackson ville cemetery. Scott Is Getting "Riled." We are to have a nerr rod ml house. Messrs. Carter. Welh, et al propose to build it at their oivn pxpenpe in order to force the loca tion. The people are not "in it." Go in bovs; you destroyed th? old house and ought to have replaced it several years ago. The school law of Oregon confers upon school, boards the power of an absolute monarchy. Oar board rose to the opportunity. They tear down, they build, they pay the highest price for teacher-and hire their pet by r the year and go in debt, or hold over funds according to tne dictates of their own sweet wills. "We get tired." The result of the annual meeting was a rebuke purposoly di rected a?aint the "in:iheen." Next year will bring fr-edom from the last Czar of the line. The next an nual meeting will close with the long meter 'Doso'ogy: Praise God from, whom, etc. Scott Morris. Fine spices and. extracts at Davis & Pottenger's. Go to Penwell's baker v for bread, . y pies, cakes, etc Fruit jars at Davis & Pottengers' collars and 7 o 1 J. E. ENYART. - Casluez Medford, Oregon, receive deoostts subject to check. Buggies, Carts,. Carriages, Harness, Etc. J. I. Case Gang and. Clipper Plows. Canton & Case Leaver Harrows :qq o q New Goods! I BIT BBttl: