The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 24, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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-Published Brer? Friday Morning.
Ho is of few days; bat quite a plenty.
Entered in tna Postoffloo at Medford, Orajoa
as Second-Class Mail Hatter.
Med ford, PurDAY March 21, 1SP3
- Leadbettsk alone we're " all
right anyhow. This is a pun. Later:
Leadbsttcr is all right. He will be
here to-day or to-morrow. This is
not a pun.
With but one "exception, every
member of President Cleveland's
cabinet is a Presbyterian; that ex
ception "is Carlisle, who is not a
member of any church.
Siberia has a city of 30,000 peo
ple who have rioble churches and
public " institutions dedicated to
their use, but which has- not yet
been marked or named on any map.
During next winter ex-President
Harrison will devote his time to
writing a book. This book, Mr.
Harrison says, will relate specially
to a number of important matters
connected with- his administration
that the public have not fully understood.
The acme of incongruity was
reached at a recent fair in the east
One of the-features was a grab bag,
and among the things in the ba
was a slip of paper, on which were
the words, "Good for one- prave
Will be dug any time daring "the
ensuing year, John Smith, sexton."
He who is skeptical and whose j
eyes are goggled" with a mist that j
cannot see-wherein our town is day
by day making' rapid strides, and
headed for the fore rank, needs but
to make a count of the new build
ings being built, new sidewalks le
ing put down and streets being
If all newspaper readers were as
charitable and as kindly disposed
as is the-author of the following
from Central Point, there would be
a- greater field for compliments:
"Tee Mail is greatly valued by us
and we very much enjoy rending it
think it the best county paper
- There is greater need of skilled
direction in the construction of
roads in the West than in the East.
Why should not our Western col
leges add this course to their cur-
. ricula? It will help the i-ause of
good road3 immensely when there
are trained specialists at hand ready
- to make them.
accompanied by the Rev. Dr. Stry-
ker. The latter explained with
much minuteness of detail the gen
eral appearance of the picture and
its yarious points of excellence,
that the children left the place glee-'
fully chatting about what they had
seen through their preceptor's eyes.
Salem has another daily paper
the Oregon Independent and its a
good one couldn't well be any
thing else with L. II. McMahon at
its mast head. It is no particular
credit to Mac. that he prints a good
paper he can't help it but it's a
good tiling for people who are so
fortunate as to be readers of his
journal. Success Mac, and may
the cactus wreaths which are so of
ten wont to crown the heads of our
fraternity ,in your case be transposed
into those of laurels and sprayed
with the perfume of violets.
Mr. Jordan, editor of the Fargo,
North Dakota, Republican, who is
himself a postmaster, gives this out
as why the position of postmaster
is so eagerly sought: ''The writer
hereof had supposed all along that
the numerous applicants for the
Fargo p. o. were in the field for the
salary attached thereto. This seems
to be an "erroneous supposition, a
word now comes that the mucilage
on the new Columbian stamp has
medicinal qualities, and that its fre
quent use will prove to be a specific
for dyspepsia," heartburn, nervous
ness, gout, rheumatism, neuralgia,
backache, sore throat, coughs, colds,
intluenza, sore eyes, salt rheum,
ingrowing toe-nails, and that tired
The Alaskan seal fisheries are
always an Item of interest. It is es
timated that for one seal which the
poachers secured they destroyed
seven. This seems like a high es
timate, but facts obtained last year
in Alaskan waters prove that the
seals go much farther out to sea for
food than was formerly supposed.
In shooting St-als in the open ocean
the chances are ail against capture.
for the mortal! wounded seal nearly
always escapes capture ami dies in
some remote place where its skin is
Kst. The- poacher is interested
only in geiting skins, so he spares
nothing. The result is that unless
a check is put to illicit sealing this
year the business, even in the Priby
lov islands, will be practically
ruined. ...
School closed last Friday.
Mrs. Hinklo is on the siok list.
Tha'planiiig mill was running Mon
day. P. T. Fradenburgh made a flying
trip to Ashland last Saturday.
Mrs. J. C. L-e and Mrs. Virgil went
to Modford on business Monday.
Mrs. Clara Hawk lias boon oulte sick MEDFORD,
the past few days, but is getting bottcr.
Stella Stidham will begin teaching a
subscription school at this place next
James Williams and children, ot
Grants Pass, have baen visiting at P.
C. Williams. -
Misses Cnrdwell and Damon" went to
Sams Valtay Saturday, the latter re
maining thero.
Harry Tomple is workinsr with the
flume surveyors, in place of Kit Carson,
who resigned.
Mrs. I. M. Nichols was at Ashland
last week on business connected with
her profession.
Mrs. Virgil, of Eagle Point, was in
town a few days last week, visiting the.
family of Dr. Lie.
Noah Bros, furnished music for the
club dance Saturday evoning:, and of
course it was excellent.
The card party at the him 3 of Miss
Minnie Owen last Saturday evening
was a very pleasant affair
Mr. Van Antwerp and Mr. Wood.ruff
with their families will soon return to
their home, up Itoguj river.
Sam McClendon has invested quite
extensively in town lots, and proposes
to "hum" things in the near future
The flume surveyors tents cams last
week. We presume this will be com'
forting to the man-with-tho-hatchet.
The singers who wont out to Antioch
Saturday say they ha l a pleas inttirn
saw lots of country, but not many people.
Henry Bniokman, of Ashlatd. was
here on business lat Monday. Mr.
Brockman is talking of locating iu our
city. -
Edna Gibson "will tvgin h-T third
trm of school at Galls Creek next
week. This spjil:s will for Miss Gib
son as a teacher.
While in town it will pny you to go
to th- gallery of Mrs. Nichols and look
at th'wa elegant photographs, (quadra
sizj) for only 31. 5 J pr dozen.
Prof. Clayton has ben engaged to
teach a term of school at Woodville.
beginning the first Monday in April.
His family will remain here for the
When a certain citizjn of this place j
Keeps a full line of
Drugs, Dnr Ms anil Patent iMste
School Books, Stationery Toilet Articles and Cigars.
Record, 2:34.
Trial, 2:16.
Manufacturers of and dealers in
(Jed a
W'c k-cp on hand a large stork of Fhmring. Rustic and Ceiling, also
ir, Yellow and Sugar I'ine. Seasoned and finish lumber.
ooo soeco
This celebrated Stallion will stand for the season of '93 at Medford,
Oregon, on Saturdays and Mondays, commencing April 1st, at Edwin
Warman's livery stable.
CUV Davis 's a beautiful black. lx'A hands high; weight, 10-"0
pounas; a nuiewnue on icu niuu 1001. lie is iauiuess in comoruiauou.
and is of a kind disposition.
He is by Erwin Davis, by Kentucky Hunter, by broken Leg Hunt
er, the sire of Flora Temple the first hort-e to bent 2:1'J. Erwin Davis
was first horse to sire a yearling colt that trotted in 2:o;). or better. Er
win Davis' dam, Los Diailoud. by Haiiiblt'tonian.lU Fourth dam of
Guy Davis, by Old Imp Messenger; 1st, '2d and 3rd dams, by sou, grand
son rod great grandson, respectively. His cam has a record of 2:45.
TEAMS' $25 by season. S-1" to insure. Scrvise fee due when
season is out. and insurance is due when rcure is known to be in foal, or
is parted with,
F. 0. Homes & Son.
is, paper, mmi
ma Piste, Hrtisls' m
jiiitiimittiiiiitMiMiiiiimuimifiiiiiif imititiMi,
I JJNDERTAKING. I Picture Framing Specialty.
Eafcla Point Eaglets.
roioectin for some time in this
TnE courts of Georgia have re
cently given out some interesting
telegraph laws. One decision ex
empts telegraph companies from
penalties from failure to deliver
messages on Sunday, and another
decides that a telegraph co mpany
is not excused from using care be
cause a message is.ungrammatical.
. , , , ,. , , section, leaves next wevk for Ca'.i-
A lady lecturer delivered a lec- f1)rij t
ture in Eagle Point last Thursday ' () Tiffanv who h;ls ,)C(,n ,.op.
evening. buhject: Foreign '"'Hping at the Ashland Company's
sions. Rev. Marns pre .died U, uUw on GkU C(Vt.k Vuiled j)U
us on Saturday evening and Kev .,fim)iIv in AMiinil Sundav.
uovving on cumiay iimrmng anu i- c. Sam VhISmt.
evoning .... Del. 1 ernl, from J .,m, s.lm m.,.,,, allj 1)r. j. 0.
hro.v.,sboro . was on our street. t-j i f Central IW. were in our
urday. The boys are organizing w,, o:l I.umh-m o:. d.iv last w- ek.
abase ball nine and are already
discussing the important question, j Legal Transact ons.
who shall we challenge? . .Tb.e!IT , . .
.,, , , - . II minion Pai n lo b II. Holt,
mill company has been enlarging; u lcr.s in xiiub-us addition;
and otherwise iuipruving the mill; M -uforti. Ko.oO
race and are anxiously inv.iii;ii! an ; Conrad Miajruslo M. H. Haoley,
Formerly Grand Central.
Best Accommodations in the City
M. PURDIW, P opr.
V. L.. UOt't.LA8 PUOfe. SBe pi-
Ine wlma.t V. L Doaslma tuM
u4 rir- .tanrd u kuua.
loru wars
. President Cleveland is- sup
posed to be known in all corners of
the United States, but hi3 acquain
tance don't seem to have reached
very far into Kentucky as is evi
denced by this: A gentleman frjro
that state' upon being introduced to
Mr. Cleveland recently, paralyzed
the spectators by cordially grasping
the chief executive's hand and ask
ing in an audible voice: "What is
the name?"
Chili, it is said, will send no ex
hibit to the world's fair, because she
"has not forgotten the Baltimore'in-
cident." The absence of the ex
hibit will not be very important
The allegation of a good memory is,
however,, of some consequence.
Chili ought to cherish the Balti:
more incident and draw therefore a
lesson in good manners that will ex
tend its benign -'nfluence even to
the third and fourth generation.
In Wyoming a postmaster recent
lv got lost in a snow, storm and
lived thirteen days on dog meat
This is not published in the inter
ests of Postmaster Howard with a
view to discouraging aspirants for
the Medford ' postoffice. There is
no danger in the least of a Medford
. postmaster getting lost in a storm.
and the only possible chance for
the aspirants to get lost would be
in the shuffle at Washington when
the cards are being mixed.
What thought transference act
ually means' was exemplified the
other day in New York City, when
(in entire school of blind pupils vis-jld-tii
Pore exhibition of painting,
Southern Oregon Mines.
From Sunday Oregralan
Tba coming summer promises to bo
a lively one araon-' tha mines of South
ern Oregon. M ining men, representing
capital, and prospectors of long experi
ence have already beun to occupy the
The rich Cad of David Horn, on
Galls creek, iu Jackson county, a few
WL-elfs ago. which has since netted him
a modest fortuue, has aroused the older
Oregoniani, who have lived most of
their lives among rich placer beds, but
kn-w little or nothi-ig of gala in its
native fQi m. Mr. Horn struck one pay
chute in his 1 ;dgefrom which he took out
more than iliOOO. The claim he has
since sold to a company of Ashland
gentlemen for 54000.
Southern Oregon will contributo
handsomely to the state's mineral ex
hibit for the world's fair. C. W. Ayers,
st-ite mining commissioner, xs now in
that part of the state making selectinos.
He has appointed deputies in the vari
ous mining districts to attend to the
l!68er details of the work. The owners
of the Ashland mine will furnish an
$S000 gold brick for the exhibit, and
the Little Annie mine, in the Bohemia
district, will be called upon for a simi
lar production. One hundrsd pound
of rich gold quartz from the Horn
mine, which will produce between $40,
000 and 850,030 to the ton, has been
secured, besides a larga amount of rich
rock of less- value. Many of the more
remote mines, where rich specimens
can be had later in the season, cannot
be reached at this time, but notwith
standing this fact Oreeon will have a
mineral display at the great exposition
which will command the attention and
respect of millions of men.
Advertised Letter List.
The following Is the list of letters reanuning
uncalled for In the Medford. Or., postomca on
March, 18, 1SH: - ..
Kalon. Willard Rel. Dnvid 3
Siaccy. George Werth, Henry
Wnllni Jnhn Smith. J:
Persons ealline for the above letters please
say "advertised." J. S. Howard, P. M.
. Eggs For Hatching.
I offer eggs from pure-bred Black
Minorca fowls. This is a non-sitting,
etcra nroduciner breed. They head the
list for numbar and size of eggs. . If
vou wish to be "in it" raise Minorca's
Prica 81.00 for 15 .eggs delivered in
Medford. Address
Scott Mortnis,
Spikenard, Ore.
The Premium
Market for good
Strength, and Health. '
If vou, are not feolinar strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If '"la
grippe" has loft you weak and weary,
use Electrio Bitters. This remedy
acts directly on the liver, stomach and
kidneys, gently aiding those organs
to perform their functions. If you are
affected with siok headache, you will
find speedy and permanent relief by
taking Electric mtters. une trial win
convince you that this is the remedy
you need. Large bottles only 50c. at
GH. Haekins' drug store.
heard of the gold find in repairing the
building bought by Sam McCU-ndon. he
rushed for his gold nan, but the "pock
et was exhausted bjforo no got dock.
Quite a number of Sam Valley peo
ple were in town last week. Among
thorn wi noticed Israel Harris. Riley
Myers. Ed Ramie, Mr. Glass, Ed Nich
ols. Noan brothers and several others.
J)r. Whitney, of Grants Pass, but
formerly of th:s place, called on his
friends hero last week.. We are sorry
to stale that the doctor has very poor
health and has changod greatly since
he left here.
Miss B.-lIa LinvilW, a ni:e of J. J .
Priddy. of this place, dit?d very sud-
nly at her home in Sams Valley last
Wednesday. She was a very popular
young lady and will ba greatly missed
by her young friends.
Miss Card well sent her petition to
Washington for the postoffice at this
place last week and close on its heels
will follow a remonstrance by ths pres
ent incumbent. Were rather inclined
to think the "dark horse"' will get
ahead of both parties.
The business men "of this place
should stand up for the Roller mill, as
it brings th ;m custom and ha p.-ovjd
to ba the thing we need. If we can
only convince the p.jople that they can
buy as cheap and get as good prices for
their produce as they can in nelghboi
ing towns then our town. will prosper.
As soon as the roads get dry we in
tend to trot over to Eagle Point and
interview Mr. '"Dick," who furnishes
items for the Valley Record. We
know we will meet with a warm recep
tion, as the hospitality of the ''Dicks".
is proverbial, and perhaps h-j will tell
us how he manages to scrape up so
many items. H j hits our town pretty
hard soma times, but we are of a for
giving nature, and wont retaliate by
poking fun at the quiet little village on
the classic Butte. . '
Bis: Sticky Qlsamngs.
improved condition of the ro.ids so
they can n their immense pile
of thuir and feed already on
.... Phil Piirtininent and family,
started for Watrrville. S. 1) last
week. They expect to m ike lh:it
place their future home. The good
wishes of their many friends livre
go with them A. S. Johnson, a
real estate man of Medford. was
showing this part.of the country t
a gentleman from Illinois last we. -k.
Those afflicU-d ith the grippe
this werk are Mrs. Crump, Win.
Bets, Mrs. Williscroft, John Wat
kins, Gus Nichols and Mr. Elliott.
. . . .The school will be delayed one
week on account of Mr. Elliott's ill
ness. . ..Den. lliginlxithoin vas
down from the m-'untains last week.
lots 3 4 aud o, b'k tx: M .sifjrd. 3'
J.iin l !! loCu-uIme tViuetixutl,
iuL i i B.rrvwaler ditch; Ap
pl g it . ' " 4 J0.0J
Y;n. C mrtney lo rienry Ammer
mao. MJucrvs iu l 3." s. r2e, 1.12
J. U. iiamaker lo J. P. Samuels,
I W." ite.-tti in lp .4 r I w, 8.0J
E. E. Miti-rio Ev. V. G.-orgv,
luls 3 anJ 4. Miner's add lo
Ashland, 400.00 i
G. C. Eldingsto Nellie A. Ed-
dings. Macr.-s in tp INs. r I e. 00
R C. Kusseil toJuiius E. Miner,
ltJ aetvs in tp 32 s, r 3 e. . 4 XM 0
Clias. J. Ga'.e ;o sa.u 32i acros.
in tps :S43l,r3e. 1 W).0i
Anna It. Uurdk-k lo Peter R -d-
ling'-r. bik in P A K add to
Jucksuville. 15W.0J
Win. L'lrich lo I.tzzie Li-irale,
Wits 'J & 10. blk 11; M dford. 700.10
Peter C. k-oll to Kobert H. Hal
lev. part of ljt IS blk 20; M.-d-
ford. 2i".00
5a ZZjjja
t yga I " ii A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf,
' B? :jL ill seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable,
a W? (f I stylish and durable than any other shoe ever
wtX-1' - A v so" at the price. Every style. Eqnals costom-
2 K'-jJ jjC - mi Jyll C'l,nae snocs costing from $ to $5.
m hCtI k The foUowin; are of the fame high standard of
21 V; Vjt f tjuL I S4.00 and $5.00 Tiae Calf. Haadrwed.
(9 r'" - jf I Ta it-S Police. Farmers ad Lctterirriers.
e t: 1 iff -1 3a -SO. and J-oo for Wortia? Men.
i ti f- V S2.00 and $1.75 lor Yoclha and Bors.
;" lrJfcu... - -L JS -fj-oo Haad-Seired. FOR
& -f Xw ! 3-oo Dcaoll, ( LADIES.
fc: rl& P? ? XT IS A DUTT yaa emm Tosnali
a5- Iat21 VjH jogetiae oeatvaica ior your
fev x8j Bwoey. ESoonoml tn yoor
otwear T parclieatna; W.
r-THis IS THE Bisissrcss
Will tin exrlalxe nlc taakov dralmud cracral Bf rcaaaw irkers I
KMata. Write for ratalAcvo. If aoc lorwtlia Tw?rptar cad direct to tectory, itinu
ElB4.ataudwMlk wanted. fMtajeFtM. . 1- Oaaztaa, Broctt-a. llata,
E1. Simmons is down fr,m his , c- K?h.!Mr f"G- u-Jo? Vri
01 itii j. uuiQd:i inu'i; uia.
round top ranch and says 'hat his
cattle came through in excellent
condition, having lut but one. . . .
The Uu me surveyors have cro-sed
Little ISntte creek, about two miles
about town, and are now out on
Reese creek. There, arc six in the
party. . . .The people around here
are hardlv as sanguine as they
misht be regarding the Central
Point Hume. We arc all anxiously
awaiting the outcome of the Med
ford railroad project. We believe
that the cheapest and best way' to
get the lumber out of these moun
tains is by rail.
Bock Point Printers.
Miss Ellen Bursell, one of our
successful teachers, commenced a
seven months term at the Griffin
school, on Monday, March 12.
- The flume is a sure thinpj, r.nd is
the cause of a great deal of rejoic
ing. The surveyors are busily at
The Mound school will commence
March 17. with Miss Zuda Oivens
wielding the rod.
Our farmers are getting almost
discouraged with the continual bad
weather. They feel thankful if the
weather permits them to plow half
a day at a time.
The stick6yites have been having
quite a siege of the la. grippe. I
believe all are recovering now, but
several had a hard tusslo for the
Miss Lulu Roberta is again at
home, having finished a six months
school at Talent. Her success as a
teacher is evident by the satisfac
tion given to patrons and pupils
during the entire term. .
A Stickyite.
flenry White was at Woodville
Tom Tycer. fo merly of this place,
has gone to Woodvil'e.
Frank Card well, of Sams Valley,
is stopping here at present.
W. E. Darling has .sold his farm
on Galls Creek, to D. Horn.
J. II.. Storey was visiting in
Grants Pass Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. W. L. Colvig made F.xts
Creek a professional visit Sunday.
Ed. Templfc, formerly of this place
is now located at Phoenix, Arizona.
Miss Lizzie Hi Ilia, of Evans
Creek, is stopping at II. L. While's.
H. II. Magruder, of Central Point,
was -visiting old friends hero last
The Rock Point school started
last Monday, witli Henry Uryder
as teacher.
Miles Standish has shut down
operations -on the old channel on
Foots Creek at present.
Frank Gilmore and Mattio Ma
gerly were visiting friends and rela
tives on Evans Creek Sunday,
Willis Hayes, Win. Flippen and
M. McKinney have- located a very
promising ledge on Galls Creek.
. Mr. Judson Gauiard & Co., of
Ashland, are prospecting some very
promising ledges in this vicioity.
,V:n. Craddock, who has been
A C. TAYLER. Agent.
fflaford, Oregon.
F. O. Medvnski to Hamilton &
P;ilm. luis 2. 3. 4 and 6. blk 4:
Cottage addition to M. dford.
Hamilton & Palm to W. S. King.
3 acres iu MiugJS addition to
.Usifoi-d. :
Uoxy Anu Rockets.
Improvements is fruit culture is
still in progress.
Roxy Au n has been wearing; her
winter cap later than usual this
Kellogg & Son are adding sev
eral acres to their fine orchard.
Chas. HeiniU'th is also setting out
several hundred trees.
lnns. bwauson is opening tin a
fine ranch on the foot hills of Koxy
Ann. and has contracted with W.
P. Dodge for a drilled well.
' Our school teachers are all h ip
py. except perhaps one. vhr, by
mistake, was given the cognomen
of "Mrs.." instead of "Miss." We
hope, however, that the mistake
will in no way cfRct the young
lady's chances, which will entitle
her to those honors.
Miss Bursell is teaching the En
terprise school, on Gritfin creek.
Miss Annie Rosco wields the wil
low at Chimney Rock. Miss Lil
lian Dodge holds a position at Sams
Valley, Mountain district, and Miss
McDowell's scluiols is prospering
finely at Lone Oak. Lone Pine
boasts of one of the largest schools
in the rural districts. Fifty schol
ars are drawiug school money, with
over thirty pupils in daily attend
ance and is celling along finely un
der the efficient mautgeuieut of
Miss Wilson.
La Grippe.
During tho prevalence of the fJrippe
the seasons it was a noticeable fact
Unit thosj who depend. -d upon Dr.
King's Now Discovory, not only had a
spjedy recovery, but escaiwd all of tho
troublesome after effects of tho malady.
This romody sjoius to lmvo a peculiar
power in effecting rapid euros not only
in cases of Li U;-ipe, but iu all Dis
eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, and
has cured cases of Asthma and Hay
Fever of long standing. Try it and bo
convinced. It won't disappoint. Kroe
Trial Bottles at G. H. Haskins, Drug
143,003 Brick cn Hand. First Clsss duality- Urse snd Small
Orders Promptly Filled.
Briek Work of All Kinds
ExarJtaJ : Satisfaction. Givs 8e a Call.
Jas. A. Slover & Co,
Headquarters f-r all the standard drugs in the market.
Artists material and tine stationery.
Largest stock in Southern Oregon.
Fancv goods and toilet articles. Come and see us.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware
i and Fine Building Material.
VarrantcJ CuUery, Carpenters and Builders Tools. Fisting Tickle, Ammunition, Etc. Elo
Redjacket Force Pumps, for deep or shollow wlls. Tin Shep Attached
The only Ture Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aiumouia; No Alum.
Use4 iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the- Standard.
Constantly on hand. Sausages a Specialty.