The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 24, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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    m 10 us wi
The staff of Phy alcjans .0 Uia
j of San Fraiiciaco,
Will examina all cases free of charge,
Tha doctors describa the different dis
eases batter than the sick can tbeja-
;& It is a wonderful gift for anyone to
- 'j. v potass: "Their dlognostic povars have
created wonders throughout theeoun-
't-" -v '-rv. . Tha doctors are well known as
2 . ... f.,i ..;.; . 1 .11 ..I K .
i; ". r ?i "chronic diseases and diseases of the
'L'ki:-f.t5i.'-''Ti're and ar. and all forms of nervous
.- rr ? -J .. ' v.ud nrivata diseases will be successfully
JfVV- vr.Seted on the njost scientific priiicir
-Mes. Canesr positively cured without
. 5. 'V-''"-:, ; pain or ine use 01 a Knue.
y-i','-" 5'.'.lDortailt The doctors after many
5. to
1 Ladies.
years of experience navo
discovered thy greatest cura
fv .. .r. .: i.Ue diseases positively cared by a nw
'iV.W''.Tm2dy. The cure is efficel by n
.- -jr'-n.5'' ..,.. Jvoioj treatment, entirely harmless and
3f Ji'-f-h fjJily applied. Consultation free and
-iv 3;? Stretl7 Confidential. Correspond-
Vtjiej will ba promptly answered.
Married persons or youx-r
r h. ,1 'v-- -r - . . -
- -' r an lat1.. int'ii run u:iu tua Lin" mini 1-
,.--; ; . monv, aw&ro 01 tneir pnys
ical weakness, loss of procreative paw-
impotency ir other disquaiilica-
, speedily restored.
: ? -..'Private
"J :Jir Mseaneii.
Blood Poison. enorial
Taint. Gleet, Stricture.
Seminal Emissions. Loss cf
1 O...--- TiT-l-r.--. f
VrVJ'-;3 Saxual Organs, want of desire in male
; v-5 - &aA female, whether from imprudent
Kt'rX. aSits of youth, or sexual habits of
t ; mature years, or any cause that dcbil-
- 'Or' 7. r- : it-ita the sexual orsans sneedilv and
Ti r'. fu -permanently cured,
-' --vjjd strictly confidential.
Copj rigljt, 1S02, by The Century Comiiuy.
.11 riglita rpscrved.J
jOousulUitioa free
fi - w Fits, and
Positlvely cured by a new
never failing m;tnoa.
, The doctors, after years of experience
rTt" lis. re discovered the greatest known
'. Tjenre for weakness in the back and
Jr" v limbs, involuntary discharges, irapo-
.lency, general debility, nervousness,
.j; 'iaBguor, confusion of ideas, palpitation
. - jf the heart, disease of the head,throat,
-jr oaf and skin, affections of the liver,
e. laags. sxomacu ana ooweis moss icr-
.yi.-JS; ' "'f'- tary Tice of youth, and secret practices
? vS''.'' i-Jjlasting' their most' radiant hopes and
Vtvs - . iJ anticination-t renderin "marriaire im-
'v.flpssible take one candid thought b?-V-
' Jtftire it is too late. A week or month
V -.C-'-'v-Vrray place your case beyond the reach
- - Z-.- ,r fil hope. Our method of treatment will
r ' J'-"" -f,- jpeedjly and permanently cure the
''-""TJ?r4i'jnDst obstinate case, and restore perfect
, S v --" jj- 3t - tiT? TO MIDDLE AGED MEN.
T""1 - -" 1 -v- ThBre flrti man v from th of Jl to
who are troubled with frequent
macuauons of the bladder, often
lafocompanied with a slight burning or
jvmarting sensation. weaKaning tne sys-
list: " v?: ;
- Me of thi difficultv who are iffnorant
' --ol the case, which is the second stage
o -r of seminal weakness, we will guaran-
. e a perfect cure in all such cas.-s. and
"urinary organs.
. " --'. v er. rr-"! Persons applying for medical treat-
ii- iT'f"v mint should send or bring from two to
I " - " ' - . fAiti. AnniBB nf nrinp Tt.hnt tMumvl fi r
i-rJ the morning preferred which will
"';"Lj: --Receive a careful chemical and micros
4C C-12-, ' ;iic"!opical examination. Persons ruined
Cvir'-."''.ii'i;' "-in health by unlearned pretenders, who
' keep trifung with them month alter
sZ. month, giving poisonous and injurious
Compounds, should apply imaied lately.
V T pjlays are dangerous.
in old cases which have
' rs.-ir ? r; ""i J- Perfectad
" 'i 'T'lieeii neglected or unskillfullv treated.
?No experiments or failures.
j iv I'aruea ireaiea oy man or,
but where possible personal consultation
is preferred. Cases and correspondence
- ,--'-.connaenuaiiy. ireatment seni
i S.:-i',l?-rr''i &,"-'''! D. to any part of the United -States.
...''.;'' cf' rh.stinn Mini
blanks free.
Address with
& SURG. 1N-
. '.-J!-i:-'.-:tfr firmaRY, l(C9i Market St.
-T- W-j t-' " San Francisco, Cal.
ir-- J-' f
Creation of
Pariaian Enamol: For tb
1 of a wrfeet Comolcsioa. Tb:
favorite Freach Conseuc.
AppaCs Complexion Cream Eradi
cates Wrinkles, and gives to the 8 kin the
!-- Texture ol youth.
Appel'3 8 kin Bleach. Eradicate, all
blemishes, and discoloration! of the akin each
;' as Tan, Snnbnrn, Freckles, Swarthy and
creasr aooearaocexif the tace.
Appel'a Oriental Powder . in Flesh,
WBiu. rinc Ma Lmm idiwi. Kives u in
. face a beaatiial clear and transparent ap
pearance. " Appel'8 natural Itluah The only Rouge
tme to nature, whan applied to the face .or
, lips, cannot be detected, put up in two shi
, ileht for Blondes, Dark lor Brunettes.
' kmrlt Cimtu Ca. f u TrucliM. CiL
, - A psciphiat on bow to Cnata a ounplexlon fraa
y -rv..--'- - -'.
"- -i -:-. r-ra
f ; JAS. A.
Sole Agents,
Medfobd, Ore
- " i tsr-i fi trite, allowinir the buyer the
i-'Ar'- -T V that the tfiamBaermartes to
.- -Si ii'Tr - -ja
WrlU for our mammoth
Catalogue, a 000 page
book, plainly illuntraied,
giving manufucturera'
lowest price with manu
facturers discounts on
all goods manufactured
and Imported into the
"United Stbtos. -fis
to HQ eoM on every
Dollar you spena. vve
sell only flrst claxs soods,
groceries, furnlture.cloth
Ins Awu irruula hfira rial
- boots and shoes, notions!
crockery; jewelry. Dug
iries and harnesa. ourl
cultural'-implements: In
Saved by buyisa" of us.
Qena 20 eents u pay ez
Dressaire on cataiocue,
luyers' guide. We are
; only concern that
'Sells at naaulacturers'
some discount
the wholesale
to be enuul
ruoremntatian.'tKnr naniey refunded. Goods
Sent by exprawSrrf igtt with privilege of ex
"Set down. JT010 ytr do, Vn& Tormr'
"Wha' yer gwiue to do wi' dat gun?"
It was Terapy Tajlor who proponnded
that qnestiou, and she did il. in a tone of
voice that would hare attracted any
body's attention. She was a tall, heavy,
masculine woman of some two hundred
odd pounds, and as she straightened up
over the wash tub under the chinaber
ry tree at the end of her cabin she
was indeed a formidable looking fig
ure. Her great black, muscular arms
drooped toward the scrnbbing board
that reclined in the tub, and her hands
grasped a wet garment upon which she
had been expending some of her pro
digious strength. The person addressed
was a small old man whose face was
pretty well covered with a gray, kinky
beard. He nervously shifted the weapon
he bore an ancient muzzle loading
fowling piece, with a wire wrapped stock
and reed ramrod, and affected an easy,
conciliatory manner.
Des' gwine down yamler on de crick.
Ole bnck rabbit down dere ev'v day
"bout dis time. "Spec' he onghter be cn
de pan time Mammy Jo git iieau en de
morndin. The voire was drawling and
childlike in its modulations. He struck
the right chord, and very skillfully.
Mammv Jo' was the mother of the ania-
zon at the tnb, and had sent word of her
intended visit. The little old man
moved off slowly, with a peculiar shuf
fling motion. "Dat 'possum mighty fine
back yander." he ventured, with a mo
tion of his head toward the cabin, "but
taint gwine ter las' all da v."
As he passed on, his ear waited for a
harsh summons, bnt heard only the
mutterings of his spouse when she
plnnged a little more vigorously into
her work. The little strip of pine woods
toward which his lace was turned
seemed to approach at a snail's pace
only, but he was afraid to change the
gait he had chosen. As he stepped at
last into the friendly cover of the trees
be stole a backward glance over his
shonlder, and then abruptly quickened
his motions. At the same instant his
whole manner changed, and when pres
ently be heard his name echo through
the wood, borne upon the imperative
tones tf a pair of prodigious female
lungs, he laughed aloud and held on his
way. The wotniin at the tub talked to
"Mighty takin on "bout Mammy Jo
all er sndd'n. Mammy Jo! Mammy Jo!
Heap he tyre "bout Mammy Jo"," she
laughed scornfullv. "Better be out en
dat patch pick'n cott'n or en dem peas.
Ef hit wnz lef ter him dat steer go
long ter town ter be sold 'stidder de
cott'n bag. I know him; be can't fool
me. jri lin time an he go skipp n Txmt
over yonner at de Slillsou place, de lyin
little debbil." She gave the shirt of her
absent lord a vicious wring, -as if she felt
him in it, and lifted up her voice, obey
ing a sudden impulse:
xou Tormf There was no reply
except a few echoes that mocked her.
"He heah me, she contiuned, resuming
her labors, and then she resumed, too,
the thread of her reverie. " 'Morndin,
Sis Lizer; how yo' lie'th terday, ma'am?
Morndin, Sis' Chloey; I hope yer feelin-
berry well, ma'am.'' She imitated the
insinuating, childlike tones of berabsent
spouse and repeated her scornful laugh.
"iter time I heah Txut lm gwine over
deir IH brek fev'y bone en 'is triflin
hide.". .
Bat Tom was thinking no longer of
his industrious - and indignant spouse.
He was rapidly moving along the new
line of departure from home and the
haunts of the bnck rabbit in the creek
bottom. He had a slight limp, caused
by a bale of cotton rolling against his
leg when he was young, and as he
trotted along his funny little figure
bobbing up and down caused the pow
der horn nnder his arm and the shot
gourd to swing ont and collide fiercely.
A couple of miles glided away thus,
when suddenly ont . from under his feet
a rabbit scurried a few yards away, and
pricking up his ears looked back at the
rude disturber of his afternoon ramble.
Tom brought the gun down across bis
knee, cocked it successful!-, the ham
mer going back half a circle with threo
distinct clicks, rested it for a moment
against a tree, aimed long and care
fully and pulled the trigger. There was
a deafening explosion; the little old
man staggered back six feet, the muzzle
of his gun dropped to the ground, and
the rabbit sprung high tu the air, turned
a somersault and fell dead. Had there
been a witness -present he would have
observed that the gronnd about the un
fortunate animal was more or less torn
up for a space of twenty feet square.
Tom rushed in and secured his prize,
then carefully reloaded his weapon and
resumed pis journey.
He had not gone far before a rooster,
leading his family among . the dead
leaves of some scrub oaks, straightened
up and uttered an inquiring packle. At
the same instant a hound near at hand
gave vent to a prolonged howl, and
barking fiercely galloped out toward the
newcomer. Tom entered a small clear?
ing where stood a log cabin with a gar-1
den at the rear, guarded from a couple
of cadaverous looking pigs and the
chickens by a split picket fence re-enforced
with brush. In the doorway sat
a yonng woman twisting her hair into
the tight little rolls which all of the
kinky headed race affect nnder the idea
that straight hair will finally result
"How yer do, Sis' Chayney? How yo'
he'th terdav, ma'amy Tom had re
duced his gait, and his voice rose and
fell melodiously. The woman laughed,
showing a mouthful of dazzling teeth.
'Tin toler ble. Set down. How yer
do, Unc' Tormr
"Des so so." He laid the rabbit on
the single step beside her feet and con
tinued facetiously:
" 'Spec dat rabbit knowed wha I wuz
gwine, an des git right en de way ter
come crlong too." The woman laughed
again. She stole a look at- Tom as she
sat up with both hands over her head
engaged npon a final knot.
"How e know?
Tom raised his eyebrows and scratched
his ear.
"He knowed I warn' gwine home," he
said slowly, and meeting the comic look
on his face with one of intelligence she
threw her head back and gave expres
sion to her mood again. She did not
thank him for the gift, but took it up as
she rose and turned it over. "Rabbit
fat," she said, and laid it on the water
bucket shelf just inside. "How yer
lef.' Annt Tenipy?"
"She putty well." said Tom carelessly.
Be was studying the toe of his foot visi
ble through a rift in his well worn bro
gan. Again the laugh nf a woman, this
time from the inside of the hou-so, reached
"Tenipy gwiue ter be heah en dis
worl' w'en yon an me done gone," she
called ont. Tom passed his hand over
his face and looked as if the idea was
not a pleasant one. "Better bring yo'
cher enside," added the woman after a
few moments, and he complied. Then
she began to busy herself straightening
things in the simple room, and as she
worked the conversation went on.
"Unc Josh Sims gwine ter preach ter-
morrow," she said. "He come erlong
heah des now an be 'low dat be wus
gwine ter turn all de niggers over
heah, count er dev debblement.
"Dey es er ueedin hit." said Tom. "Ef
I had er seen 'im Id er got squar wid
some. shos yon born.
"Oom-hoo! An I reck n some seen
im 'fo now an ten' ter dat 'head er you.
Maybe some done got squar wid ole
man Torui." She was passing him as
she spoke, and gave him a sharp slap on
the jaw.
-Shnke off yo' tnrljha."'
When Tom, warned by the sinking
sun, set his face homeward, be took a
course that would carry h'ra in or about
the creek bottom, to which he bad os
tensibly set out. His way led him by
the log church in which a neighborhood
preacher or elder held forth every Sun
day, except when the famous and eccen
tric Reverend Joshna Sims visited it,
which wastbree or four times a year. As
be approached the edifice, which stood in
a pine thicket and boasted of a bush arlxr
awuing in front, he heard the voice of a
preacher breaking loudly upon the after
noon calm. Never before had Tom
known of a church meeting on Saturday
afternoon. It was the timo universally
claimed by the negroes for town shop
ping or loafing. He knew of no one re
cently dead, and besides had any one
died that late in the week the body
would have been saved nntil Sunday.
In open mouthed astonishment Tom
approached at the side. Sure enough,
"preaching" was going on. His Erst im
pulse was to enter, but, still suspicious,
he placed his eye at a crevice and looked
through. There was only one person
within the church, and that was the
Rev. Joshua Sims. Standing in the pul
pit, he was preaching to an imaginary
audience the sermon evidently prepared
for the next day. Tom squatted down
on his haunches, and a broad, compre
hensive grin lighted his face as he real
ized the situation. The speaker thun
dered over the book lying upon the pul
pit, slapping it vigorously from time to
time, and walking from side to side.
Half of the Reverend Joshua Sims' suc
cess lay in his figure, tempestuous deliv
ery and thrilling tones, and he knew it.
The sermon was delivered in a sliont,
and wherever in a sentence the speaker
sought for a word be would prolong the
preceding tone with "er-rer." Some
times saliva from his mouth new over
the pulpit into the vacant auditorium
as foam is tossed from a horse's month.
Tom had missed the text, and indeed
most of the sermon, but this much
reached him through the crevice.
"Shake off yo' weights! Shake em
off! Dey es good ter put on er race
horse w'en dey es er trainin 'im, but
w'en de time come ter race dey must be
hook off. Ef yer gwine ter run er race
wid de debble, shake off dem weights,'
an go et f am de drop er de hat.
"Shake off yo' weights! Shake 'em
off! Sister, ef hit's fine clo'es, shako
'em off! Shake 'em off! Dey ain't no
fine clo'es in hebben; de angels don't
wear nuthin but de plaines' kine. Yer
can't ran no race wid er long gown
hangin ter yer an er bustle an er hoop er
floppin aroun. Yer can't run no race wid
dem sacks an high hats an fedders ter
ketch de win, an dem high heel shoes
er-ketchin cn de grass. Shake 'em off!
Shake off yo weights!
Shake off yo weights! Shake em
off, brndders! Yer can't rnn er race
wid de debblo an yer full er whisky. Er
wise man 'il' take er gourd er spring
water at de siart an go bar'footed, like
Moses'roun de bush, an trus de Lord
when 'e want mo' ter run er branch
'cross de road, like he does fur de mule
gwine ter town. Shake off de weights!
Shako cm off!
"Shake off yo' weights! How does po'
sinner run? He runs wid de weights on,
an debble keep right 'long at his heels,
so close sinner hear him laugh. Dey
trabble 'long tcrgedder, an bimeby, 'fo'
dey gits ter de las' niilepos', debble trip
np po' sinner an win de race. Shake off
yo' weights! Oh, shake 'em off!
How do de righteous run? lie strips
off de weights un cuts out. Mos' 'fo' yer
know e gwine run, 'e done gone, an deb
ble come erlong an find trail so cole 'e
don't know wha' good mini gone, an 'e
win de race. Shake off yo' weights! Yer
all got . weights, an I'm gwine tell yer
'bout 'em. Deirs sump'n enside already
tell yer, bnt I'm gwine ter tell out loud
so ev'ybody know yer been tole." He
descended from the pulpit and marched
up to the amen corner, still talking.
"Here 's Bre'r Dun! Here s Bre r Dan!
Bre'r Dan got weights, an V ain' shake
em off. W hat es dem weights name?
Too much corn en 'is crib fur do size er
is crop! Too much cott'n en 'is crib fur
de size er'is patch I Too many chickens
en de pan fur two bens an er rooster
Too many shotes erbout Cbnsmus fur
er no sow wan. abake olt yo weights,
Bre'r Dun shake 'em' off! Oh, w'at es
sech er sinner like? He like er one leg
ged grasshopper. w"a' think 'e es
jnmpin somewbar, w'en ev'ybody know
e jes tu'nnin roun en de road, p'intin er
new way ev'y time."
Tom rolled over on the ground outside
and kicked bis heels in the air, con
vulsed with langhu?r. "Somebody done
got squar wid Unc' Dan, he gasped.
Then he quickly rose up and glued his
ey to the crack again. The preacher
was standing with uplifted hands over
another imaginary sinner.
"An heah ole Black Aleck! Bre'er
Aleck got weights. No chutch on Sun
day fur Aleck. Mas' fish tro'lline at
hunt squ'rX Mus' hoe de gyardin an
hnnt guinea nes' en de jimsun weeds.
Mus' do anythin but heah de Lord's
word, 'cept'n' ole Unc' Josh couis ter
preach. Dem de weights Bre'r Aleck
got. Shake 'em off, er-rer! Shake 'em
off! Oh. w'at es sech er sinner like? He
like er las'" yer wasp en er spider web
holler an dry, an "is vings won't flop
no mo'.
"An heah es Bre'r Clay! Heah es my
dear Bre'r Clay! Bre'r Ciay got weights.
Wat kind er. weights 'e tryin ter run
wid? Lazy weights. Won't work cot
t'n patch, won't work tater patch, won't
work collnrd patch, won't work nowhar.
O Lord! did anybody ever see er lazy
man win er race? T niu"t gwine ter
he'p yer, Bre'r Clay, ter put on dem
good clo'es heah an say 'Amen,' an
'Bless de King,' an 'He'p Lord! loud n
anybody ef yer lef" de ole 'ooinan an de
chillnn ter work all de week. Shake off
d.e weights. Bre'r Clayt Shake 'ejn. off!
Oh, w'at es sech er sinner like? He like
er tadpole en er mud pnddl w'at dona
dry np fo time come fur 'im ter drop
"is tail an be er frog."
Tom went over on the ground while
Black Aleck was being dealt with, and
he was too weak with laughter to sit up
during the time devoted to Clay. Pres
ently be heard:
"An heah Sis Tilly! Heah es dear
Sis' Tilly. Wa't c Sis' Tillvs weight?-
She got weights ter shake off. She run
roun telliu tales on oth'r 'onmen's bus
bun's" "Oooin-hoo!"
Tom cocked bis head np as be ottered
this assenting exclamation and listened.
"An she scole"
"Dafs right r
"An mek tronbl' ev'ywhar she go."
"Somebody done got quar" wid Aun'
Tilly." Tom ducked bis head down and
rolled over again.
"Shake 'em off, deah sister! Shake
'cm off! Oh, w'at es sech er sinner like?
She like er cockleburr en de tail nv er
ary cowniae an gone ter maritn-Do
good heah an no good deir.
"An heah Bre r Tormr The preacher
was right over tho crevice, and bis voice
sounded like thunder in the ears of the
startled eavesdropper outside. "Little
BrerTorm. He try in ter run wid big
weights. W'at es Bre'r Torm's weights?
He heah ter see dis 'oomuu, an yonder ter
see dat 'oomau; fus one way an den er-
nndder, an er wifo down yonner homo
t'ink 'e gone huntin ev'y time 'e take Is
A horrible groan broke from the lips
of the trembling man without, and a
cold sweat started forth all over him.
In a frenzy of terror he raised himself
to his knees and brought the old gun to
full cock. Then realizing what? he was
doing he returned the hammer to a safer
place with feverish anxiety. The Rev
erend Joshna Sims heard nothing bnt
his own voice. "Shake 'em off, Bre'r
Tonu! Shake 'em off! Yer can't run no
race wid dem weights er.haugin on yer.
Oh, w'at es sech er sinner like? He like
er snake en de grass, an fus' t'ing 'e
know e gwine ter lan eu de fire wid 'is
back broke."
Tom's hilarity was all gone. If that
sermon was preached on the morrow he
might not literally land iu the fire with
his back broke, but his back would
suffer until the sensations would make
it appear so. He left almost as suddenly
as his mirth. Gliding into the woods he
made his way to the bend in the road;
then, as if struck with a new idea,
stopped short and took a seat on a
stump. In ao attitude of profound re
flection he waited until, haviug finUhcd
his sermon, the preacher came down the
road with great dignity. When he
reached the vicinity of the little man
the latter started suddenly, looked over
his shoulder, and an affable and de
lighted expression dawned npou his
"How do yer do, Bre'r Sims? Lord, I
wuz des er-eayiu how I 'u'd like ter see
Bre'r Sims, an heah 'e come er-walkin
right erlong." By this time he was
The Best
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Mjjov Buiinma -Portiano Oregon.
WW ewe Without VUeib .i Kfcw racdtfat trwm
Ttuavtlea cf brale.nrrTr orc,eseT or iafUcretioa,
tu uiul cxbavsUos, dr-Usa, lo. ivervo darbiiltj. mirp
Itwiwi, lucaotv rbet.avav'1'ta, k'iarj, lirer nr. 4 btatldr
CMat(iaiBU.lauactKk. tmtTo, ftei&tieft. c?rl iil-feetlffc,
etc. TfaU rie twit eoataJra rir1nl Ittiraifpuu xver
Jl OttMrr. pirn cvrrrul Uut is InMuUr tell br tL
rer or twfeit fi.moo. W'.K a-'l of the ster
till w or aw bj. Tho-eaofiaU trt bm cer6 trf Un mr
vesaa tZTTretWa after ail otbr rtnttli feited, m&
(0r DBtxlrttU ot m-imoniavU la thlt a,o4 everr other statt.
Owawvcrfal inrUuXLO ELCTTBIC tsMKT- th
friajlaai boee Cr offarv-d: vim ma.FK CI W ITU a LL BCLTI
UcaJU u Jsro-M xrrcctli fet AftS7tXDio Cfii90 hmyt.
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Deserving Pra,U.
We desiro to say to our citizens, that
tor yeara we nava been selling: "Ji"
King's New Discovery for consumption.
Pr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
ae well, or that have eriven such unt
versal satisfaction. - W e do not hesitate
fo guarantee them every time, and .we
stand ' ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory result do nut fol
low their use.. These remedies have
won their great riopularity purely on
meir merit, u. it. uasKins, druggist.
np and sh. ring the newcomer's hand.
"Wba' yer wine dis time er day?" The
Reverend j -shua returned the greeting,
but with less demonstration.
I "Weil, I rux er-gwine down ter Sis'
I "Wha'dn'.r Tom threw np both hands
in well aliit-teU astonishment. "Man,
night ketch rcr'fo' vcr git half way deir!
$io. sab: yer come erlong wid me. Tein-
py"ll be prtv.i J ter tsee Bre'r Sims, an I j
sjct by now dat pceram w'at wuz er- !
rookiti 'while back done got done.!" Tom
1-uighc-d aud slapped his companion on
the back. The Reverend Joshua Sims
was a lire, heavy man. with a round,
full j:w and a well fed look. It really
nu.tvred little to him where he spent
the night, and the possum decided the
poiTit. He suffered himself to be led off.
Tntn. baring got himself Weil onuer
way. continued gayly:
1 knowed dat possum cp ter sump'n.
Las' night de rooster call me ter rnu
deir quick. Bre'r Possum was squaUin
en de henbouV des like 'e been soct fur
an come, an heah 'tis." Tom wasrsjed
his bead sagaciously. "Ooinp! Ef 1
c'u'd des jump Bre'r Rabbit now, 'spect
he'd he'p bre'kfns" mightily ." And he
began to peer aronnd with a great show
of eagerness.
Didn't yer shoot erwhiie back? Ue.ih
somebody over yonner "bout Sis" Ciisy
ney's." Tom shook his head. "Spect dat was
one dem Giiins boys. Pcy all lime tatug
in way over deir. When Tom shoot,
snnip'u gwine hang "bout "is clo'es." lie
lifted the gun quickly and sighted it to
ward a cluaip of bushes, then took it
"Dat mullein leaf down deir fool me.
Look mighty like er molly cott'n. But
Brother Sims plodded along behind the
loquacious little man his mind on other
things agaiu.
Fruit jars at Davis o: PotJengjTS.
A complete ttock cf ail kinds of poods in my
line kept constantly on band.
A competent worJanaa at the bench.
OPP. haskin-s
Haiim bouzrht ort S. Childers is aow prepared
to Hit ail onicrs prosc-pUr.
The ch:-r-t and bi picket Fence made.
Correspondence olimeL Adi.r- all orders
to W. J. KK.E L EN HV KG.
Mcdtord, Ur.
1-2 Mile East of Medferd.
EXJWIN RTJSS, Proprietor.
Shoes Carried in Stock, designed by
of this Great Republic.
To St feet from the
Cradle to The Crave.
mmm m A montlitT macnaia.
IllQTnri'3 rmu.. TrartaKcb
"SnJZ muiT lai-!r mw Utato
Ink Saa.pi. cure ite. aaa. HISTORIA ruo. OL
Guaranteed Cure. .
We authorize our advertised drug-
crlst to sell Dr. Kinir s Kew .Discovery
for consumption, coughs and colds, up
on this condition. If you are afflicted
with a cough, oold or any lung,' throat
or chest trouble, and win use this rem
edy as directed, giving it a fair trial,
and experience no relief, you may re
turn the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this of
fer did we not know that Dr. King's
New Discovery could be relied on. It
never disappoints. Trial bottles free
at G. H. Haskins' drug1 store. Large
siseuOc and 91.UU.
The Golden-Rotl Publishing Co., of Chicago, Illinois, has de
termined to pecure oOO.OUO new subscribers to their family storv
paper, the COLDEN-ROO before July 1st, 93.
In the ordinary way this would require a lifetime, but "time
is money" and in order to save time we are willing to pay thof-e
who subscribe now a large sum of
Realizing that we can soon recover this great expenditure from
tho increased revenue from our advertisers.
For correct answers to the following ten word-riddles, The
Golden-Rod Publishing Co. will pay the following
For the correct answer to
any ONE word, $ 20.00
For the correct answer to
any TWO words,
For the correct ansver to
any THREE words,
For the correct answer to
any FOUR words, 100.00
For the correct answer to
any FIVE words, 125.00
For the correct answer to
any SIX words. 150.00
For the correct answer to
any SEVEN word, 175.00
For the correct answer to
any EIGHT words, 200.00
For the correct answer to
any NINE words, . 225.00
For the correct answer to
ALL TEN words, 300.00
As Special Grand Prizes We Will Pay in Cash
To every one sending in the correct answer to
ALL of the TEN words before March 1, '03, $500.00.
Here are the word-riddles; can you solve them? Remember
any one of the ten words correctly solved wins for you $20 in cash
A--LE frTree. bearing round g jjt A lofty tree. "
VU Troo, fruit lurgvr at 7 I pan 1 Flowers, handsome,
r-B' lower end. f 1 purple orothf rcolora.
3TTTT I Plant, with dowers Q Iniw a I Tropical tree, with
of briKlit eolora. Q j trult In bunchew.
4 --NOHrotXltM 9 1 B03- j Flowering bnahos.
5 -BAP- eThetruUUgooa-i5 Q j -ATE- igg1 trultpwr-
FYPI MMTinM Each duxh Indicates the absence ot a certain letter, and wben
LArLnilHI IUI1 tho proper loiters arc supplied the orlKinul word will be teund
complete. Exumplo: H b o, a book wnloh evory one ahoiild rud. The omitted
uru i and I. und when properly inserted tho complete word is bible.
CUUIOnP Are paid In cash tho very day any answer Is found to bo correct. To pre
ilL II HnUOvcnt even any appearance of IrreKUlartty or collusion, a copy of tho origi
nal teu words has been deposited tn a safoty vault under seal to be opened March 31st,
1HU3, In the presence of witnesses, whose sworn statement as to the correct words will
bo published In the April number of the Kok.
PfiNniTlflNC Theobjest of this extraordinary otter Is ot course to secure sub
UUllUl I lUHu seribers at once, and In larxo numbers. We therefore require that
CO cents for a year's subscription for ourirreat paper, THE COLDRN ltOU, be sent
wiiu eacn answer, xnus it two woras are ausxereu ft must oe sent, mree woras ti.ou,
live words M.M), and so on, and as many oopies of the paper will bo mailed to addresses
at once and win a Grand Prize.
Address all letters and make all remittances payable to
Tne GolWoflPuUoJul Dearfiom St.!6Hioago
The Iridic- Drag Store of Xciford Is
(Successor to Haskins & Lawton.)
He has anything in the line cf
Pure Drugs.
Patent Medicines,
Books. Stationery,
Faints and Oils,
Tobacco, Cisars. Perfumery,
Toilet Articles,
And everything thst is carried iu a
Prescriptions Carefully Com
Main Street, Medford, Oregon.
ftarlttDd off acrop wfilda,tb
If ny kind of rmrds w.12 5o ; tta for ml
Jm tbe best result roa loald plrnst wk
i Aiwara tne beac, tney are rececnteed as if
II the aaandard eiei . abera. II
V Ferrr" !er4 Aama!Uimoat Jm
important book or tne kind pob f
11 bsSl. It is brainabte tota- 1 .
U. planter. We scod ft free S J T -
MiclU Ma. :, 7
Pacific Roe
South I
7M p. m
9:. p. m t
I.v. Port laud Ar. T:.ts a. m
Lv. Medfivd Lv I 56 p. ni
&16a.m.r. San Fram-lsco Lv. I 7A.)p.m
Above trains slop onlv at the follovinc sta.
tions north of RoseburV: East Portland. Ore
gon City. Woodtnirn. Salem. Albany. Tangent,
shedds, Halsey, llarrlsburg. Juuction City. Irv
ing and kugene.
&40 p. m j Lv Kasclmrjj Lv I 6:20 a. m
AI3ANY LOCAL DAILY (Except Sunday.)
560 p m I I.v Portland Ar I $:S5 p m
fcOO p m I Ar Albany Lv osM a m
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
TaurUt Sleeptnjt Cars for theareommodatlon
ot seconu ciaas passrtt' to express
Jobbing of all Kinds.
Medford, - - Oregon.
oral Bitter
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished on application.
Jack screws to let.
Between Portland and Corvaliis.
Mall trains dally, ejecept Sunday:
" Wa. m I I.v IWtlBud Ar I :S0'p. m
2:10 p. H Ar Corvaliis Lv liw p. tu
At Albany and Corvaliis connect with trains
of oregon Pacific railroad.
Express Trains dally, except Sunday:
4:40 p. m I Lv rrtlanI Ar I SiO a. ra
7S p. iu Ar MeMiuuvllle Lv&4&a.m
-ThroHch tickets to all points east and
south. For tickets and full information re
garding rates, mnps,eie.;callou theCAaipany's
urent at .Meatara.
Manager. Asst. O. F. & P Ait
To Ail Shippers of Produce :
M. E. Ballard & Co
9Mt Cottage Grove Avenue,
Chicago, Ills.
General produce, commission merchants and
WANTS Butter, cheese. Ejrsrs,. Potatoes,
Apples. Onions, CabbnKe. Dried Fruits. Beans'
Poultry. Uame, Veal, Ueef, Mutton, Pork, Furs
nmoB, x-eiie. iiiiiow, xtoney, rieeswax. Broom
Corn, Feathers, tlinseug Root, Cider Vinesar.
Flour, Buckwheat, etc.
ISTSend lor our dally bulletin ...
iiMfl Aaericaa
ror tnformatlon awl fre Handbook write to
MUNN ft io, sm Bkuauwat. New York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents tn America.
Erery patent taken out br as Is bromrht befora
tne pubuo bjr aaouc (iron free ot ohaisa u tba
yeart tU.astx months.
S.N 4 CO,
""" Bioadwar.Kaw Sork
Horse and Oxen Shoeing
Wjntjqn J:Larpen A
- SCfVy St., Chicago,vIll.
.: - lv" : '' '