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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1892)
Ndohrbotbd bvkrt wkdsksdat. Wheat, No. 1, per bushel t . Oats, " ' .36 Barley . ' .SO Corn, .40 Potatoes,- " -30 Mill FeeO, Bran and Shorts, per ton 15.00 Bay, baled, Jll.Ou; loose, 10.00 Wm1 1 Oak, per cord !.00 Wood Fir, " 8.50 Flour, wholesale, per barrel Flour, retail, lr sock 1.30 Butter, per roll .CO Eggs, per doien .10 Onions, per pound .OS Apples, per box .Wj Bacon an Ham per lb. .IS1; Shoolde " Beans " Lard " .K Honey, " .1" S, ROSENTHAL THE OF MEDFORD, ORE., Has just received a large stock of fine CLOTHING and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS also a finestock of BOOTS and SHOES Which he will sell as low as can be sold. Small profits and quick sales will be his motto. Call and see for yourself. Boots and Shoes. 1 SELL FOOTffESR ONLY. As I give my attention to this line of trade only I can do better by my customers than dealers in ali kinds of goods. Call and examin stock. Repairing Neatly Done. M. S. DAMON. REAL MTCRIT pills? isro:: If you take pills it is you bare never tried the S. B. Headacha and liver Cure. It works so nieWv. cleansing the Liver and Kidneys: acts as a mild phy;c without causing- pain or sickness, and docs cot slop yoa from eatins and working. TO TRY IT IS TO BECOME A FHf EXD TO IT. For sale by Geo. H. Haeldns. Medford. Or PORTLAND t: Skilled help furnished hotels and Restaurants. Private boarding bouses and families. Labor hired fur railroads and contractors. T7e register strictly first class cooks, wiiters and domestics. S X. 3rd. St. S. R PHILLIPS, Man"r. PflLBCE BgBBES SHOP V. L. Towxsexd, Proprietor. Main Street Opposite Postoffice. Ilot and cold bath?, pompadour hair cutting and clean towels a specialty. Fair treatment for everybody. Give us a trial. THE SIM jER SEWING MACHINE. I. E. H'jover. local agmi of th? Singer Mn'fg Co.. for Jackson and Ja-j-pMae coiriti- s. has his ollic ! with J. E. El J jr, M -dfordand Mrs. E. M. St-ja i. G.aa's Pass, who are authorized t-i collect rnoaiy and rec-.iipt for the Stag :r Co. in mv name. f. E. HOOVER. titojf mi is Money USaie. Sm; :5 to HO cents oi evsry ool-ar iTr'J. Write f-r oor monra'.rh rat-Hio.-u. "a -J pajrt; b jiiic. o'ltumt ii!"..-;ratiy:: aad giving lo'A' laauufict'jri-rs priest, with iiinnufuct'irrtj fiidrt) it-. ,t ?Viiry Iti'io of .io4s aa-1 s'jpijliu.s manaf cttireJ a:d i:r;.'Orteti intu UuiitJ St. Mcs. Oroecris. Huu-ieh Id Goods. Fjr;d tare. CJottiin?, Iadies and Utrnts' Ciuthin? and Faraisniaj? G-joi-. Drcs GtrN. White ti;oJs, D7 GtxKif. Hats. Cv'if. Hoots and Shiwif, Gloves, XGtiocrs. GlisoWave, Stationery. Watches. Clock. Jitrclry. Siive;-wnre. iiii:;b-, Whin. At icMibdral Trvl-mT.t?:, U. lXY PIjJST 14 S3 iuyw'. Catjl'.teniti HPnt on re-ieiyt of 3ent for c-xprcw ige. We are the only com-kck who sella at manufacturers bricerf, the buyer the same discount inut the mu-.uf iclnrer cives to the wholesale bayer. We guarantee all good a? represented; if sot found so. mony refunded. Goods sent by express or freight, with privilege to ex amine before paying. A. KARPKN & CO.. ItfS Quincy Street, Chicago, III. The Road to Wealth! Cannot b succtstluil tranetcd with ut good health. To reach wealth or any corcitd potillcn In IK require the full possession end eperatioa cf s!l the fac ulties kind nature ha endowed us with. Then condition cannot exist unlet the hjclcal heing It In perfect working order, ud this It Impossible shen the Bier and tpleen art torpid, thut obitruct Ing tho tecm'jn. canting Indlgettloa and ctpeptla, with all of their accoaf fjanjing horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Oandelion Tonic toart a tsacMe Inlaeac over tho Ibtr, excite H t healthj action, ratolw Mt chronic enoorgements, and promote the accretions; carei Indigestion and contbV pttlon, aharpens the appetite, tone ap the entlr Olsten, and ciakta lift worth IMag. Great lotliiei EmDloymen Bran I! TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Many of tho subscribers to the MED FORD MAIL are in arrears, and hare been notified of that fact, but have not responded as they should. We have been lenient beyond -all reason, but the time is at band when subscriptions should ba paid up without delay. We have bills to ineot which must bo paid if wo wish to continue in business with credit to ourselves and to our patrons. Therefore again we ask that those who know themselves to be indebted to us will please come forward IMMEDIATELY. LOCAL AND GENERAL Col. J. T. Bowditch was in this vi cinity Monday. Warren Dodgo is drilling a well for Mr. Hammond. A special term of circuit court com menced Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plymalo visited Medford last week. XV. W. Scott was up from Central Point a few days ago. The county farmers' alliance meet at Central Poiut on April 8th. The regular term of circuit court 1 will commence next Monday. Better read the ,-cow ordiuance" and conduct yourselves accordingly. Miss Rosa Griffiths visited her home at gold Hill Saturday and Sunday. The Christian church benefit last Tuesday evening vas a grand success. The business college will, in a few days, issue a journal devoted to edu cation. Lead pencils any style, variety, size or price at Slover's. Miss May Theiss was tendered a sur- prise party last week at her home, bv her scholars. I Buy your school tablets at Slover's and get a nice lead pencil free with each one. Win. Dyer was up from Rosaburg Sunday, visiting his sister, Mrs. A. M. Woodford. Mrs. S. E. Pen well has op?n?d a bakery iu th Faris hotel, where fresh bread can be procured daily. Th pay-car system on the S. P. is soon to be abolished, and ch .cks will be substituted. Placer and quartz claim notices for sale at this office. Ralph Dean has lost a fine sorrel mare, and will give a reasonable re ward fjr ils recovery. Dry popcorn at Elder's. The bowling alley is attracting a gool dtal of attention, both ladies and gentlemen indulging in the sport. Subscribe for the Mail. The weather has been cool for seve ral days with a light fall of rain every now and then. Fine job work at this office. Demorst Brothers, dentists. McBridi & Case for photographs. Lamp chimneys at VToIter's gro cery. The open farmers' alliance meetings held in this city last week, were well att ended and very interesting and in structive. BtKits and shoes anatomicallv built P "'' "--.-bv A. C. Tavler. Retmrinsr iromt.tlv ton. 1). C, contributed by our special ; attended to. Carries in stock ladies. men's, and infants correct shape shoes Personal attention given to fitting the foot. Opposite Post Office. W. H. Bradshaw, prominent in Peo- j pie's Party circles at Brownsboro. was j one ei uie speakers at uie Alliance meeting here last week, as was also Rev. Ira Wakefield, of Phoenix, aud S. H. Holt, of Talent. Go to Elder's for the best tea in town Hay by the ton or bale, seed oats and barley at J. H. Thorndike's Cinnamon bark and whole cloves at Wolters. The performance of '"Ten Nights in a bar-room"' given last week in the opera house by the Phoenix players, was fairly well rendered and injoya ble. The house was packed. Maple bricks and silver drip syrup at "Woltei-s. For bargains in boots'and shoes call on M. S. Damon. Work guaranteed at the McBridei Case photograph gallery. The Baptist church concert, which was to take place hist Saturday even ing, has been postponed until to morrow nignt and you will do well to attend as the program promises to be fine. Xpw carpats and wall paper at I. A. Webb's furniture store. D. M. Ferry & Co's. well known garden seeds an C. W. Wolters' Tho county republicans had their convention, to nominate state dele gates, at the county seat laut Satur day, the proceedings of which will be found in another column. W. I. Vaw ter and E. P. Geary were elected state delegates. We claim to turn out thi bost and neat- st job work in the valley at rea sonable price.. If vou want vour best eirl to think you ar-j handsom-, get your pholc- grjph lakn at JlcBriue & Case s, The republican county convention to nominate county officers occurs at Jack sonville. on May -1th; the democratic couuty convon'ion to nominate county oBic'ji-s occurs at Jacksonville on May oth; the people's party county conven- j tion to nominate county officers occurs I at Central Point on April 9th. It is a well known fact that the New York Cheap Cash store is the place to do your trading. You can save money. Undersell,, underbuy is our motto every time. The democratic state election occurs at Portland on April 19th. and the county convention to elect delegates to the state convention occurs at Jackson ville on April 14th, and the primarios to elect delegates to the county conven tion which elects delegates to the state convention occurs throughout the county on April 9th. Do your trading where your -dollar goes the furthest and that is at tho New York Cheap Cash store. New goods arriving daily. For ladies and gents footware. clothing, furnishing' goods apply at New York Cheap Cash Store. The New York Cheap Cash store has just received a fine line of Henri SastioTab, everybody. Trout fishing is pretty good In tho creek and water ditch. Several new pupils woro added to the public school this week. - Editors Kaiser and Leeds wore In the city a few days ago. Mrs. Jas. A. Slover visited her par ents' home at Jacksonville Sunday. Born In this city on March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mcrriman, a daugh ter. Miss Lilliu Hay and borther were in town from Heck Point last Satur day. Attend tho Arbor Day exsreiscs at the public schools, on Friday, April 8th. Scott Griffin, of Tolo, and Chas. Pat tee, of Prospect wcro iu the city Sat urday. John Harvey, a late pupil-in the pub lic school here, teaches at Lone Pine this summer. Miss Cora Brown passed through the city a few days ago on her way home to Eagle Point. Prof. Uiddle is delivering a series of interesting lectures on phrenology at the opera house. Amos Fries, one of tho bright schol ars of our school, ojHms school in Obun chain district Monday. ' . V. A. HoVt, son "r S.' II. Holt, of Pluvnix, began work at ,' tho Medford business college Monday. Don't forget tho silver cornet band entertainment on Monday evening. April 11th, at tho opera house. The entertainment by the silver cor net band at the opera house, April 11th, promises to be worth attending. Northern Grown Gardon Seeds at J. C. Elder's Three papers for ten cents. ta x-omngor is vismng u ei. i Olympia, whore he is in tho em ploy of A. A. Davis in tne milling business. Work at house cleaning, washing or dressmaking wanted by Mrs. J. Boor, The latter preferred. Eighth St, near C. A golden rain f ell this week through out the valley. The grass, the flowers, th grain, the trees, all are flourishing wonderfully. Bottom has fallen out of Garden S eds Four rapers for ten cents at D. IT Mill.r Havilwara Store. Call and D. H. Miller Mrs. M. H. Gi-avi?s and family ar rived from Monmouth, Ore., Wednes- ! day morning and will make this city their future home. Typo writing taught at the college rooms; $3 per month. Radishes are in market and green onions have been in thee stores for some ! weeks, while lettuce, has garnished the table for a week or so. If vou want dry stove wood, order from V. Beeson. at Talent. He hr.s it by the quantity-good-we have tried it. Harry Angle, who returned from a trip to Dead Indian springs this week reports a god deal of s-ow in lh; mountains with any quantity of slush. Ladies' visttiiiir cards printed at this office. j Beginning with this issue we will i i .1. i.i .. i ... r....... w"..i..... i correspondent. Thesj loiters rt- worth f.auiug. Cash paid for chickens at Henry Smith's. Arbor Day, Friday. April ih. It is too bad that there is no fence around the school house that the children might plant trees and flowers on that day. The celebrated Manhattan Food for horses, cattle and poultry. Guaran t..wl ir ..ut-.. r-tiii.W.n cholera. For sale at the Strang drug store. Medford, Or. ! E. A. Hoage arrived in the city Sat urday, after an absence of about two years in California and at his old home Carthage. Mo. He has property inter ests here, and will remain a couple of weeks. He says in all his travels he saw nothing which suited him so well as the Rogue river valley. Apple trees $7.50 per hundred, S0." per thousand: size 5 feet and up branched at Medford nursery. The Jubilee singers warbled their melodious strains to a full house Wednesday evening in spito of the in clement weather. The elite of the city were out nnd everybody else. Jackson ville turned out with her usual gener osity. The hre company are to no congratulated on their success. Prunes, 3 to 4 feet, ?.o0 jxt hun dred: 400 lots $7.50 per hundred, at Medford nursery. Dr. E. B. Pickel, assisted by Dr.E.P. Geary, removed an epithelioma from the face of L. A. Drake, of Talent, last evening. Tho operation was success ful. We have mnd'j nrrnngoraents where by we can furnish all new subscrib-.srs who pay a year's subscription to the Mail in advano with tho Rural Northwest, published at Portland Ore gon, or thi American Farmer, pub lished at Springfield . Ohio, froj of charge. Those both exollont ag ricultural papers and should be in every home. This offer is a'iso good to those who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance. Tho Mail ought to have st least C;(M r.:oro ouboCiibcts in Jackson county and by this menus wa hop to secure them bofore another year. We off.:r liberal indueemtnts to those desiring to get up clubs. S-.te your neighbor and if he does not take th 3 paper get him to subscribe. Sam pie copies mailed free a application. A drive in job work. ' For a few davs we will furnish you with 1,0:M) printed envelopes for 3.00, oi 1,000 printed letter heads for $3.f)0. Give this your immediate attention, as these off jrs are only for a short time. Call at Mail office. Church Concert. - Tho postponed concert by the ladies of the Baptist church, will take place without fail, Faiday evening, April 1st, at the Baptist church, Soveral espe cially good numbers have been ndde1 to the nroirramme as published last Remember the date and don't ' FROM THEJJAPITAl. The Bch ring Sea and Silver Question Discussed. Also Other Hatters of Interest. - (Special CorreBpondcnce. Washington, D. C, March 23, '92. The session of congress just preced ing a presidential campaign generally fails to accomplish much important legislation, and tho present one prom ises to bo no exception to tho rule. Tho representatives of the great political parties are on theso occasions spurring for position, each afraid to give the other an "opcujing." The position of the majority. party at such a time is es pecially dangerous and at tho begin ning of; the present session it was tho progranuno of the democratic leaders to pass one or two bills punching small holes in tho MeKiutey tariff, and then, after voting the usual appropriations, secure an early adjournment. But these well-laid plans have to n certain extent miscarried. The advocates of silver in this congress were too much in earnest to be held down by the coat tails and have precipitated a condition Of things quite disgusting to eastern democrats nd to a number of presi dential candidates. While the silver question is not a party issue, a large majority of the ad vocates of free coinage are democrats, especially in the House, where the sil ver states, though republican, have a small representation. Raising the is sue at this time, therefore, is likely to worry tho democrats a great deal more than it does or can the republicans. In the s.Niato there are no less than six presidential aspirants, two republicans Cullom and Allison, and four demo crats Palmer. Hill, Gorman and Cur lisle, who would prefer not to face the question just now. Even President Harrison, whoso views on the subject are so well known, docs not want to be called upon to veto a silver bill, right on the evo of the Minneapolis conven tion. But all will have to face the mu sic. There is no reasonable doubt of the passage of the bill through both houses. It is quite as strong propor tionately in the seuatc as in the lower house, as there the western silver stales have their greatest voting strength. A vigorous effort is being made among eastern democrats to secure inaction. but it is not likelv to meet with suc cess, especially in the house. Tho only j possible chauce for postponement is in j the senate, where a number of silver j democrats may be induced to vote to j defer until next session, though this is : not at all probable. I Another war cloud, somjwhat larger man a man s nana, ana even more ):or- teutious than the lata Chilian dispute, now looms up on the horizon. There is quiw a strong probability that Uncle Sam mar have ultimately to Gght for the protection of his s.-a'.s iu H.-hring Sea. In that cae our northern tosses- sions. which we have all aloiiL' central- uKeu uur,-. ero acquis sucn tolenibly exjiensive. The British gov- ernmenl seems inutspos.d to join in j preventing Canadian poachers from killing the seals at wholesale. The nuxlus vivt ndi of l:i: t s-ason is not to be renewed, ihe chief reason evidently bing that th j seal killers are inostlv British subjects. " ""'' 1 opinion here is tj Ihe proper xvirs- for the 1'nited Suites government to 5ursu. Gun boats uiiiM b sent into Sehring S-a and onl-r.-d to blow a lot of Cuuadiaii thieves out ol water. If this results iu war with G.-vat Britain it can not lc heliutv. as much it won 11 bj deplored. This soiiiii b the ex- Ireine view of the ease. It is no! be-! lieved, however, that uttv serious i trouble will result from a vigorous pol- j icy on the part of Uncle Sam. Many i Americans would feel their patriotism ' L..:i .. : . i .1 noil 11 met ni're cvriaiu Hint uie lit tjresK of thu uovernnienl were not ! considerably mixetl up with those of a certain Alaska comm.T-.:!! rompany. j co...ih.m. oi sucral o..u emmi rnu -us. There is a ureal unanimity of oiiin- i ion as to what would ik the outcome of a war with Great liritain. should ouo occur. "We have licked the British twice." it is generally said, "and we I can do it again." There is a good d-al j of inconsiderate braggadocia about this, j vet it is tirvuablv true, but it Is well ! to consider how much b. tt.T prcp:ired . : lor war Kngland is to-day than we are. and what iinmcns danuige she could at least do to our muratime commerce, to our sealioard cities, and to the com merce and cities upon the groat lakes. Gen. Boyuton has lately had a series of articles in tho Washington Post, show ing what great preparations Gral Britain has made and is making for offensive operations on our northern border. Great canals ar.; b.dng con struct. d through which England's im mense war ships can pass from the St. Lawrence into th j upper lakes and a line of naval j-osts of groat strongth has b-H-n established facing our entire Atlantic coast from Halifax to Jamaica. In addition to this, a uaval station has been established on the l'acitic, com manding the entrance to Pugot Sound, aud lying between our possessions on ; that coast. All these preparation, says j Boyuton, which have been planned aud push :d forward with great vigor dur- i ing the past five years, look much fur ther into the future than the simple djfensj of Canada, Along the same lino is tho interview published lust Saturday, with Gill. Miles calling at tention to tho really dofenseless condi tion of this country as against any woll equipped naval power. The general b liev.s that in thosj days of dvnamitj, electricity, machine-guns and similar modern engines of war, the American idea, that there is tinu enough to pre pare for war whoti it comes, is not un likely to b sadly slipped up sooner or later. In this country wo do not lik lo think of war. or provide for iw pos sible coming, but as the surest way to insure p.-ace is to b2 pi-epared for war, though if ul m:tt are beginning to give th j subjjctmore considet ntion. It is rarily that a new number of congross gjts an opportunity to 'Spread his Wings' to any extent during his first session. The old mem bars generally think it their business to luonoplize the front seats and make all the noisu when then is a ything important on tap, henco tho new mem ber is made to feel that ho must take a few lessons before making any "breaks'' and finds it difficult to "catch the ?.peaker's eyo," as tho saying goes. But tho present congress is a little peculiar in this respect. So many of the old mcinburs got snowed under at tho last election, that there is an unu sual proxrlion of now bloixl nnd plenty of room iufront for ttion of abil ity. This uccounts, in a measure, for the airing young Mr. Ryan, of Neb raska, was enabled to give his voico a few days ago on the tariff quostiou. Yet the spoach was the sensation of the sessiou, thus far, and one of tho best that lias been delivered in any congress on tnat subject. It marks its author as a man who would bo bound to secure recognition tinder any cir cumstances. It is too early vet to pro- dirt that more of his stamp may not be developed among tho many untried men on the floor. The rocord of three deaths and at least two narrow escapes from fatal illness bo far this session is rather above the average. Mr. Springer has been enjoying himself during his con valcuconse, it is said, reading the ob tuarics printed in the newspaper when he was so near death's door. Important Lectures. Kfiliirflfitr nr. 3 11. in fnr lsifllAa nnrl p. m. for gentlemen on the causes or ixior health a-id faded choekp. heredity. ! etc., by Prof. Riddle atthcopara house, Miss Francis E. Wilhird. m-esident World's W.C. T. V., in making of Prof. Riddle's nrivate lectures savs: "You are speaking in a pure and healthful way and I wish you every success iu your endeavors to purify the thought and life of those on whom every thing depends for the elevation and stability of our great and happy land. Believe mo ever yours with high esteem, Francis E. Willakd. Real stte Tranafers. W. B. Kuliertx to 8. P. Conxer; 4 arret In tp 37 a. r 1 ., Me.lforil; KU0. Hobenu M. Rojrtoa to Daniel G. Smith ; lut 14, I5and lit. blk 10. Central Point: 4I.OU0. M. J. ClnhfiKy to Prixrtlla B. Gordon; w of nw J sec IB. tp , T 4 w. HO arres; Ou James Uarnes to William Kay ; SIS aoren, tp 3Ss, r3w: U.UU0. Ki"Tvcord. Samuel Drown to Margaret Smith; of nw !i of sec S3, tp at. r t o: also lots 3 and 4. iwc 6, tp 40. snine range: fl.400. Abel D. Hrlman to II. C. Myer; a parcel of land in Ashlnuil : S,7m. The Or. and Trans Co. Com. to M. C. FiUgor aid ; lulu b and . bix 13, Gold Hill : tVi N-jl vin K. Ilundsaher to Kichard llestrirk ; an undivided ', interest in a parcel of land In Ash land: 4u. C. II. Pirken to J. E. Smith; lot 9. Hunsalttr addn to Ashland : HuO. Wm. Angle et al to John Ocandvr; lots, blk 3, Cottage addn to Medfonl: IRS. Andeion Duolap to Sarah Stought : villag lot 4, blk S. with t.lackimith shop and store lit.uHe, I'hanix: Ki:.0s. In Probate. Estate and iruardian!hip of Charie Alfred Patton : Emma 1".. Tnornton aptwinted guard ian of the peron and estate of said miner upon ber fiving a boud in the ion of ffu. Estate of Samuel Earhart: order ettin apart pnert3r exempt from execution. Circuit Court. frat'lAI. t:iui. tienrf " Ilord vs. William Crawfurd et al: ac tion to recover money confirmation. J Nelson Grimsly vs. II. Amy et al; action to' recover money confirmation. H. J. Teel . Pearl E. Winston el at; decii ion of lower conn a armed. E. V. Carver rs. Jackson county, respondent ; lower court affirmed. . ; . . rnrr.. iIhm. n.niMl mnA nUlnll. M..hJ 1 10 her maiden name. W. K Uieklson v. 11 Si,etrr- Hi-T.n f.. , recover money; dtsmts each party paytns i n. costs. txickkt mh next week: j i DeBoast w o. M. u. s. Co.-Turs.Uy. Hrummrr vs. Nlel Wednesday. A drive in job work. For a few i....-, w.. :u . . .. , ...... ' i ... ,w. .. t j.rinu - a letter n-a,ls lor j olTt'rs nr0 !,1-v for a short time. Cill Strength and Health, you aro not fv-clinir stronir i ii and : healthv. trv EU-ciric Uilt.-rs. If -la ft vou w.ak and wearv. ! griptv" has 1 : us Kljctric Hitters. This r.m-viv ! n..? .li.w.ti. a. tK.. i;....w A-.k. .. i kiduvvs. g-ntlv aiding those oragaus : to p -norm ineir i unctions, jj you are art. -cted with sick ii,adach' you will tird speedy and permanent relief hv ! taking Electric Bitt-rs. One trial will ; coiivii:e you thai this is the remedy I yen n ,h-0. Lztrgo bottlrs only 6'.C. at G. U. Haskia's drug store. i. . . . . . m m m ReDublican Convention . , ,. 1 Tn! repub.ican couuty convention to j elect delegates to the staUs convention; met in Jacksonville Saturday. March ! - ptvs-nt, lr- l'- ("'ar-v. of M-Hlford. prvsided. The fullowtng delegtites were elected: W. I. Vawt'r. E. P. Geary. V. H Atkinson. W. II. Leeds. Geo. I .noun, M- lve "nd " Ankeny. After adjournment theeoiitml com - mitte met and fixed May 6th as the ,i, ' t,i ,: ,k , ' . .- da,,: for hol,lln- ,he COUn' v mvition to nominate county officers. The convention was very harmonious n.l t hn .1 .l.-..,.t.. r. i,,,ww4 t.. r,-.i s are supposed to favor " - l Hermann's IlOIIIUlItllOII. Ulll UlOllOIl ' to instruct for that tabled with a vim. gentleman was To Intending BuUdera. ! ner. P. Paweli. W. H. Shesrd. H. r" 1 1 will pay you to write or send to the j Barron & Sims. Jacob S. alti, I. N. Southern Oregon LumlK-ring and Man-!& W. H. Peniugor. B. F. H -an. J. B. ufa-turing cjinipany of Grams Pass for! Wrisley. F. M. ,v H. Amy. Whetstonu all kinds of building material: lumber. & Sim. J. M. I-ofla:td. J. S. Ijiccy. M. sash, doors, aud mill work of all kinds. I Bellinger. -I. P. Patterson. J. . Nor as they will guurautcc you satisfaction ton. I. A. Mcrriman. Joseph IfcmJl.-s, in mat.'rial. workmanship and prices. . M. 1. Sturgiss. .". Klicnhammer. J. Plans and estimates furnished ou all I Wilsim. J. B. Soltss. M. II. Colemin. kinds of work. j Jus. Perves. S. X. Robinson. J. N. I Hivkersniith. W. J. Grigbv, Thos. Attention, Stock Owner. tm... u . 1 . 1 , c ,.,. come nen n w must lie complied with. The city I council has ordered that section one of ' ordinauc No. 112 be enforced without delay; and this is to give fair warning that the time for reasonable leuiency is past. As advice and warning seem to do no good, strict compliance with the law must now take place. Attention is called to section one of ordinance No. 112: '"No horsos, mules, cattle, sheep, swine or goats shall bo allowed to run at largo or bo herded in any of the streets or alleys, parks or public places within tho "corporate limits of the town of Medford, Oregon, unless when b-dng driven through for shipment: nor shall tlr samo bo herded upon any private promises within said town, cx-c.-pt thut cowa owned by residents of said town nnd kept for domestic pur )oa: s, shall bo allowed to run at large within said limits between the hours of 5 o'clock a. m. nnd 9 o'clock p. in., and may be herded' thoreon at any time. Notice Is hereby given that the above section of ordinance No. 112, will bo strictly enforced. All persons interested will govern themselves ac cordingly. D. S. Yocngs, . Marshal. A Lttle Girl's Experience In a I.ghtliouse. Mr. and Loren Trescott aro keoiors of tho Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and aro blessed with a daugh ter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with the measles, fol lowed with a dreadful cough and turn ing into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grow worse rapidly, until sho was a mere 'handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after tlu use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth Its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at G. H. Uaskin's drugstore. EDUCATIONAL. CONDUCTED BV FROr. M. X SABBEO AJT. We have had frequent occasion to give In one form or another, In tho past, our notions of soma thing invol ved in the net of teaching. But it is impossible to exhaust the meaning of tho term, should ono undertake to define it in every issue of the Mail. It is trim that the proc?as of learning i Iw Init tw. . ,.t . 1 n - A . I" 1 ""n "'Ki ! how ,ew of rc'a11? know "l,,lt u i1'"? aythiiig. We have little hope define anvthin ! of doing more I"' ""'"8 'an 10 suggest w ' ur readers who may j of our readers who not have re- n ' m muca Wu "HV" "I" fl -ctcd so much as we lmv tie significance of teaching, some thiugs that it will be well to always carry along with us while trying to teach. 1. In the first place, teaching is not th.; act of imparting knowledge. One can impart food to a child, but not knowledge. The conception that the teacher or her book is a reservoir of knowledge from whieli a portion may be imparted to the learner, and tho reservoir still remain as full as it was bjfore, is common with many teachers. How often have we h.-ard knowledge described as that wonderful and most valuable possession which the pos sessor can give entirely to another and yet lose uouo of it. This is a vague, jtoctical way of speaking of the pro cess of teaching that has nothing help ful in it to him who is trying to dis cover what it is that one really does for another when he teaches him. One naturall.: thinks of the widow's wonderful measure of meal and uritaeof oil in connection with this conception of teaching. 2. Teaching is the proems by which me fccn-acuvuy 01 me learner is fx- cited to thiuk and feel as the teacher wishes. This is the positive side the act. (It has a negative side also. which we will not consider here.): The mind is a a.df-active being arid isj conscious of it srlf-activity. Iearn-i ing is the proems of forming ideas and j thoughts that nr.! true; that is. thatj ! conform to the actual truth of things j fas 1hr fviit in fti. wit-lri Th ideas and thoughts aro ways or forms I in which this seif-active mind acU, I aud of which it l conscious. They j are not something put into thi mind, j but are the mind's own acts and pro-! duced by it. It appears, therefore, J that the mind must produce, or con- J struct, all of iw knowledgo for itself. 1 This constructing of knowledge i 1 learning. Th ; child must do iu own J learning-, tboivfoiv. j To Uvaeh ii to climu'.a'e thj mind of! ' th mini! fit ..neti Tliimtit lw dun 1 hv ajjr.inv n4. ; Mv. r ! senses iu on av or j another, and thus arousing th atten-i I turn (mind; to couslruct th- id 'as and! thoughts d-sirtnl. (R.'niembT that; the word attention, cxmsciousiiesvi. J thought, perception, etc.. ar but so manv different names for mind when ' performing th-s? different acts. Thi u u thuU!.h. vstvfiviag, j, i. percep-j 1 l'ou' ''c.) Thore thiugs that bduress j the svue ar.- i!ld lue environment.! I This environment oovisis of the- myriad things tf ssnse that are con-! sumtly attacking th srnses on every; side and compelling the mind to learn. Our environnj.'ut is verr complex and t ,ii.t , and is constantly .changing. Every new and noticeable : change excit. s th? attention, and something is l .arned. ! To teach is to select from the ma- of ; ; environment that su 'learner, such only as , the idem, mid thought desires the child to construct, and to direct tho attention to these. Wire Brace Fence. j j matiff headquaators at Mtsifonl. has ;H lnt improved i fl - ai....l.'.1.U ,.1V ! , IV1I1 1. n U11 II 1 ' j meeting with irencral approval of the ! I farmers. Thai this fence can be built i with one-half of the rails on one-half ' i. ...... f...,.. -i,;..v. ; J - wniount of laud over the old wav i " i can on investigation bj proven leyond ! ' all doubt. Its strength aud durability is I unquestionable. It is worthy the con- : sideration of all farmers. A few anions: j tho manv who hav0 rurx.hasi farm j rights, and who would gladly re- commend it to tho!r fellow farm- ' 'rs are: 1. v It. . teali. r t. 11-.. 1 t dl U 1 1. 1 Brad C. T. , l Ti.,n..ll A rnr.!v Pavne. .1. W. t'as-beer. Jas." F. V1K j E. B. Myrv. E. W. Carver. Jas. Ham i lin. A. Tiai-ii!n. J. V. Shook. J. V:iv- furry, T. F. Attenlmrv. .1. B. Mvres. ill. A. .lcksu and J. Ii. IXmugan. I Anvlmlv ishinf irticn!ars. addre.- I ' " K. A. Wei.hs. Grand Central Hotel, Medford. Ore. Rnrkleii'ti Arnica Salve. The ii.-st salve in I ho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.ttter. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteml to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Pricn 2.V per box. For sale by G. H. H ask ins. Notice! After April 1st. the liarbcr shops in Medford will close on Sundays. Signed, W. L. Towxskxd. J. E. SlIKAKKK. LEWIS P.. Will mnkr the season or 11 at Central Point, where he will In every Thnrstluy finu unoo until Saturday noon, ttuil the balance of the tins? at ihe Mn'lendon fanu in Sani's Valley, Lewis 1. Is a handsome sorrel, nearly 5 years old. weighs I KM imtiuds. and for form and action rannot bt surpassed. Ho is Ihe winner of ser erul fast races and won n 1 l mile rare at Chi caiai as a Iwo year-old in tfilii. Also has a record at Ihw AiikcIcs of I : as a 1 year-old for milt; dash. nKsviiirnos sr I'Kmiutrn. Lewis P. was sired !y the eelehraied Joe liooKerof lUiltfoniin. he by Monday. Hookers llrst dam was Mayflower, hv imp. Kollpse: Al. Hennlr Karrow by Imp. Shamrock : 3d. Ida bv imp. Belsrhaner: 4ih. Grandma's dam (Maud Hoslryl by Sir Kichard : Mb. bv inp. Kuh'le; oth Hot Hosley by Wilkes- Wouder: ;ih. bv l.'han tlcleer: 8th. by imp. SterHns: nth, by t'lodinn; tilth, by imp. Sllverevc: llth. bv Imp. Jollv KoKer; IS. by Partuer: 1.1th. by imp. Monkev"; 1Mb, imp. mare from stud of llurrisou of llran don. lwis P.'s dam was l.ilile P. by Lelnster. bv imp. Anstruliun. foateit in IS79, and bred by ". L. Pntchard of Sacratucnu,, tiiltfomia. Her 1st dam was Adillo A. by Asteroid: Snd.Loretta by imp. Sovorvlpn : Snt, Mard OKJon bv Thorn hlil:4lh. Mat?- Thomas by imp. Consul: oth. Parrot by Kandolph's Ftoanoko, ilth, Paroaurt by Imp. MerritleUi; "th. imp mare by Popinjay ; Slh, Hourbon's dam by Precipitate: 'Mh. by rllnhtlyer; Ulih. Tlffanv by Eclliso: llth. Youutf lla by Skin; r. lla tWildras" dauil by 'ral; IS, Kbony of I'hilders: HIb, Old Khouy by Hasto: 1Mb, Massey's Maru by Masgeys black Burb. TKKMS Or SKBVICK. By the sason. SM. and irood uasturase fur- nisneu mares ituriuK tue time lor noaaimionai Kvery precaution taken to pre rent accidenu. uui wmpoosiuuiiy oasuiueu. C. C. McCLESDOX. One Price Tfl AD: - UNDERBUY- IS OUR MOTTO! the NEW YORK CHEAl1 COOPER fyn Q!T BLOCK, KpWVI Come Here To Stay, public endless bargains as Rerer bef - trn,.. ,.r T ,.t... - r Hifiiiii uianuiaciurera imcK eaei. i also purcnase lianferupt etocka and from firms wbo are in urgent need of the ready money, and having the ready money on hand I embrace the opportunity of buying goods for Cash at greatly reduced prices, consequently am able to offer the same to the public at sucli prices that should commend a speedy sale of my Oood, namely: DRY GOODS, DRK.S9 GOODS, CLOTHING, KOOTri and SHOES. HATS and CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS for LADIES and GENTS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, LACES, SILKS, SATINS, RIBBONS, Etc., Kpl in a firet class establishment j "Give me a eall It will be to yrrur benefit to inspect my stock and see prices."" VOVRS,JXXIOUS TOPLEJSE. agrXote the addre I 1 L JflS. fl. SLOVEN & CO., DRUGGISTS, Main street, Drugs, Chemical?, Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles., Per fumery, Etc., Etc. School Tablets and a Full Line of Cranes' Superfine Taper and Envelopes. aia9 PHYSICIANS: Prescriptions Carefuliv Com pounded Any Hour Day or- Night by an Experienced and Competent Druggist. NIGHT BELL ON iTHEl ClarendoM HOTEL. oi. G. COOPER, Propr., Medford, - Oregon. SiFirsl-class Board liy lie Bay, M or Mil that the teachs' s J t i Centrally Located. West HENRY WE ARE THE LARGEST DEALERS IN SOUTHERN OREGON. HENRY SMITH. - .- .... U.L 1 ... 'u. AVM. ANGLK. F. M. TLYMALE. tFflniVIEn'S STORE. 2. ANCLE A. PLYMALE. Proprietors. DEALEK.S IX General Merchandise Groceries, Fresh Bacon ami Ijrd, Choice Straine-l llonev. Pure CiJcr, Viijegmf Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Frails, Vcg. tdblcs and Matsv Kxtractj, Spire, Fiotlr. Matches, Etc., Etc. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF TOWjK. .A. R.rrodu' Taken in Evcfiane. .' I. A. . DEALS IN Carpets, uiein Care tJnrtftmt -UNDERSELL IS OUR MOTTO! CfvnrrT -rvnvnT!rk OREGON. Ad mo in a position to ofTeT t fbai rro heard of, as bavin? an ineids i 1 w.,.. 1 , , , ... I def'ccrnpetitionxj MAUK GOLDSTONK ' Medford, Ore. FRONT DOOR. Side of tbe S. P. R. R. Depot. SM1T! In Dry Goods, Clothing, Grebes. boots and Shoes, General Merchandise, etc. Eiarcine stock and be conriccel IE DEFT CQSPETITIDS. General store on Main Street. AVartliouse on Front Street. MEDFORD, Ore. WEBB and Paper T My AttesM to. .-4