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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1892)
O.K. BARBER IP J. E. SHEARER, Prop, Palm's Old Stand. First class work done to all. Ladies' hair cutting executed with neatness, MEDFORD, ORE. L M. LYON. CONTRACTOR J AND O . BUILDER. Jobbing of all Kinds. AitiwORK GUARANTEED. "..r I M i.iMiiuirii raiirvniv IIIUUIWI U ItUIUUI I L' -' x - ' ' t Onc-l!TT mile eat of Medford. Is tlis place to get the largest and v'2,i 'best stock of - Two-year Old Apple Trees in Jackson county. E. RUSS, Propr. NEW and Second Hand Goods! :. CHEAP. :. e sell all kinds of good. We also buy. Call j and see - ror Durv-in-". e ueiy competition. D. S. YOUNCS. C.Snw, MF.DFUKD. Or. MEDFORD, OK. - ' Jobbing of all kinds puM-.iJ . j hcl oi aDulication " VV t. estimates fnrnis Jackscrews to let I G. Elder MKDrORD. ORKGON. Dealer in ' GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. -ROOTS SHOES fT C) Vlsi nd OTIOxSSi " A FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PRIVATE BOARD.: Single Room and Board f 4.00 Room and Double Bed for Two and Board (each) 3.50 Board Without Room 13.00 Strictly TesjsraBce. Aisricaa Help.! . OLD STAND COR. C & 7th sts. I. H. PARIS, - Medford, Ore. - r r t IVft nt: aiJUecojiigv-rcoile party . l and lir-H 1 mil II ., . A .Tr: . s.i rf.. darof i r i II . riineir mat's oieeiing, .varcu otn, us . --- a . i w m . . nnhtrantnp anil flniflflr UUilUUUVUl UUU JUUUUU1 lander. He wrote a liner adver J, R. WILSON. BLACKSMITH, jtisement for the daily with the larg- jest circulation and sent it in. The AND Horse and Qxen Shoeing- MEDFORD, ORE. , ON E OF THE (5 R EATE5T. MEDICAL DISCOVERIES! OF THE AGE. Dr. Woodcock of Kerby, Josephine County. Oregon, has discovered a new '- remedy for Diarrhoea, Dissentarr, ' "Cholera Morbus Cholera Infantum, and all kindred diseases of the alimen tary canal. The new remedy is called Resnlator or tne jsoweis ana sioiaca. It qures all Summer complaints, all ' xrr1' 'arities of the stonach mid bow " matter what the cause is. It "(Constipate, and ha no opium s'-liv on -tho Pa ii Uik- ftfEDFORP MA1L- FELIX Published Once A Week. SUBSCRIPTION $200 PVt YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered In tho Postotnc at Medford, Oregon, as Second Class Mall Matter. Meifok. -Thursday, March 31, 1892. THE OUTLOOK. The freshet showers of the Inst few days have added thousands of dollars to the prospective output, resulting from bounteous -crops, and ; farmers and merchants arc happy in consequence. The cold storm wave that swept over the conntry was hardly felt when it reached this part of South ern Oregon. In th!s section of the valley there was some anxiety felt lest tin; changing temperature should culminate in a frost of more or less severity. A yet this calam ity has not come upon us. There has been a light frost, but nothing to injure the fruit, and present in dications are that the crisis has passed. While the fruit Taisers have felt some anxiety, the cool wave has luien greatly beneficial to tho fields of growing grain which now prom ise a fine and abundant harvest.. Fruit trees have been for three weeks or more. in bloom' j Apricots, I peach, pear and apple trees nrc I t masses of bloom, or verdure, and ; the budding vineyards give indica-! , , - . r : tions of a heavy fruitiige. j TheaUalt fields aro beginning j . ... . . b. ito bloom, and tnc wmrr oi me. j mower will toon be heard in the i land. Nature has no lovelier as- pectg than those ahe uresento in uian mose sne prestnis in ! this immediate locality just now. i ; THE WAYJT., ; j " Among tho resolutions adoptedi" the following i M v . 5 talkctltf as a candidal a for sheriff by 5 i.ii.i ; J the de-.JeraU of this county. Resolved, That in esse any can-j Mft Btock BBpectti., has been ididatc receiving a nonnnaUon atjmod among the sheep owners, our convention shall- thereafter be! ! known to seek or accrt a noniina- i.. t :.k.'Af n.. 1 v- v.M..v.a Y rVT or emer ,mo anv political iraae i 'Combination or coalition with either! "i of the old parties or anv of their ; caudate,, the executive commit-1 ! tee of this club is hereby instruct-1 led to take immediate steps to have I such names crossed from our ticket 4i t... - anu wtc aeam;y mteit buiiic capable and loyal to the principles j . of car party." I V arc not prepared to sayj whether tliis was a wise move or , ; not ; we are only ftmued and half j interested at the wry faces the rc t publicans and democrats make j every time this resolution is brought to their notice. It was bad enough i to "ominate an independent ticket, '., t , t ii tx. . they say. but to resolute as in the foregoing is enough to make a saint , . i .,-, candidate from ' eiirati itr ailing a vaiiu "'cither of the old parties who had i t j been counting on the People's party ! vote. Pometimfs success is due to a 1 fluke. The owner of one of the j most successful agricultural papers j in America got his start through a j mistake on the part of the adver- tising manager of a big daily pa- :per. I he agricultural man had a ! paper on which he was unable to I V I T . ,l i spenu inucn monev. n wouia, per- I haps, grow, or perhaps it would go cost would be but a trine. His writing was not the most legible, j and the advertising manager read the phrase "one time to be one page." The farmer man was hor ror stricken on opening the big daily nest morning to sec a whole page taken up with liners, consist ing merely of the name-of his pa per and the price. Yet when the bill for his page came in the sale of the paper had increased to such an exteut that he had the monev to pay. for it. So he said nothing alxut the error. Printer's Ink. Fok a U. S. Senator John H. Mitchell should be in better busi ness than fishing for cheap notor iety through sending out so much slush ancnt the marriage of his daughter to ' forcigii doke. , ao .eeaait jtffh to pride. nation epub J, es- :rom V for ft' . t ..- Fera feir ith- J.000 or 1,((00 ,1.50.' C,w n,na-thee ', ' f - OURESPONDENCE. Talent Ravelin gi. T.1a weather continues propitious for th tender fruit-blows, but il Is rathor ci " for grain to do its best. S. Sherman has had his notarial li c ns renewed for another term of two tears. There is yet occasionally a easo of la g 'ipps lurking nround among tho hills, but no sovere cases have been reported. James Roames is vot in a critical condition, suffering with pneumonia. Tho family of Row Mr. Stevens has arrived froru Stanton, Nebraska. Mr. Stevens came here in advance and pur chased thirtv acres of the Col ver ranch. They expect to build on their place soon, but meantime -will occupy tho Mansfield house, in Talent. Tho fam ily consists of a father, mother and nine, int.'llijicut-looking children, and is un honorable accession. The Baptist church at Talont will hereafter bo occupied every Sabbath, morning and evening, either by preach ing, chiasm jeting or V. P. S. of C. E. The union prayer and testimony meet ings aro well attended and very inter esting to those who are prepared for a better world, and aro trusting Jesus for salvation. The Talent school-house is occupied by a subscription school, taught by Ro setUi Watters: and the Upper Wagner Creek school is taught by Erne Rose. Each teacher has about thirty pupils, and are doing good work. The "Hills"' are full of prospectors since the Ashland papers have let the cat out, and I shouldn't wonder if we would hear something "drop" west of Talent, soon. If anvthing now or striking trans pires I'll lot vou know 'Tight away off." F. Sharp. Lake County Waves. Weather has b en niee all along. There have been warm rains in Lake- view vicinity this week. Horses ara in training at Lakeview, for the celebration races at that place. .T W )1.iti!li.1 line lwtn announced na candidate for county judge. Seeding time is here, and the farmers are busiilv engaged sowing their grain, Leah Eaton commenced a new term ' 1 Cranu Vreek dist-,t on the 21st inst, Jennie, daughter of S. P. Moss, is ""S V-?01 D Jfi Chewauken district, on Crooked Creek. Rov. Spoon and H.Smith are hold- ,nS a seru-s oi revival meetings ai tne ,., .. ,.,.,,.). , i.tM at nreaeut. ! Lee, little son of V. A. Bagley. of Summer-Ike. died of brain fever re- j centlv.'' He was interred in the Pais- HI&Sni 'Hthiag in chh- work, and 'ureach at Paisley the first suiiday at Summer Ike the fourth Suu- each month. ? searching for scabby ahoep, and has Jen successful, do he aaya. S6verloI tlw PaUloyltw have tho cold favor, and we have he heard lh.m ... that thv expected to go iuto the g country. Some have Harney rainlu already gone, Jg brought in from the de- innmar TjiL-t, ftrHiilt fifty head of horses, and it is roooru-d tha't jail except two were crazy from eating j a weed on Hi's desert called "loco." A great many norses are ruined by this j we4i Charles Innes. oue of Eastern Ore- gon's big sheep men, who went to San Franciseo last fall, end remained there during the wiuter. returned recently. He reports an excellent market for sheep in San Franciseo. Dr. Roval. who has beeu sick so long. passed quietly away Thursday evening at naii-pa lour ovioea. -Mun nail-oast lour ocwck. -Marcn oa People were expecting his Ueaia, as ne ."f' ". ' , llClnir nnvsician!, in ino u-iuiij , nuu will be irreativ missel in nis riroiession. . . .... . . j and as a citizen, hy the j 'lev. We understand he ' -d to and en... was reconciled of his Lord. i conies on his I , .' . - T "i. - : : . " .t ii. " T i ! pared. He was intirred in the Paisley cemetery with honors of niv.sonry by the Masons. "There I? a rraper whose name Is Death, And with his sickle keen He reaps the bemnied grain at a breath. And the flowers that grow between." Spikenard Spa; ka Showers have fallen lately to the j delight of the farmers. Itoads are in far ojlter condition than usual at this data. This reminds us that new roads are talk ;d of by all. The proposed read from Sams A alley over Tablo Rock saddle will hs of im mense value to us all. Mr. Keft-'rsou, through whoso farm it will pass, c.-r-tainly bets a good txnraple in froely offering the riph-of-way. Wo want a few changed of road locations aud one or two short stretches of roads in this vicinity. A very little labor and pense with the new Table Rock road, will put us six or sjven miles noarer Medford and other valley points. The mails, aft-;r a f -w dnys, will kave Sams Valley for Spikenard at 11 a. m. instead of at 9. It is found that on the present schedule much of our mail lies at Sams Valley for three or four days unnecessarily. The school house question bobs up serenely this spring, as usual. It is nip and" tuck between tho two senior directors' party on the one hand and tho heavy tax payers on th? othfr. There is'fun ahead. Tho location was settled two years ago to th-j f-at't-fae- fused to build upon the compromise h-Ui. hn-.i-ri thii rofn.. location to jireform a duty, tho members thereof have reached a point where th-.-ir re signations aro in ord:r. '., mnrn iuimnlnint nmin.t i tho millers. Their liberal proposi- ! Hons seem all that could reasonably j be asked. ."Live and let live" is a fair business proposition. .NEMESIS. Tolo Items- ;Too late fur publication last week. Kesterson and Waite are having a ditch taken out of Rogue river for the purpose of irrigating UvO acres of al ftdfa. '-' " - The Wvatt Bros, have 600 acres ol as fine grain as can bo see.) in the county. Dr.-AiC. Stun ii; iv savs liis store m Tolo V soiling more good than ho ex pected Well, wo do not wonder at it, far his clork, Ores Crefford is liked by every body,, and we cannot -jo how ho sella things so cheap. J. E. Cox is now suction foreman at Riddles. He is a good worker and the K. R. Co. appreciate hii valuer Scott Grimn is planting 45 acres iuto Burlttinks. They are the same kind Griffin shipped to California and got SI. 25 for whilo other varieties sold at 30 and IK) cents. It pays to pluat the best. ,: J. G. McDonald has a new picket fence around his hotel promises. It adds greatly to its looks. ' James McDonald has miners at work on his ledge. They are in upwards of feet and aw taking out soino rich pre. -; : : . X-ilUe Cox gave a sooiak party Sat- uW cvouiDir. - Alt had a pleasant tttuu Binwiuir. danoinsr and at trames of holt. Hnd iWbat your correspondent enjoyeu mt raootivaa tno excoiont sup- per. v'- :":r': ? .... . Miss Bei?ty Jones 'went''., to" Ashland this week tiyeiiid a faw months thore, irreariwhU ToWv.wHf. miss,-hor bright smlllng.fnsrw: ; .:(; '.BrlgrVo : AfhJand and Porter, of Jaeksf- Tille;-imoke U tho-democrats ""Ttoy both-rw.atjt u ho our next district attorney, but Colvig's fourth term may knock them out. Gentlemen you are ou a wild goose chase, for neither of vou could oa elected if nominated, for thin is a Pres idential year and consequently no ono but republicans will be olected-this year. r.Ulo Moore ceiuoratcu irer iiiiru birthday on tho 2Uth of February. One seldom s?es a person whoso birth day comes on tho 2'Jth of February. aiay she live to oujoy nor zoin oirin day. ft. Westrop came nenr being killed on Tuesday by a horsj getting scared and tramping on his breast while in the stall. Henry McCay, aged 18, died on Mon day at 9 p. ru., at hix father's koust;, and will be buried in Jacksonville on Monday. The school was dismiHsed to attend the funeral. Itkmizkk. Eagle Point News. Wo aro having some refreshing showers of rain, which is good for the small grain and grass. Gardens that were planted earlv aro growing nicely. Rev. Starnes bus taken possession of tnn piacj ha bought ot Mr. Soveranca. 1 he rovlval meetings are progress ing satisfacorily. The Revs. Thomp son went to their appointments at Med ford aud Crutral Point on Sunday, re turning hore on Monday. Rev. Slams held services in their absence. George Brown and A. Severance at tended tho county convention at Jack sonville on Saturday. Cora Brown returned home on Sun day. Dr. Whitney made another trip out here from Grants Pass, on business, Tuesday. Thero are no serious cases of sick ness in this vicinity at pres.-nt. though it is evident that the Eagle Point cor respondent of the Valley R'cord has a sour stomach, which causes him to break out in slurs. Religious meet ings and political gatherings seem to be the objects at which his fusilade of venom is directed. Microscope. Gold Hill Items. Dr. Braden. at present in Indianapo lis. Indiana, will soon leave for Gold Hill. The spring fights opened at Gold Hill in irreat shan. last Saturday. xne ursi ijuui us ucmceu iwu rKi- ; ers. which lasted an hour. Hilly Key-; nold's bird won. Later ou. Kinney's j oog ivizer ana rwinow s aog v aien un- ; dertook to 8--ttle an old grudge. Tho fight was hotly contested. At the end of forty-five minutes the referee declared the 'light a draw. At night Wolf red Heed declared himself the b-st man in Jackson county. Tom Lawrcuce dis puted the assertion, and they exchanged compliments. Tho fight IusUkI thirty minutes. Reed came off second best. ' O. B. Hardy, the raining man, in ex pected daily' to arrive He comes to stay. Ho is an honest man, a .d is a stayer. Lucky Bart is sinking shaft at the mouth of the upper tunnel ia bis mine on Sardine Creek. He is getting ore that will go a dollar to the jwmnd. J. H. Bacon ia running the mill at the Braden mine, night and day, and is irettinir cood result. A. J. Barlow and Jo Hammers!" lira- 1 tually agreed tha'. there is uolhing in loafing, aud concluded to go iuto the we;k nnJ cul on haf Uenj 1JLs . fathercounted twonty-thivecmpty beer J bottles whre Jo had worked. Harlow cut one-half cord in nine days, and 1 assorts that when he irols broke he can j chop two cords a week. E. Ray. Gold Hill's butcher, is fur nishing his customers with some choice ' beef. I Mr. Pickett, of Sin Franei.'vo paid I Lucky Hart's mine a visit. He will return soon with a view oi purchasing I the projcrty. j On last Friday John Kiekett. while ' chopping wood on Evans Crock. avi- dentally cut his foot in a fri-hlful man- ner was ,ea hour3 b (ore h? , I assistance. Ir. I'orter. assist .-d bv IJr. I UV1U . VI ,'IV.UIIIII. I'lllVCM U I ll,4 viitu . . . r f ..if i .. ; ..i. . .1 .. . . t .:...! . . . -v. . i i Miss Nellie Harlow who is attending ! 6xtiool at the convent, in Jacksonville, spent SsaturUav and Sunday with her l"nt in GoId ual Doctor I "oner is havinjr irreal sue cess in his profession. Occasional. (Too late (or publication lat week.) Prof. Win. Freeman, of Central Point, attend, d the school enteruiin ment in Gold Hill Friday evening. A surprise party was given Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson at the residence of Mr. West ou Galls Creek, on last Wednesday evening, and a very pleas ant time was had. At about one o'clock p. m. on last Friday, a lire broke out in a small dwelling belonging to Mr. Horbjrt. but occupied by Mrs. Henderson and sons. The flames spread so rapidly that nothing could be taken from the building. Hy hard work Mr. Her bert's dwelling which was but a few feet from the burning building was L...J tv... ....., ..1.1 were a total loss, except aouot ?-i. in coin found in tho aslu-s. but pretty badly blackened by the heat. As soon as the fire was out of danger of to other buildings, soveral subscription papers were circulated and a hand some sum raised for tho benefit of Mrs. Henderson. They left for Grants Pass on Monday. A. V. Fritzgerald left Gold Hill on Friday evening's train for Taeoma, Washington, where he goes to seek his fortune. Arthur leaves many warm friends here who wish him unbounded success. I'rof. Ij. L. Freeman closd a suc- 1 cessful term of school in the Gold Hill school house on last with the best entertai Friday evening mraent that has ever been given in Gold Hill precinct. The house was filled to its utmost ra pacity and the beat of order prevailed. The harmony with which the pro gramme was rendered is a credit to Doth teacher aud pupils and reflects tho increasing energy that has bonn Use Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder. ; ,IF YOU WISH TO AVOID THE TWIN DRUGS, ALUM AND AMMONIA Dr. H. Endcmann, for twelve years chemist of the New York Board of Health, in. his paper read before the American Chcuical Society at Washington, in October, 1891, states that an ammonia baking powder acts on the gluten of the flour, altering its chemical properties, and cites numerous high authorities to prove its injurious effect on the stomach and kidneys. LiebJ;5 tho great chemist says: "The use of alum in bread is very injurious, and it is very apt to disorder the stomach and occasion acidity and dyspepsia." The following powders are known to contain either ammonia or alum or both: Royal, Chicago Yeast, Calumet, Bon Bon, Taylor's One Spoon, Unrivaled, Forest City, Snow Ball, Pearl. put forth by both during the entire term. Prof. Li. L. Freaman took charge of tho school at Woodville on last Mon day morning. We beg to congratu late the directors and patrons of the Woodville school for thuir success In having employed so competont a tuachur. Several men aro at work preparing tho ground for tho new t;n stamp mill to bo erected hore shortly, Tho mill wiil be about 200 feet west of Mrs. Griffiths' residence on the bank ot the river. J. J. If ouch returned Saturday from San Francisco wherj ho had Uoon fur several days as purchasing agent for tho new mining company. Win. S. Fitzgerald and family startod yesterday for their old home ii) Kansas, The object of the trip is the hope that a change of climate may im prove Mr. Fitzgerald's health. He has bean confined to his room with rheumatism since last spring. They have rented their hotel to Mr. Har ington for the term of one year. John Montague and Isaac Wolf, of Medford, wore in town during the week. Tho smiling face of A. C. Gall, the enterprising druggest of Sams Valley, was seen on the streets of Gold Hill. The much needed rain has come at last and the farmers appear happy. James Hay now clerking for Ben naymond, of Roek Point. Ed Tempi-? lias resigned his position as clerk for Bon Raymond and is going iuto the tomb stone business. (Rather a grave business it appears.) Bl'CKEYE. Rock Point Pointers. Too lale for publication last week. Benj. Haymond was at the county 8 'Ut last week. Mrs. P. O. Wilson, who has hjen at Medford for the past month, has re turned home. C. E. Miller, who is employed at Central Point, is home on a visit. Grace Furguson has returned to Ash land, after an extended visit here;. She was given a farewell jarty at the resi dence of J. W. Hay's, which was an en joyable affair. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Whits were at Jacksonville last week. Mr. arid Mrs. J. S. Morgan, of Med- fru. were VISUM" relatives hcre last week. Ed Fauleoiier. of this place, is work- inj nt Grants Pass. J. W. Hay was at Central Point Wednesday. He will soon 1 -ave 'or mining expedition on Louiso ek. The Miss.-s Oliver, Sallij Maury rnd Florence McDonald accompanietl by the : Messrs. Maury and Olirer. of Central Point, were in town Sunday, tha guestd 1 of Ed Temple. j Horace Telton and Martha Card well. ' of Siinis Volley were in town Sunday. " F.ila Griffith" closed a suoc--ful verm of school on Gall's CVe k last week, : ... ...t VI.U..U. ,., Sama Valley school house. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yost are vtsluag at Grants Pa.. Mr. and Mra. Ex-iherilT Dean, of Willow Springs, were visiting the fam ily of U-n Miller last week. lar f vinof the day: quite a numb.-r of ni- fish have Iven eaught by the oid lishermon of this place. Fejime Sole. Ti3 VTorl I Hnrlca'l. T:;c ficl.itics cf t!c prrscct dav far the prodactica of c.xr tIUng tint will coc- j iuce to the taatcnal o clfare and comfort of monl:ind arc almost unlimited and I when Syrup of Tis was rjt produced ; the wor'd wes enriched with tha only ' perfect laxative known, as it is the only ; remedy which is truly pleasing ad re freshing to the taste and prompt and . . j effectual to cleanse the system geally in Spring time or, ia fact, at any time end the better it is known the more pop- . n, . ; i ' b' "ome?. PATENTS i j rtwcurrH. la thf l"nttdi State and forrln 1 ' coumr:-. T"cr!r tiv yrar" rxpcrlrnr oj ; , fhoUriUir brforr thr Patent Ofacr ami at tor- i j noys in pt-tit caav before the courts has J g ivra u an eKfCNiTc ract7v -v ur pre special alteotion to cax ro)ectel In olber : hands, also to interference, appeals. reKuev ; tralc tnarke. the preperattoa oC cpin.oa as to) tnfrlRimenU. rcojc and validity nl paieots, ? and the proeculin and defense of Mill for in j innsenieni. utu-i.iuf oi i v tuTTa.-uwt.Mv-9 w earrfallT luly each c-ie and pvt claims in the ; ortinal patent as broad v the tnr-t t nc. Tht i now especially iinioriant iu view t.f the dif- j Oeulty la oMatuiue a r" Issue of a defective pat- j ent and of mainlatni; it in the court after It Is obtained. The employment of competent altor ary is tpirrAT. j i'pon receipt of mrvlcl. sketch, or phonno- j erahh. we (rive our opinion a to patentabtlity -; iree ot chanre. If favorable the inventor i ; ttlriel at to cot of prceelinir. etc. Our fees i are ulways re5onable. We refer to all ex- j commissioners of ialents darlnc the pat quar- ; ter of a century ai;d 10 clients In all parts of the j country, cf whom names in your Stat will be i si vrn uton ro,uet. Our book ot tns;mctiona j terms, etc. sent fro. 1 EDSON BROTHERS, j Equitable Building, 1003 F St XX7 akin r C 'I jifSend three uunps for postace on hand- some Uluraiei booKiei. -inveniive rnipw. azitl our tpnpteal quarto rentcanial pbamplet for lnrenlor. manufaclurrrs. and palenloes. iMUcd Id our tweniy-nfth year of praclleo. We Will Pay A iilanr of to Ci per week to GOOP auvuls to rvnrescnt oh In oi ry eounly and sell our eeneral iiue f Merehandisc at manulacl urvr' prk-es. Only those who want steady em- filovment ni-ed apply. CaMlocue and particu ar sent on receipt of S' eeun for exprssiijro. A. KAKPKN i CO.. 1'JS yulncy Street. Chicago, 111. Notice of Election. Kotic-3 is hereby given that the nu nual election of "onions of Protection Hoia Company Xo. 1 will b; h.'ld in the council nxmis. on Wednesday even ing, April lith, 1SII2. A full attendance is requested. Geo. L. Davis, Pres. Bv Jxo. V. Cukky, Soc'v. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES. C. W. WOLTERS. GROCERIES MED ED BUSINESS A First Class COMMERCIAL School for both LADIES and GEN TLEMEN. All Branches Thoroughly Taught. PORTRAIT PAINT ING and GREEK and LATIN Taught. EDUCATE Boys and GIRLS for Business. You Can Begin at any Time. D.iy and Evening CIusfc-s. For Terms Apply to RIGBY & HART, HOWARD'S BLOCK. Meclfbi-d, Oregon w. L Vawter. pres Wo. SLING ER. Vice JrcsL Jackson Gounty Bank. ! ; CAPITAL, " $50,000 j ! ... i Loan money on approved security, receive and transact a general banking business on thr mot favorable terras. e3TYonr Business Solicited ; CorrOSPOndfcnts: Corbin B.tnking Co., N Y. Commercial National. Portland. J. S. HOWARD. Dry Goods, Boots I Shoes, Groceries, and Crockery. The best goods at the lowest prices for Cash. The highest prices paid for country produce. UOC'PS DELIVERED FKEE TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. MEDFORD, - : Medford, HaiTis & Pflriliii PrcprietGn QBSliD First-class in Every Particular. 'Special attention paiil to Commercial Travelers. HENRY KLIPPEL, Successor to I ROGUE RIVER LUMBER Wliolesale and Retail Dealer Lulier, t -it- m i Lain, ii n rii, MEDFORD ADKINS Floo Dealers in SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware, Cycone and Hoosier Pumps. Every, article D. H. MILLER, -DEALER IX- Hardware, Stoves, Tinware t . t and Fine Building Material. Warranted Cutlery, Curpenwrs and BuUdore Tools. Fishing T-icltlo, Ammwutioa, Etc.. Etc Redjncket Force Pumps, for deep or ehollow wells. Tin Shop Attached AND CIGARS. COLLEGE G. tV. V.A.', Medford. Oregcn. - CeiXrt-itb object t check Pacific Bank, San Francisco. Ladd & Bush. Salem. - - OREGON.: CEI1TBJL (nn Oregon.- Terms: $1 $1.50 ani $2 Der da COMPANY. in Cm! Etc. OREGON. & WEBB, hears a guarantee. mi aag .iJ.i,;:,.Mfa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Boseburg, Ore.. Feb. 81, t Notice Is hereby given tout tba following named senior hai iiltd colke of bis intention to muke liaal pro.f in fuuorl of bis cl&im. and thai it!'i tjrooX wiil be zuuue beluru tile jutige, or clei U ot tbc I'ouuty court, of juckson county Orejrou. at Jacksonville. Or., oa Sutnraayr Aitnl v. viz: Home-stead entry No. 4rus. of JuiiiesO. EUKertou, for tbc nw of ne!, ii of ne4 ana nw?t of eK of eec l. tp 31 s. r 1 e. He Busies the fallowing vrilioesses to prure bis continuous residence upon and coltivatloa of. said laud, viz: Fort Hubbard. Jr.. Henry A. Sntton. and William A Tasart. ut Ltedx. Jackson Co Ore gon, and X. J. Meeker, of Big liuttc. Jackson Co., Oregon. V-H John H. Sucre, Regtoer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rww-burg. Ore.. Feb. 98, Notice U reby (?iven that the foUowinc1 named witter han tiled notice of his in lent too to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Jndge or ConniT Clerk of Jack.non eoantr. Orecon. at Jacksonville. Oregon, on ftatorday. April 9. lHev j riz: ilometead entry No. .of JofanE. Olson, ; for the 8W of sec Zi. tp 34 , r t w. ) He names the following witnesses to prove i bin continuous residence upon and cnltiTation or. said ian a, viz: o. v. timvh, Jonn E. Yoterr 1. Harm, of ueaie. j action county, Orepon; J. B. Bjdgem. of hamn Valley. Jackson cuonty. Oregon. -14 JoHJf H. Shcpc, Blister. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. In the Coanty Court of Jackson County. State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of Svmuel Earhart. Ieceased: Notice in hereby given that on the lerenth day of March. A. I. IHetbe ucdentigned wa by the County Court of Jackaon Conity. Slater of Oregon, duly appointed Admin brtratrix of th estate of Samuel Earhart, late of raid co inly, deceased : and all persons having claim ainst aid estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, witb proper vouchers, within six monthw from the date of this notice, to the un derlned Administratrix of said estate, at her residence, one half mile south of Medford, io said couuty. Dated at Medford, Oren, this 19th day of March. A. D. ETTA EARHART. Administratrix of the estate of Samuel Ear hart. Deceased. fcS S. CHILDERS Having bought out Frank Galloway is now prejared to 11 all orders promptly. The Cheapest and B -at Picket Fence- i mad-;. Currsiiondenee solicited. Ad dress all orders to a CHILDERS, Msdrcai. Oregon. I - D AA'T'Nra gcm st-ASTii? aoirrss fsvt c.t ob! j fcr.CO per WO sguie lei. SliiM a rKXl r -4 for Tvars. asd acyooe cmn rut iz cc beca stazcp fornmple szmI fall partWmixrs. (irn ELisnr Kotmc rn 33 t 1 t EST ET1APAT. St TOEC LOCAL AUKNTS VTANTED. CAUFOHIA 9 n Cures UAIAnnn Eheuniatism. "enralgia.Cony HEAOACHE. antj ALL PAIN. Ti- Cilifo i Po:tiT Kzi SentiT ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUKES C0LD3, CSOn?, C053Clt?TI05. Said br an Draita. Each Sc.SOc Oraasinsar aV C-. Prop'a. Lea Angatea.Cal Widom"s Gobertine. Ts a ftrietlv hvsrenic trcparation. i While it bcatitifieu and preserres !the complexion it removes all j blotches, pimple, sun. wind tan, freckles and all blemishes and purities of the skin of whatever na ture. It is used by the recherche of society and the stage and bears the highest endorsements from chemists, physicians and artists ever given to any preparation of it kind. Sold onlv bv drugists. i They Say It Contains So Poison. The celebrated chemists, whose opinions are above the price of gold, tell what thev know. Sax Vrancisco. June 23. 1SS9. Dkar Sir: We have made an ex haustive chemical analysis of "Wis dom's Robjrtine." ob:aiued by us in the open market, and find it to be" free from ail poisonous or deleterious ingredients, constituting a harmless preparation for the face. Yours truly. Thomas Price & Son. Analytical Chemists. To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Co Are Yon Suffering. From back ache. in3:uxation of the bladder, brick dust deposit or stone in the bladder, or ia fact any derange ments of the kidnevs or urinary or gaus? If th i afflicted do not loosse time and watie monoy on worthless lini ments and worse jilr-st -rs, bus str ike' at the seat cf the disease at oaee by using the greatest of all known rvreedUs, thj celebrated Otvgou Kidocy T-.a Plessant to take, purely veg;tjble Satisfaction every timo. One Dollar Weekly Buys a good Gold Watch by our Cul Syst.-ra. O:::- 'w-kar.-.t fi-id-rlled e.-se. are wraat; !' L')yst;s. Fiae Kigin o.' W.;ha::. s:ov.-n:eat. $fera vied a:;d set. Lny's cr G n:'s sic. E;jUiii to k:v v;i;o;:. To secure agists t:cr.' v.e s ;.v; v..v?, wo s;;: o:..- . : t:: ttui.-iri.' C;-..v W.i or' s f-r i;. Cii.b vic c- a:'.!. C. O. 1. by cst.rcss r. i.h j ;ivUego oi e.xuuiiaicioi; bcii-rs -eying for same. Our agent at lurhrm. X. C. w:i;es: "lav jewelers kavc conft' tht-T doi bov how yu con furnish such work for the Mucy." Our agent at Heath Springs, S. C. sr.ys: Ycur wai-hes sake at :i:M Tive Bec'.ti. an who got tile last watch aiit e exuciised anl pricHi & jeweler's watches i. Lsiicutt-r. Ulat were no (teller than Yours. iu.t tho ihm was Our agent at Pennington. Tex., writes: "Am iu receipt of the uatch. anu am ei without measure. Al! who have aeea il say it would be chcay at HO." One gcKHl reliable Agent wanted rot each placi. Write for particulars. Empire Watch Co., New York. Job Vi oil: at the lit MTersal Combination Fence