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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1892)
r"-- BEDFORD MARKETS. COSBSOTID BVEBT W1DHESOAT. Wheat, No. 1, per bushel I .78 Oats, " . Barley .90 Corn, .) Potatoes, " .30 itUl Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton 15.00 Hay, baled, 111.00; loose, 10.00 wmd t ak. per cord 4.00 f Fir, 3.50 Flour, Wholesale, per Barrel iSO Flour, retail, per sack 1.30 Batter, per roll .SO fcggs, per dozen .10 Onions, por pound .03 Apples, per box .50 Bacdn an Ham per lb. .134 Should .10 Beans " .04 Lard " .19 Honey, " .15 S. ROSENTHAL THE lcr OF MEDFORD, ORE., Has just received a large stock of fine CLOTHING and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS also a finestock of BOOTS and SHOES Which he will sell as low as can be sold. Small profits and quick sales will be his motto. Call and see for yourself. Boots and Shoes. I SELL FOOTWEAR ONLY. As I give my attention to this line of trade only I can do better by my customers than dealers in all kinds of goods. Call and examin stock. Repairing Neatly Done. M. S. DAMON. LA GRIPPE CTTKED By using S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and S. B. Cough Cure directed fur colds. Thev were SUCCESSFULLY used two years ago daring the L.a Grippe cpi ieiaic and very fluttering testimonials of their pvwer over that 0Icaae are at hand. Price 7a and 50 cts. per bottle. (Jeo. H. Haskins. Medford, Or. PORTLAND t: Skilled help furnished hotels and Restaurants. Private boarding houses and families. Labor hired for railroads and contractors. Ve register strictly first class cooks, waiters and domestics. mi X. 3rd. St. S. K. PHILLIPS. Maa'r. PflLHGL BIM SHOP W. L. Towxsend, Proprietor. Main Street Opposite Pestoffice. Hot and cold baths, pompadour hair cutting and clean towels a specialty. Fair treatment for everybody. Give us a trial. ' THE SINjER SEWING MACHINE. I. E. Hoover, local agent of the Singer Mn'fg Co., for Jackson and Josephine counties, has his office with J. E. Elder, Medford and Mrs. E. M. Stone. Grants Pass, who are authorized to cojlect money and receipt for the Singer Co. in my name. I. E. HOOVER. ITfae Road to Vealthl Cannot be successfully ttm'.et with ut good health. To reach ealth or any eMhi posiilcn la IKe require tha full osmisIob ana opantiaa cf a!) tha ta altla kind nature has endowed at Ith. Thasa ceniltlaas cannot exict unlets tha lhTtical keing Is la perfect wsffclaa Ut, and this Is Impassible when tha Brer and spleea ara torpid, thus obstruct ing tha aseraC'jns, causing Indlgastlea and dytpepsls, with all at thtir accosf pairing horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a spacMe laflaeaca ortr tha lhar. axcltas It ta healthy actios, rssshat Ha chraale ngorjemea'.s, and prostatas tha secret la as ; cures Mlaaatlea and caastl- aatlaa, sharpens tha appatlta, taaaa ap II theeattra ayitaa, and cukaa I Ma worth Great loth Thet Sower Has m No Second Chance, m A tnam v tupce flu wot of tha) tt-lJ 1 FERRY'S I 5EEPS M kive made asd kept Ferry's Seed BusioessM m the largest in tha worlU Merit Teils. m Ferry's Seed Annual for 1891 B tells the whole Seed story Sent free for thm M 1 askiap Don't sow Seeds till you set k. M D. M.FERRY ft CO..Pgtroit.Micr Emon Bra CaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaMI LOCAL AND GENERAL Open Alliance to-nijrht, Thursday, Lead pencils any style, variety, size or price at Slover's. "Ten nights in a Bar-room" to morrow night, Friday. Look out for "Ten Nights in a Barroom." March 25. Concert at the Baptist church Satur day night. March 25, in the opera house. Social at the Christian church Tues- '"Ten Nights in a Barroom." Fisk Jubilee Singers at the opera house Wednesday night. Buy your school tablets at Slover's and get a nice lead pencil free with each one. J. H. Story was in from Galls Creek last week. In Medford, Friday. March 25, at the opera hou.-e "Ten Nights iu a Bar room." J. E. Shearer will be ready for busi ness again in a few days. Mrs. S. E. Penwell has opened a bakery in the Faris hotel, where fresh bread can be procured daily. T. R. Harris, the insurance agent, is in the city from Portlaud. Reserved seats at 35 cents each, for "Ten Nights in a Bar-room," on sale at C. V. Wolters. Select your seat early. D. P. Greninger is moving his fam ily to Spikenard. Placer and quartz claim notices for sale at this office. W. C. Engledow, the Jacksonville painter, was in Medford Tuesday. Dry popcorn at Elder's. F. G. Plymalo began work at the Business College Monday. Subscribe for the Mail. Mrs. Doney died of consumption in this city Sunday at 1 p. m. Fine job work at this office. The usual large number of Jackson ville people rode over to Medford Sun day. Demorsst Brothers, dentists. The Oregon State Horticultural society meets in Grants Pass ou April 12th and 13th. MoBride & Case for photographs. D. S. Youngs is again recovering from a severe attack of his old ailment, rheumatism. Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro cery. The Goldstones, of the New York Cheap Cash store, have gone to house keeping near the school house. Boots and shoes anatomically built by A. C- Tavler. Reparing promptly attended to. Carries in stock ladies. mens, and infants correct shape shoes. Personal attention given to fitting the foot. Opposite Post Office. John Inlow, from Eagle Point was registered at the Grand Central Sun day. Under the auspices of the Medford Fire company the Fisk Jubilee Singers will give a concert in the Medford opera house on Wednesday, March 30. Tickets for sale at G. L. Davis'. Attend the 10 cent social at the Christian church next Tuesday. A good time and lots to eat is assured. Read about the Fisk Jubilee Sin gers in another column. This is a good opportunity to help the fire boys out. Hen fruit seims to be rather plenti ful just now. We quote the local price at 10 cents p-T dozen. Tickets and reserved seats for the Jubile.' for sale at G. L. Davis'. Get them early. The educators of Jackson county will meet at Central Point Saturday. An interesting program will , bo rendered. Go to Elder's for the best tea in town Mrs. Agnes Hall, sister of Mrs. S. Childers, returned to Medford Sunday from Woodland, Cat., after an absence of several months. Come see the new goods at the Racket. A farmer in Missouri grafted a to mato vine into a potato vine and got two crops, one from the top and the other from the roots. Hay by tha ton or bale, seed oats and barley at J. H. Thorndike's Christ. Arnold and wife, who have been absent in California and Iowa some -six months, returned to Medford last week. Cinnamon bark and whole cloves at Wolters. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Miller died in this city last Fri day, after a short illness, and was buried in the Jacksonville cemetery Saturday. The best place in town to trade is at J. S. Howards. S. H. Holt, of Phoenix, was elected second vice-president of the State Farmers' Alliance at its late conven tion in Oregon City, and Ira Wakefield, of Talent, was elected chaplain at the same time. Maple bricks and silver d rip syrup at Wolters. The open Alliance meeting this afternoon and to-night promises to be interesting. Some good speakers have been secured. The coui.ty debt will be discussed. The meeting will be held in the ooera house For bargains in boots'and shoes call on M. S. Damon. A call has been issued to Southern Oregon physicians to meet in Medford on May 16th and 17th, to organize a district medical society in connection with the state medical seciety. A great Bargain in heavy shawls to close. Racket. Bed-rock prices wear at the Racket. on heavy under Work guaranteed at the MoBride & Case photograph gallery. New carpets and wall paper at I. A. Webb's furniture store. D. M. Ferry & Co's. well known garden seeds an C. W. Wolters' We claim to turn out the best and neatest job work in the valley at rea sonable prices. If vou want your best girl to think you are handsome, get your photo- j graph taken at McBride & case's. Jacksonville is soon to have a K of P ! lodge, thanks to the untiring efforts of ; W. C. Engledow. About twenty names : have already been secured and a meet . ing will be held the last of this week I to effect an organization and elect I officers. A. C. Parker was In the city Wednes day from Central Point. It is a well known fact that the New York Cheap Cash store is the place to do your trading. "You can save money. Undersell, underbuy is our motto every time. Miss G. Anderson left for a visit to the coast Tuesday. V. and B. Beall were doing business in the city this week. Do your trading where your dollar goes the furthest and that is at the New York Cheap Cash store. New goods arriving daily. '.For ladies and gents footware, clothing, furnishing goods apply at New York Cheap Cash Store. V. C. London and J. T. Galvin were up from Grants Pass Tuesday. The millinerv store of Mrs. D. T. Sears is displaying some elogant spring styles. J. W. Marksbnry was up from Gold Hill Tuesday in the interests of the Peoples' Party. Apple trees $7.50 por hundred, 63 por thousand; size 5 feet and up branched at Medford nursery. Thompson Bros, are holding revival meetings at Eagle Point. They will exchange pulpits next Sunday morn ing and evening. Prunes, 3 to 4 feet, $8.50 per hun dred; 400 lots $7.50 per hundred, at Medford nursery. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Miller wish to return thanks to kind friends and neighbors for their sympathy and as sistance in their late sad afflictions. Northern Grown Gardon Seeds at J. C. Elder's Three papers for ton cents. At Astoria on May 11th, the one hun dreth nuniversary of the discovery of the Columbia river by Capt. R. Gray, the first man to carry tho stars and stripes around tho world, will be cele brated. The New York Cheap Cash store Las just received a fine line of Henri etta and otherdress goods, latest styles and fashionable colors at prices to suit everybody. Work at house cleaning, washing or dressmaking wanted by Mrs. J. Boor, The latter preferred. Eighth St, near C. The Jr's of Medford and the Jr's of Jacksonville crossed bats on the dia mond ta this city Saturday. This was the first base-bail game of the season, and called out quite a number of spec tators. The score stood 25 to 32 in fa vor of Medford. Bottom has fallen out of Garden Seeds Four papers for teu cents at 1). H. Miller's Hardware Store. Call and se; them before buying. D. H. Miller Hopgrowers in Polk county in the vicinity of Dallas and Kola report that the hop louse has made its appearance in those localities. Next year they tthe lice) will probabaly be found grub bing up the yards, providing they are as much earlier in proportion as those Polk couuty lice. Typo writing taught at the college rooms, $3 per month. There were five Mondays in the month of February, 1S92, which is a very unusual thing, it being the short est month in the year, and has not oc curred in 300 years before, and will not accur again during the lifetime cf any one now liviu?, or their descendants. If von want dry stovo wood, order from W. Beeson, at Ta'.eat. He has it by th-j quanlity-good-we have tried it. The date of the County People's Party Convention to nominate couuty officers, has been changed from April 4th to Saturday, April Slh. the day fol lowing the meeting of the County Farmers' Alliance. The base for rep resentation is one for each ten and fraction of ten from each precinct club. Mrs. D. T. Sears has just received a complete line of spring styles in mil linery. A Kansas exchange has hit upon a novel plan to keep subscriptions paid up. Every time a delinquent subscriber is mentioned in the paper his name is inverted. For example: "roqu pouas and wife are spending a few days in Chicago." Everv other reader under stands what it means, and there is a grand rush among the negligent to get right side up again. Ladies' visiting cards printed at this office. Two companies claiming to have Rainmaker Melbourn's secret have been formed in Kansas. They offer to sell the secret at the rate of $2500 per county, or will furnish one or two inches of rain at &5C0 per county. They have meu at work in tho dry regions of California and Arizona, and claim to have produced one and one- half inches of rain at Pixley, Cal. Cash paid for chickens at Henry Smith's. Jno. II. Hardin and J. Brown were up from their mines at Willow Springs Tuesday and exhibited some wonder fully rich gold quartz. The discover ers are elated over their find and well they may be, for they claim they have tons in sight of just as rich rock as the samplo they exhibited, which must assay thousands of dollars to the ton. By simply panning out the crushed quartz they can averago $5 to the pan. - r w goods at the millinery store of Via. D. T. Sears. Call and see her Wo have made arrangements whore by we can furnish all new subscribers who pay a year's subscription to the Mail in advance with tho Rural Northwest, published at Portland Ore gon, or the American Farmer, pub lished at Springfield Ohio, free of charge. These are both excellent ag ricultural papers and should bo in every home. This offer is also good to those who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance. The Mail ought to have at least 000 more subscribers in Jackson county and by this means we hop? to secure them before another year. We offer liberal inducements to those desiring to get up clubs. See your neighbor and if he docs not take tho paper get him to subscribe. Sam pie copies mailed free a application. Notice! After April 1st, 1892, tho barber shops in Medford will close on Sundays, Signed, W. L. TOWN8END. J. E. Shearer. Notice. Dr. R. Pryce will leave Modford for a time because of ill health and all those knowing themselves to bo in debted to him are requested to call and settle with him within a short time or pay the amount to the Jackson County Bank. Medford, March .1, 1892. JACKSONVILLE EXHIBIT. A Painting of Historical Table Rock for the World's Fair. The Woman's World Fair Club, of Jacksonville,hasdecided that its exhibit shall be a historic oil painting of Table Rock, in the northern part of the valloy. One of the roost desperate battles of tho pioneers was fought between the Table Rocks by the Indians and volunteers in 1852, and when the Indians were com pletely routed, they fled to tho highest point on the rock and dashed madly over the precipice Many pioneors aro still living who participated in that battle, among thorn J. N. T. Miller, of Jacksonville. Table Rock at this point will form tho foreground of the paint ing, with Rogue river at its base. Butte Creek valley with tho Cascade range will be the background with fine views of Mount Pitt and Diamond Poak. The painting will be 71x5 feet, and will be framed in a beautiful mosaic of South ern Oregon woods, with an inner set ting of natural native ores. Mrs. Ro ena Nichols, a Southern Oregon artist, who has attained emin-'nee in art cir cles, has b-on employed to paint the picture, which is to bo completed in six months. Cor. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Meeting: to be Held at Central Point, March 2G. The following is the programme of the Jackson County Toachcrs' Associa tion, to bo held at Central Point ou Saturday, March 2G, 1892: HOnMINO SESSION. 1. Music: 9. Primary Ri-adlng, Miss A. II. Latham: 3, Advanced Work in Kvadiug. Mr. E. E. Smith; 4. Illustrations of the Phonetie Method of Heading. Miss Delia Picket; b, Duet, Miss Frink and Mr. Getz. arntRxooM session. 1. Solo. Miss A. Janet Kobes; 9. To what Ex tent Should Physiology be Taught In Our Schools. Mr. S. II. Clayton; S, KecitaUon. Miss Haute Newbury; Methods of Teaching Physi ology in Primary Grades, Miss Elva Galloway. FUOGHAMME COMUIZTEE: Gus Nenbury. Agnes Devlin. Dr Ankcny. INDIAN DAVE HILL The History of the Urave Who Was Killed Recently. Dave Hill, the Indian policeman of the Klamath reservation, who was killed by another Indian while taking an Indian prisioner to the agency March 13, was one the beit known In dian characters in Oregon. During the Modoc war he acted as interpreter and scout for the whites, and at the close of the war went to Washington with General Meacham and Captian O. C. Applegate, where ho was such a great prize that kidnappers stole him from his protectors and he was lost trace of until he suddenly turned up again at the reservation, having ea caped from his captors and worked his way back from tho East unknown. After his return his influence did much to keep the Indiana on the Kla math reservation peaceable ever after ward, for he was greatly impressed in his travels with the extent and power of the whites, and awed his brother Indians with his stories. Cor. THE FARMERS MEET. The State Alliance in Convention at Oregon City. The state convention of the farmers" alliance met at Shively's theater on the 14th inst. and continued its session through Tuesday with closed doors, t There wero delegates preut from twenty -three counties, representing nearly 300 sub-alliances in the state. Most of the delegates were also dele gates to the people's party convention that met Wednesday, and they num bered about forty. Tuesday night, many of the people's parly delegates having arrived, an open meeting was held in tho theater and a lot of public sp.-aking indulged in. There were few others than farmers alli.-.nee and peo ple's party men present, there having been no notice of the meeting given. They talked till 2 o'clock in the morn ing." The following state officers were elected by the farmers alliance: N. Pierce, of Umatilla, president; James Bruce, of Benton, first vice-president; S. H. Holt, of Jackson, second vice president; W. W. Myers, of Clacka rans. secretary and treasurer; Ira Wakefield, of Jackson, chaplain; J. C. Oliver, of Union, steward; P. L. Hart, of Multnomah, doorkeeper: N. Rey nolds, of Josephine, assistant door keeper. Geo. W. Weeks, of Marion, W. H. Snaugh, of Laue, and W. A. Semple, oi Umatilla, were made execu tive committee. Oregon City Enter prise PEOPLES' PARTY. The First Convention of the Peo ple's Party. Tho People's Party convention at Oregon City, on the 16th inst., waa marked throughout with harmonious action. And to a man up a tree it would seem as if the seeds here sown will bear substantial fruit the coming campaign. The name of S. II . Holt, of Phosnix, was prominently before the convention in tho nomination for congressman of the first congressional district. On the formal ballot there were two nomina tions, M. V. Rork and S. H. Holt, there being ninety-five votes cast for them. Rork received sixty-five and Holt thirty. On motion of S. H. Holt the nominationof M. V. Rork was made unanimous. S. H. Holt was one of the committoe on credentials. Ira Wakefield, of Talent, was one of the committee on order of business. J. W. Matksbury, of Gold Hill, was one of the committeo on platform. S. H. Holt was elected one of the preside nf ial electors. Ira Wakefield, of Phoenix, Is nomi nated for district judge of 1st judicial district. W. C. Edwards, of Grants Pass, is nominated for district attorney of 1st district. S. H. Holt is the state board of equal ization nominee from this district. Dun hum Wright, of Union county is nominated for supreme judge. It will be seen by the above that this section of the country was amply hon ored in the convention. It Should Be In Every House. 3. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St, Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and colds, that it cured bis wife who was threatened with pheumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good, Robert Barber, of Cooks port, Pa., claims Dr. King s New Dis covery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Free trial bottles at G. H. Haskin's drug store. Irge bottles, 50c. and fl.00 Social. The ladies of tho Christian church will give a 10-cent social next Tues day ovening, March 29th, In the base ment of the Christian church and they make urgent requert that all attend who may and leave their mite. Don't forget the date and attend, and by tho way let it ba remembered that the date of this social, the 29th inst.. Is the day set by Prophet Morgan for the endlne of the world. So, therefore, take time by the forelock and partake of this, the last feast, that you may go 'Happy on the way." Republican Primaries. Tho Republicans of Medford fired thi first political gun in this city by holding their primaries Saturday, March 19th, and electing their dele gates to the Couuty Convention as fol lows: South Medford B. S. Webb, Jno. Vandyke, Frauk Amann and C. J, Howard. North Medford J. W. Short, E. P. Geary, W. I. Vawter and J. A. White side. Surprise Party. Friday evening March 18th, a num ber of young people gathered at the residence of Prof. Narregan for the purpose of surprising his son Carl. The surprise was complete and all spent a pleasant evening and were well entertained by the Professor and wife. Those present were Grace Elder, Ida Weaver, Grace Amann, .lta Brous, Virgie Parsons, Dora McMahon, Vir gie Woodford, Florence Burnett, Mil lie Tryer, Arthur Faris, Charlie Cran fill, Jack Plymale, Ira Purdin. Earl Russell, Horace Burnett, Ralph Bunch, John VauDyke and Lorcn Damon. Entertainment. An entertainment will be givon by the Silver Cornet Band of Medford, at the Medford opera house on Mouday evening, April 11th. A program has boen carefully prepared for the occa sion and the services of tho best talent in tho vicinity secured to render the same. A good time is promised, and all who enjoy fine elocution, wit, talent and a general good time are invited to be present. Remember the date .and tell all your your friends. JOHN" MONTAGUE, leader of band. Prof. M. E. Rig BY, gen'l manager. Church Concert. The following is the program of the concert which will be given in this city Saturday, March 26, at the Bap tist cnurch, under the auspices of tne ladies of tho church. Thi price of admission is ten cents. Concert b.-gins at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited: PROGRAM. Music Miss Skecl. Reading, Miss Griffiths. sOiO, Miss Grace foster. R.-citution, Miss Elva Galloway. Duot. Mrs. Kertson and Miss Graves. R -citation. Pearl Webb. K -citation, Robert Gallowav. Trio, Mrs. Vawter, Mrs. Pickel and Miss Graves. Recitation, Laura Bennett. K -citation. Miss Nettie Graves. Guitar Solo, Mrs. Pickel. Recitation, Miss tinma Smith. Solo, Mrs. Vawter. Recitation. Edna Wait. R-citation, Miss Etta Medvnski. Quartette. Mrs. Vuwter. Mrs. Pickel, Mtss Foster and Miss Pickel. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that the an nual election of officers of Protection Hose Company No. 1 will be held in the council rooms, on Wednesday even ing, April fith, lSf2. A full attendance is requested. " GEO. L. D.wis, Pres. By Jso. W. Curky, Scc'v. Wire Brace Fence. E. A. Welds, of Roanoke. Vs.. who is making hcadquaaters at Medford, has ! a late improved patent fence wnich is meeting with general approval of the farmers. That this fence can be built with one-halt of the rails on one-haif of trie amount of land over the old way can on investigation be proven beyond all doubt- Ita strength and durability is unquestionable. It is worthy the con sideration of all farmers. A few among the many who have purchased farm rights, and who would gladly re commend it to their fellow farm ers are: B. & R V. Beall, K. F. Walker, O. Harbaugh, J. Brad lev. S. L. Bennett, A. Fordvce. C. T. Pavne, J. W. Casebeer, J as. F. Wells, E. B. Mvres, E. W. Carver, Jas. Ham lin, A. Garden, J. N. Shook. J. War ner, P. Pawell. W. II. Shepard. H. F Barron & Sons, Jacob S. Walts, D. N. & W. H. Peningor. B. F. Drnn. J. B. Wrislev, F. M. & H. Amy, Whetstone & Son, J. M. Lofland. J. S. Lacey, M. Bellinger. J. P. Patterson, J. G." Nor ton, I. A. Merriman, Joseph Ranules. M. D. Sturgiss, C. Klienhammer. J. Wilson. J. B. Soliss, M. H. Coleman. Jas. Perves, S. N. Robinson, J. N. Hockersmith, W. J. Grigby, Thos. Curry, T. F. Attenbnry, J. B. Myrea, G. A. Jackson and J. B. Donugan. Anybody wishing particulars, address, E. A. Welds. Grand Central Hotel, Medford. Or. PROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO. I of Medford Has the pleasure to announce the engagement, under its auspices, of the world-famed FISK JUBILEE $!, ORIGINAL COMPANY, From Fisk University, Nashville, Charles Mum ford, Mngr., FOR ONE OF THEIR INIMITABLE CONCERTS. THIS IS THE COMPANY that devoted over $150,000 of its earn ings to the building of Fisk University; that made two wouderfully successful tours abroad, the iruests of Kings and Queens and Prime ministers, and that sung bv special invitation for Presi dents Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and Harrison. "I never so enjoyed music," Rev. Chas H. Spurgeon. "Their songs open the fountain of tears," Rev. T. L. Cuyler, D. D. "They have no competitors and can have no successors,, Detroit Free Press. At tho OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY, Tickets and Reserved , seats for sale at G. I. DAVIS' Grocery. The Flak Subtle Blngara. Twenty years ago. onthaethof October, Hfn, a litUe company of man and women started out from the Fisk school, at Nashville, Term., to In troduce to the people of the Northean States a class ol music never before heard by them the sacred, weird, unwritten Jubilee songs of the log cabin and the cotton-field songs which, by their promise of a "better time a coming," did more than anything else to salve the wounds und stimulate the faith of a long down-trodden yet ever hopeful race. The enterprise was the embodiment and expression of a great moral fiurpose to establixh an Institution of Leani ng for the people whom the war had recently freed and enfaanchisrd, and to show that these people were equally capable with their white brothers and sisters of appreciating and appro priaUng the advantsges of a liberal education. The history of the Company since that time is familiar how they took the Northern public by storm, then successively captured England, Scotland, Ireland. Germany, Holland and Switz erland, aud how the dollars poured In until Klk University was an established fact, and the wildest dreams of the singers were more than realized. Although the Company Is not now slngta; fur the Interests of Fisk University. It Is not thought inappropriate Ir- remind their frit nds and the public generally of their past service In building that University, at a cost of over ll.'O.UOO: and of the fact that, owing to their nnerai Terms ana great drawing power.churrbes. Young Men's Christian Associations, libraries. temperance and other organizations which have engageu mrm nave p routed through Weir con certs to the extent of many thousands of dol lars. A word about the programme: The Fisk juuuee binders were the originators or the Ju bilee music in concert work: it is their nne. clalty. the one thing In which they cannot be approacnea. it is me purpose or tne manage' nient to continue to make this their sDecialtv. The mission of the Fisk J ublle singers is to sing to tne nean. This inimitable company of singers will give a performance in Medford, March 30, in the opera house, for the benefit of Protection Hose Co. No. 1 Let everybody attend. In Probate. In the matter of the estate and guardianship of Clarendon Morrixm, spendthrift. S. J. Day appointed guardian, and letter of guardianship issued to him upon his giving a bond in the sum of 19X0. Wm. M. Holmes. David Linn and Kaspar Kubll appointed appraisers of the es tale. Estate of John E. Ross; ordered that Tues day. April 5. iste. be set as time of final bearing. Estate of 11. W. Hoagland; order confirming salo of personal property; also order to rhow cause why real property should not be sold. Estate of Marie E. Marine: Silas F. Mnrine appointed administrator upon his filing bond la the sum of II. W0. tV. U. Atkinson, E. V. Carter and E. C Kane appraisers of estate. In the matter of the estate of Samuel Ear hart; Mrs. Etta Earhart appointed administra trix, and letters issued to her upon her Cling a bond in the sum of ln.200. W. B. Roberts, J. D. Whitman and L. Soldier appointed appraisers of the estate. Estate of Erastus Wells: inventory and ap praisement approved. Esial of Joseph W.Sattereld; 3d and ith semi-annual report approved. Estate of Bapteste Chegar: 4th and Slh semi annual accounts approved. Estate and guardianship of Warren Lynch, a minor: order to show cause why real property should not be sold. Beal atave Transfers. John Vaasicsle to Albion C Squire: SO acres, tprtrlv; I.SO0. Hurh Briner and Oscar D. Low to Andy Vir gil: lots II. is. 13. 14 and IS, b!k-L- Talent; tin. Slate of Oregon to W. J. Clohcssg: S of aw itOfseclS.tp3Ss.r4w; to acres, f 100. K. E. Cooke to J. L. Cooke : tho a V of sec. 31. tp S s. r I w: las acres. (300. G. F. Billings to Mrs. Marts Smith; S of aa acre In Ashland : TJX, J. W. Uockenmtth to c. B. Crtslcr and M. P. Crisler; ; acre sec S. tpSBs, r 1 e; also lot 3 in Nirkell Plate addo to Ashland, subject to Uen; HO. J. W. Hockersmith to Jackson Hockersmith: a parrel oj land in Ashland: ETC. Jackson Hockersmith to J. W. Hockersmith ; property In Ashland. HI D. J. Lumsdm et al to Lizzie H. Johnson: lot 4. blk X. Lamsden adda to Medlord: Elte.V. Judsoo D. Cornish to J. E. Hill. IS acres, tp 33 a, rSw; 4CO. Gage M. Pierce to John Hockinost; lots a and T. blk M. Medford: Daniel Whetstone to Almlra Whrtstone; 30 acrra. tp 37 s. r ; w : 4HMl David Whrlue to Daniel Whrtsucte: St. acres, ipx: s. rs w: S.OH. David Whetstonr to Lacinda Pollen : lots as and . b:i "II :" and lots 89. ud , blk "M." R. R addn to Ah!and: tl.iUQ. Oregon and Trans. Co. Com. to the Southern Oresuo Pork Packing Co.; lots I. X. 11 and 12. blkicv. MnUcrd: fcSM. G. L. Dean to I. H. William: c; of nsH.; of sec IS. tp SS s. r I c: and UfT , of nei of sec S. tp SS s. r I w. and eH f ne' of sec 2t. tp a, r I w: alM of nel I. sec SS. tp." s. r I w; also nwl-4 of iwc 1 4. see St. tp SS s. r 1 w; ll.OUX Re-recorded. Jury List, cincrrr cot'KT-aFKii. trm. Sheridan Thornton. Ashland, laborer W X Luckey. - real estate agt G 31 Granger. " capitalist S S A ken. Flounce Rock. farmer F J Creed. Central Point, V R Kincade, Ashland. James Carr. Medford, " Thaddeu Brockley, Mount Pitt. J M McConacU. Chimney Rork. A Lamed, Jacksonville, R K Sutton, Ashland. tlrrrymaa J H Knutzen. Applrcate. farmer Fred T Downing. Chimney Rork. Milo Mathews. WoodvUle. John Coleman. Kdeb. - E W Hammond. Pirasant Creek. " John S Uerris. Athlaad. -Dennis Ducan. Table Rnck. R A Cook. Foots Creek, miner O CoollJge. Ashland. fruit mower N Cook. Willow stprlnpi. farmer J Norcross. Ashland. stock raiser C H Blake, farmer James McDoursi. Willow Spring. Jno J Neathamer, Mock Poia', W T Davis, Chimney Rock " Claus Klcmhamer. Kdcn, - J E Churchman, Ashland. - Nelson Hosmer. Foots Creek. " Henry Uleecher. Jacksonville, " J J Fryer. Little Butte. Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.tetter. chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refundo-d. Price 2oc per bor. For sale by G. H. Haskias. To Intending Builders. 1 1 will pay you to write or send to the Southern Oregon Lumbering and Man ufacturing company of Grants Pass for all kinds of building material: lumber, sash, doors, and mill work of all kinds, as they will guarantee you satisfaction in material, workmanship and prices. Plans and estimates furnished on all kiudsof work. LEWIS P.. Will make the season of 1MB at Central Point, where he will be every Thursday from noon until Saturday noon, ana the balance of the Ume at the McCleodon farm In Sam's Valley. Lewis P. Is a hatidMiate sorrel, ncarft & Years old. weighs I lot pounds, and for form and action cannot be surpassed. lie is the winner of sev eral fast races and won a mile race at Chi cago as a two year-old in S:IO. Also has a record at Los AOffelea of as a 4 year-old for mile dash. DESCRIPTION Asn PKDIQHRE. Lewis P. was sired by the celebrated Joe Hooker of California, he br Monday. Hooker's llrst dum was Mayflower, bv imp. Ecllps: Sd. Honnle Farrow by inip. Shamrock ;. Id. Ida by Imp. Betsohnr-zer: -Ith. Grandma's dam i Maud Uosley) by Sir Richard: Mb, bv Imp. Eagle: th Bet Bosley by Wilkes' Wonder: 7th. by Chan ticleer: 8th. by imp. Sterling: uth, by Clodius: Hlih, by imp. Silvereye: I Ith. by Imp. Jolly Roger ; IS, by Partner: ISth. by tmp. Monkey : l-4lh, imp. maro from stud of Harrison of Bran don. Lewis P.'s dam was Little P. bv Leinster, by imp. Australian, foaled In ISO, and bred by W. L. Prtlrhard of Sacramento, California. Her 1st dam was Addle A. by Asteroid: Snd.Loretta by Imp. Sovereign : Srd, Mard Ogdeo by Thorn hill: -ith, Mary Thomas by Imp. ttonsul: 6th. Parrot by Randolph's Roanoke, Sthv Paroquet by imp, Merrirluld 1 7th, imp raece'by Popinjay ; 8th, Bourbon's dam by Precipitate: vth, by Highflyer: 10th, Tiffany bv Eclipse: 11th. Young Hug by Skin : 13. Hag I Wildras' dam) by Crab: IS. Ebony of Childers: Uth, Old Ebony by Bcsto: 10th, Massey's Mare by Massoy's Black Barb. terms or SERV:. By the season, CO. and good pasturage fur nished marcs during the time for 110 additional. Every precaution taken to prevent accidents, but no responsibility assumed. C. C,.JvCLKXfxN. One Price Ta All: -UNDERDUY- IS OUR MOTTO f THE NEW YORK CHEAP cooper nnaiz BLOCK. KpWr Have Conte Here To Stay, And am in a proritioai to offer to lhJ public endless bargains as nover be-fore heard of, as having an insidff track of the business I am always on the lookout to purchase goods front small manufacturers back east. I alo purchase Kankrupt stock and from firms who are in urgent need of the ready money, and haring tho ready money on hand I embrace the opportunity of buying goods for Cash at greatly reduced prices, conisequently am able to offer the same to the public at such prices that should commend a speedy sale of my" (wood, namely: DRY GOOIW, DKESS GOODS, CLOTHISG, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS for LADIES and GEXTS. FANCY GOODS, NOTION'S. LACES, SILKS. SATINS, RIBBONS, Etc., Kept in a first class establishment 'Give me a sail Jlt will be to yrmt benefit to inspect my stock and tee prices.?!? YO URS, AXX10 US TO PLEJSt s&Xote the address ! II AUK GOLDSTONR JflS. fl. SliOVEf & COe, :DRUGGISTS, Main street, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Per fumery, Etc., Etc. School Tablets and a Fall Line of Cranes' Superfine Paper and Envelopes. i4fPHYSICTAXS: Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded Any Hour Day or Night by an Experienced and . Competent Druggist. NIGHT BELL ON FRONT DOOR. THE! Clarendo HOTEL. CO. O. COOPER, PpopP., Medford, - Oregon. first-class Boaril by tie Day, M or Ml Centrally Located. West Side of the S. V. K. R. Depot. HENRY WE ARE THE LARGEST DEALERS IN SOUTHERN OREGON. HENRY WM. ANGLE. FARMER'S STORE. s- ANCLE & PLYMALE, Proprietors. " J DEALERS IN jT I General Merchandise Groceries, Fresh Bacon and Lard, Choice Cigars and Tobacco, Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Meats. Extracts, Spiees, Flour. Matches, Etc., Etc. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF TOWN. X. B.Prodiux) Taken in EAcJiawfc. I. A. DEALS IN Furniture Carpets, QsisssssssssssVi ff tn i t- ft nnjj UUv I Oil IH u tniniiiiii Tta Pit to Test. UNDBRSCLL" IS OUR 3lOTTOr- cmaxm medford,. 24VKJL1, OHEGOt. I defy competition. A Medford, Ore. SMIT H H a hi In Dry Goods, Clothing, Grofpries, boots act! S&sss. General HercbasSse, etc. Eramins stock and be coa?istei General store on Main StneL Warehouse on Front Street. JiEDFOKD, Ore. SMIT H H 11 III F. M. PLYMALE. Strained Hunev. Pure Cideri Vinegar W and Paper Hi to. W1UU -