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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1892)
HI BARBER SI J. IE. SxlCiAKalt, frop. Palm's Old 8tand. First class , work done to all. Ladies" hair catling executed with ' neatness. MEDFORD, ORE. L. M. LYON. CONTRACTOR -O AN'DO BUILDER. Jobbing of all Kind s . AIX WORK GUARANTEED. Wledford,- Oregon. Medford Nursery One-half mile east ot MedXord. j j J j I Is the place to get the largest and best stock of Two-year Old Apple Trees m Jackson county. E. RUSS, Propr. NEW and ami u CHEAP. W sell aU kinds ot good. Wo aleo by. l m cu : v j . --j H. F. WOOD. MEDFORD, OR. Contractor and Binlfler Jobbing of all kinds. Pians and estimates furnished on application, j Jackscrews to M. I V Ej I ! AW i U JLLiJLXsJL MEDFORD OREGON. Dealer in GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. Second ILJ i lSwU :5llUfc,5hsUtP lhat careB for the liLO V Lb PS O 1 lOiN b - , "FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC- PRIVATE BOARD. . , j t i jnn,!lTO"l tne troublesome glut of Single Room and Board $4.UUj, .... ., ... n ... ,, -, .f n. ! freight wnen the mud dries up. and Room and Double Bed for Two i., 4 - , . and Board (each) 3.50 J tbe waut of business when the frost Board Without Room f 3.00 leaving the ground, produces ini- Strictly Temperance. . American Help.; OLD STAND COR. C & 7th sts. 3. H. PARIS, . Medford. Ore. R msm. R anKSMrrH V mum tew sa tfwiitwMiiIIM j i AND Horse and Oxen Shoeing- MEDFORI), ORE. ONE OF THE GREATEST. mermai nrcnnvFRiFS! OF THE AGE. . ..wvuw.. . - - - . . 1 tf'niini v- Oreiron. has discovered a new . remedy for Diarrhoea, Disejntary, Cholera Morbus Cholera Infantum, and all kindred, diseases of the alimen tary tynal. The new remedy is called of toe Bora aM stomacn. U Summer complaints, all "f the stomach and bow- "ause is. It MEDFORD MAIL- Published Once A Week. SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered la the PostoatM at Medford, Oregon, at Second Clnsa Mail Mutter. Mkdkord, Thuhsday, March 24, 1802 j "A. Tariff is a system of duties .imposed by the government of the country upon goods exported." imported and Govesor Prxnoykk savs be will ' not. attend the Democratic state convention of Ins party. He did ifco and not attend it four rears J will not now for the reason that he i Joes not believe that public officials j should interfere, even by their pres ence, with delegate conventions fresh from the body of the people. A Detroit Free Press came to hand this week almost entirely devoted to a refutation of the attaek of the New York Sun upon tho military record of General R. A. Alger who has been mentioned as a republican candidate for presi dent. Dana, of the Sun, has created a stink and where it will all end it is hard to saw "If you have ten dollars to spend." said Barnum," "spend one for the article and the other nine in advertising it " The old man knew a thing or two when it came to advertising. "I can out-talk anybody on earth but the printer. The man who can stick typo and stalk next morning to thousands of people while I'm'talking to -one is the oaly man I'm afraid : of.- I want him for my friend. Printers' : j Ink,: : i V y - ' Whes the papers begin to fill j with advertisements, then the peo j pie believe that the town is get i ting on its feet again. The busi- ; ness man who hasn't spirit enough 1 , ,. , i to advertise in some of his honwi ... : papers, is a orasc on tne wneeis oi progress. Let . your light shine! gav to tho orld that von are still here and ready to do your share to show UP the town'8 bflsines and get ready for a big year. A little snow oi enterprise in a town never fails to pay. Union Scout. WrrnorT going into statistics ' to the number of horses owned 88 i by! the farmsers of this country, it is .". l:.: f -a- : oi annirsi ; which exacts the 1 horses to do what work of one is ' business sense. u!;i3.rous in ine i Good roads are the best possible investment for a prosperity of its i Thi.r or- r.t lh ot.f ; -.ww. v'" .'""""''IuHiDs i to railroads. Good roads would easily double the width of the belt or zone of supply of railroad lines, ! and would maintain such supply winter and summer. This would i passable roads. While Table Rock is an historic j landmark in Southern Oregon, and ! while a painting of it would serve j better than one of any other object n the state as a memorial of the struggles and dangers of pioneer j times heroically borne by the set tlers of Oregon, it should not be placed on exhibition at Chicago or elsewhere with a fishy legend at tached. The generation that fought tho Indians of Southern Oregon has not yet passed away, nor are the original records and reports lost. While an.uc of the Veterans may become li Hiliou.sly reminis cent in their narratives, as veterans are wont to do, sufficient time has not yet elapsed for legendary tales to pass current as history. There are yet too many survivors and too much written record to permit the legend-makers to invest such strik ing objects as Table Rock with fic titious romances unquestioned: There were battles with the Indiana near Table Rock ip 1851-2 " -1 - reattl jc: and cipicc," even the an will de ,uch an inci t Let us leave i children, and facts in narrat- ' connected with yetwecn tho whites at least to such of editable to us as pu natives of . higher y AOrf gnnian. rH Wis. 1 Hli one fclLswooy the Qr-j. itinshed legends wMc hAd fcj-gan' ;to- weave, uieiaseiycax-enpti .110VC4 and notd ,TaW ';Pu!wvQf. V.VH1 rtfjirpe ihe IndiihjjJv jff tdash faJ r1 -1 -.1-;-. -fr-rf,;';v fcit'-? i- .-fj pioneers who yet live to tell of their engagements with the Indians at that time. But however that may be, the Orcgonian is in small busi ness when it devotes time and brains to undoing what our "legend makers" have so faithfully accom plished theso years since the '50's in laying the foundation for future tales of our ''Indian War," that would amuse and awe the coming generations, and furnish food for the ambitious story writers. BAKING POWDER in the New York Legislature. The following, taken from ':The Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter," refers to a new bill just introduced in the legislature of New York State: "The latest develoi meat in the bak ing powder war. is the introduction of a bill in the Legislature of this State, requring all packages of baking pow der which contain ammonia, to bo branded with a statement of that fact in large type on the label. Now white the ammonia contention is on. why cannot the law give the public the benefit of the doubt? Wholly unprejudiced pcoplo are cer tainly 'not willing to be dosed with the subslauco acknowledged as a poison, simply because scientists, some of whom are not even physiologists, dis agree as to its potency." A similar bill was introduced last April but it is shrewdly sur mised that the influence of inter ested parties prevented its passage. The provisions of the present bill are so just that it probably will soon become a law. This will be welcome news to the manufacturers of Pure Cream of Tarter baking powders, the most prominent of whom is the Price Baking Powder Co., of Chicago and St. Louis, makers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, who have always made a strictly pure Cream of Tarter powder, notwithstanding the tempations of adulteration sug gested by . the enormons profits realized by a large New York con cern which uses ammonia, and ad vertises its powder as 6trictly pure, by means of garbled official reports and certificates signed by its own employees, dubbed professor, doc tor or government chemist, as fancy may dictate. A bill compelling alum powders to bo conspicously labelled as such. already exists in MmnesDta and it - , . i , ., ,, ., is to be hoped in the interest of the consumer that similar laws will soon be enacted in other 6tates, for ammonia as well as alum. The followisg powders known to contain either ammonia or alum or both, will b effected by the pro posed legislation: Royal, Pearl, Calumet, Chicago Yeast, Forest City. One Spoon (Tayler's), Bon Bon, Kenton, Echo, Miow Puff, Lnrivalled. larnclls One Spoon, Shepard's Economical, Crown. Clvmax, Hercules, Mon- j arch, New Era, Snow Ball labor of twolCORRESPONDENCE. hould be the! Gold Hill Itema. j John Ritter, of Evans Creek, while i cuttinir wood Thursdav accidentlv SDlit his foot and severed six arteries. It was i-igni nours o,iore ne received as- sistaucj. acd he came near bleeding to aeatn. ! - A dwelling-house occupied br Mr. was burned last week The fire caught from a defective AU the contents were destroyed. d. V. Pickell, a mining man from San Francisco, is here for the purpose of examining the ''Lucky Bart mine. uaus t,reez news. Tr W C. rVmlr ia rnni-,1 -r-1 n . r fmm - - - "- ..V.H a sore affliction of inflammatory rheum- at ism. Tho sawmill closed for a week for re pairs. T. Dungey is contemplating on start ing his limekiln in the near future. Claud, the youngest son of S. C. Law rence, cam 3 near meeting with a serious accident one day last week. While run nine stock his horse ran against a tree, fracturing tho knee cap of his left leg. K. E. Doak. of Walla Walla, a neph ew of Mrs. J. H. Story, is visiting J. j H. St01.;.t on Galls Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of Medford, wero visiting friends oa the crock dur- I ing the week. las Kev. t. l ihompson ana oriue were very cordially welcomed and en tertained" at tho residence of T. J. West, by a host of friends on Wednes day evening. The Rav. and wife have th-5 bst wishes of the entire commu nity for their futura prosperity and happiness. J. J. Sams Valley News. Grandma Childers fall from tho door steps at her horns Sunday evening, and was seriously hurt, She was lying very low at last accounts. Thomas Stanley and wife, of Siski you county. Cal., aro visiting Dr. A. C. Stanley, of this placs. Willis Townsend, who has lately purchased the Turnham farm, near Beagle., passed through this place a few days ago to his home with his fam ily. Our school commenced Monday, with Miss Ella Griffiths at tho birch. S. V. D. " Eacrle Point Ntvi M Delightful weather and a prospect ol uouuu.ui crups urio -conienimont ana happiness, to the dwellers in this val- r. severance, has sold nix nrniwrtt nera-13 Be. Mr Starna. who exnacta to occupy it the coming wok. '- revival meetings conducted by Uwt- R'svs. Thompson commenced on Kuaday evening, as announced some time sirtCv!. Tho school house was overcrowded,1 and the rheictings will hereafter be held in the hall. At the republican primary the dele gates elected were: George Brown, IL Severance. J. J. Fryer and D. Carlton. Dr. Whitney and family, formerly of this place, but now of Grants Pass, wero the guests of B. B. Hubbard, sev eral days during tho last weak. .The doctor is in feeble health, with not much hope of improvement. Mr. Pool has returned from Portland, not much better for the trip; A.J. Daley is shipping flour and feci to Grants Pass, Microscope. . ! IdnkvlUa No Lonfrer. ' i Liiikville is . to be -called Klamath Falls.i .Th(3 following 'Communlcatfen from. Q. C Ratb bouei first assistant TXtastor-iror(MitlI :'tvaa, Wnivnrl en ibe 6tir Jyy Ppstttinster Withrow, ot :rui wTintisWr-goneraI has cbancrtsd rm-ni (ijiycnit postoftifto from Link- "vtt-n iran. i lie now nasae, otv'bfl?ueed: until ihe vt 'quarter, nor n , bnd and been. .'now name. BRIGHT PROSPECTS. Some Facts About Carry County. From Mr. E. H. Jackson, of Gold Beach, who is in the city, a reporter yestcrdav learned some interesting facts in regard to Curry county. Gold Beach is at the mouth of the Rogue river, the most southerly river in this state of any importance, running into the Pacific about twenty-five- miles from the California lino. It is naviga ble for ocean-going craft for a distauce of three miles above- the mouth, and for light-draught boats for a distance ff forty miles. There is a fine agri cultural and dairying country along the river, and some good mines. Dairy products and salmon are exported, and a large business is done in snipping the bark of the Sarcheu oak to San Fran cisco for tanning purposes, this being one of the best kinds of tun bark known. Tho development of this section has been greatly retarded through tho fact that the river front on both sides for some eight or ten miles above the mouth is owned, with slight exceptiou, by one man, Mr. It. D. Hume, of San Francisco, who has for years controlled the business of and mouoolized the salmon-fishing privileges of the river, putting up yearly about 20,000 cases of salmon. This monopoly is now to be put an end to, as Mr. Jackson and his associates have secured three-fourths of a mile of river front at BugncH's ferry, where they will establish a can nery and a general merchandise store with a branch at Gold Beach. Mr. Jackson is here to make arrangements for opening a trade with Portland mer chants, and hopes that the comiiany will b3 able to put on a boat of their own. Tho people along Rogue river are much pleased that the monopoly of the trade and business of their terri tory is to be broken up, and hope that they may now bo allowed to breathe Rogue River was originally named Rouge (red) River by a Frenchman, on account of the color of its waters when in flood, which tinge the ocean a red dish hue for some distauco from its mouth. Some one twisted the "g"' around before the l'u," and gave the river its present name. The people very much want to have the river sur veyed from Grants l'ass to the mouth, with a view of improving the naviga tion. The country along this whole distance is pretty well settled up. and would toon be fully so if a railroad or good county roads were established or steamer communication oKncd up with this city. There is now fourt en f jet of water on the bar at the mouth of this river, and vessels drawing seven and a half feet of water can passrin at any season . Curry county is mountainous, but has a delightful climate and fertile soil, and abounds in mines. A copper mine, the ore of which yields 6'J per cent of copper and some silver, has just beon bonded for development. A borax mine is bMng worked about twelve miles south of Gold Beach, the product of which is sent to San Francisco. There are muny deposits of coal in the county, but none of them are being worked. "People go a long way to seek for mint's." said Mr. Jackson, when there are plenty of them, at home." The great need of the county is roads. They have a very fine county road from Port Orford to Chester, of about seventy milvs in length, but a good road from east to west is n'!cdi'd. I The people expect that the Coos Bav railroad will be extended down to Port Orford. and hope some time to have a railroad along tho riier up to Grants Pass. This would bring the trade of Curry county to Portland and make the county much more a part of Oregon. Oregoniai:. Karriaga Umon. License issued March 31. W. to Ezra Clark and Mrs. Harriet Tcdhams. To the Guilty Only. - There so-'ins to ho a disposition on the part of u good mnnv ;-ers;ins in 1 j '-d ford to look upon my wf- with a i ; sIur11 OI oiMiain. nny inisisso. we Know not. ll we aK any one coticrn ing the matter, even if th y th.-moivos are guilty of the act. they "will deny all knowledge of auv cause for such con temptuous action. Neither of us have wronged any one wittingly, and if we f -,,: ,hu (rollLr i. to tell : . . .. V t 1 . 1 . : ..... UJ 1 1 i k i i iuuiu, t.itu uui ni i tk uui i j toward my wife in an insolent, haughty J and derisive manner, and at the same time denv that they are holding aught against her. I defy any one lo point out a single in-stance in which my wife has done anything disn.asectful or dis reputable, and Vt"t she, is treated more disdainfully by some of those who are considered respectable than thosj samo respectable ones would treat a woman of questionable character. Probably it is regard-d as a shame for a woman to try to coll-ct a bill for her husband who has failed to get what was justly due him. Common sense and dec -ncy demand a friendly recognition under ell ordi nary circumstances on the part of gen tlemen and ladies wherever they may meet; and ro on? having the wellbeing of humanity at heart will slight any one, however pcor they may be, if they are respectable. Especially should one recognize such as are suffering severe afflictions the loss of hearing, etc. My wife is a first-class dressmaker, but through some underhanded and un just influence being brought to b.-nr against her, she has not boon able to procura any work in that or any other line. Johx Boor. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and ro popular as to need no special mention. All who have us?d Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist and it is guaranteed to do all tl'at is clnimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other nffoctions caused by impure blood. Will drive materia from tho system and prevent as well as euro all malarial fevers. For euro of head ache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entira satisfaction guaranteed, or money reiuimuu. but.. nl. n,,rl $1 IYI nor Ivitt-lo At (i . . I Jl... tl V. I i. . I. - , - H. Haskin's drug store. THE NATIONAL BOARD OF HEALTH WASHINGTON, D. C In Bulletin Supplement No. 6, page 33, places Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder HIGHEST. OF ALL IN LEAVENING STRENGTH. Prof. R. C. Kedzie, of the Michigan State Agricultural College, who personally superintended the examination, says: "With the exception of Dr. Price's Crkam Bakiwo Powder, which is a cleanly, pure, whole some compound, conforming; with natures own formulas of human diet, we found every sample more or less tainted." Most Perfect Made. EDUCATIONAL. OOHOCCTBD BY MHr. K. L. HAI1UIOAN. Our monthly examinations are prov ing more satisfactory each time in all departments. All of tho teachers ap preciate their value as an incentivo to good lessons and progress, and some of tho slowest and most careless pupils are striving for tho honors earned by continued well-directed industry, and parents aro learning the truo worth to them of a monthly report of the con duct, attendance and work done by the children. We now report class leaders from seven of tho eight grades. PROGRAM, FRIDAY, MARCH, 18. FIFTH and SLXTU GItADE. SonB God Is Love, By School. Recitation The IlrooU, Gertrudo Wilson. Roodlnn Anna's Dream, Lydla Smith. Recitation, Walter Hoover. Conundrums, Arvllle Purdue. Son)?, Luclnda Anderson. Recitation Too Many of We, Maude Russell. Reading -The Little Hero. Lindsay Purdln. Readlnif Little Annie, Clyde Davis. Reading Remember, Eva Bunco. Song, By School. Conundrums, May Merriman. Reading Putting a Coal on His Head, Fred Surran. Song. By School. Reading Our Baby, Dora McMahon. Maby Tiiliss. teacher, rocirrn cbaiie. Song Merry Melodies, By School. Recitation True Philosophy, Lillian Barr. Recitation, Mabel Higlnbolham. Recitation Daisy's Prayer, Gertie Johnson. Recitation The Secret, Myrtle Bliss. Recitation The Sea Waves, Katie Angle. Recitation A Girl's Wonder, Stella Spanglcr Song Grandpa's Spectacles, Pearl Webb. Recitation The Snowball. Annie Wail. Recitation A Boy's Speech, Jumes Edmunds. Recitation Boy's Rights. Ruby Murray. Rccllullon The First Letter, Edna Burnett. Song The Little Artist, Grace Hockersmtih. Recitation Entertaining Big Sinter's Beau Mcda Plymalc. Song Dy School. Dau-A PlCKtu teacher. THIRD GRADE. Song-School Song. By School. Recitation What They Said Mary Hansen. Reading A Little Gardener, Martin Culp. Recitation The Crooked House. Ira Williams. Recitation Formsr's Girl, Francis Davis. Recilitatlon Birdies' Breakfast, Ray Bunch. Song LltUe Lights, Laura Bennett. Reading Who Can it be, Leon Uoskins. Recitation Bad Boy Robbie Galloway. Recitation A Little Boy, Roy Surran. Reading A Good Dog, Artie Poe. Quotations Stella Redden, Ray Bunch, George Howard. Freddie Hockeremitb. Johnny Crewe, Frank Redden. Olive Murray. Sudie Cooper. Alex Anderson. Claud Hoovtr. Ella Hoover acd Dannie Amann. Song God Is Love. By School. Rose GPtrriTns, teacher. SECOSO OKADt. Song. The Berries I Like, By School. Johnnie Anderson. My Cat. Kex's Plot, Speak the Truth, The Jewels. Two acd One. Golden Keys, Song. I'll Try acd I WIIL Over in the Meadow, Barefoot Boy, Sin Will Find You Out, Mazcl Tice. Willie Hover, i Lulu Porter. Ernoa Davia. Jennie Woodford Ucrnice Angle, Grrc MorrU. Oscar Hansen. Nula lUddco. id Montague. Bertie Perdue. Dialogue Six Girts and Boys. Soti of the Snowfiakea. Walter Fans song. Hazel Tice and Edna Watt. Elva GAUUjWiT teacher. riKsT UHADE. Recitation A Dying Soldier Boy. Ralph Crys j lal j Recitation A Bunch of Keys. ArUc Beaaclt. Recitation Old BUly Bump. Oater Legate ! Kecltatloo LltUe Lambs, Hcaaie Earhart. Quotations, B and C ciaea. Recltitalion A B C. Frank Isaacs. ; Rtcltalloo-Swlng us High. Robbie Howard. ; Rccitatioa-Oae Two Three. Grace Whitencad- i Reading. Lousia i Recitation My Kiltie. Per.-y DoGrovl. " (jJOtatioa. A Cli--i. ! Recitation Birdie's Sor-s. Amos Uth. ' KrcilaUon My Work. VcnJv Kccltallca. Eva iioraby. j Reading. Vr.!i !l:i .-a. , I C. High Scboi'l A'a-iit:e Vi.t j 3C: Maciie Nicholson 91; Uosio Uroul i 3'4 j Tom Edmatd-- .': Edits Van D ic 91 ; Vir - gie Woodford 3U; Lawson uraciey w. y. Helen Holloa VI: Herbert Crouch BJ, ; Alfred Walters . Lulu McKissick tw. Fifth and v.xlb grade. A class Irgie Par sons (6: Pradle Angle K: Abe Ulsh vo. a class Maud Adams y&: Rydal Bradbury 93: Ina McKissick 9s: Edgar Fordyce 5t Fourth irradc James Edmunds US: Geo. Fans Third grade. A cla.i Mary Hansen S9 : Leon Hawkins M; Robbie Galloway St B class- Freddie Hockersmita 91; Frank Crouch 84 Sudie Cooper SI Second grade, A class Grace Morris 90: Cart , Webb Si. B class Waller Farts 80. C class j Frida liolckamp 93. rvxztx. j Suare word 1 a word that means quid; 3 is misiakes; 3 is fracrancc; advances; i to rub out. Etta Mkdvnskl Charade-I a part of a ship; tan exclamation; 3 Is a musical syllabic: I to at old. My whole is the name of a national holiday. Maco Cbocch. Blaine's Condition. As soon as ho can travel. Secretary Blaine will lie taken south, lie may go ns far as Mexico, though it has bocn suggested that ho stop at Beauvoir, Jefferson Davis' old home, where abso lute quiet is assured. He might go as far as Southern California before he returns. Mr. Blaine's health is such as to cause many of his friends to be lieve that he will n-sver again resume his duties in President Harrison's Cab inet, although it is reported that he continues to improve. Th3 TV or! 1 rnr:ca-J. The faculties of tlic present day for th production of e .-crytliing tliat will cot Jucc to the material welfare and comfort of mankind ere almost unlimited and when Syrup of Tijs was t produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time d the u more p,-. nlar it b" "omes. No Ammonia. No Altim. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES. C. W. WOLTERS. GROCERIES DFOBD BUSHES A First Class COMMERCIAL School for both LADIES and GEN TLEMEN'. All Branches Thoroughly Taught. PORTRAIT PAINT ING and GREEK and LATIN Taught. EDUCATE Boys and GIRLS for Business. You Can Begin at any Time. Day and Evening Classes. For Terms Apply to RIGBY & HART, HOWARD'S BLOCK, Medford, Oregon L VAWTER, Pres. Wm. SLING ER. Vice Pres. Jackson County Bank. CAPITAL. - $50,000 Medford. Oregon. Loan money on approved securitv, f i and transact a general banking business on Bd?"Your Business Solicited. CorrcsDondttits: Corbm Banking Co., N Y. : Commercial National j Portland. J. S. HOWARD. Dry Goods, Boots I Shoes, Groceries, and Crockery. Tlie best goods at the lowest prices tr counir' Otxis ik:.'.ver::d free to NX J.V. IJ J KJ1 Jf ' . j a , s; 7 Medford, ! Harris &Puiuin Proprietors. i mo GEITBhL First-class in Every Particular. Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers. HENRY KLIPPEL, Successor to ROGUE RIVER LUMBER COMPANY. Wholesale and Limber, Lal Shingles, Mets, I, MEDFORD flnKIMQ Finn Dealers in SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Stoves, Tin and Willow Ware. Cycone and Hoosier Pumps. Every article D. H. MILLER, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Tinware t i and Fine Building Material. Warranted Cutlery, Carpenters and Builders Tools. Fishing Tootle, Ammunition, Etc. Eta Redjuckot Force Pumps, for deep or rfiollow wells. Tin Shop Attached AND CIGARS. COLLEGE W. HOWARD, Cashier. J. E. EN V ART, Asst. Cashier receive denosits subject to check. thr most favorable terras. Pacific Bank, San Franeisco. Ladd & Bush, Salem. A-r Cash The highest prices paid pro.ucc. all pasts of the city. OREGON. SOTEL. Oregon. - Terms: $1 S1.50 and S2 mir Retail Dealer Ceiling, Etc. OREGON. A, AF hears a guarantee. Rustic NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roaebanr. Ore.. Feb. SI. Notice is hereby giren that the following named settler has filed notii e of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be maue before the Judge, or clerk of the county court, of Jaekson county Oregon, at Jacksonville. Or., en Saturday. April 9, IMS. via: Homestead entry No. 4UHS. of James G. Edgerton, for the of neit. sH ot ne and nKi of ot fee 1. tp 34 , r 1 e. He names the following wiiineses to prove his continuous residence opoc and cuitiTatkm of. said laud, viz: Fort Hubbard. Jr.. Henry A. Sntton. and William A Taggart. of Leeds. Jaclitoa Co.. Ore gon, and A. J. Meeker, of Big Butte. Jackson Co., Oregon. 0-14 Jobs H. Shupe, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebafg. Ore.. Feb. S8. "92. Notice is hereby given that the following' named settler has Sled fiotice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be Made before toe Judge or County Clerk of Jackson county. Oregon. at Jacksonville. Oregon. on ftatnrday. April V. INKS, viz : Homestead entry No. 464H. of John E. Olson, for the sw X of sec tx. tp 34 s. r 8 w. He names the following witnesses to prove? his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: G. W. Smith. John E. Potter I. Harris, of Beagle. Jackson county, Oregon; J. II. Rodgers. of Sams Valley. Jackson county, Oregon. 9-14 Johs H. Shcpe, Register. ADMINISTRATRIX SOTICE. In the County Court of Jackson County. State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estates of Samuel Earuart. Deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the eleventh day of March. A. I. IMS. the undersigned wa by theCouniy Court of Jackson Con-ity. State of Oregon, duly appointed Administratrix of the extate of Samuel Earhart, late of said county, deceased ; and all persoss having claims against fca:d estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, with proper Vouchers, withm six months from the date of this notice, to the n designed Administratrix of said estate, at her residence, one half mile south ot Medford, In said county. Daied at Medford, Orecnn. this 19th day of March. A. D. ETTA EARHART. Administratrix f the estate of Samuel Ear hart. Deceased. 12 8. CHILDERS Having bought out Frank Galloway ia now to fill all orders promptly. The Cheapest and Best Picket Fence made. Correspondence Solicited. Ad dress all orders to S. CHILDERS, Iedford. - - Oregoa. ROOFING GtTM ELASTIC R'FTXG FELTe5t enly -. per SiM square feet. Makes a gTrad ' roof for years, and sxroce can put it on. Seed stamp for saccpie ard full panicaiars. ; ELjcTjr s:X)rtS6 o 39 4 41 West Bso.uwt. New Tobk, LOCAL AGENTS WASTED. CALIF03RIA v"iy niTinnii uures UAiAnnn Chenniatism, enraleia. Conykj HEADACHE, and ALL PalM. T4 California Perltivj asa Ktgatrrs ELECTRIC COUGH CURR CUBES C0LD3, C50CF, COJEinLrTIOl". Sold by aU DnrBitts. Fach Se SDc r.. Oroasinsw Proe'a. Los ABtlM.Cl Vi"idin's Koiriice. I? a strictly hyp-nic preparation. W hile it bcautiSt-3 and preserves the com flexion it removes all Motehes. piiapk. sun. w:r..l tanr freckles and al! tieir.ishes and im purities f the skin of whatever na ture. It is used by the recheroheT of society and the stage and bears the liighest endorsements from chemists, physicians and artists ever given to any preparation of its kind. Sold only by dru gists. They Say It Contains So Poison. The celebrated chemists, whose opinions are above the price of gold, tell what thev know. Sax Fkaxcisco, June 29. l'SSO, Deae Sik: We have made an ex haustive chemical analysis of "Wis dom's Kobertice." obtained by us in the open market, and find it to be free from all poisonous or deleterious ingredients, constituting a harmless preparation for the face. Yours truly. Tuomas Pkice Sox. Analytical Chemists. To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Co Are Yea Safferinsr. From back ache, in&am&tion of the bladder, brick dust deposit or stone in .uu Lu.uuri. m i;;ci any uerng ments of the kiduevs or urinary or gs us? If thus afflicted do not locate time and waste money on worthless lini ments and worse plasters, but strike at tbe seat cf the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea Pleasant to take, purely vegetable Satisfaction everv time. One Dollar Weekly H-nc m mirM? lu ...V, K,- . pi.u System. Our 14-karat gold-filled ci ses are arraniea lor .vysars. rine tagm or Walt ham nuriwut Stn n-inrt and set. Lady's or Gent's size. Equaf to am mi watcn. 10 secure agents where we have nooe. we sell one of tho HuutingCasc Watches for the Club pries Ji8 and send C. O. 1. by express with r.rivi!ero nf Mvumtiictinn 1,...-. paying for same. yjur agent at tnirriam. C. writes: "Onr jewelers kave mifessed ihev dont know now you can furnish saca work tor the Moaev." Uur airent at Heath Sprinrs. S: C. savs- wno Rot the last watch said that he examined M-til nnr,t mv.W. wu.nK.u . . ... . .u MonMrr, t aat were no better than jours, but the price wa Si5k" Our agent at Pennirwrtcn. Tex.T writesr "Am in receipt of the w rtch. and am pleased without measure. AU w have seen it sav it would be cheay at St" One good reliable Agvnt wanted f each place. Write for particulars. Empire Watch Co., Sew York. Jel) fori" at tie Mail. Mybrsu omuiMion Fence fitiJ ruin 1 19? TTrf 'is 1