MEDFORD MARKETS. CORRCCTBO EVERY WRDSESDAT. Wheat, Ko. 1, per bushel Osts, ' Barley " Com, " Potatoes, " Mill Feed, Brafl and Shorts, per ton Say, baled, 111.00; loose, Wood I k' wooa) Fir, Flour, wholesale Flour, retail. Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples. Bacon and Ham, Shoulder, Beans. Lard. Honey, per cord per barrel per sack per roll per dozen per pound per bos per lb. I .78 .40 .30 15.00 10.00 4.00 3.50 4.80 1.30 .50 .15 .09 .50 .1814 .10 .04 .IS .15 s. ROSENTHAL THE Great uri'ii Ciiiei OF MED FORD, ORE., Has just received a large stock of fine CLOTHING and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS also a finestock of BOOTS and SHOES Which he will sell as low as can besold. Small profits and quick sales will be his motto. Call and eee for yourself. Boots and Shoes. I SELL FOOTWEAR ONLY. As I give my attention to this line of trade only I can do better by my customers than dealers in all kinds of goods. Call and examin stock Repairing: Neatly Done. M. S. DAMON. LOCAL NEWS. -Fresh Fremont cheese Just ar rived at C. W. Wolters'. Welborn Boeson was in town Friday. Cod fish at the bakery. The district fair will open at Rose burg on Sept. 20th. Placer and quartz claim notices for sale at this office. R. V. Beall, of Central Point, was in Med ford lately. Dry popcorn at Elder's. Judge L. R. Webster was in town Saturday. Subscribe for the Mail. H. F. Wood was over from the county seat last week. Fine job work at this office. J. H. Huffer, deputy county clerk, visited Medford Friday. Demorvst Brothers, dentists. Ed Worinan has returned from a visit to the Willamette. McBride & Case for photographs. Mrs. D. T. Sears has just received acompleta line of spring styles in mil linery. Scott Griffin was over from Tolo this week. Ladies' visiting cards this ottic3. printed at from Callfor- Wra. Ulrich returned nia Monday. Cash paid for ohlckens at Henry Smith1. The hum of the planing mill is sweet music. New goods at the millinery store oi Mrs. u. l. Sjars. jall and see nor Frank Sherman was up from Ash land Monday. Miss Verna Weaver who recently came from Eugene, is prepared to do dressmaking in the latest etyloi; will bo found in room No. 5 over Angle & i'lymale's store. F. T. Downing and wife wero doing business in Medford Tuesdtiv. The millinorv store of Mrs. D. T. Sears is displaying some elogaut spring styles. Carl J. Johnson and family arrived Assessor Hamilton will soon begin to Sundnv from Wisconsin. assess the county. Sheet music, the latest out at Wol ters. Joe Olwell visited Medford Sunday from Central Point. Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro cery. J. H. Anderson from Benica, Calif., has been visiting M. Bellinger. Go to Elder's for the best tea in town E. E. Miner, of Ashland, registered at the Grand Central several days ago. see the new goods at the Como Racket. has returned here of several weeks in ton or bale, seed oats H. Thorndike's LA GRIPPE CTJKED By using S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and S. B. Coofrh Cure directed lor coitis. They were SUCCESSFULLY used two years ago during the La Grippe epi demic and very nattering testimonials ot their powder over that disease are at hand. Price 75 and 30 cts. per bottle. Jo. H. Haskins. Medford. Or. iTicKle K Tie Eartb With a Hoc. SOW FERRY'S SESOS and nature will do the rest. Seed Urrly determine the harrcst always piint the best FERRY'S. A boek fall of information about Gardens bow and what to raise, etc. sent free to ail woo ask fbrit Asktoay. D.M.FERRYy DETROIT, CO., JT MICH. PORTLAND Employment : Burean. Skilled help furnished hotels and Restaurants. Private boarding houses and families. Labor hired for railroads and contractors. T7e register strictly first class cooks, waiters and domestics. iSS N. 3rd. St. S. R PHILLIPS. Man'r. PflLM BflBBEB SHOP W. L. Towxsend, Proprietor. Main Street Opposite PostoSice. Hot and colJ bath.?, pompadour hair cutting and clean towels a specialty. Fair treatment for everybody. Give us a trial. THE mitt SEWING MACHINE. I. E. Hoover, local agent of the Singer Mn'fg Co., for Jackson and Jossphine counties, has his office with J. E. Elder, Medford and Mrs. E. M. Stone. Grants Pass, who are authorized to collect money and receipt for the Singer Co. in my name. T. E. HOOVER. I! IttloiitiMil CanMt be tucCMsftiltT traveled with lit good health. To reach wealth or any crated potitlc In III requires ths full pe suction and cperatlon of all the fao Bltiea kind raturt has endowed ut with. Then conditions cannot txhi unless the phftloal helnf IS la perfect worklnf order, and this la impossible when the Over and apleen are torpid, thus obstruct lag the aeoreTjhs, causing Indigestion and dyspepsia, with all ot their aoeoM aenriag horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic taerts a speeffie Influence oner the Ihrer, smites It to health; actio, rt solves its ckrwlc eagorgtaents, and promotes the aeoretlens; cares Indlfestioa and constt patiea, sharpens the appetite, tones ap the entire system, and make lite worth Ifcriue. J. E. Shearer after an absence Portland. Hay bv the and barley at J. J. H. Faris expects to occupy his new residence in Barr's addition, about April lath. Cinnamon bark and whole cloves at Wolters. W. J. Standley, from "Woodville, registered at the Grand Central Sat urday. The best place in town to trade is at J. S. Howards. Attorney Whitman, accompanied by his family is in attendance at court in Grants Pass this week. Maple brie ks and silver drip syrup at Wolters. Miss Rose Griffiths, one of our public school teachers, visited her home at Gold Hill Saturday and Sunday. For bargains in boots'and shoes call on M. S. Damou. R2V. M. C. Aleridge, of Brownsville, is holding a series of meetings in Sil verton, and is having great success. A groat Bargain in heavy shawls to close. Racket. Mrs. Dr. W. S. Jones left on Mon-! day's train to visit her parents in Iowa. I She will ba gone several months. Bed-rock prices on heavy under wear at the Racket. A horse raca meeting will be held at Central Point on October 3rd, after the adjournment of the district fair. Work guaranteed at the MeBride & Case photograph gallery. Quite an improvement in the way of hitching posts near Wilson's black smith shop has boen noticed last week. New carpets and wall paper at I. A. Webb's furniture store. Dr. Pryce was called to Halsey Sun day to attend the bedside of the daugh- Apple trees S7.00 pjr hundred. $65 per thousand: size 5 feet and up, branched at Medford nursery. Win. Parker was over from Central Point Tuesday. Prunes. 3 to 4 feet, $8.50 per huu dred; 400 lots $7.50 per huudred, at Medford nursery. There is some talk of organizing a tennis club in Medford. Take note of Goldstono's new adv. I this week and call on him and secure some of those new bargins. J. J. Mechon and J. E. Shea were up from Ashland Monday. The New York Cheap Cash Storo is the boss place to buy your goods. The regular monthly meeting of the city council took place last Monday. Postmaster L. J. Marck, of Etna, visited Medford and this office Wednes day. J. A. Whitman this week shipped a car load of apples consigned to Tacoma parties. A. S. Hammond, W. W. Cardwell and Prof. Rigby visited Grants Pass this week. T. Morine resigned as night watch this week and purchased part of the Roxy Ann saloon. The thei uiometer registered 30 in the sun Monday. Pretty hot for this time of year. Mr. Culver, one of the proprietors of ; thi California hotel at Dunstuuir, is in the city this week. J. O. Woljramot and W. D. Bain, from Talent, were registered at the Clarendon Sunday. Angle & Plymale are hsving shelv- very much. Those present wore: Missess Laura Burnett and Nettie Graves and Messrs. Bart Whitman, Ed Phipps, Robt. Burnett and Mr. Rankin. S. Rosenthal is continually receiv ing new goods and is having the inside of his store fixed up for the spring trade. The Silver Cornet Band will have an oyster supper and a free entertain ment Friday night, March 11th. Sup per 25cts. Doors opon at 6 o'clock. Come one; come all. Wm. Olwell, late bookkeeper at tho Medford Roller Mills, is back at his father's ranch near Central Point, where ho will remain several weeks and lend a hand at pruning their 100 acre orchard. We have made arrangements where by we can furnish all now subscribers who pay a year's subscription to the Mail in advance with the Rural Northwest, published at Portland Ore gon, or tho American Farmer, pub lished at Springfield Ohio, free of charge. These are both excellent ag ricultural papers and should be in every home. This offer is also good to those who pay up all arrearages and one year in advance. The Mail ought to have at least 500 more subscribers in Jackson county and by this means we hope to secure them before another year. Wo offer liberal iuducemciits to those desiring to get up clubs. See your neighbor and if be does not take the paper got him to subscribe. Sam pie copies mailed free a application. Letter List. Tho following is the list of letters remaining uncalled for In the Medford, Or., postonlce on Murch 1st. l&ct: Beebe. Jno Cox. 1) I. Daily. H a Donnelly. J E Farley. V A Hearrlntr. F M Johnson. C (1 Jcnks. Wm Kepler. Henry Lctrts. Jrnnie Lacy. L f Morn. JS 3 Karl Moran Mory. Hick 0Kluy. Ur W V Stephen. Harvey Stunlrv. T P K sum. v P Slrwurt, J J N" Winston. M C Wilson. Lelnh Wilson, (iurnct Wall, l.lllie Young. Anuio L ad Persons calling for the above please say rcrtised." J. S. IIuward. K M. Notice! After April 1st, lS!i the barber shops in Medford will close on Sundnys. Signed, W. L. Townskxd. J. E. SHEARER. To Intending Builders. It will pay you to write or seud to the Southern Oregon Lumbering and Man ufacturing company of Grants Pass for all kinds of building material: lumber, sash, doors, and mill work of all kinds, as they will guarantee you satisfaction in material, workmanship and prices. Plans and estimates furnished on all kinds of work. Dr. R. Notice. Prvcs will leave Medford ing and fix lures put in place in tlu ti tension to their store. A normal school will bi opened May ' 1st in this city in connection with the Medford business college. R?ad the communicated report of; Jackson county's indebtedness pub lished in another column. A new law went into effect Monday last which prohibits the buying or sell ing of Salmon until April 10th. County Recorder were over k-oni tha llsr t.1 ft. it frionft nff nn th, trnin I P" This is court week in Jo: county ana aoout every attorney in i f ., for a time b.'cause of ill health and all those knowing themselves to b-j in debted to hira are requested to call and s. tti.' with him within a short tim : or pay the amount to the Jackson County Bank. Medford, March 3, 1SV2. " PEOPLES' PARTY. Convention at Central Point Satnr unlay, Which is interesting. Pursuant to call tho Peoples' Party met in mass convention at Central Point Saturday, March 5, at 2 o'clock p. m. J. W. Marksbury in the chair. On motion the chairman appointed as committee on credentials W. H. Brad shaw, S. H. Holt and S. M. Nooland. On motion a permanent organization was effected with J. W. Marksbury as preside t; Enoch Walker treasurer; and Ira Wakefield secretrary. On motion an executive committee of two from each precinct club was nominated by those present from their respective clubs and elected by the convention, except Central Point club, which elected their own committee, all as folllows: Tablo Rock J. S. Marsh. S. M. Nocland. Lone Kock K. Kobi rts, J W. Smith. Talent J. W. Abbot. J. Adison. Eden E. Anderson. Ira Wukelield. Lake Creek F. Mead ;E. Casto. South Ashland 1'. F. Wheluiore, J. D. Will iams. Woodville T. H. Bedford. Q. F. Smldthliue. Trail Creek M. HixlL-es. s. v. Oliver Ccntrul Point V. T. Downing. W. W Scott. Medford S. Murruy. E. P. Hammond, l'lne (irove W. S. King. J. W. Murstuin. Anl'och H. Foster. U. A. Jackson. Wymer-T. H. H. Taylor. J. N. Koblnaoo. Tcrrlll, J. Wiley. S. H. Holt offered the following res olution: Whereas, The Peoles' Party of the United States has adopted a plat- irom oi weii-aetluea principles, which are in direct opposition to the principles and practices of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and whereas. we as members oi the Peoples Party, havo subscribed to and pledged our selves to work for the principals of our party. Therefore, resolved first that we will not place the name of any one on our ticket as a candidate for any office to hi fillod at our next elec tion, ltesolvcd scoud, that in casj any candidates receiving a nomina tion at our convention shall thereafter be known to seek or accept a nomina tion from either of the old parlies, or enter into any political trade combina tion or coalition with either of the old partios, or any of their candidates, the executive committee, of this club are hereby instructed to take immed iate su;ps to hare such names erased from our ticket, and the vacancy tilled with the mime of someone cajHible and loyal to tho principles of our party carried unanimously. On motion a collection was taken to defray delegation expanses to slate cun ven tiou amount il'J.SO. On motion, the secretary was in structed to notify thoso precinct clubs not here present, to elect their dele gates to the lounly convention, at their last meeting in March. On motion, each precinct club was requested to contribute as liberally as possible to our "delegation fund' and forward the same to E. C. Walker, Medford Oro. On motion the secretary read the call for State convention. EXCHANGES. Grants Pass Items. Courier. J. Brumbaugh, of Gold Hill, has se cured a Dateut for an ore crusher. Arthur Conklin and his bride arrived Saturday week from the east. Mrs. J. P. Tuffs and daughter went up to Rock Point on a visit, one dny last week. Mamie Day, of Jacksonville, was in the city last week, visiting Bertha Booth. Annie Oglesby returned from Jack sonville Tuesday week and remained a few days with Dora Chausse, before vistiting her aunt, Mrs. Knox, of Ap plegate. Mrs. M. N. Long and children. Misses Delia, Dora aud master Ray, returned to their home in Ashland, on Monday morning's train, after a short visit with friends in this city. Joo Schmidtling and wife were down from Jacksonville last week, having dental work done by Dr. Jackson. Ella Young, of Jacksonville, return ed home a few days ago. after a few days' visit in this city, the guest of Jennie Colvig. A little daughter of District Attorney Colvig accompanied Miss Young. The railroad company contemplate retimbering tunnel 9. "it is said that twenty men will ba occupied two years in doing tho work. The old timbers are rotting away. Hon. H. B. Miller took a trip to Ash land, Jacksonville and around last week tosMe about arranging the race pro gramme for the next district fair. Young Cox. tho operator at the S. P. D. & L. store, has gone to the Sound, and Mr. Perkins is managing the batr tery in addition to other duties. J. I). Glidden and wife were over from Kerby Saturday. Mr. G. says the acreage in cultivation will bi largely increased in th Iliiuoi valley this year. Will Chaussj went to Jacksonville on bis bicycle Saturday. He came back on the train, however, from Cen tral Point. Tho distance is about thir ty miles. Observer. Hon. H. B. Miller departed for Cen tral Point Wednesday morning, where he will attend the nicotine of the South ern Oregon fair directors. Will Q. Brown bought fifty tons of oro from the Jewett mine Toesdav. H. B. Miller and T. P. Lae shinned a car load of iiotaloes to Sacramento this week. Contractor Lyons, of Medford. spent j Monday in Grants Pass, securing mate-: rinl for the erection of buildings in' that city. Arthur Conklin has sold his Apple-! gate farm to J. Brown, of Helena. .Mon-1 tana. Mr. Hrown ts a practical miner, and will make a valuable citizen in our will morn his family One Price To All: -UNDERBUY- IS OUR MOTTO ! THE NEW YORK CHEAP COOPER BLOCK. m Pay As Ton Ga System: -UNDERSELL- IS OUR MOTTO ! MEDFORD, j OREGON. I Have Conic ltcrc To Stay, AmJ ai" a posttion to offer to the public endles8 bargains as never before bearj of, as having an imidV track of the business I am always on the- lookout to purchase goods from amall manufacturers back east. I aisa purchase Bankrupt stocks and from firms vrho are in urgent need of the ready money, and having the ready money on hand I embrace the opportunity of buying goods for Cash at greatly reduced prices, consequently am able to offer the same to the public at such prices that should commend a speedy tTa)e of raf Oood, namely; DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, FL'RMSHLVG GOODS for LADIES and GEXTS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. LACES, SILKS. SATINS, RIBBONS, Etc., Kept in a first class establishment Give me a call I defy competition .Jlt will b to rour benefit to inspect my stock and see prices.JJJJ TO URS, AXXJO US TO PLEASE, MARK GOLDSTONE. f-f 'Solf the address I JAS. fl. SliOVEH & CO., iDRUGGISTS,: Main street, Medford, Ore. Ou motion the delegates of the State cuuvenuou wcro instruct u piuce f community. H in nomination the nam 2 of S. H. Holt i ,,.,,., -', for congress from the first district; also i ,., , " . , , . . . to favor govoruin. nt control of the ( hrl " hit of Eagla Point is the liquor tratic. j of Ur" U nitney. On motion the next regular raojt-! Mrs. Purkeypile. of Central Point, ing of this club will be held at Cea- fpent W ednesday in the city. j trul Point the third Saturday of May! H. C". Kinnev made aumher buMn"wt trip to Portland this we-k. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Per fumery, Etc., Etc. School Tablets and a Full Line of Cranes' Superfine Paper and Envelopes. IWPHYSICIANS: Prescriptions Carefully Cosh- ' pounded Any Hour Day or Night by an Experienced and Competent Dmggiet. NIGHT BELL ON FRONT DOOR. Organ for Sala. A good second-hand organ for STa. on easy terms or at a di-ouut for cah. A. A. Davis. Medford. Or. Therj Phrenix in March IS. county s.-at Moa- ', ""I'l1" next at 10 o'clock p. m. Adiourmed. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Committee organized by the election of P. T. Downing chairman and Ira Waketieid secretary. On motion the County convention lor me purprwj 01 noimnaung a couuty j j, , wiu maka ucKCL, wm 00 uem at centra! 1 uim on 1 Jasr the first Monday in April lS:i at !! " o'clock . in.: alsn. that th ntlio of ' ! delegation be tine ut large from each j t nrrvincl club and oni! for evfirv ten on will be a Box Sociable at traction thereof. " i Nannie th lJn.nHrT On motion J. . .Marsburv. U. H. ironi -ni.-TU t-oini visaing Kev. Robert McLean took a trip to Medford the Erst of the week. Geo. Daly. jr.. of Eagle Point, spent a f.-w days in the city this week. Conductor Fred Wall informs us that his home in Grunts j I ITHE1 ClarendoM HOTEL. Sox Sociable. Aahland Items. lKcorL Ob-nchain was up last week with rela-. V3., . w' It If .lt t 1 . t " 1 . "T l.llfiVsW A literary and musical pro- j wcre elocte1 to roprvent lhu execut- 1 Wak.Mield. s.-oarv of the Poo will bi rendered N-forv the , committer in thu Stat.? convention. I n! mMc -lnl. f..V?.- ..... ; ! j to bo held in Oregon City March j Kden precinct have signed their p-.trty ' ISM. IRA Wakefield, Sec. roll. He says the People's party wiil I,l.. hr nmln ' , e..rr,,nai. ,r:inei. also ventral foint . 1 - 1 nn uth i I' r unom r ..... i i 1.1 . i j i- . . i in josepnme ,k Kr, .., ..., f. hi, i liUUnil O JIMilUIIIU. r every attorney in !. . .v " . " m- L Inck. the unterrided instir- Kxercinej. to begin at H o'clock The ladies will each arrange a her name In ttl. G. COOPER, PPopP., Medford, - Oregon. the valley is in attendance at Grants ! Pass. j It is reported a party from California . will arrive at Central Point on the i ter of a prominent citizen of that place, j "th miU to investigate the Hume pro- D. M. Ferry & Cos. well known j ject garden seeds an C. W. Wolters' j The Weeks' furniture store is boing T. M. Canter. G. E. Hershberger. J. I moved from its present quarters to a C. Slagle and W.W. Scott were among building on the south end of Front those doing business in Medford Fri- 1 street. e programme, is expected to bring fifty cents to pay for the box and privi lege of eating supp-r with the lady. All are cordially invited to attend, by order of the Committee. day. We claim to turn out the best and neatest job work in the valley at rea sonable prices. The racing circuit of the Northwest Trotting Horse Breeders Association will include both Roseburg and Cen tral Point this year. Arrangements are being mads for a joint fair for Jackson and Josephine counties; to bo held at Central Point Octobar 3rd. J. J. and G. W. Priddy were over from Central Point Saturday in the interests of the new brick yard they are about to establish here. Geo. Markle of Ashland, does first class work as blacksmith, wagon maker and horsesboer. Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her daughter, Mrs. Lou Chappell have gone on a visit to the son and daughter of Mrs. Thomas, in Nevada and Montana. If you want your best girl to think you are handsome, get your photo- grapn taken at JHcJariue & case s. Among those who are at Grants Pass this court week are Col. R. A. Miller, District Attorney Colvig, Hon. W. H. Parker, Judge H. K. Hanna and Chas. Nickel L Northern Grown Garden Seeds at J. C. Elder's Three papers for ten cents. Among Sunday's visitors from Jack sonville we noted the following ladies: Misses Mollie Miller, Josie Nunan, AnnaOrth, Emma Judge and Jessie Langell. Bottom has fallen out of Garden Seeds Four papers for ten cents at D. H. Miller's Hardware Store. Call and see them before buying. D. H. Miller County Treasurer Geo. E. Bloomer was among Medford's Sunday visitors from the county seat. Geo. must have run up against the razor edge of a cy clone, judging from the barrenness of his "fiz." Boots and shoes anatomically built by A. C. Tayler. Reparing promptly attended to. Carries in stock ladies, mens, and infants correct shape shoes. Personal attention given to fitting the foot. Opposite Post Office. From the supreme court docket we glean the following: H. J. Teal, re spondent, vs. Pearl E. Winstrom et al, appellants; appeal from Jackson county; judgment of the lower court affirmed; opinion by Judge Bean. Type writing taught at the college rooms, S3 per month. W. P. Jones came over from the county seat Monday. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Uou- i , , . . , . . , j anca man, was here last week. He was An Abridged Keport of Jackson j . r,,M, u northern California selling I Contty's Finance. j the products of the Medford trk pack- I cr!m.L poist. March . iw. j ing company. i Thr tmioirtot rrpon t tnwa the su cUyot: L. L. Angle. John B. Wrislev and .Jaooarr. mw u. use it day oT March. is: J Enoch F. Walker were in Ashland I On the Srth ily it January. IKS. K. Kublf. 1 Monday week. Why not call a meeting, ye base ball lovers, and organize a club that will be a pride to Medford and a source of ter ror to every club in the valley. j M. Purdin Our merchants generally are receiv ing consignments of spring goods these days and are rearranging their quar ters preparatory to the spring trade. Don't fail to read the account of the Peoples' Party convention and the session of the City Council both pub lished in another part of this pajtcr. W. Englodow has recovered from bis late illness and was in Medford again Friday. Ho has repainted the Grand Central sign and did a fine job. Hon. J. D. Whitman is spoken of at the likely nomine: for County Judge on the Peoples' Party ticket. His election is almost a cerUuiity should he run. D. P. Greninger returned from his ranch at the Meadows Monday. 11: reports tho roads in a passable condi tion and in a week or so will bj in good shape for travel. Miss Cora Brown, one of Eagle Point's most estimable young ladies, passjd through Medford Tuesday on her way to visit her sister, Mrs. W. M. Holmes, at Jacksonville. A saw mill is soon to bs erected upon tho land of J. A. Cr.iin which is sit uated about seven miles cast of Med ford and a large amount of timber manufactured into lumbor. We aro pleased to note that Rev. P. R. Burnett is convalescent. The Rev erend is somewhat the worse for his severe illness, but expects to occupy the pulpit in a week or so. J. E. Shearer has purchased Palm's barber shop and is having it cleaned and renovated throughout. Mr. Shearer intends to secure his share of the trade. Note his adv. in another column. J. B. McOee and others have organ ized tho Bohemia Wagon Toll Road Company, at Cottage Grove, with a capital stock of $30,000. Tho company will build a road from Cottage Grove to the Bohemia mines Assessor I. L. Hamilton and family returned last week from a trip to Port land. Mr. II. attended the Assessors Convention while there. Ho reports that 17 counties were represented and a good deal of "resoluting'' was accom plished by the convention. Miss May Isaacs entertuined a num ber of her friends last Friday even ing at the elegant home of her parents Au Interesting Session Held day in the School House. The annual meeting of this school district was held Monday in the school house. Qutie a large number of tax payers were present. chairman of the direc- ; tors, presided, aud Clerk Faris acted as secretary. Minutes of last annual meeting approved: also minutes of spe cial school meetings read and ap proved. Next in order came uominntions for one director and clerk; one director is elected each year. J. D. Whitman was elected director for three years and J. H. Faris re elected clerk for ensuiug year. Financial report for past fiscal year then read. Valuation of school district accord ing to last school assessment bv clerk was S3t'3,"01. Motion made and carried to recon sisdor action taken at special meeting iu January which bounded district for 93.000. Matter of school indebtedness left in hands of directors. Moved and carried that a four-mill tax be levied to create a sinking fund for school purposes and to pay the in terest on outstanding indebtedness. It was next noted to levy a six-mill tax to pay teachers and incidental ex penses for ensuing year. Seven teachers and a janitor aro em ployed at school house. No further business coming up tho meeting adjourmed. soda works proprietor and John Newman were in lht city Tuesday of last week. v.roToo v t'arKer. a lew aavs aro. wit : UEDKKI-TION Or COCSTT WARRANTS. All person holding county warrants that hav been srex-ntrd and not paid are hrrebr i requested to present the same at my omce for j sent an installment of fine seed corn to payment, as no tm-rc-it will be allowed after I the state agricultural college at Cor- itals date. K. Kent j. Treas. Jackson t. valiis. Prof. French, when in Ashland Jacksonville. Jan. . ictv. j recently, saw this corn and pronounced This notice appears duria E. B. Walton's ! it 'he b.-st in the sLate. It was raised term of four years as county judpr. jal latent. Sxvtitncrn Oregon is a corn First-class Board by lie Day, M or Moi. Centrally Ijoeated, West Side of the S. P. R. R Depot. HENRY SMIT H -IT HI If you want dry stove wood, order in the western part of tho city. Music I from W. Beeson, at Talent. Ho has it land games were participated by the thy the quantlty-good-we have tried H. lgueeU and all PnjOVod themselves It seems this tunc Jacitson cuuqit was out : country ail risht CDOUt'h . ? G. A. Hubbell. of Jacksonville, has a At the close oi E B. atson s term the out ff r..form talk boj dow to standlnc .arrants amounted to W.aeav. and u.ur whk.h h,, t.xpx.,s to deliver in cash in the treasury amoununi: to Ashland during the coming campaign, leaving an Indebtedness of K.1ISlT, with aj ' claim against Joiephlne county for the sum of Joa. G. Pi-rcs went to Lakeriew KM.O. on account of criminal business brought I Thursday to examine the timber land from said county. j maps in the U. S. land office. On the 5th day of July. . Silas J.Day be ThiJ wajro fnua Ashiand v, can hs term as county Judce. and so conUnued Antelope declared a public highway 8 years. Durlne his term of office the court ! w)me months ago by the county court, house was built, and on the Kb day ot July. . : ifl ow h .in(; gradrHi and opened up for at the end ol the administration of S. J. Day ! travel. It will gi:e that entire section the oulsiandln county warrants, as shown by j a access to Ashland and will r- the report of W. IL Parker, county clerk, was,, 9Uit in the populating of that district eVI.IW MB. exclusivo of interest. Increase of with moro s Mtlers. debt to tbe county during the administration of AN ICE PLANT. The Plans and Specifications Being Drawn up in Portland. Johnson, McCarthy & Johnson, of Portland, aro at tho present Writing having plans and specifications drawn up for tin ice plant to be established in Medford as soon a practicable. Tho required bonus has been raised and the grounds secured and nothing now remains but the commencement of building opcratlors to assure to Medford another feather In tho cap of her advancement. The parties will be on the pounds In a few days when active work will begin. In Probata. In the matter of the estnto of Wesley Mit chell Report of Cutmtluu Hottlo Almutt, ap proved. Estate of J. L. Worlow-Elrst semi annual exhibit. Estute of W. O. MoCunbln-AdmlnlBtrator, J. H. FartlH. und boudsmea discharged from fur ther liabilities. Estate of J. V. Rugaitnle Flnul exhibit, Marriage License. Married In Jncknonvrlln, March 8, 1MB, W. J. Plymale, J. P., Hon. Tho. Cameron and Mrs, Marr KnMiixv S. J. Day txtf.iemtt. On the Vlh day of July. 11. F. DePealt began his term ot four years as county judjre. At the eud ot K DePeatl's term, which ended onthcitbday ot July. IfeS, the county war rants outstanding, as shown by the report of W. II. Parker, county clerk, amounts to HS, which report distinctly stales the amount above stated does not Include Interest. On July 6lh. 1SSS. J. R. Nell began his term of four years as county judge. Amount ot warrants Issued during Judge Neil's term face value. JlH.TMii Am't of warrants redeemed face val. 91.S4t.tfT Increase of debt under Judge Nell's odm. tor 3 years and 8 months, 43.I.WH8 Debt at end of DePeatt's term fsStt.4S Dsbt increased by Nell. .... uiao.w Total outstanding debt, exclusive of Interest to March 1st. ISM. - HI,ft4S Approximate Interest to March I. ISfti Total debt, Yours with regard. - - (lTS.itfj. F. T. Dowsisu. The of CITY FATHERS. Regular Monthly Meeting the City Council. Hoard ot trustees met in regular session with all members present excepting E. B.'Plckel. Minutes of live preceding sessions read. Keport from Street Commissioner Urunden burg, showing a sale of S!it feel of old sidewalk, leaving 3UU feet yet unsold. Petition from the Ladies' Aid Sock .y. asking thnt the money receirod from the sale o' lha old sidewalk, taken up from the S. P. it. K. do pot, bo turned over to Mrs. Chus. Stnuig. The following action was had, to-wit: Moved thai thn society be grouted the remaining old walk now on hand, from tbe Clarendon hotel to tho Presbyterlun church, and that the society be required to pay the cost and expense ot taking up and removing suld walk Curried. J. 8. Morgan and John Van Dike appeared before ths board and asked that their assess ment might be levied, whieh was referred to the finance committee. Petition from Thomas Morine and W others, asking for a liquor license, to sell liquor in quantities lessthnnonequart. Petition granted and the recorder was ordered to Issue a license on presohlutlou of a good anil aulurlenl bond, to be approved by the board. Thomas Morine presented his resignation as night watch ami speciul police, which was ao copied. On motion Martin Hart wos appointed ns night watch and special police, subjected to the pleasure of the board. Raid Martin Hurt ap peared brtore the board and was sworn in and entered upon the duties of his offire. Onlinnnro 118, relating to stork running at large within the oorporato limits of tho town ot Medford was read and passed. On motion tho street commissioner was In structed to oompleto the hitching racks along Ihe state road, near Dr. Adklna' properly. The recorder was Instructed to procure 150 feet of rope for the use of the city onglneer la puiuting the water tower. On motion the board adjourned, to meet oa Thursday night, March 10th, at 7:30 o'clock. J. H. Fakis, Recorder; The news reaches us, from republi can sources though, that there are 32 candidates for sheriff on the democratic ticket in Klamath county. The two raaiu ones are Col. II. B.'Compson, of Naylox. brigadier general of the O. X. G.. aud Ex-Sheriff J. L. Hanks. Mr. Hanks was sheriff of Lake county bo- fore Klamath county was dntached : from it. and made au economical and trustworthy adminitration. It is also Mated that nearly all the alliance men tu that county aro democrats. Tidings. Oha.v X. Lambert, of Gold Hill, was in town Thursday. Jerry Xunnn. of Jacksonville, went to San Francisco on Thursday's train. Mr. Purdin, of Medford. a promin ent candidate for th-s Democratic nom ination for sheriff, was in town last week. Arthur Conklin. tho Grant's Pass real estate man. accompanied by the bride whom he brings from New York, was on Saturday evening's train. Mr. Conklin had boon in New York since last rail. V. K. Temtile, of Kock Point, was in town last week. V. V. Cardwell. of Medford. was in Ashland the other day. Mr. Cardwell is activly looking up fiis chances for a Republican nomination for prosecut ing Attorney, and bis friend at Med ford aro helping him cordially. Joo G. Pierce bought three more timber clainH of ItiO acres each in Ash laud Inst Saturday week, iaytng $8H) each. The persons who sold "are John Johnson. C. J. Andersou aud M. X. Long. Chas. J. Piere. is now at Ked ding, having returned to the coast from Chicago. County Treasurer Bloomer advertises that he has mon?y on hand to redoetn county warrants protested on or prior to Oct. t, I88S, and that interest on said warrants will cease Feb. 29 IS92. The warrants are numbered as follows: 800, 6S3 801, 74!, 072, 729, C7I, tSSO, 781. llueklcn's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruisos, sows, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,tetter, e.hnnped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25e por box. For s:U by G. II, IIaskins.'r . j IS WE ARE THE LARGEST DEALERS IN 8QUTHERN OREGON. la Dry Goods, Clothing, Gror-Pfies, boots and Shoes, General Merchandise, ete. Examine stock and be convinced. WE DEFT COMPETITION. General sUu-e on Main Sirtet. Yarchouse on FrtMit Streets MEDFORD, Ore. HENRY SMIT II It a WM. ANGLE. F. M. I-LYMALIL FflrflWEiTS STORE. J', ANCLE & PLYMALE. Proprietors. ;, DEALERS IX Gen'l. Merchandise. JLine of Fresh Bacon and Lard. Choice Strained Honey Pure Cider Vinegar. Cigars and Tobacco Canned Fruits, Vegetables and Meats, Extracts. Spices Etc, Etc. FREE DELIVERY TO AXY PART OF TOWN. A". R Produce Taken in Exchange. I. A. DEALS Furniture WEBB IN Carpets, and Paper Wrialdis CareM? Meiefi k