The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat, No. I, per bushel
Barter "
Corn, ..
Potatoes, "
. Mill Feed, Bran and Shorts, per ton
Bay, baled, 111.00; loose,
Woodf Per.?ord
Floor, wholesale, per barrel
Flour, retail, per sack
Butter, per roll
Eggs, per dozen
Onions, per pound
Apples, per box
Bacon and Bam, per lb.
Shoulder, "
Honey, '
4 .75
Has just received a large stock of
also a fines toe k of
Which he will sell as low as can
be sold. Small profits and Quick
sales will be his motto.
Call and
BCC for yourself.
Boots and Shoes.
As I give my attention to this line
of trade only I can do Iwtter by my
customers than dealers in all kinds
of goods. Call and cxamin stock.
Repairing Neatly Done.
By nsing S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and
S. B. Cough Cure directed (or colds. They were
used two years ago during the La Grippe epi
demic and very nattering testimonials of their
powaer over mat disease are at Dana, race
T5 and 50 CIS- per bottle.
Geo. H. Haskins, Medford, Or.
Employment : Bureau.
Skilled help furnished hotels and Restaurants.
Private boarding houses and families.
Labor hired for railroads and contractors.
T7e register strictly first class cooks, waiters
and domestics.
S. R. PHILLIPS, Man'r.
V. L. Towssexd, Proprietor.
Main Street Opposite Postoffice.
Hot and cold baths, pompadour
Lair cutting and clean towels a
Fair treatment for everybody.
Give ua a trial.
L E. Hoover, local agent of the
Singer Mn'fg Co., for Jackson and
Josephine counties, has his office with
J. E. Elder, Medford and Mrs. E. M.
Stone, Grants Pass, who are authorized
to collect money and receipt for the
Singer Co. in my name.
The Road to MP
aa tuccMcfnll traveled Hh-
eut fasd health. To reach wealth orirrf
eavatad position la III requires the full
essesslon and operation of all the fac
ulties kind nature has endowed us with.
Thou conditions cannot exist units the
art leal helne It la perfect working
ardor, and this Is Impesslhle when the
Over sad spleea are torpM, thatotttfact
taf the aaere'.Ijr.t, caaslng Indlftstloa
ana cXaopoM, wita aii or taeir i
English Dandelion Tonic
urts a specrle lalaeaca over ths Iber,
outtto K fa healthy action.
mutism ; cares Mlflootlaa and eaattr
pet lea, tharpeas ths appetlU, toau aa
the entire oyotonj, sad oaks I Wo worth
THr Sower has y
m No second Chance.
tm Bad. and kept Ferry's Seed Bosiacsam
M ih largest iatba world Merit Tells. M
Ferry'a Seed Annual for tSga I
I telle the whole Seed story Sent free tor tha I
m asking. Dea't sow Seeds till yoa get ft. M
Vp.M.FERRY ft, Mich
Fresh Fremont cheese jast ar
rived at C. W. Woltere'.
Peach trees are almost in bloom.
Cod fish at the bakery.
L. H. Gay was in Medford Saturday.
Dry popcorn at Elder's.
The Lenten season began yesterday.
Subscribe for the Mail.
We gained ten now subscribers this
Fine job work at this office.
Did you ever see finer weather than
Demorcst Brothers, dentists.
Building operations are beginning to
pick us.
McBride & Case for photographs.
Our schools are progressive and pro
gressing. Sheet music, the latest out at Wel
ters. Dr. E. P. Geary visited the county
eat this week.
Lamp chimneys at Wolter's gro
cery. Travel, both north and south, is on
the increase.
Go to Elder' for the best tea in
F. T. Downing was in from Central
Point Monday.
Come see the new goods at the
The New 1 ork Cheap Cash store is
offering lots of good bargains.
Get apple trees at the Medford
Df. R. Pryce will leave the valley
soon in search of health and rest.
Hay by the ton or bale, seed oats
and barley at J. H. Thorndike 's
The late showers have started the
grass and flowers to growing in earnest.
Cinnamon bark and whole cloves at
Postmaster Howard is absent on
Grave creek surveying a mining ditch.
The best place in town to trade is at
J. S. Howards.
Attorney A. S. Hammond visited
Ashland, his old stamping ground, this
Maple brie ks and silver drip svrup
at wolters.
The Farmers Alliance meeting at
Central Point Saturday promises to be
For bargains in boots'and shoes call
on ai. a. Damon.
Everybody recognizes the Mail as
truthful, fearless and independent
county newspaper.
A great Bargain in heavy shawls
to close. Racket.
Qjite a number of strangers are
looking over the beauties and oppor
tunities of Medford
Bad-rock prices on heavy under
wear at tne JKacKel.
A numbsr of Jacksonville people
were over Saturday evening to attend
the play at the opera house.
One and two year old apple trees
at Medford A urssry.
J. W. Marksbury, one of the princi
pal merchants of Gold Hill, was seen
upon the streets of Medford Monday.
Work guaranteed at the sic Bride i
Cas; photograph gallery.
It is rumored that a temperance bil
liard hall will soon be established in
Medford by a party from Jacksonville.
New carpets and wall papor at I.
A. Webb's furniture store.
' The Weeks Bros, are shipping three
car loads of dried fruit to parties in
Portland from their ranch south of
D. M. Ferry & Co's. well known
garden seeds an C. W. Wolters'
The firemen were tendered an en
tertainment at the hospitable home of
G. W. Galloway Monday evening in
this city.
We claim to turn out the best and
neatest job work in the valley at rea
sonable prices.
Miss Ora Adkins accompanied Bank
er Howard and family to "Olympia,
Monday. She will be absent with them
several months.
Geo. Markle of Ashland, does first
class work aa blacksmith, wagon
maker and horseshoer.
Mrs. W. L. Webster and family will
start for New Mexico next Sunday,
where they will join Mr. Webster at
their future home.
If you want your best girl to think
you are handsome, get your photo
graph taken at McBride & Case s. -
D. P. Barn is, of Sams Valley, called
upon us Tuesday. Mr. Barnes reports
the fruit crop prospects of the best and
he tells us the farmers are about
through plowing and seeding for this
Northern Grown Garden Seeds at
J. C. Elder's Three papers for ten
Welborn Beeson, one of Talent's
prosperous and progressive citizens,
made us a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr.
Beeson reports quite a number of im
provements in and about Talent in the
way of new buildings, fences, etc., etc.
Bottom has fallen out of Garden
Seeds Fourpapers for ten cents at D.
H. Miller's Hardware Store. Call and
see them before buying.
D. H. Miller
Look at our list of correspondents
and read our county news and you can
not but help acknowledging the Mail's
superiority in this respect. We are
endeavoring to secure a correspondent
from ever town in the yalley. Send in
the news early!
Boots and shoes anatomically built
by A. C. Tayler. Repairing promptly
attended to. Carries in stock ladies,
mens, and infants correct shape shoes.
Personal attention given to fitting the
foot. Opposite Post Office.
Banker G. W. Howard returned last
week from a several weeks' absence on
the Sound. Mr. Howard has again left
for the north, taking with him his
family. They will be absent several
months, and will reside in Olympia,
The Petit orune trees are for sale
in anv quantity at the Medford Nur
sery. Harry Angle, Geo. B. Addington and
Chas. Angel have of late been amusing
themselves hunting the jack rabbits in
his native lair in the hills to the east
of town. The rabbits are aa thick as
fleas on a dog's back in haying time.
The hunters secured twenty-two of the
long-eared quadrupeds last Monday.
Type writing taught at the college
rooms, $3 per month.
Attorney Hammond visited the
county seat this week.
If you want dry stove wood, ordor
from W. Beeson, at Talent. He has it
by the quantity-good-we have tried it.
Born To the wife of A. W. Bish in
this city, Tuesday, a girl.
Miss May Sacket has again taken up
her studies at the business college.
C. A. Peningor is among the late
additions to the Medford Business Col
lege roll.
There will be no preaching service
at the M. E. Church next Sunday.
E. E. Thompson.
A new barber shop is about to be sot
up here, by a party from the Sound
L. D. Goodwin will preach his fare
well sermon at the Baptist church net
Sunday evening.
One of the finest pianos wo have seen
in this section of the country lately
arrived from the East as a gift from G.
W. Isaacs to his daughter.
Miss Lou Gibson, of the Postal Tele
graph, visited Ashland Tuesday and
Miss Buckley, of Applegate manipul
ated the keys during her absence.
From G. L. Webb we learn that Sat
urday night last at Drain, Or., Drain's
safe was blown open and rifled of its
contents. Mrs. Cranfill's sister, Mrs
Ensley, is a loser by $180. No clue to
the perpetrators.
I The planing mill whistle is heard
again. About all the machinery is in
place and the mill in ahapa to turn out
work. The new mill is an ornament to
Medford and a credit to its proprietors'
G. M. Conday arrived from
San Francisco Tuesday in answer to a
telegram calling him to tha bodside of
his wife who is reported very low.
She has been in this vicinity several
weeks in search of health.
The Rogue River Camp Meeting
Association was incorporated on the
25th of February. The incorporators
are: t. L. Thompson, r . T. Downing,
C. A. Lewis, E. E. Thompson, C. H.
Hoxie, Geo. Kahlcr and T. L. Jones.
The proporty is estimated at $400.
The concert given at the Baptist
church last Friday evening by the la
dies of the church was an exceedingly
enjoyable affair. Those who took part
in the program did themselves proud iu
the rendition ot their numbers. The
attendance was only fair, we are sorry
to say. This should not bo, as the
small admission charged surely need
keep none awav from an evening's en
joyment ot this kind.
We have made arrangements where
by we can furnish all new subscribers
who pay a year's subscription to the
Mail in advance with the Rural
Northwest, published at Portland Ore
gon, or the American Farmer, pub
lished at Springfield Ohio, free of
charge. These are both excellent ag
ricultural papers and should be in
every home. This offer is also good to
those who pay up all arrearages and
one year in advance. The Mail ought
to have at least 500 more subscribers
in Jackson county and by this means
we hope to secure them boforo another
year. We offor liberal inducements
to those desiring to get up clubs. Sjo
vour neighbor and if he does not take
the paper get him to subscribe. Sam
pie copies mailed free a application.
For Sale or Trade.
A small Livery Stable in Medford.
Inquire at Adkins & Webb's.
Organ for Sale.
A good second-hand organ for $75, on
easy terms or at a discount for cash.
A. A. Davis, Medford, Or.
A father, a husband, faithful and true.
An honest neighbor, and a soldier, too;
Accused none falsely, content with his own.
Not willing to reap where others had sown.
An old and respected resident of this
valley, Samuel Earhart, died at his
residence, about a mile south of the
city, Monday morning, February 29th.
Heart disease was the fatal cause. He
m born March 24, 1S31, in Indiana
county. Pa. He was bui icd Tuesday in
the Medford cemetery, one of the larg
est funerals sean in Medford for some
time followed the remains to the grave.
A widow and several children are left
behind, but well provided for. The
local G. A. R. took a prominent part
in the last sad services, he being a
member of the organization.
Firemen Entertained.
Monday evening the residence of G.
W. Galloway was brilliantly illumin
ated without and within, the occasion
being a reception in honor of Protec
tion Hose No. 1. At half-past eight
o'clock supper was spread and the boun
teous repast was keenly enjoyed by all
the guests. Flowers tastefully deco
rated the table and filled the room with
a delicious odor.
After the spread numerous games
were indulged in by a portion of the
company, while others congregated
about the spacious and beautiful rooms
and enlivened the evening by witty
tales and hearty laughter.
The silver cornet band was in attend
ance, and at intervals furnished excel
lent music.
The genial host and hostess saemed
to be at their best and all ax pressed
themselves as never before being en
tertained so royally.
The guests ot tho evening were as
G. L. Davis, H. G. Nicholson, A. C.
Nicholson, U. S. Damon, Bert Branden
burg, Eugene Amann, Gabe Plymale,
Wra. Robison and Chas. Perdue.
The members of the cornet band
Isaac Wolf, D. S. Youngs, Jno. Mon
tague Geo. Montague, David Montague,
Arthur Fritzgerald, Robt. Galloway,
E. Bashford and A. E. Danielson.
The other guests were: Mr. J. M.
Foster, Miss Mary Thiess, Miss Lizzie
Thiess and Mrs. Gilmore.
Mirragea in Jacksonville.
Harried at the realdenoe of Laurence Hen
derson Feb. 35, 1863 by Rev. J. L. Frutrell, S.
E. Henderson and Miss Dellla May Henderson.
Married Fob. SS, 1893 at the U. S. Hotel M. D.
Bowels and Miss Jane Almy ; S. J. Day offlolat
Married Feb. Si, IMS, at the brides parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Furry, John A. Griffiths and Miss
Denn Furry; Rev. Robt. Ennts offlclatinr
Everybody's Friend." ,
Batween three and four hundred pso-'
pie gathered at the opera house in this
wvj wuuiuaj ovuuillg, w nibllCSS bile
presentation of "Everybody's Friend,'
by the Jacksonville Amateur Society.
Long before the curtain rose every seat
in the house was taken, and a glance
at tho sea of smiling faces revealed to
the observer that the elite of Medford
were in attendance, beside the usual
number of "regulars" and small boys.
Tho crowd was a good-natured one, and
as the actors were espied making their
way with all possible haste for the
doors leading behind tho scenes, they
were tendered such a storm of applause,
each in thoir turn, as must have either
gratified them much or scared- them
half out of their wits.
The Medford silver corner band was
on hand, and the boys were in good
trim, as was amply demonstrated by the
completeness with which they filled
the spacious hall with soundful melody.
Shortly after eight o'clock the tink
ling of a bell quieted the house instant
er the curtain rose and the play was
We shall not attempt to rehearse 1
every scene and incident of the play;
suffico it to say that, as as a whole, it is
a very good plot and was handled most
excellently by the actors.
Tho plot of tho play runs through
the trials and tribulations of a young
married man who tends to other pco -
..1..'.. 1, u:-
yiv: a uuouicaa Qk mo CAJTJUWJ VI Ills
own, and neglects his young and beau -
tirul wife awhile listening to his friends'
. , , . ... . ,
stories of woe, and getting them out of
all sorts of comical and complicated
scrapes. Of course this young bene
dict gets into heaps of tight places
while doing for his friends, but finally
all is well and everybody is happy.
J. F. Miller, in the role of "Felix
Featherby," the young married man,
who was everybody's friend, carried
out the author's ideal almost to perfeo
tion. His was the leading role, and it
was repleto with opportunities for dis
playing dramatic talent, which wore
very nearly all taken advantage ot by
Mr. Miller. His songs took well, and
his encores were numerous.
The neglected wlfs, "Mrs. Feather-
by," was made quite interesting by
Miss Carrie Cronemiller, and the char
acters of "Major" and "Mrs. Welling
ton D.'BooU'' "re. both well taken by
Gus A. Papa and Miss Jessie Langell,
P. M. Devlin as "Mr. Icebrook." the
uncomfortably bashful lover of the
"Widow Swandown," was wonderfully
natural and taking; in fact, at times,
he overdid his part with too much
Miss Minnie Bybee filled the part of
"Mrs. Swandown," the widow looking
for a husband, with all the effort that
was required.
Gus A. Pape as "Gardiner," M. M.
Taylor as '"Coachman." J as. Linn as
"Trap." and Miss Bettio Miller as
"Cook" and "Fanny" were all very
To Intending Builders.
It will pay vou to write or send to the
Southern Oregon Lumborlng and Man
ufacturing company of Grants Pass tor
all kinds ot building material: luinb-r.
sash, doors, and mill work ot a'.l kinds,
as they will guarantee you satisfaction
in material, workmanship and prices.
Plans and estimates furnished on all
kinds of work.
Dr. R. Pryco will loave Medford
tor a time because of ill health and all
those knowing themselves to bj in
debted to him aro requested to call and
settle with him within a short time or
pav the amount to the Jackson County
Bank. Medford, March 3, 18J2.
The Braden Mine.
Gold Hill, Or., Feb. 2S. J. H.
Bacon, superintendent ot tho Braden
mine, made a clean-up last week. The
output was tar beyond his expectations.
This week ho will put new shoes on
the stamp. In the meantime the min
ers will continuo taking out the ore.
In Memory of Little Willie Llnwill.
By request we publish the following
lines on the death of Willie Linvill. of
Sams Valley. They were composed bv
Prof. Fitzgerald, of kagle Point, and
sent to us bv tho dead boy s mother.
Mrs. Flora Linvill:
Willie, thou art iron, to rest
Sweetly sleep on Jesus' brrast
Safe from earthly cares and woes.
Peaceful to thy sweet repose.
Jesus. In the battle strlt e
Has won tor tare eternal lite;
In his merits, sweet repO!e.
Thou victor o'er the la. I ot foes.
Thy star has set In darkness now.
Hut on the Savior's Jeweled brow.
When He shall come His own to claim.
Blessed be His holy name.
It shall shine In Klnry bright.
Forever in the realms of light.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction. Electric
Bitters, hna rained ranidlv in Domilar
favor, until now it is clearly in the lend
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxi
cant, it is recognized as the beat and
purest medicine for ail ailments of
stomach, liver or kidney. It will cure
liver or Kidney, it win
sick bcadach. indiiostion, constipation, I
and drive malara from tho system. I
Satisfaction miaran toed with each bot-:
relundcd. trice I
50c per bottle. Sold by G. H. Huskinr.
tuv ffn t arm ivorta iiau only anoui imw aany cir
culation; ttvdiv It has over 300,000. Thl , was obtained bv judicious advettiscmcnt and a lavish
expenditure of money. What the proprietor of tho X. V. Warld has accoirplMied we feel confi
dent of doinx ourselves. We have a large rapiial to diaw npon, and the handsome premium
wc are Ivins you will certainly aire us ths larcest circulation of anv paper In the world. Tho
monev we ate sncndinir now amnmr our ntihu.fh.r will innn ,m.'hailr tn H In InnMwJ rir.
culatlnn nd advertisements.
uy u. c m aswcruion or uru'ii m mis citv. i netr worK is among tne tniest made, and ire
euarHntrr vou an artistic Portrait and a perfect likeness to the original. There la nothlne
more useful aa well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon Portrait of yourself or any
member of your family: therefore this Is a rhsnce In lifetime to get one already framed
3 o . j ..... 1
Send us 1.50, price for ono year subscription to North American Homea," and send tn also
0 plioiciraph, tintype or dasuerrntype ol yourself or any member of your family, livinir or and wo will make you from same an artistic half life aire Crvon Portrait, and put the
i'ortrait in a Rood substantial tilt or bronie frame of S) Inch mouldlnar absolute It
Iri.n nf rhn rrrn , .. ill 7 ..... L. k.
you a genuine r rench rjloss,
this out nnd send It with your
I'zi KiHK same n?Q i r a pru.c, lui
trrnnh at once, also vour subserir
which vou can remit bv
Draft, V
Money 'Order, Express Money Order,
or I'ostzl Note, payable to
Ashland Items.
Farmers Alliance at Central
Win SOad
an open meetinc
and discussed the question of starting
a flour mill. Fred Downinc was the
principal leader in the enterprise. S.
H. Holt organized a People's Party
club with twelve membors, after the
Jackson county will elect a clerk and
a recorder this year, as before, the su
preme court having on Monday passed
on the case from Union county ques
tioning the constitutionality of the law
establishing the recorder's office. The
court leaves the county recorders un
disturbed. Max Webster, son of Rev. G. J.
Webster, while "monkeying" with a
shotgun, received a charge in the front
part of his foot, necessitating the am
putation of two of his toes.
In the supreme court Monday, the
case of E. W. Carder, appellant, vs.
Jackson county, respondent; tho judg
ment of the courts below were affiirmedj
opinion by Strahn.
The Sisson Herald says, Mrs. G. W.
Winetrout, who has done well by for
tunate early investments at Sisson has
purchased a fine farm in Jackson coun
ty and moved here with her family.
Manager Parker of the Railroad Ho
tel, on Tuesday fired his force of col
ored waiters. They were sassy and
thought they had the drop on him, but
Parker fooled the coons by getting a
force of ladies.
Councilman John E. Pelton of the
first ward is prominently talked of
down the valley as a strong candidate
for the' democratic nomination for
, havo app rtionod ollt for Ashland to
i ' ... ... . .. ..
supply Ull lll'.i IICKC. .M T. I OllOU Hin
1 like a scared wolf when he was put up
i'or city councilman and would carry
everything before him as a candidate
i for sheriff.
Th p,,., y,.. i ,u
mining ground on Bear creek, at the
mouth of Sargent gulch, from K. K.
Anderson and win be at work piping
as soon as tne extra ditching, numj.
etc., is completed and tne water is
turned through Anderson's mining
ditch. This ground has never yet
oeen woraeu.
ine latent ftews, an amateur paper
puoiisneu ov caaie ivooison is tne
spiciest and wittiest paper in Southern
W. M. Marsters of Lake Creek, in a
letter to the N. W. Ruform Journal
suggests namuei ii. tloll as u. S. sen
ator from Oregon.
Roadmastar Galvin sav the S. P.
will build a $000 depot in Grants Pass
either in March or April, the old
rickty building to be moved to Merlin.
Grants Fasa Items.
The K. of P. lodge cleared $100 by
the:r dance.
George Catching took & trip to Wolf
creek last week.
There has been S200 raised for the
cannery thus tar.
Miss Hovt left for Medford and Cali
fornia on Tuesday.
The estate of the late Henry Smith
of Wolf creek has been appraised at
J. E. Tipton and wife left for Port
land Saturday evening. Mr. Tipton
has ben employed at the Humbolt
meat market in this city.
Mrs. Dr. Sonper, a cousin of the
Dean brothers, left for Ashland Sat
urday, after a visit to relatives here.
R. A. N. Rvinar is plowing for corn
on bis farm down Roeue river. He
will plant about the loth of May.
Patent Fence.
E. A. Welds, ot Roanoke Va, who
is making headquarters at Medford, is j
meeting with agreeable success with !
the late improved patent fence. It is
worthy of the consideration of all land
holders and few among the many who
have purchased farmer's rights aro:
R and R. V. Bsall, E. F. Walker, O.
Harbaugb. S. L. Bennet, J. Bradley
A. Fordice, C. T. Payne, J. W. Case
bscr, James F. Wolls, E. B. Myers and
E. W. Carver. There are many others
who would gladly reccommend it to
their fellow farmers. Any one wish
ing fence built, farm rights, or par
ticulars; please address, E. A. Welds,
Grand Central Hotel, Medford Ore.
What it Costa Uncle Earn. j
To maintain the present efficient i
postal service in Orego-i and Washing- j
ton, costs Uncle Sam a large sum ot j
money in round numbers. In Oregon S
there are a good many small ' star I
routes, which in the aggregate, coat I
considerable money to maintain.
These routes cover 5.210 miles, and I
the cost of cerrying the mails per y -or
over these routes reaches $1.32. 57 a.
The total length of all the routes in
Oregon, including railway, steamer
and star routes, aggregates 7,46 1 miles.
and tho yearly coot ot carrying tho
mails is $392,032. Tho total number
of miles traversed each year is
632 miles. While in Washington, the
total number of miles covered by the
star routes is 2,281, and the cost of car
rying the mails par year is ti,642.
The total length of all the routes iu
that slate is 7,172 miles; cost ot trans
porting mails per annum, (367,623; total
number miles traveled during the year
3,o9,!14. Junction City Times.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King's Now Discov.-ry i
for consumption, coughs and colds, up
on this condition. If you arc afflicted
with a cough, cold or any lung, throat ,
or chest trouble, and will use this rem
edy as directed, giving it a fair trial, .
and experience no relief, you may ro- I
turn tho bottle and havo your monev
refunded. We could not make this
for did we not know that Dr. King
New Discovery could be relied
never disappoints.
Trial bottles free
at u. tx. uasKin s drug store.
siso 50c and tl.OJ.
To all our Subscribers for 1892.
We, the ruMidiersof " North American RonM"
In unlet to increase the circulation of
intousnout inc uulteo Mate ana panada, will spend
this vear over one hunilrtnl thnuaand dollatra
among out new subscriber in the torn) ol an artistic
Crayon Portrait and a handsome frame (as per cut
below), to be made free of charfft for every new
subscriber to " North American Home.' Our
family journal is a monthly publication consistlnK of
Iti panes, rilled with the best literature of the day,
htf iuluin n( hf Kil uilkiw, inil m( tlia.
treat expense vre are doing for It. Eipht
The Crayon Portrait we will have made for you ill
......... ... .j 1 1 u ,i. WWfVl
boxing and I fVr, cm if JWarsBa tVy
' naaiMimi-r-a i 1
""SSSSSV World
Circuit Court.
0, C. Beckriian vs. James Hamlin Motion for
a new trial, taken under advisement.
Hattle B. Winters vs. Geo. W. Winters W.
N. Luckey appointed referee to rcdueo the evi
dence In writing and return the same to this
court about the 1st ot April term, 1P92.
Mary E. Hamlin vs. George W. Hamlin De
cree granted and plaintiff given care and cus
tody of the minor children.
Main end Winchester vs. W. O. Cooper et al
Suit to foreclose a mortgage and mechanics'
Hens: confirmation.
Mary C. Miller vs. Wm. M. Miller Suit for
partltron; confirmation of referee's sale.
Ordered that Chas. Schultz be allowed 133 aa
bailiff for December term.
E. W. Gowan vs. I. N. Snook-Continued.
Ordered that Wm. M. Colvig, district attorney
be allowed r?o as fees.
All cases in the docket that have not been
decided are contlnuod until neat term of court.
Beat Estate Transfers.
Geo. Bennett to School District No. SO One
acre In sw cor of the ne ii of e Vjf see St. tp
35s, r4 w: tlOO.
W. B. Roberts to E. ejuss 13-100 acres, tp 37
'c. B. Kingsbury vs. P. H. Ovlatt The whole
ofcVi of swiiof sec 38s, rw; ft) acres.
Mathcw N. Long vs. A. C Hopkins ICO acres
sec . tp 30 s, r 4 e. IIOOO.
John Johansson to A. C. Hopkins 100 acres,
sec as, tp 37 s. r 3 e, f I0U0.
C. J. Anderson to A. C. Hopkins ISO acres,
sec SR. tp 39 s, r 4 e. tlOOO.
B. W. Powell to Joseph A. Ward Lots t, 3, 3
and 4. blk 4, Park addn to Medford, t!W-
E. N. Falconer to Oliver Hansen Land In
the Galloway addn to Medford. t3.
Heton Fox to George W. Crowson Lots 2
ana 3, one T, K.KI, adiln to Ashland. tUJO.
fcuwanl Brace to E. E. Falconer A parcel of
land 1 18x300 feel. In Galloway's addn to Med
ium, eivu.
U. S. (patent) to Henry Carter 100 acres, sec
same to m. Turnham 160 acres, sec 11, tp
U. S. to Tbos. Oster ISO acres, sec II, tp 3b a.
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JflS. fl. SIiOVER 8t CO.,
Blain street,
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fumery, Etc., Etc. School Tablets and a Full Line
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This Space is Reserved for the
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ANCLE t PLYMALE. Proprietors
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Pure Cider Vinegar. Cigars and Tobacco.
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Meats, Extracts, Spices Etc, Etc.
V. li.frwluce Takvji ifi E.vch(W$e.
UnflertaMng CareMy Attended to.
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware i
t and Fine Building Material.
Warranted Cotlcry. Carpenters and Builders
Recijacket Force Puuvps, for deep or
Medford, Ore.:
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In Dry Goods,
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Examine stock and be cenrincel
General store on Main Street.
Warehouse on Front Street.
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