The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Bedford Nursery,
OBariUktf mlleeast of MedfonL
; Is l!te pfcfie to get theSikirgest and
i best stock of
Two-yjOId Apple Tress
iij-Jackson county.'
E. RUSS, Propr.
NEW and
Second Hand Goods!
:. CHEAP. :.
We sell all Mods of goods. We lo bay. Cal
J.. mU mo as for bargain. Wc defy
r'frr'-:''i . - competition.
tCHlreelv'1' " MKDFOKD. Or.
Published Onee A Week.
Entered la tbe Poetofflo liedferd, Oregon,
u Second-Class Mall Matter.
medfuhd, Thcksdat, Fkb. 19, 18a2.
" Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates fuirnishcd on application.
Jaitkacrewsto let.
cow.. OT
General Blacksmithing.
a Specialty
The effect was a wonderful re
velation and left no room to doubt
the justice of our remarks as pub
lished in last week's Mail in refer
ence to J. V. Merritt and his
ambitions for Judge of Jackson
County. The fight is on and we
stand ready to prove what we
have said and will say, and as for
retracting, we are not of that ilk,
neither do we blow hard for effect.
(Of abuse, we have had our fill
already, but that is nothing, for
we anticipated the cap's fitting so
tight on Merriit's head and his
kind that squeals would be
the order of the day. This
is a public matter and de
mands the attention of the righteous-loving
people. Investigate for
yourselves, citizens ; it is worln
your while. A number of Central
Point's best citizens, however, have
to some extent misconstrued our
object in thus stirring up the stink-
not of their midst. We hold no
ill will towards Central Point, on
the contrary, in the exposition of
what Merritt has done to wreck
its prospect we have proven our
selves a loval friend to her in this
Galls Creek News.
Beautiful weather enjoyed by all.
Mrs. W. C. Cook is now seriously
afflicted with inflamatory rheumatism.
We hope soon to see her around again.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lawrence have in
their care the three children of J. H.
Farmers in these parts aro almost
through seeding: and are about ready to
call for more rain.
We hear the Klippel sawmill, to be
run by Cooper and Dusanberry, is soon
to start.
Mr. Johnson, in the employ of the
mill company, has taken a trip over to
Jacksonville to visit home and friends.
Gold Hill was out almost in
full to attend the debating: society on
Friday night last, and pronounced it
an evening: well spent.
The people of Galls Creek and vicin
ity have had the pleasure of enjoying
the second quarterly mseting- on this
charge. Rsv. Mr. Jones, presiding el
der ,of Grant's Pass, was here and
preached on Saturday night, Sunday
at 11 a. m.. and at 3 p. m. the same day
to a well filled house and an attentive
congregation. He preached at Gold
Hill Sunday night and cams back
among, this people on Monday.
Mr. Cooper, one of the sawmill par
ties, is building him a residence in
Gold Hill, and yet there is room.
Mr. and Mrs. Bsn Miller and family
were over from Sardine creek to enioy
the quarterly meeting. J. H. F.
Lake County Waves.
The weather at Paisley and vicinity
for the past few weeks has been fine.
The people say it is exceedingly
oleasant for the time of year.
The la trripnc has caustjd som of our
as in iill things sue holds sacred, tn-ople to be on the sick list, but there
Read aright and ponder as you
read and judge us by what we have
Idone, nut by what others say.
!'"Fiat Justitia Kuat Cerium."
More to come.
Dealer in-
Attorney Austin S. Hammond, of
Mud ford, was interviewed by the
Mail a few davs ago about his be-
l ing a candidate for district attorney.
I Mr. Hammond most emphatically
denies this rumor and gives the lie
to the Times, as far as he is con
cerned, where it says there is a
J- "coalition existing between the ad-
' ' V lJOOm SlTOFiS herenU of Judge Webstar, H. B.
WMJld, BJlUlj d H.mmond, who
r ,-1r.,o iwvtivxtc; I have agreed among themselves that
OLO VLSaxo NOTIOlNbj this co?inty ought to send a delega-..-w,r,.
U ion to the state convention favor
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC j able t0 tbe nomination of Miller for
I Congress, Webster for the supreme
DDIuATC UrinDIl bench of the state and Hammond
I I) 1 1 H I L D U H II U 1 for th prosecuting attorneyship ol
- j this judicial district." Mr. Ham
Siiwlfi n.inm and Bonrd 4.00 i mond flare he refused the nomma-
Koom and Double Bed for Two j -ion four years ago and also two j
and Board (each) $3.50 years ago, ami uu ..c
Board Without Room $3.00 j race this year by any means.
i We believe it is not generally
; understood, or more properly speak
jing, not generally known, that at
has been no serious cases.
Dr. W. B. Royal, of Paisley,
Woodville Whittling.
The farmers- -have Improved ..their,
time-during this.: nice- weather and
have their seeding about finished.
Woodville was full of drummers last
week and there was a fine display of
goods at Jones and Otters1 all week.
Myra and Cora Bedford returned
Tuesday evening from Jacksonville.
Win. Cokar and family, from Med-
ford, aro visiting relatives here this
Lizzie Smithlina returned home
from Wimer Sunday, where she has
spent a very pleasant week visiting.
Rev. Rsynold filled Mr. J. Milton's
appointment and preached an interest
ing sermon to quite a larga audience.
W. E. Sherill, from near Wimer,
spent Sunday in Woodville.
The music given by Messrs. Hum
froville and Fisher at the Pollard
house was enjoyed by all who attended.
W. R. Patterson left here Monday
to join his family in California.
Mrs. D. N. Birdseye and Mrs. W. "V.
Jones returned homo from Jackson
ville Sunday evening.
L. Henderson has his new residence
near town almost completed and will
give a ball there Feb. 25.
Miss N. A. Heard is visiting at her
sisters Mrs. J. F. Burkhards near
Ed Scheff I in has returned here after
making a flying trip to California.
A few copies of the Oregon Observer,
(the new paper published at Grants
Pass) found their way here last week.
It seems to be quite a spicy little
paper and will no doubt find many
friends. ELINOR.
Jacksonville Items.
Jacksonville, Or., Feb. 15. The
fruit-growers of this county have inau
gurated a campaign of extermination
against fruit pests, and the orchardists
are everywhere busy pruning .and
spraying their trees. The San Jose
scale seems to be the most formidable,
as it is found in almost every locality
I and even on the rose bushes. The ac
who I tion of the Southern Oregon state
have been on the sick list from hronch- board of agriculture, in ruling out past
ml troubles so long, does not sscm to . infected fruit, has stimulated orchard-
take any change for the better. ists to united effort."
D. W. Waite. a resident of Chewc- j The circuit court resumad its ad-
can valley, of this county, was found journed December session this morning,
dead near his residence the other day Judge L. R. Webster presiding. There
He had gone out to his wood yard to j are fifty cases docketed six criminal,
get some wood and it is supposed that . thirty-six civil and eight equity cases,
he dropned dead from heart, disease, Hon. O. C. Beekman and family re-
wlth which he was afflicted. He leaves ; turned yesterday from a six months'
a wife and manv children to mourn his . trip to New York. While absent they
Th-a month past has been the most
successful in all the results that tend to
make a perfect school, in the history of
our citv. Increased studiousness,
punctuality, regularity and good will
and personal interest of each pupil in
self-improvement and control.
At the teachers1 examination 110 per
sons were in the room. Yet the teach
ers who were worKing ior cariincaies y
did no more faithful, quiet, earnes'
work than the pupils of the school, anc
I feel that the boys and girls and teach
ers of this city should receive more
sympathy and appreciation for their
earnest work and faithful striving in
all that builds up true man and woman
hood. The true source of a nation's
greatness is the character of its peo
ple. Withhold not your hand from
anything that will build well the founda
tions of our government. Visit the
schools and know your boys and girla
and teachers.
Visitors for the month:
Misses Newburry, Devlin, Ferguson,
Briscoe, Vaus, Linville, Wells, Roberts,
Gilson, Chapman and Martha Card
well; Mrs. Porter, Hoover and Redden;
Rev. Edmunds.
' - Forty-three teachers attended the
last examination, of which a full re
port will appear in the next issue.
School report for the month end
ing Feb. 12, 1892.
First Grade Total enrollment, 51; average
attendance, 45; not absent or tardy 2ft.
Cakrxe Sackett, teacher.
Second Grade Total enrollment, SO; average
attendance, 45; not absent or tardy. 29; cases of
tardiness, 2. EiA'A Galloway, teacher.
Third Grade Total enrollment, 44; average
attendance, 38; not absent or tardy, 16.
Rose Griffiths, teacher.
Fourth Grade Total enrollment, 42; average
attendance, 38; not absent or tardy, S5; tardi
ness. 9. Deij.a Pickeu teacher.
Fifth and Sixth GradeTotal enrollment. 51;
average attendance. 47 ; not absent or tardy. 31 ;
cases of tardiness, 3.
High School Total enrollment. 98; number
belonging. 85; average attendance, 77.
Total enrollment, 336; average, 239; cases of
tardiness, 7.
By School.
Eddie Higlnbotbam.
Frtda Holekamp.
11 4
O. W. WOlters.
It is somewhat lika winter at Lake
view and vicinity and has been for
quite a while.
There ha ben a great deal of snow
foil at this placo and good sleighing
ever since about December 1st. The
snow has caused pretty heaw feeding
and it is reported that hay is becoming
visited many Eastern cities, including
the national capitol.
Mr. Jales Hamlin, a Southern Ore
gon pioneer, is dangerously ill at his
homo near Jacksonville. Oregonian
Strength and Health.
If vou are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippe'- has left you weak and weary,
iic.i T?!r R i ttta TVii'a Mmiirl v
Rev. Baldwin, the M. E. minister at j act8 airectlv on the liver, stomach and
Lakeview, is now conducting a series kidneys, gently aiding those oragans
of protracted meetings at that place, j to perform their functions. If you are
... . i off jotArl wit.h ciL- h aart jwh ( vnil Will
Strictly Twraiicej American Mb,
OLD STAND COR. C 7lh sts.
J. H. FARXS, - Medford. Ore.
cepai uimMn
Horse and Oxen Shoeing-
the last cession of the legislature in
Oregon last winter a bill was in
troduced which became and is now
a law, and will take effect at the
coming June election, which pro
vides for the electing of two circuit
judges for this judicial district, and
one of them must reside east of the
! mountains in the Klamath country.
! They will draw a salary of 3,000
! each, which is the amount paid the
; present incumbent. This new state
i of affairs will render the office on".
j worth having, for besides cutting
the work in two, it will be the
i means of a $500 or If 600 saving in
j traveling expenses.
! The wceklv reviews of trade in-
rcmedy for Diitrrlmii, Dissentary.
Cholera Morbud CHiolera Infcuituui,
and all kiudred diseases of the alimen
tary canal. The new remedy is called
Regulator of tbe Bowels asi Stomach.
It cureti all Summer complaints, all
irregularities of the stomach and bow
els, no matter what the cause is. It
does not coastipat-. and has no opium
in it. - It grows plentifully on the Pa
cific slopj. There is no danger in tak
ing it.-as it has toen us -d by a number
of years.
We. the undersigned, citizens of
Josephine' County, Stato of Oregon,
hereby certirv that we have us-t In.
Woodcock' Regulator for the Stomach
and Bowels and believe that it i all
that unclaimed for it. That it is tho
. best known remedy for all summer com
Wm. Bker, Grants Pass: Wm. A.
Fehely. P. H. White, Geo. E. Floyd,
Bf. S, Woodcock. N. J. Woodcock. Chas.
Duncan. Korby, a H. Whit. Bert Ad
ams, Waldo. Sold by Druggists gener
There has been some interest mani
fested and two additions added to
the church. The Methodists have
a very nice church and it is hoped
that many souls may be brought to
Christ ere the meetings close. Bro.
Baldwin is a wide awake and interest
ing speaker and every "inch" a Methodist.
Until lately Alliancism knew no ex-
istance in these immediate vicinities.
R. K. Funk, the national organizer,
organized an order of 20 membars at
Silver Lake; of 18 members at Sum
mer Lake and 12 members at Paisley.
It has been conjectured that the Al
liance question was not generally fav-
affected with sick headache, you will
find Bpeedy and permanent relief by
taking Electric Bitters. One trial will
convince you that this is the. remedy
you need. Large bottles only 50c. at
G. H. Haskin;s drug store.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sores,tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or monev refunded. Price 25c
per box. For sale by G. H. Haskins.
Hen and Chickens,
Be Honest,
Pussy Cat,
Keep Trying,
Cold Water,
The Robin,
The Moon,
The Foolish Maiden,
All Work and no Play,
New Year's Resolutions,
His Profession,
Lilly Bells.
Snow Flakes,
Nola Redden.
Oscar Hanson.
Sam Strobridge.
By School,
Lulu Porter.
Anna Johnson.
Edith Webb.
Helen Wait.
Maud Howard.
Grace Morris.
Bessie Johnson.
Myra Galloway.
Odell Miller.
Cora Ward.
By School.
A First Class COMMERCIAL School for both
vilAOIES and GENTLEMEN. All Branches
Boys and GirlshrTING and GREEK
v r. ,W yand LATIN
Business. Ycu Pan befilnw Ws. , .
at any Time. Day and Evening Classes
For Terms Apply to RISBY & HART. Howard's bloslL
Elva Galloway, teacher.
A Little Girl's Experience In
Mr. and Loren Trescott are keepers
of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach,
Mich., and are blessed with a daugh
ter, four years om. last April sne
was taken down with the measles, fol
lowed with a dreadful cough and turn
ing into a fever. Doctars at home and
at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she
grew worse rapidly, until she was a
mere "'handful of bones.1 Then she
tried Dr. King's New Discovery and
after the use of two and a naif bottles,
was completely cured. They say Dr.
King's New Discovery is worth its
weight in gold, yet you may get a trial
bottle free at G. H. Haskin's drug
For Sale.
Dr. Woodcock of Kerbv, Josephine i dicatc that the West shows no
County. Oregon, has discovered a new ; 8icr,g 0f diminution in the volume
i .. rv; T i; .......... .... : . .. . .
of bnsincwt, but on tne contrary i
steadily booming ahead, although
the conditions are not so en
couraging East and South. West
ern trade centers report unusually
large increases in volume of busi
ness and the outlook for the spnng !
trade was never better. The East,
is enjoying a strong local trade,
but its Southern demand has fallen
off, ;ndanntil that recovers there
will be a marked dullness in many
branches. This, however, is due to
I K-iil causes in the South. These
rill soon disappear, and the entire
. oimtry win Keep pace nun u
Wost. which, under the mighty
iniluence of the tremendous crops
of last season and strong hope in
the future, seems to be on the eve
of a prosperous era. '
Mb. Blaine is said to have en
couraged his friends to. start a
Presidential boom for Kooert Joaa
Lincoln, minister to the court of
St. James. Mr. Lincoln would be
sure ot tne Illinois ueiegauon.
and. besides he is very strong all
over the Northwest. The delega
tions from tbe South are mostly
composed of colored people, and
it is believed that when they heard
that "old Abe Lincoln's boy" was
a candidate they would desert the
President and support Mr. Lincoln.
Are You Suffering.
From back ache, iuflamation of the
bladder, brick dust deposit or stone in
orable In this country, but according the bladder, or in lact any derange-
to this, the inference is wrongly in- I" S "Tt.i
ferred. Lnrl wnatA monfiv on worthless lini-
The laboring classes are getting j ments and worse plasters, but strike at of Medford P. O., near DavisviUe Station, on
then-.yes open to see the result STto u.eB.R.V.R
trust du iuuuufut wuwxmS the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea.
tain important government matters. Pleasant to take, purely vegetable.
OCCASIONAL. ssatistaction every tune. ; and joon, c. N. TINKER.
A tract of about 14 acres, with a few buildings
A small Orchard; also a Team, Wagon, Cow,
Implements, Feed, Furniture, etc
Said property is situated about miles west
Anyone wishing such a location please call
One Dollar Weekly
Buys a irood Gold Wnteh by our Clnb
System Our 14-karaV gold-tilled cases
are warranted for 20ysars. Fine Elgin
or Waltham movement. Stem wind
and sot. Lady's or Gent's size. Equal
to anv 0 watch. To secure aerents
where we have nooe, we sell one of th;
Hunting Case Watches for the Club
' price 328 and send C. O. D. by express
with privilege 01 examination Deiore
paying for same.
Our acrcut at Durham. N. C. writes:
"Oar jewelers baYe confessed they don't know
how. yon can furnish dueh work for tbe Money."
Our agent at Heath Sorings. S: C. says:
-Your WMcnen takti at afcbt. Tbe gentleman
wbo Kt tbe !at wuteh ftat.l that be examined
w.vta.1 . feweier'a wiatebm. In Lancaster.
mat were no better tban yours, bat tbe price
Our au-fnt at Pennington. Tex., write
'Am in receipt of tbe watcb. and am pleased
witbont measure. AUwbohare seen it sajtl
would be cheay at WO.'
One good reliable Agent wanted for
eachplaco. write lor particulars.
Empire Watch Co., New York.
. F.JJ . A (.7 'i cy ever.- jincsr . at '
Tuebe is said to be a shortage in
the supply of hogs in the Pacific
Northwest. Fresh pork is Bcarce
and high in Portland. The supply
of hogs raised does not seem to
keep pace with the demand. Port
land is erwiiia at the rate of about
10,000 per year and that number of
people consume a large quantity of
pork. Jn many seciions auaua can
be made to supply the principal
portion of the feed of swine. Ru
ral Northwest..
We call attention to tbe letter
published in another column per
taining to a cannery. It is worth
reading and pondering over. Some
enconraeement would ' help the
matter out and a eood d-al of it
would assure us an institution of
this kind; something badly needed
It pays to make honest, pure goods. Take the success of Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder that has maintained its standard for purity and
excellence for the past forty years. It is the oldest and now the only
Pure Cream Tartar Powder to be obtained. Dr. Price has spent almost
his whole life perfecting it, and enjoys the distinction of being the only
physician that has devoted his time entirely to perfecting the articles
of human food that bear his name a name and a reputation synony
mous with pure food preparations throughout the land.
Here are the indorsements of the United Cooks and the Pastry
Cooks'' Association of the -United States. What higher praise. Its
officers, whose signatures are given, are all men who have given
dignity and character to their profession. Members of these associa
tions are the chefs and cooks of the leading hotels, restaurants, clubs
and private families, and certainly no higher commendation could be
found for an article of daily use in the practical culinary art, like that
of baking powder. Here is what they say:
This is to Certify, That the Cooks of this Associa
tion, and its members, have used Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder and recommend its use in preference to all others.
For qnick raising and fine cakes, pastry, etc., it has no
equal. It is free from ammonia, lime or alum. The most
perfect Baking Powder made.
Pres. Vice Pres. Cashier. Asst. Cashier
Jackson County Bank.
CAPITAL, - $50,000
Medford. Oregon.
Loan money on approved security, receive deposits subject to check,
and transact a general banking business on ths most favorable terras.
SSrYour Business Solicited.
Corre sp ondnts:
Corbin Banking Co., N. Y. Pacific Bank, San Franeisco.
Commercial National, Portland. Ladd & Bush, Salem.
Dry Goods, Boots I Shoes, Groceries,
and Crockery.
The best goods at the lowest prices for Cash. The highest prices paid
for country produce.
Medford. Oregon.
Harris & Purdin Prorrietors. Terms: $1 $1.50 ol $2 uer 13.
First-class in Every Particular.
Special attention paid to Commeriial Travelers. "
The Leading Medford
$1$ $ 01 $ DOLLAR $ BUYS $ $1$
15 lbs. Granolated Sugar
16 ' Extra C
17 " Golden C
4 " Costs Rica Coffee (green)
3i " Rio CflVe (green)
2 " Roasted Rio
i Roasted .lava and Mocha
Blended Roast
3J lbs. Granulated Java
14 " Rice
14 " Flaked Wheat
14 " Rolled Oats
12 ' Silver Flake Homony
20 " Horning Glory
7 " Cans Sugar Corn
8 " Cans Tomatoes
We deal In Groceries ONLY. We sell lor cash and give better goods for less money than can be
found elsewhere.
A Choice line of Teas, Spices, Pickles, Vinegar, Honey, Etc,
Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, Vegetables, China, Crockery, Glassware
Goods delivered In the city free. Give usa ratH. Next door to Post office. MEDFORD, Ore.
Successor to
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Mer, Lath, Slingles, Pickets, Rustic,
TTI ft n. '
am. ami. at
Mints -
"It b MtMW the 'at-iy Huh akftttlMV
W J"0? mmt44 u Ik 'Bssftj
(.) hit a. osnisn.
111 DM
IIIIm France IV 1 1 lard. Thr hri-m
et outlook window in C fcriucndom for bu)
natople who mute ta mo vrhatia p oa hi Ow war! "
Providence 1 leirratl..-,4A prathooi
to the busr. ilie laiv and tbe economiraL
or voiirstiuonti ike.- i uis montblj
.has no dcct in onifinitiitv of desitm. acoo xnd
I accuracy of vision, tln'-ougbQcas in execution!
uad ability to tmt( m Urn mda ixiociUirM ol UhwwU '
I'nlcao ltlcr..:r. ? k RtvUv, cf &A
ttVspj. of New York, has crime to the mnir .it I
busy people. We know of one kirk railroad
o clock U niiriit- and vet lias kentwrll infi-ntni1
of current world events. HcreadsthisMagazineJ
ii yivoiumaniiinin); coicniaiury nn innortuU
cvciiu, oesiacs a a est 01 we ocst articles u
contemporary magazines,"
Price 25c- 82.50 a Year.
fm- tiaaW Cojj. 13 iXmr Plara, vw TwV
MrwxST?1 T 'ree Handbook wnlc to
SSUBtt?11 ten out Or as la brotwtt telora
toe public ora notice tfren tree of cause li t5
ro sitivcz, 3r?vs
Bheumatisra, Kearmlg-ia, Coruj,
U..n.r.u. . . . .
Tie Oalifonda Pc'.tl.t sad Stgstrr.
6VW by aU DmWa. Each ZSe 50c A91. -talnsr
Oo.. Proe'a, Laa AilM,Cal
Land Office at Koseburg, Ore., Jan. 2o, V92.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final procf in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Judge
or county cleik of Jackson county at Jackson
ville, Ore., on Saturday March 5, JS82, vin
Homestead Entry No. 48lQ.of Thomas J. Con
over, for the s e of sec 28, tp 35 s r 1 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, suid land, viz: Absalom W. Corntack, Clyde
Cormack of Bijj Butte, and David Mayhamr
Francis L. Jehnson. of Kaclc Point, jackson
county, Oregon. 3 John H. Shunc, Register.
l.and Office at RoseburK. Or Jan. o, i$8s.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following'-'
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of his claim
and that said proof will be mode before the
Judge or crlerk of the count v court of Jackson
county, Or at Jacksonville. Or., on Friday,
February 26.1892, viz: George W. Smith, home-
He names the following witnesses to nmvn
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land viz:
I. B. Rogers, of Beagle, Jacob Bowmen. Israel
Harriss. of Sams Valley. John E. Potter of
Beagle, all of Jack? on county. Oregon.
Johs H. siHUPE Uearlsler.
Land Office at Rosehurg. (tc. Jan. 19, '92.
Noticifis hereby isiven hat the folUtw-ng-nnmcd
settler has filed notitxof his Intciitlon
to make final proof in support of his claim
and th&t said proof will be made before the
fudge, or clerk of the county court of Jack- '
son county Oregon, at Jacksonville. Or., on
.-Saturday, Fcbr.iary a7. 1&2, viz: Homestead
?ntrj-No.5Jjfi. ofjudson 1. Cornish, for the
ol sec 22. tp 33 s. r2 w. w.m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resideueu upon und cultlva
Ion of Kiild land, viz:
Scott Morris, John Dodson. Mike Muyfield
and j. B. Welch, all of spikenard. Jackson co.,
Oregon. 3 Ioun H. Sucre. Register.
Land Offick at Rosebc-rg. Or., Dec. 5.Pt.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be mode
before the judge or cl:-rk of the county
court-of Jackson count v Or., at Jacksonville,
Oregon, on Saturday. Feb. 27, 1802. viz: Charles
B. Gay, pre-emption D. S. No. 747 for the
of sc sec 14, sw?4 of sw sec 1:1, ne of ne
sec 23, nwy of nw-i sec 24. tp 52 s, T3 e. wm.
He names the follow. ntr witness in urt-iv-ai
his continuous resldenco upon and cultiva
tion of. said land, viz:
Adnlph O. Uowmnn, Frank Dean, George
Hornby and Robert G. Roberts, all of Prospect,
Jackson county. Oregon.
To DeWitt C. Knapp, pre-emption claimant,
under D. No. 6536: Vou are hereby summoned
to appearand show cause, if any, why the said
final proof should not be accepted.
John H. hjhupe. Register.
only K.OOper 1U0 square feet. Makes agwd
roof for years, and anyone can put it on. Send
stamp for sample and full particnlsrs.
ficM elastic Roofing Co
30 & 41 West Broadway, New Yobs.
Ths X7ot11 nariched.
The fa-n.itiesof the present day for ths
production of e ;-cry1iiing that -will con
dace to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world wss enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it t
Job fort at Mail
' J
' TSKrf.W ,-.C.lclLiseW;nC-l
i here. . . S
35 ir-