The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 14, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    Medford Nursery,
One-half ml!e cast cf Medford.
Is the place to get the largest and
best stock of
Two-yesr Old Apple Trees
in Jackson county.
E. RU3S, Propr.
NEW and
I Hani
Wo sell all kinds f goods. We also boy. Call
and see us for bargains. We defy
C Street, MEDFORD, Or.
Jobbing of all kinds. Plans and
estimates furnished on application.
Jackscrews to let
General B'acksmfthing.
a Specialty
C. Elder
r " : Dealer in-
- . -. -
' " ;
. -iiriic 1 'A'pi VTC '
M . . "1 Ti M .1
KTlsVJ 10iiii:WAAV70.cu5t judjre,, county judge
rnnvrnv x-r rnttf JTif ( Sloner. etc.
Single Room and Board f4.00 '
Boom and Double Bed for Two
and Board (each) . .
Board Without Room . .
Strictly Teiperance. ? American Help.;
OLD STAND COR. C & 7th sts.
J. H. FARES, - Medford. Ore
W. L. Towxsend, Proprietor.
Mara Street Opposite Pestoffice.
Hot and cold baths, pompadour I
liair cutting .ana Clean towels a ; of commerce, the clang of the hammer j H-CK aeserve mucn creaii ior me man
Specialty, j or the rattle and roar of the ponderous j ner in which they have conducted
Fair treatment for everybody, engine as it drives the wheel of the fac-1 tneir saloon. Xot a shot has been
.nive.TJS a trial.
m ii u a u.' i i n
j. v ill 11 V 1 1 il it 17
The Roxy Ann saloon.
Dr. Woodcock of Kerby, Josephine
County. Oregon, has discovered a new
remedy for Diarrhoea, Diss intary.
Cholera Morbus Cholera Infantum,;
and all kindred diseases of the alimen-t.--
canal. The new remedy is called
Replator of 0e Bowels and stmnacb.
It cures all Summer complaints, all
irregularities of the stomach and bow
el!', no matter what the cause is. It
does not constipate, and has no opium
in it. It grows plentifully on the Pa
cific slopa. There i no danger in tak
ing it, as it has been used by a number
of years.
We. tho undersigned, -citizens of
Josephine County, State of Oregon,
hereby ceruty inai we nave usea ur.
Woodcock's Kefulator for the Stomach
and Bowels and believe that it is all
. that is claimed for it. That it to the
best known remedy for all summer com
' Wm. Baker. Grants Pass: Win. A.
Fehely. P. H. Wkite, Geo. E. Floyd,
H. S. Woodcock. N. J.. Woodcock, Chas.
Duncan. Kerby, S. H. White, Bert Ad
ams, Waldo. Sold by Druggists gener
ally. -- '
One Dollar Weekly
Buva a good Gold Watch by our Club
System. Our 14rkarat gold7filled cases
are warrant 3d for 2ysars. Fine Elgin
or Waltham movement. Stem wind
and set. Lady's or Gent's size. - Equal
to anv $0 watch. To securo agents
where we have noOc we sell one of the
Hunting Case Watch :s for the Club
price J2fi and send C. O. D. by express
with privilege f examination before
paying for same. V"
Our agent at Durham, N. C, wrjtos:' '
aJurVvrtJers have confessed they don't know
liow sou can furnish such work for the Honey."
Our agent at Heath Springs, S: C. ays:
Your watches take at sight. The gentleman
, . wntfth aaia that he MsnlnH
and priced a jeweler's watches, in Lancaster,
m no tetter than vonrs. but the nrjfw
- was 45."
Our ag'int at Pennington, Tox writ-K
'Am in receipt of the watch, and am pleased
witUout nieahare. - All vtlio have soon it Bay tt
would he cucay at WO." . -J .'
-Oz$ K00 rolialilA Ageww wanted -lor
:lus yirlte for p:tfaeiirira
- MFIRE-Wai SVw Yri.
By g-rr.T.xac
Published Onco A Week.
Entered in the PostoMc at Medford, Oregon,
as Second-Class Mail Matter.
Medford, Thursday, Jan., 14, 1892.
"Tol estnotre plaisir," so spake the
people and their voice was heard and
heeded and now yc who have baen in
the fray, vanquished and victors, lay
down your arms and throw open wide
the portals of citizenship and bid
"white-robed Peace" enter and reign
supreme. We are pleased to say the
municipal election of last Tuesday was
peaceful in every respect. Iu fact it
was so smooth that strangers within
our gates surely gave Medford the
credit of having set a precedent in city
elections. The Australian ballot sys
tem was in vogue, and as far as we have
heard, it gave universal satisfaction to
all, unless it was perhaps a few of the
natural born wire pullers, who were
out of a "job"' on that day. The Mail
accepts the ticket as it was elected and
while extending congratulations, we
might add if the city officers for the
coming year, newly elected and re
elected, fill their respective iositions
on a whole as well as the outgoing roll,
we doubt not but that the majority will
be pleased and the bst interest of the
city looked to.
Not six months hence the county
election in Jackson county will b held,
at which time many changes will be
made in the county government.
Perhaps to some this will seem an
early and useless mention of the fact,
but as good government bf gins at the
bottom none too early a start can be
i made, especially as it is the duty of all
I citizens and nrineinnllv of thn ljiroA
farming element of this county to take !
!. , . !
in portance
of making good
I tinns for the legislative.
ministerial. ;
I judicial, clerical and countv auditing ;
! . ,
. officials. i
To leave your primaries or precieut 1
caucus to a few local workers is a
! mitnlrt unrl taV miiih mt Va J 7j.a fTi
i importance of individuals. The best !
fanner or the best church member is
none too good for caucus work or to be
u. v. .1. . j . .
;auuui. uc 1 11 tiuu uui ic up Lilt: .
: cause of good government to a few in
itoh lnraatitv
! r. , , . ,
Develop good government from the
?rouM mi and pood result will fol -
low- AU interested citizens should
take full interest in who shall be sent
to tt legislative and who shall be cir- J
, hat e hate here said aoout our
: countv nolitlcs ougnt to stimulate tax-
i payers to take more interest in county i
affairs and not allow the whole con -
t:st for the countv government to re- j
volve about oue or two offices that are
less important than others that have
; seemed only to be used
. .
: stock
mis growing ana glorious v esx
there is a feature which marks our de-
, velopment and attainment as nothing
: else has ever done, and that is that i
: most of our enterprises, large and small, j
' are conducted and directed bv young !
; men. I
j And why should they not be? In a '
; country where industry is the watch- j
i word in every fatnilv and every home, i
' . ....
where idleness is considered uo less than
! a. mim-. vhoro the first xonnd that
reaches the ear of the infant is the whir
I tory or rushes across the country, hur
j rying the products of one center of in
tdimtry to the warehouses and work
i shops of another; where all is life and
j activity, it would be strange, indeed, if
j men would grow up without being in
fected by their surrounding
An exchange has the following to
say about aiding the newsgathere in
his daily rounds. It would please us
much if this were taken to heart and
practiced by more of our citizens and
readers. It helps to make a news
paper what it should be. Turn in
your items:
"If you have a bit of news don't be
afraid to send it to this paper. If
friends from a distance are in town let
us know it. If you are about to make
improvements of any kind, let us hear
about it. If a former resident writes
to yo i any news about himself, not of
privj t: nature, it will also interest
ma:jy others if made known through
thes columns. If you have a sugges
tion io ruake or. see a public evil or an
opportunity to benefit the people or
town, we will give you space to make
it known."
Wu all remember Dr. Koch and his
sure cure for consumption, Koch's
lymph, as it was called. His remedy
was short lived. Now his son-in-law,
Dr. Pfeiffer by name, comes forward
with a new cure for la grippe. He
claims to have discovered the influenza
bacillus and has transplanted it in six
cases with complete success. For the
greater part doctors look upon the re
ported discovery with not a little doubt
of its ultimate value in the treatment
of influenza. Other doctors are in
clined to accept it with hopeful theories
looking, no doubt, with some feeling of
relief to a likely remedy for the disease
that baffles their skill to an amazing
extent. -.
Too much caution cannot be exer
cised by fruit growers in selecting trees
for planting.' Let us warn orchardists
to avoid traveling tree agents as they
would a pest house. In planting an or
chard do not send to Delaware, Florida,
or elsewhere for trees. Buy them from
well-known and responsible home deal
ers. In this manner destructive insect
pests and diseased trees avoided
far easier than where an order in. sent
out of the state and the stock sent in
bulk. " -
What is needed in this section is the
carrying out of legitimate business
projects, and all projects of such c char
acter are bound to be successful. There
is, of course, in such times as these tha
necessity of Usuinir a' word of caution
f tt those yi ho have! been speculating and
iiliVprng 'i'm tti unknown fut iv--. but
a lcgitlniato business onco started and
carried on properly, cannot
Wiien the attack of Secretary
Blaine's late indisposition came on he
was sure he was dyiug. Ho always
Uikes the gloomiest view of his con
dition at such times. This must bo
a rather disagreeable weakness,
although perhaps natural to one of his
age and a life lover.
Between Portland and Hillsboro
the construction of a road will soon bo
commenced upon which the practica
bility of Dr. Mahana's single rail and
saddle car system is to bo tested. The
citizens of thesa two places will then
havo the pleasuro of being "rode out of
town on a 'rail.' "
The evil results of permitting white
women to teach Mongolians was em
phasized iu Los Angles on the 8th
inst. by a Chinaman marrying his
Sunday school teacher.
Eagle Point News.
Mr. Inlow has returned from Talent.
He still has an abiding- faith iu the fu
ture greatness ot Eagle Point.
A. J. Daley drove a lot of fat hogs to
Medford last week.
C. W. Taylor has bjen attending
commissioners court at Jacksonville for
n few days.
Mr. Fryer is mending his fences de
molished by the late freshot.
Mr. Robinett is building a new black
smith shop on the southside of the
creek, not a very extensive building,
but it will probably srve the purpose
for which it is built. B. B. Hubbard is
to have a repair shop connected with it.
Dr. Parker and Prof. Ed. Smith were
in town on Saturday. Prof. Smith has
been engaged to teach the Central
Point school.
Miss Millie Howlet spoilt the holiday
vaffion flXh
I The Literary tsocietv has not b?en
heard from since Christmas. Perhaps
. , .
." . J "
was good while it lasted.
t-roi. niiseiion s nigni scnooi, on
j Mouday and Wednesday evenings, is
still continued and the pupils are re-
)rt?d as makin? progress.
Professor is a good teacher.
When you meet an "old timer,"' if
you make anv remarks about the con-
i dition of the roads, vou must
say they
! are soft and pliable. They take excep-
j tions to the word m-u-d. This is the
kind of weather that brings good crops
; u
1 "
; """"" M"r"'
' - -
Gold Hill Items.
Jas. Wright, of Central Point.
! iu town vesterdav.
. Rplwrt Hardman is on the sick list.
Mr. F. Hazletine and his niece, iss
Ha2eltine. of t!otlajt fIroT .iint
i ,ct .. ,..,,- f.;. . .
Miss Martha Car-dwell, of Sams Val-
! ley. is a guest of Ella Griffiths.
. T 1 ! U.ll . . . . . .1 . .
' mui niui au atciutui
one day last week while working in
' the mines on Louse Creek. He was
. cutting a stick with a hatchet when
the hatchet slipped and cut off one of
his firifrrs mid rtit aiirithr h:i1!r hut
, , . Hs n4, ... ,. . , .
wrestle with the giant.
There will be a dance at the Dard
inells school house on next Friday
night, for the benefit of the school in
that district.
G. R. Haramerslev has
: 1. . 1 i. : - i u rT:n
l"c -'": suiuuu uusiuc ui uum mu.
! He will conduct the business in Hull &
Beck's old stand. Messrs. Hull &
nreu in their suloon and only one or
two fights have occurred at the place.
Their saloon has been conducted with
as good order as the majority of gen
eral stores. They have occupied their
place of business for about eighteen
S. Rosenthal aud J. Goldsmith, of
Medford, spent last Thursday night in
Gold Hill.
The quartz mill is running on short
time with good results. It is reported
that they cleaned up $1663 oft er a ten
day's run.
Messrs. Hammersley & Rosenthal
will clos2 their dry goods store here
the first of February, as Joe has the
Montana fever.
Lillian Ralls and Clem Dodge moved
to tho Willow Springs last week to
i cock for their brothers while mining.
The -retaurnnt is under the manage
ment of Xettie Dodge.
Maggie Hammersley is quite sick.
A contract has been let at the Bra
don mine for getting out ona thousand
tnn nf or
j Jacksonville Items,
i Gn x. G. Roames attended tho
! mf,ptin.r of Malta Command rv No 4
Knight Templars, at Ashland last Wed
nesday. Josiu Nunan and Emma Plyranlo vis
ited Medford on Monday.
W. L. Ply male has recovered from
his recent illness and left for Portland
on Sunday evening.
Wm. Hanley is in tho .valley again
shipping beef cattle to tho Portland
market. Ho reports the stock at his
different ranches in this section doing
splendidly, and tho outlook for the sea
son extremely favorable. .
Col. R. A. Miller and Charles Nick
ell are in Portland, whither they went
to attend the democratic love feast on
tho 8th of January. As thoy aro per
haps tho most discordent elements o
the "good old party" in this part of the
state, it looks as though the "lien
and the lamb might lie down together
and Barney Goldsmith lead them out."
Miss Ida Cantrall of Applegate was
in town Saturday and went on to Med
ford on Sunday to spend a few days
with Mrs. Dr. Jones.
Hon. W. H. Parker visited Meaford
Mrs. John Hanley and Miss Cassio
Plymale of Medford visited here on
' Mrs. Roena Nichols has -opened -an
art studio In Jacksonville. Sho will
fake a clash and also pniul som of the
most interesting historic scones iu this
valley for an art collection sho is pro
paring for the World's Fair.
One of the lament jd relics of barbar
ism that still offends modern civiliza
tion Is the charivari. When the consn
mation of a niarriago approaches, this
modern organized society of bandits
send a representative to tho perspec
tive bridegroom to inform him that ho
must supply them with
or spend a night of hideous torture, to
the discordant din and howl of the
charivari. This ends in a drunken
brawl at a free joint or brewery where
oftou times very small boys are led into
it by the supposed hnrmlessncss of the
fun. How long will peaceable lawabid
ing citizens suffer these things? How
long will official dignity transcend the
sacred obligations of a public trust, by
becoming silent witnesses to such
things? Hasten the time when cometh
the bridegroom who will hand tho
charivari over to offended justice, and
the officer who will protect the morals
of the youth by commanding the pub
lic peace.
Col. Robert A. Miller returned from
Portland Tuesday morning. He seems
to have passed safely through the cru
cial experience of the Tammany organ
ization, and will probably be willing to
again become a sacrificial offering for
his party.
A handsome bridal trossou is in
course of construction in Jacksonville,
and the little birds have whispered
that the wedding bells will shortly ring
in Medford.
Estella Levy has returned from an
extended visit to San Francisco.
Commissioners court is still in ses
sion, the work of appointing the road
supervisors, and judges and clerks of
election, as well as the more complex
problem of rebounding some of the pre
cincts has necessitated a much longer
session than usual.
, . Talent Notes.
The. holidays have passed peace
fully: by and our quite burg has not
noticed any perceptible difference
between the old and the new year. All
are well satisfied with their lot, for
anuuuisihin raincronuin.
The plentiest thing in this locality
is mud and stili more prospectively
By the way this reminds us again of
the necesity of grading and macada
mizing our public loads and also of
the necessity of doing it iu the spriug
of the year.
It would pay the county well to send J
our county judge back to the old states
to take lessons in road making. If he
was to go through Ohio and inspect
the manner of grading, piking and
pounding solid the public rouds as
they have found, it lays to do it. Our
county might be a thousand per cent
better off for the knowledge. It is a
disgrace and a stigma ou the character
of the otherwise live citizens of the
Rogue River Valley to b-; satisfied
with the condition our public roads are
permitted tj b in everv winter. We !
are all asham.-d to have strangers
j visit us this season t'f the year on no-
count of th, mi..rnhl.!iiiii .f iur
J ... , . . ,
i uuuiie rouus. e uave a nunioer one i
j court house, a good jail and generally
good school houses. Now let us have
n,l tV,.., . ,n
graded and pikvd. Land-owners 1
should not be p-.uurious about a liberal
width of street at least 60 feet wide,
(that is the width the law requires in
Iowa and Dakota.) If it were 100 feet
wide and fringed with a row of trees
each side and well graded up in the
center the locality would be all the
more attractive.
We expect Rev. E. E. Thompson, of
Medford, to preach at Taleut the 17th.
morning and evening. H-e may pro
tract the moeting.f if the people wish
him to.
The bridge builders (Dan McFadden
foreman) did a number one job on the
R. R. bridge across Wagner Creek,
and have moved below.
There is to be an Alliance public
meeting Friday evening, the l"th.
Several able speakers havo promised
to entertain tho crowd, at the U. M. L.
hall. By invitation of Progress Alli
ance No. CO of Oregon. Ex.
Criminal and Insane
We are indebted to Sheriff Birdsey
for the following report of criminal and
insane commitments for Jackson county
I. J. Stacy, manslaughter, 1 year.
Charles Rumm.el, assault: $."i0 fine.
James Pnrr, larceny, 1 year.
Marion Bailey, not a true bill.
William Johnson, larceny, 2 years.
James McCarthy, larceny, 2 years.
George May, larceny, not true bill.
Wm. Stewart, larceny, -10 days.
J. S. Gordon, larceny, not a truo bill.
Abjl Bourges, larceny, 2 years.
J. S. Waltors.extortion. forfeited bail.
Jerry Davis, larceny, 12 days.
George Young, larceny, 1 year.
Frank Sanders, larceny, 2 years.
E. Peitner, lnrceny, 12 days.
O. R. Meyer, Ashland.
Manuel Silva, Applegate.
Mrs. Mary E. Layman, Brownsboro
Marriage License.
Issued January 9, 18!)2, to John F.
Whie and Hatlio Roamos.
Hot Griddle Cakes.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder possesses a peculiar
merit not approached by that of any other baking powder.
It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot
biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of these tasteful
things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of
the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak
ing Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition.
In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so
da, etc. is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always
guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu
ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour
that may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap
preciated by all. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell
the story, that they can never get the same results from any
other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc.
are never so light and never taste so sweet or so good as
when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder.
On call of 00 pupils of the High
School a school Literary Society was
organized on Monday night with Miss
Bertha Stewart, president; Carl Narrc
gan, secretary, and Miss Juno Stewart,
treasurer. The committee in charge
presoseoted a carefully prepared pro
gram, making tho first meeting pleas
ant and profitable. The subject for dis
cussion at the next meeting is: Re
solved, That wo owe more to Washing
ton than Columbus.
Leader of tho affirmative Miss Delia
J. Pickel, negative B. L. Redden.
Song H Class
Little Miss Lilly, J. Brailbury
Little Thing, Ralph Wilson
The Laundress, Ethel Morris
A Little Story, Burnetts Angle
Nell and her Bird. Myrtle Cury
Tick lock, Willie Burnum
Song, Kmma Dttvls
Little May, Lulu Porter
Obey, Anna Johnson
History of a Dog, Bertie Perdue
Song, A Class
Crossing Bridges, Willie Hover
Tommy Cray. Nola Redden
A Riddle. Oscar Hansen
Reading, Myrn Gallowruy
Who was She! Bessie Johnson
Our Baby. Edna Walt
Gifts tor Baby, Grace Morris
Bobolink Song, School
Song. By School
I Will, I Won't and I Can't, Thomas Washburn
Giving Thanks.
Because He Didn't Think.
What a Boy Can Do,
Little Tommy Tucker.
Four Funny Fans,
Never Tell a Lie.
Har.g Up the Baby's Stocking,
Helen Uriggs
Bertha Orme
Dannie Amann
Johnny Crew
Susie Cooper
Frank Crouch
Olile Mur.y
Song Singing in the Schoolroom
Little Chinaman,
I Remember.
There Was an Old Woman,
A Greeting From
roi'UTU l, HA PL.
Song-Christ is Klsn.
Recitation New Year.
Recitation Wandering Pus.
Recitation The Laiy Kc x.
Recitation Tommy Tucker.
Recitation What Susie Saw.
Llxzie Hoover
Otis Tryer
Leon Hasklun
Fannie Hull
Frank Hurst
Ire Williams j
Ella Hoover I
Harry Howard j
School i
By School
Aila A tiki l
Meda Plrniale
Recitation-Never Ureak a Promise. M. llilss
, jaoiatiot.s-Burnie Wood .ciare Morry .johnie
j Burnum. Frank Hull. George Farts. Charley
Isaacs, Ec'gar Hruu.
Recitation A Candy Pull. Ber'.ha Danielson
Recllain The Frenchman.
James Edmunds
Recitation The Village Blacksmith. F. Cary
HecltaUon-The Captain's Dauchter. it Bradley
Recitation The Boy Who by Addition
Grows. Mabel Higinuotham
I Recitation To the Audience In Front.
George Holckamp
Recitation Baby Asleep. Gertie Johnson j
Readlcg- How Snap Saved His Master. A.Walt j
Reading The Blue aad the Gray. Eva Webster j
Song Happy New Year. By School
Deixa J. 1'iitk ti
ll n;n scnoou
Reading Tommy's Preference. Jes-sie Shaver
Kt-ctiattoit Fal;h?u! ard True.Ger:r-.le W:ls.n .
Reading-Only Sponges, Tom Mrnman '
Recitation The Wind ard the Le-via. '
j Kl'-K-HiJdca Enemies.
Hydal Bradbury j
Florence IX.weil .
Virile i'arxois .
Riadine Lniwr. May M rrcrnan :
Recital Ion The Mule Siood on the Steam
boat Deck. John i'lymale
; vloff
Bird of the Greenwood. Mvrtle liwton '
I Readlnc-Thc Raaor Seller.
Jay Pumeil i
Rectiailon The indiicnant l'oilvwoc.
j Harry nu:m '
I Keadlns Snow Flakes. Kva Hunch
i ReaJlng-Sa-penvof Voice. Arvllle Terdue '
I - I-anClnK of the Pllcrinjs. M Adams ;
Sony Our lianncr. By School ;
Court Items. !
Max Mul'.er vs Albert D. Gibbs: sher- i
iff's sale confirmed. !
Jam i Helms vs John McKee nr.d j
Mary Ann McKee: mortgage foreclosed, j
Mary C. Miller vs Wm. M. Miller:;
suit for partition cf personal property:
judgment for pluintirf S1C2.22 and de-;
cree of foreclosure. j
In matter of cstat : of Isaac Constant: ,
second annual exhibit of administrator i
approved and administrator ordered to ;
pay preferred claims which have been j
presented nnd allowed. j
In matter of estate and guardianship j
of Horace D. Pitt. Francis R. Pitt and ;
Dora S. Pitt, minors: Myra Vaughn ap-!
pointed aud letters of guardianship or- !
dered issued to her. !
In the matt -r of estate of L. C. Ro-!
main, dee'd: order Cxing time of final j
settlem-.'iit and Tuesday February 2. j
i uxeo as time 01 nuai settlement.
In matter of esinteof Samuel Co.'.zens:
order of final settlement and February
2d, IS.Y2. fixed as time.
In matter of estate of M.' Hanley.
dee'd; order of continuance and Tues
day, February 2, 1S32, fixed as time of
final settlement.
In matter of estate of II. V. Hong:
same order nnd same time as above.
Deserving I'raise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been seliing lr.
King's Now Discovery for conMiinptinn.
Dr. King's Now Life Fills. Hucklou's
Arncca Salve nnd Kloctric Hitters, and i
havo never handled remedies that sell j
as well, or that have given such uni- j
versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate j
to guarantee them everv time, aud we i
s'.and ready to refund the purchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
low their use. Thcso remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. G. H. Huskins, druggist.
There are very few men who do not
have to get their hoels setup before the
shoes are gone. .
0. w.
Hy special arrangements all the IVk Packing CVs extras are handled
by u, such as Spare Ribs, Tenderloin.", etc.
A. JAKES, Proprietor, - - Medford, Or.
Jackson County Bank.
uilanrrjVAWTER & HOWARD,
Clifford Crew j
; , .,. i 0-,,.
"' - ri'.v,tu .-,.. u , . vvv . . ui ;ui.jv.v.i iu ".
j and transact a general hanking business on thr most faorable terras,
; ifeff"Your BuMIlcSS Solicilcd.
Corbin Bank in sr Co.. N Y.
j Commercial National. Portland.
Dry Goods. Boots I Shoes, Groceries,
and Crockery.
The Kst goods at tl:e ln-.vtst pricts f..r C.ish. Tlie? highest prices paid
for cu;ir:rv produce.
-".-i'S PKi.v:r.KD Kiir.K tia:l parts o? the city.
"Seeing: is Believing." jx.
And a good lamp
must be simple; when it is not simple it is
not good. Sim!?, Beautiful, Gt-J these
words mean much, but to see '-The Rochester"
will impress the truth more forcibly. AU metal,
tough and seamless, and
it is absolutely .riand unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a ' wonderful lamp," for its mar
velous light is purer and brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light
Lock fer h:. timp Tut Rocnrsria. If the lamp dealer fcant the eenwlne
Rochester. ud the :vle xu want. ea.i to ; for our new i:instrated catalogue,
and we will seni ua a" Un:p ::- bv ctttt your choice ol over 2,OOU
varieties Iroaa the iiest Lmtf Stuttn the iiu:.
nOCIIESTEK LISP CO., 42 Park Place, New York City.
o Medford,
Harris & Purflin Proprietors. . Terms: $1 $1.50 anfl $2 ner ir
First-class in Every Particular.
"peoial attention paid to Coniinoriial Travelers.
The Leading Medford
111 ONE $ DOLLAR $ BOYS $1$
14 lbs. Granulated Sugar
Extra C
Golden C
Costa llica Coffee (green)
Rio Coffee (green)
Roasted Rio
Roasted Java and Mocha
Blended Roast
Wo deal In Groceries OXI.Y. We sell lor cn-ih im-1 live better goods for less money than can be
Ibmid elsewhere.
A Choice line of Teas, Spices, Piskles, Vinegsr, Honey, Etc., -Cigars,
ToSacso, Fruits, Vegetables, China, Crockery, Glassware tUllvcroU In the city free. Give i:s u cjiII. Next door to Post office MKDKORD, Ore.
Successor to
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Lumber, Lath, Ingles; Mets,
Flooring, Ceiling, Etc.
Medford. Oregon.
a. . ,t. j.
Pacific Eank. San Francisco
Ladd & Buh. Salem.
made in three pieces onlv,
and more cheerful than either.
"The Rochester."
" While Yoa Wait"
31 lbs. Granulated Java
1-i " Rice
14 Flaked Wheat
14 " Rolled Oats
12 ' Silver Flake Monionv
20 " Morning Glory
7 " Cans Sugar Com
S " Cans Tomatoes
Skilled help furnished hotels and Rcstatmnts.
Private boarding hoaxes and families.
Labor hired for railroads and contractors.
e register strictly first class cooks, waiters
and domestics.
4S!4 N. 3rd. St.
S. K. PHILLIPS, Man'r.
General siscfeiiig
Horse and Oxen Shoeing-
ND THE I 7thm b-iti-.
BUSY i '-.-.f--
UHAh di
BiHiM WmI fat m! :
XIm Frances V II lard. "The brirct
c ouiiooic window in Chriendom irr bes
ProTilence X-lecraio--Arreaiboor
to tne ousy. toe uzy ana tee ecoaociau. "
Xne Consrezationaliht.-lliK sooth
has 00 peer in orriniuir cf cicn, scope anc:
Accuracy of vrs: jn. thorrufrfacess in execvuee
Ad atiily to rzt ta it M&njcoUMiamrkl'
Chlcaso Interior. "1 kevisae mf
??-ar, 01 cw i otsu cas encce vo tee rescue c:
dust people. V e know ox ooe r-.uroai
cnttriJi trito for a mocili has worked until 111
o clock at ru-nt. anc ret has kezx. well tnformec
of currcru arorid events. K e reads this Magaiine.1
it Rives fns a rn nning ccccxDentary oa m:portanJ
events, besides a digest oc toe bese amcies id
coniempocary ir-agarmes.
Price 25c. S2.50 a Year.
xcuis ruiift, cue a sates os afpucahm.
mtocm THE Emirs' OF ECTIEWa.
far tanCVT. IS Aw IVt, 1m lrk
Scientific Ajrericaa
Ageccy for
CCPiaiCHTS. or.
P.'SS11 aa tree Bradbook wrue to
311 NN 4 CO SO BSOlDWir. SEW TottE.
OtOesi boresn ior seconn patents m Aiaenea.
i;TOT tatas liiea oat b us is broartt belore
tie psene By s arjcice ien tree ol ctucc ic Uto
'ficittifii! amcnwE
Lrrest nrenunea of mnr seienunc roer .-a the
mm shoctd be wrtooot .t. VVeetn. !a.OC
jear: iLM Si sxrJis. AdJr MCXS & CO,
l.nnii flirf nl Ko-ba:r. ur Jan. c i&z.
N;ico ishervl-v -ivtn Itiat the wm--
I asm -I hitler has hitl noiirr-of her intttion
aud liat aitl -p?xi will be uiadr before ibe
judi;e cl -rk i the ui:iy court of Ja-kon
cniy. o at Ju ka";!. 4 on Kridav.
F. Irt.ary rt.:c. vix- G W. SmitU. botuc-
s-ea ! ratry ... iSc. f..r n1- cf ne, f -r tp
A-.r ivtiJ ou.-ti h"n. -tv-ad -s!ry Xo.
for ii.o tt t of -ssc. .-" 1 1 u . r :w.
He i:;tnt-s liw it!Mtvi!u; Ti',ue to jrve
hor i-ntin;:i:s rT::-i:rc civo aal cultiva
tion lan t vix:
I B. Xiocr. f B.Tirle. Bowrcac. IraH
Hari-. -f ni John E. PtKteT of
oiii:c. ill ol Jack-on rn:v 4ixgon.
John H. Sorrs Ke?isier.
Kc-sebDTv. Or;.. lVombrr 59. ISO!.
Coastal::? Veea eniered a; Hits office
ly Matthew P I'Sipps against Gecrce H. C.
"Taylor lr abaj.iosi:i;? hi or-aalion eitiry No.
els; dated March !.x npoa a part of see la.
!;Cs. r Iw. !a Jjck-oQ fmv. Oreeoc with a
new u ibe cancellation ot saM eniry: the said
pi'.nies are hereby susucoec to appear at the
office i! lie couary c'.erk of Jick-or ccactv.
Ort-cn. at Jaokn i:le. vre. on ihe 16ih dav of
February. !. at 10 o'clock a m.. 10 respond
act lumsSi testimony coneemias saM allr-d
Jlac,:..niiifnl. Hearios xo be Uai at thus olEce
on the so taken on tie tEM day of
February. !iti. at !v o'clock a. m... StiaVient
ev;Jence having been tiiea to show that person
si service cannot be made it is hereby ordered
that st-rvice be made by publication acco-dinjf
to taw. John H Shupe, Register.
A. M. Crawford. Keceer. 1
Lost! Of.w mt Kosbnrc. Or.
November iT.
Xoiioe is Lew ly pivca th. the XoDowisp
now s'i;K'rhas tUivl cotii-v of Lis intention
lo cakf n:i-l proof in sumort of hS claim.
liiai aui tr.x- rnuCu N?fon? iLe judcor
cJtrk of iho county cvntrt f Jackson couniv Or--oaxa.
bS Jist-kNocviiit ir pvvi. on Thursiav'Jan
uary vix: Miss Kitttie M. Kllis. prv-emp-tioa
1. S. (VSh. for the n Lalf of ne quarter
tie quarter of nvr quarter ec. ! sw quarter of
so quarter s c- a Ip"vsr3e. wm.
lie aoines the foiiom ic? witness 5 ta prove
Lis continuous reaeuce up.Q mud cuitivation
of said tnii viz:
Thomas P. Kahler, Koert H. Dean. Charts
rra. Ker.ry U IVtc. all of Prospect Jacksoa
eo.. Oregon.
To L, C. iniby. pre-emption claimant under
D. S. Xo. WM. you are Lerebr summond to ap
pear and show caue if ay why said final proof
shouid not be accepted.
i-k John H. SarrK. Register.
Lr.nd l.itioe ut Uoseburs. Or..
, . Ueeembor.t.lsil.
Notlee !s hereby c'.ven that the loUouina
nHtue.1 settler has tiled i.oii.-eof his iutentioV
to make final rv.f in su(p.rt of his etaim
and that said imf wilHH- made before tb.
inJse or clerk of the countv court of JarkHl
emty. Or., at Jacksonville. ir..on Wednes
day. 1-ebruary S. l.-jti. vit: Herbert L. Kii.nev
l-re'siiptitm D S No. 6975 for theswof sec
tp 2 s. r 3 e. wtu.
lie names the lollowins witnesses to r-rove
his continuous residence uuon and cultiva
tion ;f sjtld land, vir:
Cnn. B. Osv. iVntral IViiitt. Luther G lr
ter. llltam Ilcmll;rtoii nnd ("..Nir..
of Pros;cct, lacl;sou rtutiity. oii n
To lltratn jv-rist. ir--;-mptii;n claimant, von
w tit ueeiven an opportunttv at the alwtc nien
tlone.1 time and place to crvXMm:ne the
witnesses "f said ilnitnanr. ami ..-.. , r
deuce in rwbutial of litat submitted bv cia'ns-
I.A D 1 1FFICE AT K lSHtl ttC. U
nameti settler lias iilod tu tuv of his inteuim
fit llttl IlllMl limnf w a-:.. .
-------- ------ i-."". i-n-IHU IIISttHIIIl.
and that s;id pnwf will le made beftr th
j p.. -" v 111- VMltllh VHIl
iit.W or .wl-
vi iiiecu:n;y court otJae
county, ireson. at Jacksonville,
Saltirdny, -February t!, ISse. viz: Aueusius c.
Parker, prt-ettiptiou H. S. Xt 7, for tl n W
of st H and c .ofne 1 . ee x tp?j s rSe. w.m.
lie names tlieiollowiug wltncuses to prove
ms ..1 r . 1. ... ... . i ,J .... " ... . ..... .
..... -. - . ....v w u . 11 ni.ti caixaiion
of. sAidlnndvu: .
t tank ix-an, Adolph O. Uowman. C."or-u
r-lTl.ltte .n.l l.rl 1 ... n '. -
Jackson coit:it v. Oresron.
To George 11. lVSellum. pre-emption claim
ant, under U. S. Xo. 678s. vou are hcrebv sum-
.u upi.d aim snow eanse. i anv. vby
the satd final proof should not beaccrvted.
Land Office at Koseburs, Or.
, , .
Notice is hereby piven that the foUowins
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in supimrt of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the judge or
clerk of the county court of Jackson county Or
egon at Jacksonville Oregon on Tnesday Febru
ary 16., viz: Kobert C Kussell pre-emption
D. S. No. Tin for the e i of ne ii and e a of be
t of see2J tpSSs. r3e w in.
He uames the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Squire S. Aiken.Charles Gale. William Bleakie
and Peter Day, all ot Prospect Jackson (jountv
To E. MeCollv pre-emption claimant under D.
S. No. 6535. you are uerebj summoned to appear
and show cause, if any, why said final proof
Miould not be apcepied.
y JtHtN il. Sara. Register.
Dill Da
r .
. . - .e