Friday, August 19, 2022 7 Oregon researcher builds ‘smoking Senate bill would chamber’ to test impact on winegrapes remove barrier to By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press meat processing CENTRAL POINT, Ore. — At first blush, the “smok- ing chamber” at Oregon State University’s South- ern Oregon Research and Extension Center might look like your average gar- den hoop house, with plastic sheeting draped over a PVC frame. In reality, the prototype was designed for a novel purpose — to simulate wild- fire smoke in rows of wine- grapes, allowing scientists to study the effects on fin- ished wine. Alec Levin, a viticul- turist and associate profes- sor at SOREC, is leading the experiment as part of a $7.65 million federal grant to researchers at three West Coast universities targeting smoke exposure on grapes and potential solutions for growers. By next summer, Levin hopes to build five chambers over rows of Pinot noir at the research farm near Medford. Each will be fixed to a wood pellet grill piping in varying levels of smoke, replicating wildfire conditions. Once the grapes are har- vested, they can be tested for several types of organic compounds believed to con- tribute to “smoke taint” in wine. Tainted wines have been described as having an unpleasant ashy or chemi- cal taste, and worries over diminished quality can prompt wineries to reject grapes from vineyards inun- dated with wildfire smoke. “As of late, we’ve had a lot of fires toward the later part of the summer and early fall,” Levin said. “Fire sea- son is getting longer and longer.” That observation was recently backed up by data from the state Department of Environmental Qual- By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press Courtesy of Alec Levin A prototype “smoking chamber” has been developed at Oregon State University’s Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center to simulate wildfire smoke expo- sure in Pinot noir winegrapes. Alec Levin ity, which found the number of days with poor air quality due to wildfire smoke is increasing across the state. Medford had 27 such days last year, the sec- ond-highest total on record dating back to 1985. A team of scientists from OSU, Washington State University and the Univer- sity of California-Davis is now working to solve the riddle of smoke taint and provide tools for the wine industry to adapt. Fund- ing for the four-year study is provided by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. According to WineA- merica, an industry group based in Washington, D.C., winegrapes contrib- ute $220 billion to the U.S. economy, with Califor- nia, Washington and Ore- gon representing three of the top four wine-produc- ing states. Levin said he is still fine-tuning the smoking chamber to provide just the right amount of smoke con- centration for his project. “Our first few (trials) that we did, it got really smoky, really fast,” he said. “Where we’re at now, we need to figure out how to get a really low concentra- tion of smoke that is more akin to what we’d have during a wildfire event.” The plan, he said, is to begin collecting data next year. Each row of vines will be “smoked” twice per year, including once in early August at the onset of ripening and again 4-6 weeks later, just before harvest. Each time will be about eight hours overnight. Levin said they will use Douglas fir pellets as the fuel source for smoke. They chose Pinot noir since it is Oregon’s signa- ture variety, and as a thin- skinned red grape variety, it is highly susceptible to smoke taint. “A lot of the problem- atic compounds that reduce wine quality are in the skins,” he said. As if to underscore the urgency, Medford was awash in wildfire smoke earlier this year from three blazes burning just across the California border, including the 60,392-acre McKinney Fire and 7,886- acre Alex and Yeti fires. Levin said his findings could help growers better determine which smoke levels are problematic, and when they should file a claim for crop insurance. “We just don’t know what those thresholds are,” he said. Other facets of the USDA grant across the three universities involve: • Developing coatings for winegrapes to mini- mize or prevent uptake of compounds that contribute to smoke taint. • Establishing low-cost sensors and sensor net- works for real-time risk assessment in the vineyard. • Optimizing a rapid small-batch fermentation method to predict what a wine impacted by smoke will taste like when fer- mented on a commercial scale. “Because we have this huge group of researchers on this grant, everybody is taking a piece of the puz- zle and working with it,” Levin said. Legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate would remove regulatory road- blocks to increasing meat processing capacity by allowing livestock auction market owners to invest in small and regional packing facilities. Livestock auction mar- kets are not currently able to own, invest in or partic- ipate in the management or operation of a pack- ing plant or meat market- ing business due to a Pack- ers and Stockyards Act regulation. The Expanding Local Meat Processing Act, S.4709, would remove that barrier. The bipartisan bill was introduced by Sens. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., and Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, both members of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Reps. Vicky Hartz- ler, R-Mo., and Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., intro- duced companion legis- lation, H.R.7438, in the House last April. The legislation directs the secretary of Agricul- ture to amend the Packers and Stockyards Act regula- tion to allow livestock auc- tion market owners to own, finance or participate in the management or operation of a meat packing plant with a cumulative slaugh- ter capacity of less than 2,000 animals per day. The slaughter cap would exclude investment by the top 10 meat packers. The legislation would remove outdated regula- tions that hinder producers’ ability to increase livestock processing capacity, Luján said in introducing the bill. “This is a priority that I will continue to advocate for in the upcoming farm bill,” he said. Ernst said eliminating outdated regulations hin- dering the livestock indus- try and increasing process- ing capacity is a no-brainer. “Allowing livestock auction owners to invest in local and regional meat packers will expe- dite the safe processing of meat, increase compe- tition within the industry and, ultimately, lower meat costs for consumers,” she said. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association supports the legislation, said Tan- ner Beymer, NCBA senior director of government affairs. “Opening new process- ing facilities is essential for removing longstanding bottlenecks in the beef sup- ply chain, but these facili- ties require substantial cap- ital and technical expertise to get off the ground,” he said. “Livestock market own- ers understand complex commodity markets and have the industry experi- ence to launch successful processing facilities,” he said. The legislation is sup- ported by a number of other national and local agricul- ture groups, including the Iowa Cattlemen’s Associ- ation, Livestock Marketing Association and U.S. Cat- tlemen’s Association. The companion leg- islation in the House is also supported by several organizations, includ- ing the NCBA, Livestock Marketing Association, National Pork Produc- ers Council, U.S. Cat- tlemen’s Association and American Sheep Industry Association. 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