Friday, August 5, 2022 9 Industry remembers wheat breeder Clarence ‘Pete’ Peterson By MATTHEW WEAVER Capital Press Industry members remember longtime Northwest wheat breeder Clarence Peterson for the way his research continues to impact farm- ers today. Clarence James “Pete” Peterson Jr. died July 18 at age 93, according to his family. Peterson began his career with the USDA-ARS in Pullman, Wash., in 1959 as a technician for ground- breaking wheat breeder Orville Vogel. With Vogel’s encouragement, he took a leave of absence and com- pleted his Ph.D. in 1970 at Oregon State University under the direction of Warren Kronstad, also a key fig- ure in wheat breeding. Peterson returned to Pullman and assumed Vogel’s breeding program upon Vogel’s retirement in 1972. The breeding position and program tran- sitioned to Washington State Uni- versity in 1988. He retired in 1994. Vogel, Peterson and USDA ARS wheat breeder Bob Allan worked as a team to develop better soft white and club wheat cultivars targeted to the region, said Clarence Kimberly Gar- land-Campbell, Peterson current club wheat breeder for the USDA ARS. Peterson had a major impact on the Pacific Northwest wheat industry through the release and wide-scale adoption of his winter wheat variet- ies, including Daws, Dusty, Hiller, Kmor, Lewjain, Luke and Rod. His variety Eltan was the top vari- ety in Washington state from 2001 to 2010 and has been grown on more than 8.5 million acres. “Dr. Peterson’s cultivars were widely grown when they were released and his crown achievement was Eltan,” Garland-Campbell said. “He once said, ‘You win some and lose some, and we won big with Eltan.’” According to Garland-Campbell, legend has it that Eltan was almost discarded, likely because of weak straw, until they realized that it had excellent snow mold tolerance and the best winter survival of any soft white wheat. “Because Eltan combined these two traits, Eltan is a parent or grandparent in most of the cur- rent releases from the WSU winter wheat program,” she said. “Grow- ers now are growing Otto, Devote and Curiosity, all descendants of Eltan.” With Peterson’s passing and Allan’s passing in March 2021, Garland-Campbell said, “we have now lost both members of a highly successful team of scientists who left a great legacy to current breed- ers and to PNW wheat growers.” “Dr. Peterson was an incredi- ble breeder and person,” said Glen Squires, CEO of the Washington Grain Commission. “I remember going to my first research review, and Dr. Peterson was describing the breeding program and varieties. I just thought, ‘Wow, this guy lives and breathes wheat varieties and breeding.’” Peterson released 11 varieties during his tenure, Squires said. “He continued a great legacy of breeding at WSU, and passed on that same legacy to subsequent breed- ers,” Squires said. Peterson’s son, Jim Peterson, is one of those breeders, having been a wheat breeder at Oregon State Uni- versity from 1998 to 2010. He also helped establish Limagrain Cereal Seeds as vice president of research before retiring in March 2021. Jim Peterson and his siblings recalled their father being “up early and home late during field season, spending a lot of time outdoors, a lot of time on the roads and a lot of time at field days working with growers.” “Dad was not a scientist per se — he was really more of a wheat breeder, he liked working with the farmers, working on the farm with the growers, and that was where he NCBA outlines farm bill priorities By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press RENO, Nev. — With its 2023 Farm Bill policy determined, National Cat- tlemen’s Beef Association’s focus now is making sure legislators are aware of its priorities. “We try to come into these farm bills with very succinct asks, knowing that there’s going to be a lot of other groups out there ask- ing for a lot of different things,” Allison Rivera, NCBA executive director of government affairs, said during the organization’s summer business meeting here. “Number one is going to be protecting those animal health provisions that we got into the last farm bill,” she said, speaking from the meeting. Those include a national animal vaccine bank that houses vaccines for foot- and-mouth disease. For- eign animal disease is a huge topic as countries like Indonesia now have an out- break. So the need for this bank continues to be super important for the protec- tion of the U.S. industry, she said. “So we’ll continue to look at bolstering that bank, as well as the state animal preparedness programs that have been very helpful and very effective … and then our diagnostic labs, which do all of our testing and are An East Wenatchee, Wash., orchardist said he will get out of farming after being fined and barred from hiring H-2A workers for three years by the U.S. Department of Labor. Gene Welton, who farmed 160 acres and whose parents started Welton Orchards and Storage in 1964, disputed Labor Department claims that he mistreated workers. “I had a battle with them, and I’ll tell you what, I was wrongly fined,” Welton said. “I’m selling the business. I’m selling everything I got.” The Labor Department fined Welton $64,120 and recovered $7,485 in wages for 26 employees, according to a press release issued July 28. According to the Labor Department, Welton vio- lated housing standards, failed to provide work prom- ised in contracts and sub- jected workers to verbal abuse and threats. A department spokesman said in an email the inves- tigation occurred between Feb. 15, 2020, and Nov. 15, 2021. No public documents about the allegations and investigation are publicly available, he said. No infor- mation was available Fri- day about how the fine was calculated. The press release summa- rized violations: • The housing viola- tions included mattresses on the floor and failing to have UC-Davis researchers find strawberry genes to fight Fusarium wilt gant, instances of wilt have increased, especially in soil where farmers don’t rotate crops. Researchers say the newly discovered resistance genes can help prevent future strawberry varieties from succumbing to Fusarium wilt. “What we’ve accom- plished here is import- ant ... and it’s going to pro- tect growers,” Steve Knapp, director of the university’s Strawberry Breeding Pro- gram, said in a statement. This fall, according to the university, the program will release new strawberry cul- tivars that have the Fusarium wilt resistance gene. Plant scientists have been breeding strawberries at UC-Davis since the 1930s and have already released more than 60 patented vari- eties through the breeding program. In the future, the scientists say the DNA diagnostic tools they have developed will enable breeders to respond to any new Fusarium wilt vari- ants that develop. “There will be new threats, and we want to be prepared for them,” said Knapp. “We want to understand how this works in strawberries so that as new threats emerge, we can address them as rapidly as possible.” The research on the Fusarium wilt resistance gene was conducted by Dominique Pincot, Mitch- ell Feldmann, Mishi Vachev, Marta Bjornson, Alan Rodriguez, Randi Famula and Gitta Coaker from the Department of Plant Sci- ences; Thomas Gordon from the Department of Plant Pathology; Michael Hardi- gan and Peter Henry, who are now at USDA; and Nicholas Cobo, who is at the Univer- sity of La Frontera in Chile. Funding came from UC-Davis and USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Initiative. By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press U.S. Capitol ment programs, which have seen a huge uptick in usage in the industry. Participation in programs like the Live- stock Risk Protection pro- gram has more than dou- bled in the last two years, she said. “So we’re going to make sure that programs like that, that if tweaks need to be made that we work through this farm bill to make those tweaks and make sure that the programs like that have the funding they need to continue on,” she said. The same thing goes for disaster programs, as far as bolstering and tweaking programs. NCBA has been able to get some of those tweaks done in the last year or so outside a farm bill, she said. “But in some instances, we’ve been told that they need to be done legisla- tively. And so this is our just important for our three- legged stool that we fought for in the last farm bill,” she said. The second item is pro- tecting voluntary conser- vation programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, as well as conservation easements, she said. In addition to work- ing for more flexibility in conservation programs, NCBA wants to make sure those programs remain in place, that producers have what they need, that NRCS agents are accessible on the ground and the voluntary component is maintained, she said. “That’s so important as we look at this broader con- versation about the climate and conservation and sus- tainability,” she said. The third priority is strengthening risk-manage- opportunity to do that,” she said. Disaster programs, such as the Livestock Indemnity Program, have been hugely beneficial as cattle producers continue to deal with wild- fire, drought and extreme heat, she said. “The last piece is we’re just going to make sure that there’s no livestock title,” she said. NCBA’s concern is that a livestock title in the farm bill would open up the cat- tle industry to a wide range of new regulations, includ- ing market mandates. “It’s going to be a little bit of a heavy lift getting this farm bill done,” she said. NCBA will have to edu- cate new members of Con- gress and members who have never voted on a farm bill on how important it is for agriculture and produc- ers, she said. Washington orchard fined, barred from H-2A program By DON JENKINS Capital Press also had his biggest impact,” Jim Peterson said. “It was always about working with the farmers in the state and doing what was in their best interest.” When Jim Peterson became a wheat breeder, his father would con- tinue to quiz him about what was new and how it was developing. “Wheat really did never leave his blood, he was always asking about it,” Jim Peterson said. “At the end of the day, he had impact on the farm, and that’s where he wanted it.” A graveside service and cele- bration of life for Clarence Peter- son took place July 27 in Moscow, Idaho. The family has asked that, in lieu of flowers, please direct donations or memorials to the Clarence and Jane Peterson Scholarship Endow- ment, established at the University of Idaho Foundation, 875 Perime- ter Drive MS 3143, Moscow, Idaho, 83844-3143. Please indicate dona- tions are in honor of Dr. Clarence Peterson. working smoke detectors. • The orchard failed to pay workers for traveling to and from their home countries, offer hours in contracts and pay visa-related fees for sev- eral workers. • The orchard failed to contact U.S. workers in its recruiting efforts and ver- bally abused H-2A workers and threatened to send them back to Mexico, according to the press release. The department credited the Northwest Justice Proj- ect, a publicly funded legal aid program, with assisting with the investigation. Welton said he tried to go by the book and couldn’t afford a lawyer to represent him during the investigation. Welton attributed some of his troubles to workplace dis- cipline that led to complaints and government authorities getting involved. “Write one person up, and the crew goes sour,” he said. Welton said one worker insisted on putting a mat- tress on the floor to keep from hitting his head on an upper bunk. Workers removed batteries from smoke detectors while they cooked meat, he said. “To be honest, if I wanted to run a baby-sit- ting deal, I’d open one up,” he said. Welton Orchards vio- lated provisions of the fed- eral program that allows farmers to hire foreign sea- sonal workers, Wage and Hour Division District Director Thomas Silva in Seattle said in a statement. “Their three-year debar- ment from the H-2A pro- gram demonstrates that the Department of Labor will safeguard U.S. jobs, pre- vent abuses by unscrupu- lous employers and protect vulnerable workers from working in substandard conditions,” he said. Researchers at the Uni- versity of California-Da- vis have discovered genes that make strawberry plants resistant to a deadly soil- borne disease called Fusar- ium wilt. Their findings, recently published in the journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics, are the culmi- nation of several years of work. UC-Davis scientists genetically screened thou- sands of strawberry plants and developed DNA diag- nostics to find and map wilt resistance genes. Their discovery means breeders can now intro- duce the resistant genes into future strawberry varieties, giving plants genetic tools to combat the pathogen. Fusarium wilt has long been a concern for grow- ers in California, which pro- duces 1.8 billion pounds of strawberries a year repre- senting about 88% of straw- berries harvested in the U.S. The pathogen, accord- ing to the research paper, also affects other regions around the world and is considered by experts to be “one of the most destruc- tive plant-pathogenic fungi worldwide.” It causes wilt- ing, collapse and death in susceptible plants. “The disease has started to appear more often up and down the state (of Califor- nia),” Glenn Cole, a breeder and field manager with the university’s Strawberry Breeding Program, said in a statement. “Once the wilt gets in, the plant just crashes. You have total die-out.” According to the Univer- sity of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Fusarium wilt has become a bigger chal- lenge for the state’s straw- berry industry since Cali- fornia phased out use of the fumigant methyl bromide in 2005. Without the fumi- Hazelnut Growers Bargaining Association Annual Meeting August 31 st , 2022 @ West Salem Roth’s RSVP by August 15 th Piva Rafter P Ranch Custer County, ID 1,410 Acres | $13,000,000 Succor Creek Cattle Ranch Chilly Valley Lifestyle Estate Klamath County, OR 27 Acres | $3,250,000 Malheur County, OR 1,052 Acres | $5,900,000 • ➢ 8:30 a.m. Coffee & Refreshments • ➢ 9:00 a.m. Meeting Rio Vista Ranch Okanogan County, WA 114 Acres | $3,350,000 GUN SHOW OREGON ARMS COLLECTORS ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE ARMS SHOW Must be a member to attend. To join, see contact information below. SATURDAY, AUG. 13 24 & TH SUNDAY, AUG. 14 25 TH P lease RSVP by August 15th TH Westside Commons - Wingspan Sat. 9-5p • Sun. 9-3 Airport Holiday Inn Event & Conference 8439 NE Columbia Center Blvd. 200 Tables! • Entry $8.00 801 NE 34th OR Ave, Hillsboro, Free Parking OR with Validation at Show Portland, •503-254-5986 34-3/106 Contact Crystal Cox PO BOX 767, Amity OR 97101 · 971-259-9134 971-259-9134