Friday, July 22, 2022 3 Driver saves pilot after helicopter hits tractor By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press The first moment Logan Schneider realized some- thing wasn’t right was when tree branches and leaves in front of him began shaking violently. Nineteen-year-old Schneider was driving his dad’s trac- tor through his brother’s sweet cherry orchard near Orondo, Wash., lis- tening to Logan a Mor- gan Wal- Schneider len coun- try song in noise-canceling headphones, when the leaves started shuddering. Then he heard thumping behind him. Schneider turned around to see a helicopter hit high-voltage power lines, then careen downward, its rotor blades hurling toward him. There was no time to move, Schneider says. The helicopter smashed into the tractor, its nose land- ing against Schneider’s back and pinning him against the steering wheel. He doesn’t Orondo Firefighters Association A young man was working in a cherry orchard in Washington state when a helicopter crashed into his tractor. The tractor operator survived and saved the pilot’s life. remember feeling pain in that moment, as adrenaline coursed through his body. Pushing off the steering wheel, he managed to wrig- gle free and get away from the tractor, avoiding the heli- copter’s blades. Then, Schneider recalls, he heard the pilot screaming: “Somebody, help me! Help!” The young man rushed back toward the tangled equipment, now ablaze. “I really wasn’t thinking. I just knew I had to get him out,” said Schneider. The young farmer recalls that, approaching the heli- copter, he felt intense heat on his skin and breathed in the overpowering smell of fuel. The pilot, Schneider says, was hanging upside down, struggling to unbuckle his seatbelt with a broken arm. The young man unclasped the pilot and pulled him out. As the two walked away from the fire, Schneider says the pilot kept saying “thank you,” “you saved my life” and “I’m sorry.” The teen called 911 and recalls that first responders arrived within 10 minutes. Orondo Firefighters Asso- ciation reports it responded to the incident, near Tur- tle Rock four miles south of Orondo, at 9:20 a.m. July 6. At first, firefighters strug- gled to access the wreckage, hindered by the high-voltage power lines the helicopter had struck. Once the power lines were de-energized, the association says its team extinguished the fire. The firefighters were joined by first responders from Ballard Ambulance and the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. Soon, Schneider and the pilot — named Cory John- son, according to a public records official at Douglas County Sheriff’s Office — were lying in the back of an ambulance headed to Central Washington Hospital. Schneider had second-de- gree burns on his arm, and as he later learned, will need physical therapy for mus- cle damage to his back. The teenager recalls that John- son looked worse, lying in the ambulance with a bro- ken arm and burns across his chest and back. Central Washington Hos- pital did not respond to a request for comment on Johnson’s condition. It’s unclear why the crash happened. The Federal Avi- ation Administration says it’s investigating, and offi- cials are inspecting the Hiller UH-12E helicopter. According to the FAA, in 2021, there were 114 civil helicopter accidents out of about 3 million annual flight hours across the U.S. — about 3.9 accidents per 100,000 flight hours. Schneider said he feels fortunate that both he and Johnson lived. “Somebody was watching and protecting me,” he said. “God definitely saved me.” Amazed by Schneider’s luck, friends and family members urged him to try his luck a little further and play the lottery. The teenager bought his first lottery ticket and won $2. In spite of the life-threat- ening helicopter incident, Schneider, who graduated from Eastmont High School last year, remains steadfast in his desire to become a pilot. The young man plans to start flight school at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake, Wash., in September. “I want to explore, see places in the world,” he said. “I still want to be a pilot.” California truckers panic after Supreme Court declines to review AB 5 case State law changed most truckers into employees, not owner-operators By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision not to review a case regarding worker clas- sifications could force up to 70,000 of California’s truck owner-operators off the road, a trucking organization said. “Gasoline has been poured on the fire that is our ongoing supply chain cri- sis,” the California Truck- ing Association said of the Supreme Court’s decision. The decision could affect agricultural exporters and others who rely on trucks. The conflict is over a 2019 California law called Assem- bly Bill 5, or AB 5, which makes it more difficult for businesses to treat workers as independent contractors rather than employees. AB 5 codified a stringent three-pronged “ABC test” to determine whether workers are independent contractors. The issue matters to busi- nesses because employ- ees are entitled to overtime pay, benefits and the min- imum wage, making them more expensive than inde- pendent contractors. Cali- fornia’s trucking industry has long relied heavily on an “owner-operator” gig econ- omy model with independent contractors who own their trucks. “It’s more expensive to have employees versus work with owner-operators,” Matt Schrap, CEO of Har- bor Trucking Association, told agricultural exporters at a recent conference. The trucking industry has fought to be exempt from California’s ABC test. Truckers argue that AB 5 should not be applica- ble to truckers because fed- eral regulations governing the industry under the Fed- eral Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994 pre-empt the ABC test. The California Trucking Association and other groups Farm Supply/EO Media Group File California truckers are concerned about the U.S. Su- preme Court’s decision not to review a case regarding worker classification, which the industry claims could take 70,000 truckers off the road. say the law created a uniform nationwide standard so truck- ing companies wouldn’t have to comply with a patchwork of state laws. Initially, a federal judge in San Diego agreed with the trucking association that AB 5 was pre-empted by federal law. The judge issued a pre- liminary injunction, which temporarily preserved the sta- tus quo. Then, April last year, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that rul- ing. The court concluded that AB 5 is a “generally applica- ble labor law” that applies to truck drivers. Truckers then turned to the Supreme Court. Last August, the California Trucking Asso- ciation filed for a writ of cer- tiorari with the Supreme Court, requesting the high court weigh in on whether the federal law pre-empts AB 5. On June 30, the Supreme Court, without comment, denied the California Truck- ing Association’s petition, meaning the 9th Circuit’s rul- ing stands. From June 30, truck own- er-operators had seven days to get in compliance with AB 5 or “cease longstand- ing independent businesses,” according to the trucking association. “In addition to the direct impact on California’s 70,000 owner-operators who have seven days to cease longstanding independent businesses, the impact of tak- ing tens of thousands of truck drivers off the road will have devastating repercussions on an already fragile supply chain, increasing costs and worsening runaway infla- tion,” wrote the association. The high court’s decision was welcomed by California attorney general’s office. “We’re pleased with the court’s decision to reject this challenge to AB 5’s applica- tion to the motor carrier indus- try,” said a spokesperson. “At the California Department of Justice, we’ll continue to do our part to defend laws that are designed to protect work- ers and ensure fair labor and business practices.” Washington cap-and-trade cost estimates increased By DON JENKINS Capital Press A Washington Depart- ment of Ecology consultant projects that cap-and-trade auctions next year will be more costly for fuel suppli- ers and manufacturers than originally expected. Vivid Economics predicts that allowances will go for at least $41 each, nearly dou- ble the $22.78 state agencies estimated in 2021. An allowance will grant the right to emit 1 ton of car- bon dioxide. High auction prices will increase business costs while raising more money for state-funded cli- mate-reduction programs. Allowances could aver- age $58 or $68 in 2023 under two other scenar- ios analyzed by Vivid. The firm did not project cap-and- trade’s impact on gasoline and diesel prices. The state in 2021 esti- mated auctions would raise $441 million in govern- ment revenue the first year. The figure has not yet been updated based on Vivid’s forecast, Ecology spokes- man Andrew Wineke said Tuesday. NERA Economic Con- sulting, hired by the West- ern States Petroleum Asso- ciation, estimated Ecology’s proposed cap-and-trade rules will increase gas prices by 56 cents a gallon and die- sel by 64 cents in 2024. Ecology maintains that its proposal will increase pump prices by less than 1%. Supply-and-demand and global events, such as COVID and Russia’s inva- sion of Ukraine, drive fuel prices, Wineke said. “Reg- ulations play a very minor role in the price people pay at the pump,” he said. Whatever the additional cost, fuel suppliers prob- ably will pass them along to Washington motorists, Washington Research Coun- cil economist Kriss Sjoblom said Tuesday. The world market sets fuel prices and suppliers aren’t limited to serving Washington, he said. The auctions also will be another reason for pump prices to fluctuate, he said. “Because there is uncer- tainty about what allowance prices will be, it probably adds a bit to the volatility of gas prices,” Sjoblom said. The Legislature in 2021 passed cap-and-trade, the centerpiece of Gov. Jay Ins- lee’s climate agenda. To carry out the law, Ecology has proposed 138 pages of regulations. Auctions are at the heart of the rules. Beginning next year, large carbon-emitters will bid for allowances. The number of allowances auc- tioned off will decline each year. Allowances are expected to become increasingly expensive as the state moves closer to its goal of cutting emissions by 45% by 2030 and 95% by 2050. State agencies in 2021 projected the cost of alli- ances based on California’s experience, which has been holding cap-and-trade auc- tions since 2014. For many years, allowances were going for near the minimum price, though they have been rising recently, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Vivid warned allowance prices were uncertain. Many factors will influence prices, including how fast drivers convert to electric vehicles, reducing demand from fuel suppliers for allowances. Merging Washington’s cap-and-trade auctions with those jointly held by Califor- nia and Quebec also would hold down allowance prices, according to Vivid. Presumably, a bigger pool of allowances will hold down bids. Ecology will start looking at linking up with California and Quebec once it’s finalized Washing- ton’s cap-and-trade rules. Food Northwest, a trade association of food proces- sors, says cap-and-trade will increase the cost of making food in Washington. If Ecology doesn’t hold down allowance costs, food makers may move to Idaho, the association said in com- ments sent to Ecology. Before you see the fruits of your labor, there’s the humble beginning. Every new producer has to start somewhere. And it’s far from easy. We help give young, beginning and small farmers and ranchers a leg up with special financing options, educational opportunities, and hands-on, strategic advice to help you get started. So if you’re ready to start cultivating your dream, give us a call. We’d be happy to help. 800.743.2125 |