Friday, June 10, 2022 5 Drought raises curiosity about cloud seeding in Central Oregon fi ts are fairly small and wouldn’t sub- stantively change the severity of the droughts we’ve been experiencing, unfortunately.” By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press MADRAS, Ore. — Another year of exceptional drought in Central Oregon is raising questions about whether cloud seeding can boost the region’s water supplies by increasing snowfall that feeds into streams and reservoirs. Finding out the answer, however, could be diffi cult and expensive, with no guarantee it would make a meaningful diff erence, some experts say. Others say it could cause more precipitation to fall from storms, bolstering the overall water supply. Cloud seeding is a form of weather modifi cation in which certain chemical compounds — most commonly silver iodide — are released into the atmosphere by either aircraft or ground-based generators. The particles provide a “seed” for moisture in the air to condense and fall to the ground as rain or snow. Mike Britton, executive manager of the North Unit Irrigation District in Madras, Ore., said he is famil- iar with cloud seeding programs in Idaho and California, and believes it could hold promise for the parched Deschutes and Crooked river basins. “We’ve been in about a 10-year dry cycle, with the last two years being really bad,” Britton said. “It’s driven me looking into this even more, given where things are today.” Conditions are dire for patrons of the NUID. The district, which pro- vides irrigation water for 59,000 How to do it Idaho Power Co. Idaho Power Co. crews maintain a cloud seeding generator in the mountains above Garden Valley, Idaho. acres of farmland in Jeff erson County, set its 2022 water allotment for 0.45 acre-feet per acre, less than one-quarter of the normal need. “You can’t grow a whole bunch of stuff on less than half an acre- foot of water, unfortunately,” Brit- ton said. If it can be done practically, Brit- ton said cloud seeding might help to deliver more snow in parts of the Cascade Range that eventually melts and feeds the river system, benefi t- ting farms, wildlife and hydroelec- tric generation. But fi rst, a climatology study is required to determine if the region can actually support cloud seeding. Such a study could cost several hun- dred thousand dollars. Britton said he is considering approaching state lawmakers about funding. “If it’s going to get done, it needs to be done sooner rather than later,” he said. Study required Larry O’Neill, Oregon state clima- tologist, said cloud seeding has been tried in the state before. In the late 1970s, Portland Gen- eral Electric experimented with cloud seeding to enhance runoff for hydro power. The project was dropped after PGE estimated it increased average snowfall by just 10%, which O’Neill said was not statistically signifi cant. Residents also raised concerns about whether cloud seeding changed the intensity of snowstorms, making roads more dangerous. Neither the Oregon Climate Ser- vice nor the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute are currently involved in exploring cloud seeding locally, O’Neill said. “I don’t know of any immedi- ate environmental conditions in the rest of Oregon that would necessarily preclude such eff orts here,” he said. “However, the water supply bene- The nonprofi t Desert Research Institute has run a winter cloud seed- ing program since the 1960s, and assists with operating projects in Cal- ifornia, Nevada and Colorado. Frank McDonough, the program’s director, said to develop an eff ective cloud seeding project, they need to study weather models to determine when, where and how often clouds may be ripe for seeding — that is, whenever there are enough water droplets in subfreezing clouds to ini- tiate precipitation. While McDonough said nobody has ever seriously talked with the institute about cloud seeding in the Oregon Cascades, his gut instinct is the storms are “probably seedable.” “The real challenge would be where the equipment could be put, and who wants the water,” he said. Such a project would need to be sponsored by the state or a public agency such as an irrigation district. Oregon law already has a licensing system in place for weather modifi ca- tion through the state Department of Agriculture. Applications can be fi led for a $100 fee. Idaho’s experience In Idaho, the utility Idaho Power began cloud seeding operations in 2003. The goal, similar to that of PGE, was to augment runoff for hydroelectric generation. Since then, the program has expanded from the Payette Basin to the Upper Snake and Wood river basins, using 57 ground-mounted gen- erators and three aircraft to disperse sil- ver iodide during the winter. Shaun Parkinson, cloud seed- ing and water resources leader for Idaho Power, said results are prov- ing to be worth the eff ort. Depending on the watershed, he said cloud seed- ing has increased winter precipitation 5-15%, resulting in an additional 1 million acre-feet per year of unregu- lated runoff . For comparison, 1 million acre- feet of water is equal to fi ve times the capacity of Wickiup Reservoir in Central Oregon. What started as a smaller pilot project gained traction when the state of Idaho became interested in whether cloud seeding could help watersheds become more drought-re- silient by recharging aquifers and bol- stering reservoir carryover. Today, Parkinson said Idaho Power, the state of Idaho and local irrigation districts all share in the cost of the program, which is about $3.5 million per year. “You can wind up with a lot of common interest in cloud seeding,” he said. “It’s hard to fi nd people who oppose having more water in water- stressed environments.” That being said, Parkinson empha- sized that cloud seeding is not a “drought solution,” but rather a long- term water management tool. It does not create new snowstorms, but may increase the amount of snow that falls from existing storms. California almond harvest may shrink despite record bearing acreage By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press Associated Press File U.S. beef for sale in a Japanese grocery store. Agreement on U.S. beef exports to Japan kicks in By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press The U.S. and Japan have signed an agreement that will allow more U.S. beef into the island nation with- out triggering higher tariff s. The agreement increases Japan’s beef safeguard trig- ger level under the U.S.-Ja- pan Trade Agreement, which went into eff ect Jan. 1, 2020. The volume-based safe- guard measure is meant to protect Japan’s domes- tic beef producers. It was triggered in March 2021 by record-setting U.S. beef exports to Japan, and U.S. beef was subject to a higher tariff than competing beef for 30 days. The U.S. and Japan quickly entered into negoti- ations, resulting in an agree- ment in principle announced in March of this year that raises the trigger level. That negotiated agree- ment still had to be approved by the Japanese govern- ment, and the June 2 sign- ing formalized implementa- tion, said Kent Bacus, senior director of international trade and market access for National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. The original agreement signed in 2019 put tariff s on U.S. beef at the same level as competitors in the Jap- anese market, decreasing them from 38.5% to 25.8% with a phased in decline. Today, those tariff s are at 24.1% and will phase down to 9% in 2033, he said. “Where we were at the disadvantage was the vol- ume we could send. Now we won’t be there anymore,” he said. The agreement includes a new three-trigger mecha- nism whereby all three trig- gers must be hit for Japan to implement the safeguard and impose a higher tariff of 30%. That safeguard tar- iff will drop to 20% in 2028. The three triggers are: • Imports from the U.S must exceed the original beef safeguard trigger level under the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement. • The aggregate volume of beef imports from the U.S. and the original signa- tories of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacifi c Partnership (CPTPP) must exceed the CPTPP beef safeguard. • Imports from the U.S. must exceed the total amount of beef imports from the U.S. during the previous year. “It’s going to be very hard to hit all of those trig- gers,” he said. The industry wanted to resolve the issue quickly because it’s hard on import- ers to know how much beef they can purchase, he said. “We want to make sure Japanese importers can get as much as possible at a competitive price. This makes us more predictable, more competitive in the long run,” he said. There’s a clause in the agreement that allows for consultation if by chance U.S. exports hit all three triggers. But that’s highly unlikely, he said. In 2021, Japan was the largest volume export mar- ket for U.S. beef, exceed- ing 320,000 metric tons, and the second-largest value market. Those exports set a record in exports to Japan of nearly $2.38 billion, accord- ing to the U.S. Meat Export Federation. California’s 2022 almond harvest is expected to be down 4% from last year despite record-high bearing acre- age, according to USDA. Yield is forecast at 2,040 pounds per acre, 8% below 2021’s yield of 2,210 pounds per acre. The main culprits behind the smaller crop, according to experts, are frost damage and drought. The projections come from an initial subjective forecast USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Ser- vice released in May, which estimates this year’s crop will weigh in at 2.8 billion pounds, 4% under last year’s 2.92 billion pounds. The subjective survey was based on opinions from 500 randomly selected California almond growers from many diff erent regions and oper- ation sizes. On July 8, the National Agricul- tural Statistics Service will release its more accurate production estimate, called the 2022 California Almond Objective Report. The ongoing drought is expected to limit this year’s crop size. “The lack of water continues to be a top concern for almond growers,” the National Agricultural Statistics Service reported. “Despite record- high bearing acreage, the 2022 crop is University of California Coop- erative Extension specialists Franz Niederholzer, Katherine Jar- vis-Shean, Luke Milliron and Curt Pierce echoed concerns about the freeze-damaged crop in a recent publication. “Record low temperatures on Feb. 24 severely reduced nut set and lim- ited almond yield across thousands of acres of orchards in the Sacra- mento Valley,” the researchers wrote. Some almond industry lead- ers have also agreed with USDA’s Almond Board of California National Agricultural Statistics Ser- USDA’s National Agricultural Sta- vice prediction that frost and drought tistics Service predicts a smaller will shrink this year’s harvest. almond harvest in 2022 due to “A lower crop estimate was not frost damage and drought. totally unexpected versus last year’s 2.9 billion pounds,” said Richard not expected to be as large as the past Waycott, president and CEO of the Almond Board of California. “Some two years.” Forecast bearing acreage for 2022 growers’ crops this spring were is a record high of 1.37 million acres. impacted by frost, while all growers The report also attributes the are managing continuing concerns smaller expected crop to frost dam- about water availability.” Despite the challenges, Waycott age that happened during bloom in said global demand for California February. According to USDA, the state’s almonds remains strong. Although demand remains high, northern almond-growing region, which had an earlier bloom than however, almond growers and agri- southern and central regions, was “hit cultural economists say it’s a diffi cult hardest” by the February frost. The time for the industry with shipping impact of the freeze also appeared logjams, increasingly thin margins to diff er by almond variety, with and expensive supplemental water late-blooming varieties faring better some growers have to buy on the spot market. than early-blooming varieties. Save over $60 per roll over the leading tape brand without sacrificing quality. This high-quality drip tape is made in Italy to the highest standards. 199 / Roll Ships for Free! Sprinklers • Rain Guns • Dripline Filters • Poly & Lay Flat Hose Micro • Valves • Air Vents Fertilizer Injectors ...and much more! Fast & Free Shipping from Oregon 1-844-259-0640