4 CapitalPress.com Friday, June 10, 2022 Lawsuit opposes spraying of grasshoppers, Mormon crickets By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press Federal insecticide treat- ments aimed at controlling grasshoppers and Mormon crickets on Western range- lands have come under fire from environmental advo- cates for allegedly causing ecological damage. Two environmental non- profits — the Xerces Soci- ety for Invertebrate Con- servation and the Center for Biological Diversity — have filed a lawsuit claim- ing the USDA’s rangeland pesticides program violates the National Environmental Policy Act. The complaint has asked a federal judge to overturn the agency’s authorization of the insecticide program in Oregon, Idaho, Mon- tana and Wyoming and to potentially prohibit spray- ing while the environmental impacts are reconsidered. Congress intended for the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to use a “holistic approach” for controlling the pests, using tools other than just chemicals, but the agency has ignored these instructions to focus almost exclusively on spraying, the plaintiffs say. “APHIS’s widespread, routine application of pes- ticides on public and pri- vate rangelands to man- age grasshoppers — many of which never reach eco- nomic infestation levels — harms not just grasshoppers but also numerous non-tar- get insect species critical to ecosystem functioning and productivity,” the law- suit alleges. “This, in turn, has repercussions for birds, mammals, and plants that rely on these insects for food or pollination.” Oregon horse tests positive for equine herpesvirus By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press SALEM — A horse in Clackamas County, Ore., was euthanized after test- ing positive for equine herpesvirus, the state Department of Agricul- ture reported June 2. Equine herpesvirus is a highly contagious disease in horses. It can be trans- mitted via nose-to-nose contact, respiratory secre- tions, fetal fluids and con- taminated equipment such as feed and water buck- ets. The disease cannot be transmitted to humans. According to ODA, the infected horse had trav- eled to the 2022 State Oregon High School Equestrian Teams Cham- pionship, which was May 12-15 at the First Inter- state Bank Expo Center in Redmond. A second horse from the same ranch that also traveled to OHSET is LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 MAZD MZ3 4D VIN = JM1BM1V76F1268174 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) HELEN MILLER LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2016 TOYOTA PRI 4D VIN = JTDKARFUXG3506660 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) TYLER & JEREMY NOFZIGER TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2011 CHEV TRV 4D VIN = 1GNKRGED8BJ199404 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) BREANNA MIRANDA & WILLIAM RUFF OREGON STATE CREDIT UNION PUBLIC LIEN SALE U-STORE SELF STORAGE Auction Starts June 14, 2022 storageauctions.com Ends Friday, June 24, 2022 10am 1668 Industrial Way SW Albany, Oregon Rabecca Beach, H095; Katrina Briones, A008; Brandon Hayes, Y013; Julia Horton, G054; Grace Moller, G002; Lisa Moore, A031; Dale Morford, G045; Nathan L. Reed, H103; Samantha Reid, Y004; Salvador Sepulveda, A024 1501 Hawthorne Ave NE Salem, Oregon Michael Barlow, 1D17; Kristen Blyeth, 2C03; Joseph A Craigmyle, 2B37; William P Floyd II, 1C44; Nicole Haynes, Y1-3, Randall Jordan, 2A77; Anntara Martin, 1C18; Quanne Monette, 1F41; Armando Ochoa Quintero, 1G20; Ember Reed, 2B09; Caitlin Roney, 2A62; Nikki N Roque, 1D14; Elisha Severson, 1E38; Ashley Smaw, 1F35; Troy Vanscoter, Y4- 5; St Jon Wilson, 1A01 doing well and recover- ing from initial respira- tory symptoms. ODA has placed the ranch under quarantine. Dr. Ryan Scholz, state veterinarian for ODA, said he is working with OHSET to evaluate the potential exposure risk for other animals. Event coor- dinators are also working with contract exhibitors. It was not immediately clear how many horses may have been exposed. All owners who believe their horses may have been exposed should monitor their animal’s temperature twice daily and call their veterinarian if they notice any symptoms — includ- ing fever, difficulty uri- nating, nasal discharge, coughing, head tilt, stum- bling or weakness in hind limbs or inability to rise. The virus typically has an incubation period of 2-10 days. Respira- tory shedding of the virus generally occurs for 7-10 days but could persist lon- ger in infected horses. ODA recommends sev- eral biosecurity measures to decrease potential spread of equine herpes- virus, including: • Limit horse-to-horse contact. • Limit horse-to-hu- man-to-horse contact. • Avoid use of commu- nal water sources. • Avoid sharing equip- ment unless thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between uses. • Isolate new or return- ing horses from others for 30 days. • Monitor horses for symptoms, and report any temperature over 102 degrees to a veterinarian. Capital Press File An environmental lawsuit seeks to overturn USDA’s ap- proval of a pesticide treatment program for grasshop- pers and Mormon crickets. A spokesperson for APHIS did not respond to requests for comment as of press time. Killing billions of grass- hoppers affects rangeland ecosystems but the USDA hasn’t considered long-term benefits from the species, whose outbreaks serve valu- able environmental func- tions while causing “short- term damage” to crops and forage, according to the plaintiffs. “Grasshoppers play an important role in nutri- ent cycling and serve as an important food source for wildlife, including reptiles, small mammals, fish, and birds, particularly the imper- iled greater sage grouse,” the complaint said. The lawsuit claims USDA has underestimated the adverse effects on bees, butterflies, moths, ants and other insects from the four pesticides it uses to con- trol grasshoppers and Mor- mon crickets: carbaryl, diflubenzuron, malathion and chlorantraniliprole. For example, the agency has evaluated the threat from diflubenzuron, known as Dimilin, by reviewing stud- ies on honey bees, which have different life cycles than native rangeland bees that are already suffering from falling populations, the complaint said. The USDA conducted an environmental impact state- ment that comprehensively examined the pesticide pro- gram in 2019. Though APHIS did not comment on the litigation, the agency’s environmental review concluded the spray regime would provide the most flexibility in controlling grasshoppers and Mormon crickets while still protecting the environment. The agency uses a “reduced agent area treat- ment” approach, or RAAT, under which the chemicals are sprayed at lower rates or over a smaller land area. This method preserves natural predators and parasites that prey on grasshoppers and Mormon crickets while still reducing pest populations. “The goal of the RAAT strategy is to economically and environmentally sup- press grasshopper popu- lations to a desired level, rather than to reduce those populations to the greatest possible extent,” according to APHIS. California court rules bumble bee is a fish under endangered species law By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press SACRAMENTO — A California appeals court has ruled that, under certain circumstances, bees are now legally considered fish and can be protected as such under the state’s endangered species law. The May 31 decision triggers pro- tections for bumble bees and effec- tively prohibits actions that could kill, or “take,” some species without a permit or authorization. Supporters of the ruling call it a win for bumble bees; critics say it might make farming activ- ities, including grazing, growing crops and applying pesticides, more difficult. In the ruling, Almond Alliance of California v. Fish and Game Com- mission, the California 3rd District Court of Appeals reversed an earlier judgment that had found that bumble bees could not be considered “fish” under the California Endangered Species Act, or CESA. In 2018, the Defenders of Wildlife, Xerxes Society for Invertebrate Con- servation and Center for Food Safety petitioned the California Fish and Game Commission to list four bum- ble bee species — the Crotch, Frank- lin’s, Suckley cuckoo and Western bumble bees — for CESA protection. CESA, however, only protects “native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, rep- tile or plant.” Insects are notably missing from the list. The conservation groups argued that the definition of fish should be reinterpreted. Section 45 of CESA defines a fish as a “wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphib- ian or part, spawn or ovum of any of those animals.” The groups argued that the word “invertebrate” should include all invertebrates, not just aquatic ones. The California Fish and Game Commission responded by voting to begin the listing process in 2019 but was sued by seven agricultural groups, including the Almond Alli- The Western bumble bee. ance of California and the California Farm Bureau Federation. The California Superior Court ruled in favor of the farm groups in 2020, but last month the Califor- nia 3rd District Court of Appeals reversed the decision, allowing bumble bees to be classified as fish. “Although the term fish is collo- quially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species, the term of art employed by the Legislature in the definition of fish in section 45 is not so limited,” 3rd district Cal- ifornia Court of Appeals Associate Justice Ronald Robie wrote for the three-judge panel. “…Accordingly, a terrestrial invertebrate, like each of the four bumble bee species, may be listed as an endangered or threat- ened species under the Act.” Robie called the decision “a lib- eral interpretation of the act.” “The court’s decision allows Cal- ifornia to protect some of its most endangered pollinators,” Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society’s director of endan- gered species, said in a statement. The Xerxes Society said the deci- sion could also pave the way for “crit- ical protections “ for other “imperiled insects.” California Farm Bureau’s senior counsel, Kari Fisher, said the orga- nization is “troubled” by the appeal court’s decision and is “evaluating potential next steps.” Andony Melathopoulos, Ore- gon State University Extension Ser- vice’s pollinator health special- ist and assistant professor, said that although the decision was intended to protect bumble bees, it may actu- ally have some unintended negative consequences. One downside of the ruling, he said, is that it could make it more dif- ficult for scientists to study bumble bee populations because they’ll need to apply for permits to “take” endan- gered pollinators. “Before this ruling, entomologists in California could collect a lot of data on bumble bee distribution, and now, it will be more closely scrutinized through permits,” he said. LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2008 INFI G37 CP VIN = JNKCV64E38M122684 Amount due on lien $1435.00  Reputed owner(s) > ABHINAV & ASTHA MITRA LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 SUBA LEG 4D VIN = 4S3BNAC66J3033147 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) > OLD REPUBLIC SURETY CO ENTERPRISE FM TRUST LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 TOYT RAV 4D VIN = JTMRFREV8JJ214311 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) BETTY JUNE JOHNSON LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2016 ACURA TLX 4D VIN = 19UUB3F57GA001670 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) KYLE WAYNE KAPPLER LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2013 TOYT PRIUS 4D VIN = JTDKDTB38D1056791 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) DANIEL & NATHAN DONATI RIVERMARK COMMUNITY CU LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 RAM 150 PK VIN = 1C6RR6GT3FS714404 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) BENTLEY BEAR WORKMAN-MORELLI ONPOINT COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 HONDA CIVIC 4D VIN = SHHFK7H5XJU415082 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) BEATRIZ D DIAZ & LIZBETH E DIAZ CITIZENS BANK LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2009 LEXUS RX35 UT VIN = 2T2HK31U89C107182 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) DANIEL SHERMAN BATES WELLS FARGO AUTO LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 NISSAN MUR LL VIN = 5N1AZ2MH3FN290909 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) JOSHUA BLAINE DEMARAY CONSUMER PORTFOLIO SERVICES INC LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/13/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2016 GMC TRN 4D VIN = 2GKFLUEK8G6251776 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) TED & SANDRA RICHARDS OREGON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/20/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 TOYT 4RN UT VIN = JTEBU5JR3F5205083 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) MARIO ALCARIO REYES RIVERMARK COMMUNITY CU LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/20/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2016 LNDR RRV 4W VIN = SALGS2VF7GA246669 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) JEROME JOSEPH ROSE UNITUS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/20/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2012 TOYT CAM 4D VIN = 4T1BF1FK2CU030468 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) AIDEN DONG KIM LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/20/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2016 AUDI A3 4D VIN = WAUA7GFF6G1002602 Amount due on lien $1455.00  Reputed owner(s) TIA MARI WILKINS ALLY FINANCIAL LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 06/20/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2012 DODGE R15 PK = 1C6RD7KT2CS237973 Amount due on lien $1455.00  Reputed owner(s) CHANDLER SHAWN VILLARREAL OREGON STATE CREDIT UNION