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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 2022)
Friday, May 27, 2022 755 Cattle Dairy 17 755 Cattle Dairy High quality registered red purebred Gelbvieh yearling bull. AI sired, good disposition. UTD on vaccinations, semen and Trich tested. Hot wire broke and used to being handled on foot, $3,500. La Grande, OR. 541-975- 9324. DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL Elma Dairy – 144 N Blockhouse Road Elma, Washington 98541 Friday, June 3rd @ 10:00 PST DISPERSAL SALE CANCELLED The cows and heifers have been sold, so we will auction the base at 1pm Friday June 3 in conjunction with our regular dairy sale that day. 60,000# Active NDA base 10,000# Deferred NDA base We will offer the base to be sold in small lots or buy as much as you need... Get all your agricultural and natural resources news in one place. 758 Cattle Beef 758 Cattle Beef All Black Yearling Angus, Simmental and SimAn- gus Bulls: semen tested, vaccinated, wormed. Pasco, WA. 509-539-7290;www.dou- (2) Yearling Registered Black Angus Bulls. Low birth EPds. Schmidlin Angus Farms. Vernonia, OR. 503-429-7861 INSTANT EXCLUSIVE Bred Heifers: 16 month old, $1300. Polled Here- ford Bulls 15 months old or younger. Churchill Bloodlines. Low birth weight calves. Very Gen- tle, $1800. Will deliver. Quincy, WA. 509-785- 6291, 509-750-1274 Pioneer Angus Private Treaty, calving ease bulls, AI sired. Hay, WA (509)435-1198 40 Spring Yearling Bulls. Noah’s Angus Ranch, Angus Cattle Since 1955. Cambridge, ID. 208-550- 0531 www.noahsangusranch.c om • MOBILE • WEB • EMAIL UPDATES Shorthorn Bulls: March-April Yearlings, Selected for length, width, depth and muscling. Mothers sound, thick, calm, good milk. Good carcass data. Coulee-City, WA. Call 509-632-8709, 509-683- 3272 Purebred Angus yearling bulls, ready to work, AI sired by KR SYNERGY, exceptional calving ease and birth weight numbers, halter broke and easy to work, born February 2021, registration pend- ing, $3000. Located in Moses Lake, WA. Call or text 509-989-6079 Black Angus Grass Fed: $3/ lb hanging weight plus cut and wrap. Have 110 Head of Black/ White June 9 slaughter date. Face Angus: May, June OTHELLO, WA 509-707- Young Calving Cows. 3334 Some calves on the ground. Bangs vacci- For Sale or Trade for like nated, all shots, bred quality. Full blood Limou- black. Prescott, WA 509- sin Yearling Bull, $2500. DALLAS, OR (503)910- 851-7227 4769 CLASSIFIED LINE ADS GET RESULTS Black Angus Bull: 5 years, 2500lbs Australian Breed- ing. Black Angus Cows & Calves. BEAVERCREEK, OR 503-632-3333 20 head mixed aged cows. All with calf at side. Range from 3 to 12 years. Some with papers. Excel- lent February to April calves at side. $2,100 Blackfoot, ID 208-317- 5179 Direct Ship & Cutting Available (8) Polled Hereford Heifer Calves. Make a nice fu- ture starter herd. Price ne- gotiable. Warren, OR. 503-789-1531 (45) Salers Bulls: All ages from yearlings to 2 year olds. Red and Black calv- ing ease polled bulls de- veloped on our eastern Oregon ranch for 39 years. Quiet tempera- ment, delivery available. Flying T Ranch Sprague River, OR. 541-533-2416 Great set of Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls this year. Ready to Work. Gentle. Halter broke. Lots of testicle size. Fully vaccinated. Calving ease or growth bulls. (1) 2 year old calv- ing ease bull. Group of yearling heifers. Vollstedt Farms, Albany, OR. 541- 990-8038 802 Fencing Montana Hydraulic Post Drivers and EZG MFG.Fence Hog etc. In stock! NW Farm Supply Hermiston, OR. 800-801- 5650 or Mike 541-561- 6047 804 Building Materials Fence post to commer- cial construction. Only pay for what you use! Card Mini-Mix has 3 trucks servicing Salem, Albany, Corvallis and surrounding areas. Remote drive available on all trucks. Operators can pour and drive trucks simultaneously saving you time, labor and money. Quality concrete deliv- ered on time, any time. CALL/TEXT: 503-949-7218 400 3rd Ave. North Nampa, ID 83687 800-851-8612 208-466-0036 Capital Press Ag Weekly It works! 1-800-882-6789 30’x40’x10’ Starting at $29,500 Pole Buildings: includes 1 garage door and a per- sonal door. Phillips Construction and Fencing, LLC. Serving Pocatello to Weiser, ID. 208-604-3844 One metal building 44x32 with (2) 14ft roll up doors. Lots of beams, poles, trusses, cement blocks, and plywood. 35ft 2x6 trusses. Make offer. Must sell. Independence, OR. 503-838-3740, 503- 383-6722 GLULAM BEAMS: Used Treated and Untreated. Many sizes up to 65’ long. Portland, OR. 503-936-9414 1-800-882-6789 Don’t Replace Your Metal Roof “We get a lot of response from our ad. Thank You!” REPAIR IT with Conklin’s Repair System Andy Heuberger Freres Lumber Co. • Rust Control !ķÖŭŭĢƩāùùƑāũŶĢŭĢłėÂŋũĴŭ̉ • Stop Leaks • Reflective or Colored Top Coats • Conklin Products Sales Oregon • Washington 503-881-1946 • 360-727-3500 800-882-6789 • 804 Building Materials OR#220906 • WA#PRIMECC927JG S237993-1 804 Building Materials 4XDOLW\6WHHO%XLOGLQJV OR US F : C ALL G ON ICIN R P T LS GREA PANE NOMY ELS N • ECO A ME P U L A V • GAL CHOOSE YOUR SIZE CUSTOMIZE YOUR DESIGN CALL FOR QUOTE PRE-ENGINEERED STRUCTURES ϰϬLJƌ͘ǁĂƌƌĂŶƚLJƉĂŝŶƚΎΎΎϯϬнĐŽůŽƌƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ Angus Bulls For Sale: Emmet Valley Ranch Emmett, Idaho Call 208-365-3621 174.1%#./'6#.411(+0)#0&5+&+0)5722.+'4^ +2856 0RQ)UL 7:30-4:30 850 NW Park Avenue, Estacada, OR 97023 Fax 503Ͳ630Ͳ7770 +8' 8'4;#;(14'575^ Registered Black Angus Virgin Bulls: Forage devel- oped with balanced traits. Out of a son of S Chisum 255 (photo). Bloodlines also include S A V Recharge, MAR Innova- tion, B C C Emblazon. Semen tested/ bull sound- ness exam, vaccinated/ wormed, docile, 55 years production genetics. Swingley Angus Century Farm, Days Creek, OR, 541-825-3352. QUALITY SINCE 1982 1-800-331-0155 503-981-0890 EAVE Private Treaty Yearling & 2-Year Old Bulls Available (60+) Angus & SimAngus Bulls Younger Herdmates to the Outstanding 2022 Sale Offering 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 24 x 36 $11,421 $12,405 $13,263 $14,179 30 x 36 $13,320 $14,340 $15,282 $16,283 30 x 48 $15,974 $17,042 $18,195 $19,674 36 x 36 $15,115 $16,162 $17,206 $18,445 36 x 48 $18,185 $19,376 $20,556 $22,331 40 x 48 $20,348 $21,609 $22,861 $25,118 40 x 60 $23,596 $24,994 $26,475 $28,460 Kit contains: (1) 3’x6’-8” Entry Door, (1) 11’ wide slider door, Galvanized Roof, Painted Walls & Trim. These buildings have Engineered Plans & price is based on 25# Snow load, “B“ Exposure Building Materials Supplier FOB HUBBARD, OR S285395-1 509-201-0775 • Ellensburg, WA • 801 Timber/Lumber 801 Timber/Lumber WWW.PARKERBUILDINGS.COM 805 Farm Buildings ALDER WANTED Also Maple and Ash: Saw Logs Pulp Logs and Timber Deeds Contact our Resource Group at these locations: Coos Bay, OR: Eugene, OR: Garibaldi, OR: Salem, OR: Longview, Wa: Centralia, WA: LaConner, WA: Everett, WA: OR & WA Tim T. (541) 231-4758 Lee A. (541) 290-9892 Tim T. (541) 231-4758 Lee A. (541) 290-9892 Tim T. (541) 231-4758 John A. (360) 269-2500 Josh Bill B. M. (360) 509-3599 520-2287 Bill B. (360) 520-2287 Jeremy M. (360) 520-5565 Mark (360) 708-9265 202-9141 Eric F. F. Small Woodlands Specialist Josh M. (360) 509-3599 S260056-1 802 Fencing 802 Fencing Check out our new 804 Building Materials Entire Old Dairy with buildings to be removed. Metal roofs, lots of metal to scrap, old barn wood and beams. Looking for someone to remove build- ings for materials. Bo- nanza, OR.(541) 410-8752 See our website for ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůƉĂŶĞůƉƌŽĮůĞƐĂŶĚƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͊ Charolais bull, 15 months, purebred, low birth weight, ready to go to work $1,500 Yamhill, OR 503-349-7866. Registered Limousin and Red Lim-Flex year- ling Bulls. Top ET Ge- netics. (2) Two year old bulls, also available. Pasco, WA, 509-528- 7353 800-781-3214 We Deliver Straight to You! • USED CABLE • ALL FENCING HARDWARE AVAILABLE • CABLE CLAMPS 14 Registered Red Angus Yearling Bulls: AI sired by Merlin and Spartacus out of AI sired Dams. Fort Jones, CA Bulls/ Polled Herefords: 530-468-5341 Yearling and two year 2 year old Registered olds, easy calving from Horned Hereford Bulls for Canadian bloodlines, best sale. All semen tested. selection and unbeatable Portland, OR. Great temperament. Call prices. or email for prices, EPDs 503-789-1531 and photos. $1800 to 50 Salers Heifer Spring $3500. Condon, OR. Pairs: Red or Black. De- 541-384-2354; veloped in a closed herd on our eastern Oregon ranch since 1981. Flying T Ranch, Sprague River, OR. 541-533-2416 7 polled Hereford Sim- Angus Cross Heifers: 8 months, $700 each. EU- GENE, OR 541-342- 2079 2 year old Charolais Bull, $2500 OBO, Junction City, OR. 541-998-2429. Angus Bulls, ready to work, forage developed, calving ease, Mary’s River Angus, Monmouth, OR, 503-606-0253. Subscribe today. 9/16 Used Cable in Stock Black Angus 21 month old gentle calving ease bull, great genetics, $2500. Thornton Ranch. Yamhill, OR. 503-550-0050 3H Simmental Ranch BLACK SIM-ANGUS BULLS. Bred for growth and longevity. NW Deliv- ery. Contact Alan at 503- Angus Pairs 931-6815 or 10 pair of Angus, 1st to 3rd calf. Tagg Ranch War- m renton, OR. Jody 503- 791-4876, Bryan 503-407-9035. • E-PAPER Back on Well Stem Pipe! ●▼●▼●▼●▼●▼●▼●▼● UNLIMITED • NEWSPAPER Call Now & Keep Checking 802 Fencing N OR visit our website, sign-up for email listing, & find us on Facebook! • Chad Lowry (208) 861- 2224 • John Top (509) 840-0342 Shorthorn Bull, unregis- tered purebred, excellent producing bull, quality, healthy, sound, good dis- position, all vaccines, 5 years old, $2,000. Harlan, OR 541-438-4771 802 Fencing STEEL Toppenish Livestock Commission • 509-865-2820 800-882-6789 802 Fencing KY MOUNTA C I RO This sale will be broadcasted on from Toppenish Livestock. Please preregister well before the sale on CattleUSA if you are not already. Add a full color photo to your print and online ad today. 758 Cattle Beef 755 Cattle Dairy RANCHER SERIES p rice d to m ove! Drop By or Call Today! 800.764.7473 240 E FRONTAGE RD N | JEROME, ID | BISONPIPE.COM 805 Farm Buildings 805 Farm Buildings 805 Farm Buildings