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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 2022)
16 Friday, May 27, 2022 CENTRAL OREGON FARM, Powell Butte, OR. 97 Acres, 56 Acres under Pivot planted to Orchard Grass. Beautiful Log Home, plus Rental Home. Big Views Cascade Mtns. Hay Barn 120x60, Large Shop , Large Covered Equipment Barn. Large Green House. Lots of possibilities for good in- come. $1,400,000 MLS#220135899, Call Vicci Bowen, REALTY PROS, LLC. 541-410- 9730 S274102-1 Family owned, commu- nity minded company looking for hard work- ing, friendly, service ori- ented Class A CDL Driver to join our team. Hauling includes agri- cultural bulk commodi- ties. Driving is limited to Willamette Valley which means you’re home 579 Acreage every night. PTO, 40- 60+ hours/ week, $22- CHEHALIS, WA $32 hourly rate, 20 Acs. of land and depending on experi- timber. Subdivided in (4) ence. Company match 5-acre tracts with building 401k and profit sharing sites after timber is eligible after 1 year. removed. Close in Chehalis. Agricultural experience Adna or Chehalis schools. preferred. $275,000. By owner. Requirements: •Class A CDL (360)736-0836 •Medical card •Must pass drug test 651 Help Wanted •Demonstrates company core values Email sierra@smucker- or call 541- 556-8126 for application or more information. Looking for a new ca- reer in 2022? KWS Seeds, INC., lo- cated in Tangent, OR is looking for individuals to join its team! We cur- rently have opportunities for: •Agricultural Technician Lead •Seed Processing Su- pervisor •Seed Processing Line Operator •Journeyman Electrician •Mechanical Mainte- nance Lead •Pre-Commercial Seed Coordinator •Quality Technician Lead We offer a full benefits package with Medical, Dental and Vision along with four weeks PTO, Paid Holidays, Bonus, Potential, 401k Match and Pension Plan. Visit our website at: to apply online! Polk SWCD is hiring for a District Manager & Lead Resource Conservation Planner for Farm & Forests For Position Descriptions and How to Apply visit: 55 Trucking Winnemucca, NV Now Hiring Drivers •Retirement Option •Sign on Bonus •Paid Vacation •Paid Sick Leave •Paid Holidays For more information call 775-623-1604 and ask for Judy or Natalie Notice of Vacancy Washington State Univer- sity, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. WSU Position #213013. The De- partment of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University is hiring an Assistant/ Associate Professor, Dryland Cropping Systems Agronomist, located in Lind, WA. Screening of applications begins May 23, 2022. Apply at CHECK line ads online at employment-opportunities Open Until JUNE 1, 2022 The Polk SWCD pro- hibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials. Dallas, OR. 503-623- 9680 “BEST FARM PAPER AROUND!” Gerald Stanton • Granite Falls, Wash. Subscribe! Call 1-800-882-6789 SELLERS BEWARE • Know who you are dealing with – independently confirm your buyer’s name, street address, and telephone number. • Never accept a check for more than your selling price. • Never agree to wire back funds to a buyer or a third party – a legitimate buyer will not pressure you to do so, and you have limited recourse if there is a problem with a wire transfer. • Resist pressure to “act now.” If the buyer’s offer is good now, it should be good when the check clears. • If you accept payment by check, ask for a check drawn on a local bank or a bank with a local branch. You can visit that bank branch to determine if the check is legitimate. • Consider an alternative method of payment, such as an escrow service or online payment service. If the buyer wants to use a service you have not heard of, be sure to check it out to be sure it is reliable. If you do not feel comfortable with the service, do not use it. 564 Farms Print and online Ag News for ranchers, farmers, vintners, nursery people and more! Subscribe today. 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Dryland wheat farm looking for full time em- ployee, prior experience preferred. Ione, OR. 541- 701-8350 CLASS A CDL DRIVER WANTED. Minimum 2 years’ experience. Must be at least 23 years old. Must have clean driving record. Job Duties: trans- porting grain and fertilizer pulling hopper bottom, belt, and tankers. Must have doubles endorse- ment, tanker/ hazmat en- dorsement not required but a plus. Must be willing to work 50+ hours a week. $24.00/ hour. Annual bonus based on perform- ance and equipment damage. Call Hana at 509-601- 5720 for details. Tekoa, WA. Mobile Tractor Technicians Ernst Irrigation and Trac- tor in St.Paul, OR. is looking for Tractor Tech- nicians. Mobile service and repair of Agriculture related equipment. We sell and service tractors, utility vehicles, 4 wheel- ers, mowers, small en- gines and hand held products. Full-time, year round with benefits. Please email resume to: patrickd@ernstirriga- or mail to PO Box 490, St.Paul, OR 97137 attention Patrick Dolan Lead Mechanic for Cen- tral Oregon Alfalfa Ranch. 3 years recent experience. Motived, or- ganized. Driver’s Li- cense. Own tools. Salary, home, nice shop, work pickup plus bene- fits. Fort-Rock, OR. 541- 576-2236 (Leave Message) Pratum Co-op is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the role of Agronomy Ma- terial Hander + Truck Driver at our Albany site. Class A CDL is required within first 3 months of employment. Pratum has a very competitive benefit package. Apply at: areers/ Albany, OR. (503)364-3353 Do you want to be more than a hired hand? East- ern Washington wheat and grass farm is hiring. For the right person the opportunity is here! Me- chanical skills a must. Semi truck driving skills are necessary. Machinery operation and GPS knowledge is helpful. For the right applicant a nice house and pasture would be provided. We are look- ing for someone easy going but driven and easy on equipment. Looking for a long term commitment. Pay DOE. Send resume to PO Box 456, Davenport WA99122 “Thanks! Very effective ad!” William Krieg • Portland, Ore. Call 1-800-882-6789 to advertise. OPERATIONS MANAGER Trinidad Benham/ Colum- bia Bean, a 100% em- ployee owned company, is looking for an Opera- tions Manager to lead the team in Moses Lake, WA. This individual is respon- sible for leading opera- tions, quality and production. Key responsibilities in- clude: •Plan and organize day- to-day operations. •Annual budget and monthly review to actual •Manage food safety pro- gram, food safety certifi- cations and audit process •Lead safety program by setting the example for a safe work environment. •Reinforces standards of organization and plant cleanliness among all plant personnel. •Ensures plant complies with all OSHA, USDA, FDA, and EPA policies and guidelines. •Manage staffing plan and training of all plant per- sonnel. •Inventory management: monthly cycle counting, elimination/reduction of shrink, reconciliation and reporting to Corporate. •Production scheduling and forecasting. •Track production efficien- cies and evaluate im- provements in order to achieve optimum opera- tions. •Communicate and en- force company rules, poli- cies and procedures consistently and equitably The ideal candidates would have 3-5 years’ management experience working in edible bean/garden seed indus- try with an operations focus. We offer growth opportu- nities, medical, dental, vi- sion and life insurance, 401K with a match, Stock Ownership (employee owned), vacation and sick time. If interested, apply at or https://trinidadben- bs/48600. There Are Always Great Deals In Capital Press Classifieds. Call Now And Add Yours! 1-800-882-6789 651 Help Wanted Multiple Positions avail- able from Tractor drivers to Truck Drivers non CDL and CDL. Moving irriga- tion travelers, NOT hand- line. EXPERIENCE NEEDED. SCIO, OR 503- 930-2738 John I. Haas, Inc. is look- ing for an Agronomist for our Toppenish, WA. farm. In short, this position is re- sponsible for agronomy focused research proj- ects, conducting trials and studies focused on Haas farm production, and de- veloping fertilizer and pesticide programs on Haas farms with a focus on sustainable farming practices. For more infor- mation and to apply, visit reers. Agricultural Employers/ Employees: Nationwide Agri-Business, and Pro- duction Career Opportu- nities. Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT. 308- 382-7350. View www.hansenagriplace- Help Wanted: Eastern Oregon Cattle Ranch needs help. Call 541-493- 2456 IT’S SO EASY TO PLACE CAPITAL PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS . . . PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-882-6789 NOTICE It is unlawful employment practice for any employer or employment agency to print or circulate or cause to be printed or circulated any statement, advertisement or publication, or to use any form of application for employment, or to make any inquiry in connection with prospective employment which expresses directly or indirectly any limitation, specifications, as to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or by age between the ages of 18 and 65, or any intent to make only such limitation, specification or discrimination, unless based upon bona fide occupational qualification. S273864-1 CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE If you respond to a “Blind Box” ad with a dept. (box) number, but you wish to protect your identity, follow this procedure: • Enclose your reply in an envelope. • Address the envelope to: CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE (TSR) Capital Press P.O. Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308 • Include a note, separate from your response, listing the firms you do not want to see your letter. • If the advertiser is one you’ve listed, your letter will be destroyed. S273860-1 651 Help Wanted 719 Feed, Grain 541-760-2287 TRIPLE U LOGGING Small Logging Services Land clearing, brush pil- ing. Free Estimates Scio, OR. 971-225-8035 VANDERBECK TRUCKING & EXCAVATING INC. • Ponds, Reservoirs & Dam Construction • Land Clearing • Road Building • Site Prep •Land Leveling • Dump Trucking • Brush Removal • All Phases Of Excavating • LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED CCB# 84747 (503) 871-8632 Mt. Angel, OR NOTICE: Oregon Construction Contractors Law (ORS 701) requires that all businesses that advertise remodeling, repair, home improvement or new con- struction be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify a contractor’s license and complaint history at www.hirealicensed S273865-1 1-800-781-3214 Fax 503-370-4383 664 Services 664 Services 564 Farms x Agricultural, Civil & Environmental Engineering x Environmental & Agronomy Consulting x Financial Planning & Construction Management x x x x x x x x NOTICE: Oregon Lands- cape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires that all landscape contracting bus- inesses to be licensed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This four (4) digit number assures the busi- ness has a bond, insurance and an associated land- scape contractor who has fulfilled the testing and experience requirements for licensure. For your pro- tection, verify & check a license status on our web: www. or call (503) 986-6561 before hir- ing a landscape business. Landscape Maintenance companies do not have to be licensed to perform maintenance functions on your already installed landscape. S273867-1 667 Loans & Financing $$$ Money to loan on larger commercial real estate properties. Salem, OR. 971-600-4327 Registered Australian Shepherd puppies, $800 each. Shoshone, ID. 208- 316-2008; PUPPIES!! McNab/ Bor- der Collies. Male/ female, red/ white, Call for details!! King Hill, ID. 208-695- 6930 Irish Setter Puppies; born Feb 9, male & female; due claws, wormed, vacci- nated, well puppy exam. $750 limited or $1500 full AKC registration. Scio, OR. 541-740-7180 Border Collies Puppies Black & White. Mother is an Irish import. Family, Farm and Ranch. Abing- don Border Collies. Cheshire, OR. Text or call Brian Abingdon @ 541- 913-8447 722 Poultry & Fowl Dunlap Hatchery Quality Poultry Since 1918: (70) varieties of Chicks, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Game Birds & Guineas. Incubators, Orchard Removal Eggs, Poultry Equipment. Land Clearing Free Color Catalog. PO •Brush Mulching Box 507 Caldwell, ID. •Road Building 83606-0507. 208-459- •Dump truck services 9088 (gravel, rock, top soil, www.dunlaphatcher y- etc.) •Septic System Installa- tions and Repairs •Building/ Home site prep. Salem, OR. C C B # 2 1 9 7 1 4 ; DEQ#39091 503-480-6595 Proud to be America’s oldest hatchery, since 1910! Open year round. Offering the highest quality poultry available. Now available: poultry Portable Rock Crushing feed, bedding, and sup- Serving Oregon Since plies for pickup, shipping 1987 or local delivery. Davidson Construction Tangent, OR. 541-928- 541-782-4122 Ask for Bill 8928 503-378-4621 Capital Press 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets Barry Schrock Call Barry 541-609-8647 The Illinois Valley SWCD 541-609-8647 Philomath, OR is offering an incredible career opportunity in gor- LIVESTOCK geous SW Oregon. An energetic, qualified pro- FEED CLOVER fessional will actively en- 3% Fat PELLETS gage with and motivate 16% Protein community landowners and stakeholders in plan- Tote Bags .... $260/Ton ning, developing, and im- 50lb Bags .... $280/Ton plementing land 3385 NW Hwy 47 stewardship programs Forest Grove, OR 97116 and projects. Position is 8+ FTE with a generous Mon–Thur 8AM to 5PM benefits package. For the full job description, visit (One ton minimum at this location.) https://ivswcd.specialdis- The IVSWCD is an equal opportunity employer. 721 Fish Cave Junction, OR. 541- Rainbow Trout for Pond 592-3731 Stocking: Statewide deliv- ery. Brian Trout Ranch, 652 Work Wanted Sandy, OR. 503-668-7861 WORK WANTED: Experi- enced farmer/ rancher Rainbow Trout- Finger- seeking work. References lings to Trophy. Oregon available. Will relocate. and Washington delivery. Island Springs Hatchery, 208-339-0832 Portland, OR. 503-621- 3565 664 Services S277200-1 651 Help Wanted 564 Farms AKC Labrador puppies ready to go late June. Great hunting bloodlines and awesome family pets. Black, yellow and choco- late. $1000 females and $800 males. Taking de- posits now. Dallas, OR. 503-910-7428 Yellow Labrador Pups. AKC champ with OFA and genetics. Go home May 25 with worming, shots, $1,000. Walla Walla, WA. 503-791- 8744 Blue Heeler Puppies. Working parents. Great farm dogs/ family dogs, $400. Bandon, OR. Call/ text 541-290-0891 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets Brand New Litter! AKC Australian Shepherd Pup- pies. Available Now. Blue Merles, Black tri’s, Red tri’s, both males and fe- males. Starting at $900. Central Point, OR. Please Call Mike 541-499-2483 11 month female Maremma. Ready for LGD broke flock/ herd. Currently with adult goats, exposed to kids, sheep, horses. Leash trained, mi- crochipped, $1,000. Oak- land, OR. 541-430-4883 731 Horses, Mules, Two Quarter Horse Geld- ings. One registered 4 year old, black gelding, $3500. One purebred un- registered, bay gelding, $1500. Philomath, OR. 541-929-3031 740 Sheep Puppies: AKC Australian Cattle Dog, Blue/ Red Heeler Puppies, German Heeler Puppies, German Sheppard Puppies, Deliv- ery Available. Also, Expe- rienced Ranch Manager Available. 360-749-6333 Border Collie puppies. Working parents on ranch. Milton Freewater, OR. 541-215-9109. Miniature Australian Shepherd puppies looking for new homes. DOB March 20, 2022. Will be ready for their new home May 15. There is a fee. Please contact Debbie 360-470-0233. Western Washington 2 LGD Akbash/ Anatolian, male and female, 5 years old, needs more work. Cottage Grove, OR 541- 942-3293 Great Pyrenees Puppies: male and female, loving and friendly, $375 each. Aumsville, OR. 503-749- 1861 Improve genetics. Regis- tered Scottish Blackface Ram. Sire’s semen im- ported from Scotland. Born 3/13/22. Sale/trade. Alturas, CA 530-640-1285 743 Alpacas & Llamas Alpacas, Llamas, Sheep, Goat Shearing, Hooves and Teeth. Will travel any- where in the Northwest. 35+ Years experience. Santana Shearing. 541- 981-1866, 541-570-2756 749 Swine Feeder BBQ and Finished Pigs, $1 per pound. Close to Albany, OR (503)871- 9114 “...Sold both bulls second week. Thanks!” Tiara Farm Port Townsend, Wash. You sell too at 1-800-882-6789. AKC German Shepherd puppies 4 males, 5 fe- males. German imported 750 Mixed Livestock Legislative, Public Relations & Community Outreach lines, vaccines, worming, vet checked. OFA certifi- Real Estate Services & Site Selection cation good. Our puppies are part of Surveying our family, loved, well so- We buy cattle, cialized! Our German Geotechnical Testing Shepherds have fantastic sheep and goats. temperaments, very intel- In Rogue Valley, we have Traffic Studies ligent and are the best at certified scales for weigh- protecting their people! USR Permitting $300 non-refundable de- ing at our receiving facility. In Klamath and Siskiyou posit. $1700 due at time Zoning Changes of pick up. Lyons, OR. counties, we receive sheep Reserve your puppy today and goats by appointment. Idaho Office— at: We are a bonded livestock 716 Hay, Straw, Forage weltergermanshep- 213 Canyon Crest Dr., #100 buyer, and a member of the Wheat Straw: 2 tie bales, Livestock Marketing Twin Falls, ID 83301 tarped. $5 per bale, kick- 503-910-0901 Association. out bales, $2 each Pasco, Greeley Office— 1-800-882-6789 Dan • 541-890-0822 WA 509-727-0019, 509- 3050 67th Ave., Suite 200 Greeley, CO 80634 S280577-1 942-8003 Land Planning & Permitting Local private money- loans custom to your situation. Land, farm, comm, mid const or challenging property call. 503-559-7007. No appraisal. Patrick 503-559-7007 NMLS273179 196864 D&B LAND and LIVESTOCK LLC