4 CapitalPress.com Friday, April 29, 2022 Dairy groups take complaints to Canadian government By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press Blanksma Farm Potatoes are planted at the Blanksma Farm near Hammett, Idaho in 2020. Idaho potato planting progresses through wet, cold conditions By BRAD CARLSON Capital Press Recent precipitation and recurring cold weather slowed Idaho potato plant- ing in spots, but grow- ers gladly accepted those challenges in exchange for needed mountain snow- pack and soil moisture. Idaho potato plant- ing typically starts in the southwest and progresses into higher-altitude, cooler regions to the east and north. Total acreage may be below last year’s approx- imately 314,000 acres as farmers consider water availability and other issues. “From Boise to Black- foot they have begun planting, and in the Idaho Falls area, they should start planting this week,” Travis Blacker, Idaho Potato Commission indus- try relations director, said April 19. “There were some weather disruptions last week with the storms, but nobody’s complaining,” he said. “We need the mois- LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2009 GMC SIERRA PU VIN = 1GTHK93689F153947 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) GREGORY & WENDY KING LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2013 BUICK ENC UT VIN = KL4CJHSB6DB203292 Amount due on lien $1915.00  Reputed owner(s) KAITLAN RENE PATTERSON FIRST TECH CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2006 TOYT TAC PU VIN = 5TENX22N46Z243440 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) MICHAEL & DIANE MARUSA FIRST TECH FEDERAL CREDIT UNION LEGAL 2022-2023 Budget Hearing The Oregon Potato Commission will hold a public budget hearing at 8:15 a.m., Wednesday, May 25, 2022 to approve the proposed 2022-2023 fiscal budget. Any person wishing to comment on the budget is welcome to do so either orally or in writing by noon, May 20, 2022 by emailing gary@oregonspuds.com. A copy of the proposed budget is posted on www.oregonspuds.com for public inspection and can be obtained by emailing gary@ oregonspuds.com or leaving a message at 503-239-4763. LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission - Proposed Budget As required by ORS 576.416, the Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission (ORBC) will hold a public meeting for the purpose of receiving comments on the Commission’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year. DATE: May 18, 2022 PLACE: ZOOM Meeting – 9:00 AM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/922614568 94?pwd=dE1uNlFqa2xBcG9mcmRaWE hwRUlaUT09 Meeting ID: 922 6145 6894 Passcode: 659895 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Copies of the proposed budget are available from the commission office by request, and on-line at: oregon-berries.com/ commission-meetings. Any questions may be referred to the Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission office at 503-208-5589 ture for sure.” “Depending on what area you’re in, there could be some water issues,” Blacker said. How many potato acres a farmer plants will reflect factors such as water avail- ability, crop rotations, prices of other crops and input costs. In eastern Idaho, Bryan Searle of Shelley started planting potatoes April 19. He aimed to finish around May 1. He said his potato acreage will be down about 25%. “We’ve elected not to plant a few acres because the canal system they’re on doesn’t have much (water) storage and it appears by Aug. 1 they will be out of water, on the optimistic side,” Searle said. Cutting back on fer- tilizer and other high- cost inputs is an option, “but if you short the crop, you’re going to be short on your overall produc- tion,” he said. “And if you don’t have water at the end, you’re shorted, too. The finish part will be interesting.” In the southwest, Wilder potato farmer Doug Gross said April 19 that potato planting concluded 10 days earlier. “We had decent enough weather,” he said. “Then it cooled off, so the potatoes haven’t done much. Seed is sprouting but it is a cold, wet spring.” Gross said planted acre- age is down slightly. The farm shifted some growing locations and planted more short-season varieties in light of a reduced irriga- tion water supply. “We just have to wait and see what the weather conditions are,” he said. “We don’t see huge changes other than it’s going to be a very criti- cal year with our water management.” Gross said April 19 that the farm’s seed business was still processing potato seed for growers who had not finished planting. Seed supply is below normal after the challenging 2021 growing season “and we are struggling at the end here finding enough seed for growers’ needs.” The U.S. Dairy Export Council and National Milk Producers Federation told the Canadian government its pro- posals to change how it deter- mines the allocation of dairy tariff rate quotas still fail to fulfill its obligations under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. In a letter to the Canadian government’s Supply-Man- aged Trade Controls Division, the groups said the changes continue to fall “woefully short of full compliance” with Canada’s obligations. This has consequences not only for the agreed-upon USMCA benefits denied U.S. and Canadian stakeholders but also for the credibility of USMCA enforcement pro- cedures and for the success of the agreement, the groups said. A TRQ applies a pref- erential rate to a predeter- mined quantity of imports. Any imports above that quan- tity are subject to significantly higher tariffs. U.S. dairy has argued that Canada reserves the bulk of TRQ access for Canadian dairy processors, who have little incentive to import com- peting U.S. product. Can- ada’s allocation scheme leaves only a small amount of TRQ access for distribu- tors and gives no TRQ access for retailers — two segments with the strongest incentive to purchase U.S. dairy product. The groups urged Can- ada to modify its dairy TRQ allocation and administration policies. Capital Press File Jersey cows feed at a dairy near Gooding, Idaho. Two U.S. dairy organizations say the Canadian government isn’t living up to the requirements of the U.S.-Mexi- co-Canada Agreement. They pointed out that under USMCA, Canada is not permitted to exclude parties active in the Canadian food and agriculture sector from access to the TRQs. “Canada’s proposal directly excludes retailers and foodservice operators from access to individual product quotas by limiting that access to processors and distributors. Canada is likewise exclud- ing further processors from access to various TRQs,” they said. “There is no basis for excluding applicants from these groups, and Canada should discontinue doing so,” the groups said. They also told the Cana- dian government its proposed allocation methodology will continue to allocate quota overwhelmingly to proces- sors, notwithstanding Cana- da’s commitments not to do so. The proposal risks incen- tivizing further monopolis- tic behavior by a small num- ber of processors, leading to a greater concentration of quota held by them and significant uncertainty for U.S. export- ers, the groups said. “These problems will be compounded by the lack of transparency (and concur- rent potential for manipula- tion) in Canada’s system both regarding market sales data and quota allocation by quota holder,” they said. The deficiencies in the allocation system will be even further heightened by Canada’s exclusion of dis- tributor-to-distributor sales and sales to consumers, fur- ther tipping the calculation in favor of the market-dom- inant processors in Canada, the groups said. Canada should modify its allocation system to provide fair opportunities to all appli- cants active in the Canadian market and to new applicants, as required under USMCA, they said. The groups also urged Canada to adopt more strin- gent terms for allocation returns and penalties. Farmworkers win $46,000 judgment in hemp wage dispute LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/02/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2004 SUBA IMP 4D VIN = JF1GD296746506692 Amount due on lien $1775.00  Reputed owner(s) JOSHUA BRADLEY BULL CLACKAMAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION its owner in a lawsuit over unpaid wages. The farmworkers — Arnulfo Hernandez Gas- par and Jaime Bucho San- chez — filed a complaint last year against BT Ventures and its owner, Thomas Dubiel, as well as a labor contractor. The plaintiffs claim they were recruited to work at a hemp processing warehouse in Josephine County, Ore., where they cut, hung and packed the crop in 2019. The complaint said they promised $19 an hour in wages and paid for the first two weeks of work, but didn’t receive payment for the final 120 hours. BT Ventures has filed an administrative dissolution with Oregon’s Secretary of State’s Office, and Thomas Dubiel could not be reached for comment. Neither the company nor Dubiel responded to the alle- gations, which were filed in federal court, and a magistrate judge recommended entering a default judgment against the defendants. The magistrate judge said the plaintiffs stated sufficient claims under the Agricul- tural Worker Protection Act and that the circumstances weighed in their favor. The complaint was for- mally served on the defen- dants and there’s “no evi- dence” that their failure to respond was due to “excus- able neglect,” said U.S. Mag- istrate Judge Mark Clarke in Medford, Ore. “Without an appearance by the defendants and their side of the facts or any other countervailing evidence, the factors weigh in plain- tiffs’ favor, and the court can- not find a reason to deny the motion for default judgment,” Clarke said. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken has now affirmed that recommendation and awarded the plaintiffs more than $36,000 in unpaid wages, damages and penalties, as well as about $10,000 in attor- ney fees and court costs. The judgment does not affect Pierce Farm Labor of Rogue River, Ore., which filed an answer challenging the complaint’s allegations but has also filed an adminis- trative dissolution. The hemp industry boomed in 2019, when it reached a national peak of more than 500,000 acres, but it has since contended with a surplus of the crop. Hemp prices dropped due to the excess inventory, result- ing in legal disputes over pay- ment and national acreage falling by more than half since then. LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 NISSAN SEN 4DR VIN = 3N1AB7AP0JL655821 Amount due on lien $1915.00  Reputed owner(s) GEORGINA CAMPOS & SERGIO SORIANO REGIONAL ACCEPTANCE CORP LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 FORRI 32’ RT VIN = 4X4TSMH28FT109330 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) GARY D ELLSON & WENDY M S CANITES SPOKANE TEACHERS C.U LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  FRRV FRRV RT VIN = 5ZT2CAYB7GT008678 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) COPART LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 TOYT YARIS 4DR VIN = 3MYDLBYVXJY328300 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) JENNIFER CASTRO WESTLAKE FINANCIAL SERVICES LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2013 TOYT PRIUS 4DR VIN = JTDKDTB33D1047920 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) JUNE E & JOHN J CHLADEK OREGON STATE CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2017 TOYT CAM 4D VIN = 4T1BF1FK2HU710815 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) JORDAN P DUILIO LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 HYUN TUCSON UT VIN = KM8J3CA45JU643223 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) DONALD LEE JAMES HYUNDAI MOTOR FINANCE LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 CHEV TAHOE LL VIN = 1GNSKBKC9JR202183 Amount due on lien $1515.00  Reputed owner(s) DOUGLAS N LUMBARD ONPOINT COMMUNITY C.U LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2018 FORD MUSTANG 2DR VIN = 1FA6P8CF1J5105659 Amount due on lien $1915.00  Reputed owner(s) JUSTIN G & BRANDON J PALMER LEXUS FINANCIAL SERVICES LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2014 ACURA ILX 4DR VIN = 19VDE1F70EE014100 Amount due on lien $1915.00  Reputed owner(s) MARK A & MICHELLE L SUBOTNICK ONPOINT COMMUNITY C.U LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2020 RYRV HID CT VIN = 4YDT22L27LN245298 Amount due on lien $1915.00  Reputed owner(s) TOMMY JOE ALLAN ROSS MID OREGON FED C.U LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2017 KIA SOUL UT VIN = KNDJP3A54H7502220 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) DENVER & JULIE MORRISSEY C/O PEMCO LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2017 TOYT RAV UT VIN = JTMDJREV5HD101286 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) JAMES D & COLLEEN M SAUVE TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2015 NISS PTH UT VIN = 5N1AR2MM4FC636328 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) MOLLY MILES HICKMAN ONPOINT COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2017 LEXS RX UT VIN = 2T2BZMCA8HC056310 Amount due on lien $1555.00  Reputed owner(s) PAULA P DAWLEY LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 98  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 05/06/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  BAKER & BAKER TOWING & CRANE 2874 NEWBERG HWY WOODBURN, OR 2014 HYUNDAI 53’ TTRLR VIN = 3H3V532C0ET198009 Amount due on lien $10707.50  Reputed owner(s) > NTS TRAILER SERVICES INC LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2019 FORD EXP LL VIN = 1FM5K8GT8KGB54377 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) STEVEN WAYNE COOPER SELCO COMMUNITY C.U LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/09/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2014 TOYT PRIUS 4DR VIN = JTDKN3DU7E1772750 Amount due on lien $1535.00  Reputed owner(s) NATALIE ANN HANKWITZ FIBRE FEDERAL C.U By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press Two Oregon farmwork- ers have won a default judg- ment of $46,000 against a defunct hemp company and PUBLIC NOTICE The Oregon Beef Council will hold a public hearing to approve the pro- posed 2022-2023 fiscal budget. The hearing starts at 10:00 a.m. May 17, 2022 and will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing. Any person wishing to comment on the budget is welcome to do so either orally or in writing. A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspec- tion at www.orbeef.org. Contact randi@orbeef.org by 5:00pm May 15, 2022 to request a link for the video meeting and/or to submit a written comment. Please include your name and farm/industry in your emailed requests.