8 CapitalPress.com Friday, April 22, 2022 More research needed to fuel carbon markets bon from the atmosphere or avoided carbon emissions,” he said during a Farm Foun- Carbon sequestration is a dation virtual seminar. The lack of consistent, hot topic in agriculture, and while farmers have great uniform guidelines across potential for cashing in on MRV systems can result in LWVFLHQWL¿FJDSVFRQWLQXHWR high search costs incurred by hinder participation in car- credit buyers to evaluate the bon markets, an economist suitability of credits gener- DWHGWKURXJKGL൵HUHQWFDUERQ says. Sequestration is certi- programs, he said. ¿HGWRYHULI\FODLPVIRUFDU- “One way to address this bon credits through the Mea- particular challenge is to suring, Reporting, Verifying standardize the guidelines (MRV) systems, said Ale- across MRV systems, and jandro Plastina, associate that would reduce the search professor of economics and cost for credit buyers,” he extension economist at Iowa said. State University. Another challenge is that a “Having robust MRV sys- low degree of independence tems is key to convincing EHWZHHQYHUL¿HUVDQGFDUERQ buyers that the implemented programs could undermine changes in agricultural prac- EX\HUV¶ WUXVW LQ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ tices actually removed car- he said. By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press “However, independent YHUL¿FDWLRQ LV FRVWO\ DQG might be cost-prohibitive for small-scale projects. So aggregation of carbon proj- ects before submission for YHUL¿FDWLRQ FDQ UHGXFH WKLV problem or this challenge, along with increased com- petition among independent YHUL¿HUV´KHVDLG Another issue is the long-term target dates of corporations committing to carbon neutrality, many of which are a decade or more in the future. That’s gener- ating a disconnect between long-term plans and short- and medium-term demand for carbon credits, creating uncertainty for farmers, he said. “So more information on short- and medium-term plans to purchase carbon credits by these corpora- tions would address this challenge,” he said. Changing farming prac- tices is costly for farm- ers, so the industry needs to understand the costs and prices that need to be paid for farmers to enroll in car- bon programs, he said. Another challenge is cur- rent technology leaves a lot of uncertainty in the pro- jected volume of carbon credits that can be produced by a farmer, he said. “This can generate sub- VWDQWLDOGL൵HUHQFHVEHWZHHQ the projected and the actual volumes for which farmers are compensated, depend- ing on weather, timeliness of the practices, weed pres- sure at the point in time and so on,” he said. Improving modeling capabilities and reducing uncertainties in estimation is critical to develop a mar- ket for agricultural carbon, he said. Another science gap is related to measuring not the projected volume but the actual volume of car- bon removed or avoided on DIDUPEHFDXVHWKDW¶VGL൶FXOW and costly, he said. “So more research is QHHGHG WR ¿QG WKH DSSURSUL- ate mix of technologies to measure the actual removal RUDYRLGDQFHUDWHVDWGL൵HUHQW project scales — the farm, the region and so on,” he said. The third science gap is that it is currently impossi- ble to compare carbon cred- its generated by one change in practices on one farm across FDUERQ SURJUDPV 'L൵HUHQW FDUERQSURJUDPVXVHGL൵HUHQW models to estimate changes in carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, he said. “The industry needs to generate research-based guidelines on how to compare the potential to generate car- bon credits across programs,” he said. The industry also needs increased transparency on how carbon programs will address carbon removal to understand the impact of potential adoption both for farmers and buyers, he said. “Finally, we need to develop tools to manage production, price and legal aspects for participating farm- ers and other players in the system,” he said. High costs +LJKO\FRQWDJLRXVDYLDQÀXFRQ¿UPHGLQ,GDKR expected to stress dairy margins By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press USDA is forecasting Class III milk prices will average $24.05 per hundred- weight for 2022, but costs are rising and that leaves the outlook for farmers’ prof- itability in limbo. On average, milk prices are covering costs, but labor, energy, inputs, every- thing on the cost side is putting pressure on margins, said Ben Laine, a dairy econ- omist with Rabobank. “It’s going to be an environment of active risk management and just oper- ational strategic management” for the foreseeable future, he said during the lat- est “DairyLiveStream” podcast. Conversations with dairy producers are all about managing risks and the high cost of everything — feed, fuel, fertilizer, labor and parts, said Sam Miller, man- aging director of agricultural banking at BMO Harris Bank. Milk prices are covering costs for now. The question is how long does “for now” last, he said. The good news is dairies had some good years with milk prices and govern- ment payments related to the pandemic and trade mitigation, he said. “That really helped liquidity and helped strengthen balance sheets,” he said. Working capital positions and balance sheet positions are the strongest they’ve been in a number of years, he said. While milk revenue is currently cov- ering costs, the risk ahead is on both the income side and the expense side, he said. “That margin is going to compress at some point in time. Either milk prices will come down or the cost structure will continue to increase,” he said. Petroleum prices will eventually come down, bringing down fertilizer and feed costs. But other costs such as labor, parts and equipment aren’t likely to come down, he said. “So keeping an eye on margins, man- aging price risk is as critical as it’s ever been and frankly more challenging when you’ve got the volatility on both sides of the equation,” he said. Feed costs per hundredweight of milk were up 12% in 2021 year over year. Fuel and utilities were up more than 20%. Labor costs increased and total operat- ing costs were up 6%, said Chris Wolf, an agricultural economist at Cornell University. “That was prior to the recent spikes that we’ve seen in some of these things related to the international events,” he said. Income over feed costs is pretty decent right now. But the increases in other expenses mean those margins aren’t as healthy as they would appear, he said. Rising interest rates and international events such as natural disasters and man- PDGHFRQÀLFWVOLNHWKHZDULQ8NUDLQHDUH other sources of uncertainty, he said. Miller said it could end up being a pretty good year with milk prices, espe- cially if producers pre-purchased inputs. But at some point, milk prices are going to correct. And a correction in expenses won’t happen until after milk prices correct. Producers should prepare for lower milk prices while revenue is positive, he said. ³)LUVW R൵ LW¶V EXLOGLQJ XS ZRUNLQJ capital. So if you’ve got accounts, get them cleaned up. Be on pre-pay and be on early-pay instead of having accounts payable,” he said. Secondly, producers should pay down lines of credit so they’ve got that avail- ability and then build up the rest of their working capital so they have a cushion. With the high cost of labor, they should DOVREXLOGODERUH൶FLHQF\RUDXWRPDWLRQ into their operation, if possible, he said. $YLDQÀXKDVEHHQIRXQGLQ WZR ÀRFNV RI GRPHVWLF FKLFN- ens in Idaho, the state Depart- ment of Agriculture says. The department received FRQ¿UPDWLRQ IURP 86'$ RI several cases of Highly Patho- JHQLF $YLDQ ,QÀXHQ]D YLUXV — known as HPAI — in two VHSDUDWH ÀRFNV RI FKLFNHQV LQ Gooding and Caribou counties. 7KHD൵HFWHGÀRFNVDSSHDUWR be unrelated, ISDA said. Gooding County is in south-central Idaho, and Car- ibou County is in southeast Idaho. They are roughly 200 miles apart. 7KH FDVHV ZHUH FRQ¿UPHG WKURXJK D FRRUGLQDWHG H൵RUW between ISDA and USDA Ani- mal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Following preliminary UHVXOWV WKH ¿QDO GHWHUPLQDWLRQ was made by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, said Chanel Tewalt, ISDA deputy director. The virus was found in sev- eral birds in the two small ÀRFNV2QHLVGH¿QHGDVDSRXO- try operation, meaning it sells or gives away poultry, eggs or PHDW7KH RWKHU LV GH¿QHG DV D non-poultry domestic operation, which does not distribute prod- ucts, she said. 8SRQ FRQ¿UPDWLRQ D KROG order was put on the infected ÀRFNV VR ELUGV GRQ¶W OHDYH WKH SURSHUW\ 7KH HQWLUH ÀRFN RQ Getty Images Two nocks of chickens in Idaho were to be depopulated after avian nu was found. each property will be depopu- lated as soon as possible, she said. The virus “is highly conta- gious, which is why there’s such a rapid response with depopula- WLRQH൵RUWV´VKHVDLG It had not been detected in GRPHVWLF ÀRFNV LQ ,GDKR EHIRUH now, but it was detected in wild birds in the state in 2015 and 2017. Low Pathogenic $YLDQ,QÀXHQ]DZDVGHWHFWHGLQ domestic birds many years ago, she said. 86'$ FRQ¿UPHG +3$, LQ Massachusetts, Wyoming, North Carolina and North Dakota in 0DUFK 7KH DJHQF\ FRQ¿UPHG HPAI in Colorado, Montana and Texas in April. HPAI is carried by migra- tory waterfowl. Idaho is within WKH 3DFL¿F )O\ZD\ 'RPHVWLF birds and poultry are susceptible to morbidity and mortality once infected. HPAI is transmitted between birds through close contact, fecal matter and sometimes as an aero- sol. It is often carried on objects such as tools, vehicles, clothes and boots, which can transfer the virus from one location to another. Signs of HPAI in domes- tic poultry frequently include decreased appetite and activ- LW\ UHVSLUDWRU\ GL൶FXOW\ GDUN combs and wattle and unex- plained mortality. ISDA said it is essential for poultry owners to be vigilant in monitoring for illness and con- tact the ISDA State Veterinar- ian immediately when HPAI V\PSWRPV DUH FRQ¿UPHG +3$, is a reportable disease in Idaho, and veterinarians are required to report detections to ISDA. It is uncommon for humans to become infected, but symp- toms may include conjunctivi- tis, fever, lethargy, aches, cough- ing or diarrhea. Being in direct contact with domestic birds is the highest risk activity. When USDA guidelines for cooking are followed, HPAI is not a food- borne illness. 7KHEHVWIRUPRIÀRFNSURWHF- tion is maintaining strong bios- ecurity standards. Biosecurity includes limiting the number of people who interact with the birds, washing hands before and after handling the birds and hav- ing dedicated clothing and tools IRUHDFKÀRFN ISDA will post updates on the situation on its website at https:// agri.idaho.gov . ,GD ho Power seeks to recoup added costs of electricity By BRAD CARLSON Capital Press ODFW About 175 wolves live in Oregon, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife says. State: Oregon wolf population growth slows; mortalities rise tion as they expand in distribu- tion across the state and show a strong upward population trend,” SALEM — Oregon’s wolf Brown said in a statement. population increased by just two Environmental groups individuals in 2021, according argued the report shows Ore- to the state Department of Fish gon’s wolf population is in cri- and Wildlife, while the number sis due to poaching and other of wolf deaths was the highest human-caused mortality. Danielle Moser, wildlife pro- yet in a single year. ODFW released its annual gram coordinator for Oregon wolf report on April 19, docu- Wild, said the deaths reported menting 175 wolves compared by ODFW are “only known to 173 in 2020. The count is a mortalities and there are cer- minimum estimate based on tainly many more unaccounted YHUL¿HGHYLGHQFHVXFKDVZROI for deaths and poaching of sightings, tracks and remote uncollared wolves.” Zoe Hanley, Northwest rep- camera photographs. A total of 26 wolves died resentative for Defenders of in 2021, including 21 killed by Wildlife, said the group is con- humans. Of those, four were hit cerned Oregon’s wolf recov- by vehicles, eight were illegally ery is not adequately addressing poisoned, one was legally shot threats like poaching. “This year’s report is a call by a rancher on private property and another eight were killed by to action for agencies like ODFW after habitually preying (ODFW) and Oregon State Police to recognize the severity on livestock. Roblyn Brown, ODFW wolf of poaching incidents and take program coordinator, said last additional steps to protect Ore- year’s rise in mortalities “cer- gon’s vulnerable wolves,” Han- tainly played a role” in the lat- ley said. John Williams, wolf com- est population survey remaining mittee co-chairman for the Ore- PRVWO\ÀDW “Despite this, we are con- gon Cattlemen’s Association ¿GHQW LQ WKH FRQWLQXHG KHDOWK based in Enterprise, said he was of the state’s wolf popula- surprised by the wolf popula- By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press tion being mostly unchanged, considering ranchers are seeing wolves in areas where they’ve never seen them before. “We know their areas are expanding. We know the num- bers are expanding,” Williams said. Most wolves in Oregon inhabit the far northeast cor- ner of the state, though they are branching into new territory. ODFW established four new areas of resident wolf activ- ity in 2021, covering parts of *UDQW -H൵HUVRQ .ODPDWK DQG Union counties. The state now has 21 known wolf packs — 16 of which qualify as breeding pairs — in addition to eight other groups of two or three wolves. Wolves also continued to prey on livestock in 2021. 2'): FRQ¿UPHG FDVHV RI wolf depredation, up from 31 in 2020. In all, wolves killed or injured 95 animals, including six cows, 44 calves, 17 ewes, 11 lambs, 14 goats and three guard dogs. The vast majority, 92%, of those depredations occurred between July and November, with 86% on private land and 14% on public land. Idaho Power irrigation customers would pay 8.46% more for electric- ity if regulators approve the compa- ny’s annual power cost adjustment. The company said the adjustment, ¿OHG ZLWK WKH ,GDKR 3XEOLF 8WLOLWLHV Commission on April 15, calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s heat- wave and less hydroelectric genera- tion due to drought. Idaho Power last year requested a power cost adjustment that included a 3.44% increase for irrigators. Across all customer classes, the proposed increase for 2022 attributed to the power cost adjust- ment is 8.27%, up from 3.36% a year ago. Earlier power cost adjustments included a 5.21% increase in 2020 and a 4.34% decrease in 2019. The power cost adjustment of $103.4 million passes to customers the higher costs associated with sup- plying energy. Money collected is used only to recover expenses asso- FLDWHG ZLWK DQQXDO ÀXFWXDWLRQV LQ power costs. Neither the company nor its share- KROGHUVUHFHLYHD¿QDQFLDOUHWXUQ Idaho Power said actual power supply costs in 2021 exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-ex- pected hydro generation, high natu- ral gas prices and high market prices for power. The company paid higher power costs during last summer’s heat wave, when it exceeded its pre- YLRXV DOOWLPH SHDN ORDG ¿YH FRQ- secutive days. Irrigation is the smallest cus- tomer class but has relatively high usage per customer, company spokesman Jordan Rodriguez told Capital Press.