Friday, April 22, 2022 5 End of canola acreage limit may free cultivation 4 or trigger battle By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press AMITY, Ore. 4 The 500-acre limit on canola planting in Oregon9s Wil- lamette Valley expires next year, either allowing its free cultivation 4 or trigger- ing another legislative battle over crop restrictions. This summer, farmers in the region must obtain approval to plant fall canola from the Oregon Depart- ment of Agriculture for the ¿QDOWLPHXQGHU6HQDWH%LOO 885, which caps the crop9s annual acreage. Supporters of expanding canola production in the val- ley are hopeful that changed political circumstances and D ODFN RI FRQÀLFWV RYHU WKH FURS ZLOO LPSHGH H൵RUWV WR restrict its production.