Grape growers spur investigation 4 By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press A California farmers coop- erative has complained that Argentina exports grape juice FRQFHQWUDWH DW DUWL¿FLDOO\ depressed prices, triggering a federal trade investigation into U.S. market impacts. Delano Growers Grape Products claims the Argen- tinian government stabilizes LWVZLQHLQGXVWU\E\GLYHUWLQJ much of its grape crop into juice, then exporting the con- centrate at price levels with which U.S. producers can9t compete. Due to its location in the Southern Hemisphere, the FRXQWU\ LV IXUWKHU DEOH WR exploit its advantage over WKH 86 JUDSH LQGXVWU\ WKH FRPSDQ\¶V SHWLWLRQ VDLG NTS TRAILER SERVICES INC LEGAL PURSUANT TO ORS CHAPTER 87  Notice is hereby given that the following vehicle will be  sold, for  cash to the highest bidder, on 05/02/2022.  The sale will be held at 10:00am by  COPART OF WASHINGTON INC  2885 NATIONAL WAY WOODBURN, OR  2004 SUBA IMP 4D VIN = JF1GD296746506692 Amount due on lien $1775.00  Reputed owner(s) JOSHUA BRADLEY BULL CLACKAMAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION