Friday, April 22, 2022 3 Oregon farmers urge against city9s trail proposal By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press CANBY, Ore. 4 Farmers and landowners in Oregon9s Clacka- mas County say they oppose the development of a recreational trail they fear will increase crime and disrupt agriculture. 2൶FLDOVIURPWKHFLW\RI&DQE\ heard April 12 from property own- ers adjacent to the 3.4-mile portion RIDQROGORJJLQJWUDLOWKDWPD\EH converted into a pedestrian and ELF\FOHWUDLO &LW\ R൶FLDOV DQG WUDLO SURSR- nents reassured landowners that &DQE\LVVWLOOGHFLGLQJZKHWKHUWR LQYHVWLQWKHSURMHFWEXWKDVQ¶W\HW committed to development.