Capital Press EMPOWERING PRODUCERS OF FOOD & FIBER Friday, April 22, 2022 Volume 95, Number 16 $2.00 ON THE FARM GOV. KATE BROWN Occupation: Governor of Oregon Age: 61 Born: Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain, on a U.S. Air Force base where her father served. Hometown: Arden Hills, Minn. Education: Degree in envi- ronmental conservation and certio cate in women9s studies, University of Colorado at Boul- der; law degree and certio cate of environmental law, North- western School of Law at Lewis & Clark College in Portland. Public service: Oregon House of Representatives, 1991-1997; Oregon Senate 1997-2009; Oregon Secretary of State 2009-2015. Became Oregon governor in 2015 and was elected to a second term that ends in 2023. Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press Stephen Hagen, owner of Antiquum Farm, explains to Oregon Gov. Kate Brown how he grazes his sheep in the rows between winegrape vines. He uses electric wires similar to electric fencing to keep the sheep from damaging the vines. Family: Husband Dan Little (married Brown in 1997), retired in 2015 after a de- cades-long career in the U.S. Forest Service. Brown has two stepchildren (Dan9s adult children), Dylan and Jessie. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown talks about rural and farming issues J By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press UNCTION CITY, Ore. 4 Oregon Gov. Kate Brown last week visited Antiquum Farm, a Willamette Val- ley vineyard and livestock operation owned by Ste- phen Hagen and his wife, Niki. The governor was there at Hagen9s invi- tation to learn more about Antiquum9s ver- tically integrated business, sustainability goals and WKHEHQH¿WVRIJUD]LQJ The farm, nestled in Junction City9s rolling hills E\7XUQERZ&UHHNKDVJUD]LQJEDVHGYLWLFXOWXUH² URWDWLRQDO LQWHQVLYH JUD]LQJ RI .DWDKGLQ DQG 'RU per sheep, Kunekune pigs, poultry and waterfowl among rows of Pinot noir and Pinot gris grapes to control weeds and boost soil health. Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press In addition to wine, the Hagens sell pasture-raised meats, Brown with a livestock guardian dog at eggs and honey, and their latest venture involves expanding Antiquum Farm in Junction City, Ore. WKHLUWDUJHWHGJUD]LQJRSHUDWLRQXVLQJJRDWVWRJUD]HSULYDWH IRUHVWODQGWRUHGXFHZLOG¿UHULVN$V%URZQWRXUHGWKHIDUP she asked questions, trekked through pastures and forestland and petted a menagerie of farm animals. 'XULQJ KHU WLPH LQ R൶ FH VLQFH DV 2UHJRQ¶V WK governor, Brown9s policies 4 especially relating to climate change and business regulation 4 have been controversial, and her approaches have often generated criticism from many in the state9s farm- ing and rural communities. After the tour, Brown sat down with Capital 3UHVVUHSRUWHU6LHUUD'DZQ0F&ODLQIRUDQH[FOX sive interview on issues of importance to farmers and ranchers. The text of the conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. QA & See Q&A, Page 9 Brown signs farmworker overtime pay bill By SIERRA DAWN McCLAIN Capital Press 6$/(0 ² 2UHJRQ *RY .DWH Brown has signed into law House %LOO ZKLFK SKDVHV RXW WKH state9s agricultural overtime pay exemption. The new law establishes over- time pay requirements for agricul- WXUDO ZRUNHUV LQ 2UHJRQ DIWHU hours per week, with the require- PHQWV SKDVHG LQ RYHU ¿YH \HDUV VWDUWLQJLQ