6 CapitalPress.com Editorials are written by or approved by members of the Capital Press Editorial Board. Friday, April 1, 2022 All other commentary pieces are the opinions of the authors but not necessarily this newspaper. Opinion Editor & Publisher Managing Editor Joe Beach Carl Sampson opinions@capitalpress.com | CapitalPress.com/opinion Our View Private enterprise shines in climate efforts N ot to be critical of govern- ment, but if you want some- thing done, you’re usually best off looking to private enterprise. It’s not that government can’t do it, it’s just that government too often gets in the way of itself — and everyone else. Take, for example, efforts to slow climate change. At the state and fed- eral levels, a hodgepodge of climate programs has emerged over the years. Most are aimed at jacking up oil and gas prices. By doing that, they are supercharging inflation, which is now 7.9%, the high- est it’s been since 1982. The federal government has been particularly inept in its climate efforts. It has subsidized “green” companies such as Tesla, which in turn has built facto- ries overseas, including China, the big- gest climate polluter on the planet. That country produces 30% of the world’s carbon dioxide and continues to add to its fleet of 1,110 coal-fired power gen- eration plants to run all of those Chi- nese-built Teslas. By comparison, India operates the second-largest number of coal-fired plants, 285. In the meantime, the federal govern- ment has also discouraged domestic oil and natural gas production while going to countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia looking for more oil. In Oregon, the unelected bureau- Sierra Dawn McClain/Capital Press The Organic Valley Cooperative has a new climate effort that will pay member farm- ers to sequester or prevent carbon dioxide and methane from entering the atmo- sphere. crats in the Department of Environment Quality are doing an end-run around the legislature with their “Climate Protec- tion Program.” In Washington, the Department of Ecology is aiming at forcing refiner- ies to reduce their greenhouse gases by 28% in four years. That means consumers and busi- nesses — you — will ultimately be sad- dled with higher gasoline and diesel prices. The carbon footprints of Oregon and Washington are minuscule com- pared to those of China, India and Rus- sia, or even California. What we in the Inslee is unaware of his broken relationship with Washington ag I t is not often Gov. Jay Inslee directly addresses Washington’s agricultural community. Recently, Capital Press ran a cover story featur- ing our governor doing just that. The interview revealed how out of touch Gov. Inslee has become with the farmers and ranchers of our state and, yet, how certain he is of his own abil- ity to maintain a relationship with that same community. When asked how he would “char- acterize his relationship” with the agri- cultural community, the governor responded, “Maybe it’s a little easier for me to do that than others, because I spent two decades in Selah, trying to set my little irrigation box to just the right amount of water to water my hay field, surrounded by orchardists and people in the ag industry. So I think it’s a little easier for me to have that rela- tionship. …” It is an odd statement from a gov- ernor who celebrated passage of new overtime pay requirements at the end of the last legislative session, brought maggot infested apples into a quaran- tine area after the horrific fires of last year, and surprised farmers with legis- lation that would have devastated the agricultural community by requiring farmers to set aside large stream buf- fers without compensation. Washington state’s flagrant disre- gard for its farmers and ranchers starts from the top down. Last year’s overtime pay law, touted as promoting fair wages for farmwork- ers, will very likely shortchange those very farmworkers the governor pur- portedly supports. Our state already pays some of the highest farmworker wages in the country — an estimated average of $18/hour — and adding a time-and-a-half requirement after 40 hours in 2024, will force employers to reduce that hourly rate to minimum wage and limit hours worked, thus decreasing the overall take-home wage for farmworkers. After wildfire ravaged the city of GUEST VIEW Pam Lewison Malden last summer, the governor thoughtlessly broke apple maggot quarantine rules by bringing apples from trees at the Governor’s Mansion in Olympia to survivors of the fire. Apple maggots are a highly inva- sive pest that burrow into the soil, lay eggs, and once established, can- not be eradicated. Few parts of East- ern Washington remain apple mag- got free, and signs are prominently posted on our roadways indicating a prohibition on transporting fruit into a quarantine zone. A rule a life-long Washingtonian connected to the agri- cultural community should be aware of. This year’s legislative session posed its own challenges to the notion the governor is connected to the farm and ranch community. The introduction of HB 1838, a bill filed at the request of the governor, proposed to expand ripar- ian buffers to as much as 249 feet from the high-water mark of 100-year flood- plains throughout the entire state. It was dubbed by many as a “farm killer” and for good reason. In Whatcom and Skagit counties, where lowland farms were only just drying out after winter flooding, the fear of losing generational farms was all too real. Fortunately, the bill died in committee. Later in the interview, the gover- nor was asked what his response would be to critics who say his policies and regulations are making farming more difficult. “Well, I’d have to know what peo- ple are referring to,” Gov. Inslee said. Anyone with a relationship to farmers and ranchers would already know. Pam Lewison is agriculture research director for the Washington Policy Center. LETTERS POLICY Write to us: Capital Press welcomes letters to the editor on issues of interest to farmers, ranch- ers and the agribusiness community. Letters policy: Please limit letters to 300 words and include your home address and a daytime telephone number with your submission. Longer pieces, 500-750 words, may be considered as guest commentary pieces for use on the opinion pages. Guest commentary submissions should also include a photograph of the author. Send letters via email to opinions@capitalpress.com. Emailed letters are preferred and require less time to process, which could result in quicker publication. Letters also may be sent to P.O. Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308. Northwest do to slow climate change matters, but not very much. Washing- ton produces about 0.19% of global car- bon emissions, while Oregon produces about 0.17%. That’s according to each state and the Our World in Data website. With that in mind, we were greatly interested in a new private enterprise effort that appears to have all of the trappings of success. Organic Valley, a cooperative of organic dairy farmers, last month announced its Carbon Inset- ting Program as a means of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This program is the essence of sim- plicity. Instead setting up some confus- ing government-style effort that requires a battalion of new employees, Organic Valley will pay co-op members for reducing their carbon footprint. More efficient lighting and coolers, install- ing solar panels, planting trees and bet- ter manure management are among the activities that will reduce or offset car- bon dioxide and methane production. The efforts will be certified by a third party, SustainCERT, to determine the impacts. In return, the farmers will receive the market rate, about $15, for every metric ton of carbon that is either sequestered or otherwise prevented from entering the atmosphere. Others in agriculture are developing efforts that will similarly reduce their impact on the climate. They all have several characteristics in common. They are simple, meaning- ful and effective. Those are three characteristics gener- ally missing from government climate efforts. A suggestion: Maybe the govern- ment should stick to encouraging pri- vate enterprise to reduce its carbon footprint instead of pushing programs that will cost consumers, businesses, farmers and ranchers. Our confidence is in private enter- prise. If government wants to help, that’s fine. It just shouldn’t get in the way. Cultivating the leaders of tomorrow V iolence broke out, people were arrested, some were beaten, shots were fired, vehicles were damaged, a bridge was burned. This could be the news from last week, but I want to take you back to Washington’s “Fish Wars” of the 1960s and 1970s. Sport and commercial fishing industries were competing with Native American tribes. The lawsuit that followed redefined the roles of tribes in natural resource management in the Pacific Northwest, leading eventually to the Timber/Fish/Wildlife Agreement (TFW), which was signed in the early 1980s as a new way to manage natural resources with tribes, loggers, environmentalists and agencies work- ing together on practices. Credit for TFW is given to two strong lead- ers: Billy Frank Jr., a Nisqually tribal leader, and Stu Bledsoe, an Ellensburg rancher turned politician. What these two men accomplished with TFW showed all natural resource indus- tries, including agriculture, the need for and value of aggressively pursuing their needs and explaining them to the public — especially as it related to public policy. As he worked on TFW, Bledsoe also drove the first efforts to build a natural resources leadership program in Washington state, pat- terned after other state programs. Leadership. Some will say, “I know it when I see it.” What if you didn’t have to wait to stumble upon someone with leadership skills? What if you could build leaders? Take raw tal- ent and allow that talent to grow, to bloom, to excel? Would you be interested? Now in its 45th year, the AgForestry Lead- ership Program has graduated over 1,000 lead- ers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Lead- ers that help advance their industries through understanding, education and empowerment. Leaders who understand and navigate issues in the public policy arena. The program spans 18 months with 11 mul- tiday seminars, plus a week in Washington, D.C., and two weeks in a foreign country. The seminars build leadership skills but also group dynamics and public speaking; working with the media; social issues; state and federal gov- ernment; forestry issues and agriculture issues; transportation; the Columbia River system; and crime and corrections. But the AgForestry program of 1977 will not be effectual in 2027. To continue intentional impact and deliver adult leadership development through training, programming and experiential learning, well, one needs to look to the future: a future with Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z — then comes Gen- eration Alpha! It is already clear that the target audience of tomorrow is different and has very different values, learning styles and expecta- tions. AgForestry needs to evaluate and retool to ensure its leadership program remains rel- evant, attracts high-quality candidates, makes an impact with graduates and continues to res- GUEST VIEW Vicky Scharlau onate with grantors, alumni, contributors and stakeholders. I am a graduate of Class 10 and was barely 30 years old at the time. AgForestry changed my life and my professional trajectory and taught me much, most importantly to help oth- ers find their voice and facilitate the “process” toward public policy. A process that is often like watching paint dry, but necessary, needed and often long overdue. I found I could make a difference by not being the loudest voice in the room. If you look closely, you can spot an AgFor- estry graduate. And if you know a recent grad- uate, you are no doubt amazed and impressed with the transformation that occurred before your eyes. Graduates emerge as different peo- ple. As they should, after a highly competi- tive selection process, seminars covering 18 months, and at least 58 days of required time and attendance. Astonishingly, the cost to a participant is just $6,000. The actual cost is over $40,000 — offset by contributions from grants, alumni and other stakeholders who value leadership. The total investment in each class is $750,000. The Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation, which oversees the AgForestry Leadership Program, looks for production candidates — key or up-and-coming deci- sion-makers from farming, forestry, fishing or natural resource entities or who spend their time in hands-on activities. Agriculture, for- estry and natural resources include produc- ers (farmer, forester and fisher), processor/ shippers, and marketing/salespeople. It also includes education, law, finance, insurance and government agencies who serve the natu- ral resources sector. Those in fields such as the environment, media, research, labor and pub- lic relations who demonstrate strong connec- tions to natural resource industries are also considered. Applications for Class 44 will be accepted until April 30. The first seminar is set to start in October at Washington State University. To learn more, there are Q&A sessions on Wednesday, April 6 at 10–11 a.m. and the last one is on April 18 at 1-2 p.m. To learn more or to start the application pro- cess, go to: agforestry.org/prospects. To invest in future leaders, go to: agforestry. org/donate. We cultivate leaders. Vicky Scharlau (Class 10) is the interim executive director of the Agriculture and For- estry Education Foundation.