Friday, March 11, 2022 5 Hearing focuses on balancing water needs in Klamath Basin By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — Federal offi cials say they are determined to fi nd “long-term, durable” solu- tions to resolve the decades- old water crisis in the Klam- ath Basin, balancing diverse priorities to sustain healthy communities. The House Subcommit- tee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife held a virtual hear- ing March 8 to discuss the basin, including testimony from farmers, tribal mem- bers and local government leaders recounting how years of drought and miscues are now threatening local crops, salmon and domestic wells. Rep. Jared Huff man, D-Calif., chaired the meeting along with Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ore. Together, their dis- tricts span the entire basin straddling both states. “It is time to fi nd a path forward that breaks the sta- tus quo of litigation, risk and uncertainty over water that plagues all sides year after year,” Huff man said. The hearing came as the Klamath Basin faces another year of extreme drought. One day earlier, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown declared a drought emergency for Klamath County. As of March 1, the Klam- ath Basin had received just 69% of normal snowpack and 75% of normal precipi- tation for the 30-year period from 1991 to 2020, accord- ing to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Ser- vice. Streamfl ows were pre- George Plaven/Capital Press File A portion of the 60-mile Lost River, which feeds Tule Lake, was dry last summer because of drought in the Klamath Basin. dicted to be 43% to 93% of normal from March through September. Last year, no water was allocated from Upper Klam- ath Lake for irrigators in the Klamath Project for the fi rst time in more than a century as water managers struggled to maintain minimum lake lev- els for C’waam and Koptu, two species of endangered native sucker fi sh. That also meant no addi- tional water was available to send as “fl ushing fl ows” for juvenile coho salmon down- stream, leaving them vulner- able to a fi sh-killing para- site known as C. shasta that thrives in warmer water. “The drought is of pro- portions, length and dura- tion that I don’t think anyone was aware of or feared when many of the laws we’re now dealing with were crafted,” Bentz said. “Last year was bad. This year, apparently, sadly, is going to be perhaps worse.” Amy Cordalis, coun- sel for the Yurok Tribe in Northern California, said just 1-3% of the Klamath Riv- er’s iconic and once-abundant salmon runs remain, thanks to unsustainable water usage in the basin that has brought the aquatic ecosystem to its knees. “If these fl ows were reduced any further, the Klamath River would be under threat of ecological col- lapse,” she said. “We must ask ourselves what is sustainable, and let go of what no longer serves us. ... People in the basin cannot thrive until the ecosystem is restored.” Joe Davis, chairman of the Hoopa Valley Tribe, said pro- tecting fi sh is critical to the tribe’s way of life. “To have a meaningful opportunity to heal the Klam- ath Basin, numerous federal agencies need to provide not only funding but leadership in consultation with tribal gov- ernments to plan comprehen- sive and basin-wide manage- ment,” Davis stated in his written testimony. Agriculture is similarly Washington lawmakers nix forced buff ers, embrace conservation By DON JENKINS Capital Press OLYMPIA — Washing- ton legislators, who rejected mandatory riparian buff ers, are moving to signifi cantly increase spending on volun- tary conservation programs. While House and Sen- ate budget proposals diff er in details, both chambers sup- port new funding for incen- tive-based programs that rely on cooperative farmers to plant and maintain strips of vegetation along rivers and streams. Washington State Dairy Federation policy direc- tor Jay Gordon on Monday said opposition to the com- pulsory buff er bill proposed by Gov. Jay Inslee increased interest in funding voluntary conservation. “When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. The buff er bill was a lemon,” Gordon said. “Kudos to the legislators who said, ‘OK, if that’s not the way to do, what is?’” Inslee’s bill threatened landowners with $10,000-a- day fi nes for not maintaining riparian buff ers. Some tribal offi cials and environmental groups said voluntary con- servation was not enough to help salmon. Farmers led the opposi- tion, arguing that the manda- tory buff ers would be unnec- essarily wide — up to 250 feet — and fi nancially dev- astating. Inslee blamed his proposal’s failure to indiff er- ence toward salmon, further aggravating farm groups. During the debate over mandatory buff ers, farm groups told legislators that voluntary conservation is underfunded. In preliminary budget proposals, lawmakers have increased support for those programs. Meanwhile, the state will continue to study whether the programs work and whether they should be stiff ened by rules and enforcement. “I think the Legislature is expressing their interest in incentive programs, to work with landowners,” Washing- ton State Conservation Com- mission policy director Ron Shultz said Monday. “I don’t think it’s to the exclusion of regulations.” The dairy federation, Washington Farm Bureau and The Nature Conser- vancy sent a joint email to legislators last week asking them to increase spending on existing programs and fund new eff orts. “Green corridors around streams and rivers are import- ant to habitat health, the life within those waters and communities that depend on salmon,” the groups wrote. suff ering deep cuts with- out water to grow crops and livestock. Tricia Hill, a fi fth-gen- eration potato farmer based in Malin, Ore., said the agri- cultural community feels tar- geted by policies that culmi- nated in last year’s complete shutdown of the A Canal within the Klamath Project — serving 175,000 acres of irri- gated farmland. Without water fl owing through the Klamath Project, Hill said, the Lower Klam- ath and Tule Lake national wildlife refuges also went dry, aff ecting migratory birds along the Pacifi c Flyway. Irri- gators instead relied on lim- ited groundwater supplies, which were both costly to pump and caused hundreds of domestic wells to run dry. “My community and the environment is being destroyed to no gain for any- one,” Hill said. Though Hill said farmers were appreciative of $30 mil- lion in drought aid from the Bureau of Reclamation and USDA, “the simple truth is we need water to survive.” “If this need is not satis- fi ed, we will soon cease to exist,” she said. Farmer charged in kickback scheme By MATEUSZ PERKOWSKI Capital Press Federal prosecutors have charged an Ore- gon grass seed farmer and wholesaler with wire fraud for allegedly paying kickbacks to a seed com- pany representative. The U.S. Department of Justice claims that Greg McCarthy, the owner of Ground Zero Seeds in Yamhill, Ore., paid more than $190,000 in kick- backs to his longtime friend, Richard Dunham, who oversaw warehous- ing and order fulfi llment for Jacklin Seed, based in Liberty Lake, Wash. McCarthy faces up to 20 years in federal prison, three years probation and a $380,000 fi ne if con- victed of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, a fel- ony. He’s scheduled to be arraigned by a U.S. mag- istrate judge on March 15. Capital Press was unable to reach him for comment. According to the indict- ment, McCarthy was paid an extra 2 cents per pound for grass seed and kicked that money back to Dun- ham in exchange for being chosen as a supplier for Jacklin Seed between 2015 and 2019. “As a result of his posi- tion, Dunham could cause Jacklin to purchase grass seed from certain growers in Oregon rather than oth- ers,” the indictment said, with the alleged kickback scheme defrauding Jack- lin Seed and its previous owner, the J.R. Simplot Co. Dunham pretended to provide consulting and brokering services through a corporate entity that actually served to “conceal his receipt of kickbacks,” which he received from McCarthy as well as “other Jacklin suppliers,” the indictment said. McCarthy and Dun- ham discussed the scheme in emails in which they referred to the kickbacks as “shoes” or as contribu- tions to a “shoe fund,” the indictment said. The indictment marks the third criminal case brought by the federal government related to fraud by employees of Jacklin Seed. Best Prices on Irrigation Supplies Fast & Free Shipping from Oregon 10% OFF 1-844-259-0640 PROMO CODE: CAP10 S280806-1 S273920-1