10 CapitalPress.com Friday, February 25, 2022 Massive research eff ort will develop wheat for changing climates By MATTHEW WEAVER Capital Press The University of Cali- fornia-Davis is leading a $15 million, fi ve-year research project to accelerate wheat breeding to meet new climate realities and train a new gen- eration of plant breeders. A USDA National Insti- tute of Food and Agricul- ture grant will create a coor- dinated consortium of 41 wheat breeders and research- ers from 22 institutions in 20 states. Researchers from Mexico and the United King- dom are also participating. UC-Davis plant sciences professor Jorge Dubcovsky, who leads the research, said the eff ort is a continuation of public breeding eff orts. The researchers have been work- ing together for the last 20 years, he said. “You cannot create a gen- eral, magic, climate-resis- tant wheat,” Dubcovsky told the Capital Press. “What you do is accelerate your breed- ing cycles and try to be more effi cient, so you are always catching up with the varia- tion on the environment that you are breeding for.” The project will provide a centralized facility to ana- lyze data from growers and breeding programs, to pro- vide more information faster about the varieties under development. The data will be entered into a central data- base, Dubcovsky said. Four high-throughput USDA genotyping labs are part of the project, which will allow all data collected from growers and breeders and genetic information to select varieties faster, Dub- covsky said. “Breeding is always local,” Dubcovsky said. “The varieties that are good for Texas are not the same that are good for the Pacifi c Northwest, and are com- pletely diff erent than the vari- eties we grow in California.” Yield is always one of the highest priorities, to feed more people, he said. As cli- mate changes, pathogen pop- ulations shift and can become a high priority. Drought resis- UC-Davis UC-Davis plant sciences professor Jorge Dubcovsky with wheat plants. Dubcovsky is leading a national re- search eff ort to coordinate and develop wheat varieties in response to the changing climate. tance and baking quality are other key traits. “Quality and disease resistance, we understand the genetics very well,” Dub- covsky said. “Yield is more complicated. Each year, what makes the top variety yield better is diff erent than the next year. If one year there’s a lot of wind, the vari- ety that doesn’t shatter will be the top variety. If the next year there’s a lot of rain and you have lodging, the variety that doesn’t lodge will be the best one. The next year, you have a lot of (pathogen pres- sure), and only the varieties that will be resistant will be the best one. Every year, you get diff erent results. It’s not that easy to integrate all that information.” The database will help breeders determine which varieties will work best in which part of the country, he said. Washington State Uni- versity, University of Idaho and the USDA Agricultural Research Service branch in Washington are among those participating in the consortium. “These eff orts will directly contribute to PNW variety development for both winter and spring wheat pro- grams at WSU,” WSU spring wheat breeder Mike Pum- phrey said. The project will also help train future plant breeders. Twenty Ph.D. students in breeding programs will par- ticipate in fi eldwork, col- lect data from drones and DNA samples, and learn to integrate that information to accelerate wheat breed- ing. The students will partic- ipate in online and face-to- face workshops, educational events and national scientifi c conferences. Much of plant breeding has moved into the private sector, so there are fewer public breeding programs releasing varieties in the U.S., Dubcovsky said. “You cannot train plant breeders if you don’t have a breeding program,” Dub- covsky said. “We are using all these technologies also to prepare students (for) the place where they will be working.” Large private companies have similar abilities to col- lect data and select traits. “It’s kind of putting the public breeding programs at the same level (as) the mod- ern private breeding com- panies, so then we can train students in modern plant breeding,” Dubcovsky said. Dubcovsky has been breeding wheat at UC-Da- vis since 1997. He estimates he’s released 20 wheat varieties. “My goal is to have some- thing better than what the growers have in the fi eld today,” he said. “The main benefi t of this large grant is not a particular trait or a thing. It’s to help us coor- dinate all the breeding pro- grams and train all the stu- dents as a group. It will allow us to avoid duplica- tion of eff ort, to move eff orts together. ... The important thing is the coordination.” Lawsuit fi led to halt BLM salvage logging in North Umpqua watershed Idaho Legislature panel backs bill on Anderson Ranch Reservoir water right By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press By BRAD CARLSON Capital Press EUGENE, Ore. — Envi- ronmental groups have fi led another lawsuit to block post-wildfi re salvage logging in Oregon’s Umpqua River watershed. Cascadia Wildlands, Ore- gon Wild and the Klam- ath-Siskiyou Wildlands Cen- ter are challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s plans to cut down 12,562 acres of dead and burned trees from the Archie Creek fi re, one of several large blazes that amounted to a record wildfi re season for western Oregon in 2020. The complaint was fi led Feb. 8 in U.S. District Court in Eugene. It accuses the BLM of rushing through its analysis of the project, without consid- ering impacts to spotted owl habitat, protected streams and old-growth forests. A spokesperson for the BLM said the agency does not comment on pending litigation. The Archie Creek fi re burned more than 130,000 acres, including 39,900 acres of BLM forestland. In response, the agency autho- rized salvage logging to improve public safety and recover economic value from damaged trees. It is the largest post-fi re logging project in Oregon following the 2020 wildfi res, according to the lawsuit. Yet environmentalists argue the BLM did not prop- erly consider what eff ects the work will have on the land- scape. Agency offi cials pub- lished an Environmental Assessment for the Archie Creek Project in August A bill in the Idaho Leg- islature addresses the state’s application for the right to additional water stored in the Anderson Ranch Reser- voir after it is expanded. The House Resources & Conservation Com- mittee Feb. 17 voted to send House Bill 584 to the full House with a do-pass recommendation. The Legislature last year and in 2020 appropri- ated money to raise Ander- son Ranch Dam, northeast of Mountain Home, and is considering adding funding this year. The Idaho Water Resource Board fi led a water right application with the Department of Water Resources for the additional volume. The department director evaluates every water right application by certain crite- ria set in state law. HB 584 confi rms that cer- tain elements of that criteria are met — but continues to require the director to con- sider other criteria, includ- ing the impact on existing water rights. The bill “declares that the application is made in Craig Reed/For the Capital Press File Hillsides such as this one in the Glide, Ore., area were blackened by the Archie Creek Fire in 2020. 2021, which only studied two issues in detail — the economic benefi ts derived from logging, and impacts to water and soil quality. By narrowing the scope of the analysis, the law- suit claims that BLM “pro- actively eliminated a host of other social and envi- ronmental impacts from consideration” in fi nding the project had no signifi - cant environmental impact, thereby side-stepping a more thorough report under the National Environmental Pol- icy Act. Specifi cally, the groups said the BLM did not gauge how logging would aff ect endangered northern spot- ted owl habitat. Fifty-four spotted owl home ranges are within the project area, where the birds roost, nest and forage. “Post-fi re logging can negatively aff ect owl use of these areas and exacerbate any negative eff ects associ- ated with high-severity wild- fi res,” the lawsuit states. “The BLM’s failure to take a hard look at the impacts of this extensive logging is illegal.” Under the BLM’s 2016 Northwestern and Coastal Oregon Resource Manage- ment Plan, it originally antic- ipated roughly 2,000 acres of salvage logging across the region from 2013 to 2063. Instead, this one project calls for more than fi ve times that amount, raising alarm among opponents. Doug Heiken, conserva- tion and restoration coor- dinator for Oregon Wild, described the project as an “overzealous timber sale” that will impact key tribu- taries of the North Umpqua River. “Claims that there will be no impact from clear-cutting recently burned forests are simply untrue and unjustifi - able,” he said. This is not the only law- suit challenging salvage log- ging from the Archie Creek fi re. Last year, Cascadia Wild- lands, Oregon Wild and Umpqua Watersheds sued the Umpqua National For- est to block salvage logging along 65 miles of Forest Ser- vice roads where the fi re burned. Nick Cady, legal director for Cascadia Wild- lands, said a settlement may be coming soon in that case. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Anderson Ranch Dam in Elmore County, Idaho. good faith and not for delay or speculative purposes,” its purpose statement reads. The statement said the legislation addresses issues that have arisen concern- ing how the director eval- uates water right appli- cations for large storage projects. It would allow the board to focus on project-re- lated issues other than estab- lishing criteria in the rights process. The Idaho Water Users Association proposed HB 584. Committee members asked if it changes or adds evaluation criteria, and if the department director sup- ports it. Paul Arrington, asso- ciation executive director and general counsel, said it states certain criteria are met in the application. It does not change criteria used for evaluating this or other rights applications. He said an association committee developed the current proposal and ear- lier drafts with input from state water managers, com- munities and various water organizations. The reservoir can hold 413,000 acre-feet of water. Plans call for raising the 456-foot dam by 6 feet, which would add 29,000 acre-feet of capacity. USDA provides premium benefi t for cover crops Capital Press Agricultural producers who have coverage under most crop insurance policies are eligible for a premium benefi t from USDA if they planted cover crops during the 2022 crop year. To receive the bene- fi t from this year’s Pan- demic Cover Crop Program (PCCP), producers must report cover crop acreage by March 15. This year’s program comes on the heels of the recently announced Part- nerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, which cre- ates market opportunities for U.S. agricultural and for- estry products who use cli- mate-smart production prac- tices and include innovative, cost-eff ective ways to mea- sure and verify greenhouse gas benefi ts. PCCP, off ered by USDA’s Risk Management Agency, helps farmers maintain their cover crop systems despite the fi nancial challenges posed by the pandemic. It is part of USDA’s Pan- demic Assistance for Pro- ducers initiative, a bundle of programs to bring fi nancial assistance to farmers, ranch- ers and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19 market disruptions. “Producers use cover crops to improve soil health and gain other agronomic benefi ts, and this program will reduce producers’ over- all premium bill to help ensure producers can con- tinue this climate-smart agricultural practice,” said Marcia Bunger, RMA administrator. PCCP was fi rst off ered in 2021, and producers with crop insurance received $59.5 million in premium subsidies for 12.2 million acres of cover crops. PCCP provides pre- mium support to produc- ers who insured their crop with most insurance poli- cies and planted a qualifying cover crop during the 2022 crop year. The premium sup- port is $5 per acre, but no more than the full premium amount owed. WE SPECIALIZE IN BULK BAGS! BAGS: • Seed Bags • Fertilizer Bags • Feed Bags • Potato Bags • Printed Bags • Plain Bags • Bulk Bags • Totes • Woven Polypropylene • Bopp • Polyethylene • Pocket Bags • Roll Stock & More! HAY PRESS SUPPORT: • Hay Sleeves • Strap • Totes • Printed or Plain • Stretch Film (ALL GAUGES) WAREHOUSE PACKAGING: • Stretch Film • Pallet Sheets • Pallet Covers LOCATIONS: Albany, Oregon (MAIN OFFICE) Ellensburg, Washington CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: 855-928-3856 Fax: 541-497-6262 info@westernpackaging.com ....................................................... 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