4 CapitalPress.com Friday, January 28, 2022 Idaho Innovators Targeting herbicide resistance By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press KIMBERLY, Idaho — The newest weed special- ist at the University of Idaho Kimberly Research and Extension Center crossed an ocean to further his studies in weed science. Originally from Africa, Albert Adjesiwor earned a bachelor’s degree in agri- culture at a university in Kumasi, Ghana, and worked at the university as a teach- ing and research assistant for a year. He then set out for the University of Wyoming where he earned a master’s degree in agronomy and a Ph.D. in plant science. He stayed with the university for two years as a post-doc- toral researcher, primarily working in weed science and the chemical control of weeds in corn, cereal crops, dry beans and sugar beets. In July 2020, he started with the University of Idaho to research weed control in those same crops and alfalfa. “My primary focus is weed management in agro- nomic crops,” he said. The work starts indoors screening weeds for resis- tance. People can fi ll out a form online and mail him samples to have weed seed tested at no cost. He also collects seeds from crop fi elds in the area. If he sees a weedy fi eld, he stops the car, gets out, collects seeds and logs the fi eld location with GPS. Seeds are grown out and sprayed with diff erent her- bicides at diff erent applica- tion rates to fi nd out which might survive and determine resistance. If survival diff ers among the same weed spe- cies, he can send plants to the university’s laboratory or to an outside facility to extract DNA to confi rm the mechanism by which they are resistant. ALBERT ADJESIWOR Age: 32 Occupation: Assistant professor and extension weed specialist, Universi- ty of Idaho Location: Kimberly, Idaho Education: Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, Kwame Nkrumah Uni- versity of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2013; master’s degree in agronomy, 2015, and Ph.D. in plant science, 2018, University of Wyoming, Laramie Associations: Weed Sci- ence Society of America; Western Society of Weed Science, public relations committee, diversity and inclusion ad-hoc committee. Family: Wife, Lucinda Carol Ryan Dumas/Capital Press Albert Adjesiwor, University of Idaho Extension weed specialist, explains how weeds are grown and treated with herbicides to screen for resistance at the Kimberly Research and Extension Center. “We already have some weeds that have developed resistance to some com- monly used herbicides,” he said. Kochia is resistant to gly- phosate, 2, 4-D, and most group 2 herbicides such as Raptor. Pigweed is resistant to photosynthesis II inhib- itors, such as Metribuzin. Some populations of lambsquarters are resistant to glyphosate, and he’s cur- rently testing to determine if the weeds are resistant to additional herbicides, he said. He’s also conducting weed-control trials in alfalfa, small grains, sugar beets and dry beans this season. Those trials include get- ting good weed control in fi rst-year alfalfa. Raptor is commonly used but doesn’t always provide good con- trol, so he’ll be testing for what else can be used in the establishment year. Another trial will be pre-plant options for direct seeding or no-till small cereal grains, as well as determining the best time to terminate cover crops. He’ll also be testing a chemical labeled for use in Europe in sugar beets to analyze weed control and crop-rotation restrictions. He’ll also be looking for alternative herbicides that can be used in dry beans, which have limited options. Adjesiwor is also lead- ing a new project funded by the Idaho Wheat Commis- sion to fi nd out what hap- pens to weed seed in the soil in a wheat and alfalfa rota- tion, whether the weeds will come back when wheat is planted or what can be used to kill the seeds in alfalfa. He and others at the uni- versity are also trying to set up a program that includes a website growers can go to with their weed problems and get recommendations on what they can try and what it would cost. The program would include shipping chemicals to growers to try on small areas. “We think that would be a good way to address prob- lems growers are having,” he said. The program is aimed at providing an integrated approach, with consultation on such things as weed con- trol, best varieties, fertiliz- ers and irrigation, to connect growers with the right peo- ple at the university. “Growers could test out A, B and C and see what works best. If it works, growers are going to see the results; I don’t have to con- vince them it works,” he said. For more information: Including Adjesiwor’s contact information and the form to submit seeds for screening, visit: www. uidaho.edu/weed-sci- ence He has also teamed up with researchers at the Uni- versity of Wyoming and University of Nebraska-Lin- coln to develop an interac- tive web application that would estimate the risk of herbicide resistance. Grow- ers could select the weed and the crop and fi nd out what herbicides are labeled for Idaho, the level of con- trol, the cost, the risk of resistance and implications for crop rotation. “I would like people to reach out if they have any weed-management ques- tions,” he said. This story fi rst appeared April 23, 2021. Lower your energy bill Idaho Power’s Irrigation Efficiency Rewards program offers incentives for replacing worn sprinkler components. You can receive a cash incentive and lower your energy bill. 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