Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current, September 10, 2021, Page 10, Image 10

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Friday, September 10, 2021
For the latest market reports from around
the region, go to
Farm Market Report
Hay Market Reports
Potato Market Reports
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • St. Joseph, Mo.-Portland
Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin):
Hay prices are dollars per ton or dollars per bale when sold
to retail outlets. Basis is current delivery FOB barn or stack,
or delivered customer as indicated. Grade guidelines used in
this report have the following relationship to Relative Feed
Value (RFV), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), TDN (Total Digestible
Nutrients), or Crude Protein (CP) test numbers:
Supreme 185+
under 27 55.9+
Premium 170-185
under 130 36+
under 50.5
under 16
Washington-Oregon (Columbia Basin) Direct Hay Report
Sept. 3
Hay: 8100 tons
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 50 260.00-270.00 265.00 F.O.B.-Retail 3rd Cutting
New Crop
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 1000 235.00 F.O.B.-Export Multiple Cuttings
New Crop
Alfalfa - Fair/Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 2000 225.00 F.O.B.-Export Multiple Cuttings
New Crop
Alfalfa - Fair (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 1000 205.00 F.O.B.-Export 3rd Cutting New
Alfalfa - Utility/Fair (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 3600 200.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy 3rd Cutting
New Crop
Alfalfa/Orchard Mix - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 200 260.00 F.O.B.-Retail Multiple Cuttings New
Orchard Grass - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 200 260.00 F.O.B.-Retail 2nd Cutting New Crop
Timothy Grass - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 50 310.00 F.O.B.-Retail 2nd Cutting New Crop
Oregon Direct Hay Report
Sept. 3
Hay: 3704 tons
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 1 280.00 F.O.B.-Stables 2nd Cutting
Small Square 8 350.00 F.O.B.-Stables 3rd Cutting
Small Square 3 Tie 50 300.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Mixed Grass - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 15 310.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Small Square 3 Tie 50 290.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Orchard Grass - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 10 300.00 F.O.B.-Stables 2nd Cutting
Small Square 20 300.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Orchard/Timothy Grass - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 3 Tie 25 300.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Triticale - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 3 Tie 25 190.00 F.O.B.
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 3 Tie 500 250.00 F.O.B. 3rd Cutting
Alfalfa - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 3 Tie 350 230.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Alfalfa/Orchard Mix - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 3 Tie 100 260.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Wheat - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 200 200.00 F.O.B.
Hay (Organic)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 500 280.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 400 225.00 F.O.B.
Large Square 3x4 600 230.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Large Square 3x4 800 215.00 F.O.B. Rain Damage
Hay (Organic)
Alfalfa - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 29 260.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Small Square 21 145.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy
Idaho Direct Hay Report
Sept. 3
Hay: 14500 tons, Straw: 4000 tons
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 1500 230.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy Multiple
Cuttings New Crop
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 1000 225.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy Multiple
Cuttings New Crop
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 3000 220.00 F.O.B.-Export Multiple
Cuttings New Crop
Alfalfa - Fair/Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 2000 230.00 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy Multiple
Cuttings New Crop
Alfalfa - Utility/Fair (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 7000 184.29 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy Rain
Damage New Crop
Straw (Conventional)
Wheat - (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 4000 71.25 F.O.B.-Feedlot/dairy New Crop
California Direct Hay Report
Sept. 3
Grain Market Reports
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • Portland
Explanatory Notes:
Price & Basis Values quoted are for Current Delivery, unless otherwise noted.
CBOT/KCBT/MGE Trade month symbols: F January; G February; H March; J April; K May; M
June; N July; Q August; U September; V October; X November; Z December.
Freight Codes:
FOB: Freight On Board
DLVD: Delivered
T: Truck, R: Rail, RB: River Barge, T/R: Truck/Rail, R/B: Rail/Barge, T/R/B: Truck/Rail/Barge
Portland Daily Grain Bids
Sept. 7
US #2 Yellow Corn (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid 6.5400 DLVD-R Dec
Pacific Ports Bid 6.6375 DLVD-R Jan
Pacific Ports Bid 6.6475 DLVD-R Feb
Pacific Ports Bid 6.6475 DLVD-R Mar
Pacific Ports Bid 6.6000 DLVD-R Apr
Pacific Ports Bid 6.6000 DLVD-R May
US #1 Club White Wheat (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 12.5386 DLVD-R/B
US #1 Hard Red Winter Wheat (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid Ordinary 8.4214 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.0% 8.5643 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.5% 8.6588 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.5% 8.7771 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.5% 8.7771 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.5% 8.7783 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 11.5% 8.7575 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 12.0% 8.6600 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 12.0% 8.7983 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 13.0% 8.6943 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 13.0% 8.8383 DLVD-R/B
US #1 Soft White Wheat (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 10.8743 DLVD-R/B
Hay: 8465 tons, Straw: 1000 tons
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 500 255.00 F.O.B.
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 850 240.00 F.O.B.-Export 2nd Cutting
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 600 225.00 F.O.B.-Retail
Small Square 3 Tie 500 250.00 F.O.B.-Retail 2nd Cutting
Forage Mix-Three Way - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 100 180.00 F.O.B.-Retail
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Supreme (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 200 280.00 F.O.B.
Alfalfa - Premium/Supreme (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 400 275.00 F.O.B.
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 200 270.00 F.O.B.
Large Square 4x4 1100 265.00 F.O.B.
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 800 231.25 F.O.B.
Large Square 4x4 500 236.00 F.O.B.
Small Square 100 285.00 Delivered
Straw (Conventional)
Wheat - (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 1000 0 117.00 F.O.B.
Silage (Conventional)
Corn - (Trade/Per Ton)
Bulk 55000 50.00 F.O.B.
Hay (Conventional)
Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 100 260.00 F.O.B.-Retail
Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 4x4 1000 120.00 F.O.B. Grassy
Small Square 260 235.77 F.O.B.-Retail
Small Square 3 Tie 200 212.00 F.O.B.-Stables
Alfalfa - Fair (Trade/Per Ton)
Large Square 3x4 80 175.00 F.O.B. Grassy
Large Square 4x4 300 185.00 F.O.B. Bleached
Large Square 4x4 350 195.00 F.O.B. Rain Damage
Bermuda Grass - Good (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 125 205.00 F.O.B.-Retail
Small Square 3 Tie 150 150.00 F.O.B.
Teff - Premium (Trade/Per Ton)
Small Square 50 275.00 F.O.B.-Retail
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 10.8800 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 10.8929 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 10.8986 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 10.5% 10.9114 DLVD-R/B
US #1 NS/DNS Wheat (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid 13.0% 10.2771 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 14.0% 10.4313 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 14.0% 10.4400 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 14.0% 10.4433 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 14.0% 10.4467 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 14.0% 10.3925 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 15.0% 10.4886 DLVD-R/B
Pacific Ports Bid 16.0% 10.5400 DLVD-R/B
US #2 Heavy White Oats (Bulk)
Export Elevators - Conventional
Pacific Ports Bid 3.7800 DLVD-R/B Current
California Grain Bids
Sept. 7
CBOT Corn 516.25 (Sep 21) 525.50 (Dec 21)
534.00 (Mar 22) 539.25 (May 22) 539.50 (Jul 22)
507.00 (Sep 22) 501.75 (Dec 22)
CBOT Soybeans 1279.25 (Sep 21) 1283.25
(Nov 21) 1291.50 (Jan 22) 1297.50 (Mar 22)
1303.50 (May 22) 1307.25 (Jul 22) 1298.50
(Aug 22)
CBOT Wheat 704.00 (Sep 21) 717.00 (Dec 21)
728.50 (Mar 22) 735.25 (May 22) 715.25 (Jul 22)
717.50 (Sep 22) 723.00 (Dec 22)
CBOT White Oats 506.75 (Sep 21) 506.00 (Dec
21) 505.25 (Mar 22) 503.75 (May 22) 498.50 (Jul
22) 460.00 (Sep 22) 460.75 (Dec 22)
KCBT Wheat 701.25 (Sep 21) 709.00 (Dec 21)
718.50 (Mar 22) 723.75 (May 22) 710.50 (Jul 22)
714.00 (Sep 22) 721.25 (Dec 22)
MGE Wheat 906.25 (Sep 21) 899.50 (Dec 21)
887.50 (Mar 22) 876.50 (May 22) 863.25 (Jul 22)
780.25 (Sep 22) 775.25 (Dec 22)
US #2 Yellow Corn (Bulk)
Mills and Processors - Conventional
Southwest Bid 7.8150 DLVD-R Current
Central Bid 7.8450 DLVD-T Current
FOB Warehouse (Dealer) - Conventional
Central Bid 7.6750 FOB-T Current
US #2 Sorghum (Bulk)
Mills and Processors - Conventional
Southwest Bid 8.3450 DLVD-R Current
Compiled by North American Potato Market News and USDA
Agricultural Market Service
Prices are weekly averages of daily prices. All prices are in dollars per hundredweight (cwt.). FWA
is a weighted average of shipping point prices or common packs in each area. Weights differ by
area. GRI is the Grower Returns Index for each individual area.
(North American Potato Market News)
(USDA Market News)
Sept. 3
Shipping Area
70 ct
10# Film
Idaho Norkotahs
Columbia Basin
Sheep/Wool Market Reports
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • Greeley, Colo.
-San Angelo, Texas
National Wool Review
Sept. 3
Domestic wool trading on a clean basis had no
confirmed trades reported this week.
National Sheep Summary
Aug. 27
Compared to last week. Traditional slaughter
lambs sold steady to 3.00 lower. Other lambs
mostly steady to 10.00 higher. Slaughter ewes
were mostly 5.00-20.00 higher. Feeder lambs
steady to 15.00 higher. At San Angelo, Texas
5,704 head sold. Equity Cooperative Auction sold
355 slaughter lambs in North Dakota. Northern
Video Auction sold 400 slaughter lambs, 14,300
feeder lambs and 1,850 replacement ewes. Supe-
rior Video Auction sold 655 slaughter lambs and
4,100 feeder lambs. In direct trading slaughter
ewes and feeder lambs were not tested. 2,819
lamb carcasses traded with no trend due to con-
fidentiality. All sheep sold per hundred weight
(CWT) unless specified.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3:
San Angelo: wooled and shorn 105-150 lbs
New Holland, PA: wooled and shorn 100-150 lbs
235.00-265.00, few 270.00-295.00.
Ft. Collins, CO: wooled and shorn 100-140 lbs
South Dakota: wooled and shorn 100-145 lbs
235.00-250.00; 150-155 lbs 244.00-247.50.
Kalona, IA: wooled and shorn 100-150 lbs no
Billings, MT: wooled and shorn 100-125 lbs no
Missouri: wooled and shorn 125 lbs 220.00.
Equity Co-op: wooled and shorn 145 lbs 251.00.
Northern Video: Powell, MT pool wooled 130 lbs
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2:
San Angelo: hair 40-60 lbs 305.00-336.00,
few 338.00-342.00; 60-70 lbs 282.00-324.00, few
328.00-336.00; 70-80 lbs 260.00-298.00; 80-90
lbs 248.00-270.00, few 280.00-295.00; 90-110 lbs
240.00-260.00. wooled and shorn 60-70 lbs 298.00-
318.00; 70-80 lbs 264.00-312.00; 80-90 lbs 262.00-
270.00; 90-110 lbs 240.00-278.00.
New Holland: wooled and shorn 40-50 lbs
278.00-310.00; 50-60 lbs 285.00-310.00; 60-70
lbs 270.00-295.00; 70-80 lbs 260.00-295.00; 80-
90 lbs 260.00-295.00; 90-100 lbs 267.00-290.00.
hair 40 lbs 325.00; 50-60 lbs 310.00-318.00; 60-
70 lbs 270.00-290.00; 70-80 lbs 245.00-285.00,
few 290.00; 80-90 lbs 250.00-285.00; 90-100 lbs
Ft. Collins: wooled and shorn 70-80 lbs 240.00-
260.00; 80-90 lbs 230.00-250.00; 90-100 lbs
220.00-250.00. hair 56 lbs 240.00; 60-70 lbs 220.00-
240.00; 70-80 lbs 220.00-245.00; 86 lbs 230.00.
Kalona: no test.
South Dakota: wooled and shorn 70-80 lbs
240.00-245.00; 80-90 lbs 234.00-252.00; 90-100 lbs
231.00-246.00. hair 79 lbs 231.00; 80-90 lbs 220.00-
237.00; 94 lbs 239.00.
Billings: no test.
Missouri: hair 40-50 lbs 250.00-270.00; 50-60 lbs
260.00-275.00; 60-70 lbs 240.00-290.00; 70-80 lbs
240.00-285.00; 80-90 lbs 205.00-230.00; 90-100 lbs
220.00-235.00. wooled and shorn 57 lbs 280.00; 60
lbs 300.00; 70-80 lbs 240.00-290.00.
Superior Video:
NM: 655: hair 60 lbs 311.00 for current delivery.
Slaughter Ewes:
San Angelo: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test;
Good 2-3 (fleshy) 110.00-124.00; Utility and Good
1-3 (medium flesh) 120.00-142.00; Utility 1-2 (thin)
110.00-122.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 (very thin) 90.00-
112.00; Cull 1 no test.
New Holland: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test;
Good 2-3 (fleshy) 110.00-140.00; Utility 1-2 (thin)
82.00-95.00; Cull 1 no test.
Ft. Collins: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 125.00-137.50;
Good 2-3 (fleshy) 82.50-117.50, hair 77.50-125.00;
Utility 1-2 (thin) 72.50-90.00; Cull 1 25.00-58.00.
South Dakota: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 82.00-
92.50; Good 2-3 (fleshy) 82.00-103.00; Utility 1-2
(thin) 80.00-94.00; Cull 1 60.00-89.00.
Kalona: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3
(fleshy) no test; Utility and Good 1-3 (medium flesh)
no test; Utility 1-2 (thin) no test.
Billings: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good
2-3 (fleshy) no test; Utility 1-2 (thin) no test; Cull 1
no test.
Missouri: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good
2-3 (fleshy) 100.00-182.50; Utility and Good 1-3
(medium flesh) 107.50-145.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) no
Direct Trading: No sales.
Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2:
San Angelo: 56 lbs 300.00; 60-70 lbs 304.00-
306.00; 70-80 lbs 290.00; 80-90 lbs 250.00-262.00;
90-100 lbs 248.00-261.00.
Ft. Collins: 63 lbs 250.00; 107 lbs 235.00; 150-
160 lbs 220.00-225.00; 160-165 lbs 210.00-227.50.
South Dakota: 38 lbs 320.00; 40-50 lbs 246.00-
279.00; 50-60 lbs 275.00-320.00; 60-70 lbs 252.00-
281.00; 70-80 lbs 257.00-287.50; 80-90 lbs 261.00-
271.00; 93 lbs 259.00; 100-110 lbs 252.00-257.00;
112 lbs 251.00.
Kalona: no test.
Billings: no test.
Missouri: 30-40 lbs 250.00-265.00.
Equity Co-op: no sales.
Northern Video:
MT: 625: 82 lbs 276.00 for Sept delivery.
ID: 1,650: 90 lbs 274.50-278.00 for Oct delivery.
1,000: 95 lbs 266.50 for Oct delivery.
ND: 550: 80 lbs 278.00 for Sept delivery.
WY: 1,200: 77 lbs 291.00 for Sept delivery.
1150: 82 lbs 285.00 for Oct delivery.
UT: 4,300: pool 100 lbs 278.00 for Sept delivery.
950: 103 lbs 265.00 for Sept delivery.
NV: 1,200: 85 lbs 284.50 for Sept delivery.
WA: 1,600: 110 lbs 265.00 for Oct delivery.
Superior Video:
TX: 500: 90 lbs 264.00 for Sept delivery.
WY: 1,100: 80 lbs 285.00 for Oct delivery.
UT: 2,000: 100 lbs 279.00 for Sept delivery.
500: 85 lbs 286.00 for Oct delivery.
Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2:
San Angelo: hair ewe lambs 92 lbs 268.00/cwt;
mixed age hair 90-110 lbs 146.00-194.00/cwt.
Ft. Collins: no test.
South Dakota: yearlings 180.00-300.00/head;
young 175.00-230.00/head; aged 145.00/head;
middle age hair 115 lbs 155.00/cwt.
Kalona: no test.
Billings: no test.
Missouri: yearlings 80-100 lbs 210.00-230.00/
Northern Video:
WY: 1,000: Targhee ewe lambs 70 lbs 290.00/
head for Oct delivery.
320: middle age ewes 145.00/head for Sept de-
325: aged ewes 125.00/head.
Sheep and lambs slaughter under federal inspec-
tion for the week to date totaled 31,000 compared
with 31,000 last week and 34,000 last year.
California Egg Reports
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • Des Moines
Livestock Auctions
(Eugene Livestock Auction)
Aug. 28
Receipts: 1178
Comments: Lambs staying strong with top
lambs @ $2.61/lb. Feeder goats steady but
less than several weeks ago. Good quality
feeder cattle showing lots of interest; 220
cows this week. Cows $3-$5 off this week. No
sale Saturday, Sept. 4.
Top Cows: High Dressers 66.00-71.00; Low
Dressers 42.00-47.00
Top 10 Cows: 69.35
Top Bulls: High Dressers 92.00-108.00
Feeder Bulls: 300-500 lbs 98.00-117.00;
500-700 lbs 90.00-96.00; 700-900 lbs
Choice Feeder Steers: Medium-Large
Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs 130.00-159.00;
400-500 lbs 130.00-155.00; 500-600 lbs
122.00-140.00; 600-700 lbs 120.00-132.50;
700-800 lbs 98.00-120.00; 800-900 lbs
Choice Feeder Heifers Medium-Large
Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs 126.00-145.75;
400-500 lbs 120.00-143.75; 500-600 lbs
108.00-125.50; 600-700 lbs 103.00-128.00;
700-800 lbs 98.00-119.00; 800-900 lbs
Bred Cows: 400.00-840.00 HD; 550.00-
1090.00 PR
Head Calves (Up to 250 lbs) Beef: 100.00-
175.00 HD; Dairy: 110.00 HD
Feeder Lambs: 50-90 lbs 2.30-2.61 lb; 90 to
130 lbs 2.05-2.37 lb
Feeder Goats: 50-90 lbs 2.30-3.08 lb; 90 to
130 lbs 2.20-2.70 lb
(Central Oregon Livestock Auction)
Aug. 30
388 HD
Comment: No sale Sept. 6. Happy Labor
Day! Top quality pen lots with 2 series of
Steers: 300-400 lbs 170.00-180.00; 400-500
lbs 160.00-170.00; 500-600 lbs 155.00-
170.00; 600-700 lbs 150.00-160.00; 700-800
lbs 145.00-155.00; 800-900 lbs 130.00-145.00
Heifers: 300-400 lbs 150.00-160.00; 400-
500 lbs 140.00-150.00; 500-600 lbs 140.00-
150.00; 600-700 lbs 138.00-145.00; 700-800
lbs 128.00-141.00; 800-900 lbs 120.00-132.00
Bred Cows: Full Mouth Vacc: NT; Broken
Mouth Vacc: NT
Pairs: Full Mouth Vacc: NT; Broken Mouth
Vacc: NT
Butcher Cows: High Yield Lean 60.00-65.00;
High Yield Fleshy 60.00-65.00; Med Yield
55.00-60.00; Low Yield 45.00-55.00
Feeder Cows: 65.00-75.00
Heiferettes: 85.00-105.00
Bulls: High Yield 78.00-82.00; Med Yield
75.00-78.00; Feeder 70.00-75.00
(Lebanon Auction Yard)
Aug. 16 & 19
Receipts: 1316 HD total, 600 cattle, 611
sheep, 105 goats
Comment: Extreme dry conditions and
lack of hay are sending cattle to town sooner
than normal. We sell all types of cattle. I even
say, “As long as it has 4 legs and a moo.” You
can make your feeder cattle more attractive
to the buyers by using a proper vaccination
program. The lamb market was stronger this
week. Top lambs brought $247.50 The goat
market was weaker. The best goats brought
240.00-285.00 by the head.
Steers (Average-Top): 300-400 lbs
127.21-137.50; 400-500 lbs 135.67-142.00;
500-600 lbs 134.32-142.00; 600-700 lbs
115.34-131.00; 700-800 lbs 114.33-128.00;
800-900 lbs 112.36-130.00; 900-1000 lbs
117.50-127.50; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1200
lbs NT; 1200-1300 lbs NT
Heifers (Average-Top): 300-400 lbs NT;
400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs 106.00-127.00;
600-700 lbs 102.00-126.00; 700-800 lbs NT;
800-900 lbs 112.29-115.00; 900-1000 lbs NT;
1000-1100 lbs NT
Top Holstein Cows: 70.00-74.00
Top Beef Cows: 68.50-69.50
Top 10 Cows: 67.24
Top 50 Cows: 62.03
Top 100 Cows: 58.44
Bulls: No. 1 85.00-95.00; No. 2 75.00-85.00;
No. 3 65.00-75.00
Top Organic Cow: 105.00
Top 10 Organic Cows: 96.55
Top 20 Organic Cows: 87.79
Pairs (Due to dry conditions most pairs are
being split): No. 1 NT; No. 2 NT; No. 3 NT
Bred Cows: No. 1 NT; No. 2 NT; No. 3 NT
Old or Off Quality: weigh price to 50.00
Lambs (average-top): 40-50 lbs 199.00-
200.00; 50-60 lbs 212.79-247.50; 60-70 lbs
228.26-242.50; 70-80 lbs 226.70-245.00;
80-90 lbs 202.05-232.50; 90-100 lbs 221.26-
242.50; 100-110 lbs 188.14-212.50; 110-120
lbs 199.17-220.00
Old Crop Lamb: 50-75 lbs 197.50; 100-125
lbs 163.49-182.50; 150-175 lbs 153.33-172.50
Ewes by the Pound: 75-100 lbs 191.25-
Motton (low-high): 75-100 lbs 57.50-
187.50; 100-150 lbs 20.00-149.00; 150-200
lbs 60.00-92.50
Kids: 30.00-155.00 HD
Doeling: 60.00-145.00 HD
Buckling: 25.00-160.00 HD
Nanny: 55.00-170.00 HD
(Northwest Livestock Commission)
Aug. 31
Heifers: Under 300 lbs 130.00-385.00 HD;
300-400 lbs 134.00-160.00; 400-500 lbs
120.00-165.00; 500-600 lbs 121.00-135.00;
600-700 lbs 118.00-140.00; 700-800 lbs
113.00-132.00; 800-900 lbs 100.00-138.00;
900-1000 lbs 79.00-118.00; 1000-1100 lbs
84.00-96.00; 1100-1200 lbs 70.00-87.00; over
1200 lbs 83.00-123.00
Steers: 300-400 lbs 145.00-197.00;
400-500 lbs 132.00-164.00; 500-600 lbs
149.00-150.00; 600-700 lbs 129.00-145.00;
700-800 lbs 126.00-145.00; 800-900 lbs
114.00-130.00; 900-1000 lbs 100.00-123.00;
1000-1100 lbs 89.00-112.00; 1100-1200 lbs
75.00-84.00; over 1200 lbs 87.00-124.00
Cows: 700-800 lbs 50.00-67.00; 800-900
lbs 40.00-62.00; 900-1000 lbs 49.00-57.00;
1000-1100 lbs 56.00-85.00; 1100-1200 lbs
60.00-86.00; over 1200 lbs 61.00-74.00
Bred Cows: 900-1000 lbs 975.00; 1000-
1100 lbs 1352.00-1400.00; 1100-1200 lbs
1025.00; over 1200 lbs 1200.00
Butcher Bulls: 800-900 lbs 79.00-100.00;
900-1000 lbs 70.00-96.00; 1000-1100 lbs
66.00-71.00; 1100-1200 lbs 60.00-85.00; over
1200 lbs 79.00-81.00
Good Quality Cutting Bulls: 300-400 lbs
125.00-146.00; 400-500 lbs 120.00-155.00;
500-600 lbs 125.00-132.00; 600-700 lbs
100.00-112.00; 700-800 lbs 101.00-102.00
Pairs: 900-1000 lbs 1385.00; 1000-1100 lbs
1575.00; 1100-1200 lbs 1075.00-1550.00;
over 1200 lbs 1100.00-1400.00
Doe Goat: 100.00-150.00
Ewes: 100.00-120.00
Lambs: 55.00-120.00
Kid Goats: 70.00-110.00
Buck Goat: 120.00-210.00
(Producers Livestock Marketing
Aug. 24
Head Count: 1147
Baby Cfs: NT
Started Bull & Str Cfs: 35.00-120.00
Started Hfr Cfs: 65.00-130.00
Brk/Ut/Com Cows: 58.00-69.75
Cut/Bon Cows: 43.00-58.00
Shelly/Lite Cows: 20.00-43.00
Slaughter Bulls: 75.00-91.50
Holstein Strs: 275-400 lbs 74.00-92.00;
400-500 lbs 74.00-92.00; 500-600 lbs 74.00-
92.00; 600-800 lbs 74.00-92.00; 800-1000 lbs
Holstein X Steers: NT
Holstein Hfrs: 275-999 lbs NT; 1000 lbs NT
Jersey Hfrs: NT
Choice Strs: 300-400 lbs 151.00-170.00;
400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs
NT; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-1000 lbs NT
Choice Hfrs: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500
lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT;
700-800 lbs 128.00-143.00; 800-1000 lbs
Pairs Stock Cows: NT
Jersey Heifers: NT
(Turlock Livestock Auction Yard)
Aug. 31
Receipts: 1208 HD
Comment: Receipts of 700 feeders and 500
weigh cows and bulls. Market steady with
light test on feeders. Weigh cows and bulls
1-2 cents improved from a week ago.
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Steers (2
rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs
162.00-179.00; 500-600 lbs 155.00-171.00;
600-700 lbs 140.00-152.00; 700-800 lbs
125.00-137.00; 800-900 lbs 120.00-132.00
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Steers (1 round
of shots): 300-400 lbs 130.00-179.00; 400-500
lbs 124.00-161.00; 500-600 lbs 115.00-
154.00; 600-700 lbs 110.00-139.00; 700-800
lbs 100.00-124.00; 800-900 lbs 95.00-119.00
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Heifers (2
rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs 130.00-167.00;
400-500 lbs 140.00-155.00; 500-600 lbs
135.00-144.00; 600-700 lbs 127.00-135.00;
700-800 lbs 120.00-127.50; 800-900 lbs NT
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Heifers (1
round of shots): 300-400 lbs 120.00-129.00;
400-500 lbs 114.00-139.00; 500-600 lbs
113.00-134.00; 600-700 lbs 105.00-126.00;
700-800 lbs 95.00-119.00; 800-900 lbs
No. 1 Holstein Steers: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-
500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs 60.00-72.00; 600-700
lbs 63.00-77.00; 700-800 lbs 65.00-82.00;
800-900 lbs 65.00-84.00
Weigh Beef Cows: High Yielding 58.00-
63.00; Med Yielding 53.00-57.00; Low
Yielding 40.00-52.00
Weigh Dairy Cows: High Yielding 57.00-
63.00; Med Yielding 52.00-56.00; Low
Yielding 35.00-51.00
Weigh Bulls: High Yielding 77.00-84.50;
Med Yielding 70.00-76.00; Low Yielding
Holstein Barren Heifers: 65.00-90.00
(Chehalis Livestock Market)
Aug. 27
Totals: 285 HD cattle, 11 HD pigs, goats,
Note: The Saturday, Sept. 4, auction was
canceled due to a labor shortage on the
holiday weekend.
Top SLA Cows: 55.00-71.00
Top 10 Average: 67.30
Top 20 Average: 65.75
Top 50 Average: 61.94
Organic Slaughter: 113.00
Shells, Thin, Small: 50.00 and down
Top SLA Bulls: 80.00-100.00
Average SLA Bulls: 65.00-74.00
Best Steers: 300-450 lbs 130.00-151.00;
500-650 lbs 120.00-148.00; 700-850 lbs
110.00-140.00; Heavy NT
Best Heifers: 300-450 lbs 120.00-137.00;
500-650 lbs 100.00-137.50; 700-850 lbs
90.00-110.00; Heavy 91.50-112.00
Holstein Steers: 910-1060 lbs 79.00-82.50
Feeder Bulls: 300-450 lbs 105.00-120.00;
500-650 lbs 90.00-107.50; 700-850 lbs 75.00-
80.50; Heavy NT
Bred Cow Best: NT HD; Average 700.00-
875.00 HD
Beef Pairs Best: NT HD; Average: 720.00-
960.00 HD
Dairy Cattle: Top Springers NT HD; Top 5
Ave Springers 750.00-850.00 HD; Average
Dairy Springer NT; Bred Hols Heifers NT; 14
Open Jer Hfrs 535.00-550.00
Baby Calves: Hol Bulls Small 12.00 HD;
Med 50.00 HD; Large NT HD; Hol Heifers
NT HD; X-bred beef 50.00 HD; Started Beef
200.00 HD
Weiner Pigs: 70.00-117.00 HD (under
80 lbs)
Feeder Pigs: 245.00 HD (80-100 lbs)
Block Hogs: 235.00-255.00 HD (over 100
Sows: 300.00-320.00 HD
Boars: 45.00-300.00 HD
Goats: Small 35.00-70.00 HD; Med 135.00-
192.00 HD; Large 365.00 HD
Lambs: 162.50 HD; NT HD heavy; NT light
Ewes: 225.00 HD heavy; 100.00-197.50
HD light
Ram: 60.00-265.00 HD
(Toppenish Livestock Commission)
Aug. 26
2899 HD
Choice Steers: 300-400 lbs 110.00-200.00;
400-500 lbs 90.00-180.00; 500-600 lbs 90.00-
163.00; 600-700 lbs 90.00-169.00; 700-800
lbs 90.00-163.00; 800-900 lbs 85.00-152.00;
900-1000 lbs 80.00-138.00; 1000-1100 lbs NT;
1100-1300 lbs NT; 1500-2000 NT
Choice Heifers: 300-400 lbs 105.00-155.00;
400-500 lbs 85.00-155.00; 500-600 lbs 85.00-
165.00; 600-700 lbs 85.00-152.50; 700-800
lbs 85.00-150.00; 800-900 lbs 80.00-145.00;
900-1000 lbs 80.00-130.00
Holstein Steers: 300-400 lbs 70.00-90.00;
400-600 lbs 65.00-80.00; 600-800 lbs 70.00-
81.00; 800-1000 lbs 70.00-82.00
Feeder Bulls: 400-600 lbs 55.00-120.00;
600-800 lbs 55.00-105.00; 800-1000 lbs
50.00-100.00; 1000-1200 lbs 50.00-90.00
Butcher Cows: top cows 60.00-65.00; C&Cs
50.00-60.00; Shells 35.00-45.00
Butcher Bulls: High Yield 87.00-92.50; Low
Yield 70.00-80.00
Stock Cows: No. 1 Pairs 1350.00-1625.00;
No. 2 Pairs 900.00-1150.00; No. 1 Bred Cows
1000.00-1200.00; No. 2 Bred Cows 800.00-
(Stockland Livestock Auction)
Aug. 30
Receipts: 778 HD
Comments: Monday’s regular cattle and
small animal special featured over 450 head
of cattle and 300 head of small animals.
Slaughter cattle were sharply lower, as pack-
ers have begun to move past the upcoming
Labor Day demand and a large number of
cows continue to go to slaughter. Slaughter
cows topped out at 65 cents per pound, with
an average price between 50 and 55 cents
per pound. Slaughter bulls topped out at 86
cents per pound, while averaging 77 cents.
Calves were steady to stronger on a lighter
run. 600-700 weight steers brought $1.46,
with an average of $1.30, while same weight
heifers brought $1.41, with an average of
$1.28. 80 to 100 pound lambs brought up to
$1.86 per pound, and averaged $1.60. Goats,
although sold by the head, brought up to
$2.20 per pound, though most averaged
$1.75 per pound. Next week we will be off for
the Labor Day holiday, and we will be back
Monday, Sept. 13.
Baby Calf: under 300 lbs 200.00 HD; 300-
400 lbs NT
Bull Calf: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs
146.00-163.00; 400-500 lbs 53.00-148.00;
500-600 lbs 102.00; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800
lbs 95.00; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs NT
Bull: 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-
800 lbs 40.00-101.00; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-
1000 lbs NT; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1300
lbs 61.00-63.00; 1300-1500 lbs 65.50-71.00;
1500-2000 lbs 62.00-86.00; 2000-2500 lbs
73.00-83.00; over 2500 lbs NT
Cow/Calf Pair: 1500-2000 lbs 1000.00-
Cows: 900-1000 lbs 32.00-106.00; 1000-
1100 lbs 36.00-76.00; 1100-1300 lbs 40.00-
58.00; 1300-1500 lbs 42.00-62.00; 1500-2000
lbs 33.00-65.00
Heifer: Under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs
110.00-143.00; 400-500 lbs 92.00-140.00;
500-600 lbs 60.00-140.00; 600-700 lbs 72.00-
141.00; 700-800 lbs 71.00-134.00; 800-900
lbs 62.00; 900-1000 lbs 90.00-120.50; 1000-
1100 lbs 84.00-92.00
Steers: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs
153.00; 400-500 lbs 72.00-148.00; 500-600
lbs 92.00-143.00; 600-700 lbs 84.00-146.00;
700-800 lbs 103.00-145.00; 800-900 lbs
91.00-115.00; 900-1000 lbs 85.00; 1000-1100
lbs 91.00-115.00; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-
2000 lbs NT
Lambs: under 60 lbs 112.50-145.00; 60-80
lbs 83.00-187.50; 80-100 lbs 155.00-172.50;
100-200 lbs 60.00-170.00; 200-300 lbs NT
Ewe: under 60 lbs 67.00-71.00; 80-100 lbs
NT; 100-200 lbs NT; 200-300 lbs 79.00
Ram: 80-100 lbs 127.50; 100-200 lbs 81.00;
200-300 lbs 84.00
Ram Lambs: 80-100 lbs 165.00; 100-200
lbs 90.00
Goat: under 60 lbs 22.50-127.50; 60-80 lbs
80.00-170.00; 80-100 lbs 100.00-115.00; 100-
200 lbs 65.00-185.00 HD; 200-300 lbs 270.00
Buck Kid: under 60 lbs 30.00-72.50 HD
Doe: under 60-80 lbs 80.00-122.50; 80-100
lbs 110.00-170.00; 100-200 lbs 137.50-178.00
Doeling: under 60 lbs 30.00-70.00
Daily California Eggs
Sept. 3
Benchmark prices are unchanged. Asking prices for next week are unchanged on all sizes.
Trade sentiment is mostly steady. Offerings are light to moderate. Supplies are in close balance to
adequate. Demand is moderate to instances fairly good and best into areas with ads planned for
next week. Market activity is slow to moderate. Small benchmark price $1.21.
Shell egg marketer’s benchmark price for negotiated egg sales of USDA Grade AA and Grade AA
in cartons, cents per dozen. This price does not reflect discounts or other contract terms.
Extra Large 206
Prices to retailers, sales to volume buyers, USDA Grade AA white eggs in cartoons, delivered
store door, cents per dozen.
Extra Large 194-205
Dairy Report
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • Madison, Wis.
Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S.
Sept. 2
Farm level milk production is declining in Cal-
ifornia. Contacts report some limited spot load
availability. Bottling sales are higher. Demand is
steady for Class II and Class III milk.
Milk is tighter in Arizona. Output is down
month to month. Class I demand is elevated,
and handlers have been pulling hard at available
milk supplies to keep the school pipeline full and
to support grocery store gallon promotions.
Milk production in New Mexico has dropped.
Class I and II orders are down slightly. Balancing
plants are running well and have the capacity to
process additional milk, if necessary. Contacts
say holdover numbers are manageable.
Pacific Northwest milk output is decreasing.
Driver shortages are, reportedly, causing some
delayed deliveries. School milk orders are driving
higher Class I demand. Class II and III sales are
Milk output in the mountain states of Idaho,
Utah, and Colorado remains similar to last week.
Mechanical issues in Idaho, however, enabled
some spot sales at Class III pricing this week.
Spot milk would not have been available, oth-
erwise, as capacity would have been available
to handle milk intakes. Bottling sales are strong.
Class II and Class III orders are flat. Condensed
skim contracts are steady.
Cream availability continues to decline, but
contacts relay receiving volumes that are ade-
quately meeting current manufacturing needs.
Ice cream season is winding down, allowing
cream supplies to flow into other cream-based
manufacturing. Additionally, plant managers
say cream supplies would be tighter, but staffing
shortages are keeping some production lines
from running at capacity. Cream multiples are
unchanged from last week.
delivered to the Pacific Northwest Order 124
totaled 745.4 million pounds in July 2021.
Class I utilization was 128.8 million pounds and
accounted for 17.28 percent of producer milk.
The uniform price at test was $18.24, down $0.46
from June 2021, and $0.53 below the same
month a year ago.
to the Arizona Order 131 totaled 397.1 million
pounds in July 2021. Class I utilization was 112.1
million pounds and accounted for about 28.2
percent of producer milk. The uniform price at
test was $17.70, down $0.51 from June 2021, but
$1.39 above the same month a year ago.
Cattle Market Reports
Compiled by USDA Market News Service • Oklahoma City-Des
Moines-St. Joseph, Mo.-Moses Lake, Wash.
(Federal-State Market News)
St. Joseph, Mo.
Aug. 30
This Week
Last Week
Last Year
Editor’s Note: This report was not updated
this week because of the Labor Day holiday.
Compared to last week, steers and heifers
sold steady to 3.00 higher, with some calf
markets in the Northern Plains being report-
ed 5.00 to 7.00 higher.
Demand was moderate to good for all
weights of steers and heifers as the calendar
gets ready to move to September. Extreme
heat across the Midwest and Plains this
week again and in many places, humidity
was also a factor.
Most yearling operators like to have their
yearlings sold by Labor Day as August is a
busy month as the tail end of the calf-feds
from the previous year are coming out of
the feedyards.
Spring-born bawling calves are in the mix
of the feeder supply from the North Plains
to the Southeast and currently, willing
buyers are there to fill orders.In the up-
coming weeks, farmers in the Midwest will
not want to take the time to straighten up
some bawling calves as large temperature
swings will no doubt be on the horizon. Hot
days and cool nights will bring on illness
and farmers are not too crazy about leaving
a half-million dollar combine setting still
while treating sick calves.
Buyers will be looking for more calves that
have had two round of shots and a prefera-
ble 45-60 day weaning period.
The CME Cattle Complex was mostly
higher on the week. The only Live Cattle
Contract that was lower on the week was
the expiring August contract as the contract
finally closed below the negotiated cash
price on Friday this week. As of Friday
afternoon, there were 218 loads tendered
for delivery, however, through Monday
(8/30), there will have only been 76 of those
delivered at a location.
New crop Corn and Soybean futures
reclaimed nearly half of their previous week
losses. Negotiated live trading of fed cattle
in the Southern Plains sold at 123.00, while
dressed sales in Nebraska sold at 202.00
to 208.00. Boxed beef values seem to have
found a plateau this week. Choice boxed
beef closed the week 0.28 higher at 345.34,
while Select was 3.01 lower at 315.52 for the
same period.
On Friday afternoon, the Choice-Select
spread was reported at 29.82, as retailers
and consumers are demanding Choice
quality beef.
Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal
inspection estimated at 651K for the week,
14K less than last week, and 3K less than a
year ago. Auction volume this week includ-
ed 58 percent weighing over 600 lbs and 43
percent heifers.
Northwest Weighted Average Direct Feeder
Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT
Sept. 3
This Week
Last Week
Last Year
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and
heifers mostly steady with limited compa-
rable trades. Supply included: 100% Feeder
Cattle (28.9% Steers, 71.1% Heifers). Feeder
cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless
otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB
based on net weights after a 2-3 % shrink or
equivalent, with a 5-10 cent slide > 600
lbs. Livestock reported this week originated
from ID, NV, OR.
Steers — Medium and Large 1
20 Head: 700 lbs, 162.00 Current DEL
220 Head: 879 lbs, 143.48 Current DEL
110 Head: 915 lbs, 142.73 Current DEL
Heifers — Medium and Large 1
210 Head: 725 lbs, 162.00 Current DEL
295 Head: 810 lbs, 138.51 Current DEL
70 Head: 850 lbs, 140.00 Current DEL
106 Head: 925 lbs, 144.00 Current DEL
Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2
180 Head: 875 lbs, 135.00 Current DEL