8 CapitalPress.com Friday, August 6, 2021 Drought threatens fall wheat planting in parts of E. Washington Researcher: ‘We need a soaker’ By MATTHEW WEAVER Capital Press LIND, Wash. — A dearth of soil moisture due to drought might not allow researchers to plant wheat this fall at Washington State Uni- versity’s dryland research sta- tion, and farmers in other parts of the region might face the same problem. Seed zone volumetric water content measurements last week showed less than 9% at 5 inches, Bill Schillinger, director of the sta- tion at Lind, Wash., told the Capi- tal Press. Dryland wheat farmers need at least 10% water volume at 5 inches deep to have a realistic chance of a wheat seedling emerging. The instrument measures water to a depth of 13 inches. The researchers need to be sure there is water below the level of seed placement to move up and replace what’s being diminished, Schil- linger said. The station has a tendency to lose even more water in August, Schillinger said. The nights are cooler, setting up a gradient for the Matthew Weaver/Capital Press File Washington State University Dryland Research Station director Bill Schillinger says soil moisture levels have dropped low enough that fall planting is in question at the station. movement of water from a warmer area to a cooler area. “If it’s dry now, it will likely be drier a month from now when the farmers start seeding,” Schillinger said. In the past century, there have only been two crop years drier than 2021, Schillinger said. Crop year precipitation is measured between Sept. 1 and Aug. 31. The average crop-year precip- itation was 4.8 inches in 1930 and 4.36 inches in 1977. This year the average is 4.9 inches, with August remaining to be seen. “This is not the driest,” Schil- linger said. He paused. “It might be the worst, with all the timing.” The 100-year average precip- itation at the Lind station is 9.63 inches. At least a “good, solid” half-inch of rain over one or two days would be the best solution. “We need a soaker,” Schillinger said. “Oh, my God, that would change everything.” Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer posts fi ve-year gain By BRAD CARLSON Capital Press The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer gained 2.3 mil- lion acre-feet of water in the past fi ve years despite losing 550,000 in the last year due to low snowpack and runoff , the Idaho Water Resource Board said. The aquifer lies beneath much of southeastern and south-central Idaho. Its decline over decades refl ects factors including drought, increased residential and commercial water use, and improved, less leaky irriga- tion infrastructure. State-led recharge opera- tions from October to April return available surface water to it. The aquifer also benefi ts from other man- agement practices by the state and water users. “We have to persevere through the dry years,” IWRB hydrologist Mike McVay said in a release from the board. “That’s hard. But we have to keep moving forward with the program and make the most of the wet years to recharge the aquifer.” The board’s recharge program aims to send an annual average of 250,000 acre-feet into the aquifer. A 2015 settlement agreement between the Surface Water Coalition, which includes canal companies, and the Idaho Ground Water Appropriators requires a 240,000-acre-foot annual reduction in consumptive use. Additionally, a coa- lition of cities is reduc- ing annual usage by 7,650 acre-feet. The board said the aqui- fer would contain 1.2 mil- lion acre-feet less water without these programs. The state recharge pro- gram in 2020-21 returned just over 130,000 acre- feet of available surface water back into the aqui- fer, manager Wesley Hipke said. The year-earlier total was 450,000 on decent overall supply and addi- tional recharge capacity built. From fall 2014 to spring 2021, the board has returned an annual aver- age of 260,000 acre-feet to the aquifer, he said. The board had not developed much recharge capacity in the fi rst two years, which were fairly dry. As capacity increased, recharge oper- ations took greater advan- tage of four high-water years and a solid 2019-20. It would need to “wet up,” reaching the moisture line in the soil below. That’s import- ant because the moisture below won’t go through a dry layer of soil to surface moisture. The seed- lings become drought-stressed and yields suff er. If such surface moisture increases after a “wet up” rain, Schillinger recommends farmers plant. It wouldn’t be the fi rst time the station hasn’t been able to plant in the fall, Schillinger said. Research- ers are able to plant about 90% of the time. The moisture would slowly replenish in the soil, recharg- ing over winter. “But it’s not a rosy story for next year’s winter wheat crop if we can’t plant early for high yield potential,” he said. In Schillinger’s experimental tri- als on Ron Jirava’s farm in Ritz- ville, 15 miles northeast of Lind, measurements showed 11.5% moisture at 5 inches, meaning that winter wheat planted now would likely result in a stand. “Will we get a stand if it doesn’t rain in the next month at Ritzville? We will see,” Schillinger said. Schillinger has historically been to establish an early stand in Ritzville. The prime seeding time is about the last week of August through Sept. 15, Schillinger said. An early stand of wheat is import- ant in south-central Washington’s dry region. Farmers generally take a 35% yield hit if they have to wait until fall rains, which typically begin in October. “The later you plant the wheat, the less its yield potential,” he said. A “wet up” rain between Aug. 1 and Sept. 15 is about 22% likely. “Not good, but it could hap- pen,” Schillinger said. “If that hap- pens, it could be a game-changer.” If so, Schillinger recommends farmers “seriously consider drop- ping everything” and planting win- ter canola 1.5 inches deep. “With 28 cents a pound, ooh, that is way worth the chance,” he said. What can we learn from a drought like this? “They happen,” Schillinger said. His advice to farmers: “Hang in there, it will get bet- ter,” he said. “We’ve been through this before. So have your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfa- thers. And you’re still here.” Cattle numbers declining By CAROL RYAN DUMAS Capital Press USDA’s mid-year cattle inventory and cattle on feed reports were both bullish for cattle producers, showing year-over-year declines in cattle numbers. Total inventory of all U.S. beef and dairy cattle on July 1 was down 1.3% to 100.9 million head. The number of cattle being fed for slaughter in large feed- lots was also down 1.3% to 11.3 million. The inventory report also suggests tighter supplies ahead. While the 2021 calf crop is projected to be only slightly lower year over year, the number of beef cows was down 2% and replacement beef heifers were down 2.3%. The report also estimated feeder cattle supplies out- side of large feedlots at 1.6% lower than a year ear- lier, with the total inventory in all feedlots, not just large ones, down 1.5%. Both of the reports were positive in direction, and both were bullish in what was expected, said Don Close, senior animal protein analyst with Rabobank. The industry was antic- ipating the right direction, but the decline in numbers was more aggressive than the market anticipated, he said. S. John Collins/Baker City Herald File Total inventory of all U.S. beef and dairy cattle on July 1, 2021, was down 1.3% to 100.9 million head. The number of cattle being fed for slaughter in large feed- lots was also down 1.3% to 11.3 million. “We actually got positive news for a change,” he said. The decline in cattle on feed showed the market is fi nally working through the backlog of COVID cat- tle. The decline in over- all inventory was more of an indication of drought in the West, with produc- ers unwilling to buy hay at these high prices, he said. Every category in the inventory report was on the low side, but the 2% decline in beef cow numbers was a big surprise, he said. Cattle markets are already starting to see some recovery, with fed cattle trending toward $130 per hundredweight by year’s FLAT CARS- THE BETTER BRIDGE • Lower Cost • Custom Lengths up to 90' • Certified Engineering Services Available • Steel Construction Contractor License # 71943 P.O Box 365 • 101 Industrial Way, Lebanon, OR 97355 Office: 541-451-1275 Email: info@rfc-nw.com www.rfc-nw.com S235776-1 end. That price could rally to $135 in the spring, he said. Given the price of feeder cattle, there’s a slug of cal- culated feed yard breakev- ens at $135 to $140, even as high as $150 from some auction prices out there, he said. “The prices these guys are willing to pay for feeder cattle looks like they’re bet- ting it all to me,” he said. The Chicago Mercan- tile Exchange feeder cattle index on 850-weight steers is in the $152 to $154 slot. Fall future prices are in the low to mid $160 level, he said. “I think the market’s ahead of itself, particularly with the feeding uncertainty and vulnerability in the corn market,” he said. Given the drought, he thinks calves and feeder cat- tle are both going to move earlier this year. The bulk of those cattle could already have moved by October and early November, he said. Farther out, a smaller calf crop and additional cow liq- uidation could bring a size- able decline in feeder cat- tle outside feed yards a year from now, he said. Hazelnut Growers Bargaining Association Annual Meeting August 31 st , 2021 @ West Salem Roth’s RSVP by August 20 th •➢ 8:30 a.m. Coffee & Refreshments •➢ 9:00 a.m. Meeting Board member elections to be held Hazelnut Growers’ Bargaining Association’s Annual Meeting August 31 st , 2021 West Salem Roth’s 8:30am Coffee & Refreshments 9:00am Meeting Board member elections to be held. Must be a member to attend. Contact (TBD) to join: (TBD) Please RSVP by August 20 th to attend: (Contact info TBD) Must be a member to attend. To join, see contact information below. Please RSVP by August 20 th PO BOX 767, Amity OR 97101 • 503-930-2316 S237123-1 Contact Heather McKee 503-930-2316 hmckee@integratedseed.com S255802-1