8 CapitalPress.com Friday, August 6, 2021 K’s Nursery: Wide selection key to success By BRENNA WIEGAND For the Capital Press COLTON, Ore. — By the time Ken and Kathy Carroll got together 28 years ago, they already shared many years of nursery and green- house experience. They decided to start their own nursery in the countryside near Colton, Ore., on the 4 acres where Kathy grew up. They started K’s Nursery in 1993. One greenhouse has become 10, and over the years they have built a diverse collection. “We have everything,” Kathy said. “We grow bas- kets, annuals and peren- nials; trees, shrubs, vines, berries, herbs; and vege- tables of all kinds. We try SERIES 3120R 3520R 3510H 4020R 4525R 4720H 6640 8050 Brenna Wiegand/For the Capital Press Kathy Carroll of K’s Nursery is surrounded by the hun- dreds of fl ats of annuals she and her husband, Ken, propagate every year. to have a large variety of things.” In previous years, the Carrolls participated in plant sales and farmers mar- kets, but after the closures of the COVID-19 year, they realized that wasn’t neces- sary to keep their nursery profi table. Kathy said it helps to be part of the Molalla Coun- try Farm Loop, a commu- nity of family farms and businesses that have banded together to provide visitors with a taste of the bounty the Willamette Valley has to off er. K’s Nursery is open about 7 months a year during spring, summer and fall. They have some wholesale sales but most of their business is at their retail nursery. On a recent day Kathy was fi nishing some col- or-themed baskets for an upcoming wedding. The nursery produces hun- dreds of fl ats of annuals and perennials every year. Branson Model 4520 THE TRACTOR STORE | 541-342-5464 5450 W. 11 th , Eugene, OR S238641-1 S193094-1 503-769-1500 1079 Wilco Road Stayton, OR 97383 www.agchainsplus.com The Valley’s Leading Source for CHAINS, BEARINGS AND SPROCKETS • Chains • Sprockets • Bearings • Belting • UHMW • Pulleys S253340-1 F&B Farms & Nursery: Keeping in touch with customers year-round By BRENNA WIEGAND For the Capital Press WOODBURN, Ore. — Much has changed since 1997, when brothers Fred and Bill Geschwill and their wives, Leigh and Heidi, started a small retail garden center in Woodburn, Ore. Though mostly whole- sale now, the family has kept the retail center, which is run by Bill’s wife, Heidi Geschwill. Leigh Geschwill, who is Fred’s wife, says it provides them with “direct access to market research.” F&B Farms and Nurs- ery grows organic vegeta- bles, fl ower baskets, bed- ding plants, grasses and perennials. They also have a farm where they grow about 1,000 acres of hops, row crops, hazelnuts and grass seed. In addition to the plants and fl owers in the green- house, F&B has a brisk business in propagating hops for other farmers. The nursery ships prod- uct 52 weeks a year. In a typical year it sells around 3 million plants. The plants go to inde- pendent retailers all over Oregon and Washington and into Idaho, accommo- dating the various terrains and climates that make up their market. “The beautiful thing about being a greenhouse business vs. a nursery business is having frequent contact with our customers all year,” Leigh said. “We will keep using some of the ways we stayed in touch during COVID. Our buy- ers are busy and it is diffi - cult for them to get away to visit vendors and see prod- ucts in person, so we post pictures with our avail- ability lists and have done Zoom tours of the nursery F&B Farms Leigh Geschwill of F&B Farms and Nursery amid the millions of plants shipped annually. The Woodburn, Ore., operation includes a retail store, wholesale and retail greenhouses and a farm. to stay connected.” But in-person visits are still the best, she said. “The Farwest Show is coming back this summer and we’re really looking forward to seeing people again,” she said. The nursery has 35 to 40 permanent employees and hires contract labor in the spring. “We try to take care of our employees and make sure they know we appre- ciate them, which includes fi nding ways to make their jobs less labor intensive,” Leigh said. “We also spend a lot of time making sure our com- puter system and how we process our order-pull- ing, planting line and other paperwork is effi cient so we’re not having to do extra work or rework,” Leigh said. “It makes a huge dif- ference not having to run out to the same greenhouse 10 times in a day.” It also leaves more time for industry involve- ment. Leigh remains heav- ily involved in the Oregon Association of Nurseries, of which she is a past president. Fred, past president of the Oregon Hop Commis- sion, is Oregon Aglink’s current board president. Leigh and Fred are big proponents of its Adopt a Farmer program. “There are so many benefi ts to that program,” Geschwill said. “Probably the most important is con- necting kids to the land. The kids love going out to farms and seeing how things are done and where their food and their plants come from.”